HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-22, Page 7Peter Brown ,of Riverside, .anal William coatp,s, Michigan,Spent one week with and Wns, Maitland Men Holiday guests with Miss Minnie Wagner and .other rela- tives in this district were Mr, and Mrs, Louis, and -Geor.g,e Youngblut, ;Earl Youpplut and Misses. Jane Yonagbint„ all of 'Woodstock, Master Paul Haggitt, Znrich, visited last week .wilth his grandparents, Mr. and M. Thomas, .1aJgglitt and. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Johns ton and 1VIiss..f Laura Phillts .,„,uburn and: !strict MP44 WES; ARAWPC14 91N4p9.40ent -141.9ne 526-7$9A. 11112.6633 Rkt2CLINION' WHITE a ROSE HEATING OILS— GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR.OILS—t.nzmawmr=. MALTING BARLEY • CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied - An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEAN SEED: Excellent Quality Ontario and Michigan Seed Beans. Your choice of Seaway and Sanilac. Limited amounts of Saginaw and Michelite '62. High Germination on all Seed. BEAN CONTRACTS: • Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Bean Demand Creates. Good Prices. DROP IN NOW FOR YOUR SPRING SEED AND FERTILIZER NEEDS We aim to be of service to You. 'Phone 262-2714 Collect E L MIME S IMITED FIENSALL MARIO 13-4-5-6b Thurs., April Zr. 1905—,Ciintnn News,Rncord—Page 7 e0Vga• 'Pr Pere= MeMineheY and Sherry Phietzer followed by prayer by Donna Ohamney,. An paptvr, play entitled, oThe Secret", introduced by Avow Grange was presented by _an members of the group, 'The „elotrtg :exercises were conducted by „Chief gNplomr, jeannetta. Johnston. out AT 0 • tin It 1111111016111111,11C310111161•1[0. RDER T DAY SHORAN* From Al HIGH ANALYSIS Your yields and profit will take a tremendous leap forward with new AA Quality 7-28-28 fertilizer. Agrico's 7-28-28 in the popular 1-4.4 ratio is high in phosphorus for early maturity and high in potash for top quality grain and sturdier stalks. With more plant food units in every bag you need less fertilizer to get maximum yields. And you save time, labour and money. The uniform granules spread even- ly and are easily regulated in the hopper. This season, use Agrico's AA Quality 7-28-28 for corn and small grains and watch your profits grow. HOLLAND'S 'qrniY; SERVICE COMPLETE TUNE-UP ICE 482.6661 CLINTON 1F ITS FiNt serivice .COMEICI-l'IOU ARE riqRw4 TO T-965D AUBURN :COU,KE:‘, • Mr. and Mrs . 6ovier • • . Celebrole25th Anniversary visited last Friday WO their eOuSine, Mr, and Mrs, DurnIn Paips at ?Anon-Peach- Kr, and MM. Ben Hamilton Visited on Friday Vvitin Mr, and Mrs, Mac Allison at Farlibill, Miss Isabel Fox, Blyth, and Mrs. James RobinSen, TAlind Bay, visited last week With their cousins) Miss Laura Palillips, Mr. and Mtv:, Thomas Johnston and Mr, and; ' Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mr.. and Mrs, William. Kruse and Elizabeth ' Galt, spent Sint- day with 'vats. Edgar Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. WW1= Andersen and Nancy. William Anderson of Lorallo`n also spent the week- end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Munro are spending their _holidays at their home. in the village. They have been at Matheson where Mrs. Munro is a supply teacher. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Young- blut and family,. Ottawa, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph D. Munro. Many Huron County road employees from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. J. Hall Iran at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael and Janice, Brant- ford, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon_ Taylor. Mrs. Fred Taylor and Mrs. Wilda Clatworthy, Granton, vis- ited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jayne. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pent- land, North Bay, spent the Easter weekend with her mother, Mrs. Charles Strau- Mr. and WS. Cliff Bastla, Lendon, vialted. On Good Friday wet .her sister, 'Mrs, Ed. Davies and Mr. PaVieS. Mrs, Marguerite Chapin Vis,- ited last TgidaY. with Miss Mar- garet R. Jackson: Xfirain lf4udsay Funeral service was held in Dunnvff le. on Saturday, April 47, for Hiram LindSay who passed away . suddenly at the home of • his niece, .Mrs, Gerald Pyle, RR 2, Lowbanks. He was in his 88th year, The deceased 'had farmed for Many years in West Wawano.sh Township following his retire-. merit as a sailor on the Great Lakes, He lived in Auburn until two years ago when he went to. Dive at Lowbanks, His wife, the former Lillian . Banks, passed away many years. ago, He is. survived by two hroohers, Alex, Sherbrooke Twp., and Frank, Spokane, We*, .Burial was in Ball's cemetery, Auburn. The pall- bearers. were William Staugban, Thomas Johnston, Robert .J. Phillips, Ruhr. Koopirtans, . Nor- man Wightman and Robert Charnney. • Aoblirn Girls Hold Sped& Easter Service AUBURN -,- .The Good Fri- day Service of Worship for. Girls was followed by the CGIT meeting of the. Auburn group held in Knox Presbyterian Church with 18 girls present. The president, Jane Doran, led the worship service and Margaret Sanderson was the pianist. Taking the different parts were Marjorie Youngblut, Mary Sanderson, Joyce Leather- land, Margaret Youngblut, Diane Kirkconnell, Linda Bae- elder, Betty Moss and Briggitte Sohlichting. - The meditation on the Easter story was given by Jane Doran. The Bible drill on the Easter story was in the charge of Miss Barbara • Sanderson and an Eas- ter quiz was conducted by Miss Candle Brown. The offering was received by Mary Sanderson and dedicated. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Gail, Miler. Mary Sanderson presented the financial statement Plans were discussed 'for the group's 50th anniversary and the Mother and Daughter ban- quet. AV.13.1JAN — MAO and piak sUplaToOrs, pink And WhAte donbiebelis and ,pats; of spring. flowers Made an attractive set- lift in the Auburn Community Remo al ugh, for the. silver wadding anniversary of Mr, and. Mrs, Carl Gorier, The guests were :welcomed. by Mr. and Qomler..and the. guest book was in the charge Gordon Gorier •14114. Terry 'Pat-. tenson of .Goderich, Mu's'ic for dancing was supplied by the. Norris' orchestra, Cron-tarty, while many guests" enjoyed 'a friendly, game of cards. An address of ..coagratulations was read by Oliver Anderson and a large engraved slyer tray was presooteo. to Mr, and Mrs. Gooier by Lawrence Nesbit on behalf of neighbours and friends. Clayton Hocigins, curiton, also ,read a message of congratula- tions and several gifts were presented, and Mrs. Gorier thanked their friends for the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Govier were married in St. George's Angli- can Ohurdh by the late Rev. A. Calder. Attendants were the the groom's brother, William Gorier and the bride's sister, Miss Catherine Welsh. Mrs, Gooier was the former Allrie Welsh of •Goderich. Following their marriage they took up residence in East Wa- wanosh, where they' have farm- ed, Mr. Gooier is active in farm organizations. • They haVe three sons, Clar- ence of Stratford; William and Gordon at home; one daughter, Mrs. Ross (Evelyn) Patterson of Goderich; and one grandson, Terry Patterson. Mr.. Gooier presented his bride of 25 years with new dia- mond and wedding ring set and the family gave them a large lazy-boy chair. The 150 guests Were present from Exeter, Oshawa, Walker- ton, Clinton, Seaforth). Stratl ford,' Walton, Goderich, • Blyth, PORTERS HILL Correspondent MRS. DONALD HARRIS TWo Couples Feted A social evening was held last Friday in Porter's Hill school to honor two newlywed couples, Mr. and Mrs. 'George. Picot and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ver Huist progressive euchre waS,,. en- joyed with prizes goink'te'rgri . lady, Mrs. Elgin Cox; low lady, Mrs. Amy, Picot; high man, Wilfred Hicks; low man, George Picot. Before lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. Picot were presented 'with a hostess chair. Mr. and Mrs. Ver Hulst were unable to be present but the gift of a clothes hamper and •magazine rack will be sent to them. The Easter Sunday Service at Grace Church was well at- tended with Rev. A. G. Pease in, the pulpit. The following confirmands were welcomed into the church; Peggy Ann Battles, Elaine Townshend, Colleen Lockhart, Lorna Miller, John Cox, Dennis Harris, David Miners, and Larry Sturdy. Sunday, April 25, the Sacra- ment of Communion will be cel- ebrated in Grace Church. Nia'g'ara rend 4930p.ogrip, A Smorgasbord luncheon was served by the Ladies Aid ,of Knox Presbyterlian Church, 0-, LONDESBtRO Mr. and. Ni.f Harvey HUnk- hig. spent last 5,unday in p-ocle- rich with their daughter, Mrs, Wm, Moore and family. .and Mrs. 13.014. Thomp- son, Beth and Linda, spent Good Friday with Mr, Thornp son's brother and flan4ly. .in -1-1Wirliton, - Mr, and Mrs, Jack MeEwert and boys, Hamilton, . spent a day last week with Will Gorier and Mrs. Webster. Peter Brown; Riverside, spent the Easter weekend with his uncle, Dave Ewan and Mr, and Mrs. maitland Allen, Auburn. Mr, and Mrs. wm. Hamilton, Moorefield, are spending 4 - few days with tileaebt. Thatripsons', Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, and Miss Marguerite Lyon, Lon- don, • are spending the holiday at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lyon motored to .West Virginia over the weekend, attending "The Grand Ole ()prey", Ken McIntosh, Morden, Man., is Visiting with his cousins, Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Little,. Alex' Riley is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and his daughter, Linda, is. suffering from extensive injuries, in Vic- suit of a car accident last Thursday, Lonclesboro residents wish then.), .both a speedy re- covery, Congratulations. to Rev. and Mrs. W. MC Carson, the parents of a son born April '16 in Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Charlie Vorlden is mak- ing marked progress towards recovery and should soon be home. again. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family, Thames Rd., Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Howatt and boys and Mr. and Mrs. „Tim Howatt and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Eicher and fam- and Willows, Marlette, Midh., spent the Easter holiday 'with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Fisherand fam- ily of. the Nile spent Sunday with Mrs. John Snell Sr. Mrs. Laura Saundercock spent the , weekend with her sons and families. Explorer 'Group Receives Stars AUKTIW. — Five .AUburn girls who had gem- Pleted. the requirements received tiheir . second godd st-lars at a special service held in Knox United Church, Chief Councillor Mrs, Maurice Bean WaS Cliarge ix the Star ceremony, assisted by • Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys, Mrs. Donald Young and Mrs. .Arthur- Grange, Second gold Stars Were pre- • seated to .Shelley Grange, Cathy Schneider, jeaxietta Johnston, Donna Charnaey and Donna Baechler, Second year red stars were. presented to . Jane Bakelaar, Doreen mcCliinchey, Arva Joanne )3akelanr, susan Thump- son, .Barbara Cha.mney,.•Matierte Armstrong, Sharon Noble and Melanie .Sprung, Second year blue stars were presented to Linda Sproul, 'Warier,. Armstrong, Nancy, Brown, Laurie Johnston, Marie laitinicett and Gail Seers, While the guests were as- sembling, traditional music of Trinidad was played. Chief Ex- 'Amer Jeatmetta Johnston wel- comed guests. and .parents and Conducted the opening exercises, Mrs, Donald Young explained the mission study on Trinidad and Brazil and. at the .close, all. members sang .the Lord's Pray- er as it is sung 'in Trinidad, An interesting display of crafts of these countries was shown. Marie Plunkett gave the call to worship and the scripture lesson was read by Marian Arm- • strong. The offering /was' re- arriston Fertilizers Ltd. CLINTON Phone 482-9133 Offer to the farmer competitive pricing on bag, bulk or custom mix fertilizer. In addition you may purchase herbicides, pesticides, grass and grain seeds, fencing materials and twine. Adequate supplies always on hand . 482-3484 or 482-3485 28 Huron Street — CLINTON — RUSSELL MANSON (shearer) Zurich r itingte• CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. for rn ft ring Grain A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE All-weather dependability calls for CHEVROLET THE WISE OLD CHIEF MAKESINSONISSION AGRICOTM AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED LONDON a ORANGEVILLE - PORT HOPE Order from ifito Agrieo dealer A. J. MUSTARD, RR 1, Varna BOB TAYLOR, RR 3, Clinton HAUGH BROS, RR 1, Brucefield Georges and Denis Lemke write "After fifteen years' experience, we are in a position to state that Chevrolet Trucks are the best on the market, with their cost-saving operation. "Our type of work calls for a truck mechanically sound and very durable, a truck on which we can depend at gall times /because we work all year round in all kinds of weather., "We' are entirely satisfied with our fleet of 26 Chevrolet TrUcks for their performance and their economy in general," Every operation can profit from Chevrolet Workpower—in- chiding yours! See your 'Chevrolet Truck Dealer today. 65 CHEVROLET WORKPOINER TRUCKS WORK HARDER, LAST LONGER/ AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER IN CLINTON: LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED • 30 ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON, ONT. 482-9321 ion) to see Bonenza on the CBC.TV network each Sunday. CheCk your locai listings tar channel and