HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-25, Page 710;.4115.5,74.7W .1,...Ats.)4404 •
'Fe3R.e4er:eatitIoun—a-nd-c—ni.- .. "I',4t ... .69'979'95 68'1"1 .'61"8'41°
Peter ei,Targ'..P...7. — "'""'” .. - 1:21:96.:$6431.0848°.• - .61. 3,40°549,..42°00°. 551,',187315,50,09,
Taxed . refunded.
•C:ounty rates ,,.., ...... ,.... .......... 40,117.41 69;1.11 30. 38 820 10
„ prarloxvvar7011iuwxuneifIr4.,-Zitr.7 7„41,,, . ,,, 406157
Cpaipciota414t.ex"rporentd4NitZe ,ont, of ' • • '
current revenue 41:77. 2,812.30 Sundry )riofpv10a,„..6,7991 -
1,9941/4 194,722.47 178,055.14
''Surplus or (deficit) for•year $ 2,227.38 $(6,799,51) $ 1,624,08
The results of the operations of the other Boards were as follows:
Egmondville Water Supply System . „... (deficit) $ 197,49
Tuelcorsmith Twp, :School Area 'loarel. (deficit) $19,30173 School Section No, 3........"
. ....... §- 1,504.79 ..The accounts and recor4s. of TucherSmith mu/lie:pal Tele,
phone System were not available for audit at the time this Report was written 444 tberefore are not included herein,
A fidelity .bond Was not examined for the -Secretary-Tree-
surer of School Section No. 3 and therefore 'it is presumed that he is not bonded. . ,
,Auditor's Opinion .
Subject to the foregoing, I report that Sri, my opinion: (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice
have been within the powers of the
(2) The audit bas been ..cOnducted, in, accordance with .ithe .. .struetionS of the Department of - Municipal Affairs. •
(3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position' '
of the Municipality as at December • 31; 1964, and the results of the Operations_ for the year ended on that date.
(Signature) A. M. HARPER • • Date of filing, March 2, 1965, . License -.Number 2775
YE t LINTON '12:40
YE STRATOolt0 Itt5
connectlOtis tc Montredi; Atlantic
d Western, COntOtt,
'Wdy' td WINIMPeG $1,1;60.
art phdlid'-thejtttil 0,) ale 'bf#ire
Red Pare
Oho Way
White $3.115 Wire 4.40 Clinton to To
S/L Ed. K. wood
Is Senior Unit
Liaison Officer
On, -Saturday,' March 13, the
annual, Air Cadet - Conference
Was held at RCAF Station Clin-
ton. • •
Squadron Leader E. K, Wood,
who, as the Senior Unit Liaison
Officer,' chaired the conference,
which was attended by effiCers
from • Cadet Squadrons . in
Guelph, Brantfor,do Kitchener-
Waterloo; Stratford and qat,
Station 'Clinton is the parent
unit, for these squadrons and
as such acts ' in , an adviSory
capacity on administration . and
wooly matters,
Tt is through such Squadrons
that the Royal Canadian Air
Force is 'able to recruit yoUng
men who already 'have a basic
knowledge and understanding of
the workings of the armed •forc-
Among the 'topics discussed
was' the proposal • to hold the
fifth annual drill and sports
competition Which will 'be held
at Station 'Clinton on May 2.
In the past years the holding of
this competition has proved
!most 'successful and all five'
squadrons' take an active part.
The Air Cadet Liaison Of-
ficer for Western Ontario 'Re-
gion, Squadron • Leader H. B..
MaCKay also attended the meet-
It's puddle.time. The Ontario
Safety League thanks the great,
inajbrity of drivers who take
pains- to avoid splashing pedes-
trians — and hopes that this
courtesy will became: universal,
in time. Drivers should remem-.
ber that splashing can be dan-
gerous, if it suddenly obscures
the vision of another driver. An-
other hazard, 'panticulanly on
side roads, is the fiet that mid-
dles sometimes conceal a bad
Short-term interest and other
charges 8,554.33
Discount for Taxes
Taxes Written off „... ... Adjustment Of deferred revenue 36.67
Capital Expertelituret colt of Revenue
(Schedule 18) .... ....
toint or Special xipenctittu
County Rates ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,40,11.7.41
Miscellaneous (specify)
Taxes refunded.„ 24,04
Portion of Federal 114;a'
grant paid to County of
Httron, ...... 6,43L10
gle*ofsswith`Tofitrti tal EXpend itUre.§ ... . . 1'98,764,7f 100,455.00
previousyears levied .for ..„ 6,799,51 6,800.00
205,564.22 197,255.00 8tteplus for the year .. „ 2,227.88 41.00
Total ri6V0/1116 Settion ..... $201;191.80 $107,296,00' Total txpenditure 8eotion '$207,791.60 $197,296.00
-"adet . Conleienac ''HaldHAt RCAF Station._ " Tucks tsmith' Auditor's 'Re, ort
Attending the Air Cadet Conference at RCAF
Station Clinton on Saturday, March 13, were, left
to light, Flight Lieut. J, M.. Mason, Commanding
Officer Stratford Squadron; Flight Lieut, J. M,
Donnely, Commanding Officer Kitchener-Waterloo
Squadron; Squadron Leader E. K. Wood, Senior
The Farmers' Meat tinue," finances niust be raised."
nterprises Co-Operative Ltd. He asked that farmers-share-
All hopes it can take over a holders buy more shares in
Urlington oteat packing Plant, FAME. ° • .-i!coricling tlo FAIVLE's board, At the same tinie. he said
utirman, Mel Becker, Ayr. FAME does not plan a' big fund
This statemerit was rriade art raising drive until "the air is
le information. meeting on cleared" by the goverrmient-
AIME last Thursday evening ordered judicial inquiry into
L Seaforth District High School FAMOs operatlons: •
The meeting was Although the inquiry may not
died by Huron County' Feder-' be finished for several, months,
tibn of Agriculture to give, the said:that after "certain ques-
bron's 800 FAME shareholders trans" are answered, FAME
silence to air their views. intends to make a strong drive
After = making a $1,500,000 to raise the funds.
awn:' payment, the co-operative He said :that many people
tiled to make 'a $1,000,000 pay-, lost faith, in FAME after. plans
Lent and Fearmarts took back to purchase the plant fell
vnership of the plant. through. And he" • admitted
"H the 'program is to con- there • had been "mismanage- ,
age 8—Clinton, News-Record--Thurs., March 25, 1965
Entertainment Nightly
icken in a Basket'
ay—Served from 9:30 • p.m. to 12:30 clan.
rdcoy—Served ,from 9:30 part. to Midnight
one 482.3421 for Reservations '
r to -Dinner Parties send WecicSeg Receptilms
Unit Liaison Office') Station Clinton; Squadron
Leader 11, B. MacKay, Air Cadet LialsOn °Meer
for Western Ontario Region; Squadron Leader
A. 3. Westwood, Commanding Officer Galt Squad-
ron and Flight Lieut. G. Garrod, Commanding Of-
ficer Brantford ,Squadron. (RCAF Photo)
lYfaxril, The Reeve, CatillaillerS. and Ratepayers
1, 1965.
The- Corporation; of the '.,rowrwhiR of 1'40wwall. Seaforth, -Ontmlq.
Gentlemen: .,
)'lave audited the accounts and records of the ToWnship of Tucicersmith for the year ended. PeeeMber 31st, 1,964, and have prepared therefrom the statements ;listed in the Index accompanying this report,
7 ' Operatlens
resulted in ,A S.U11)144. of 82,227.38- ,after providing for lite 1.963 defleit of ,$4,799,51.
The operation for the year ended December $1, 1964,
.Presented herewith, is.. a condensed statement :of ,conmara, • live ,ReVenne and ..ExPenclitnre for the three years ..eAdo, De.
ember 31, 1964, 1941 and 196.2. • '' , . • Year .elided - Pecemher.31 • Revenue • 1964 1966 3002 Taxa14on, :8145,245.73 8135,465.91 83.4201.92 Debenture Debt _Charges. RP,' , .
coverable . -,,' .. .,...,„.,,, ..... ..„,„. 1,376,o0 722.18 , 722,18 Government of. Canada. .. grant" (net) • . . 5,428.11 3,936.99 5,446.11 Province of Ontario ',:-'4. ''
subsidieS-„..„,.••••„...„.„. . : ... ..... 35,041;77. 38,275.83 37,362,73 License's and ',permits .. ..,.,.....• 1,747,04 ."2,31.2.00 1,585.00. Interest and tax penalties .... 8i998.08 3;691,00 .2559,97
Fines ...„,,,,-,, ...... ,,,•,,,, ........ , .... f 86.97 '61,73. 73.85 Service "charges . , , 2,975.78 690,15 2,130.86 Miscellaneous. ,,,.„,„„ ................ 36.99 ' ' 489,05 , 214.43 Other municipalities. • 313:23 • 79,30 • 392.1,2 Other grants, "Canada .„., 2,198.82'
$201,359.81 $187,922.96 $179,689.22
General Government $ .8,041.92 $
Protection to persons 'and
proPertY 21 r 505 93
Public works, roads r 54,421:77
Sanitation and waste re-
Relief assistance and con-
servation of health'? ,,..„.„ 1,751.38
General 'fixed (as per Schedule 18) ..... .....
Due from Schools (for Debentures)
Collegiate and High , .. . ... „...„_,.„ ........ ,..$ 83,019.15
Due from Utilities and Other Municipal
Enterprises (for Debentures)
Water Supply System ...... ..... 14,444.77
Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) „, 11,839.21
Due from Other FundS: Tuckersmith MuniCipal
Telephone System 110,000.00
Cash on Hand $ 916 21
Cash hi, Bank 14,537.24
Accounts Receivable
Agreements: Drains
Total -
Less Allowance for doubtful accounts
(Schedule 8) ...—
Due from Province of Ontario .„. .......
Due from Dominion of Canada
Due from Other Municipalities
Due from Schools
Due from Other Local Boards and Com-
missions (specify)
Egniondville Water System 2,457.41
Taxes Receivable (Sche'dule 5) ' 40,125.67
Less Allowance for uncollectible taxes
(Schedule 8)
Total Assets $ 89,484.80
Actual Budget
Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule
3) $145,245.73 $141,800.00
Long-Term Debt Charges Recoverable
(Schedule 12), 1,376,06 1,376.00
Contributions: Grants and Subsidies
Canada ..... ........ ....... 12,059.90 10,550.00
Welfare Assistance„--.„ 1,389.10
Highway Improvement .-26,653.89
Payments in lieu of munici-
pal taxes 368.78
Unconditional Per Capita
Grants ,„ ... , .. . . „..,„.. ........ 6,262.00
Other (specify)
Warble Fly „., ...... ....... 368.00
Drainage (other than General)
Public Utilities -and Other Municipal
Public Utilities and Other Municipal
Telephone System 14,444.77
. • $,11,839.21
Due. to Other Municipalities (For Debentures
Total , $ 26,283.98
Assumed—Schedule 2) 83,019.15
Temporary Loans : ,. ,,4
Investment in Capital Assets 38,748.08
Bank Overdraft 35,000.00
Due to Schools
Other Liabilities.
Deferred Revenue (Schedale 8) 2,690.99
Total Liabilities and Surplus
• $36,455.41
Actual General Government
Executive and Legislative .,.. 1,475.00
Administrative ' 5,859.46 Other 707.46
Protection to Persons and Property
1,199.74 8,041.92
Street Lighting .. 554.75 Protective Inspection 128.95
Other (specify) .,.„, ......... „„„ 622.49
RCAF Station Host To District Air Cadet Commanders
IE Shareholders Give $10~" Each
ill MST
ment" by FAME but said it
was unintentional, •
The Chairman Said that Fear-
rain's had' set no .deadline by
which.. FAME must come. up
with the needed capita
• William Ancterson,, RR 4
Stratford, vice-chairman of
FAME, said that FAMVs fin-
ancial picture would.. iMpreve.
greatly if the. 13,000 members.
would each buy' a $100 share.
He urged members to increase
their financial, support to pro-
tect their original investment.
He also took a crack at 'the
press "Who !didn't give us too
much support,"
"Now that we're a little
fellow; again, trying to get up
again after being ,kicked in the
teeth, we will 'get a little sup-
port." _ , Asked about the $1,500,000
original'investment, he said, "If
We are able to redeem the plant,
It will still be there as part of .
the payment" .
.Carl. Hemingway, .RR, 3 Brus-
sels, a former board director of
FAME, said that the . down pay-
ment -would be reduted . by les-
ses incurred by •Fearniares in the
meantime and estimated that it
would. be all gone in a year.
Asked !about plans for raising
additional funds, Mr. Becker'
said he hoped the" government
would guarantee a $2;500,000
loan, but he warned that if
Shareholders did not increase
their 'investments, the govern-
ment might 'think they were
not interested co-operative
meat packing plants.
Members voted to table a res-
olution calling far farmers to in;
crease their investment and for
the government to guarantee
the rest of the needed capital,
The 'meeting aPprorved a reso-
lution asking for the govern-,
ment to speed up their work on
the inquiry,
Eight Brownies
Enrol at He sail
HENSALL — Eight new
Brownies, Karen Kyle, Brenda
Gass, Linda Beer, Nancy Stret-
ton, Debbie Smith, Cindy Par-
ker, Judith Nickle and Anne
Kt-light, were received into the
Hensall Brownie Pack last
Tuesday. Mrs. Toni Lavender,
District Guide Commissioner en-
rolled the Brownies in a cere-
mony arranged by Tawny Owl,
Mrs. Rodger Verner, and also
presented Golden Hands to Ca-
tharine Anne Christie, and Dor-
othy Skea, and Golden Bars to
Bonnie Sangster, Pamela Mickle
and Kay Davis. Several Brown-
ies received proficiencY badges.
Following the enrollment Mrs.
Lavender took the Brownies on
an imagin'ary trip to Hampton
Court Palace in England, to visit
the World Chief Lady Baden-
From, years 'and years of ex-
perience with Seeds, and nothing but seeds — Soma IVIacNaU 111-
ton, Western Ontario.`§'leading,
seed specialists, have discovered
which Strains are Most 'suitable
to the soils; and clime:tea, this
area. And this ' eXperience is
your guarantee 'that, all Jones,.
MaeNaughtont seeds Will give
complete satisfaetibh true to
variety and high in gemination.
You benefit in another *idiport,.
ant Way, tooi When you „ buy
Rates, ;MacNaugtiten Seeds
you get far better value for
your money. teca.uSe of Jones, NifedNelightoteg SPecittlited
knowledge 'Of 'Where,s and .When to buy, they are able le. offer
you substantial seAtihgs on your
farM. seed ireqUirernentS.
Get the Complete list from your'
local dealer
Jones, MacNaughton:
' Seeds-
OtEtt ttitt014
Pi.hone.236.-6A6 tolibne 0.234,6161
. .y
lammeent. .11•1
Grow. Successfully
Easter Portraits
Phone 482-7006
7,653,27'$. 7,730.35
3,528.41, 2,217.30
64,309,26 51,678.25
459.10 498.63
716,47 1,999.71
$ 38,743,08
35,041,77 36,600.00
Oiler , ... — . . .. . .. - .313.28 350:00
Licenses and Permnit$ (include dog tax). 1,747,04 2,000.00
Interest, Tax Penalties-,•ete. ... ..... 8,908,08 3,500.00
Other Revenues--
Fines 86.9'1
Service Charges . .. . . .. 2,975.78'
Miscellaneous (specify)
• 36.09
Gross Total Revenue` 207,791.60 197,296.00
•3 207,7914,60 197,296.00
Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet
December 31, '1964
Revenue Fund Balance Sheet
December 31, 1964
Accounts Payable
15,453.45 Debentures and Coupons Due Principal
12,286.13 Surplus (Form C) 11,684.00
$ 89,484.80
Revenue Fund Surplus Account
December 31, 1964
Debit Credit Balance Balance at January 1, 1964 $27,433.62 Deficit 'included in •Current Budget 6,799.51 34,233.13
Adjustment affecting operations of previous years:-
Adjustment of takes receivable, eontrol accounts 5.10 Surplus for the year (Form D) 2,227.38
Totals' of Debit and Credit columns 5.10 36,460.51 ..„.
Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1964
(Form B)
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure
For. the year ended December 31,'1364
Education, including debt charges (Sche-
dule 9) .... ..
— ..
Recreation and Conuntinty SerVices
Debt Charges
110,00 'Long - term debt charges
• (Schedule 11) 13,647,06
'Less own share of school debt
350.00 charges 9,274,81
Public Works — Roads, Highways and. Streets, etc.
Sanitation and Waste Removal .......... „
Conservation of 'Health ...
Social Welfare (Schedule 10)
Welfare Assistant° 1,691.88
1,691.88 2,175,00
69,979.05 69,200.00
1,681.00 1,550.00
40,117.41 45,780.00
12,926,58 6,600.00
46.85 60.00
412.77 400.00
6,455.83 100.00