HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-15, Page 7N
�, tp :ARNSTANe Lown* otoU la bele a', S
R04 40AUR "Notite. To id) ICS :41
11 ONO =nOn Clinton' Town Coundiflolds, Mor te ron Oto
'V FOA �be lote 9f t S, Th 1 -da
Hallett In` :the. nix I A -.0-11 Y
s t
'Huron, ReIll"go F A 4au ame As a s Near OAS"
I•A t A shape,- t
WA14V14V PUZM4WVA nqIIJ ra, . e to the .1�.=
.trppt, -open Xor otters, Nf,�r S, 7f;�h I '_Ed__*_'id ot tp,29%eco v4ts�p Vwn -Tii�
. . .M
44Y of
last year, CH Pat
.before the 12t $S lig In. t1hp ;Pr
a, s4rp,11449
edroQin cottage, ol
MODERN 3 b q go, April,
'0�: d th I � year r �3,1,000, lgaders, 11, gW
beaut!W Iako i pr wbi gtq t. q -ml ar:p� qvg Community
tqnt wop0d lot,X7,500,, 415, 1905. aft C f Thanks
ro o Incrogse, i t.b,,e towAls, �.a.4�
gswtrs will be dift 'Clir�eqt 4,0 tQ
�but VVII
tri regWd Q�I, Yr to th Ma thW, or UP, W#Ot SlMer4t 'of helpe must: take
si f flo wL d to.
. erp,
1q, iden 'Ot spa
tage, 3- re -Qwds: and tr e., Mcog
ea ni
�U, sept to T4 Z ght get th
1'4,e increase #1 the Hurm and enth,*,
P �4411
bath, large livin om, AerA ;Lt 'Tt; inilIg pAd the CQ44 Y ate f��M 1$.-75 to,15.44 a'AP, w#h. oagJy plqn an
g rothen t r
oc wblilo 4 p4,qeut Jo :Clint
PiTW. 'poC4,Q on, ao%, #aJ ratp Ills"
r10 to Dr, con�neltial �10te, 0 os,,sentla
,#c4p4, garlaq opa
Dated a thanks 's, MARK-
Bl�.:PAQO and staff, fri ".6
Ig delM.
0. The flaamo c head Th oP v tber:
3 vip age, oMwnItte
Re p
for vises; V -Lean
, , X4( r winter � time
pan a
ri-y4tp submiW9T% b mqnIty plan b4gge
rep4eway, 65. crease w4a VW of the� general
washro )rp,$, 14 fro;qt, 91 ;S1 and the' C%nton 90vernineat Pointpitte-q. -of evo-uts", he "Let us - ae-
WH MiDEN, 15b
ostimp)tP4 rose from,$18,_
,,,,Sollicitor For the said Estate. $couts- 'Collect rts, YelQP ';44ng f'0s%:ValS,r m
$21,Q00, festjr4ties more
4b 0 7
T'OTS Fm, SALE, ON, wrany thanlv.s for flow�rs, S1 0 linportant, And lets have lm�
gifts Public § rates rose 'from,
a Car 'Sen Me chool
1prdved and anded fg.1i faim,
while. a patient in OlIntp1i Hos- inills* for commorow rate-
n�rr Redl., ESfafe
Notice- Tw Creditors pl!W, Opecial t1i'aWns to Dr. pay, 'to 22,,t
'S and sports oveal,, water shows,
ADAMPLOW RS Let Ur. have baAd cQnCert$ and
in the::Estate of WILLIAM )r, Addison, n4rses and for regidential, ratepayers
PHONE 04, ---,A3AYFI ELP. WESLEY VPDPKN�Iato of t staff on first floor,MAR,11-�, In Ap'ole Sales 2Q"5rQ",Tb 'a fou� IiInpressive Arts wid drafts ft -
be. is Was due to
CORER. BOX 41, SAYFirmi-P Township of Hollett in the. -at Clitithn Public s� 5t of other eveots
The 14 Cubs wbich pqrticl- rann addition h hand a hq.
1513. County of Huron, Deppased 0 e 1011y you will want to, coutinue
er n
NO" persons having :claims Many thanks 'for the 'Car(JS, P'It'pd Ina "going Up.
;. r 141gh whool rates CIM events,"
s, treats and gifts while In to Scout$ on Febru � pped as annual e
against the Estate ofth& above- visit ary� U were , M
milks -for 'COMMeraW any Material ple, available
REAL EST -ATE, named, who died on the 18th South 1juron Rospital'a4d, since o0i0ially 'Invested into the from 19,80 r
d4 yof lvlarch� A,D. 1965 are returning home. Special thanks First Clinton. Scout to 17 and from 1-7,8R for' free -& obarge� from the Depapt,
hospital Troop Oil r resi,
MANT90, required to file full parO�Iulars tO Dr. QQddard ppd the dential to 15.3., While operatin. niton' of Tourism ancl, Develop -
Monday night. , g,
)313 apd, t
baby :�b ment, to gid comrnum
ere e Control �Hurqn. Se0ond , fy cam of with the undciisigne4 911 Staff,—KATHY. LO to this d, ards en
11% thTh �nvestfture w.%,hOd -at c9sltsat A Cowle of Gu M
dern brick 2 or or,b0forethe 19,th clay of A RAMY. eir r n1l tees on
meeting PI-ACe an ATY'Schaol have risen sIncf� last
li,f�r -ace. -
3 bedroomWA1VTEla'ho epl ;A D. -1965, a, P%e' eall, the rate Senior •pitizens, were listed as
.miter wliioh date tWO .Munch. y wa!s -lowered be- Jobfiny Wayne and Frank Shuster get in the
Cash,deal. Pr 482--pi8i. assets Will be distributed, hav- 'We Wish to expreW. our sln� aged gran% and r a SQMe of •-the most valuable -mood for their fortheomin,
14,15p Ing regard only to the claims'of care thanks to those w_hp-'sen On Saturday over 40 Cubs cause of inarec g visit to Britain, and
., t :1964 su�"Plus of $4270, Bolth source,% a dotalled information
which the undersigned shall f6 and Scouts paraelpated in the it looks as if Johnny has'A r1fi that shoots around
oar&, gifts and flowers. and about the -earlier years in each e
all those Who wished u-5 well on f spring apple blic and-separuteschoo.
tl . Wes drive N o0qimiunity, but' v suggestion& corners.The two stars of CBC television have
rien, have notive, first =0�
SERVICES Dated.'at Clinton, , Ontario, the occasion of our Go - ht ar-- the 0, 11 1
Iden, Wed. ever held in 011 on. to from; 'the younger folks -and, es- signed to do two programs for BBC -TV,, This
t1us 29th: .44, of March,* A.D, din .n o April 7. Over $170 wars 0
g Am ary n 'ril realized pealally'ahildren. were deemed SU er, they will be artistic directors, together
ELECTROLUX 19651. and. MRS. GEORM, *the boV,%r -by local people in the ,Summer,
Canada Ltd, bo, be necessary. Total plans, -he Chariotteto;wn
Riley;1E. S. MENZIES, 15b apple- sales, drive. with Mavor Moore, of tFestival.
Sales & Service. r Alvin BAYLEY.
524-65VIe 1% LlilLthouse St.,, Clinton, Ontario, The apple. sales was co of HUM] County said -the. panel participants at
Goderl6h. ,$.17ptfb S'0lIcitQr for the said Estate. I wish, to express, my grati- atod by John Anstett of tjer Godmilch, should be geared to Superior Propane In terins, o;f U.S. currency -the
13,14,15b -rietids pe of all agos, back-
tud grom nationta
e � to the many who Clinton Scout Group Committi6e erest.s. 1963 W product per cap -
so kindly rewer Farming Report grounds, w -id cu)turial "Int Sales Apo'GWMeffl' ita in as $3,090 for the
nbered me with and Scoutziiastft Lew Lud!DW.
LAWN, RO LU N 1 cleari n' cj lovely cards, letters, 'treats and The, convaittee was especially (13y dD.,11. Miles, agricult- Khris George, an authority on United States, �W,263 for Can -
V'! visits vobi was -'a. patient in
Clinton Nos�htaj. It Was t ural representative . for the tour6st industry in Ontario,
4 the, help given by ada, $2,045 for Sweden, $2,010
HEAR- AUCTION SALE , 1. said increased numb,ers of tour. for Switzerland, $1,'700 for Den-
deeply appreciated and will fathem. who .�Isslsted In, super- 111117011)
-,CO3 ON and use of. their cars.
The weekend rain .and fists could be,e'xpected in, this in -wk, $1,671 for France, $1,641
NSTkU Clearing auction sale of fa
never be forgotten. bMS- vising
.15x e; natures: a province d u r i n g Centennial for West Germany, $1,606 for
stock and w"I Most of, the apple, day funds war 'temp, r t h ve ,.g, r
16 1 Y at lot 16 Year,
P H 0 ME 52� Coll Tue cor" BERT ALLEN, -op, the grass a
two,, L-4-75. will be used tor supplies and greened "Thw. will come and look and Luxemb and $1,564 Eos
•11,11es east t
-or the S�cgut and little, -rmers are busy BKtadn,
'1011� on Notice To Creditoft equipmentCu am Pa ' , ether
W.Y, - or, look," he . advised. -Wb
tun' up inachin,
Estate of HORACE derjr�,g r seed supplies and they come back again and a- ROB)WSON 0RUSOE ISLANID
'S IGN At I P.110. gati in the future, will largely
April 1 9th In the
getting coarse grains clean -
WILLIAM BALSON, alte of Card of Thanks
OF THE� ri�.ias_) of depead on. whether or not they Tobago, the "Robinson ("rusoe
0 Trucks, Cattle: 34,olst�ln cow 9 years the TownClinton the ed and treated. Most lives -
ere th to each and st TolAnd" is 20 miles northeast of
Count of Huron, Deceased. site anlis like what they see, and how
In caw e 8 00%
0 "00w,cards" who remembered me mm will have a.sur- �hey are -treated. And while Ti-Iniaad,' of which it has 'been
10 Highway pulfe, al fresh; ack cow 6 years A.11 person having claims everyone plus of rbughage, but much
tin,s,. Etc. duriing , my a part since 1898, the year Win -
the Estate of theabove- so kindly Onta*o does boast the basic
'REG. *SMIT,", `11-i'll, .."':
01- lack, cow 4 years old, again-sL e 25th stay in CNnton, Hospital. Ag., oif it might sti4 be needed tbuVist attractions, scen- idad and Tobago, now an Inde-
•ey heifer 2 ears named, who died on tb
East St. ;48249793 A hai-4 pendent nation, was organized
old; wlf-, day of March, A.D. 1965, re 'L special t cs to the nursing if tempera�tures reinain be.-- ery, lakes, splendid vistas
15bre lured to :Me full particulars iy, length *1 ..............
st0f and Dr, Newland�-NRS. low normal for ar:::»:;::::.:::
'PigS1 37 r chunk$. the key is its people and theas a colony with joint council
on W., E, PERDUE.
-85 Ferguson thereof with the undirsigned of time,
Machinery: 20 effort they expend." and governor.
clelaring, heat homrer-,' Ferguson or 'betore.,the 1st day of May,
tractor) A.D.' 1965, after which daie the Centennial, Projects Discussed
inanure. loader; Massey Harris
AUCTION SALE assets will be -distributed, hav- Distniot C&itennial Projects"
30 tractor with heat houser;
Wg• regard only to the claims representative, 3, R. Croden,
Of Farm'Stock, Machinery and Ferguson 3 point 7 -ft. tractor
Household E of, which the undersigned shall Attend Your'• Church pin& -hitting-& for Joe. A1194re,
.tfeqts, at lot -135, dftw�; Fergiismi. 3 -furrow - M . -ice. I EDDID0
m� then shave not reported that to date, 160 cen-
1. 101, Hullett Twp., ZI/ Iles plow; Ferguson cultivator; lylas-
-cor Daited at Clinton; Ontario,
-west of, Londesboro - on sWHarris 9 it.. power take off tennial grants had been ap-
sw9ther, International fertilizer this 13th day of, April, A.D.. proved in Ontario.
Tues.& �il 26 1965. This Sunday He said the most acceptable
t 1% OA 15 -run power drill; 3 section, E. S. MENZIES,
P!m hanrowg 3 -point Alfred J. Sqhnndldt joins the
I r. Ford drag, 'I peajects: are recreational in na- "force of
Clinton, Ontario, Stratford, area sales f
Cattle -4 Durham and Here-
htch; 3 section set Caw- drag. Solicitor for the said Estate. ture, although other avenues in
supposed to e in I Superior Propane Li -nu it
-ford cows', su b harrows; Case culd packer- A
Ute field of the arts and culture
calf; 2 DiIrharn heifers, 2 , yrs. Geor&r White 2-wdieel tractor wasannounced recently. He re -
4d; 2 spreader; Iltz grain grinder are given favourable considera- . 11'
Hereford heifers, 1 -yr. and AUCTION SALE iial boar turns, to the Company from
o1d; 2 Durham. steers, I yr� old. belt; bean 'puller; Case 4 -bar FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH don by the centeau d
Of Farm Implements, Poultry years in business for himself.
Machinery, Missey-Harris side r.rke; rubber tired wagon, Equipment and some Household (Baptist Federation of Canada) Examples sited were leisure Mr. Schmidt Is a board member
'30 tractor; 2 furrow plow; 3- grain box and rack.; 20 ft. grain Pastor., Craig Peters, S.A. hour facilities like parks, cam- oo
elevator; rubber tired wheel Furniture r will: ,be held for inunity centres and arenas or of the Christian BuMness Men!
-section spring tooth drags; 4-. Sunday, April 18
seeddh diamond harrows; seed barrow; 2 -,wheel trailer; 3 see- Henry E. Watkins, Lots 8 and 10:15 a,ffi.---Sunday School statues, pamAgs and, musicaq Committee and vice -pre Of
rOWSr; nAlkingTwp,, 2Y2 St. Phillips Lutheran Church e
d1lill, George White manure tion I'Mr Universal 9, Con. 6, Goderich T 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship compositions which could be oot7c�
spreader; George
ft. moWerl, dump-madhine, 2 hanging paills and miles south of �Goderich, 1/1
spr mile off highway 8, on 7,30 pari. Study Hour classified as 'objet d'art',ail in Kitchener. AcdvA an
rake; Massey-Elarris binder; piping for 16 cows; set Stewart Thurs., April 15-8:00=00mmunion Service at RCAF local affEdrs, he is a well-known
f6rni wagon; .2,000 1b. scales; -cattle clippers; 5 inch tile; col- Saturday April 24 Protestant Chapel He said county council could figure throughout •the commun-
scuffler; fanning mill- 2 -Wheel ony house; electric brooder; at 1,30 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME apply for.any grants left un- ASK� fOR
touched by municipalities with- �ty-
trailer -and racks;, 8 hags fetal- electric' fencer; 2 electric hat
lizer, lumber r planks; forks,, water pails; steel pig, trough 2 Implements Include: Ford in 'their jurisdiction and used * ypu!
shovels; quantity tools; eledtric steel water troughs; 2 steel pig tractor and plough; tractor for a pro ect at the county Estimated revenues of can -
fencer; woven -wire stretcher; feeders; grain, hay- straw; chains; Massey Ferguson' 24 Onfario Street Unifed Church level,
double block and clamps; Bron forks;: choins; shovels' plate 3 -point hitch disc brand '"IM YMENDLY CHURCW' adlan universities iuid colleges
posts; 240 lb. scales, Other articles too numerous new; harrows; Ford cultivator; . Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, 'S.A. A-11 applications for centen- the 1063-64 academic year
Hay and Grain—Alfalfa .seed; to, mention. Deaxbdrn. 6 ft. power mower; Sunday, April, 18 nial grants must be completed In ni
1,000 bus. mixed grain; quanti-, Na reserve Farm sold Dearborn side rake, power and, in before August 5, 1965. totalled $294 million, -of which 0 INVITATIONS
ty baled and loose bay'. Terins Cash driven; George White 32, ft. 9,;45 a.m.;--Sunday School A picture •cr architects drawing ten provid-
elevator, electric motor-, Mas- 11:00 aim: Easter Service. Music by Junior should accompany the applica- provincial governments evc), ANNOUNCEMENTS
Household Effects—Dulcimer Prop. -ROSS M(VXCHOL ed $117 million, die federal gov-
-piano; 6 octive -mahogany org- Auctioneer — 11MROLD SACIt- sey Ferguson forage chopper and Senior Choirs. tion so the centennial board C? ACCESSORIES
an; kitchen chairs. SOX,'or pasture clipper, 2 years old; TURNERr$ can more readily visualize the ernment $60 million, fees $75
Other articles too rubber tired wagon I and rack; 2:00 p.m.—Easter Service Clinton News -Record
0 nuioerous Clerk — GEbRGE, POWELL, proposed scheme. million, other sources $41 nul-
'on. M� -15b, snow blower; grain auger; man. 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
to menti Non. 56 Albert St. 482-3443
ure spreader; McCulloch chain
Terms � Cash saw., bench saw., fence wire -
%No reserve, zarm sold.
wqad 01%J
. Proprietor, Albert Eno
Auctioneer, Harold' Jackson
Clerk, George Powell
Of Farm Stock and 1%
for Kenneth Trewar
way between Goderich
ton on No. 8 Highway
Wednesday, Apt
at 1:40 Pm,
Clearing Auction Sale of Farm
Mitchinery and Household, Ef-
Cattle- Holstein co,
old, milking; HoNteh
fects, Lot 39, Con..2,.Wawanosh
yrs. old, fresh I month
Twp., - on
heifer, 3 yr8. old, due
Holstein cow, 4 yrs. i
Wedrnesday, April 2'l
I month,, Holstein cc
at 1:00 p.m.
luld, milking, 2 I-tols
:Implements., 1950 Ford traC-
ars, 2 yrs. old, due
iAiolsftein cow, 5 yrs.
tor; 2 furrow plough; cula.
valor; disc; barrows, weigh
in May; Holstein heif
scales-, wagon box; fanning mill
old, in liking and reb
cow, 7 yrs. old,
with inotor; 32' extension lad -stein
ay car, pulleys and
der; hf4Drk, PUlI
of sale, 2 Holstein
rope, wallting plough; 'seed
drill; side rake; chicken brood-
yra, old, fresh in 2
Holstein cow 5 yrs,' o
e , milk strainer; trailer.
June*, Holstein cow; 5r, intlking and, rebredi
Hens -160 year-old hens.
'Wain—a qUahtity of oats.
eow, 5 yrg, old, fresh
f=urniture -- tables;- chairs;
tegister�d Holstein, cc
Milking and due In Au
kitchen cupboard -f 2 3 -pc. bed-
TY -1 "I t _, !
suites, iron bed springs
Lattress" "wooden bed, SP:
tand mattress.; 3 congo
L*ugs 73/2'k9', ' 9'x
irptt 2 A&Wr%ter- Tugs
IY2' 'and IDIX131V; piano,
0= r3 U LtCo i
milking and vebred;
Holstbin cow, milking
in October; 3 tegistA
stein heifers, one 2
2 registered Holstein
and 5 months c
stein helfers, DiSing 2
6 steers, Herdf�br , a'
vd Dolled
6m and disheg-, Quebec heater, 9�rrMrd 1) a'_)?i'
Prdhteag Pat range; quiitin�', month to 8 months of
ffttries; other attleles to num-Nlachidery;'Case
emus to mention --some anti- line tpacWr, with JI
ques. takeoff, hydraulic s
No rdorVe, tArin sold, yrs. old),, Case 'noun
Teems � Cash row plow (4 Yrs. 0
Proprietress, Mrs. Ella daft0 niounted 7 ft, mowe
Aubt[Oheerp dborde Nesbitt season; Massey -1441
15b side tike; McCormic'
7 ft, binder, garde
AUCTION SALt with new H -P mote:;