HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-25, Page 9Auburn W eifs Insfitute,
St. Patdck� meet!"91P Rea Po 't, Vaud JAcir 14uSUVd Nwere,
Au, 6_,urn ,and, Disitri..ct, I r ;Be ",r...$ I VT
01to, ou 9ndAV 4tte
AVBVW Miss: FatrJci4 MV08 S prC,,
'QCK for, sent dW*A0 thAr YO�'Ar, N11 Tato Aw
yepo Qho..W
x fKastax
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MR4, WAS SKAJON CqTk At ts 'reot,
D=40% �h g Wonoail
United Chtimb,'
J. kell! County war, gu* spe*- ing's, " wltK %PwRen. And: oQM9",
Women's I - J avies
t,1hp Auburn, WDm n t mes, plotores, J�Trs,.,Ed P,
M, PO 0".., '1 I'VOW Volt 11 4e
thgy th'o dt op
�qr t1joir spo%0
x14WM books, and 0hob song NVI$a otbler laatweol; wben XarcIi meeting '3n the Auburn, Ing wui�ch Tho XarQ4'moetlog :of Unit
�R- Stanley UCW Q( 13.rucefie%
bQQ'Ica Wer,0 4edicAt0a to -the Wilsm of Axqw _DlEff�B, C, W04, ua.liis 'wn corwilunity memor$ql paid. She 12 100al W.1'es.,hu'd ta4w)%
tea the Service for 'the Jobu. A. Weir of Lon'don-001iod, was dMro,dvce4,bv Mri, Gordon An interook UnitoaMqvcb was hold at the
007 of God to be used at Nbox WNW h
� Xrg. T oboKio
,Pwsbyteria-a Qhurcb, last SUji- late J. R TIAt the ftdelvd.s le Of Mm"Xiawd Twohnev on
i C, pobie, cony-oner of public rolat- tive quiz on, 1:11,e h 001-, lid 011
.A, -t Vi ge !I anrlb
the trqh 22 with an,x
AfthAir rw ieral,Hidme, Xr, 04y, ions for tile bran -ch >a- by Mrs, - Gordon D ottopda
,day by Rev, R. V, MalLimn. Woble made t
4son ft members, s. 04sted by AW, 7tc=nce Z%1>3? left last 17 mem The devotional was
rude coke 0 tbe, goo public ii�,e
The Song 'DookS Were Placed 1].J t We.ol� - M .. sp , , T . good M,�ors thillk that More study it,*oi� by Mrs. Don McG
MemoxY*f the date Mrs, J. 0. Stewart" f4eimplAy minister of for a Ro day tr�ip through Eqr. rft%M,,!� b0twoon W1 MC-Mbem Should 'be :Male 04 the rUlo$rigor.
U _,0 re. Tiio a Ns -fw1d 4,ff, Club n� -ab, cleonstitutonot4pU, rg 1z_ Thq-,,seretaryla report was read
going to the
nited nd ja aX ers oAd�
Stoltz by f Jenc'14 and the)?s�am _ro
llbeArexv. wore Thpow'Jolin- RQ111V cal Triab songqwlz '3014 rolloall answered by A fox-
boul,ca were Wesepted by, t P4 . Z, mngraulatod the Auburn mQm- otion, A nius! f
-ton .11 '49 title,
:Ladies' Guild of Sti, Mark's A sten, , Will!= Lit, Craig" Willim bers, sin their exceilignt, support was ih ld by Ms, W�111 OW"Ite Trigh 'SO
L n, nobertsan, Robert 0 Q aTnr J.
glican Church, Arthpr, 013- fax Many years of g4 1-1 the 4 - Craig, vdth Mrs, Thomas Law. It WX%docdd
00 to, have 4 sup-
vr Anderson, and Willigm Str- aryprojeots, Miss Damude ,outlinedTor -mt)ie Nvbmer, Per on XvOl 01, this, will be
40.Xrs, �rge Sohnelder ttugum, BwW WJll -be in W"s .Auburn Llbrthe projects for the W4 mem- Plans wero made for the an' �n charge of Mrs. Don XcQrog-
turned 10st weekend after e
0�*metery 4n, the ppillng- hers and sp*e OA, tbom �&s. xiUE4 s4ushine meter to -or-, am,, 'Cal Horton and xm.
_Wg With her daughter, Mrs" Wes Brada0ck than4ed Miss be held Di4ngai-non on Apr�,l Norman Baird, A Wn�t 0
We are glad to repolit that Announces List f 10Q
Arnold Sbart, Mr, Moot and the chimney Sire at the home of Damude and on`,bubalf of the 2J with AUV, R:ai-jaond t10%ot
fwnllyat Weston. sgre t.c., be Sol.a.
Mr. iand Mrs, Ray Han =c yriembers, presented, her w1t4 A mord at,Goderich as the 'guest Afro, Lorne Wilson 1144 the
family Was qulcl�l� brought Of New '00ks gift, speaker', IDWhMolnber is to in, topic With Mr. and T&s. 'Oliver Ander- 0 Medico in Malate '.
son, Miss Nancy Anderson, ATws _STor control, Blyth flra brigade AUBURN — New books have Mrs. Berit,crag, President of Ivete (a friend,and the price of a Nils,, Norman. Baird closed the
Jiid�y Arthur and Mark Arthur ap§w0wed the OaX, 4b, the bran0h, was in charge - ok 'gift was set at $Z00. Lunch was Meeting w 11 n
recent4ygrrilred cit Auburn it',4 er, T e next
'Isated do last FIrlday. urp P� rved by Ws. Tames jacicson, Meeting will be held at Mrs,
, . prey
vd. Chides Se -visited relatives Library it d, .are 0 avail, the aneeting which opened with Igo
ott �s lis Libra w
able all Mrs
A 10W901y att(MdOd funeral In London last Week. lzrners� Mrs. WAI-lam Z,'Cra�g at 'the, Mrs, , Leonard Archambault and Wilson's home'with x
tji . oll call, to
and the many floral trib4es- Bob'ATna0trong 14 a'patient Nwthweest Passage, X. Ro', piamo. The hall wusa#ractivoly M�, Belt Craig, I be an Easter verse,.
paid Mob, b
tpi�ut* to a loving �,,x VSot bents; Adventures in the
Arctic, ilecotrated with green sham -
f D. Freuchen; $eicTlce, C, R, rocks, black bats and, pip i;i BRUC.9FIELD
e�% .
With a, lc.noe iiijury. Bowering; lloxnebreSv and Pat. Icee
ping "Uh St, da
Patterson ches, Harry J. Bp,34e; Igjoo, Na- MM,., �, Jackson � gave a
X"eods of Ernest - Pat
be pleased to Pinole, X.,. Butler; Fr9m'a 12o
'ad Goderich will Villaga{v��,r PpiGive, Part Ent rtain
IQII(YW - thathe 4 IOCOVeringfrOm side Window, 1 .. Chapniran, 1 toesting account of the lifeeAe -0., Y.
Agnes: $=food' 'Mean
elf. jt to the world,
Hea'l'ing . . of St. Patrick and what it, le Gol�g. To Ot��1Naeye surgery an Vlctoadahospita� He TAght, AgixeThe House Party w0h the Tu Air Force.Co 'up
or Twins, N. Speed, Cherr ey
Ak andL Mr's, WhUlani $tiaug, y Mat Qordloxi McClinch and
Ames, Country Docto�."g,]�Ttixse, Mm. Norman Mcclinohey sang A farewell part was hei
han visited last wookAn Wing. y d In dftffi of rev. Charle$ Mustard,
Julie Talthain;, C Ames, a dueb? 11A�y Wild Irish Roso�', the 10OF Hall, -4field �ff
ham wMth Mr. and Xrs. TOM Night Superylior, Brucefield, Toronto. Mr. Xvst=4 was born
Julio Tatham; The WinuteLs of the previous day evening', March 19, far
Jardin and fiamNy. Tommy and the Wishing'Stone AU% and rallsed in, BruW?1$d, The
Aubu r i,; meeting were approved as read and Mrs, Allan Shol4doe, dt the community is
Tn 'friends of. Miss Maury T. W. Burg Bow the who s)nnpa-t11y
I. Hadiston, were s0m to learn HmIndl T. I'M A
W. Burgess, 0% by the s_4qretaW,. Mrs- Th as pre leaving fox an Ottawa. RC� extended to the Mu's'tard famMy,
of her accident near Galt on Mi9tah. Buzzard, T. W. Burgess, I-ragght, Mrs. Nefth XaOhlan t 'StaAIDA on April 1. M&. H. X. Plant and, children
W_ and Mrs. Frank Baithby"were ]Progressive euchre was play- are visiting with her mother,
FIriday evening oil her. ioy The .Secret i-tfie Attie 0
'scap iW -, appointed leadei% for the spring ed until lunell time, When Hazard, Toronto.
-home to be with ber. parefits, odyn, Keene; Gloo ia ffis
W. and Wrr.z, john Houston Magic, lc� Hull; Almb.�t Wg 4-H project "The Gard6h ClUb" Mrs. Sholffice were called
on and and Mrs. James Burdge,
With, toe the emsion of their ,51st wed_ cagugh, Je Ji��b Angus A letter N,�as read from the to the front and , presented with
Q 4 I0rRMWd 4ake, spent the week -
ding �apniv y.§he and the Duels, Marjorie Flack; Chffldrenls AidSoclety request- a pole lamp by X�.K. Cornish
to Gaft lowital and on Sunday sewand knit. MMI and ATr. Jack Graham. with
, AKsar -was t* -en MY U=16 "Joe, Jas, McNamee; ing help to P
40for'. end Mr. Burdges arenit%
once I�ocket Away, Fraxwes Frost;
ambulance., to The, Runawa Roy Easom, Mrs, William J. Mrs. Stewart Wilson also, pre- Mx. and MT%. Fred Burdge and
Runaway Bu brother William and family.
a' a"red :by Tt"h'ye' HE 1% W.
Craigand Mrs. Bert Cral
you can see and feell, trar , -g Were sented, X -M. S-lioldice, with a lov-
VdztorIa,,,HbsWa1, London. Miss BT'Own; Diugles in .
jelan Hou I srm,' Toronto and her F. van-wa the committee in charge ely cup -and saucer from Unit Conn rat are in order
Hayes; Xystery at Lynx
friend, Miss Wean J=Jeoon were'Lodge, Joan Seager; and anyo ae w4slung to ihelp,are 3: of the UCW. Aft. and BUS. for Mm. Staolehouse who cele-
with ber, duWing thS weekend. f4r Davy, L. Lens1d; Tales of to contact ,this ccmmlttee. Sholffice thanked everyone for braited her birthday on Sunday,
Nanabozho, D. W. Reid; The The leath�!r course which will their Idnduess during their four March 21 at the home of her
Miss France's Houston, R, Hills is Lon 11,14a. 'loveiy daughter and son4n4aw, Mr.
gely, fL a Beek,-, be hold on April 29, 30'and May' years - in Brucebield. A '
London remained Nvith lier par with; The ea or BreaWast, OOF, and Mrs, A%c W�son.
elXtg. Mos. Houston is the hDme Lil]ian BocW4,th; -1st, aponsore4 by the depart- li=h was s'erv'ed by the I
4conomics, teacher in Hamilton. Strang ment al .open to -everyone and Men. De Wayne Elliott spent last
Stranger from Tonte, Zane 8�Wone Wishing to take tht$ in- weekend with his fried Victor
We welsh!hoe a Speedy recovery Grey; The Dude Ranch Z Fete Foriner Girl
1from. her injuries. Grey; In High Places Xtthuo structibn on tooling leather . On Saturday nighta Shower Clyrs, Camp Blorden.•
a Mfr. and,MV,%. Stewawt Ament, Houley. Out Of ith6 Storm, G. K i9ease contact Mrs. Lloyd Hum- Was held at Brucefield United Miss Baffbama Henderson, Xit-
phrieys, Mrs. Robert Tumor or
Gary and' Shirley vislited on EMI; Crinism Mountain, G. L.
,church for Mirs. Goo. Gloade chener, and Um Janet Hender-
Sunday ,with his brother, How- MR; Stranger vd*ln, the Gates, 14m. Don4ld Haines.
M-tchener. Mrs.' ' Mary Allan, son, Londbn University, spent
awd Ament, J�o,�by'and Wendy G. L_Hlall- Gay 0burage, Emile An. invitation to attend the f0mier s;chool nvates at Tucker' the weekend with their paxeaft%
and their aunt, Mrsl..Clam Han- Loring: With Banners, Emile Food Forum, Trick's with a Mdx, smith Schood and their mothers. MT. and Mm. John Henderson
Loilng I HoarAdventure Qd- at Brussels on April I was ue-
t GowanAbwn. ling Emile Loring; Rainbow at were hostesses for the event. and Gordon.
Mr, end Mass. :Earl Crft, oqpted. The conveners of the
DhI, Enille Loring; Mrs.. Glen Swan, conducted. sev- Harry Wooley had the niis-
Bradley and Janet of Sarnia An 01d,Captivity, Novel Shuto; ,tudiftg committees gave their oral contests. Miss Janet -Hen- -fortune -to be injured :with a
The difference in freezers. is Were iteent le reports which were accepted by
. % visitors With hu 7he Legacy, Nevel Shute; rR derson and Mrs. Mae WiAlson. large Emb,in,the woods and
freezing time., !Fast frqezint'id brother, Bert Q�g land Mrs. Blue Sapphire, D. E. Stevenson; the membem AgmLetiltum and gave readings; Barbara Swan at present �L patient in Clinton
thekey to sealing in.flav6r and, drattg and all visited with Mr. Mr.. Tutt at hl�.-, Be's't, Arthur Canadian Iiiaustr&e% W.W. Rob -
freshness,. And the new Revco and Mrs, �,00nard Ardhambault - I -umer; Citizem, hip and Ed- contributed a plano -901o. AUOY Piftb Hospital.
Mrain; The Day Must Dawn, ort T
'has the fastest freezingAgnes Turnbull; The, Comfort- ucVtion, Mrs. Roy Easoni; -,is -and her, o her, Airs. Edgar Alfr, and Mm. Ellwood St6ck.
action and rn t]
known! We can prove it, in a Allan we're �called to the front hous�, Mrs,. Stanley Neale, Lon.
two -minute --test you can see Cbngratumagom to Mr: and aNe Plow, il?�ietTe Berton; Prom- torical Researldh and Current
• ices -to 1,Wep, A. Dooley; The Events, Mr.,. Lloyd Humphrqys, where Wl§s Bambarta. Henderson don visited over the weekend
jand feel =it's truly arnazing, Mrs. Voss Andrews on the birth Chord of Steea,4' Mlog. Costain- Aft Kenneth Scott; read the address. Many. bewti- h their mother, Mrs, W,
Coyne in today and see the of their son In Godbrich -hospital, Pioneer Girl, Maryame Caswell Health, ful gills were presented -pow Revco With the demon- Ti o�-,t W' Home Economics Mrs. Gordon , ented by schr Stackhouse and Mr. and Mts,
a brother for Bradley and The ger of 0 uda West; W. o ool mates, Mrs. Gloade thanked. Mae Wilson.
.dtration that proves Revco y9ur C h wm. n e y � Resolutions Mrs!.
H, Graham; Canada Prose' •and . t
V 43vc �one flop the happy' evervinig,
best freezer buy. Verse 1, 11, 111, Lome Pierce. Nei-th -Machan; Curator 4 Twe-
Winter Isn't Over Yet 0 edsmuLr History Bobk, Mrs. Go- and dnvfted them, to -visit her at 0
her home in Kitchener_& lovely
Don't Throw Your R :Mcn R. Taylor; Public Reqait-Tuncli was setrved.
CLINTO . Myth Girl ions, Mrs, Gardqn Dobie. Rebekahs Man
Overshoes Away Mrs. Andrew Mirkeonneal, Personals
G convener or the visiting and Word has been received by
IELECTRIC SHOP INVISIBLE MENDING Married card' -'committee Teported 114 relatives, in Biucafleld of tlie Euchre, Bake Sale
"Your use Westinghse Huranic Rebekah Lodge held
Dealer" DAY'S SHOE REPAIR At 'Waterloo PORM'S HILL its regular meeting on Monday,
March 1.5, in the lodge hall with
492-6646 Clinton 35 Huron St. Clinton Rev, R. McLean officiated in a rod attendince.
D. W. CORNISH, Prop: SKATES SHARPENED First United Church Waterloo, Grace' United Church IvIvIomen,
4.an Saturfty, Marci 20 when Noble Grand, Mas, Elmer
Valevie Ann: Rolland became Tifick was in charge of the
the bride of Howard Roderick Entertain Forme'r Members meeting. Several items of bus:
McNay. apes were discussed. Also final
The -bride, is the younger dan- Mrs, Don Harris--Correspondent--Phone 482-3362 plans were made to take the
titer of Mr. and Mr.-, Moody Avery enjoyable evening was nliaay evenp�ng. Progressive cu- traviefling gavel to Brussele on
Tumday, March 23.
groom spent 11n. -the school.,hou-se last dhre was played, with prizes
Holland, Blyth, and the gro;
is theson of d r. and Mrs. John Thursdayevexiing when the Un- going 'as follows: 'high, lady, A dessert euchre and balre
McKay, Teeswater. ited Church Women of Grace Mrs Alvin Bettles; low lady, vale will be held on Wednesday
a street. Church entePtained. Union and Maureen
afternoon, April 7, in the lodge
The brIlde chose aureeri Miller; high gent,
'ac_- =n Bruce M 11 ey L n had
length dress of navy silk, Ta)ftr't Corners and former Br e cC nch ; low gent, I
cented with white Italian gulp- Imembers of their own society. Murray Torycmee. A lovely ' A draw on :a cake was won by
ure lace w1t1-1 navy and white Mrs Chester Sturdy, president,
lunch was served and a lucky Mrs Cminen McPherson -and a
accessories, and a corsage of welcomed the guests and. acted cup prize was Nvon by Mn, de�m*ous 11unch was riser
pink and white carnations, as dhadrla�dy for the evening. john, Millen, the,group in change..
The bride was attended by The pr�graxn was in charge of
her n-Aer', M-s. Barbara Walsh; Mrs, Argyle Lockhart, Mrs. Al -
Toronto, and the groom's sister,vin Bettles and Mrs. William
Mrs, Joan Brighton, Waterloo. Cox, and consisted of two duets
The grogm was attended- by sung by Mrs. A. Jongejan and
Lloyd Brighton, Waterloo, and Mrs. A, De Ruyter; -a dance Teach Your Son
(the Highland Fling) by Jane
Larry Walsh, Toronto. MONEY
Fd1lowing the wedding a re- Harris; a -humorous readiing,
E)ptlon was held at the home "The treasurers Report" by n MANA6EM9NT
Ct N
Mrs. Elg�a Cox; musical num, 4
of the bride's Parents. - in
The couple will live in Nitoh- bens MT. and Mrs. Bert Fin-, I �,s
for "As the twig
lay, with vidlin and piano and J� 2
0— two delightful solos by Mrs. is bent, so grows
At M E:D iRn
Classified Ads. WThe
Cox. e ixerecharades and can -
Bring Results tests *that eiveryanp took part the tree."
in. A lovely lunch was served,
Committee in charge
was mrs, Dohd(l Haxrls, Mrs,
ARS Easter Portraits iTthoem' =SS'leieFy imand Mrs, George
Mathews. W. G., CAMPbEL
So you re looking for a car that retains 0 new -car JERVIS STUDIO Ss 5 Card Party District Managee 0'0
Miss Mary Brindley, tea,&Te Inytwors Syndidate d.
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-then Studebaker, card the car for you, card Party, ib the school on
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