HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-08, Page 2tap, 2"." CH-ot'gii, .. .... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .......... bidiitori'als Mom GoWn. Than Em $ . THTS r44W$F APTIR !has rproAlned. ;�Wg Strictlyvjor the comfort Qf bom-e�- A4 + "S1 n P, +hrn" h vill -tha TT"r, , 'hiitifing fpnlor citizens and ith nr .f. EveryboV.s.0-oina It P 4�F'4v-f�i 'T -! !I+- P "I'll, ;; - � I - - " A ;*--M of tb p jew cointrovi, . eir tam! ies, It -WAS not ii� ny . rsy betwq.on the trwization supporters primarily in, tb Imp, wit ere ey bu�,st into flpMe, ignored, 11 . ating W4whing the World lately,. I th �..e goTi I i cerped, At !this, t fin t h4rd to believe that they disolve- and vonish, north end the' �"Qutji ano#ie� ind�,stry in Huro o ty, , r pf H n un Wo ged . ve her day, I W4 uperV qrpii a r ino4,0,ad has progres ry The 4 ,nd those W,� in *11, part -s of the county in faVou.r of -was !it c -1ur- at atering To the �QPJWQM of 1. ar Ine, _ $.$ f I g' e thpiday Cain Olobbered Ing 4,4 exw= sslbly be ;m -at has on ratepayers w:49 couk.l. not PQ J Abel 4nd began. 4 f4d th f jrgt-ji -what thing to do, I 10*0a 4OW.)1 A ,.and n er lostjU Position 0 Wilow The people of Clinton and oistric in ov popularity w, - her. coupleof raws Of students, and T dOing one's brpt, ,are Was nefded.' pleasedat Vie final decision of Hun, checked off tl�efr Ta on ell wn -C , , s interested fore Whether Wg' Abubar=, 44M- ins. Thpy Were lswiss� P-Qusb, County Council, It would be absurift 'ou4ty mm, n biwg or Havgn,4, Qqita or Qu to try to deny that mu of the elation m a. e ate , Qst and 'o ing- d qu ..Qh nly 1 prQvid COMa 4 It lan, bee, the pattem �s'the pam re this towii Anglon;:Sax9n, 71v in citizens of , stems. from the facilities for the requirements,of �resl- We fact that Hurcinvie�w is an asset -to both, dents now at Huronview and those liXe clubs sll'inglng, WQMcn$CreP4n7 Were Jews Md Ai>man Catholics businessmen and the labor force alike. them who are seekingadmittance. ing, skulls gwAeklM U13 blood and Protestonts of All donomina- sp tions, Likewise, we believe, contrary to 'Tlae, solid conviction of those elec- Ing. 113arry Wewer's statement during 1-iis ted o, ted twice Or.. the Hammering pne'i� fellow cit- , _,fficials. who vo lzea$ with a billy-cluji is oneTof They dd"4t Ovm look EL9 they address to county coun Triuch of the addition at Clinton and WhQ, were not- shQUld have. A red-headed Ger- elli the leading outdoor sports of incentive -behind the decentralizatioti swayed by thq, impressive Speeches of. ftis man and -a red,,beaded Jew, A bid was a direct drive for "thegoQdi6s minent persons from the north and caluple of swarthy, black�hairgd of county expansion". tPbro south of I Huron should inspire coa- it's difficult to belhwe th4t,@J.1 Mediterranean types called the bat.red' and viciousness Huron county 'councillors - Were fidence in the pro:jept. It should be Smith -and, Jones. among men, as based on COW * or keenly aware of the unadmitted desires ample proof that the majQrityof coup., reliigion; The pa1j1igtan1,ans �4d And Phappen,to1wow there is -of both factions, -They were entirely c!116,rs I ed wing n I atred, no tension over me firmly, believe the 75,b I n d 1 A n �s loathe each other, 0 h .Sympathetic to -the proposals of the -at -Huronview is essential. to the wel- They're the- same -color, differ" 'or religion Or pagmentation, in, d�ejegations. At Goderich. Well4nfbirm"' fare"of Huron 0bulity. ent .. �eelijimvs. 'the Viet Nams this group. There is only the ed, compassionate men woul(LhVe' to True, it aSaslim one�vo_te major- and the Vjel\Cangs. murder each nornl41, 012011 of persona5ities,. W incl$vidual agree that a,home similar to Huron- �y, but it wa a majority after all. other with Tdutual religh.. Same based elitlrelY on I! e ry municipality, if possil.)1e, the .a identl6all coi6f�, same r6lig-lon. s and diglAkes. view, in eive on h ad beei , , y re- Mus would belde4l. -�ed -at too would have been con. Kids �Skipping It, t Oe Spring In, Swth Africa, wittes ktek In 1043, 1 trained at a RAr ve:r th Whbthe�r the weather -is in keeping -with the timoof year -Wacks around. In Nortki Africa, station in , Tie d On But county ,council was pot an- clusive. SPR b . E, an . my these three kids say itis spring 1h the ToWsend Street a , Jacks kick whites aro, rea, :,of Clint und. In course w6ve pillorts,fro on. The fi, yPvngStPXs,,frQm, the' left; are Patti Kay, Brenda j�oyc�.and'�B'texida. Edgar.. both cases, r-ftlon, is- =materi- dozen EuropeAu. omntrles, from V al. Canada and the US, fxom, Afri� (Phofo by F� nk Phillips) ,SgMthing ... Any-thmg, 0 40 0 in sq4tth America, the 4tb lc�a and.AustrPA, la, from W.*WAM lcicb� the pow a-roundi and. they end, India, and,from, all over the all -go to the same. chVmh. British Isles, North America, wiveo�.Wcktheir C01 ple last was being done,., broQht a. 1 171, or ranged from sdiver- THE GRATEFUL'ears of millions anything 0 pw week ro, arl Ofc f heardthat a cancer rush of relief -to Most people, F ur e vaccine developed by a Swedish doctor Once again, the campaign for funds h4l,sbanft.. around., Sa.m 'color, blond, Natwegionj through c* same T.elgion; diffemnt sex. fee-hged. Maorilindian from New was -being testedon 100 of his, country- for the Canadiku Cancer Society is in -premises would be 'isn,. it rbo that these if it �a, * religlops Or zeal�nd'tq Ceal��IAck West lh� men.. full swin 75 Years' Ago. much more oonvenleot'than the Years Ago- sexual, What then is the �aSIS dian, Religilbin ran the gaTnUt The objective for Huron The news must have shone abright courlty i 9,000--nqt� to6 great 6L gum rear of the town hall. Cotincallor for all the pounding of other frcm, agnostic to fervent R C, ray of hope into the. ebbing darkness when spread oVer -the eritirI6 THE; CLINTON.N.UW EUA Jo"Jon iecofided . the, motion CLINTON *kVVS-r-FCORD simply fear that it from Baptist to Moslem, We of pain stitfered, by the,cancer patient. p9pulus. Fr1day, April 4,1890 and.thereport was -ad% people? I'S it Something anything . . . will A dan't- ' were like brothers. ed, April 6, 1900. YOU , smash the other fel- For those who have seen. loved. ones The executive of �the Boor4 a-, Eraployeq� of the Stevenson- Hull t 1 -1 has low,$ sj�ull first, he Will kick'You t birthdV, having help to fulfill the dre?aii that is -in,the et Township Councl On my, 210, ingly wither and die from the agoniz -trt ffid. Trudemet in the countiffl rooms Harris xnating Co. gathered at granted $200 to Lagd�sboro in the Orclin? ,relentless disease,, it must have fostered i het of manki spre ed an ankle badly in a. here on Monday e��enfiig. lt,w�o the home �f mm. Elmer Har- icommunity Hall Board, Or i's it Oomething more sam- rugger game, I couldift ;011k to a quiet -thankfulness. To others who Something anything Will decided to recommend to, the ness an Mondkr evening phd Dr. Johfii W_ Shw, one of ple and prin-Afive, just R &wage my own-birthc1hy party. I was live in fear of.the -terrifying ailment it assist in tfie search for the answer to Towun Council the. pr0prAlletY of presented Mr. and T&s. � Ron H . 1�ran Coun -the letting 9f blood, in careled to the pub on the r4wul- ty's, most widely joy in must have nu�tured a welcome ppAce of. the -puzzle posed -.by cancer. establMing -a Cattle and Home MacDonald with a cut glass known and highly esteemed reig� pair� -and Cruelty? ficent turbaned Fair lh�Te; it was also decidbd water ders.of a magni We'd,rather. help the Cane idents, wag hanoured at an in- It's hard to know.'An anthro- Sildi from India, a PoiLlh count, mind.' er So- t and' sIlverware. Mrs. Even though the tests'are not con- ciety� than have the Cancer Society to insert an adverds�ment In MacDonald hs the former. Mar.-. formal meeting of the directors pologist will say one thling, a an, AustraRm dairy - ffiami�er, and I the papers concerning the a& garet K. BrAn ' elusive the news that sometbinq h 1P us! WpuldWt 'yop? I Of Clinton, and Of IiUXM Cential viantages of the`town hs a W4*s. marVied -on. April 2' Agriculture psychologist anotber-� And a the scion Of a fine Old B01glan UfactuAng CeA#q, They Society Whenhe wag, the recip- good' bairtender. cauld'.prubablY family. It was my finest hour, will re�idq on E"t *t ient of a Departniental cerWi- come wi L-luse to the truth as when my brothers &PorAW mg Grim Reaper Sea'son Op Easter Weekend. Jackson "�othft's `�Ivert!90d W. �T. O'Neil ad reads $1.00 Cate "for meritous service. Ito 69- either, gently at the bar. ens new Crush Hats — the latest ,will buy 17b��g P, -and G. Soap ricuiture�'. It is my experlenae that the' And it ht4ped convince Me Now York Novelty — for 75C Or 9 packagm Lux. or 10' lbs;- Th, Ithat r&ee, viligion and color e maple, syrup teagon tension -of mce, creed and' color TIjE EASTERWEEKEND, April with momentary traffic slow -ups, at- and $1:00; als6 underwear, lov�. 'Cocoa or 9 lbs: currAiits or 16 lbs. 'artiffaial , with maxes promis�%, tand sweet. are It is have very little to, do to be s.hoT . completoly 16 , to April 19 marks the unofficial tempt passing in potentially dangerous 61Y patterns -and styles for,25c� of graw2ated sugar — also,free -eight new members 0�ty When they are tanned by inbumanity . _.or humanity usuolly gold at 40c. % Thirty delivery with. any order. 'opening of the spring holiday season situations. wee received into members -hip ignorance, fear or m--- to man. Thb "At Homet''on Tuesday Miss Sybil Cxyitic6 -has'. left at (:)nt 0 St. U t d Chur and -after -the dark, dreary months 6f Also, the association's records re- law! ni e, ch dVening stillb-as gomev6serve�� for Hamilton where she will and 33 persons joined Wesley Ahe past winter, Canadian motorists veal that the peak of accident frequency seats for 25c — general qdmis� spend a few days before going W131s Unlited Church recently, ARY COLUMN lien will be "straining at the leash" to take obeurs on the final day of. the 'holiday LIBR slion, at the .:door is 10c. to Vancouver. and t on to Weather,conditIoAs datmg Ove to - the . highways, hither ' thither and �eklod, during the� last few hours of.,, General Middleton has adn-dt- JhPall to .'the MIssil)n work past weel� haven't given much yon, at -the opportunity which- presents that day*, a situation which - is created ted that he appropriated a lot Whichshe had been engaged.ill indication that farmers will be -A Good Book From Local Library itself by the Easter weekend. by an alm6it universal human failing— of furg belonging to settlers, bef6re her, furlough. getting on 'the land very so= The president of one of Canada's a tendency to put off the return journey d the Northwest rebellion' A "tearlegs orrion chopper" but the demand'for seed con - largest automobile -associations, after uiltilivs too late td'reach boin(i,Wore e gn, thinking he had, -a basbeen.described in the Man- tm'ues to be brisk with most Could Offset This Weird Weathe'r a study of the/1962-63 aud 1964 Easter dark at reasonable speed. supplies of registered and goad perfect right to them. It way Chester Guardian � the onion By Evelyn.'Hall, Librarian not have been stealing exactly, is placed in a'glass cont i weekend motbr crash reco, ain ommerdial No. I seed thaving rds, Points The association offers these simple r er er c out that while the fatality total in-. but there seern� t.'be a fine and chopped unde cov much been, picked tip. ndY t 0 At the moment of mniiting baredevil—s of.Nkagara b�.A creased eachyear, the deaths per mil- hints which can help Maintain your line depending on he: mo. d of to therelief of the cook, Fbr the second cons ' ti with U's and O'Brien; Cache Lake Country erval 'u ve cold weather is sti'll Easter holidayas a safe,'Sane, int the judge. eL lion vehicle miles showed a welcome -if with no calamity to mar its Year, Harry Strang, Hensall Raw Lands; Our Heri- , passage:. ' to offset the miterY and frLm- by John ,almost-,impereepitible, down -ward tr�n'd. -1 11 , Mr. Cummer, late, of the was named wheat Icing of Huron W 1. Don't even TRY to go too far Blyth Standard, has taken a 25 Years A county. tratian there aTe new books to tage From. The Past by G. Hazards during, any peak interna- away! If you must, do it safely, by rail positimi in Windsor on a dally— go retad at Clinton Public LtbraTY- Hardy (fact-- and snippets frOn' tional holiday period multiply three- or 'by -air! an employee, of the Standard, is ',QLIwroN NEWS-RF'CORI) Theresfiould be something-foT ancient history dn, capsule form); fold as compared with, the ordinary . at present negotiating for its Aprit 4, 1940 Incurable Wanderillst by Peter weekend "and he commented that one 2. Start for home early..'Schedulia purchase. Everi.ihouih the 1�layoffs are 10 Years Ago everyone. of the main factors ift this increase * your return -for a mostlyda ight'drive is , A - - hds only I three days away, it is still CLINTON Nti WS-nr,,CORD The Rector'of 8t, Justin by 1306,tOck; T110`1�0&d TO CO"fed, at reasonable speed. 11T. Hood ofthe 2nd con., oUis Auchinclogs; Doctor Sam� eration by Donald Creighton; the almost universal urge to attempt placed- -an, order" for a very not known �Whether the Clinton April 7, 1955 L i to travel too far in the time available. 3. Never forgetfor a moment that laxge white bronze nionument to Juveniles 'Will fight for the Ont- The firgfdose of ",k,s polio aritan by Eldzabeth Seifert, The Stories Of ]?,amous Spies by To reach destinations, Motorists must accidents only happ6n to the "Other be erecteddn-B'aird's cemetery aijo, ,p3'! title in Maple Leaf' vaccine was a.dministered 246 Pillow Ylght by Natholas-Mon- Leonm�d Gribbae; Petinson's -travel at speeds inconsistent With safety: Fellow"—who just happens to be YOU to the memory of his son who Gardens,, Toronto or in Midland. Milton d' to Field Guidy-ToNhe Birds; to keep on schedulej they, impatient to the other fello I.. , , died in the early pa -!strict youngsters this sarrat; DOW t S top The CarniVall I W. rt 64 the Kitchener wo�lld. be flairer far week,, The children- were from by HelTnan Wouk; Tamer I Of Games Arid Stunts For Sch- winter. The"found'alticin 'has to both,'tearns., . grades one and two in, Clinton The W;ldby Max is, Camps And Playgrounds; streetg. This arrangement would be lbur feet square and biAlt Willis C. Gooper, son of Mr. Public School and rural scho Brand; Mur. 00 up with K masonry. Mr. Gif� - 01s der In. The Tower (historical) Flamous Sea Battles by John LETTER TO EDITOR, certainly facilitate parking on soll and Mrs. A. T. Cooper of town, in the asrea. Department a - I . thi of Clinton wIll 4o'doubt do - Weldh; Twentieth Century 19ilg- 0 King P�ad Ioaac, and parking. 6 lvinw good job. hag been installed as Grand Health officials werefaced with by Jean Plaidy; rd Master of. Canada todge, AY, the -problem of a limited amount 11rozen A59eft. -by p. G. wode- lish Literature by A. C. Wa ; afford to igaciffice. and A.M. in England. of the Vaccine, and the fact that Eldz.. Canadian Writers, edited bY Guy CitizeW, Offers,. Atemative Ideas space"s 'somet"ng we can 'a' house; ALegal Mction, by One word more — many of 55 Years Ago. An epidemic of hog cholera 'Ou�ing those two, grades the -abeth Eerraws; The Deserter by Sylvestre and Brandon Conron; tLs are reluctant to see a fine n"the ftWict .15 now pretty Ylaungsters'arenlOre apt to pick Douglas Le Pan (whiner of one A History Of The TjSA (from On Suggested Street, Changes solid buildinglike the old post well -under control. uly polio helped them make their of the Governor General's a - office. destroyed. Why not pur- CLINTON NEWS-RE.COAD , aqntolvs tax rate Waj raised choice.' . wardi); Mallabeciby David Wal- Wilson to Kennedy) by Andre The fallowing letter from an be installed if necessary and chase the vacant Service Station Thursday� April 7, 1910 ta0mills'atameetingottown By the time Clinton's -new 19- ker- More Combat St les,� by M, urD s -,. Beginner's Guide To or 'a i interested cibizen was. peVSOft- MaW Of the present traffic and the Chtiter building and Mr. Albert. Seeley— now has counc1q. CowltM.lOr X. j, Agnew bed Nurses! Resideme is offic- WU Chamberlain. Wuming Chess 'by F�,ed Rein - ally delivered to Town Clerk hazards and hold-ups be abol- extend Mary, St. between the two autos, this second, a hand- objected and said, "If. the rate- ially opened`heze the Clinton There -is also a good vailet . y feld; Th6 Now Mathematics For John Livermore on Monday. The ished. post office. and Wesley­WUM8 same Russel car, arriving a fmv payers can't pay at 40 mills, Hospital. Au)al;!� will have among the non-tication books: Parents. writer was kind enough to But two th,14s are. also- wrong UratedChurch? days ago, ond,he d,s looking for- -how will they meet ta3ws at spent appromimately $2,500 in leave a copy with the News- Sincerely yours, Ward to Many pleasant kaunts. wft the proposed traffic circle. ' J 49V' At the same meatlng� $400 furnishings,- fol, the new hame. Record. First, by closing the north ends —CLIFFORD G. PARK Bert Langford, S. X&np an�d C. was voted to -the Liong, Club to Drapes -cost $688 while 19 bed- BUS* The propo5ed traffic circle of King and Isaac streets it Clinton, Ontario H. Pugh oach dii1vp a car,,out of asVist in organIzIng and equipi- spreads, cost $159, iness and ProfessionaI which the letter,writer refers would mak .e approach to, the April 5, 1965 which they 96t avast amount of ing -a Boys, Band. Duff Thompson has been to, was partially covered In a new �oist office unnecessarily 0 solld, lenjoyment. A. 31FInes was named chafir- named a business partner -of Directory story in -a'dlistrlct daUy news- d0ficuttforpeople living in the Nefisall Rebeka.hs Music I . avers li�v Clinton en- rnaK'of the',Lions committee to C. H. EWs Manufacturing Com - paper last week, It was. discuss- north ihalf of the town. Secondly, '14 joYed a rare treat On Thursday form a Boys, Band to rep1b.,ce pany Ltd., and of the Hearn ed briefly at the, March 8 town it wouldnat be fear to the Iner- "old Dessert Euchre evening. when X-astee Ern�st the Citizens, Band which has Whoaesde Ltd. -and is in, dbavge PHOTOGRAPHY,, INSURANCE' council meeting, when the pro- —Amber Rebeltab MacMillan, Organist bf XUGX ceased to funotion. Working of sales and distribution. chwits in the two. blocks af-' HIDNSALL posed sketch by a Department fected; Lodge -sponsored a very suc- church, Toronto, gave a recital with him are W. Ball, I -I. Nor- There U no, need for Clinton K. W.COLQUHOUN of Highway engineer was first cessful dessert euchre here in In St. Pavtp� cbktreh, Master man, X, G. Waters and V, D. residents to worry about lack HADDEWS . STUD,10 shown to council and the Press, My recommendation. for a the Lodge Hall last Wednesday MacMilian was guest at his ra,1,cWer. PORTRAIT - WEDDING INSURANCE & REAL ESTAtE. 8aner solution is very of fluorine 1V their &Inking And C14ILDREN Pho .1 hes� Office 482-0747 simple. o0tornocin With members of lod- aiant Mrs. (D11.) Gunn- while The HonoMble J, G, Taggmt, Water. Thb threewelis� in. town Make the first block Of b0th ges from Exeter and Clinton s 118,8t. bavid's'St. Res. 40-7804 Xing st, and ligaaa St. in' t('w'L b4gister of Agriculture for all test, 1,2, 1.1 -and :LA partt of fluorine' per nUdllion par 4 - 'To the Clinton Town Council. One-way prelsent. BUtter �gald in -town for 224 Saskatchewan, WS be a guest ts. of Dial 5-2 0811�, G, odedth JOHN WISE, Salesman Dear Sirs, streets permitting southward Net proceeds were 1$40.M per 1b. 17eand spea!* at Farmers, ht, t wh, qd ed th Phone 482-7265 traffic only,as fai, as Mary St Nig W& ej� 10% JS CMS er e May I offer some cl4tid$rns Traffic Tr6m. Albert St. south- Euchre winnoris Were: fimt; Ms. 18c,a dozen. LIVe hogs brought sponsored by the Lbris Club a ideal percentaj�e to help preveht and suggestions coneu-bing the wattl would thus hdve a divelct� Ruth Beaver, t)1strIct Deputy the .&=�X 59.35 per hundred. C)lintoli- tooth decayi OPTOMETRY H. C. LAWSON -traffic 61rcle proposed for the President, Zxet6r; Second, Mrs. ;, J, W. wtwein, Of HensallWas F I irstMoetgave Money AvaillabIa areaencornpasged by the north route to the new PDA office and gd. iEM'f Hensakt' traVell1bg in Zurich on Mar* 24 and Ort lid I IE4 LO tbwest Current Interest RAtes rehlag'af. Isaac St, and King to the business area 80uth Of Idnehands, 1�ft Harry H on; gowed 40 lbs, of onions wmlo NGSTAFF li4SURANCE - REAL ESTAT15 St. and the she at the present Huxon, St., and such southward Spedltk pAzes Wdre*aMmrdcd Said) OPTOMETRIST thoba, 'This is the eArliest onion INVESTMENTS trlalfflt Would be ho interference to Mrs, It. A. Orr Who had a geed has been'jAanted ih* %t office, at forty Moridays Mmd Wedinoxclays Two,things-are good in the 'rafic bWthday closest to the, event years, Phones- Office 481-9644 PCL wh soever tO 4her t plan. it Would eliminate the using Highway 4 and 8i and mrs, J.,k, C6rnfahi 1�ruite-1 Cmmx MEbICAL mmg R . es. 40-978 1 frustrating intpusion of king St. Avarlatim of th1s-sUggesAO0 ffeld,, whtrWasthe -eldest person Clinton XeWt-Recotdi sUb- Yesi*oll Wye a to pleto 4924010 traffit t6 g6uth. into the rn4fit befeasible — Valce Isaac Vre�n It sctlptl6n rates are $1.001n sxa� 6 9 CLANCY.' 0A). H. E. HARTLEY vahce and $1.50 rany be chat-ged display of .1 LIFE INSTIRANCE main intets#otlon at Highwa'y 4 wtwo-�Way stttat to the 19aaoa- 0 ffmt paid in, tkae. S6:FOR,tH OFFICE' 527-1240 Planned and Ellghw*y 9� And th0r eXWA- MngSt, 'IV", With A small b0- A regular checkup 69 -your . I - a� Anatysis Nks 0ant6lon & Co, haVe .9 OPTOMETRIST — ... IM9,ti; - i slon of YLW St. eastward e- ilk -r northward endirdlih(9 �ffie 'best iffisurande ag'aal nst cancet; new display of tb I ring hats for HAMS— TURKEYS, DUCKS OANADA LIFE WON. , 1�1%g tho s1t,6 now occupied by tiorth end bif thit 'IV" go that an al�nual 'Cheqltd -to tht' C';tha` 'Rorge� Show Day — ladles, t& lc�. I � . , Por Appointment ASSURANCE 60. tile existing Post Office WoWd Isatic St. ttaZAc could cirelefal'oh. Can�; Soeldty is. your asked to call hi While the gente- CA CH KENS Phone SN -1251: Clinton, Ontarld to Hilghway 4 At A ba6k, on King St. but be denied I best ass��,od thut candor will �Men grer at -ihe Xoegt Show, point -where a -mop light could'acceis to Rttroh ok Victoria one,daybedefeut6d. to view all the AeW hats, at ve" PRODUCTS . - L �1, ER, SPECIAL: ALUMIN�7 9AST R,, W. BELL For AlnMaster Aluminum -9 b OPTOMETRIST. Doors, And Windows SMO ED 'H. 3 1 AMS Avdrdgd 6 40 _Y.ears� Ago Pi T�, ARMSTRONG 'and lAt WWON Nh* 0A AeAdquilatid tLlNtdN 'NEMIRE66ko Consulting Optonliatirfat 966kwell P6Wer Tools &hAbIl6filia 166t 1414 rzf4iblishid 061 CLINTON "W11, COAD COTTAGE ROLL ......... 49c fbil "thd Scltia�e. GibibitRICH Itu AIWISSAW Thlar4dity, April.q, I#Zd $24.,7661 Ri L, ieevit��-qs Albon 6t, dtlat�6, 60aeld, ddin6d& At ClInt6it couh6li mdalfig,� Pt A Turkd Iffbi dil , htbfi--489-9U6 obethote tails 06pvlaf� 1,4A MWfIffian R6201 of 1,116 111ro and NOME' P A, LAUklEf COLO k;l U"6UK ftfttsm Wat ieb 0606 4 WfAls paper. that +he 10thisft b. W" occupitsd tignba t0*1601,061 f6 fbi As Mik HARPER. IV, b6d dd, h6f natessaoilly by th,6 UMsW414,ftu, -Alg6nt and brivi" W1 Abbb.rdpdting ifid y1fd'ot 6f ifid 11dwito0diG CHARTERED; AddOUNTAW9 0hiiazod at �de �h-6P lb& t the, Pdo 'Ma, rket iTH ST TEUPH N8 A of thd wrlfbft 6� diid Clats M611, 06if 601166 Deobiii�dhf, bffawA,,dfid f& 069nofif bt ikostage 1� dosfi twtRIS -Metil 80[ t06ZklPt16N Mftso ftybW hi Advaheti — CWdA ahcl ?,�W MAIM, $4,66 a yda,r, Igigion A�id GoDtMCH, ONT. 52A�7561 14ht 0.0j, tf'4016 eopl�n, ib cants uwa, as 4 hi'dh4h, lid expwiied', I)Alw �AW Ahd Odra, w