HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-15, Page 6!PR PRO
. . . . . . . . . . .
n,�q main 44t vene.-
Ph 2-7677 or 4�12
Build ng Lot$ b twelyp, Y414r low hQusell all on
IOU am floor-, close ta the Pow
� SM,
. . . . . . . . . . - J -SM. T, 2 S01101, Oil fomed 41r fumap,-,
Apply, 0 00b bqtl), 4-PlMter W411$,
o treet, mUSt �'be said,
probe S:
best offor. Po,.s�6WO4 41E�Y. '31. lot �741 by. 1 1, rrh
.6 _Js h.4
Pop 6�,Clintpn News-Re;91044.ir�I, April 1-5, IR65
Ru agents. Reply befor0 Aqvil a fiol.
shed re
p ;room,
0QQ 010 ft, phople 482169 30 0 Mrs, Graco. WightTnan, 42 n
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATIPM 9,pieve DiNiNc, Room SUITE, RBXQDELLINQ;, re'ripytitions, the basement, Owner il�% movin
Brin'Rosults Courtland Ale,, Kitchener, Ont- g
�n cor4itian, Mrs afing 4na fig 16 -:LTD And oa
, or jqylyg, o
n rp *Vqrt- ario. 14-15p, ,n, give eatly possession.
Mely! 'Job,$
268. , All odd -Aroun
''Phone 48 1 23 `yW honle, Kitchen c )a F10,13, OALE�-11/2 storey,4-.bed, Vleamcal repair businw,
SMALL Fumlshed Apartment. I be0qqm uptQwn 4partmept. a s gal up ' d5
p I- tym #46n'e 4V 6A. e onal �.414�3 -00�ote, with fully eqw
E . QT K CN 23tfb e 9 shop, on this pr r is, a �6'
All utillitles, paid, Av:ai!4l@.nqw. 1, 11 _ 4$�,6$94_
onq en
TA13L P ATOES' XTION on, e,, Mon,, frome. ljouse W011, a . be
Phonp 482-933�, 5#4 begi: py the quarter, 11 ducks, ATTE ga,
5 bedroom gooc r bite% n oses he.,
4 mj_57 oil e 4.82- 12, e_ roorns. Owner has to Sell for
41'xlQ' TRAILER. fo, house. Possession May 1, Apply PAO .82 41 � . health reasons,, Owner would
� a. - r �entF 31 Mill St., Clintom 15-P 'm b I
ly furnishe App�ly Be �eV;
Tra.Uer Court, a -use, 11tfb- WANTED Pr
�,t *ho -prer to sell as a 9�
66s, complete wirth
3 BEDROOM brick house, 3 -piece bath, modern kitchen, sales Service, . . . . . . . year old) tbrq(.� be
Ind _Oro,om� brick
built in cupboards-, bathro Repairs,hoses
storage room, gas beat, vn,fgr- and bag$ for all home, Many extras. including
-en !A my own 'FOR SALE FOR SALE =-acre fam-for sale in Cod,
fuVnace, Ph45ne 182-7572.' PITU' nished, Phone 482 9649. ' 'lp.tf-b makes. of vacuum �clpgners ar one or two. childi. flre�ftce and aluminum. aw-A�
L(I home, da0y -or weekly. Phone ings - shady ewid"ToWnship, )Qrg* L-�haped
Polishers. RecQqditioned macn- Situated orta,li&ge
��T=N tly APARTMENT furnishe or un- ines of,all rn %es; far' le, , _ y, 7 school,
AI?A), , d sa a 482-7257, 15b
T for rent, recon. 66 -BALES chodee ha K -IING Duck egt�s, �oe lot close to churr -
. urray HATCT barn,
4-82-7413. -9808. 15-16b stores kmd beach. Selling below & 6.5' by 40' and 501 by 35114
redecorated,. unfurnished.. 136. furnished, beated, L, G. Wint- BOB PECK, Varna BABYSITTING 13-4 TIIE DAY East u5p 4$2 room holise vidtb"4be,drooms;
Huron St, Clinton, Phone 482- er, 200 High $treet phone 4�82- Phone I-lensall: 2702-5350 or week, Monday to - Friday cost. Possosslon1n July, Apply owner would consader taking
ad W, A, Redd,
7702, 1$p44tfb 66�2. 39tfb my own borne 11i town DSF0OT !I�ref 4MI'Ore .1000 BALES HAY, alf4lfh a 13 Quebec Rd., baelc Ma r
P-hoAe rtgage and Would prefe
EiXICTROT-10= A Z 0 482, vealety. 5 miles. eas to am let wi
t. of Clin
. t=, timotby, Phoiie Hens4ft 262� RCAF Station a
S -ROOM APARTMENT, fun now available at T, A, Dutton 7329, 1-17b Frank Pbwl- So r phone 482� gall c p . e .. Rh lalicl,
er, RR 2, Vior 15b 717-8. ck. and 1 e
1. 5000
now, located Api -one 482-3377. 14,'15b buildings, sto 1001 _,raents
nifshed, available I �Ilances, Brucefield. Ph
130 King Strpet-Ph.one Seaforth evenangs tal 9,00. —.11 1 IQ() Acres in Blyth, area, con- 1% - STOREY, 4 -bedroom
ACCOMMODATION �2,tN HELP WANTED 9�room house wft possible 5
tact Gordon Dale, RR 4, Clin- dwelling With
527-0504. 35tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE living warn, dbi� bedroo=, 3-plepe
- WANTED NEW TRAILERS for g I . '106. bath, oil f-ur-
We 1 FEMALE �on, Phom 482-9, 15b lln'gzoom,den -and Idtdhen Willi nace. This, Property At one time
PURNISHED, electric b6a all.siz", For.show we have a electric stove iand rc�Mgemtor;
ted 25 PIGS, 7 weeks old, Apply was, owner occupied' and rented
and, newly decotAted; also un. WANTED to rent 2-3 bedroom 52'xl2' and -a 50'xl0l-- aslo 13' MACHINE C st - 'Scott 0141f, $eaforth. 15b YELLOW, bilasoom sweet clover 3 -pe, buth, gas -furnace, a-lumm- a three- I room apartment. Catild
furnishedi 2 bedroom. I )PERATORS, Oa
?hone house trailer and' A truck, seed $7.,00 per bushel, Jobn u6im. gtmims and s. e , good
in Clinton, adult�;. Box Holiday s cr ens, ,
dy employment, p1ev,,=,t work- StIR have an' apartment rented
482-9928, Roy Tyndall. , Stfb number 1-30, Clin. News- camper. Used trailers, 41'40% Oatr* VaTna,. Phone 482-9185. location. Price $10,500, pd&t
ton, condtions'. Full range of Some BEEF COWS and their in the house. Built-in cupboards
411x8l 201x421, Apply Becker's fringe benelits. Apply ]Mghl=d calves:.Also some Holstein bed- 15,b gage 'ZwAdlable.
VANDAMNE APA.P.TMENT$- X�tfb in two. kitchens, Owner would
furnis 6 hed or unfurni&ed seco�ad RIr,1-I SCHOOL TEA R Ta- Tmil�r Court,at h�use Shoes, Seaforth, Ontario. 14.� 15b fers. Phone 482-33.06, 14, 15b 1 -ton C!REV TRUCK 7x9 plat- cpnstdpr trading on small farm
I STOREY 3 bedroom brick
f1bor apartments, beated,, price quires 2,3 bedroorn house to NEW PIANOS qrm, good, motor and very veneer ranch built ..in the ainton area,,
EKALB Ready to lay pull ' style, , in
good tires 700X17. Don Buoh- 1959, Large living room With
$680 and, $65 permonth. 15t2b, jent, occupy June, Tuly,. Au- Many Makes and models HSLP WANTED call McKinley's Farrr� andHat- anan. Phone 527-0987. 15P notu'ral ftepl, d! Two,bedroom bungalow close
gust or September first. Write New Electrohome Organs' eheries Ltd., Zurich one ace; ning aTea, to, uptown, 8 years old, lot 82'-
COTrAGE in Bayfleld, furnish DvE. Hamilton, New Liskeard, A city stock in a quiet place MALE Hensall 335. modem kitchen, 4 -pe. bath;
ed, 3 bedrooms, oil )ie4ted, av- Ontario. 14-16P where,we can save you ni- Ele&tr1c,DN LAVAL cream sop- modern recre&�Ion rpom in base- x 132', tile floors throughout
With exceptionof wvZ to wall
allable , Immediately. Phone 8 PUREBRED Shortliom cows Vator, stainless steel parts, nient, oil heating; �attacbed gar- 6n. li� room and dInette
and headaches too. Visit our IVIARRIE�D KAN to laak after WAllarn Gibbings, Phone 482- age; 'patio at rear pf rug iving
4 . 82-7057, 10tfb showrooms and see for yourself. brcd-ler barn. Apply alter April I Purebred Hereford and 1 Char house -
ARTICLES FOR SALE, Trade-ins accepted with liberal 12, Phone 524-9934 or 5244702 Olaise-Shorthom 'cross, bred 9935, 15-16P property is landscaped; area. OR hot air furnace, lauti-
3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- - allowance. after, 7. '14, 1*b Hereford and close to freshen- - lot dr'y rawn, 3rpiece bath. Heated
ment, n6*1y �decorated; forced COAL. riU 82' x1$0'; excellent location,
RNACE, with stol=, GARNET E, FARR;ER ing. Gordon Elliott,*Brucelield. I XORN DD4 ERE AR tractor; sunroom, or den. Owner would
gas heated. Apky 482� 6610 a, quantit of n-dxed Keystone MIOT�gage Canbe arranged. consider giving back a mortgage
in good workin�K ordEq;, Conver- Piano & Organ Sales service MAN to DRIVE local TAXI, Phone 482-7165. 15b _7
or 227 Huron St, 7tfb I ting i6 oil. Phc&& 482-9512, 15p Whiteohurc must be over 25 and have chauf- Barley, Garry oatis and Wheat, -I STOREY, 3 bedroom dwel. to a prospective buyer with a
- - 1. 1 1 11, uitilble foi- seed, Apply Harola am steady income, This house has
.1959 N4,U1 Qqlckl� small mot- Phone 357-2068 Wingharn feur's lIcense,fvll or part-time. DAIRY cows and heifers, spring s ling 4 -pe, bath; living ro.
orcycle, in good condition. Doug 12-21p Phone 482-726a. 1 bl) ers and milkers; We have on Yea, RR 3 Clinton - , 'h brick fireplace and a very
4 BEDROOM HOME on No. 4 "-:'rlb �Wiil dining area; hardwood
Highway, I mile noith,of Hen- band'at all times a good select- MASSEY FERGUSON 65 Die,, flows; modern kitchen; air modern kitchen',
sall, New oil furnace, modern Morgant 60 Walker Street, Clin- Stop wishing for money. Come !on of heifers and.mature cows. sel Tractor W.Orked, 870 hours, conditioned; full basentimt witb $6,000 -Storey and a half; insul-
conveniences. Available I May I ton. Phone 482-9611. , 15-i6p Besf Variefies of, and earn it by giving Rawleigh Convenient terms arranged. Could be bought �with loader, recreation room and bar., 2 -pe, brick house, 2 blocks from up -
_&L flig. and r ette, dis- "The Holne of Better Dairy cash or terms av
Apply J. C. Swillie. 262-51,fi, ASTF Service right here in good -ab' bath; also laundry'room. Addi- town, lot 70 x 132, 3 -piece
Kew, all. 14, 1-5, 10p. calrod elements,- sultartmleg for LAWN FERTHZER triot close to Cl n . bath,
inton. Best of- Cows". George Nesbitt, Phone Mark U,l a' le.,,A&�,,� tional room 20'x24' suitable for de living room and kitchen -
ch, 106,. King St
it-�; kind. If you'll,work, we will 523-9439, Blyth. We deliver. 9tfb ton. 15P office or store, Heating, gas d;;�n, with 3 bedrooms up; own -
I BEDROOM APARTME4 NT fdr cottage or recreation room. IN STOCK help you. Write Rawledgh, Dept. hot air. 2 -car car port attach -
rent, furnished or unfurnisbed,. Phone 4824540, 15b Spreader Loane-d Frep D-169-814, 4005 Ridlielleu St., CEDAR posts for We, peeled ed. Lot 821x140% Excellent con- er is anxious to sell and would
newly re-decar. S enr;�, Montreal. 15b SERVICES give immediate possession.
-ated- Private en- USED House Trailer 10'x37', WITH PURCHASES H with 6,71' and 541 6tops$ 12 ft. dition, Mortgage 'can be ar-
triance. 73 East St. Ph -one 482- 3. year old. Phone 524-7485. 15b 6y braces, anchor posts, steel posts ranged, Storey and a half, 9 -room
9868.6venings or weekend. 14tfb Due to advapee in our organIz DR. M. W. RAITH 6 ft. -and 7 ft. lengths, barb Wire . hau§e, close to uptown, 2 bath-
WRINGE, R WASHE R for tale- He F. Wettlaufer ation, we have an opening for all weights. I(Inhurn. Store, I STORE, Y, red brick, 3 bed- .1 basement. This was
'IDEAL LOCATION near Jake, $35 Phone 482-7639. 16b an aggressive young man with B.S.A,, D.V,M., V,S. Borden Prawn, Phone 527-1387. room dweRling,living room with rooms ful
!ewt n h I , , Mill or without previous sales ex- fireplace, full dinm�g form;ky occupied by the owner
t Feed, VETERINARY SURGEON 15 -x6 -7-8-9b natural and-rentedtwo separate apart -
am u' b 0 SMALL PONY, 3 years, old; perlence.Nust be neat appear- room, large -modem kitchenj 3-
b -tiller- 9 -pe MARY STREET Large and Small Ahinials rnents. Owner is -transferred and
t 'or
110 t
's Ing and willing to work some NeW and different mastitis pe. bath hardwood floors ver -
110 er, e nearly new Roto 15b
1A �1 n re sp riv�t - ;;�e 482 . Boarding woul, d sell.noW, but would pre
entra2cueb all a onable. dhftg room suile. �Ph evenings. Lea& furxftbed, a treatment — ANTI -MAST 17 anidah, �ull �aionienit, stoker fer to give possession the en�
Phone Goderich524-7943. 14-16p_9154. 15b bove average income. An equal Phone 524-8573 Goderich, Ont. MASTITIS LIQUID.' This now feed hot -air furnace. House in of June,
)ortunity for advancement. :L3 -18b formula reduces swelling as good condition, Lot, approx. 125'
x 150'. Garage. Excellent loca-
TWO BEDROOT�i apartrrient, CEDAR fencLe b�maEres ARTICLES WAUTE Apply forappointment by letter )mbatting the masti
unfurnished, cenTrkily located end posts, po 't n wo-u 4se' K. W. COL(WHOW4
to Singer Co. of Canada Gode- DEAD ANIMAL orgamisnis./Effective against 17 tion.
yle roTit , :r3d'
private parking, ample star. Holmesville, Phone Clint :1482- USED STROLLER in good'con- rich, or phone 524-8431. 15-16b maotitig. causing organis 3
age closets. I�hune 4,82-7661. 7231. 15-16P dition. Phofie 482-9206, 15-b RFMOVAL stact. re- Office: 14 Isaac St., Clinton
16p-tfb f7,ibes -- $2,50. Satf He C. LAWSON
1964 GE AUTOMATIC Washer REED organ in good working R For DEAD or DISABLED sults: or your money back. A- Phones
FARM HOUSE divided into two with suds saver; 4 bumer elec- condition. Chris Guetter, Phone ANIMALS — Call Collect vallable at Edwards' Pharmacy, nEAL ESTATE - msu]RANcf! liusinless 182-97-17
separate self-contained 2 -bed- tria stove; davenport and chair; 482-9257. 14, 15b DOG CATCPHE Clinton. 15,b Phone 482-9641 15b Residence 482-7804 15b
room apartments; 2 miles south book case; gardea, tools., Best DARLING earn , Separators.
of Bayfield On -Highway 21. offer. Apply 81 Mill St. , Cbn_ Applications will be Te- VIKING Cr
Apply Melvin Greer, RR 3, ton. ce�lved by the under- Viking Milkers, purnpand two
15P AUTOS FOR, SALE Company units, installed , for $498.00
Bayfield. 7tfb A:igned until Friday, Of Canada Limited Basil O'Rourkej Brucefield: N
FOR RENT 2 self PONTOON Boat Deck 14'x7, 1959 FORD 1/2 TON Pick-up April 23, 1965, for a Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 phone 482-9131. 5tol7p LARGE BANKRUPT AUCTIO'
contained equipped with wheels for tmn-
furnisilied apartments at 15 Mill sportation and 35 h.p, Mercury truck in very good condition. dog ' catcher for the Licenoe 350-,C-65
St. Clinton. Available May Ist outboard with contVoll. Priced Phone Bayfield 77115. 14, 115b 7-tfb 1300 BALES of bay for sale. of Farm Equipment,,Feed and Sanitation Supplies,
and June Ist. Phone Mrs. W. N. for quick, sale. Phone 482-9979 :L95r" BUICK Town of Clinton Also. Aberdeen Angus bulls — 13 Office Supplies,* Property and Buildings of the
SPECIAL VS aut- months old. Stewart Middleton,
Watters, 5�4-7270. 13ti-b or apply at Vikrna Garage. 15p omatic, good condition. Phone RR 3 Clinton. Phone .482-7525. Clinton Form Supply, Clinton, Ontario
482-7613. 1.5-17b JORN LIVERMORE, 4,' 151)
TWO BEDROOM apartment CHROME Kitchen Set, com- I Town Clerk. 13, 1 on Wednesday, April 21
unfurnished or furrdshed gas Plete ;$15.00; Electrahome, hum- 1953 METEOR, 8 cylinder, 2 15b HURON COUNTYS LEADING
helated self-contained, �x2 cen- id Mer, $20.00; electric floor p-ol- door standard shift, good trans- farm equipment depot. Over Sale to be held at -the Premises, locatid mile from Clinton
tral Geatkon, 46 Princew St. isher, $15.00; Westinkhouse, TrAx partation car, $75.00. Phone 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- on the Bayfield Road.
15tTb master, $15.00 numerous LOST
West. 'Phone 482-9005. other 526-7254. 15P leys, . bearings, bolts, spark We have received instructions from F. 0. Kime, BA, CA,
ailticles. Phofie -482-9440 after
SMALL GROUND' FLOOR ap- Monday April 19, 15p 57 FORD CONVERTIBLE, cus- LOST—Cat, male, black with plugs, plow shares; etc. in stock Trustee in Bankruptcy to sell the following . . .
artment, heated, reasonable tom radio, 4 new whitewall 2 White spots on stomadi.An- at all times. John Bach, I.H. FARM F-QUIPMENT:"2,700 Bus.Steel Granaxy; 2 Platform
-6663, after Dealdr, Phone 17, Seaforth, -Ls
rent. Call 482 of "Snooper" Portable Sprayer; 3-7 ton Steel Hopper Bh
5 P.M L . bird sale�--Travel Tralll' tires power top, VS with stan- sWers to thenarne 311fb Scales, 2. Wheel
482-9568. 49tfb ers, Tent Trailers, Tents, Boats, davd' shift, For details phone Phone 4.824882. Reward. 15b Fire Extinguisher; 1,300bus. Steel GTanary; Snow Blower; Tarp.
ors. Used -and New. COM- 5234439 after 7 p.m. 15P k; Cattle Oilers; 2'electric Fen -
HEATED APARTA0 NT suit. """'L` � prices. Camp -Out LO We are shipping cattle CEDAR FOR SALE — fence and Rack for Volkswagen True
able for couple, I bedr��, pare Oix ST—red shield approxiniat- every Monday for United Posts, end posts, brace poles, cers; Stewart Master Clappers; Hedge Clippers; 3/j, H.P. electric
llv- Rentals, Sales. Hwy. 8, Strat- E STATE, CAR -1964 Acadian ely 8 inches wide and 2-3 feet
Ing roorn, kitchen and bath 15b Consul, 8tan in on pole -barn posts and also some Motor electric Motor; Battery- Booster Cables; Hog
A�Ply McEwan'-s Store. 40d% ford. 303 -dard shift 6cyl - long, Monday evening between Co-operatives 0 1 silver birch and Oilers 11P
-5938. f t- We I ght cedar, , ac, � Unit; Wheel Barrow; 120 ft. Aluminum 4 -inch
der, black, red inter�'or, seat. Varna and Rolmesville on eaun- Nvill pick up at your form. ash suitable for windbreakersi pipe, Nelson Heated Water Bowl; Other Water Bowls; 7 sets
One BE DROOM apartments toy "L'no'u6cul�ls of gallons best belts, washers, extra wheel with ty road west of Cut Line Als,o Phone collect not later than ornaments or hedges. For fur- milk scales; Egg Baskets; Markel Heaters; I -log Feeders; Poul -
trades; Sherwin WIlliams, Can- �naw tire, 2,000 miles, show- spray nozzle. Phone 50,8037. ther' Information write Fred try and Hog Feeders and. WatereTs; Electric Brooder; Surge
rent in Bayfleld. Heated, fur- ada - Paint, Martin, - Senour, room condition. Contact Mrs. 15b Saturday night. Bell RR 2, Goder! , ch or phone Milking Parts and Accessories; Black Wire; Brace Wire; Barbed
nisbed, laundry facilities. Phone Lowe -Brothers, MeLteor, 27-1256 or SEAFORTH FARMERS 524-§011. We also have some Wire; Steel Fence Posts; Snow Fence; Farm Gates; Shovels;
$03 Bayfleld evenings or 271- C -I -L- Robert Jamieson, 5'
etc. in liquidation. 2 gallons for 482-7343. i5p CO-OPERATIVE good apples at $1.50 up. 11tfb Forks; Hoes; Spades; Rakes; 4-Indh by 204t. Auger with V4
6641 or 271-2308 Stratford, Re- gallons $24.95-45.00 t
verse charges, Ideal for RCA3 - $60() 12 527-0770 H.P. Motor; Auger Extension; Large quantities -of Baler Twine
Ca*lsh'Balanc�e C.O.D.—Order DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- and Binder Twine; Baled Straw; Many Heat Lamps; Exhaust
personnel. 14-21p to - Quebec b & Ontario Paint CUSTOM WO I sonable rat�s, McGEE'S, Gode- FRANCIS HUNT Fans. Many, many more items too numerous to mention,
Deluxe 2 bedroom, apartinent Supply, 408 Blvd. S
t. Joseph rich, Phone 524-8391. Btfb FEED SUPPLIES: Purina Dairy Chows; Beef Chow's; Hog
in Brucefield, furnished or un- East, Montreal. 15b 'CUSTO.M Lawri Rolling In ('14n, 527-1946
furniphed, Reasonalylo rent 611 LET US REPAIR AND MAXE 7tfb Chows; Sow Ration; Soy Bean Meal- Linseed 011; Linseed Meal,.
'Nv�tpd, Phone 262-5047� -i5tfb HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ton, for Infohnation Call Roy vour rings and jewellery lilze Cod Liver Oil; Bran,, Oyster Sheli; Salt; Molasses; Minoral;
Bought and Sold. MkLl Cum- Mann; White Rose Service Sta- �ew. Diamond rings renewed Warfarin; Mouse Seed; Fly Spray; Wormers; Grass Seed; Bone
tion. Phone 482-9079. -15-17p Meal; Disird-ectants, Embutox, etc.
FOUR BEDROOM I -louse m n-dngs, Aiiationeer, 60 Hamilton and stones safely secured—don't MARLATT'S
Londesboro. Phone 482-9520. St,, Gbderlch. Phone 52-1-vvv�- WILL DO custom sio"Ving OT ake chances. Expert work done LIES- Oak Desk; Smith Corona Cash Regis -
15b 14t 15, IGP grains or flax this spring. onably to your satisfactl3n, Dead Sfock Service OFFICE SUPP
Wng Cabinet$; Billing Machines;, etc.
Lyle roas ter; Metal r
i1e, phone �Vatch repairs and pearl re,
TWO BEDROOM §round floor CAI:�,E FREE; HEATING — For mantgomary� Holmesv] 1 & st , ringing. W. N. Counter Highest cash prices paid for Cljn�an COMMUnjl'y PROPERTY & BUILDINGS: Property will booffered -at 3
apartment, heated and furnish- the only fueloll insured against Clinton 482-7231, 15 �()tfb dead or disabled cows and p.m. subject to conditions of Sale and Reserve Bid. Consists of.
ed, private bath and washing explosion, we give free butnu, horses. Old horses $10 and up. 2 parcels of land: No. 1-114, acres on which is situated the
facilities. Available April 15. service., A. G. GRIGG & SON,, LEVETT'S ELECTRIC Professional floor laying of,,all Small animalsremoved free of Auction Scoles Store, Warehouse and Garage, 36 ft. by 77 ft. Nb� 2-81/., acres
Also a one bedroom heated and Phone 482-9411, � 23tfb43tfb Horne and Auto Radio Repal kinds done reasonabl�. Recent charge. Please call promptly. on which 1i tituated a Poultry Barn 46 ft. by 108 ft., and tL barn
rumishe,d' apartment with Pri- DRAp.ERV pUL-L rs diploma graduate of the Ann- Phone Collect EVERY FRIDAY 24 ft. by 64 ft. Straw shed and Hog Shelter Shed. Buildings of
RODS Motors Rewound and Repaired Marlaft Bros, � 133 Bruss6h 10
avte bath, Available now. Ph� Track curtain rods, venetian, Sales and Service strong Flooring Installation recent construction and In excellent conditf n.
- lag tme ST., CLINTON Melgaim, 5-6;L-8 -9tfb Me TeRMS- Cash on
one 482-3329� 14tfb blindo' bamboo draperies, wit! Course, Phone 482-7676 - Xen 24 HOUR SERVICE
'blindst Free estirnates 10tfb at 1:30 p. Chattels; Property, subject to terms and
dow Irwin's Dry Goods. PHONE 492-6640 conditionsto be stated We day.
More thaft 25,000 Canadians Oven, 23tt'll .13.tfb MacDONALD F R RENT GoVernhient hispetted Scales P. 0, K I ME, 13A, CA, trustee BERt-PEPPER, Auctioneer
will die from cancer this year� CLEANED
ai 2,500 OVE RAS Y1 blAitty SEPTIC TANKS ELECTRIC PASTURB FOR AtNT8 Cattle Sold *by Weight 15b
Your support of the Canadi. M%Ilelmore�ulpment used� -Shanahan, 14�� Joseph TERMS-ICAtH
In Czechoslovakia, 105 profes�, W Motoe Repairs anti Rewinding
Cancer Society campaign will sional theater companies give a. guarantL House Wiring Clinton, eftherat nbon or �_,vem- JOE C.0112;Y, Sales Manager I
Write or phone Service Calls ings, 15b
hasten the Dftd to the- ravages a total of 27,000 perforInVances a'
this diseuge. year, 2,500 of them operas, LOUIS BLAKE 492-7702 SPIRING T E
Rk 24 Brussels
Phone 4�2W6, Bt tels is
WATCU REPAIR is a job for Ferfilizet Availoble in 9o9t or gulk
expett.t, , Our work assures ur RON FTSIIER is- your new M- at Brucefield Warthoute
satisfaction. Counter's Je d1le ler Brush representative in ggll'
Huron County's Oldest Eg Godol 0 440n 'Bulk or Lolly Spreadert Avdillable CvAAT TH'AsE
blished J6wellery Strbro- 20tfb of ch T6m4ithip and in 06 6
Clinton. Ron Fisher tat, 0 gulkbelivery Soi4ite: Anhydious
Our Own Make 6f be contacted at :L65 ming st, a STEP OUT IN STYLE
6 hb ) 482�8434 before 9 a.m.
8foken or Cracked o'rP,&2eT 6 p.m, our Selectibb Of No*
bill-tetting Servit6
BUNNIES CHICKS EGGS For further Information contaott
Melvin Wabsteir, Brucauf1dild Service beo6t Anhydrous Atnihohid COATS
Ulf[ I wish to Invite all fotmeiv cus,
Wood or Alumin 9`0 - fron"
tomers, to continAle to deal with A. J. Mklisfdrdi Managet R-epreteptatilve for Spring is tht besf
lilt 1, Virnaij Ontario yet. Smartly styled
A mej Also customem, from, my Hough Brot.
I'Will oldoa, t0iioh� 499-1435
Sash Vour 'to serve you ag to Please you. Shorts,
ALI, SIZES j."Alibbit Craig Ared RepretontatiVe, RAM Tdylor k6ottlars and Talk.
REPAIREO HEt1F_ Rk t, Clinton, Ontaek, phone 489-0144 FROM
VARNA GARAOXE-ilow under t10
CREST HARDWARE new management, full 'line of &4
Sunodo products. Electric and MIX-) to $35.00
ball & Mutch Ltd AY!ehe WeOlig, tractor tires
69 AL19tilt ST., CLINTON pltke�d up at the fhain and re. CAPACITY Agr[* Nite. THERE 19 STILLTIM9 TO -BUY
Phone 482-9505 naked Onea 7 si,mi to 9 nm�
in Eboo wrbp
by $Miles Ili chuckldt
Ba, Oil f arker,
L I Will I tod
KOY to
Wo Soddlothee fil PIANO TUNINGo fhvesugate the m6tt Ecd- Lool� YoUr bett in 6iie of wr fino Ehglish
51uthdcLs Imtdflotiorig S . rOUR PTANQs'h6uld bd ldiidd h4hillal Tyo(i of _Nitr4)gdfi All Wool'Suibs. ShOrty ttylbd.
Redthip -Servlce and checked for moth damlige f6f Coriti ltu§hr b0ets, I
0606c witiftig Wid other d6febt.9 tdgUlarly, I WhIto treiiffd Priced eight leoffl $49,98" to $99445-
Appliahco Sprvice appreciate thd 4%fiffEu , pAv
Plumbihg Ihgfd11j3fJ6fjt, TIIegd of servicing 'bAr f AhhYdt6ft
Ifittfuthentsili _bbl%e� 4 OPEN TNURSDAY� A:PP.IL 15111491*00 Pik
k4�� A ""aftsAga
I = - ;A%, Imill(vu
CHUT511. Plumbing,, t
rickett & Campbe Mh
6AL'Itt a QkAVIdril, rft $AL8,, & AtNT-6 bed,: Acitit S21.00,2. Otifti'a"6"
46 KINO OAPII�Tj CL , I NTON tobfii h6096,01" udy '10 mdifit Con
PRON15. 40480 :IApply 919111 gt�, Mfifloft, i6p