HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-08, Page 9Fancied Up For' tas# EASTER BREADS IT'S NOT HOW MUCH YOU SAVE . . 'Buf HOW Oftott ... 5fart Now W. G. CAMPBELL District Manager investors Syndicate Ltd. SYNDICATE LIMITED Seafortfi 527-0452 +►VIIITH' EJ(CLllS1YE IN-TAI�it AG1I'ATOIt P.T.O. OPERA` 9D, uumur-D TANK DAsl#ned for'the new And -*Wre ohemlcals thaf kegirire constant agltatlan. � z NOW 'troller Mcald wr / yv Sri f , x• <••.f a , y � 481% W10 ,10 f�"; s� >� .. � mei moi, 100 ort ,20 role• #lel fooks . SPt 'fliEM Now At JOHN BEANE, JRA Btucetiel` Rhone 4$2.925t AuthdAW corse,. Deeto BR C: FiE4t w0t hiNn a: Phone 482�1272 - I.4:tfk er dd Eur A op can Touch,TY� o our _ Easter Table The sun cls shirftg, the skies are :blue and people will be thronging the'streets in holiday mood. Easter is -nearly here . a- gain. Easter, with -its distinctive cakes, breads and candies, is a lovely timefor the imaggiinattive cook. Special breads made for this feast inChristian 'countries throughout the world are some of the masa •interesting and at- tractive to emerge from the u-ri'versal breadbasket.. EASTER BREADS Baste 'Dough '/a scup mill - 1/4 cup granul�a:ted sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons margarine or butter 1/2 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 envelope fast-dsin,g active dry yeast 2 eggs, wel'l�beaten 2 %'carps pre -sifted all-purpose floialr• Scald milk; stir in i/s cup sugar, .salt and margarine or butter. Cool to lukewarm:. Meantime, measure lukewarm waiter into large 7nLving bowl;, stir in 1 teaspoon sugar. Sprin- kle yeast on top. Let stand 10 minutes, ,then stir well, Add lu:kewa ri n: milk mixture, beaten eggs 'arid 1% cups flour.. Beat until Smnooth. Add fruit according to• desired bread, Mix in enough additional flour to make a soft dough — about 1n/44 cups more. Turn: out on lightly floured board; knead u'nti'l smooth and elastii'c. Place in greased bowl; grease top. Cover. Let rise in a worm, place; free from dratft uxntil doubled in bulk, — about 1 t/s ltaurs, -•• ', Punchdown dough; turn out onto lightly floured board, Fal- low shaping instructions for in- dividual ;brea,ds. Bailee in modebate oven (350 d'eg, F.) for 30 to 35 ;minutes. When cool, frost With confer tioners leinng and decorate as de; sired. Italian, Egg )-ting Add % cup chopped candied frl,Wt and a4 cup slivered W moind's twbasic dough. To shape; divide Clough -i, half and roll each into a 1 -inch ,diameter rope, Tvwiist the two ropes loos- ely to form a ring on greased baking sheet. Brush with soft margarine, If desired, place, hollowed egg shells 0.nto spaces in the twist. Cover and' let zise about one hour, Bake as direct- ed. droolc East& Broad Add % cup seedlessr raisins to buic , dough. To shape, divide dough into three piecet. Shape each into a snmpth ball, place on greased •baking sheet to forum a three petal, "flb*et", 4bout 1/g -inch :apart. Cover arra let rise- about iseabout one hour; Bake at 375 dog. V. NA,6defttely hot) for 15 to 20 irn'itnutes or uritis dozie, Uusslah Willolt Add 14 cup 'Seedless rnisaitis and U 'cup chopped blanched almonds to basin dough. To shupd; clivlde dough inn , hali., slYape •unto balls: Press dkth 'half into a gx'dMed onne pound coffee tin, tour aria lot riga about one' y 4 out l3alte•as directed. rora triet Deputy Grand Matron Me Mr• Bent charge 'of Wife Of Forwr atter --„F 47r ��il 8,r 19�,¢ �wt9w 9w�-.9i�;o� a.89e z'nd Shabbnoa . we:have praSessed to begreatly ly .,». �,:..::.•:• Au urn , �si - �furs Auburn,lankev,-n.�. Auburn K, 0C X low man, Alien ' Shaddi�c'k Lon- ,. , 11r►ere» rtr � n, ��> MRS WES B A O Carrs 4NI C --, _,"PiestTPEntertaJent IPhorn 6, �t�'i e oront � t e we. Re d . , --� aide. ! . .. . ; .# . � _ { �'' :a -R _t tion, matron; Bert Sho'bbrook, ass'oc- Wes Bradnock; lone hands, Mrs. : A VBVRN --••• Word was ro , (D ' � Qf �iL I TI1Ii TCa.�'t?i# y f`r+adlTB1;TR g .arra Mrs, .LawxeXiGe Fl elm. guests � the forXrier's. els te>" and crit er in law, M?`. eind. ......, ..... , . _ . ... _., .. ,.... ceived here of Itiq dearth .of MrIs, Gepmge P�Igi'im .. Carni _ ,...... • zer, oonr►Wttee for Xno,;K UX11W Chur oh '>rJCYS?' toad a pr Aflrs?P7e Mrs,. Gerry VnxaemXa.. n ' o the ftwk gad RalPti RR , . I eneY iP 1S il,vlited t. 11r"r1i , Herts 1, e b or, xYmw4�d a4tlx tin nevi" :ftX?vX;. l"d xn eting :qd , ui n H 'S . we �e . ea'i?Rr 4 . i. i^ec,_Rt visit �� .. t .. s M w1 h ?Vfir, rs t e iiXeth Mer wl}o ras'pe'd away 04 Sun"y' : �I}e 1X"st .off XZ has co. e' i ' 4 Tsar�to i3poeral Hos- ATvr . sll i?"s lXi4v ti e. in tp t1Xo Un Pio �xf�SpLt€�t at C��1c-. ez ach Rn Sunday .atterxlaoxi< , and Mr -..,Q , Ilft Watson, Exeter, .and Mx and Mi a, Via* ,v . M home '. a yen. l • • :ed i , tXetilturFll St�olety when ... 5 oma .. e .. y ?nchas. .. _tori} i d e os l .c . h zl be W, an Misr . e4, e Mei,7ou : ar , Guel r , w.1 th g _rid . , Dau l .. ._.gal . k'144 X=14 nly., t?Vee) x1 n te. d virs.tors with Mks,, and d pone ne d .shill no denim Cal far : es''s: of a couple � -, At the first •briaatd Xi?eetalig, Ax ._ &, t. .an Gln. dovelci e the f+AM + sit- u Pix Xuhs hxz . _ C . _ oP d... �, She '.:...:the ior�er pm December, rite president :was, y WaS Those tap,... �v... Wil K' put ere Ii'anrn Stiles, tislxX 'l!i"eibner and' cliildrexi .of ]Parlckkzll, visited'. suXzd�y 'vvitiu . a...emtaX�y o ictiii'es talezi all olid faxririy,. ., gAvl ga,, sk? w p 14 riza Mus;, 1Vfel£ee Ben-- M0.*< and Mrs., Xenneth Mc, A ria, . Arthur Gr.. e e anger Miss. s and Sh ll r e e , e G arig w.. re den ., u'a ion. s ,. er 1 ' Yivtiaxi_ Adella McKxisght and ev..' eX"..tdGizecl but was later Let us revl!ow the events that extends' t f nf' en . caXrie from L�stohv4 .and was : _ d a vNa e o co. id. ce by solos, Nancy Ander- soli and .Betty' Mass, duets; Dor- Ni $h,- n Mx, and,W.% Fuer Gzidal, 1V1r, and MSS. bent St a es miller, velli be a Lest .s 'salter,, L1pu'gaAl, Mzs :Bernice 'arid Allan g la .eY son VRajers ,�iYrrn?a Mx an And leave led to , e e FAMES Pr:s.. nt the board, .dust three da s Later married +zn 1�3G to George W, - y sen .CXiliohe !r pianos erx"y Patzer, Piano Soso, M0.°.. ? rY, Laxnc Were uredo uJ tS ..... y 1Yir, :sive Mrs R•o Finnigan, ivabved intp 'the 41.0, e of Clay- Y *s, .d, .Sin h l; ., Fixicl Kristin, Piulgxlm,,, lxasitzon, at ,x� second bold nieetixig, a., ; ,dxts'cl Mrs, Eve'rettTavlor, mouth- gileSt&' a#' lV(r, azrd Mrs. Robert Gq lerlch, visited an Saturday ton: Gross, and Mr and Mr .• om M ri . s. T Qx+X s Mr... Ragri xz was n 1ti4oke * n September 1, FAN Pur- i �e Prestident was 4n�tiGi *4 "ports organ disks. i'hi}s'oXk. e n it M r . Rob-, Anyone wisbin' tat kots to o' ev..rni...g with _ .rr and M. S g c g - t u o n t to e4 t J, F.hallalas, to ann, al W. sneXi , 1...5 itLi..,, of L 'dion Orr Donald ?Raine Keatneth Mc a:nd ,served :iii; the Auburn baa- c1?f 94 the F, W. Fearma.n Go< and member of the board : h ee , e b'anlim . pacicirr laa?t in Burls' t and. Openly recosruv3eiided'thet he re- tl..r, . tzrXi . y duxsr)g g P xrg. ori Th'e ;niuxnberS were 'lxitersPer- Xi lea Msseau and r M . and Mrs', Ross Faber ..1}e t Twenty rive members of the S,S, ban�luet, Plek�se contact . he "t , _ Dougall +axil Kerixieth Scan at e vi e nil : ' sed to e a mi'Il o d ' r sr n. Its .did, erre a new .. esX- ogre i < They sited fr .due Y rXllal . i. n .olio. g pr .. sect nq!i ihyt-in singing Anti Mrs, ;.. George Million :errs}steel wibh the Attended texided the Brgsyi}-Macre or o i e Lawlor,' Xoumg Couples Club of Clrnton o,tisni t e, Mrs. 'Pour .tended ". ' ' the Woa?kslio fol Huron • • with dt a ew + dw rd East, fuz tl}er a • t osn Doc rnber < dent wa$ elected, is n..p1x , E a P .. e family d The be c'holr, Accompaws'ts for the wedding in Grand Dena Church : -i 112- L u h e or Baptist .Chumch enjOYed a trip s, _loyd H trip r. ys M?as, County Assessors As r . + t �. other a em.. cou,ldn!t da M_s Das and firxii Y an p y ent �Uvls rx�i$ ne suppo'sedly to singing were Mrs: WXlliain J, d , r of Goa Saturday. The groom to 1 M R b'ert Turner, the sugar bush of A r, and o .. 'I'xed Held at Elm ine'ven Motor Hot. l e ']' : fraends.'in this distrie't, .made' and Tile FeallXivan .Co. xn'- re-�bulld the confidence of the TJie this cam- vetted to its Poxsrier but Graig sand M.ss Annette Mcg is Mrs. Maus's'eau's nepbe'w, ' Mrs, Frank Raithb o Satur- Mr. and M+rs, Wagner F y ?� �' Clinton,last vus'da , t h y.. s mp.athy of opine- shareholders' and " .avoir ?' • &'gin f Gyrostze. Mr, ante Mrs, .John Mc r r G egci ens and ached the and fainil• Woodstocdc were re- ctay evening watched Y, Miss M ". J c on vet R, a lis , , muni �s extended to Mr. Pil- the committee in change was in• far organization circles. ty n}an d CraMl spent Sunday 'in- ,n 1.n W _ :. Miss ntiakin' of maple syrup. All en- cepa v<i'sntom, with Miss Minnie g P,� .. . Mr. .and Mrs. e Br 'dnoolc '�Y .s ; a .. 1m and their, son John and able• to get an extension until A campaign was organized to � : i " . T&s:.. Raymond Redmond was in charge the ternoan's .mor, o 'ed :a sing-songlatex t the Wagner W ter and Wrtl'i'arit a y a,u Si}eXram nxnci George,visited v th re'1 i January .4 to, fin $1;500,000 •. , , other orb vc's, raise funds. and supplementary of of , con atulatlpns to Ur d' an house and lunch was served. W'agrrer, l < (7atherine Dable, and M•u. _ X _ f' an ' to b • th r "znl. �g was e fuir..e pr'ograrn and i,�oak everyone on Mrs, Fred T obb on the arrival , ,Mr,. and Mrs, James Robinson, Mr, end Mrs, Granit Ral'th'by, Blind Bay, 23ribsh Colum-bla, Ton=y, Grant, Susie •and Joy, and Mrs.. James, - Johnston, at Bluevale on 'Suivday. « a a « sought, Officials and PastOfficers a toil- of the ocoupatr onal they, apy room, of 'their son, born at .South Huilon Hospital, Exeter; few counties did very well I 'Y visited this past week with list Codlingwbtrd,, visited• for a few �oousinn, Miss Laura Phillips and d'a'ys lastt week with Mr. and Mr. anti Ml�. Geom'ge H�a'ggiFlt, Johnny', Paul and Michael of with perhaps $300,000 . being Blyth Eastern Star Droner pledged in is ust, cwt January d p+ .. . . Citi$51' eel Ads. Classified , d$,, 11�it. eine Mrs' Thomas Joll?aston Mrs, Frain}c liait!lxl7y and Jahr. Muriel}, visited out Suxnd'ay with end _. axnia tho the es any arrived w ut net s nt� Bic Results Bring,Results •.aund. Mr. and .Mars, Robert J; l�aitldiby, his psrexut's Mr. and' Mrs• Th'os;n- capfiW being raised to re- -----r----- PhUps, They were returxung Paul Mari -an and Karry D'oadc ass•;d•Zagglutt and S hen. teP 'Mary AUBURN -- The 12th annual ent. %ntroduced her afficex•S aria acquire the p'syas+rrvan pla:rvt, home after .a :hoWlay spent in of Goderich vsited frlencI4 in FAends of Mat, John, birthday 'Party of Regal Chap- matrons and patrons of other A delegate meeting was cause I'lorida., the village, last: Saturday, . stM are Pleased to know that , . r 2 oft Easte Star Cha ters. Past •on' d gat- to , . "( _.. he rn , FF . led. . $ an In .. earl � January re all January w,'kae - f.�::,:,::;.FF•<,� 'sf '• , Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Kvxyk- Mm. and' M%,. Donald Capt-' .,Blyth, y she as imipz�onrnvg xn health at :ell. e Auburn toms rntraci 'ce ' geritselves. y .in Was held, in th b x u . d tkz . . _. lie aresigned board members X'S pies rut : :�>.z.�f:;`:•::.,:,:. ss :Fx r ,, FF f ssz 4f<:%`> «:>: ):< zF.f ' r:• council d' Miss' la • e visited wry ht David and e k visited any zap, si g .., . . Y D rY the homte , , e f h . r daughter, Mrs, u t me ial Hall with Que is wee exnt. r _ .. Cosrvrri . na Y m;ar . $ . r pre$._. � Lon ' . r6 �, „ � - ° and again 1ic11ises were clian}g .,rr.<%'r'#>�<?::;i%%%;i?:;':,>.;:%�:':+'''"�ti •yyf $ `f;;»>:%>'s. ,on ' with Mr,. and Mrs. onSaturday - ' wi'tlh, Mr. and Mrs. Suxrdniy urday Domatd '. . Campbell Campbell, Mr. pb 1 1 present for the turkey dtlri- don.. Byron Parkhill, Exeter', . . •' , .. a. , ••�s;�y �.�,. .Louis Bl d at Brun- Geon i Ter and famii at ake.an g, y and f an e ich,-served.f:::•>s:::>s:?:>`%<:s?:•:). amily Grad r.. Mrs. per by Unit Thmee oP the . IVi7toheh, Seatfor,t, Gltntan, Gori. ,:•.,•:.... f f.:.::...; •::: •......... z..,:€4 ,fi. .set's, ,.. C. e trni. r d'iUnited JohnstonJohns�tan lead tal�en. a111 while, On The delegates.' r•e-+a'Pfi mei '/�•�J�j of Knox I7nzted lJh�7rt~la.. erz7cIx.•>�1 th olid Auburn,./,.., 1.7 `A I �. , ::r ; Sys :•::>:•s:>r:>:is:.>:>:•>.::.:::rz:;n.,: <: .!ir!�fff.:'lx,:;�:::;: i>::/v: $% .y,..)%:;:•: ii:: i�:•.,stiv1 fp:.�•`%.+ii:? i %hilt. ..:f�"%.•::::.):::•<:•:•:•:: ::,$i,?a4. �. - : .• , .. Win- M}ss Laura Fhllhps visited Mrs, ZVlamguexate Chopin, Wz • : • . las k ath hem coushn , aero v sited fmzesnds 0.m the. vi1- t. wee. W' , .Mr's. gh . , •i a holiday upn .Floe ids Miss Al rte oUr Stas od- _ e M o , G .�.i'Y .. .. ,. :-; nr de ire t . the Fea n de the $. o onvn _ rxr}a Zine haiQ vias altti!actzyely d or Musical selections were given /y,-,�p� - (�o:, Th urged a oaazr to for t e a ion wlt� fl ,'1^' - .: ..��f ••i):•'i: '.v f::f F.. N.. ��. n;r%:••.:f:isr>::::'v':S::'S'',tut: ::..: :.: ..:::.:••:>:: <. >F;::,.,<:.•:>• ;.; r..::,%./,f.;>:.::c•F.�s::•>i:.:):>:.:•:.):«•)>::.::.::.:)::,>.,.:�:;)):�'::^•):af ":fl:fr;ir�iC:'%:Y: iL.•::'L::�:)�ti , .Lorne MaoDanalcl at Seaforth. large over rile weekend. d- 'rs Fritz'Da ema Mrs. Ethel MCDau and Mr. an M t , geLt erlch; spent a Ili. "vv[.'vt,.eXld with h f _ er mend Miss Nati Ander o"S' .aced J I by a trio caznposed of Mrs. holder's , ds from Shax '�:".,,:....:::• ens eine -laxm2lmxs inahse tum, e - Ru Vincent . Genneve Al- d they recommended spelled crit the greeting Happy , and others ret len :::.::ii:>�r h2'J,•:%::5::•:,:))•::y):�,�:•:y, n:y •• ..: .C2:S::a:::r•f;:4>:)>:•.;, ••::•;,.. : :....v.;......,y.....•,...:v);:•:::•S:•:;.w::oma::a:r::a)>R�::.. `".'<..;, ,/;::�s>:.seta ::...•:::,::..�.:,.::<::.:::.:::::,::.:<.• :::::.:::.:. Y k ,,%))... . ; : f: ;,;;. :.;.:.>:::> ,'':.'"'`'..:....... >r•�:::a:<:::)-:<:::: ::. " s.;•�, :, c , ..::.:::• •T.;•;, lVfar stirs Matilda, A xl i t ta, Miss Elizabeth Bolton, bath of gu rosy. Ruth Sha disk ogre' Mx. R d , a request to government to' Birthday. and solgs viers' Sun by Mrs. under -write e. loan elle they e of The eyemsivg viers in charge A e�lin bell. Mm. Rurtiln- d e . Camp esti wni;h recommended m ngs y Matron Mildred Amentsing-Song.%.:::.:..:,•, Worth Shaddnak led Tri' a Ff ;;:;::.:::::::::; �.....:... :.. :;:::<:;,.,:':;'••;? ..::•::•:;::.. l::'E`,•a::a:im`r:; . �:: %<•�):..:^<;i:;:•;:;.:r::,;.::::::.<':<:'` <1�::a<:. f; �.>�::>: ;��;..:.. ��:>.,.. :, -.,tits:>�>�>�^• <):::::::: .r••....k •:: v Jyy Xr% • A,�<::a FESTIVE COOKING'. _ . .. • - - a ottiem farm grauPra to go in sup and her fiarEher Worthy P 'Phe door pride was won by Mrs. point. ,.. r...: :! .::.::. :��•.u�%'f'r'- mM d� Bread Can Bee..:... Wtlihaxrn Carter, She welcome Helen Wells O�Cl>n�a7�oWihtat has happened since?atiZto th birthda r and yProgressive.�such •::.):;:,;.: .e ase theH � e They r. w ndoy- The government. refused introduced' five head table. h Y:µ: i� w;:3:•: _ ed and the. games nes ba�ckin were Mrs. a Manness, Dir , were m essaly g• #y < > ? i ' . > • : :>.<:> :: Fancied Up For' tas# EASTER BREADS IT'S NOT HOW MUCH YOU SAVE . . 'Buf HOW Oftott ... 5fart Now W. G. CAMPBELL District Manager investors Syndicate Ltd. SYNDICATE LIMITED Seafortfi 527-0452 +►VIIITH' EJ(CLllS1YE IN-TAI�it AG1I'ATOIt P.T.O. OPERA` 9D, uumur-D TANK DAsl#ned for'the new And -*Wre ohemlcals thaf kegirire constant agltatlan. � z NOW 'troller Mcald wr / yv Sri f , x• <••.f a , y � 481% W10 ,10 f�"; s� >� .. � mei moi, 100 ort ,20 role• #lel fooks . SPt 'fliEM Now At JOHN BEANE, JRA Btucetiel` Rhone 4$2.925t AuthdAW corse,. Deeto BR C: FiE4t w0t hiNn a: Phone 482�1272 - I.4:tfk er dd Eur A op can Touch,TY� o our _ Easter Table The sun cls shirftg, the skies are :blue and people will be thronging the'streets in holiday mood. Easter is -nearly here . a- gain. Easter, with -its distinctive cakes, breads and candies, is a lovely timefor the imaggiinattive cook. Special breads made for this feast inChristian 'countries throughout the world are some of the masa •interesting and at- tractive to emerge from the u-ri'versal breadbasket.. EASTER BREADS Baste 'Dough '/a scup mill - 1/4 cup granul�a:ted sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons margarine or butter 1/2 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 envelope fast-dsin,g active dry yeast 2 eggs, wel'l�beaten 2 %'carps pre -sifted all-purpose floialr• Scald milk; stir in i/s cup sugar, .salt and margarine or butter. Cool to lukewarm:. Meantime, measure lukewarm waiter into large 7nLving bowl;, stir in 1 teaspoon sugar. Sprin- kle yeast on top. Let stand 10 minutes, ,then stir well, Add lu:kewa ri n: milk mixture, beaten eggs 'arid 1% cups flour.. Beat until Smnooth. Add fruit according to• desired bread, Mix in enough additional flour to make a soft dough — about 1n/44 cups more. Turn: out on lightly floured board; knead u'nti'l smooth and elastii'c. Place in greased bowl; grease top. Cover. Let rise in a worm, place; free from dratft uxntil doubled in bulk, — about 1 t/s ltaurs, -•• ', Punchdown dough; turn out onto lightly floured board, Fal- low shaping instructions for in- dividual ;brea,ds. Bailee in modebate oven (350 d'eg, F.) for 30 to 35 ;minutes. When cool, frost With confer tioners leinng and decorate as de; sired. Italian, Egg )-ting Add % cup chopped candied frl,Wt and a4 cup slivered W moind's twbasic dough. To shape; divide Clough -i, half and roll each into a 1 -inch ,diameter rope, Tvwiist the two ropes loos- ely to form a ring on greased baking sheet. Brush with soft margarine, If desired, place, hollowed egg shells 0.nto spaces in the twist. Cover and' let zise about one hour, Bake as direct- ed. droolc East& Broad Add % cup seedlessr raisins to buic , dough. To shape, divide dough into three piecet. Shape each into a snmpth ball, place on greased •baking sheet to forum a three petal, "flb*et", 4bout 1/g -inch :apart. Cover arra let rise- about iseabout one hour; Bake at 375 dog. V. NA,6defttely hot) for 15 to 20 irn'itnutes or uritis dozie, Uusslah Willolt Add 14 cup 'Seedless rnisaitis and U 'cup chopped blanched almonds to basin dough. To shupd; clivlde dough inn , hali., slYape •unto balls: Press dkth 'half into a gx'dMed onne pound coffee tin, tour aria lot riga about one' y 4 out l3alte•as directed. rora triet Deputy Grand Matron Me Mr• Bent charge 'of Ot'e � ' farm o..> ;.i:�«:<:::):•;ti..:.r.F District No. 5• Bin� M�attess z'nd Shabbnoa . we:have praSessed to begreatly ly .,». �,:..::.•:• past patron; worthy matron, hi -inti Alvan Lobb-, Clinton � - concerned• tixnd have offered Tan . Mildred' Ament;- Stewart Am- low man, Alien ' Shaddi�c'k Lon- albundanm o f sympathy but no ,,;; ••: ::.).,::,:: Brut; worthy patron, Wi'Ilam desboro; lone hands Fred Min -money. , .:...:.:...: 'Cat;ter; Mrs: William. Carters , shall, GoderiClt; 'high laid"y, Mrs. � Tri spite of the harxnon6' that 'p' • :�• '""`.•' ...::: `•)"" . Mrs. Dara Slvabbroak, associate Lottie MvI:e4�lanr 101w lady, �y, Mins.. i's' said to present exist bei• - ::�:w:%`<.:•)::. Yf; ' matron; Bert Sho'bbrook, ass'oc- Wes Bradnock; lone hands, Mrs. tween FAME and other farm Late Patron{ Mrs: Elia. Middle- Lottie McLcliaan. organizations, T am, told thalt g ' Mrs. Mar- t n' Past I'' D•G Mr ton, use: (for darnr<iru s su g one of, the present board mesa- ; : ) :):.. �,ondonn, mein,- gaxet ,Kennedy, � plied by the Lacal'aires, from m hers wrote a" letter. •to the Far "v : %:.'•:: . v" >::;: . °� a ` ` bet of the Grand Chapter Ben Belgrave, Associate Patron Bert mer's Advocate which was any'- ' evoleint committee; 1VIr; David Shabbx+ab'k thanked the UCW thing but friendly to the Hog �°{i`z a Kennedy past patron and Was. ladies for the delicious dinner ,,, Producers. What gives. :::,6,•..... ,• Ruby Philp, organist. and Mrs. Bert Duimin, convener I Where gave we now? Can we still, after 1, ' Worthy Matron Mildred Ain..• of the group, replied. ,April Shope that the 'pres'ent owner will contitnie to wait for V.&M? W H Y MORTGAGE? C The boardhaapparentlyu on lia ep ps •�` To Slow Vehicle Signs tampletely ignoredthe direction of the delegate meeting in :Jaen- and the shareholders meet- • To build a now home, ell uary • To buy an existing home ing in February to organize 'a The Huron County Junior Farmers met for their meet- ing in the .Agriculture board rooms', Clinton, with the pres- ident, Tom Cun ninghaan'- itis charge. There were 26 mem- bers present. , The m!embeirs unanimously agreed to sell, Slow Moving Vehicle Signs (S.M.V,) for the Farm Safety Council. This sign, an inverted yield. sign has been nationally adopted. , and it is hoped that in the future will become a symbol or warning that there is a. slow moving vehicle ahead as soon as this sign is recognized'. The signs +wall be sold by locaa members and will cost $2.50 each. A discussion took place :a - 'bout the .Duron -Perth field day -and the executive is to meet at Stratford on April 28 to Pearn more. about the p'la'ns. Bill CamY pbell spoke on the •possibality of holding a li yoten:. anny and snore plans will be made latter, M'aturice Love, 'provincial director, reported on exchange visits to other countries and -note infon ation will be ob- ' talined before plans can be made. Plans were made to. co- operate with . the Ontario Pioughman's Association and 6oderich T p -y► C Communitlub Sees Film of Trip The, March arieeting• of the SS 4 Goder+ich Tow sbup Commun- ity Club was, held at the hoMe of Mrs, Lorne Tyndall with the president in the chale. The anihute's of the formermeeting were read bythe secre- tary and the treasurer repgrted a libailanee on inland of $111.94, The 'roll shall was answered by 16 mtrnber5. It was decided to have a sociaX evening at James Lobb's hall, with flints and a program. A ;bake sale weal be held at the Aprll meeting. Quilting occupied the,remain, der of the aftern'oom, The next 'meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dafnald 1?orbess, s �s Lunch waorved with Mr•S, William LW.) and Mrs. William Rugger ,atsisting the hostess, Lost I+ nu,'d&uy night, a social c�ening walg held at J'am'es Lo(b`h's 11a11< 1&, and Mrs, JamesCoulees, Delgrave showed filen" of diel- trip to the British Islam. Other progrercri, erit&6ftliianerit was provicled ley local talent, T,ntiimunology, be -the study the hiaman 60'(Ws resistance to disease, otfets cancer sdkdtists bite of their irnost e5cei ing° leads tri pos�i•'ble cancer, conitmi. Step port of the Apr' t campaig l bt the daft, iuoif dance, Society MU ±ontribute to such reseakth, to assist at they zniern'artianai campaign to raise fund's. f7roni • To consolidate debts livestock producers. • To bund an equity for our estate Ploughin'g'Match to be 'held at q Y Y SSeaforth an 1966, They will. I �a1's'a, understand thatan of- eaf a :booth and arrest with fer to negotiate supplementary a To acquire other property the program. A centennial finances by a financial organiz- theemir m be, planned and atran never govt, to the board. ,.M.•t'. can arrange first mortgages'at attractive program ois of Donald ed ang, The baaxd has urged and sue- rates on homes, forms and business, properties. M& -ray Hoover and Mac ce nt in getting the esti ai Stewart Were named to bring rne-it t0 conduct an nactivi les ' forth ideas, tion luta past FAME activities. The meeting was adjourned and tnow insists that nothing with the next meeting to be can be clone until thus investiga- Held our May 26th. tG'on is completed.. This may take six months and is almest — certain to take tree momths. THE INDUSTRIAL Aubqrn_C61T, Wold, Meeting AUBURN — The Auburn CG - IT group suet at the home of Diane Kirkeonnell with 16 girds present. The president, Jane Doran opened the meeting with the cull to worship and, a hymn was sung, with Margaret S�anL. ders'on' at the pla no. The s'crip- ture lesson was read by Marg- aret &nldersonn • anal take medit- ation was given by Carole Brown. A Bible quiz was held by Barbara Sanderson on fam- ous speeches, and who said them. The minutes of the previous meeting 'were adb+pted as rears by the secretary, Gail Miller. Mary Sanderson gave the fin- ancial :statement. The roll Call was answered by teddiirng what they 'wished to da an 'the Easter holidays, A penury contest was given by Mary Sanderson, A short business meeting was held and the stud) r of theeven.irig was the .CCIT work in Ing donesza-the proj'eet for the 50th anniversary of the CGIT's • in Canada and this was led by .the leader, Mas. Wes Bradnoock. Margardt Sanderson, played' a piano solo rand the meeting was closed with a hymn -and Taps,. TENDERS WANTED • �QR Half -'Ton Truck (1) To trade on 1963 one-half tori truck, (2) Spocifioat anis avallable at Maitland Valley Conser- vatiori Office, Inkerman St„ Listowel , (an Rod White Supermarket 1314g,) or by writing to l?.O. Aox 760 Listowel. (3) Tenders must -be in hands sof seerefary-treastirer by noon 6 T1truSday, April22, 1965, (4) Lowest or, tiny' tchdor not necessarily accepted, MAITW40'VALLEY AUTHOOTY a -6b Apparently the fu ire FAME rests in the lianas of MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY ' government unless same biter group isable to come up with Estahiished 1889 gmovey. FOREST SARNIA PEi'ROI,IA I wonder would the situatlan have been the same had a New " Democratic Party been in paw- er in Ontario? H. C. LAWSON, Clinton --- a Phone: Business 482-9644 Help tight cancer with a Residence 482-9787 che'ekup and a cheque. . Get the old-time flavour of the drink=er•dovvAx beer TRUE BEER STEIN BEER ,