HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-04-01, Page 3..Conuty Councillors tisfen To Paan Union "March' Puns (Continued from page two) -selve. Sli ice 1-4e0anv44400n Mrs, Govenlock: "The Onta ~ib li'ederation or 4a'bo!r and ,Gari- adian Congress of Labor ,are backing the march." Referring to wheat exports, she sad a delegation• from the i\Tatlonral Farmers Union Went to Red China, Japan, the Philip- pines .and Hawaii. Its members thought the 'wheat trade with, China would confirm?. Reeve Kenneth Stewart, I e IMO, enquired if parity or floor prices were s'aughst, Mrs. Govenlock:: "Parity on; a basic or )limited aaniturit of Pro- duction," o -duction," Mr, Stewart: "Some form of control?" Mrs. Govenlopk: "We have control's on eggs - - not working 4ut well." Mr; Leiper; "I Was talking to a western. farrier ,who said, 'We have nobody to blame but our - SPECIAL BUS To the Broadway Musical "OLIVER" At Treasure island Gardens Friday Evening, April TICKETS: $7 ^- $6 - $5 Includes bus fare Habkirk Trove! Service SEAFORTN 527-1222 12,13b carne in we crop 90% of the land all the time, and fertilizer has increased ye xd,' 2 •am a S'ia`m believer in supply and des nand, and 1 dant know any gover'srrnerrt that can beat it," Mrs. °overlook; "As soon ,as car supply Leeds deanand, they cqt off w'arkers." Deputy Reove Everett Mai - wain !Goderich township, said he !agreed with Reeve Leiper. Mrs. Govenloz k: "Would you be in favor of controls 7" M. Mcilwain: `"Nobody wants to be told what he can do or can't.'" Reeve Cary, Dalton, Seaforth: "1 don't think we should bye sub- sidized, but millions are voted for art, the CBC and all down the fine." To Deputy -reeve Jim Hayter, Stephen, Mrs, Goven'lock said the Ontario government had been approached, but tax rev- enue Would not allow them to give price support. P po`r' , Reeve Corbett: "They are not in the position some farmer's are. I would Juke to see them have .a son who had to buy 100 acres, implement'$ and ,stock, and go ahead" Mrs. Govenlook: "Under the Stabilization Act, $250,000,000 is paid 'in aiiimailly, and all we want them to do is spend it." She said that donations from the councillors were requested, and Warden Webb mischievous- ly said they had been paid that afternoon; donations totalled $29. There were 36 councillors present. Reeve Elgin Thompson, Tuck- ersmith, mentioned a former, of- ficial of 'a .farm organization who, quit because mexubera were "always crying." Ai BEL TONE Hearing Aid Service Clinic FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FRIDAY, APRIL 2 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by. Newcombe's Drug Store • Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener Puts the things you Want within your reach CB1o1? MONTREAL F• ,. ami q mance "MAW Irti ['flan /. Bring all ydnr personal credit needs under one roof LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS 70 3 MhUON (MAWS Clinton lBranc)r: CAT' Station (Sub-AgenCy),r. Lendesbeioiigh '(Stbb-Agerlcy) E. FLETT Manager Open Daily Open & ThUis, New vDalton Reeve ee e At _Seaforth, Kling On Council Carr Dalton wa$. appoted reeve of Seafortli last .Monday night at a Special sneetang of council. Dalton, the limner dep. u e t3' reev , moved up to fill the vacancy left by the recent dearth of Nelson G. Oardno, Fortner , pw Giller Winner Cu dhlll b leave Seaforth's deA- utY-reeve in the switch. Frank Kling was named to till one of the two vacant cmtn. eillor chairs on Seiaforth council, He is a former chairman of the PUC and has agreed to coMPlete the balance :of the year as co -n calor, It is not known when the other coundil vacancy will be frilled, It was created When Ern - eat Williams resigned to become town clerk. At the March session of coun- ty council, Warden Glenn Webb paid tribute to the late Mr. Caviare. "We were .shocked by 'news of the death of -our colleague," Webb said. "Most of us had known.hum _a little over a year, and realize we ,have lost a very capable member of this council, and .certainly we have lost a friend, 1 am sure the deepest sympathy of this council is ex- tended to Mrs. Cardno and the fa nJily." 0 LONDESBORO The Londesboro Canadian Girls In Training Group held a 50th anniversary smorgasbord supper at Londesboro United Church school- rooms on Satur- day, March 20. - Th'e tables were decorated with touches of gold to depict the 50th anniversary o'f CGIT in Canada. Members of the group served and poured tea under the direction of Mrs. Car- men Moon and Mrs. David An- derson. Girls from the Londesboro Explorers group attended a suc- cessful 'bake table. Of special 'interes't was a 1915 Middy and skirt modelled by Miss Glenyce Anderson while the rest of the group wore the 1965 styile. Proceeds from this event will go towards the group's adapted child in China. Chris Kennedy had the mis- fortune to break his leg, and some toes, while cutting wood in the bush. an Wednesday of last week. AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen returned home last weekend 'aif- ter visiting for seven weeks with her niece, Mrs. Stanley Stass:er, Mr. Strasser, Misses Barbara 'and Beverley Strasser in Ontario, California. They 'vis- ited Hoalywo'ad, Disney Land and many of the seaport re- sorts, The Aliens enjoyed the 75 to 80 degree heat and re- turned 'home sun tanned. They also had the tharill of picking oranges and grapefruit from the trees. Classified Ads. Bring Results IF YOU DON'T KNOW what to give Grandma for Mother's Day we've got it. " ¢CHiLIi PORTRAITS • JERVIS STUDIO 482-7006 13-16b X1$0,440 to be spent .on Five I1/�ilex Of BayFiek- Clin. ton County Road GODERIC$I -- No place In Huron arty ismore than three miles from ;a county road or prqyinl. highway, County Engineer Janne+s. Bi{,itx e l 't Id county council !ih exFdairlling the Bounty road system as fitted to the "needs study" carried out *der direotian of the Ontario Mrrlrster of Higfsways,, ,C, S.. Ma9Naughton. Of six oriterht for county reads, the 'primary one is to 'connect cities, towns end Vil- lages, police villages' and ham -1 iets of snore than 150 persons an 500 'acres or less, to each other'I and to the King's Highway Sys- tem by, the shortest route along existing road allowances, unless such a system is now provided by the King's Highway system," Of road construction items in. the 1965 Program, largest is $180,000 for grading of five miles on road 13, west of Clin- ton (Bayfield Road) , For^ p'aving.. road 16, Brussels west, $65,000 is. Provided, and new machines ' is expected to cost $60,000, Maintenance accounts for $5- 00,000 and bridge construction another $235,000. Donnybrook bnrid'ge, a 270 -foot span, will cost $140,000 and its approaches, $15,000. Development road 759, Cred- iton to Khiva corners, five miles, will cost $550,000, and the sec- ond part will be started Later this year or early next. The province will finance this word;. The report, presented by Reeve Grant Stirling, of Goder- den township, cli'adrvnan of the Huron Road Committee, stated, "Your committee met with Hon. C. S'. MacNaughton Feb. 23. to d'i'scuss our request todesignate county road 3, from Bayfield to Egmonelu! l e and Seaforth as a development road. The minister was most sympathetic to our proposal, and adbised that while he could not designate the road at this time, since we now have a development road in progress, it will receive serious consider- ation by -the department as Soon as development road 759 is well under way." Reeve Stirling announced a sale of tractors and trucks in May. "We have to go along with the need's 'study," he said, "anal 100% development roads. We need them in this county." For consiideration of the re- port clause by clause, the War- den called Reeve Calvin Kriauter Two Additions Slated For Huron Museum GODERICH --- Huron County Council at its March session approved construction of a 60x80' addition to Huron Pioneer Museum, at an estimated cost of $12,375. The 'addition will be two storeys in height on the south side of the present building, Expansion of the museum has been urged by the former cur- ator, J. H. Neill, and his suc- cessor, James Chisholm. Com- mittee chairman Elmer Hayter, Stanley, speaking to the report, said the need had been evident for at least three years, Hayter expressed the hope that discretion would be used in selecting exhibits for the ad- dition, so that it might lost a long time. The museum's former curator, J. H. Neill, will finance the con- struction of an office at the front of the present museum. Neill had previously pressed the project upon successive commit- tees without any success. Council was asked for approv- al to proceed with the scheme. Prof. James Scott, Seaforth, and clerk -treasurer Berry will meet in April with the publish- ers of the long-awaited county history. The manuscript will be at that time completed and pre- sented to the •Toronto printers. EDWARDS PHARMACY CLINTON PHONE 482-6626 PRESCRIPTIONS Perfumes — ,Toiletries Cameras--- Films --- Developing CALM (Spray Powder Deodorant) Reg. $1,50. .,....> .... .,.. ...>.> Special $1.00 Clifton Bubbling Bath Oil Pine, • Apple Blossom, Lavender (26 -oz, Reg., $1.98 .,...,..... special $ I.59 BRECK SHAMPOO (6 -oz.) Plus FREE Breckett (4 -oz.) Special $1.00 BRICCK SHAMPOO (12oz,) Plus FREE Hair Set Mist $2.54 value ......................... Special $1.00 BAN SMOKE GUM (36's) Plus .Anti -Smoke Book $2,23 value ..,.......,...,...,. Special $1.98 REVLON SUPER NATURAI. HAIR. SPRAY 12.oz. AEROSOL Reg. $3.00. ,..., .... Special $1.79 of 'Brussels to the .eixais. Marti berstd'essired to scrutiulge a.halt dozen 44eti945 &On . the county s3e^tem at Maoh 31 next year, and three a year later. One ado, dition to tihe system is the •Sky Harbor airport road; ahalf-¢rile, Deletions to be ?11'ad'e nett March 31: Road 1 (Mid'dleSex boundary north to Centralia) frosts, road 5 to road 21; 1,29 miles; Road 9, Hens'all east, 4;25 ?mile's; Road 10, Highway 4 at lili'ppep t4 HighWaY 21, 10,12 i 15, Base Line to miles; Riad, H ghway 4 (Hullett), 3.60 miles; Road 24, Higlmatiy 21. at Shep- pardto•n to road 25 near Au - mites krurn'', .8,90 miles; Road 26, Higlr- Wayy .4 (Bruce boundary) 14.60 , Regarding Road 2 from, Zur- ich :north, scheduled for deletion in 1967, Reeve Ernest Talbot of Stanley said the Elgin Meliin- ley hatchery was a trk f is cre- ator, and Reeve Milton Oesoh of Zurich suggested that the corn- miittee "take a good look" at this proposal and possibly seek a development road. "The whole picture will be reviewed," the Warden promis- ed. The other roads for 1967 de- letion are 23, Kintail to Lock - harsh .and 31, Holmesville south, 4.2.0 miles.. Win harpap it TopsPublic bl School Speakers A W'inghain youngster wailed off with ffr'stt prize in an ele- mentary schocV1 public speaking contest held in Clinton and sp'on'sored by 'the Ontario Public Shcrool Trusitees and ratepayers Association and, the Ontariq Hy- dro Electric Power Commission. Vicki Rosenhagen, Wingham topped nine other' competitors to qualify for the honour. She will now move on to the sec- tional finals at Bretslau in early April. Susan Carson of HMO& Cen- tral School placed second and Susan Bissiett of Victor Lauris- ton Public Sehood, Goderich, Was third. Judges for tihe event were J. A. Gray, principal of Clinton Public School.; ). W. Coulter, public school inspector, Hurons No. 2, and Mrs. Reg, Ball, Clin- ton Pu'blic School teacher. Mrs. W. Colclough Reelected Head Of Clinton Women's Institute Group Members of the Clinton Wo- men's Institute named their of- ficers for the coming year. Mrs. Wilfred Colclough was re-elected president; Mars, Chas. ,Nelson 'holds the office of past president. • First vice-president is Mrs. Ernie Radford with Mrs. Hart- ley Monaghan, second vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Ashy Crich Will be secretary and her assistant is Mas. Edith Aldingtorr. Mrs. Mer- vyn Batkin is the newly elected treasurer. O'th'er officers include Mrs. Charles Nelson, &strict director, and auditors, Mrs. Myrtle Tyn- dall and Mes. Bert Gibbing's, The group also selected var- ious conveners for the com'in'g term. • Social conveners are Mrs, Jenny Wise, Mrs. Myrtle Tyn- dall and Mrs, William- Hoggart; flower conveners, Mss. Tom Leppington and Mrs. Louis For- est; Agriculture convener, Mr's. William Hoggart; ,Canadian In- dustries, Mrs.. Myrtle Tyndall; citiizenship, M•as,, Ray Connell; education, Mas. Jenny Wise; hii!storical research, Mrs. Mar- garet Herd; current events, Mrs. John Gibson; home econ- omics, Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall, and health, Mrs. Charles Elliott, • Branch directors are Mrs. Royce Fremnin, Mrs. Jack Bat - kin and Mrs. Milton, Wiltse, Mrs, John Gibson is do change of public relations. Mrs. Charles • Lockhart, God- erich, was ,present to preside over the election. Mrs. Colclough conducted .the regular business session when committee reports were heard. Ma's. Wise presented the cur- rent • events study and Mas. Mary Ross^ gave the citizenship topic. The ladies were entertained by a reading by Mrs,. Gibson who also conducted a contest entitled "Aunt Priscilla's Piece Bag". Hostesses were Mrs. Bert Gi'b- •bings, Mrs. Waldby Burton, Mrs. Jack BatIdin and Mrs. Gladstone Grigg. glia kit GODERICH . ONT. DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week -- Saturday, April 3 "The Concords" Dancing 9 to Midnight Admission: 75c per person Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 1 family Medical Protection IS ESSENTIAL TODAY Huron Co-operative Medical Services Offers Complete Dependable Coverage TWO PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM 1. The Comprehensive Plan INCLUDES SURGICAL AND iN HOSPITAL BENE- , FITS AS WELL AS HOME AND OFFICE CALLS 2. The Basic Plan. INCLUDES SURGICAL, iN HOSPITAL AND ' MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS No Medical Examination — No Enrolment Fee — No Age. ,Limit MAXIMUM PROTECTION. AT MINIMUM COST DISCUSS THE HURON CO -00 MEDICAL PLAN WiTH HURON CO.OP MEDICAL SERVICES CLINTONONTARIO 4C YOUR LOCAL DIRECTOR OR CIA AGENT Bert Irwin, RR 2 Seaforth, Director Lorne Rodges, RR 1 Goderich, Director Gordon Richardson, RR 1 Brucefield, Director Peter Roy, Clinton, CiA 11,13,i5,17b Thursday, April 1, 1965 --Clinton Naws-Record-.Page 3 Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper ti THE PARK THE SQUARE-�-GOpERICH Now Playing—Special Attraction. --Regular P ces pai's Day Rock Hudson, and Tony R n II A riot of On: from a B'way bitcomedy Color rSEND ME MON,, TUES. WED. -- April 5-6-7 (Adult Entertainment) Gregory peck Daniela Rocca and Anthony Quinn Filmed in the Pyrenees, an intense suspense -drama "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" THUR., FRI., SAT. April 8-9-10 Marion Brando —• Shirley Jones and gavid Niven A new comedy by the "Lover .Come Back" troupe "BEDTIME STORY" In Color Coming—"BARABBA5"--color specto le SUNSET DRIVE-IN RE -OPENS APRiL 29 Kindergarten Classes Parents are requested to register all children eligible to attend KINDERGARTEN CLASSES, com- mencing September 7, 1965. To be -eligible for Kindergarten enrolment, a child must be five years of age on or before Decem- ber 31, 1965. Registered by letter not later than April 5, 1965. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the principal of the Public School. Send applications stating name of pupil, birth date and telephone number to: J. A. GRAY, Principal, CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, Clinton, Ontario. 11,12,13b 1 "Let One Call Do It Ali" Let Clinton Laundry Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional Dry -Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean -Only Dry -Cleaning (25c Per Pound ---10 Lbs. for $2.00) At Our Plant ---166 Beech Street: .—Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean -only" method and which require professional treat- ment. (3) Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH -- THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH (tic Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Coveralls, Etc. (5) Coin -Operated Laundry These facilities and our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On Alt Garments. (8) Pick -Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day Service (10) Three -Hour Service When requested, Dry -Cleaning & Laundry - in at 9 a.m. can be picked up at 5 p.m. " Special Attention When Required, Each Week One Lucky Customer Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit THiS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER F-- 1406 Phone 482.7064 Clinton, Ont. 1