HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-22, Page 5... .. ...... ... . . ...... ...... ...... .
VL, "f J." ion Thum,,, Ap-r-11 Z& Oioon 5,
OFTHANK$ o mqt ,
wish to ixproq t
U.111)-Tii Victoria Tiagj�Aw, X m pin, re
i tion Ll I
Landon, on $iin4ay, 4pru is, pro(914 �k to my friends, :r 1L Mo' e, Clinton MOMOMOkors
I Mrs,, Car- 140vea,4_40 nwgb
, Meat; ope
0_$ _t on �May M74. AIlarUX
�Re$ #
. ''N
..Qt B
4,11-0 . , '. . ", ?
Is* or,4010JIM9
.Ad gifts whilo x4 hog,
daughter, tal, SO ecia 10_1Ai*s to
Thq 4-R
... L j - ,14VA,
ir .lid. Is than the , . , e ew'fDr JPjin t or Aeq f"n4s Arm,
ton Vgblic, , ..q es, s 'A 044
41w1hple In down, the stmet",
I on W-aOri� _Wqia S IV It
Hag p y, April the 1044.Aeos of the first floor aal w
ovt the Aw'' Apnl V at the Jhpnig
N(9MAA T , Y
21, 19.65, tp Sgt. 04 Mrs, iiur$04t HART. _4b Dear, Siir, edw� 11 you, ww W. oupip
TAvauT1* of A mn%tiqu fran ge s- 0
typographical e, TM
L, AQ.0W Clinton, A Son, N sh to tha& ]I Who, Sol xic_w 4trerm vxojeot! it' jo com-
pil, -, %st_$"u Ca pAe What do" Clinton, n00 Ch
y! a rit #aW, S"Clia'a �feaAlll Spa ea w of Tlhe woo. were
IA -�A Clinton Pub-
l!C,HosplW � Monday, April jp�f Qntva4q thgt qxaT- ce kidustrys ta Alt "Odo that th r)'V and gW4U,-
flowel*; ewag, and gifts R Can go t
while On
1965 t g -D04 Glen Ho - Tu Ivo ,Ae
_p 4�ixanmlial =e
sh�aqld 01A -toe #and -04 It M,4
and Mr I was a P4#pnit U� C, A ''s $1%,ation T(rAdtS be aA<JL te`40heM alike an 20. mei4b 0 next .r g will b -a ,on
pital; alsq'4 a pqbpshed dg newspapers, CQOM70t�an could be avoldeO. POMW104 744s 4P to 49 tQ 04- p�Uqa,4 or ba*, Which patb, U
nurses, , n, main floor 11 of St. Andripw's Y 18 ;At. tbe h . ome Of 1�ptty
Grca BA il Landes- )44e AuxiUary
7%ughter And Prs,� Addison, 041�.eg 4, He, pq�d the Q -M$ boara at phriply by the gradioa#on of the sure, gut our town pari; And ClIPWA going �to follow?
an does At# TIPCOS� Pr," � x1op Clir4pq
,%w,t both these -byte h qs§emb1qd
MAD ight's meeting Rom W� roport.. de=.Ion * YOURS,
VAN" last W94neg'44Y 4-1 in tb ch SuI
16P tls,4t Ili serVLe�g n� w4 but for Thi board C�ricurred W,
Rao shies, ],�,vvry service " 14 0anton , .0 day S
jtb Mr, their A "I'meo chop.
wo .
pmw#s to so� 119W MW4 sm�� Co�-branq tha thp ii4me,,A 9f' Let us outline what int is, tr 'ng 0 raise �# shad's 9,f
41e -p" pbpWs of ,,or 14 new b.04clipQ; Who jnp,� -,g.ppe
. -tip 4ielA with #19
nIe ()JaZshV A44 rd ho�r, to offer 4 e A
The .. and `sW a.) cagA
e 4
-Of Property and 'Household Ef� ft., late Xrg� Aw,..�p Cree 7ir geh spep
.,14 pWa
. . x._�
the wrim'At project -is "PrMect singing of A �hymn,,Oter g Rosultms
-fq4ts from theberel014Pd to 140ppn pogj t
home of late MIT% ftrt
0 good, shop-
pu7blip k
warin Noo
all .the, rV -CJL the press since aCh1qvqmeas sop). F4
,Mrs- T, J. W;itt, 74 R;t#9r,144ry f all
a,$ And the ping Ai pt;, (q) plosp.tp cltk; There ds: to be a moose ban- lesson' and �XTs.
-StIroqt West, 411"tot), on Re d flowers CO3-1) Students ince these A:,rp worthy 'Qf FVUER V$H
W, of _Oi�d�pss an '(d ches. mid quo. Sat 014`00 HOggArthiedin prayer, _Il9ts bf hQ1440S, APPQINTMENT
Saturday, May s the
Saturday, April 24 during, -their ".Pent be gorolce clubs; (e Nr%W. D,:,W0s.ter gave the
ment 4ipeciaa thanks to R -,) A, hpapittil" LegrJOA hall at ��:3 Q With. 041t.er�, E a$t 'stU
at, 1:30 p,m. the followl"'o WY T�J-Qr40 J�PN;s Tbims 'Year er message fXJDM the .study
C (r) a $,ec0TJidJW .01 vi�4� taifi�ment an
xr=.t Mills To Construct naac' $Ghp , pro , pst "Sp
0 11 0 a, gQ eakor,
all wh WAtb the board!s decision to
PrQperty-Thp Ay Con- in s1killec! labow book entitled Where Seek Ye
. prape ors in Ball an However 'We have, oygx 100 lbs, of meat
.sistsof a s X singing
pacigus. lot on Wnien next year supply text-4pooks far the e
P ln"=f for the ban, The Christ?" After tile,
Fat ?x a lop eft Are not confined th* can be used f
is. situated .4 9 room lid brick s�uderft in, GVades 1 9 our town. They can, b roll W was
_Jt1i 0 W 0 Orkshop I and 12 e fouTr4 of another hymn, r
pdw6lling w quet if necessary, That's A :lot c.
basement; oil I Wish to express my sincere answered by an Easter Thought, as well as those in Grades �9
bath, 4 bed,
In even' other of bull! freally its Cow),
ting; a piece toWn nearby,
A thank$ to relatives, fripnds�And t,contliiuOd from Page '040)' And 1.0 he. Problem of, s fax _09itening to
comes t
rooms, double diving room; din, Where 0=. Clinton excel And some time during the banquet. Final Plan oTl%
awer$ Will be Cut t nil. �y
neighbours for cards, fl andling thQ 4nds group of Masom After a Sun -
of new
ung room', kitchen grid sun surpags her oompetltom9, we will have the draw fpr the
And the many acts of hind- the boys enrolled the bullild- used bod1wbef9re, the �,�enivg ning church service were
Rqejogtion, plays er
porch, Bell 'ness ' a major role biand quart of moat, day evp
Household Effects during my recent bereave- ung trade courses At the sdygol. of
-5chooa. We ma,(Je. Ws. R. J�
iAent, Sp(Z.clal thanks to my la a- , our 'ves ean was
and: stool (A4 condition, It is liopqd that . U - lives.. Clinton does urge everygrie to do his the winner of tike balcing draw,
Im . student Sdftoolbu4ness Aidmintstrator
helma, Twyford, to 40ur Will offset the cost Pf r And in ft, v Important projeet
mahogany finish); 8 piece oak niece, Mrs, 1.1 , Rober Maloney; saAd It was a have well organized adult part
Mrs, Eillen Xerined Pastor . I t Oft $ n CY tl M
(A spdrts, but she lacl�s towards a, very worthy cause.' At the c clu it) f Te eet-
�dlning room suite; bamboo Craig Peters And the Beattie hearting el treniendaus job" and suggest- adequate an ung article,% brought by the
table And book shelf; 2 iron Funeral Horne. -A, U VAN- Business idministrator :and t fadlities where these Tlckets for, the banquet , 4 shower rining' projjranis = be'earried aut. ttcketson the I -And quarter may member$; fwtboO kitchenS W. r RON 'FISHER
inlooth, operation,
ed' early pla
beds, springs and piatfresses; 2 sL Cxek>asurer L,
n , cl DMBURGlif lop ue3,4,Qned 11aRobert
single tubular beds, springs and W the
This situation can only be rem- -bepurdbased,from a mer4ber of
were opened. Hostesses for the Has been appointed ]Fuller
mattresses, dresser Maloney q PAncipal-elect Robert No-! the Lions, D
s and, wash 1<insmen, Fish and lunch were Mrs.. R�, B. Rudd, 13 r tj s h Representativef r
building Would fit in with any ninth received the board!s ap- Game or Legion. R, G�bb, NLM, Ken Wj�llis Clinton and Goderleb, Town -
all -hose
stands; I C
/4; cut oak, dresser, high -
Wish to thank
who _sent flowers And cards future 1�tufiding PlAns to be con- provAl to have teachers p
bay and commode; Westing- ur ship, Mr. Fistfor may becon-
chase ti�sed texts in- June fronl' tacted at 165 Xlng Street,
(A-1 condition) - Kelvinator re- Pital- 'Special thanks to Dr. Falcorier said- even If the als THE Clinton, or by phoning 482-
liduse,-electric 4 b while we were 1 Ir Yours.. hopefully, And ATIgs Mabel Harvey,
burner range in Clinton Hog- .91deredby the board,
Newland, Dr. Streets and the students and to select students irerson Clinton, Ontario Classifi, 3434 before 9 a.m
Trigerator (A-1 condition), corn- building was not utilized as a or'-ex-0tudents, to come in late ed Ads,, or after
binati-on radio and record play nurses and staff-.-- �-_G)IIRALD '1 21, 1965 16b
Wednesday, Alm 6 P.M.
AND DOROTHY HUNTING, Olassroom 4n later y=si it August to sort and distribute Bring Results
several rocking chairs and I would .provide badly needed bookg, into, the proper class- Dr,
R, C. Coak, Toronto and
'kitchen chairs; kitchen stool; 01) storage space, Reg. Cook, London visited in
coal and wood rangotte; jacket I wish to thank my frdends, A suggestion. by Robert Elliott
rosmistown recently, 4-H Carl Club
- dishes And cook-, Reports 10incouraging
beater, shovel, neighbours and relatives for to consader using a new mobile prjnc said aver- Mr. And M 'L Pinneh, Meets in Ag. Office
r.9. i lbott
,149� -utensils. 1-�Idgetown, Mrs, Edith Brady. , The third meeting. of the Quality
Antiques inalp.de-2 high back their nicarly acts of klndrle�s trailer classroom Was' quicIrLy age daRy attendanee at CHSS
while I was A. Patieiat in .Clens dispen,
rocking chairs; Hitchcock rock- ed by Principal D, 'Tobn remained bigh for the mont4 Of and J. Tien Fenwick, 'were re- TuokewsnOth 4-1-1 Cam Club
ton Public Hospital and while on vlsiftQrs. with Mrs. Fred W.
ing chair; Boston rocking Chair; recuperating at home. �SPeclia Cochrane who said such facil- March at 95.85. Per cent. He cent Was held in the Department of
-walnut rocking chair; 3 -Mitch- Johnston, 20 Ratteribmy SEA. Agriculture Board Room, Qin- n
cock ladder chairs;. 6 din- thanks to the nurses and staff sties would not be satisfactory said eighte �1 dropped , Constable Gerald Sbaddick Service
todin ladder back chairs; and algb Dr, Malkus, Seaforth. for teaching a masonry class, with eighte nts quitting toil, Oil April. 13.
ing I -NEIL HAUGH. 16b He explained telae proposed and Robert 'Jegikell, Wbodstar*, Tile Meet
'2 wEgut couches; cherry night shop will become the head . quar- School for various.reasons and returning from 0. week's vaca- meeting was opened -by
table; mahogany sick table; 2 thanks for the flowers,, two more trangirerving to other Tom Pqpple with the 4-H THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS
I tion in Oklahoma City, spent 11 and
drop, leaf tables; several small Man ters for -this- type of- lnstructi�n locations. -er weekend with th& for- Pledge, A group of grass , NEEDS Monogram Social Notes
tables; walnut, chest of draw- treats and cards sent to me where. a good deal of space is stands at East legume seeds were identified by HOUSE CLEANING NE
while a pailent in Clinton Pub- E Enrollment now Merl's parents, Constable and reg. 49c .................... 9 for 490
ers, walnut blanket chest (Cedar to required, 1189 at CTISS, the club. Moth Crystals
Mrs, A. P. Sihaddiak.' Other Free Cologne with Dusting
lined) several dining room and lie Hospital. Special thanks 'Tale original idea for the economy bag ........ 2 tbs. 790
bedmort chai=,• , J?ictur�eg; Rev. MU.ISL, Dr, Oakes `and the The IrTspector's report con- guests were Mr, and Mrs, Carl The lesson on corn cultivation ecoi PoWder
first floor. __JOHN extra room bad been set 6ut by firmed, the board's information aught by Moth Crystals - large crystals Friendship Garden and
paintings; dishes driduding fancy nurses on and weed Control was t
and Antique; pickle cruet, ot G, GIBBINS. 16b the Academic -Vocational Com- tha;t the school' badly over- Ward, KeAif and Cheryl, Strat- clally for vacuum Desert 71ower
e ford, Bob Fotheringbarn, ,
lam4s ' 2 part toilet sets. crowded, It said the s' The next meeting will especially
.................... 1 lb. 75o reg. $2.25 for $1.50
mitt e In-Tpront7a. �Iwution. 35 Guests of Mrs. Butler, 136 be hold moth'Salls ........... :11 lb. pkg, 4$c New Formula Air Freshener
�s' on Property -10 Per- -DEATHS The board also approved an in future acco-mmadWon at on May 12,
, estimated %206 84 r materdals a0seph St,, were her von, Dr. ;Moth Proofer Spray Bomb $1.39 12 -oz. can ............................ 990
cent down on the date o owwrth, Exeter And Go Alfred and Mrs. Bulaer and
on Wednesday, CUSS muft
and balance Cash in 30 days April 14� to buJild a mezzanine do the ow eLnd �VArned that
(unless niortgagearranged with 19�5, "Arinle Cree. widow of ihop at CHSS.t be allowed to grow too daughter Lois, Madigan, Wis-
'the proprietor previous to tno
he the -late, Lockhart Cree, in Work on the three -tiered large. consdn,
sale date). The, property will her 87th year. Funeral ser- storage area will be handled by, The 'report also urged the . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert- Beatty
L And . children Patricia, Ruth
be offered for sale subject to a v e was from "the Ball and the boys in the carpentry class board to -make every attempt to
reserve bid. utch Funeral Home onFri- Aam and D6vid, Montreal, Que.,
S' under the guidance of an in- keep younger teachers so that were guests of Mrs. Beattys
Terms on Household Effects, day, April 16, 1965.; Inter -
cash ment was in -Clinton Ceme- structor. they may someday fill the re- farther, Fred Scotchmer.
Proprietor' terry: for
D. A. Kay, I To Obtain Prices quirement strong depart
-Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer has menu heads the school, lit
Easter weekend guests of Mr,
The property commi at tea and Mrs. Gordon Curilngharrie,
15-6b I IN MEMORIAM been asked to get definite pric" showed the school lacked Rattenbury St, West, were Dr.
HOUSTON --In loving mem- on renovations proposed on the chers with. long experience. and Mrs. T. E. Hull and family,
Clearing ory of a dear hand fath- third floor. Previous Provisions by the Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. It.
AUCTION SALE er, Carl Houston, who. passed T roams have been selected bmv.d for further expansion in
away April 25, 1962. by school officials to become an the galence, department walk en- Saunders and kamily, Sarnia;
,of Machinery and Household "Three years have passed off -lee for the Commercial IX- able the new Grade 13 courses and Mr. and Mrs, John Cuning-
but memories stay, hams and family, Branialea,
Effects at lot 3,8 con. 2 RRS, rector and a girls' practice tyle upcoming this fall to be taught Ontario.
'Tuckersmith TW�,, iV4 miles As near and dear as ing room. and were commended.
east of BruoAield andi two miles yesterday, Easter guests of Mrs, W. S.
north, on This month comes back with
regret, R. Holmes were Mr. and Mrs.
SATURDAY, APRIL 24 It b back days we will Gerald �1,61:mes and girls from
never for -get, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
AT.1*00 P.M. on earth he was loved, in 4 . Attend Your, Church Dawson, John and Xajthy of
Machinery; W.F. Allis Chal- Heaven he rests, Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. R.
mers tractor; Fleury Bissel 2- God bless you Dad, you were rrL.- In I Carnegle and,Ricky of London.
Sponges _._ ................. _ 2 for 530 Change Your Shoe'Make Up for
Dusting and Polishing Mitts Sprind�Use Shoe Mak-Up
lint �ree ................................ 590 24 colors -each battle good far
Rubber Gloves . ....... 790 to $1.50 6, applications
Tintex Dyes 25c Ret Ayes 35c Only $1.50 per bottle
Phone 482-9511 Clinton,
Clearanc'e' of
furrow pull type plow, age ane •M oullu;j W uvi( rcnanaise
manure spreader-,
Mildmay -Always remembered by big
6 ' grand -
irnachine, 32 by i ode and family and
with shredder and grain thraw. children, 16P All Services on Daylight Savings Time THE CANCER SOCIETY
,er, in excellent condition-, '125 -
ft. endless belt; 1. Tubber -tire AUCTION SALE Peter Ast[es Helen Bortliff, Dave The Weather ""Beat" Us Again
wagon with 16 A. flat rack; 1 Of Farm Implements, Poultry FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH
dual Wheel wagon traller with Ferguson, Donna Webster, Brian
Federation of Canada)
-rack; Cockshititt 13 rail Equipment and,some Household (Baptist
McConnell, Steve Hook, Mqrgoret
dump will be held for Craig Peters, S.A.
-seed drill; 2 1 Furniture - Lots 8 and Pastot
Massey Ham's Henry E. Watkins, Sunday, April 2S Salzman, John Wilier' Ruth MacLean, SPRING COATS
=�n binders In good. running 9, Con Q, Goderich Twp., 2Y2
Flo 00 --Sunday School Brian Heyes, Anne Astles,' Brigadier
quantity of binder parts; south of Goderich, t/4 I -
.2 To. miles s 10:00 a.m. I I' Our Entire Stock. of
21 Massey HarrIs mow- mile off highway 8, on 11:15 a.m.-Family Worship Smith, Peggy Menzies, Ken Flett,
ers plus quantity of parts; In- Rev. G. Smith, Stratford
Saturday, April 24 Howard Pli3nte, Elois Heyes and Wools and Laminates
rake; 7:30 p.m. Study Hour
temational side delivery , gave
delivery at 1:30 p.m. Tues, 1 27--8 p.m. -WA and Mission Circle, Miss L. twenty-four students from CHSS g
,Massey Harris side
implements include: a total of 3.61 hours of their time.
rake; 2 sets of 3 -section Inter- tractor and plough; tractor Tupper, McMaster Divinity College. 20% to* 1/3 off
national sprdng tooth harrows; ALL ARE WELCOME
land roller,• 2-wneel trailer with, chaing; Massey Ferguson 24 You people of Clinton Area t;0!;
rack new steel water trough- plate 3 -paint hitch disc, brand responded by entrusting to their core RAINWEAR
extension ladder' new,, harrows; Ford cultivator;
steel barrels; Onfario Sfreef Unifed Church $1�349 in dimes and dollars.. A Choice Selection
Dearborn 6 ft, power mower;
steel posts; cedar posts', show
fence; number. of 670x15 tires Dearborn side take, power MM FRIEr4DLY CMMCTV "kin
: Reduced To Clear
driven; George White 32 ft. Pastor: REV. GRANT'MILLS, B.A. It Is written: "Bread cast on the waters will return � 11 , , J
and rims; forks; shovels; , electric motor; Mat ......
ch&lns; vice and anvil; 6 steel Sunday, April 26
Ferguson forage chopper
traps; .22 calibrd rifle; Iminber; 9A5 a.m.--Sunday School, after many days."
or pasture clipper, 2 years old,
planks; 2 by 41s; 2 electric
rubber tired wagon and rack; 11:00 wrn,-Iviorning Worship
feiriceN; hot pail- -burdizzes, Service of Baptism .11 4q SPH"'ING SUITS
�pe;j. colony , Colo I snow blowerpgrain auger; man -
Stewart cattle ell - spreader; McCulloch Chain TURNER'S Ot
urs V'x er
house, 2 elec�rlc brooders; "i
saw; belich saw; fence 'Wire; DO p.m. -Church Service We have selected two
troughs; many other articles,
Household Effftts:, Sherlock water trough,, extension ladder- 3.�O �.Twr��SUbdqy p.m, -Sunday and three- piece suits
, stone boat; trailer; hog feed- C
Manning upright piano; 3 -bur- 'ke - 9.
to sell at unbelievably
ner gas stove; bedroom furni- Or, 25 tube -type hen feeder., - low prices.
range sheltoraj pig troughs; De-
ture; small articles. Z., Gf beft *.PO ts
TERMS., CASH Laval 2 unit milker; and num- REV. CLIFFORD 0. PARR, M.A., Minister Y00 MUST SEE THESE
Proprietor, William t1. Pepper
erow tools and small Articles,
Auctioneer, Seri Pepper Terms cash, farm is sold. All Services on Daylight Saving Time
Clerk, Joe Corey Henry E, Watkins proprietor WESLEY-WILLIS
PLEASE NOTEa W. R. Pe Al4m McIntyre, auctioneer Sunday Services, April -06
'p -
per Will disperse the PEPSEA
15-6bTheme; "How Christian should a Christian AIM to Be?" Plain and Pleated
VARMS SCOTCH SHORT- ]3ctwee,1., 1,91 9A5 am. --Sunday School
4 when it was Styles All Reduced $2.00 off each skirt
HORN IMRD, on Wednesday 11�zOO a.m.-Reception of Members
ortganited and 1940 When 1-t des lqth At the'Clinton Saes HOLM5SVILL5
Barns. For daWagues Write banded, the Edmonton Crads
*William R, Pepper, AR'8, Sea, women's basketball ieaTA played 1.00 p,tn,-AeCeption.of Members V SPRING HATS
firth iav, f= qxmiao tind logt only 20,
for Spring Seeding Requirem e-ints
Ask at The . Seed Plant
Grass and Clover Seeds'
reasonably priced and
PrbC6SsL-J *6 a high
standard of Iptiflity
and gbrtttihatibY4;
We soetialite in
All thd prathirierif Vairildflids
'Ro Nk Alex nder
Our f6tmiog 6poeatibb's ore devoted entirely
to the producelon of teed.
Mbirnbeir Canadian Seed &6wert Amaarf4do
011titon 492,1475 Illyth 92-14101070
Ren", R. W, 'Wishham. L.Th., kect0
Me. W4 H. Sishopp F.R.t,O,, A.A.C.M.#'Okahlllst
8,*O04.M,-JR6l3t Ob;mmunioh BAC Breakfast
9,45 a.m.-Churoh School
The (Rev. R. Ui MacLean, 11A.,MInlatte
Mrs. M. 1 Agnew;btdahld and Ch6lr Director
Sunday, April 95.
9:45 axii.--8undpLy School
10.,45 Aim. -Public Worship --The Rev, G. L. Fish,
• Winghawguest dpdaUer.
Sunday, April 95
.A5 A.in.Wotstilp Service
11-00'A1h.----8und9y School
8.00 Li,irt. Everting Service
Speaker. 161m Aitken, Shiftodr;W.
:00 p..--LLi' ray M - , I ffig and AN6 Study
2 lq4_1_
Chrisfiab 11646trihod
kdv. G. J. Heertloik, Mlhlsteh
I Sunday, Aorll t6
.. . .............. . ..... .... .... . . ....
iosdph Sftoo+
11-66 a.m.UMk1b9 of At*ad
1Gib p.th.-SundaY School
1,00 p.M.--:60s0e1 SeMCA_
8.06 ti.tai thuft"Y-PtO0
UL Uffild
SAV`' $1.7 080 GALOH ON
C -
SA` 1' I LIT LA Jr. 0 N Etv
C-I-Llt Flh6sf'Wall Paitit
to-distio MtAdaM, Prop. 4a -7b
All That Are Left ...... .*_ ................... 20% off
SILK80N Pullo vers
and Cardigans
Finest for Sum*mer Wear
Col6m__Pink -Xqua = Blue - Yellow
Ross, $6.95 __ ...... .............. NOW $4.96
Pullovers 901%
Reg. $3.0 . .......... ...... NOW U495
Long'11he Style - $7 95 Wye
W .
Sizes S-M"L-XL ............. SPOCIAL = ea