HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-15, Page 5WELL WORK HARD WITH ALL OUR Mon; to KEEP COSTS DOW IF YOUR 140fir$ ► 7761ir •\. All Copper Tubing Admiral Exc lusive— Drain in bottom 5 Year Warranty 5 Year Food Protection Warning Light 3 baskets 2 Dividers Steel Liner SALE PRICE .„„.,. s2 5. elF11 111111/. EASTER STOCK -REDUCING SALE WE MUST SELL 4 'REFRIGERATORS 4 RANGES , 2 SETS OF WASHERS AND DRYERS I TV SET 2 FREEZERS 2 STANDARD WASHERS BEFORE APRIL 24, 1965 25% DISC UNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE PLUS 1 SET OF inner are "Gtiden o f heat" design With Each Range and Refrigerator During this Sale GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LIMITED CLINTON 482-9634 PLAY-OFF HOCKEY SPECIAL Pre-set Fine Tuning Lighted Channel Selector 4 Speakers 23" Imperial Model • Power Transformer keg. $475.00 SALE • $375. WITH TRADE PRICE Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper FOR YOUR Easter Outfit See our wide selection of merchandise selected from all the better lines manufactured in. Toronto and Montreal. Wools—by Wilsons Laminates-6y Posluns Rain Wear—in Plain & Reversible Styles SUITS — Wools -- Linens - Boucles DRESSES — Smart Linens -- Arnels -- Cottons HATS A large selection of Whiies and Colors HANDBAGS GLOVES SCARVES To Match All Ensembles Our complete line of dresses is now new. We have exchanged with Exeter. We Invite Your Inspection. sfireirtb CLINTON HENSALL EXETER Open Thursday Night for your Shopping Convenience •1110101.11, FIRST MORTGAG S -- Residential -- Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Farms THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST CO PANY r.STAIiLISI/ED 1889 Contact our RePregentative H. C. LAWSON- RATTENBURY STREET EAST PHONE 482.9644 CLINTON, ONT. Big Price Reduction, ON . , McCULLOCH kl, . CHAIN SAWS *Iv „Are-,. Wip , . tr A NEW LEAIDER IN ECONOMY SAWS! Here's your best buy in an economy saw . that's fast and dependable, even to the toughest cutting job WOW ON DISPLAY AT ells Auto Electric- "THE ORIGINAL TUNE,LIP $1-10P" Phone 482-3851 KING STREET CLINTON SERVICE PARTS Sunoco produtts —1, Goodyear Tire Molar Your McCUlloch Chain Saw Dealer ORIGINAL 111110.LITE Huron .Presbytedal. UCW to Meat .1Elere 1n 1966; dick Committee! for 1965 WE WANT/ /SATISFIED Adasteal. Park social Notes 47.1/1 Not; vener Mrs. H. Howl said some rummage will be picked up on April 29 or earlier and sent to the diffel-ent depots. The entertainment committee had Mrs. Margaret Bush dis- play cosmetics during the even- ing with her model, Mrs. Merle Prest. Legion Auxiliary To Have Busy Schedule In May The April , meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to. Clinton Royal Canadian Legion was held April 12, With president, Mrs. Douglas Andrews, presid- ing. A -number of coming events were discussed and plans, made, Ladies are please asked to keep in mind the next, meeting on May10 when the Zone Com, marider, Mrs. H. F. . Carroll, Goderich, will be present. ;A "Tupperware" demonstration is also planned for that evening. Plans were discussed regard- ing the zone rally in the Chin ton Legion Hall on Wednesday, May 19. A penny sale will be held' that evening, and mem- bers will please bring items for sale to the next meeting. A motion was. passed' to in- crease the kitchen rent from $5.00 to $10.00 for smorgaS-- bards. Rent for preparation off . neffee and tea, etc., will rethain at $5.00. A motion was Passed to give a gift to a member tiansreiriiig to another branch Only, or resigning in good stand- Mrs•. Thies. Leppington won the myStery prize, and Mr's. Don Mean Wen the attend- ance draw of $10. • Luirieh was served by Mrs. Ed. Porter's grotni. can see we are not a new fly- by-night group," she said the aim of the Huron :So'ci'ety should be to preserve and publicize the history of the counity and added the chief function of the group would be to hold meetings for history- loving people. Hints for making meetings terestiTig were well received by the members in attendance as were these concluding remarks by Miss IVIcFarlancl, "Don't try to save every- thing in sight," she warned. "You should strive to save only the unusual and the best ex- amples." Turns Clock BUck Through a Magical web of Words woven by Edward Jen- kins, Ii,R 3 Clinton, the audience was thrust backwards through time 150 years. The eloquent and thoroughly competent Mr. Jenkins named 25 pioneers, who settled in the Hohnesville district about 1815 and invited Society niernberg to select the families 'of particular interest to them. Mr. Jenkins' promised to go into detail about each one. Names such as Proctor, Dis- ney, • Lindsay, Crich, Cooper, Rattenbury, GibbingS, Cook, and }Writes brought society mem- bera to their feet to Make in- quiries. Many of those present were direct descendants of the old timers mentioned by Mr. jtenlaria, Pioneer Robert Proctor for instance had puchased 171 acres Of land• from. the Cabot Corn- pany and after 15 years had cleared 56 acres of it. The Proctors were Irish and the family included six persons. The word to the pioneers about the new Canadian fron- tier was that farmers could ex- pect 35 bushels of grain per acre if they had" saved their ashes and spread its high pot- aSslium content on the land. " The Proctors realized about U 'bushels to the acre from their early crops. They grew 11 acres of wheat, 6 acres of oats and one-quarter acre of pota- toes. In addition they had 12 tom of hay, 200 lbs. of maple sugar, 30 lbs. of wool and sold 220 lbs. of butter arid three barrels of salted beef or pork. The Proc- tor's stock consisted of eight cattle, two horses, ten sheep and six hogs. A Question Raised Chairman Bert Gibbings, RR 4 Clinton, asked what the 'Soc- iety could do to preserve the records of the one-room elemen- tary schools in the district that were now being closed to make way for modern-day central schools. He said he believed these rec- ords should be kept and indica- ted they would provide a wealth of vital information of use to the Society. Mrs. Robert Simpson, Hen- gall, thanked those who had used their influence go that the Society could use the Cafeteria "We hope to be able to re- pity Somata* With auth- entic records for Use by the students," she said. An invitation to hold the 1966 PreSbYtOri41 of 44urorl United Church Women in Wesley- -114s Patted Chunich, qintott, Was eta:Vital et the ,ere., tive meeting in p4,ta on April 5, Mrs. Gilbert Bee ft, pre* Opt w in charge, APPrePla- tion Of the work and, devotion Of retiring eXreoutiVe IneInhors was, expressed, Plansare being made to again; hold a day of .retreat for the renewal of ZEdth at the Goderich SuMnter School and for a half day workshop at the Octotter Regional, MIS. Arthur Jackson review- ed and recornmended for read- ing, "The Cross and the Switch- blade" by Rev. David Wilkins son and "Outreach", a, resource book. for missionary work, Local UCW's are being asked to appraise proposed changes of procedure regarding the Unified Budget Fund, This fund will be suggested and propor- tioned as at present, but the contribution pat the congrega, tional level Would be channeled to the U.B,F, together with "the contribution from the congrega- tion as a whale, Procedures would be set up to keep ac- curate and separate recordS within the congregation and regular reporting to Presbyter- ial and Conference. Appointments were made to committees: Christian citizen- snip and social action, Mrs. M. Gardiner, Exeter; Mrs. H. Pur- rie, liensall; Mrs. H. Mather's, Blyth; Mrs. Edwin Miller, RR 3, Exeter; MTS. Willis VriEig-- Mond, Clinton. asoperation in missionary and Christian education, Mrs. Norman Clairmont, Goderich; Gerald Bell Drowns In tar (Continued front page one) finer, Donald Palmer,— of the Sdbringville detachment of the OPP. . Former Clinton EMployee ' The deceased, who had work- ed in Clinton early in his car- eer, was -the operator of Bell's Electric in Heirsall, He was a manher of Cannel Presbyterian Church and the IOOF Lodge 223 there. He had been active in sports in Hensall and at one time or another played for Zurich, Hen- sel and S•tEuffa teams in the Huron-Perth baseball league. SurVivors include his wife, the former Mildred Ballantyne; two sons, Douglas and Paul, and one daughter, Joanne, all at. home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell, RR 1 HensaB,; one sister, Marion (Mrs. Ron Mason) Pittsburg, Pa.,; three brothers, Robert, Kippers, Earl, Toronto, and Mervyn, at home. Rev. J. C. Boyne, Exeter, con- ducted the funeral from Bon- thron Funeral Home in Herksall on Tuesday, April 13. Burial was in Exeter Cemetery. Pallbearers were Glenn Mc- Naughton, Rodger Vernier, Mur- ry Venner, Wilfred Hunkin, Don Ballant:yne and Lorne Ball- antyne. Flower bearers were Don Mousseau, Gerald Flynn, John Taylor, Bill McKinnon, Glenn Koehler and Mervyn Eyre. The Canadian Cancer Society has local organizations in 1,593 communities in Canada and ek- tends its services to a further 2,420 centres of population. Mrs. R., S. IVIcKerelter, Publtn4 NOPITIful Hp11444, Clinton. Pre0P5Atmy .Markle PPMaillttee, Mrs. Allau lvfCTaigga-rt, 13r4- sels, Finance, Mrs. Robert MC- Kercher, Dublin; Mrs. George RIVsselSI Mrs, Frock 914, Clinton, ,Mrs, Alvin Mc- DOntald, Brussels; MA% G, W. TM1, Willighoth; Mrs.cordon. 40.4rn. 1,eaders'i* development, Mrs. C. A, Dukelow, Goderich; Mrs, 41=1_1 Rowe, He45011.; Mrs. ,Elgin McIcir/leY, Zurieh; Mrs. Arthur Jackson, 1301greNe; 1'4rs. Al an NA14gavrt, ::01314,50,5, NOr/fleationS Mrs. 'SW/0Y Ared..q, ,45ek. .ReaViet Mrs. .Blyth; Mrs.. Walton Mrs. pxpter.; Mrs, 4.114/1.,..MOTP:MAX.''(!. PrIXSPPIS, Delegates to the Alma Schnell. for Loaders, WPM, G, )3eecroft, Mrs, J, 13,e4„vie Mrs. L. politer olterniate); to regional conference at NIctivIa.„ster uni- versity,. Mrs,BeecrOft and Mrs, G, OISE PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 4824062 CLINTON T. Huron Historkal Society Meets Morgibue4 from .poge 14, this. field. She 49.41141:01004 -tha •471eMbgrr$, for their and AO: Said she had found their con- Stttatdion and, by4lawa. ,excellent. She -W '0'0$00,c1 •ti hope that the Huron Sec etY WOO. apPlY* for affiliation with the Ontario .Sio- piety which new .boaStS 60 Alf-: tiNaitea memberships. and 1300Y MS/it:ars, "The Ontario Historical $0C- letY formed in 1-88." said *Miss McFarland, "so you News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349 icpl, and Mrs., M. Banks and -will be picked up April 30, Con- their children have moved to Goderich. Mrs, J. A. Hopkins is a pat- ient in Royal Victoria Hospital, London. Flight Sgt. and Mrs. F. Zito' arid Elizabeth spent the week- end in St. Thomas. Flight Lieut. and Mrs. T. E. Nelischer, Anita and Maurice, Were in Belleville recently to attend• the wedding of Miss Jeanne Herlock to Gary Wood, Miss Nelischer; a bridesmaid, caught the bride's bouquet during the reception. Opt. and Mrs. Howard Ste- vens Will motor 'to Ottawa with their family for Easter. Flight Sgt, and Mrs.H. C. McConnell and their children are going to Ottawa, Montreal and Utica, N.Y. for the Easter holidays. Members of Adastral• Park Teen Town and chaperones went to Kitchener by bus on Saturday, April 10 to appear on Canadian Bandstand. RCAF Women's Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting was held on Monday, April 5 at the Community Centre. Mrs. 0. Lamas presided. Secretary, Mrs. E. Barton and treasurer, Mrs. D. Worth gave reports on the March 20 tea, Members were reminded of the "Nearly New" sale on April 7. The next project is the an- nual rummage sale on May I, While most articles for the sale 23 Cu. Ft. FREEZER FAST FREEZE BOX Plan G OVES and •ELICTIlld TV APPLIANC 10 HURON STREET Thurs,', April 15, 1965—Clinton News-Record--Page 5 DMIRAL 010., aatt?. S S PHONE 4024414 Blyth OES Chapter TWelve Years Old Officers of the Regal Chapter 275 Order of the Eastern Star, Blyth, who celebrated their 12th birthday party at Auburn recently. Seated, left to right, Mrs. Dora Shobbrook, associate matron;, wor- thy matron Mildred Ament; worthy patron William Carter; Bert Shobbrook, associate patron. Stand- ing, left to right, Mrs. Lottie McLellan, Electra; Joe Shaddick, sentinel; Mrs. Nettie Clark, treasur- er; Mrs. Jessie MacKay, secretary; Mrs. Jean Leach, chaplain; Mrs. Ena Craig, Esther; Mrs. Ella Carter, warder; Mrs. Marian Wright, conduc- tress; Mrs. Dorothy Scott, Martha; Mrs. Ruby Philp, organist; Mrs. Ellen Sillib, Ada; Miss Elmo. Mutch, Marshall and Mrs. GeniVeve Allen; associate conductress. (Mrs. BrdoZnock Photo)