HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-22, Page 3(Continued from page two) is enforced in other centres and must be .enforced here now. LEADER DRIVERS There is a handful of peren- irlial spoedsters who are contin- ually seen and reported by citizens — we repeat, citizens — and are continually flaunting and harassing the police. A word of warning is forth- coming now. A rude awakening is in store for them when ,the new cruiser ,arrives. These drivers have had a fair chance as they have been stop- ped and warned time and time again and they still persist . on running at top speed„ into the wrong traffic lanes and all the rest of the trimmings that con', slat of being an idiot. This is fine in the country where, if they insist, they can write themselves off and cease to be a menace to society, I-Iere and now, a crackdown, get-tough policy should, be put into effect on these persons and either charged or their cars impounded and put off the road for a month. or two. If this has no effect, a good stiff charge and, ably put by a citizen, quote, "a dose Of the strap, a good number of times on the rear portion" and throw away the keys could be a good tonic for this ailment. 'This situation, like a bad festering sore, has to have the proper treatment to be cured now. One of the ingredients of this cure is you, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen, by backing -and co-op- erating with the police and helping in any shape or farm to be a part of this tonic. - This is your community to enjoy, not to be fearful and have no backbone. The police cannot do the imposSible. There are two spokes missing in the Wheel—the citizens' help to the police and the get-tough, lower- the-boom decisions of the court" • A HAPPIER- NOTE TIIE NEW CENOTAPH The new cenotaph is progres- sing at a reasonable pace. To date, prices and dimensions and other data have been gathered, as well as the b • ' I. proce- dures for the account have been completed. A. large coloured Sketch of this beautiful mem- mini has been on display in the store and windOw of Al Galbraith, and for which we thank Al very much. A meeting is to be held Thursday evening, April 22, to further. the plans for this strue- ture. Among the items to be discussed will be n set of stuc-, turd plans and plot plan to be drawn, fOrther data on pricing PROCLAMATION TOWN OF CLINTON In otcorclonce with a re,, solution adapted by Clinton Town Council and the usual custom; I hereby proddirn that: DAYLIGHT SAYING TIME Will be in effect of 2 a.m. Sunday, April 25 And call upon all citizens to observe this brociama lion, DON SYMCMS* Mayor,/ 'Town of Clinton„ Minton an Club Favors Keeping Old Post Office The -.Clinteniari• Club held its, April meeting at the hOrne of C,, Yowler last Wetinesdiay aliternoon, President Mrs, Tom. Ifeppington :Welleetried Twenty-one members, answer- ed the roll call with their favor. ay.:, spring .flower, A general :discussion concert-1.4 ing the old Post •Office building followed, 'The. ladies agreed it wins too had to have such Erie building pulled down or idle when it could" he put to SO many gOOd uses. The WaOlc Committee had the quilt ,On .display for which a draw will be mode at the card l'AartY to be held in the Orange Jiall on Wednesday, April 28. • Mrs. Mate .and Mrs. George Hopson gave readings and a blindfold shoe scramble was joyed. Mrs. Wilfred Calclough won the mYstery prize, The meeting ,elesed with the Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by 'Mrs) Fred mull- holland's group. Mrs, EdwardS offered her home for the May meeting. CLINTON LEGION Paper Drive WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 Save Old Newspapers, Magazines Now Tied Securely In Bundles 13-15-16b IMMIMINOMMIMMINIMINIMINISUMMIWINOMMIIMIONIMMOMINMI 111111.1•1•1•111111MIIMIIIIINIIMI 411E ,ARK. THE SQUARE—GODERICH Now Playing—April 22-23-24—Special! Color — A rollicking musical with a grand story. Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell, Martitia Hunt 'THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN' MON., TUES., WED. — April' 26-27-28 (Adult Entertainment) Sean Connery, Tipple Hedren and Diane Baker Present an Alfred Hitchcock suspense drama based on a young Kleptomaniac "MARNE"- Color THUR., FRI., SAT. — April' 29-30-May 1 Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Sammy Davis A modern Robin Rood, •in Chicago, sets the pace for this musicomedy. In Color. "ROBIN AND THE SEVEN HOODS" Coming—Andy Williams in "I'd Rather Be Rich" HOTEL (LINTON featuring "CLOUD 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket` FridaySenfed from #:30 p.m. to 11:30 O.oi, Inturday--Sot*od froth MO 0.'04 to Midnight Phone 48 4421 tor itetetvatiOns Later to Ohine0 fiaiiieri and Weddtati , OtaptiOrii .w Each Week One Lucky Customer Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER — 1467 GODERICH 0N1. DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD THIS WEEK -- SATURDAY, APRIL 24 "The Mo.Jo's" Dancing 9 to midnight Admission 75c per person FOR THE ADULT CROWD--FRIDAY, APRIL 30 "Royce Riehl and the Country Cousins" Dancing 9:30 to 1 a.m. Admis.sion $1.00 per person Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 I S P ACY E PHONE 482-6626 Spring Tonics !DAME LIQUID A vitamin supplement with a pleasant Orange taste--16-oz. $2.75 IDAVITE CAPSULES Multiple vitamins and minerals 30's ..,. $1.95 $4.95 IDASAL TABLETS 5 grain, 300's 100's 99c IDAPHOS TONIC 16-az. $2.00 KLEENEX FACIAL FACIAL TISSUE 2 • 16c CLINTON SATURDAY, MAY 1 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS — TOWN HALL Sponsored by RCAF Women's,Auxiliary 16:7b SUNSET DRIVE-G, THEATRE GODERICH — Highway No. 8 — A mile and a quarter east of town. REOPENS FOR THE SEASON—THURS. APRIL 29 Thur., Fri., Sat., April 29 30-May 1—Double Feature Ann Margaret and John Forsythe (Adult Entertainment) "KITTEN -WITH A WHIP" James Stewart and Audie Murphy "NIGHT PASSAGE". Color Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock News Editor Anne Align.nri /Mono HU 24349 Rest wishes fora haPPY -Qttawra *Aneluded Ivrr, and 'pips, Adastral 'Park socia!' .Notes A large POngregnition Attend., ed the Easter Service in the United •Chweb. last Sunday with the pastor, Rev, M, Mori son, in 01-tarige, The under the direr-• tiOn. of Mrs. Robert Stirl,igg* rendered A . special selection and Miss Carol. Taylor and Miss Ann Stephenson sang a duet,. ",-`rii:the Shadow of the Cross". Service wins also! held on Good Friday evening in the elinrch with a group of yoeng people assisting the pastor. • . Visit 04011VieW The Varna Explorers and their leaders paid a visit to Huronview last Saturday and enteztained 45 residents with a program of readings, songs, dances and piano solos. Easter hashets filled with cookies, candies and oranges were passed around to everyone, • • Personals Miss: Joyce Tiayter and Miss Shirley Mustard are spending the holidays on a conducted bus tour to. New York City where they will visit are United. Na- tions, .Radio City Music Hall and the World's Fair. Next Sunday evening, the ."-Acapello Choir" of Zurich will present a Sacred Program in the United Church , at 8 p.m. sponsored 'by Group One of the Varna UCW. Floyd MeAsh, Hamilton, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs,' John MCAsh. • Thur4., April .22,- 1905 clinton tiew,s-Recorcl,-Page A4'era holidays fabulous? nvei if you haven't get .any- oft to do,, just tooling On 1191i., days is Mat, „Whongn, hew Anybody could have nothing to- do is :beyond me,. since about two Ond a half million 44Sign- Ments Were given Out at School "to he completed during the Easter 'holidays," ' there is. SO. 1111,t01.0 do, The DriVe-oin is open. every night now and has a terrific Iine,".0 Of shows for the next :several months. There are dances .ga, lore.. TeMorroW night (FriclaY" . April 23) the Del 'R.eys, will be at the Legion Hall for a Teen Town dance. The. Mojos will be in Lenclesbore tomorrow and at the - I-larbourllte in .Goderieh s"Siaturday night. Also,,, on Saturday the 24th, the Rmbrants from Mitchell will be in .Sebringville, Best you make the most of this weekend because it's - hack to CI ssified Ads. Bring Results. BUY THE BEST WORK BOOTS FOR LESS — AT RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 Huron St., 'Clinton STY4 4910* 0P,AM". :school on lIfforiclay. If the after, neOn. Seents to .drag, hop in the oar and bomb down to Bruce- field, Ilhe Farmer's Dell is open — yeu know, that el:ft little ice cream Stand. By the way, in. ,case YOP. hay, en 't heard — radios are eona- pletely in; I If you're really bored, tune into Dick Williains on' CFPL every night between. 6;30 and 9:.00; and tune into OKI.41/V (Windsor-Detroit) all day long (Radio r 8 Q ) for such swiinging .1),3,'s as Tommy Shannon, Most of these stations have radio. clubs like the "Tall Ones -Club", and the "Cliumbag (CHUM Toronto).- They are free and fun. Well, just one more term to go and then we're finished for summer holidays — just about eight more wrecks!!! Then; it's sheer summer bliss. If you're planning on a summer job; bet- tor • start looking now. That's. about it. Next week, black to Teen Opinion Poll and more swinging news. So, till next time, Your swinging pal, —PAM hirthday tie• Andrea McNeil, twn years old on April 24. FA, and Krs. Fred Brittain, annilY, Carl and Denise are MoVing to Bagotville, Quebec. WO1 and, Mrs, Pat English drove, their daughter, Cathy, to. Trenton and then proceeded to Toronto to see% their son, .Gor- don, Mr, „and. Mrs, ErigliSh are POW spending a,' feW clays .Montreal, ! • , 'Easter weekend' visitors !rem and actual building problems and help to take part in the construction;. definite site for the cenotaph which. at this mo- ment due to the uncertain fac- tor of when or if the proposed highway traffic planning takes place at the site of the present Post Office — is. the present library lawn adjacent to the Town Hall,- Here • a complete 'square could be formed around the cenotaph for parades and 'other services. The forming of the cenotaph drive fund will also be discussed.. Lets hope the wheels will turn fast and we can realize a beautiful cenOtaph for Clinton ,in 1965, Blues Chaser For The, Day— Many men died in, two great wars' to defend and preserve for us' a free country and homes. without iron curtains, Berlin Walls or Belson horror ovens. Instead of death march roads far some-• of them, they pre- served for us fine' traffic roads for sane people — not idiots. Signed "THE CITIZEN" Clinton, Ontario April 19, 1965 Ontario Street UCW To Meet Monday Unit 4 of Ontario Street United Church Woinen will -meet Monday, April 26 at 8:30, Vera McGregor's group is in charge of devotions and Mar- garet Ears group will plan lunch, In Canada's biggest bingo game, held just after' World War Two in Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens with the proceeds going to charity, 13,000 played all at one time. Tom. Sewell and daughter with WM. and. Ms,. Barry Sewell; Miss Irene Paqueibte, Mr. and 'Mrs; A, Mayer and ,daughter, With -QUO. 4114 Mrs., 141 Fka- clittel Mrs. B, .CaVanallgb, and PrrY .S/1.4 :and Traoder,. Anita and Marielle Wilson. are spending ten days ,with their grandParents.in Chatham. • Sgt, and Mrs, Vic !Pilion and their children spent last week- end at Niagara Falls, • Mrs, F. choma,, Fort is presently with her daughter, Mrs. George Rotertson. Members, of the CWL are re- minded of the date of the next The federal government or- any provincial government may appoint a Royal Commission and since 1867 there have been about 160 inquiries that have had that title. Mrs. Annie Cree Dies At :111.ifonview Annie: Crap, wife of the late, J. Greet passed Away . 1 ay IintonViov, Clinton,. •on W.4171$0,0Y, April 14, 1965.. ahe was born 14.1:87$14 .0:01., Township, a daughter of the late Mt, and Mrs, Swan. She -42-ng. to moon .3s yomla ago from Wilcox,` $4*:„ 40.4 was a. member of .ClintoreS. Ontario St. United -Olittreli. Several nieces and nephews survive. Rev. Grant Mills, Clinton, conducted the funeral .service from the Ball and IVInteh Fun., era Home on Friday, April 16... Pallbearers, were Sam Castle, Frank lVfutch, Charles Johnson, • Art Groves, Gordon Shortreed And Russell Colelough. Inter, ment was in Clinton Cemetery.. Persons. from L,ucknow, Lon- don, Stratford and Exeter .ait- tended... 40.11.1•10•111.111.1111 111.111111MINEYSZONIMMEIMS IF YOU DON'T KNOW what to give Grandma for Mother's Day we've got it. CHILD PORTRAITS JERVIS STUDIO 482-7006 13-16b VARNA taster Service At United Church LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Views of The Citizen" Sgt, .and lairs.: 4rtnur, YeZirie had An Eager visit Ooni. their daughter Rayntontle, !Ottawa, as weal as -their daughter .and" son. Mr. And Mrs. Jos.. yew and baby Jacqueline from Trenton. - Miss Maureen .Begg, Brocic, ,spent the weekend,,-With nol:,,parpots, r,/47 Beg& RiChard Hebert from' ;Mount ..ApTea, PQ is visiting ..with his -Parents,.. To:/0 :and .Mrs, John Hebert. 'meeting, April 28 at the Social centre; Mrs. Russ Bush has returned home after spending a few days in Clinton Public Hospital.. Miss Meeta. McMichael, stu- dent nurse at Stratford General Hospital, and .Roy -Tor- onto, spent the Easter weekend With F/S and Mrs. J. M. Mc- Michael, , Miss McMichael has finished three months affilia- tion at Toronto Sick Children's hospital and will resume her Studies at Stratford General Hospital, • Father Richard Bussey is vi'sitin'g his mother, Mrs. Xay Bussey, in Trenton, Mrs. James MelVtichael was a patient in Chilton Public Hos- pital for minor surgery. James Griffin, student at Hamilton Teacher's College, is spending a few days' with his family, Sgt, and Mrs. Percy Griffin. °-- Haw ri County F r rating Report "A 'few people did do a little Plowing on high land early in the past week. No other. work on the land as yet. Weather is cool and wot with snow on April 20th." By D. H. Miles, Agricultural Representative for Huron Calm-- ty, Jirk,Bk APKARN§4IN:.., '1.14E -Art$4,RPN BY ,,THAT ,RELIABIX TV SERVIcEi NJ AGE SALE Successful banking begins with a savings account Like almost everyone else, you use your local chartered bank as a safe and handy place to build the savings reserve that is so important to your financial future. In doing so, you do more than build a solid fO. unda- don, for financial plans. You ate building a valuable banking relationship and helping to establish your credit. And as you get to know the manager 'and staff-=-- as you use other banking services to meet personal ot business needs -- 'your banking contacts become even mote useful to you. And it all starts with a savings account TI1E.CHAIITERIED SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Through $0.50 braaches, all across Cartack4 the chartered banks bring full-range bahking within the '`each of everyone.