HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-15, Page 31
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�$� 14�. •er a; �, .lit �� s� ,' to .'�� . , ... �te�^ :ls �'�it�.l:t ;laea�?� .. .
tali r e thews foo" :�ax�..,� T:
ItiY, Uttawu ,Ir?i!�! Ci'salr4l1ua>► ,af ziauitc'dP��reciaji i the het isa # a'itt r , stah�4,• ihu.
s,.itie (7gauµlhwn Lt4tnl'' ee1c Y4ceS 'i►1-ul ped :.Ib� Yt1h11, tiiY??p , sPr� :Suter #� .. p � tAaei� f��esa
T e ` n g8iti'144*f , izle,, sealxl}a children, ! t Pet
a!! ..n:.,2 few; y e lG
ret • iter bul?n34sjluffY)lc?NKthe.. , h
'' mar entl a +love ti: I' ek i s, tester and' : 'e w 'ld bad 0e 14: toh0 PMA
saal?eone 14'd ... y : barriow .....,, 4,. ,il tlYe.
#>Iat ,,.A sb?itQ. wdtliRl?t:
ra�3'se ca„ g th
ooirK ►Dst?,aanfKe<k.
"ees1Yeis ' e an indi- 'o a aai f at 1 brs an�!a
wDr .. pots 'wem #Qr�blddeal uerieveq to, be one k4# 4,,Qf
vrd ai. Without. a ea'1zate ed taxi ofifer S.>xi licw' a°'f Ral??os1 ,: ova! eggs > nd 14w, x timnaes
tion', Lt s _. . , : me flinite v.. 4� to. cols arld ted, ?e to '} esJSaclaltel ,w4h .cit 1 — l eat and ty'e ... ,den part Qi trh'e
eenvs ' 4 . rayed ,onj, ">'ter ; _t�?n#AV. HARM!R.T4 N.isp_m ,a'1 Goll -
onnetlung appraacahiruge corn, to .rich u7?d upon, ?_aster°gene a elan f hat fliers 'of 5 d
verse of v s . : that �s ° ora e 1 ui+apeasi e' _ T-4ey 'V4'e1 p l� red sic} sit 9,R9p antique
.a 17i4o true Tlats 'eat"aiaa� I ibrary '4i es e Q r t; Thoma fi3"st roaster• c.
an indivz ai w1#w4t aAequatt WediC s ..to d ecia al :sI?rpx *, (1a1 ?? W ios'e iu i'e g, ..t ?, dQlr of ...�?.> ,.s ams ." .
� ... ,, irect sP l
ecru q e n he tbt'e *ori. 'Easter' ..: belles ci Woad axed His veP is cad fat ,plaques In so x?brio
n v..' ..ea�?y . ?�' a�tter}t}on Yo the grail tllalt wt'eati2ne li 1?y ?y with >nvlshl frinecl
less W0 tae has ac" *Q booms. anti iLbaru'tes eazl .�l�y � to 1�aye been derived), 1}!ad C'lrurcii. handers lari'd sQ .fiords �laacl`
;adequa'te lilsTOry servjpp continulrug educafiSom, Hobbies a beautl%ul het bird which . .
an.di.craffs, vocatitai se changed lntq a l�ablx'it s #�xlother tra'>1Ition of l!?astea' huti'gki by wlhhlely could
a trallturrent evemts; Music
that lits ratubit :could .tell was the belief rtitat the spas. rhes:.. $ on, a •yea
chIldren c�veaywhere that e a4l town of sending.
■ and. Coh$ar?ts, prol?en#s' :n► 141. 0, danced roustdduitd . 9r
M�top � � f�Id.s and do sir 001 — t.hese are only, sprung; had arii!n'ecl. The fore- : 'Jay ah E40,x Sua�day and ca�"d's ieixkainS a friendly tri-
3 %eligih at dvtibin of Easter- tod!y.
a ,few of the •lino eota c 61!t 'r �IIine} of our .Easter' B1aoft averyOne wo ti a into.
Ris , Garden�ug with A the books on the shelves had`'great diffictuity , adjust the fir is via.... is ax^t anit t
ing to his. ,new fp , so the 144 'specta>vie". il!aY cards differ Yery 1i;
of a ,good' storing, tie from thaw of the 19ttu
The Clinton 4+H Ilorne 'Gar- u:Tai?s are becortning xruore ashd story .goes, ;and 'ante -, .yean xn Ezyglaaiti Rn the year
P&ihig Clowts, first meaning was on the fist d'ay Of sprino be 1200 'i4'f lin' r 'beaving" was Century, z esearche;rs ` at '
+none coirnple, knon�*tedigg zS p
1101d on Tue.s&ll, April 6, ' intra i btver more r<I ids Would iiuild a ?�L i Ahd hill ;the s e _'9 lay. T p pa e,
Coutts llalpar �k :e iaiped
&s.a4g, e .. h y
the home of Mrs. 11Mnan. Tyra- �r university can <t with brtglritly 601ored ieggs•, WAS mb4hly ler ved .from) Eggs, chicks, flpavers, herd's,
daUl. 'Ten memberis` and two 1Vo school o y
Thaf,; ha today's aster the idea' aEr {lhr st li 9 pig rai}�bitis, lilies anti the er iss
leaders were relmA. have L+augh't urs yes€erday the _ ' it
u or the, ark t 1 d
P e u rat "ea, On: s dominate,
l�. tetra.. yft e>n. q t !tax til
�hi t k
t � � ca..
t n w.` . q
S e nnN' d . '.
a s' - deli
bre a1 t la � e a' Those
St art >Rt � er 11710 ~d� rr d ` �s
t was nam- a! e . ( g alt a lc �?. bo hav
Stewart If We are to keep peace with. Y ? g E, Mon0§y Y ch .. ecYu'a1!. , I; e
inarted >iorant, Brenda .
0esO the ywcyrlcl, we mills team ; r Ira fhb 2nd centbuxy, when d With brightly egltiredi rl - become an itrte+ga�aa. part of
Tyndall 'ass vice-paesutent and .ouxt541yes and .there tura Easter was ahead:1 eslal- bons was taxied ar?ouitd by tfie l3astei• tradition.Th
NTaar+ie Tr
s ,;' the
'1'� � Fa'�s ?'�'' lVtle leaxni wlthoit 'b'c>s'. lrshesd evenit :ib the Chi�istlaTx -, .y'oun'g trim an each glair mann �differext!ce seems to big
P'0 dna ' L���.yy� WQek" 'S]b caier�aiaT celebbafj topk a they i�zet 5tras thraldeuged to technical. Colp�s today, ale
It the clhadr f e h • an true
ebpie Wlti ' grow -a gay 'gal► ;a5 exit fast a catch phrase; inu .. ntti*rtlalstic i'oxrn s id 1i, t. td g, t , t% . x ani Papers
' y o o ti h o lies . pn as- flit .. tame h'h oven the are
cam,. t, ay: > a finer 'than ever tbe#k>re.
wAs dascusseci. Lunch g is •,he i�'eY t c n nu stein t ..ey ct. ,
Wos sewed. u►g' educ'attidn." ter Saturday theme were le+c-. heaths of th'e 'heavens', Olt ` Their messatge, however, te-
tures , to be attended on the Tuesday At was.. the tua� of mains the wane �-- "A, happy
_ Extodus, the passiaver,' aid the the nv rah ?tic sit in the chair Easter to you'.
�� Death and R.esunrectiori of sand the woanen, to lift him
THE THE AR DERiCH cairis:t. The were tiles- � -
SQU E -.-•GO lagxups' w over -their heads. They ,were Vrmuses may P7'&v azo• 'ilm�
sed and a. bishop preached rewarded' with a k i s. s for taatt role in inducing sxhne t3.Om
NOW PLA1(INGr"-- April 15-16.17, -a se7mgm, . 'The highlight of ,their efforts but this get off cancer, in lhuman beings. Re-
Wait `Dish neves 6rnade a finer, icture than the whole ceremony •falnowed out of Mand: lUnig Edward I search to explome the poas4ble.
r has • _ ,px the confirbta'tt'ion of the rewarded: his ladles of the rale of viruses in cancer is a,-
lt/ . caitech,urnens' .and the, celebra- court with 14 POaunds'.- abrin: 0110ng the pmojeicts `siuppported l y
, in Technicolor theEast . ss. 42.00 for their, heav,$nlg, gohtrfttions the .Caziaftn
YI/ltit 19rair Keith, Vera Miles and Walter The Romans, who were Not errs the nabilnby par- C7aaucer Society, I
r Brennan'
i MON., TUES,. W. ED April 19-20.21
JERRY LEW116, Jill St. John and Agnes Moorehead
A f'umbb.Ag,:paodle sitter .acquires •romance
aad A poienUial bat-16ako-in-law.
,y ri
THUR , FRI., SAT "---: April 22-23-24
At -Regular Prices
Debbie Reynolds, ,starve. rrrice and Ed Begley
11.• GreatSong Hits .by Meredith Wilson -are just part
" of the 0aavd entertainment In the unfazable-
celebretting their- New Year trcilpated in the festavitae5
at Easter time, held eliabor- however. The churches found
ate ceremonies- and wore 'gay, the mood of the .occasioxi
new clothes, believing that most auspldous for •replenish-
these would bring the wearer Ing the church coffers. They
•good `luck rtbroughout the made their own brew .of
year— d nit �i a Way church - and Bald' it e the
:parlacle wound its rxmea+ry Way church -yard out Easter. A
througia ancient Rome and mom could have a free shave
riot along Fifth Avenue, New there too --"in fact 'this prase -
. York City: tine was still popular at the
The egg, 'a symbol of new end of the 19th -century. The
life and: resurrection, has Bishop and Dean of Chester
played an important part in in England were not .to be
left out of the: merry -making
• • either ilei they head an egg-
Welling Workers throwing match -- with the
in Deluxe Color --
.., °M ..
Coming-- ARNIE =adult entertcrinmenit
choirbolys in stately Chester
At 'Bayfield In early America eggs had
ashen ,purposes: sob. ,They
Hold Meeting were dyed different 'hues and
Easter greetings were writ-
ten on them and exchanged
BAYFIELD — They Willing between friends. This custom
Wkvkerts' meeting was held on cam6 }to ':a sticky end as .the
April 8 in the Uluted •Church .
basement ' following nig the UCW
pot fuck dinner and joint meet- Square Dancers
>} The meeting opened with the IM
Wl111TIng Workers' Praydr, follow- To �< Pow -Wow
ed by 'the' se;cretary's report
given by Pat Renner. A letter �� S��fO�'t�
by W. W. Haysom from the Childress' Aid, Society
tba idea the group for the don -
your telephone manager atian of $5. A "smoke signal" is out t<
\,. Tvv4a Easter lilies and a pot all square .dancers'' in and our
of 'mums will be purchased fox of the area, The "medidim
WHO PAYS FOR TELEPHONE EXPANSION? Easter Sunday and the month mean:"' of the "Huron Scalpers'
of April. —!a tribe of square chance lovini
!t has occurred to me that telephone users in Clinton The gift of the month was .braves and squaws from Se'a'
might be interested in a fundamental fact of Company
business operations --and one which mlohA not bP, Widely-
realized. It is the matter of where the Company obtains
the hundreds of millions of dollars needed yearly to build
new exchanges,, construct new local and Long Distance
circuits, and buy telephone sets and other facilities re-
quired to serve an ever-expan"ding economy and population.
Some people may automatically think that these con-
struction expenses,come Out of telephone bills, but this,is
not so. It is the Canadian investor --either private indivi-
duals or investment firms. -Who, by buying Company stocks
or bonds, -make telephone growth possible. (The reason
that they Invest in the Company, of course, is that they
expect the money to be'wisely Used, and to pay interest or
profit over the years.)
Your telephone bill pays the costs of providing you
with telephone service ---the wages, maintenance, costs, taxes,
,etc. plus a reasonable profit which is returned to the
investor. But your telephbne'bill does not pay the huge
amounts necessary to make the Company grow'fast enough'
physically to serve new 'families and businesses. Por these
in turn,Irthe Company depends 'on the nvesting public that our pubiie, and,
business be
healthy and well managed. if It Is not', and does not return
them a reasonable' profit, then they would ,invest their
money elsewhere. (Incidentally, any Canadian hair invest
in 'the Bell—it's not a "Ilmittd club's by any meansl)
9e11 shareholder`s (there are over 900,000m -the largest
number of any Canadian company) benefit immediately
and directly, of course, from 'elch.successful year of, Com-
pany operation. but a vast number of other .Canadians
are also indirectly affected, because tho chances are that
their insurance or mutual fund companies, or the pension
plan they subscribe to, also Invest fit Hell stock. And firs=
Ally, even a person who hat no direct or Indirect financial
Interest in successful Company operatibns also benefits
frrm Its grdwth, because in growing It helps create addl-
tidnal .nobs in a 'Wide vaeloty of induStNes. This, of course,
contrjbutes°to the pedsperity of every Canadian.
won by Mrs, Pease, forth --+has amnaunlced a week'
Enquirles be made into the end "Pow -wow" at their camp
Possibility of holding a barbecue Arthur K. Shepherd said the
supper in July with catering by Seaforbh Square Dancing Clul
Youngstown Lodge. will sponsor the event April Z
It was 'moved by Margaret and 25,
Scotchmer and seconded 'by Saturday evening., Dick Leger
Phyllas Campbell that the of Warren, Rhode Island, US'A
Board of Stewards be asked for will be on hand to call for ',
information regarding ,:the fur- dance in Seafrorfh District IM91
nate, and: improvements to the School.
church entrance. Sunday afternoon, he wdl
Mrs. R. i3liaire offered her conduct a workshop for boast
hone for the May meeting. •callers and dancers.
Paper Drive
Save Old Newspapers, Magazines
Now ... Tied Securely In Bundles
This Week, Saturday, April 17-2 Rends
'The HFFi's' and 'The Crescendos`
Dancing 8;30 to midnight Admission: $1,00 per person
Slieciat Easter Week Dance'.for the Young Crowd
Tuetday, April '20 .
'The De"I-Reys"'.
rmnbtng 9:()o to taldr tgl t Admissloh4 Igo per person
Cater Dial 514-93'11 Information
0 60L f4 ab rrquexs+ iEto
Luncheons, � r servatlbng
A staff Insrtructor. ah &thenal
of instuetionW Technique,
RCAF .$..tat'ion, Clinton. will
leave on April ,26 toassume
full, fiyimsg duties,
Fll.. Brittan is to p'rgceed
to tt%e CpYper4t+ioitail (�Trai�Litu
unit at Bagatlid' Quer, Azad
from theme to 432 , '(F')
Squadron flying CF 101 "Vo6-
door'". He will :atc't as 'a Nary
4gartor in the suppmonic 'all-
weather fightO.
Fred, his w31fe Celhne and'
three children, .Tames. 6, Carl
4, and Demilse 2 'love- 4t Reglnla
Road, Ada'stral Park;
Fred has been four yyeq r
at SIT and is oma of lbe Seri:
dor Instrdetprs at the busy.
- - Completely Air -:Conditioned - -
If interested in jointing or forming a fire -pin
bowling league --Contact JOE DAER, residence
-phone 482-77,02; bowling alley, 482-9502.
II you
Bring all your
ptarsonal credit nerds under one goof
Cilntoh tranch: I .Zit FjJE"1 T 1Vtatager
o" Station (19ub AgeftO r Open, pally
L6ndes'bor'ough (Sub -Agency) r Open M6)11 & ixrtirs.,
r" : l t
„ o
NSW Ona�N�► , . � .. ;Road
Pisti"yM#0$P.n of the 1965 'edl . lof .710iW st I ce Cents
l 19- fie. mad Mop, #es, M4 . ulaavice �t
�� f'+ostS and .has�atta,
'be �'!"lhe netik' 1R}P, �,yyA` :bi' :PSR
l;�a'�fed. free .qf charge, M AW is
AVY001 comOwnted that lldallo, pfE
the; #nprpvemonts ala, the nays!,
eor}, gtOly ;xVyIsed:...t7rMalp zs :fie
<?liis"aSiuci?lon of a s� colop
0=1 tvaei g(Wiolraund for ewnty
• T`,eatures of the ?gip ludg
ewet the r It
mites � bald,s
dzreet �totutes, d(u�t�rnetn,�re 1•d'=.
Pries ..of dial par
j and
the d ►Pn llo¢i W l sym-
rlo; thh head
<rtin_gint pt
flcrrpnatir , 1'aP'.
s; gbrsyorl,'to The
e avaldble alt
tee Cams
Ss?► metres Qf
of tlpuma ad
,CLINTON PHONE .482-6626
Cosme cGiltsl
For E.as'te.r, .-- By
r,r �.�
DL M x t`ac o ERG
.. T
See thee.. Style TOILE_. _ i
New S y _. TSETS n our
Window IV1iFlrot, Brush &Comb Se. f' a
Priced of
$10.95 and $ 11.9,6
by Yardley$ -- Specially Foe Easi'e'r
kJe n
STOCK � aa.00 � oo � EASTER,
By Rowntree 'and Neiilsons
Also dither Chocolates and Candies
"Let One Call Do It All"
Let Clinton Laundry
Help You Live
A Clean Life!
(1) Professional Dry -Cleaning
and Pressing
(2) Clean -Only Dry -Cleaning
(25c Per Pound• ---10 Lbs, for $2.00)
At Our Plant ---166 Beech Street:
--Let us advise you regarding special
garments that. require special profm-
sional attention.
--Let experts classify your garments for
you and advise you which garments
can be done the "clean -only" method
and which require professional &eat-
(3) Complete Laundry Service
WASH........ .......... ..... 04c Per Lb.)
DRY WASH t ..•t.,. 01c Per Lb.).
.Shirts, Sheets, Linens; Etc., Etc.
(4) Garment and Shirt Rental
This ,Service includes DressShirts, Work
uniforms, Coveralls, Etc.
(5) Coin -Operated Laundry
These facilities, and our Cash and Carry
Office are in the main business section
() Fur , toracle Vuilt
We give complete Mwrrance toverage.
(7) Minor Repairs & Alterations
On All Garments.
() Pick -'Up and Delivery Daily
(q) Same Day Service
(14) Three -Hour Service
Whon `requested, Dry -Cleaning $r' Laundry'
in at 9 m, cart be l
asaked up at 5 pri,
Special Attentoh When Required.
9clith Week One Lucky Customer
Will Wire $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit