HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-15, Page 9Fi f teen YPars from now you will be fifteen years oldPr ,-. you be weallthier and wiser or just wiser? W, G. CAMPBELL, District Manager Investors Syndicate Ltd. Seaforth 527-0452 SYNDICATE LIMITED 4iteed. tea "CONTRAC BARLEY" 'ELAND BARLEY _the most dependahle variety- io grow PROVEl FRAM PAST PERFORMANCE I .SE7 and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED FERTILIZERER Complete stock carried. Contact us for today's prices. SEED GRAIN___ Order early while supplies are good. SEED BEANS - Good supplies on' hand CONTRACTS AVA I LAB L E Printed literature on growing "beans available at our offices. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 262-2605 Hensall 11tfb baton Memorial 'Silo „ „ „, 'T, PRIrrie:•and SON qui4T0t4 :,,,EXOTER SEAFPRTH open Every Afternoon PHONE VIV 2-7712 At other ftbnes contact Representative, --A. W, Steep .82404_ PlKIWNTJPS 'The regular PrOWnlie nzeetI was held last week when the' men berS Woried on their W*, jeet for their .ggs,Ppr -Geed Turn. Several,' tests .Were passed and plans, were . made for a Weiner roast on SattnNday• SPriag WOW. Aeast Last Saturduy the Bayfield Smarting groups Waded the beach where all joined in a weiner mast nnder the Vila' artee of their leaders, While the Seouts busied them' selves pawing wood for a large fire, with their new Scout leaders P.,,rey Renner ,and Ray,. mood Sootchnier, several Brow- nies and Guides passed their fire laying tests; By this time everyone had gathered around the campfire for hot dogs, hot chocolate and pop. After eating the Guides had 4. sing song followed by the Brownies singing. The Cubs then put on a skit about an old oar.- The Guides and Scouts were each given a paper-clip, clothes- pin, Small, aluminum plate con- taining • a small piece of bacon, an ahnond nut and a match. With these 'articles they were to cook the bacon. The best cooks are still unknown! A short campfire sing-song by all, climaxed a most enjoy- able evening, Guides Beceive Badges At the regular Guides meet- ing held at the parish hall, the following, Guides received bad- ges; Guide Lynda Pearson, carnper's badge, first aid badge and bird watcher badge; Guide Penny Howlett, Pioneer badge, homemaker badge; Guide Terry Mac:Vicar, hostess, badge, first aid badge,homemaker badge and laundress badge. HENSALL Mass Troyann Bell success- fully passed her preliminary skating figures and dances in St. Thomas, Sunday. She also took firSt place in tests group work for 'ages 10 to 11. On Salt- urd'ay Goderich she passed her solo in skating and was advanced to the senior group- ing, Troyasm is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mrs. John Henderson, Jack, Sylvia and Kathie, spent the weekend with the foraner's dau- ghter and son-min-law Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lindsay,, Pamela, Sheila and Kevin of WilloWdale. Miss Jean Henderson, who flew in from Kitkatla, B.C., acoorn- panied them home to spend her Easter vacation here. 19 YRS OLD? When you turn 19 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual 'membership within, 30 days, Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NE L WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'grou,p' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. NE To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. tokemilatairdiankomostiminoiventsko men Your ONTARI HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Onigtici Hospital Services Oetnenitsion totettle 7, Ontario 1,7r1.1: Thors.„ April 15, 1965-r-Clirik, Nows-Record Page ,9 49 4,7FA, IP WITH Picl-LiBiVB J.K4TA.NK ,APITATPR • P,TP, •.PPgRATP GALLQN ;0914p.W TANK Peskned for (he new and Mute Oernicels that require Constant agitation, New Tralfor 114000100 Models with 100 or 200 imp. 001. tank$ FTwinimptwona S.EE THEM NOW at a Authorized calsa Dealer MELD WELDING Ph • ne 71 r 3 13-4-5-6h A renawnedfarm editor reiorts on a new fertilizer, with anew twist-.-only one farmer infive can buy it! Read how these top growers are boosting profits by 25%. h in fertilizer BY UOHN sTRoHM I'd like to tell you of the most exciting fertilizer idea I've run across in 30 years of farm reporting. It's an idea that's helping top farmers break_ 'through their personal yield barriers to such yields as 130-bushel corn ... . 5-ton hay 45-bushel soy- beans . 8000-lb. tobacco, The idea is Super Qe, a fertilizer so exclusive you can't even buy it . . . But I'm getting ahead of my story: Two years ago a select group of local manufac- turers were stung into action by a disturbing truth. The top 'farmers were Moving faster than their advisers . . demanding that fertilizer companies improve their seattergun approach to fertility prob. Iems. So, these hometown manufacturers pooled their strength in a giant cooperative effort. They called in the best scientific brains, and handed them this "impossible assignment: Develop the best fertilizer it is humanly possible to make. 2, Forget about price-per-ton. But be dead sure this fertilizer will return the farmer more not profit than any other product on the Market We want to guarantee it will, not just talk aboutit, Formulate it for the top farmers in each com- munity. We'll refusete tell itto anyone but the top! 4. Rifle it to fit a specific area yes, even a sheeific Moistate S. Make a different fertiliser for corn, for barley, tobacco, wheat3 soybeans. 4. 'Use the best form of nutrients for the crop-not the cheapest or easiest for the manufacturer. Wow ! Some of those Who were called in derlarecl: 4'Youjnst can't get all those coons UP one tree!' But other scientists rose to the challenge. They tested Wit and MOisturc on top farms in each cam- munity . . pored over the latest research an. alyzed new manufacturing techniques, new mate- rials. They picked the brains of ag college special- lists, interviewed top farmers on their personal goals. And then they created Super Q: The Super Q program is a national effort. It has all, the efficiency and breadth of bigness . . . but with the pinpoint local accuracy to give the individ- ual grower higher yields and profits. In ,side-by- side tests on hundreds or farms with six different crops, Super Q outyielded the best commercial fertilizers by as much as 25%, Successful as they have been -with Super Q, the scientists d6 not see their job as done. As Dr. Ray Starostka, chief formulator for Super Q, explained to me, "Don't memorize the numbers on a Super Q bag; they'll change the nth-lute we get a new test or technique-or as local conditions demand," , I certainly don't want to give the impression that Super Q is a cure-all. On the contrary, it will one be sold to top farmers-the top 20% in yields and management. They'll make Super QpaY off. 1 surveyed 900 farmers ht ten areas, and it was really exciting to hear them talk of their goals. Quite a few told me they were shooting for 200- bushel corn . ..7-ton hay . 600-bushel potatoes ... Moshe]. soybeans 3500-1b. tobacco ...470- bushel wheat ...100-bushel barley . 25-ton sugar beets.., 30-ton silage... 135-bushel oats. the Super Q Manufacturers are a select group, jealousof theiircpttation.Among other things,they must agree to disciplinary action should they fall below the rigid Standards. They must pledge to provide soil and cropandmanagementservicesthatwill help SuperQfarntersmakemorepro&. SOPER Q, FERTILIZER MADE FOR THE ONE FARMER 'IN ME BY READ FERTILIZERS LIMITED ELMIRA *Ad EXETER, ONTARIO AMOUNT OF LOAN d6 months MONTHLY so months PAYMENT .20 months PLANS Zs months $100 $.... $ 6.12 $ 9.46 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 750 31.65 .444.13 69.21 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 60.88 68.81 94.11 .146.52 2200 83.71 94.62 129.41 201.46 2500 95.12 107.52 147.05 228.93 ' Above payments Include principal Ind Interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not include the costof lileinsuranco, HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street-.Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) A.Fic about our eveninz'hours AL AI BA LEY CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied An Excellent Crop for Early Cash BEAN SEED: Excellent Quality Ontario and Michigan Seed Beans. Your choice of Seaway, and Sanilac. Limited amounts of Saginaw and Michelite '62. High Germination on all Seed. • Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices. DROP IN NOW FOR YOUR SPRING SEED AND FERTILIZER NEEDS We aim to be of service to You. Phone 262-2714 Collect BEAN CONTRACTS A visit from one of the district nurses of the Ontario Seciety;'or Crippled of a crippled child. The Society nurses will make more than 1S,000 home Use The Plirk rIvelope and Cheque Form Children is a very important occasion in the life visits this year thanks to Easter Seals, and Send Your Donation o: D. W. CORNISH, -90 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. CLINTON LIONS CLUB EASTER SEAL COMMITTEE A. L. COLQUHOUN b. W. CoitmlitH t)UP ttioMPtON thairrnan 'treasurer' President Health & Welfare Health tt, Welfare Hinton Lions • Committee Oarntrilitele CIO* BUY E ST AND HELP OUR CRIPPLED CHILDREN EALS Z CANADA 1965 a P., g g s si I Clinton Lions Club Is Counting On Your. Support For Its Easter Seals Fund Drive The Easter Seals, Campaign For Funds Is One of The Major Projects Of Clinton Lions Club * a, * Every child With a. physical handicap in this province must have the eneourage- merit and the opportunity to succeed in his search for a useful and productive life- and the taster Seal cam- paign can and does make this hope possible. * The finest program of :treatment and rehabilitation for crippled children can be found right here in Ontario --and this has nril!, been pos- sible because the people of this province have faithfully supported the taster Seal campaign conducted in their communities. F * _Bay6114.;;So:put„.News, • .,Auburn .PresIlteriaO_ChtirthitOlds. Easter'Thapkbitering;Mani .,quests' OAS . The Cubs :held their regular Meeting April 5. nOting WO' important Akee.ell1P4Shment by Keene, Who -leas earte1 his .second This means Brian 114S Pleted all his' telt.5 as -reqvired by Policies, ,rules and regatta, tiOnS, and when he goes into Scouts, which will be hi the near future, he will he able to wear "The 'Leaping Wolfes' badge". To the ChbmaSter''s 1MOW- • ledge iirian is the first CO in the Bayfield area 'to meet these qualification S„ Well done Brian!' We are informed by the Cub- master that two new Chums Are to be invested .on April 19 in the persons of Robbie Pease and Peter MoVean, Also .two Cubs, Danny MeLeOcl and Kel- vin Meaner; and Cub Instructor Terry MacVicar are 'down with. the measles. Get 'well soon. We Miss your Cub smiles at our functionS. VARNA United Church Special Service The re-opening of Varna United Church was held last Sunday morning with Rev. M. Morrison in charge. The choir under the direction of Mrs, Robert Stirling rendered a suitable anthem. Miss Carol and Don Taylor sang a 'duet "Theres a Church in the Wildwood" and, MIS'S' Mil- dred Morrison sang a solo "Bless This House". . . The president of the 'United Churdh Women, Mrs. Robert Taylor, thanked' all who helped with 'the re-decorating. , ' United Church. Wonien The, Easter • Thankoffering Service was held last Sunday evening in Varna with visitors from Holmesville, Turner's, Brucefield, Bayfield and -G0-' then United Churches. Mrs. Mervyn Hayter gave the call to worship and Mrs. Char- les Reid read the Scripture les- son. Mrs. A. J. Mustard introduc- ed the speaker, Mrs. G. Bee- croft of Belgrave, who gave an inspiring address. The "Pilgrim Singers", Clin- ton, sung a number of hymns. Mrs. B. McClinchey thanked the speaker and the "Singers". Tea was served in the base- meat. Personals A Good Friday Service will be held in the United Church on Friday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig have taken over the garage from Melvin and Robert Web- ster. The teacher and pupils of SS 7 Stanley enjoyed an afternoon in a local sugar bush last week. AVBVAN ' T ^ The BaSter - ThanWrening ,Pt' the Women's is,stoPlaq §'eciety Knox. PTesDYterian Church met la the Chureih with guests from Gopie rich) Clinton, Blyth, Westteld and the other denominations in the village. The President, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson Was in charge and opened the meeting with the Pall to worshiP, devOtional period was in Charge of the Baptist Pintrell with Mrs. Belt Doran leader, Mrs, Frank Raithby read the Scripture lesson 'arid following the meditations Mrs. Raithby read 'tire prayer prepared by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, A solo, Was sting by Mrs. Gordon Chimney, The guest :speaker, Miss Lily MacArthur, Goclericb, was' in- troduced by Mrs. Wes Brad, neck. Miss MacArthur gave, an inspiring Faster anesSage en- titled, "Inasmuch". She urged her large congregation to live a life for Christ and to have compasSion on the 'hundreds Classified Ads. Bring Results Need Home Fix•up Money? Get an HFC Householder's Loan Spring is an ideal time for up the house-inside or outside. And an HFC House- holderts Loan provides money to do whatever needs doing now. Remodel, refurnish or redecorate. the interior. Re- paint or repair the exterior. You borrow confidently, repay conveniently at HFC. Ask about credit life insurance at low group rates Who are dying iwo.msp, .Of la* of food, and the .Pread At t,..te6) .1\fra, Bd Davies thatilwd Miss MaeArtlnir „for her Plea- Sage., Mrs. Gordon A. T-4.ylpr Sang' a solo., An invitation to. attend the. 'aster Thankeffering of Knox united Church, WW on April was accepted. Mrs. San , Orson thanked n11e spealcer and ail who had assisted in the Meeting, • Following the service, a reg' optkm was ,had in the Sunday :woo: room where guests were received by .Mrs- Ed Davies„. The tea table was attractively. decorated with yellow 'mums. Afternoon. tea Was, served to the Vests by the ladies of the Knox Presbyterian Church La- dies Aid., . Thanks: for the invi- tation were expressed by Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys for St. MarWs Anglican Guild, Mrs. Bert'Craig for' the Knox United • UQW; Mrs. „Robert X, Phillips for;the Auburn. Baptist Church; Mrs. • Walter Shortreed for the Blyth WMS; Mrs. Williaan Blacker for Clinton WMS; and Mrs. Charles • Smith for the Westfield, UCW.. • E. L MICKLE & SON LIMITED HENSALL ONTARIO 13-4-5-6b