Clinton News-Record, 1965-04-08, Page 1.......................... . ........ . ......... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-Y a2nd Yopr
TK,NEW E. M '90t h oo
4 5r: �,10 ;"P"tp Pgr POPY-1 9 N94"
p. fqppr Wit th
Clol 00, ONTAW, r Ypor
ayfield,Council Hears tnit_,
"D`1 Board
(10, ton, J ''H. k
in r. oc e,
y ort F" M C Q Kep.
k-0HA.,-.F PIA ffs, e -P rO
To Jurat quarter of pm, a
Audroy 00104niber) on Wedpesday f last night), som
rest�ng of -how, thip
Tbo schedule has been 'set for'the first �ot;r Councillor . Ed Qddloifson inU
19vfjeld Ooun(zll met at 7,30 promised a full report on. the Mob school mill rate is arrlv�
g4mpsu1n qthe Ontario Hpcl�ey. 4��,so�'iafion--Jpnior
z between Clintoii Juhlor'Coltsand,13ob- tl�o, . ut I oeve r,
g project a.
-on mon4ay, Api'll F eel, J1
�4 t the ed 'jat,
min es R regular ineting,
CCAY914011? comm brie#31 on tb e Mrs, L t
ep-0y Poth; council's
MKS, P0 Ill$ WvQrt
fwo games, in tbetour Qutof s�ven series 90091situatiMa
11'Mratto the C4uncAl f e
arein Clintom appointee to the board of ain o tb
Friday god Satutday, April 9 and CoUnell resolved to jittend a ton Distri�ct Colleg�gte IMbi- 130yflea
ot d by �Bayflejd
30: tthe RCAF, !on,, Clinton 'me ing in cQii ecdon witli. the tute, ga fL01 report rve th
.in . prose
Q, both At 8. m., 4 . ve �4 of re pt4t
Stat On e 0%ton
uro of the local school aree meetings attended. during the DistAct C�ollegiate Institute
A_� 'urth games 4re at, Boboa�yge Board:
Third and fo The growth of th Clinton
Gil on,
�Frlday -a 'gh school reflects the -fast-
nd Saturday, Ap an 17, M
e in our Q01n
The Clinton home, games �are being played at
limit es. follow -
the RCAF Station 0ena, through the courtesy of ing figures
Groop Capt in K. R. Greegaway; QD, commanding 1925, Clinton - Collegiate In -
officer. The ice is being tal�eA, out of Clinton Lions' ;t1tute had eight teachers; 1960,
17 togohor$L and 450 puplils;
Arena here" in town.
1964r65, 68 �teachers and 1,236
The RCAF arena, will, bold over LOW f ans and, Pupils.
the public can attend the4q,games, Entry to the
wZho e ondl�ffe ch, ea
ov,�? m 11iorr
station can be made"throiAgh tfi a dollyarsr is
em ain gate to flTe- September. enrolment figures
station and follow the signs' to the arena. e as foll6wz: from Clinton
-the second year in a row for -some of
This is
and 41strict, 806 from Sea�
s in an),01-�A final ser1e3, Last forth, 136; derich, 161;
the 01nton'player vrom, C�
year Clinton Legion Juveiii
4. froni South Huron, Exeter, 143.
les,wdre be�Lten out in
W! Twenty buses are in d4y
their Juvenile "B" charnplons
bip bid by West Of the students
Thei- Bi.g tine of ".C". linton Junior- Colts
transported being from Chn-
m (Continue on Pager R
This'line of Bruce Cooper Bob tiveri iore, and. John -Cooper have scored, ve)
over 200 goals this, season for ., Clinton Junior, Colts. They may be seen ` ac ion
U 'And T affic s'H'
4UVl ge eard
Friday and,Saturdaynights this weekend,when Clinton takes on Bobcaygen in
.,the first,two,games of the Ontario Junior, 'V' hockey finals at Clinton RCAF Employment Up
Station,arem TM6,above,�plbtur6 was,'t4kehjust as -they cam . e off the ic6 on. -o
In, Ma istrat' "s C , ur t Here Y
g estemay
Monday evening afteteliminating,'Eketer fmirgames to two
(J�j�aP rd. Ph o Magistiate Glenn- Hays, qQ,� made a,routin� search of the In Huron
w eCo' ot') ' i
said it would -geem the more vehicle and found- a paotly
nomind fines levied for 'under- sumed owe 6f beer� From A Year Ago
First In Hur*,o'n uge Xquor offences were rwt� Carter testified be bad i6ten
Employment conditions in
making my jmjppressdm, judging theinto>picant at home, but had.
C f from tWo cases heard in Clin- not been, dift-Wnt that evening. most of Huron cour" contin-
uod to show noticeable improve-
uIrt He bNalfd,he was, on lu-s way, to
b of Mar-
uron- 4. ad' -§tmte Co -w,�dnos- ment during the moat
*H' L''
H e e �on erence ton's magi pt*
day morning, up a fxlierid,?h� was work, ch 1965 in comparlsori With the
Roiiald'Percy Carter'i 18' Cl- 1hg date,
Magi9traote Hays,told Carter Clinton Girl$ Top� Speakers same period last year, according
'ared'on a charge of he Was not "d e from the to figuros released by the God,:
lHears'.-Ta"K.".0y. School Inso''ector inon, appL
unlawfully possessing liquor Janet Gornall, dentre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -f ice of the National Fm-
erich Of
while a minor. Crown Attom.e�y D. E. Gornall, 31 Winter Court, Clinton, and a ployment Service.
"The purpose -of '4-H clubs is skfil, dmlyarting knowledge or t�oug Miles, Huron's agricul- Wilbram Ckyebrane, QC, V1 purpose-oT tliose other
student at.CHSS, on '8aturday, won the Senior. At the end of' March. 1965,..,
a firlos: -Wasn to, collect- reve'nue
to tea -ch, and unless yourig developing attitudes, le. ders turad. representaAve, said the two similar convictions,las ye , I
1. � �e High School division of Zone C1 Royal Caftadian 571 peroons were registered for
must' have a purpose in mind, meeting was designed to 11n- from Carter's record. Said the,Maglibgte. "They wex
people learn, no -thing bas"lyben troduction crease the effectivei�ess of'the Tale y "to be a lesson' to you." Legion 'public speaking. finals at Clinton Legion NES,
employment " v the
Effective meansof m outh was stopped on a
and presertmtion were given by 4-1-1 homemaknig and agrieu t- 4 A.m. on Feb. In announcih- the fine of $50 Hall. Miss Gornall will represent Zone C1 at Dist- compamcl to 664 at the same
-time a year ago. The decrease
These were,the words O.S.W. Mi� CoUlter,.-who stres�L-d the dral progmin." It w, and C', days � in i aff rict C competition inHanover on April 10. At the
as tire first . ruary 27, when.the pape.1 truck usts or, applied to both male and femalle
Coulter, pubfic-school inspector importance of, -capturing &4d! of -its kind in Huron. be was driving was withaut Wagistmte Hays w�trned; "Car- left is Karen MacLean, Clinton, who placed second
from Goderich, - who was..:,tbi hiol&ug..intere�qt. I - . & t6r, don't come bael�. Your next in the Junior High School cl
'Seventy-five per,cenit of our bail lights. Corp&al Roy Oes I,, - ' voill inean a,m ass; -and right, J. Doug- Mr. Jutras manager of the
gue-st speaker at- the 4-H a -tib you simply -bple are engaged either di,- !as -Thorridikd, " Clinton, zbne public speaking cha
,say, "lloday we pL
-Ji1fieofV00," . . . ir Goderich NPE� st-ated that the
Le-aders' Conference at Londes� aregding �a make a calf Wan- rectly ozl indirectly in dgrictd 1A I man' who chaired the' conte9ts on Saturday after,-
boro UlittedChurgh, on gloni3�y A Kitchener youth, Richard nVost siiiif -aspect is the
ket, Jie waM-od, "soviebody is ture, today," he sojld,� "but, " Poi e, was noon. ffews-Rec6rd Photo)
'y John Irvin 18, apprehend -
the, then H nt Farnts Park decrease in. unenVloyment des-
cof Conwriurdoat1*1. godng to my, Who:caies'?" i a small percentage-. will be in- ed March 20 whe4 liewas found pite poor weather conditions,
H6� 'd record books keptby volved fin agricultural pursuit
sal beside his car.whibli, had been Janet Giornall and also at a time when the
About 1.25 Hurlan� s` Hear 6oderich, parked in the middle of a Chn- labour force itger has- been e,�c
the :�ouzig members will only He stressed the importance of
leaders,,attended the- day -long be as'good as the leaderexpects teaching young people to reason ton. stro6t. p=ffing at unwwd rates. Since
sesgions directed at the drt 0� them to be. ."If you set the read and thank for themsiel�
traila-fing 'young people hsr�! to standards I� To-Open'May"21 Nine - pleaded guilty to, a the 'Inning of the yew, the
low, hd said, "tb#;t's tLs well as to possess an inquir- Zl Of CoMUming � liquor employment picture in Goderidi
become useful antive citizens. the way the.'Mc6rdls will ap� ing mind, charge , C -Into'n Entrant W,i ns
Mrl, Cb�lter drew 'from his' pear.11� A bit of Huron County's zo,-� while still wider the legal age district has continued to show
"Wmiking with Young People Of 21 yeaois. He had nothing gteady improvement, -
�d -school teaching to The mke)� wa� mantic history will "be restored
knowledlp spo Introduced was the topic of Don . Pullen turther to say. 0—
conveybis idea to the, group, ex- �by, the Home t=omist for assistant agricultural reprosen' thi's =, nmer when Point Foxins Senior Public Sloea� k ing
the means s Pat Damude,who taffive in'the county. Provinclal Park, -about four I-1 - given. 15 days to pay,
p and, t4e Huron, mis' o' was
methods �y wh1ch learning del d1so, introduced the resource. miles 'north, of Goderich an ihelfte of $50 and c0sts impos- A sellies of , 'outstanding Lean, daughter of Re and
people present to' lagsist leaders He sdid the adolescent bi-_ I-Aghpay 21, is opened, to the od by Magistnite-Rays. v. Bayfield Boats
er teaching a with their pepblems, longs to a very frustrated group public'on May 21. William Reuger, RR, 2 Clin- speeches" were, 17 Mirs. R. U. MacLean,' Clinton.
He and, the 4-H leader's alctions, ap- Throe modern comfort sta- tori, wais fted $10 and,costs for competitors from this axea in Karen was second -place runner- Acting As
peaa�ance and moral standards, tions 150 campsites, a picnic -failing ta, keep his own side of- fbur classes at the Zone, C1 dp� in the Junior High school
Clinton Contraitor. are on display evM day. area and a patr�)Ilea sand beach the road while dAving oyer.the Royal Canadian Legion publa-c clas% capped 4y a � Goderich
"There is., no such thing as, a will be built on the, location crest of a bM, on County Road spealving contest held in Ckn- boy,. An&ew Me, -wlw, qtral- Ice Breakers
ot in Goderlo 6"shlip on, Mar- ton Legion 1911�11 last Saturday. Ried the statement, "You Cant
BU,,Id Iyad boy or girl," be said. "We wh:vre the first suffimer h el 8 in' hT BAYFIELD - The early'
just haven!t reached them." Western Ontario was situated, . ch 3. A.Clinton, girl, Janet Gornall, Trust -a 6niniurtzt,% Monday -morning sunshine )a
Cale Doucette To Miss Joyce Roberts, home -Such well-knomm personalities daughter of Mr. and �&is. D. E. Wanda, T�unter, Luelmow, and Dayffield- harbour brought a
econom.1st from Lambton, and as General' Shorm�k of C14 W Gornall,' 31 'Winter Court, won BiAlan Remington, Yinicardine, er of vigilant midlagersL out
Iva numb
Dale Miller, *ass.oeiate agricul- 'Wi ' Pame dined an the mt4n to,) honors in the Senior M-gh placed third and fourth respet-
tural reprosentative of that din" flydro,Offic"I'als School division of the contest. tively. td watchthe battle being wiged
Tw mg -room of the hotel before by tfmo flishing tugs as they
P. School .Add ion county, showed the effective- it wasdemolilsbed ab6ut 1918. Her topic was, "The Age of Elementary School. Division tried to reach open water.
The tender of Cale 1) 4 ness of visual aids in teaching. Ailthough little evidence of Chivalry ds Dead", - Janet is a blic School st�dant The "Playfair" and the "Bert
ouc&tte, rouni: providing fully graded the Hold Meeting Graide 12 student at Centvl Clinton Pu
Clinton, was Tuesday night �c- education foi- about 340 town-, Miss Damlade discussed ways onte popular miim, ner resort m- in Lyle Steep ended up fourth and Dick", boats owned by Sld�
cepted by Goderich Township ship 5�h-ool students. to plan meetings: that would-be mairls, Ontario Department Clinton. - dary School from the top in the class for dbU F#heriet of Bay -field and
School Area Board Tor constru interesting as well as inf6rma-, Lands and Forbsts officials ar�l With Contractors Huron 'econ senior students in elementairy Godeilich, moved slowlybut pur-
* 0- tive 6no-rom schools pres- tivo� confident the restorWon will The Ontaal.0 Hydto electrical Charles Congrvn, Wingban'i, schools, butlift topic, "Man, the posefluffl, y through the aff-sb(we
tion, of five classrooftis and a
playTbom to,lb6 added' to the, qntly Oft operation in thetown- A � digaussion perlod* followed provide mudh sought, camp facil- inspector, Bud Kuehl, and the Placed - second with his toPict, Superior Animal of the World" ice banks. They had manuged to
13ublic school at Rolinesville. A* will bp closed' with the when leaders were able to ask itits for,the.more than 580,000 Clir%ton Area riorem", Jim "Capital,Punishment" and Jim was ambitious. out a mile-Adde swath through
Jolm. Tebbutt, ehai=an of complotloff of the additimi.. questions and prosent ideas, on persons -Who are eXpetted to Graharn, hold a, meeting Tues- Hartley, I'�incardin`6, 'was third The "Adnner of this ddvleaon the contining sub -zero, oubstance
the school board, sEdd Wedneg'- Meeting �;Ith all menibers of the conference. Vlsit provincial parks this sum,-' day evening in Clinton, t, with a VIth his narration about the was Alastair Pirle,�Goderlch, a before alyandbning' the project
day the Doucette tender for tbe school board on,Tuesday During the diay, 4-H home- mer. . " group of approx=Oately 40 ele., anadian author Of MUAI)Osa brother af the winner lii'tlie until, a more opportune, time.
$126,65.1 Was� the lowest of -five evening were the archAtect, making materlials were on dis- It Is expeoted.tbat additional trical contMctom and, other fame, "Stephen Leacock." Junior High School class, The The solid footing was good for
as Da 1.5tevens, L6.ndon, and J, play and leaders' . buoks; and buildings aAd catnphig areas guestg� "Wkiston Churchill" was tho�,Vaotor L=Uton school stuaent something however. Captain
bids received. Nemt in lh�e Av L 'Vid lit , h, (Continued on page ten)
I . W *Coulter, publi schood, in- guides were dj;W16tcd to the will be developed before the,fall We purpoie! of t e Ineetilyg subject chosen by Karen Mac -
.the Aender submitted by Johii jr� ,51c1dall walkedashor� �or Ituich!
Reffllnoijaus, G o, d e T 1 e h,- for :�Pe�to`k 'i ag&culturai leadem, Of was to supplyinformation to, the
contradbil of new nietbodis,
regulatiofis, etc., and to
give the contractors an opPor
were "gultea, bit higheel:,They m Huron Count
unity to rek-1�6 any problems
were from t�;vans- 'and Xennedy y
_, 3 � t have.
Coiistruction Limited, RA S they migh
This 1% the, second such meet -
London; Hamison and Martyn flistorical Group -
0-onsbruction Litruted, 799 Ado� oig bf thAs kind since -Mr, Xuohl
Wde, London, and George and
William Conotmation' Limited, 1 hoped that the tin -
Plans Meetings 1, azo �tolc,llnton Area bi Jw, y
torer4t continues and that it can
W47 MoUntbuttehi London.,
a -and of Nap- beoonie Ah annual or perhaps
Miss Kaye X Fart
wofl( co"AnTenchig Shortly
-esident of the Ontario even a ozemi-annual event.
ane I Pi
-,addition at 1461- Historacal Society Will be guest 0
Work on the
mesville is expected to begin as sotWter a tho April meeting of
soon'tcs, potaibl6. Hmever, the the Huron, County 14-Igtotical
bob:rld must got ioprovalof the Sooiett t0I be held in, the caf- Sions 110f Spring
eteria of the Central ]4u'
,tender, price fr1om the Ontario
Depaotment 6� Education In duy,
ro", Robin, S In Town
8wondawy *s6h6d, on Mot
April 12 �At 8,16 pm;
Toronto and. will go to- township
-oottocil for final agsUrhnoe that Last W-66kend, residents of
It is hoped that eVbry6w,- in,
ed 4n
iit�-ooill Issue- deb6iiturea in that te,i%st the history of out Clinton were still shWothig 'un -
amount. county Will at -tend thescs, meet,- der fursaria galoshes, but hartly
Tebbutt Indicated these ings which are planh6d by fbt- feathered friends. Were making,
Irer rottWid aild
s and ftr*setitativez Wance to as4urt win -
procedures WL thedr, appe
shvLffil �iot delay the ftt6rdbor he tet-W6a* ' people thalt spO)ng
thmughou c0i InIty,
t t "
oV�ng 11nedWby the board, % 1 1�ritoiti, lowlaY4 I
g the Plaris are d1so, being ma0e to 0AVoodcock, 141 )�-dft St
hold the first &nhudl dinner to16&oncd thei Xtw.s-1-1.eo6td of-
Rolmesville'schbol to a t6tal
meetihg on, May 10 dt-�8t iGo6' fide Saturday torepi6rt that h6 V
1i clitsrWhig and -a pleW- MA
Meg Ahgli6an Chufthly Obder-
Histod e
whon "at h�g
eal S0616ty :66cuti1v i6h) on the law—h
Tho Weathot Aothl��i Ay rthl�_t Tnom. of the
The wnl b6 guest
above tikedUtWe ffimlbext' of 14urft Will 41�6 rod btZi bleds weie sighted
dtiety areplannih 'I � Im ' RhAoWc&1 Aeeiear�hand by ThOMU L'Opp gton, Spencer
Righ High 14W County 'Historical 8 9 WO I port� Dd.v-,ejo ent, 86 in 64trict Ladwi 'At 4-14 Wcoders Conforofte
TY14rch 31 32 It 29 , 14 ant Meetings in the near future.' thd April meot-� t, tkdoutivo wlghi�s t 6 Ift., , 2&' Leophlot6ii alto toilg M
April I z �2 85 1�1 ing In Clinton on Mohday� Aptil 12 and a dirillet Th . ShowA here'aw�activo leAder.9 itbfti Clinton district 'In IwH work, taken at
6611d Wdrest. indroOo- ho it'
_�gi 19 dted�o ou 96ck 4 -&A
80 26 the 4-,:R ClUb Leaders' Confdt6nde "in LondesborU United Chtroh- Monday,
.98 8 33- 21 mecitfrig.. ift codetidh on MAY !10, Thd mofAb&g", Its mcmb&Alp and., 1;�XbVd its &eso, mauft thoft- fty U�Ith�
Ne R_ , o.., r
f wEL , n'm ordek b5 *aid, Fro, -on County; Mrg,
,4 42 14 83 �11. ate, Idt t6 tight, Mrig Tdit. Clark, Rh 9 abdekl6h �Jndndial, �l to hii th6 Idt MIS9 Pat bamUdd. hon'16 ed6nomist for Hui
Its, pedj'ddt�� lb,6y 'i* , I dlubli%dary W,64"Doh 'Pickard AR 4 Clinton- Ah 4ASIStant
W, I of TyndAff� 4
19 44 �ppojiew convener-, 9P
5 44- 88 Algh Jewell, 4 Goderichi 6arry DO.. signA
,g 41 ga .54 s4 kilhanied eonVerier Wid, SAV -S, W, D, Madit Ctodit,611i i, thAt 0*1 Wfierni bbd Y eltib- leadev,- aftd Mm Won ybo� AR 3 Clintoh an ass1Zy1'.t 86 1000-.
odd yout bolo yb,& lqp&ft
1q6 1%ilow m1por NOV - Goder"I Ahd youk. tutgosi(oft Plow W(*t.h& 6f g*hg, lost, liA 'The 4-�U &OsO p�6ject thig y6ar iq .43i ozd-�- 'Club-presetvAtibn.,
geated, Mts, A
NP thoti, fwvb6hiftd. phoo
..... .. .... ...