HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-01, Page 7.MR.'AND MRS. ROBERT CHAMNEY
And Now. 1 . .
AID insurance
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Aid is simple, inexpensive, Sure.
Here's what it can do for you.
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ments, goes oil paying your monthly
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loah is paid in full,
if DEATH occurs, AID pays the out-
Standing balance of your loan in full,
Available oh 1.0ans d $1,800 or more
Exclusively at
Amid 482.3486
J, A. (John) Harper, tioAtich .011' atiade
-=the most dependable variety to grow
FERTILIZER _ Complete stock carried.'
Contact us for today's prices.
SEED GRAIN — Order early While supplies
are good.
Phone 262-2605 Hensall
lIttb e
Printed literature on growing
beans available at our
SEED BEANS Good supplies on hand
.,Reg. $1 09.45
5 YEAR GUARANTEE ,Overihg parts and
labour, including the motor, excepting only the
cord ancl hose,
Spading$ s Hardware
phial. -
APY OirlS in the cemMlnlital
Wishing to take the 4.41 spring
Fe0t: "The garden .Cluh" are
asked' to please contact the
leaders, MX% Keith ...Nfaehan or
l\f rs• Frank Raithby,
Friends of Robert Arrnstreng
will be pleased to knew that he
is improving following surgery
.114CtOria HOWital, London.
Mrs, Ross Andrew's - and baby
son, Brent, arrived inane from
Goderich Hospital last week
Guests with Mr. ktrid Mrs,
Gordon R. Taylor were gr. and.
Mrs; Ronald Rathwell, iltiuolhaei and Janice f.ckf Brantford and Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs, Paul se:bleach,
peterboro, spent the weekend
with her brother, Gordon Miller,
Mrs. Miller and Miss Gail
Oscar Arent received word
of 'the death of his brother, Jo-.
seph Arent of letessbank, in his
71st year. Surviving 'acre his wife,
another brother, Edgar Arent,
Kind'ereley, Seek„ and one sis-
ter, Mrs, Clara Hanneye
rrieliele of Mrs. Karl Tiech-
ert, Goderich, 'are pleased that
she is able to be at her home
following surgery. in Goderich
The Auburn Public Library
will be open from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
and from '7 to 9:30 p.m., start-
ing onl *Mil .
Support the Canadian Cancer
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
PHONE HU 2-7712
At other times contact
1.4021 Representative—A, W. Steep-482-6642
Seed and Fertilizer Supplied
An •Excellent Crop for Early Cash
Excellent Quality Ontario and Michigan
Seed Beans.
Your choice of Seaway and Sanilac.
Limited amounts of Saginaw and Michel to '62.
' High Germination on all Seed.
Seed and Fertilizer Supplied
Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices.
We aim to be of service to You.
Phone 262-2714 Collect
Order Your SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers TODAY
Clinton Feed Mill
28 Huron Street — CLINTON — 482-3484 or 482-3485
the old-time
flavour of the
drink=er-down beer
55th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated'
Retired •couple At Auburn
Flint,.Mich., sister,in-law of the
bride; Mrs. Ernest Craig, God-
erich, sister-in-law of the groom;
Mr's. Everett Harris, Goderich.;
Mrs. Carlton VVOrsell, Sr., God-
erteh; Mrs. Ella Castle, Bay-
field; Mrs. Norman Thompson,
Serving the guests were Mrs.
William S. Craig, Clinton; Mrs.
R o tb e r t Chisholm, Goderich
Misses Carolyn and Vera Craig,
Ilderton; Miss Sharon CharrineY,
Goderidi ; Misses Patsy and
Mary Wilkin, Goderich; Miss
Grace Thompson, London and
Miss Laura Phillips. In charge
of the kitchen were Mrs. Wil-
liam L. Craig, Mrs, Ed. Davies,
Mils. Graham Chamney, Coder-
ich; Mrs. Robert J. Craig, Eder-
ton; Mrs, Alvin Plunkett and.
Mrs. Bert Mills, Goderich.
The bride and groom of 50
years received many cards and
messages of congratulations to
mark this occasion. Mr. Craig
presented 'his wife with a new
gold wedding ring and she pre-
sented 'him with a gold tie pin.
The community presented-them
with a walnut and gold pole
light and a gold sun-burst elec-
tric clock. :Many gifts were re-
ceived and messages were re-
ceived from Prime Minister L.
B. Pearson, Premier John Ro-
berts, Andrew Thompson, MPP,
Murray Gaunt, MPP and Char,
les S. MacNaughten. MPP.
Priendls were present from Ta,v-
istock; Flint Mich.; Clinton,
London, Rderton, God'enich, Sea-
forth, Lucknow, Wiegharn,, Dub-
lin and the .surrouriding district.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Craig were guests of their fam-
ily to dinner at Zurich. Their
eldest daughter, Dorothy, Mrs.
Stanley Steasser, of Oetarin
Calif., was unable to be present
for this occasion but she and her
husband and two daughters Mis-
ses Barbara and Beverley plan
a visit. this summer.
AUBURN — Sixty Mean-
berg of the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert 1Charnney, God-
erieh Street, Auburn enjoyed
a family dinner in Auburn
Correction, — The I;'Salra
'Boob, dedicated at Knox pres,
Auburn Young
People Meet
AUBURN — The ,Anglican.
and Presbyterian Young Peop-
he's .Soolety met for their meet,
ing at the home of Judy Arthur
with the president, Margaret.
Szamierson in charge. After 'the
call to worship, a lonn -was
sung with Judy' Arthur at the
The scripture lesson was read
by 13rencle VanCarnp. The secre,
tart'-treasurer, Nancy VunCamp
gave her reports Which Were tie-
cepted 'as read. .
The topic for the evening was
l'Aiconolisin" taken by Frank
Peoetor. A discussion period
Plans were made to present
skit at the Deanery .ineeting
next month, •
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Nancy VanCamp
when' the topic "Dating" will be
presented by Barbara Sander-
son. The meeting was closed by
singing, a hymn, with Carole
Brown at the.,p(ia!no.
byterlan Chervil were presented
by the rnembers of St. Marh's
Anglican Cherell Guild in menu
ore of the late Mrs', Herbert
M. and Mrs; Frank Gagner,
Toronto, Went the weeicend
with their friends, Mr, and Mrs.
Ben Hamilton.
Friends are pleased to know
that Mrs, Robert J. Phillips is
able to be home after a Week's
illness in Clinton Public Hos-
Auburn Junior
Red Cross Meet
AUBUR N— The Junior Red
Cross meeting was held tin USS
5 Hallett with the president,
Betty Moss in charge,
The minutes were accepted as
read by Jennifer Grange. The
roll call wa's answered by their
choice for the Stanley Cup win-
The treasurer, Mark Arthur,
reported thet $14,65 had been
made at the recent auction sale.
A geography match was held
with captains Brian Craig and
Stephen Haggitt. Brian's side
won the match. The next meet-
ing will be tin tbe charge of Kar-
en East, Stephen Haggitt, Mark
Arthur and Sheron
AUBURN — Bouquets of
spring flowers 'acrd _potted plants
decorated the Auburn Commun-
ity Memorial Hall in honor of
the golden wedding celebration
of Mr. and 'Mrs. William J.
Craig, John Street, Auburn.
Large floral baskets were sus-
pended from •the ceiling and
the attractive white linen cov-
ered tea-table was centred with
a three-tiered wedding cake.
This was decorated with a large
golden 50, golden bluebirds and
-leaves and set in pale green
tulle and flanked by lighted tap-
ers and. tea was poured from
silver tea services. .
Over 250 guests registered in
the guest book in charge at
four grandsons, Jeff Craig, Ild-
erton; Robert Wilkin and Terry
Worsell, both of Goderich and
Bruce Craig of Clinton. The eeg-
istraitien table was centred with
a pot of golden shaded 'mums
and a golden shoe holding a
miniature bride and groom.
The bridal couple of 50 years,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig
received the guests assisted by
their sons, Robert J. Craig, Ild-
erton. and William S., Clinton,
and two of their daughters, Mrs.
Harry Wersell and Mrs. Betty
Welkin, both of Goderich.
Pouring tea during the after-
noon and evening were Mrs.
Kate Robinson, Wingharre the
only surviving 'aunt of the
gracile Mrs. Robert Chamney,
Auburn and Mrs. Kel MeVittle,
Blyth, 'sisters' of the groom; Mrs,
Maitland Allen, sister of the
bride; Mrs. Rey MaeIhnurray,
Don't risk
and be SURE!
It takes a seed expert with
world wide connections to buy
the right seeds, at the right
time, from the right Somtes, at
the right price. So, if you're
hot tin expert, trust Jones, Mat-
Naughton to proVide you 'With
seeds that will give you com-
pletely satisfying resulte-Jthey-
In fact seeds—and only seeds—
're experts!
are JoneS, MacNaughton's btkal-
nets . . and they've specialized
in seeds for Western -Ontario
for a great Many years.
Vou can be sure of reliable and
dependable performance from
all Tones, MacNaughton Seeds
-true to variety, high In ger-
Mination and exactly suited to
the soilS and clintate of Western
Ontario. Get full Value, too,
froth /ones, 1VfacNittighton'a
long4tirne policy of selling the
hest'suds at the', fairest prices.
V`or all your seed heeds, order
front.your local dealer or
Jones MacNaughton
tXttER oftkbitoisi
Phone 236-0363 thane 234.636S
Now that the Broiler grOWKS
have completed their vote on a
Marketing plan, .and. Appar,
qv:1;1y 1144 dried, I would Wc9,
to make some -oreeinents that
at an earlier date would have
been 'oenStritedas-ePPosing the
Grewers, "
While congratulating them on
their success, I would alert Warn
that their troubles are just be-
ginning, I hope that the follow,
iri!g 'Points may be of seine m-
First, I would suggest that
this plan has serious weaknes-
ses', If Proaer growers are to
improve their income, it must
increase price for the 'live bird,
There is no basis for this in the
plan except negotiation with the
processor, to be foliowed by ar-
bitration, which is a nice way of
saying state price fixing.
The final 'factor is the price
of imports. How much can the
price increase before imports
from United States take over?
Is it enough? Can they hope.
for tariff protection?
Second, the plan introduces
controlled production but only
at the state controlled .discret-
ion. of the Farm Products mar,
keting Board. Thin in faet can
only mean controlled' unemploy-
ment at present and "oloeed-
shop" if arid, when increesed,
ocosumpton can cope with .pre-
sent production • facilities, Do
farmers really approve of either
'of these?
Third, let us suppose that this
controlled production is success,
ful in providing the Broiler
Growers' with an :attractive in-
come. They are totally depend-
ent on feed grains.
The Grain. Growers can't get
into the "closed'-shop" of the
Broiler Growers:, so they form a
"closed-shop" of their own and
force the price of gratin up - -
and so on to all segments of
Agriculture, hogs, beef cattle,
dairy cattle, eggs, etc. Just
Where -does it end and who will
,MONTREAL Forty-three
countries have now announced
participation in the 1967 World
Exhibition in Montreal. Ethi-
opia, India and Mauritania de-
clared last week that they will
join the nations which will show
their best when the world comes
to Montreal in 1967,
Windsor; Graham, Goderich;
Stewart,, RR-2 Auburn, and
Gordon, RR 1 Auburn; 28
grandchildren 'and 14 great-
grandchildren. Mrs. Chernney
has one brother, William .7,
Craig, Auburn and one sister,
Mrs. Kel. (Olive) MeVittie of
Blyth and Mr. Chamney has
one sister, Mrs. James (An-
nie) Craig of Auburn.
benefitLer I '\ Ji erw am glad that the
vote cardifid. The plan .will de
Nome good. The main benefit
will 0orne Man the strengthen
ing of the organization to; better
take the next eteP0.
In looking to the future, the
Wailer cirowers and all other
organize: Wm =1st reall4e their limitations in gaining price ben-
efits from Marketing Boards
selling a i`trale" product. Nem,. 0y, the cost of imports,
The other factor in price to
producers is the spread between
faiwirrraetrs ient tl,theoenstuancitersthat the
Broiler plan 'didn't interfere in
this area that made it carry so
Thorsrlayl. Apra 11, 190
Clinton NOWSAPP9I4,-'_Pg9V.7;
txoaigly .and .-vt4t.h. 44.1p. .it :any'
progfiz.g4 ,Qmoff1ong.
Isn't it the Interference
this. field that has 14%414 the
concentration of fire from, all
thel*.g1445 of - .organlige4,
041t4re UP bear on Be
growers Marketing P,eard and
lust but not least en "Paine
that sinful, groUP that dared 'to
desecrate that "sacred:e:Pew" of
the 'Keg Processing deity'
Pirect ass Lance tO 4,1765
cancer patients was provided
last yekir by the Canadian Can-
Per Society.
Every $4,00 Purchase
entitles you to 1 Free
ticket on a quarter of
35 Huron St. Clinton.
Auburn and District
MR$ WES ORADNOCK Correspondent---Phone $26-7595
A Matter gal
114 44 CARL nAli'XINOWAY)
Over 250 'Guests Honour Craig Couple
On Their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Community Memorial Hall in
honour of their 55th wedding
The table was eentreed with
three,tiered wedding cake
and the turkey dinner was
served by Unit One of the
UOW of Knox United Church.
Herman Chaminey of Windsor
'Proposed the toast to his par-
ents and thanked the ladies
for their dineer.
Bouquets of flowers and
baskets' of 'murns decorated
the hall. After the dinner Mr.
-and Mrs. Charoney received
over 300 relatives and friend§
and they were assisted in re-
ceivling by members of their
family. Music for dancing was
supplied by Tiffin's orchestra.
Lunch was served by their
Friends and relatives were
present from Windsor, Niag-
ara 'Falls, Toronto, London,
St. Thomas, Kitchener, Wing-
ham, Goderich, Blyth, Chip-
peeve, Bluevale, Kippen and
the surrounding community.
• Mr. and Mrs. Chainney re-
ceived many gifts and among
them was a beautiful bouquet
of red roses from the great-
grandchildren. The -commun-
ity presented them with a
walnut and gold pole lamp
and a gold sun-burst electric
Mr. and Mrs. 'Chimney
were married at Brussels on
March 28, 1910 by the late
Rev, R. J. Powell. Followling
'their marriage they took up
residence on the family farm
at Donnybrook until they re-
tired and moved to Auburn
six years ago. Mr. Channiey
is the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, John Charnney 'and Mee
Chamney is the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. EdWard
Craig. They are both mem-
bers of Knox United Church
and Mrs. Chaimney is a life-
member of the IJCW. For
many years she has been a
member of the Auburn Ware-
en's Institute and the Auburn
Horticultural Society. Mr.
Chamney 'is 'a member of Mor-
ning 'Star Masonic Lodge at.
They have a family of one
daughter, Mrs. 'Verna Doerr,
Niagara 'Falls and five sons,
Elwin, 'Whigharre Herman,