HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-25, Page 8dostrol
Teenagem -
Receive Awards.
At the conclusion of the, fain,-
ily curling bonispiel at RCAF
Clinton on SatUrdaY, March 20,
the Mayor of AdaStral Park,
Flight I.jeut. Gordon W. Duguiiid
Presented Well-desenVed achle-
vOnteht 4hd sports' awards, to
the Station teens,
For the RCAF idePendent Wire
bowling eoanpetition in which 27
stations and 1,232 .comPetitorts
Participated, eight of 'Clinton's
teens took prizes: Donna Rees,
Gale Palmer, Lynda SPano, -
lie Palmer, Gloria Prest, Robert
peterison, Maurice Venzina and
Mike Paquette.
Royal Life Saving Society
bran medallion awards
presented to: IlrancinePaqu te,
Karen Daum, Leslie Palmer,
Nichols Paquette, Lynda Spann,
Nick Poppenk, Pat Rousseau
and Robert Reid.
Lynn Palmer received her
first Bar to the bronze medal-
Kippen East WI
njoys I aIKs. Un
European Trips
—the most dependable variety to grow
COntact, us for today's prices,
SEED order early while supplies
are goad.
SEED BEANS_ Goad supplies on hand
— Printed, literature on growing
beans available at our
, offices.
Phone 262-2605 • Henson
FERTILIZER__Complete stock carried.
Thurs„ March 25, 1965—Cliotofi News-Record—Page 7
and membew are -,shed to bring
friends. .Lunch will he Sand-
Wiehes or coolcies, ConnrAtteeP
* Charge. are as „f011OWS.: tables and ,chairs', Yost Yeemtro
and 1Yrrs. WhOmore; „PrIxeS,
and -punching, „ lvfm$jterPleY
Jobns and Mrs, .14m. Nmslee; coffee, Mrs, woo. CriPh. ATKI
ElliottMrs,• .414,y041,,
Dunlop, (left), R.R. 1, Arcona, talks to neighbour, Delos Utter, beside field given
split application of Atrazine. Mr. Dunlop has a threalold interest in weed control: as
a farmer, a custom sprayer and as weed inspector for Lambton County.
Split application of Atrazine
makes corn growing profitable
on land heavily infested with quack grass
"Neighbours of mine had to give up growing cereal crops
because the farm was getting so dirty with quack grass,"
Mr. W. H. Dunlop of Arcona, reports. "Last year they
planted 48 acres of this dirty land to corn. We applied a
split applicatiqn of Atrazine, the equivalent of 3 lbs. of
Atrazine 65W on the first of April, which was ploughed in j
and another 3 lbs. early post-emergent. The Lambton
County Soil & Crop Improvement Association supervised
this test. The result of the, Atrazine application was that
,my neighbours harvested an excellent crop in spite of the
dry season and grossed $5,000 from the 48 acres.
"Without Atrazine it would not be possible for many
farmers in this area to grow corn," Mr. Dunlop says.
"Shortage of labour for cultivations, combined with
serious weed problems, would put them out of business.
Atrazine repays its cost Many times over. After seeing the
results of split applications on heavy quack grass infes-
tations, I would say it is almost a miracle chemical."
Atrazine 65W is available in 5 lb. bags aril 50 lb. cartons from farm supply dealers
fcsr 1(4oz-rend farming
The regular meeting of laip-
pen East Women's Institute was
held at the home of Mrs. Ross.
Straras, Wednesday evening,
March 17, co-hostess being Mrs.
James Drummond.
- The Tell call was answered by
suggestions for • the instruction
of our children so that they rnay
become better Citizens.
Irish songs were -sung to 'cel-
ebrate St. Patrick's Day. Mrs,
Robert Bell read the motto
Which was prepared by Miss
McKay, This inspiring. motto
Was entitled "The • Canada we
enjoy was not brought to Na-
tionhood by timid citizens."
- Mrs. Van Raoijen gave an in-
teresting talk-on her native Hol-
land,its climate, social - security;
sick benefits, farming, the 'war
years and Christmas customs.
She gave a resume of her trip
to Canada and their establish-
sent here.
Mrs. Robert Gonunell intro-
duced the guest speaker, Miss
Gladys Thompson of Seaforth,
Who. • spoke . on her European
tour to Holland, Belgium, Ger-
many, AuStria, Italy, France,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Spain, Porttigal and the British ,
Isles. -She stressed the. carefree
abandon with which the people
enjoy themselves. Mrs.' Arthur
Finlayson chaired this part of
the meeting and Mrs. Campbell
Eyre gave the courtesy remarks.
Lemon Juice Recipe
Relieves Arthritic
& Rheumatic Pain
If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis ei
neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive
recipe, that thounands are using. Get a can
of RU- Ex Compound, a 2 weeks supply,
today. Mix it with a quart of water, add
the juice of 5 lemons. It's easy! No trouble al
oil and pleasant. Take only 8 tablespoonfuls
2 times a day. Often .within 48 hours
sometimes overnight — relief is obtained,
If the pain do not quickly leave ambit you
do not feel better, return the empty can tr
us' and RIT-EX 'wEll cost you-nothing. Yet
are the ode judge as utr-Ex sold on e
ner back guarantee. Over 8 million cam
At drug amiable.: drem Ltd.,
2318artle! Drive, Toironto-16.
Rambling Nth Lucy
(Lye, R. W00)
(Continued frOM Page 6)
peat for you They came back,and advised me: 'We got one
readY for You about Middle of the car. Just go Own the aisle .anO we bring your things, They used their flashlights
and Ind__my baggage down With me. They refused a ;OP And
disappeared. The other ,train was packed and j ted, t had
4W hole seat, The cPnductor had a. light on his arm.
"The couple sitting in front of me had a baby •and a lour-
year-old Child, They Said they had been on that train" since
11:00 a.m.,' waiting to go and it was now 11:05 p.m. TheY had
watched the water coming nearer all day. What joy when the
Other train did pull out -and to, our great relief in about 20
minutes later we moved very slo'wly,. We were not long in
getting into deep water, and just crawled along. As there were
no lights inside the train we could see much' better what we
Were going through outside--miles and miles of water,
"In some places the water Was so deep we could hear it
sizzling on the hot Pipes tinder the coach. On both sides we
could see trees, shacks and telegraph poles sticking up out, of
the water. Huges cakes of ice floating on it reminded me of
Uncle Tom's Cabin and Eliza jumping from cake of ice to eake
of ice with her baby. Fortunately, the track was built higher
than the telegraph poles. Someone a few -seats ahead had a
flashlight and would turn it out the window so we could see
pretty well how deep the water was.
Our first stop was an accommodation stop. The 'couple in
front of me with the two children got off there. The man waded
through the water and deposited the •four-year-old child on a
suitcase, on a ridge. Then he came back and took the baby and
some more baggage, He had to wade against a strong wind
which looked as af it would blow the children into the water.
He returned and waded through again with his wife on his back
and deposited her with -the youngsters. Everyone laughed then
but there was little to see but water.
"We 'moved along slowly again through miles of water.
The train stopped again where the track was quite elevated,
but started aagin and moved even more slowly, finally reaching
"After stopping in Mayfield for about a couple of hours, we
left there about 4 a.m. and the train move&fairly fast.
"Three boys sitting behihd me said they were going to
Nashville and would look after me until we got there. -They
were poorly dressed and their conversation unusual. One said:
'I've just enough g-- d--- money to •get me home' Another re-
marked: 'If mother hears about Paducah over the radio, she will
be crazy as a hen.'
"They got off at Martin -to inquire about a train and were
told there would be a train at Bruceton at 9:30 am, which
would be in Nashville by 1:30 p.m. It was then about 5:30 so
we got off, but that train didn't get in until 3:30 p.m. We
.waited -'hours; in a dinky station. Railroad men with no train to
operate spat tobacco at and under one of those pig-bellied old
stoves. Everything outside was covered with ice and we could
hear the crackling of tree breaking.
"After daylight I walked all over town before I could find
a place where they served toast and chocolate. When I did get
it, the toast was burned and the chocolate bitter.
Late in the a.m. a train from St. Louis got in and when I
returned to the waiting room, I was hailed by a lady who had
been in that milk depot an Paducah the night before. She got
off at Mayfield and had a good sleep at the home of a friend
where she stayed the • night. She got a train, Lthink from St.
Louis, and caught up to me. So there was another lady in the
waiting room with me, and we went on to Nashville together.
"About noon a trainman came in and asked if anyone had
the wrong suitcase, Did a lady have a -man's case? Mine were
0,K., After he had gone the other lady woke up enough to look
at hers .and noticed .a blue shirt sleeve sticking out. She tried
desperately to open it with her key. When she couldn't, she be-
came excited and inquired for the man who had asked if any
lady had a man's suitcase, for the man who had a lady's. He
got off at -another station and they 'long-distanced' him to he
at the station with her suitcase and get his own.
"We did not go through any more water, although we
travelled miles and miles with it right up'to the tracks on both
sides. Reached. Bruceton at 5:30 p.m. and had a fairly decent
meal there.
"I arrived safely at Nashville about 10:00 p.m. and was
thankful for it, even though I was stiff, lame and DIRTY. My
hands had not seen soap all that time.
"P:S.: Broke my glasses after I arrived."
Tuckersinith Club
Bowling Par
Plan Euchre
Graduate of Iteisch Auctioneering School
offers his services to the Public and
is capable of handling all types
of Auction Sales.
Anyone wanting information
Phone 482-3384
Because it's more ef fective. SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer is granulated after the
ingredients have been mixed and is not just a blend of granular
materials. As a result each granule contains all three plant food
elements in the right proportions.
Ordinary granular and blended fertilizers simply consist of a
mixture of ingredients, either in powder form or granules. Although
it's easier to make fertilizer that way it cannot be as effective in use'
duet to the sepipation of ingredient's of different size and weight.
As every granule contains all the guaranteed plant food elements,
SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granulated Fertilizer remains completely bal-
anced throughout storing, shipping and spreading —resulting in
balanced feeding of plants from every granule; consistent, more even
application of the best possible fertilizer to give you maximum
yields and top returns from your fertilizer dollar.
As always it pays to get the finest fertilizer for your good earth—.
SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granulated.
0:11' :4. 1:::,171 he : • i ::,*.!:?:P/4, 0. )°::: 1:4 •76 • i,: gi 1 otao :. 44k: :: .77 e7t is
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Li I lir 64.'7;7*, JP4/14,:it
4:1," sy,111[111..o IAT •
the old-time
flavour of the
rink-'er- down beer
Feed your pigs your own home-grown grains fresh-,
mixed with profit-proven National Hog Concen-
trate ! It's rich in meat meal protein, so that it
forms a perfect nutritional balance with the vege-
table protein you supply. Whether you have your
own grains or we supply them, we can custom
blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy—right here
at the mill—using National Concentrate, of course.
(P. S. Ask about National's profit-proven Pig
Starter, tap !)
The Tnoicer'Sanith Ladies club
1104 a Very successful family
bowaing Party on.Friday even-ing, Mareh. 12 at Clinton Pow],
tag Lanes, Some 30 people en-
joyed three 'genies of bowling
With Mrs, Vic SYtnicic winning
the. ladies' WO triple score of
447, and B141 Rogerson winning
for the men with a high triPle'
Score, of 528. •
Following this, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert, Pepper entertained the
group with contests and games,
and lunch concluded the even-
The April event Will be held
in the form of a progressive
euchre at Tuchersmith No. 4
School on Friday, April 9 at
8;30 Everygne is welcome
Order Your SHIJR-GAIN Fertilizers TODAY
Clinton Feed Mill
28 Huron Street — CLINTON -- 482-3484 or 482-3485
° and take advantage of
Early Delivery Discounts
• ••?••••••., •••• ::4 .1.:;;•;::•:. •741iS.•
Be sure to. ,discuss your spring Fertilizer program
with your local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer