HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-25, Page 5.. . ... . .. . . ... . . ... . ..... . . . ...
'TENDERS WANTED, WOAGWENT Thum, Mar 24,t 1,90 9 �A
IITJIIXITP�W47T,�n Clinton Al,
Ile gbsp� on X -09h
-to a -4
P1 - , N ''Mrs. 154 -ed AddItiondror, flumnyiew-
illVbAft Qm0p, a son.
Scho,ol Areo, 6*4rk wisu JI - - ' ' - ,, �o,
KU14-lEy �� TA SOD# Nernw1al
Jce mn'.%xt of their e structed; At Clinton
�PVA-104 to:4004 �',V,1111 be., ro, 14_=QuPc� V10 jeiigalge- lioipligl, �$e b 01 Thurs� 0 -Lon
IVO� by lthe X=hito�# Until, 00y, NOX04.1%.1905, to, Mr -
5:00 p,m., Taesday� April and Mos" Xqn:Hufloy 0 T,04
4� xrulutdhowl, only
1960 f0_r,qQA.#ru1*0A of �A Ave (00.404110 from V;%Q 000) Council mmsderod, tho P, 0. r�,,
�Jw_ W, om and, play ropm, ad�, 'JOrS V ONAty of -9the
OQW�fy` VOltn-04 e4torpd, r Upmes #,ke'the
W.- aAd urs, ag.ck VAP Pi; - :M-, "`tnIm Public
d1i, �O liojmesv�He �Schoplf0r- M.P.0 BP.qs4e]s,,,4Q on .5u44a i�,, j, boVr4Oi1g d#cu$sj0A 'befMv the OA% 'plf t4nod, for 74artch tw*099
g1tch"eon, 4t, _y, March
an.,Q., W ingto t*e �9404, QLanaMr HWmv , W, ',ghg*
Bob. 4,"spq
1nsl;r4.qtlQns 0. bidders,p4Ans in, .0 arl at� ee V*tgA n,4 C.,4n$pp, a sm,. vote, OwlwnaA pt HW04view S.Liggosled too war; tlu, pps�
xxt_ o r..., t -coxnmitte E
may. DO ob-
C n j4,
tam J py 'enppa pson, sibility t1l,#
% Uontr4tp.tQrs
i#WdW, April 24th, I p reevp u*pr the honigg ,be- Ix
Hosp, A_4 7 WArqh Z24 _of srnith, said
_ _4
905. zed.
'190 to Mr -m-4, Xrs,. Ajbeet� I
1?p gomm
_11tto B Ha;nl�r
q w _W= 144 plox
Ei P, V, g about
'I, - , n -, � - "k
�Was AA t
yVh, A
1,04 040d St. 9 x -the
the welfare of _ resldoo
LQNPQN, Qntario, ; prW1de4 tb,,,e. gfi
.the me f4c,4
deposit -Of Fifty DollAm r than th4� convenience Of i;'s I-Twormew, they wo"wi
CARDS OF THANKS fagiil5r -04tors. be full.
Lowest, or any teuder, not AUCTION SALE 1, W�sh to -Wa4k f*4dlp,
4%9414oluils, Tor
5.ale 9f, Tractor
zecessar�ly Aaceptea. Clearing Auction
vouixa -as 1hough people came
4, TgPPQTT� Chairman, Maphinery for Werner �N,p Tant� flowers" gift
I Was a, patie t;.� �D WN, from two of Mw b1tin8riul rs
1243b Colborne twp,, .1 mile north Speciall
:F, YJE�Q, §e9,-Trfas,. ;An, Cpn. 4, lot J;asterrl divis:Ion Fi t in Huron,
'to miles," he slaitL
tha T.itirses, Drs. Ne"gna
Senmillor or
Q'irl9w on and WloAdWi, -XA-3Y E, RE, 10
Har ey Johns, aarm Is -
I ut
Fo oru
Wedne44y, March, 3.1st trator at Clinton, said he 'had od M
Mr, ia�d Mrs. AU, an !sIloIA101-ce
at -1,*0 PM. and W M'. Bu f am 1, -to learned froinhis 10-yelar ex -1w, �A
s. , , . wW
Machinery: Fardson !Super thank their friends and,nedgb-
ienve at the H=
!M.- e es!
Major tractor., dbubleaction re- bours� for the gifts -and wedl Ai Brussels Hall
dents� who complain about bolng
$CAPINQ Mote colitrol (like new), Nuf, wisbes- extended, to them- �M un, the evemagof Thurs, �Ly,
field tractor, fully hydraulic; thoir depatture'-film'Brac4eld art Huronview WO"d be unb"Xly April 1, a Food Forum will be
ONTARIO HQSPITAL�' Ford plow, 4 furrow, hydpau�i� to take up, ��esioen , ce , in Ottawa, anyv%lbere but ;m their own Te ol
I I -Public SPeaking finals Hold In Clintor* held an Brus$01$ gi A IWI.
V.vheel depth, control; Massey- 121? homl�s. TWI I Will be the first timp such
SE A TEN Ferguson 3.fuTrow ploW by, �The 1hm2y phen Towp_t4-ip Dep ty- a �
LXD DE'P`S Will be araulic; disc harrow on.e�,way; W�ljiam Hagg'of' #)e late Mrs On TuOsd4y afternoonat Cl�nton Public School Vicl�l R - b
Teceive I d by the undersigned .bot" wish. to sin, .6Senhagen of Wing- Ste Prolgram hla� een presented
%,Ferguson 18 disc 8 ft,. covex, cerdly thianik - al I -and iha Public School, -centre, won'the Huron finals of the Ontario School Trus- ReOve in Huron 'County,
R friends lames; Hayter, -a.. former
.S,T,), op
hydratilic deptli control; -M-Fer, noigbibours for aR 'the , 1! teels. and, Ratep4yet.S A
t.. ssoc!4tiQn public Speaking contest,, She will rimy com,� member of A Food Forum is sponsored
-ruts.VAY, APRIL� 1�tb, 1�965, gUs0n double disc -barrovi 8'ft, the Huroulldew com-
acts of Iftdaest, shown fttllng *cc
Pete in, 701�O finals at Breslau on Apri by the Home T1:conpn-dcp Serd
3 -point hitch; ch�dn . barrow. recent beveai�6rnent. �Spe'lc 6,; th includes the counties Qf mittee, said the delegations. had of th
e Zone
top the Sodding and $eedwg I�Urlon� Pertb,'Waterl6ol -and e OntaTla Dep=bnmit of
Culd p4cker;;. X-Tr6guion Milils,'Dr. Ad
10 to, ,er I ngton. On the l6ft is Susan Bisseft of Gode- the Wrong c0ncePt Of the tYVe 49VIcUlture upon the request pf
of dj�cfies at the Ontario Ho$-� 'lull seed, drill; George White. disari a -bhe . 6WI and Mutcb- rich Who. placed third and Susan Carson, right, of HQWick central public f
Vital, Qoderich, Outarlo. 10 ft. cul er' , od' of people, caTed for, at Clkgtonj the Womon in Any area o, - a
tivator; Ford cultiva- Wn al. home, 12,p school,. second, -Q by, John Visser)
Ica (Nows-Record Phot
Plans, Combined Specift -' tor, 3, p0atlift6h -with scuffling We"Wish, , 'express our�,sin- --- county,
'Tex . 4 Documents to Recent admis%lons at Huron
tion and er attgel-Anents; bea puller, fer- cere tbaJ*S -to pyr, f4c�n,43., when interest as'slipwia in,4
view have been uX bed -care Pat -
may be obtained frwn, 0 view- tlli�er spreader, Lely, 1/� to 3 affives, land pelghb6urs: �for thedx A community, an advisory com'
ed at. Anoni � 6630, Depamtment -point -hitch and grass, grain, ft DRAilk' jentg,ll be said. �n*tee -of five -or six women is
many aots - oil kindness, card's Weekly Editor Visits -NATO HOGGAF.T_1n ClIntag -on, Fri, He advoloated -low rental a- set. up, This group deoldk�6 on
of Public Works, 4ast Block, speding attachments; New Idea (sf sympathy -and donations to
'Parliament Buildings, Toronto m4nure.spre4der 150bus. hail -day, March '19,. 1965, M
? Tionart where meals and the, topi1c, the, place� date and
vie Vbuzi;datiop, during abel
type; P.T.Oi manure Joader, our recent, bereavemeitt.. Spectal (Continued -in another HOgglawt; belloved wife, of WA, Partments
:2, Ontario. from Page One) there, beln.g on, duty
Tenders wdll not be consider- M-0erguson r quarters pr(wided for themor area of $he- aabon,
nowet; swather, thanks to-Ptov 1�. Roulston,.Dr. 111lain Voggapt, of Clinton, in laundry services were provided 'time Of the.Fwd Foram, Rome
and IdutIch her 7M, year. FuneraA were sttll Economists: from the OnV=o
edunle%s made ;on forms sup- Versatilb 10 ft., and extra -!heavy J. A. Aildli�� Pall housed .in the ne&w.by. Gei=gn Air Force Role 11v1c0 for aged people who
plied by the Department. m6tor; Vpmtilo bay copidition- Funeral an I d W sloy-M., - towns and villag.", 111he total from Baill land Mutch Funeral 'Department of AgrAculture pre -
'Me lowest -or any tenoe�rnot er; spraying equipment, 50 ft. jil:s United anad], inoitides Marvflle, . France, the head- Home -an S�unday, Mawdh 21, moving 00ut, although not alble
necewara� - accepted. churcift-ullat 3. C an community pare the food and Present the
boom; New Holland baaer,, Neilv :._Mrs, Lesbe Boal, Ed= and aWtit 16,000 p . pl,
eo quaiters of No. I Wing, RcAr,, Interment 'in Clinton Ceme. to live alone, forum. No adinlissioxi is 0wrged
T. D.`Millar, Rolland -hay rake; Qeorge White Uo i-4 an. interesting -place. Equip� ter- I
yd Pfaff, Heden,,, y.
and, Wayne 'Aboibt half -the Officers' and Reeve Stewart Procter, Mor- and the, meeting is open to all
ut wagon and, vack;'Dion wagon FW,�r. . - I 112P * ped'with F-104 Super Star- PERDUE - In Sweetwater,
and.rack, Continental post,hole I wish i men are married and Texds, r1s Townd, blip, said the opinion W(Xnen in't'le surrounding area,
r4n pa thank �my� friends acco'n-'fighters, *t is now the only �'M on Monday, March 15,
YVIII dfkger; quick hitch; silo cart, far the �omroly i cards, flowerg, panted,by their wives and d-bild- 1965 FrankElymeir Perdue, in poll in, the W14ighain Adva-ace: During the forurn, wbi�dh lasts,
bale elevator, 36 ft. (New idea) tr*ats a ren; so that a complete ed]Kiba- aldian base In France used fvr 'W72nd yeay. 'Service was about t�vo h6urs, tile intorma-
. n�d visits Whfi� i was, a actuai flying opera conducted without
us 1 bp. motor- elb6Wc fen. tioml system 1v requireO, Our tiOns. You held, trom Patterson Funeral Til"10s W-16 tion on ithe topic selected
patfent in.Clinton Public Hols; may recak readers knov%dng all the. facts.
'WANTED TO 'BUY cer. canVlete With posts and pitail. Spe&kil thanksr -to - Dr. p�arty visited a typilmd , school., that several months Home to rftvt Baptist Chumb, presented tbroujh demonstrat-
insulatcra; grain blow algo, the Prench government Swee an He said he had Wkod. to sev-
,er and akes, Rev. MilMs arid th- the me a wveh in the Wb twater, W.1 terment ions alid discussions. There am
'grain dryer, 73/# ni6tor Ad. ' I I area, W ich raised serious object; ? their
first. and, seeond floor W1Ur$eS- )iandle an enrollment of �,000_ lons. to, any in Maxan Cemetery Momn erall persons who changed various topics to chocose- femn
AobS�-2 or 3 bedrooms, dephase & X II, Perdue wras was
Or's ' ; gram T01- -MRS. ANKM FOOTE. 12p NATO force retaining nuicleak Texa�s, Ivk, a i�� nfind4 after the situation
Clinton. Private. Apply Box 120, ler, 3,00D lbs.'Pei-br.- 8. can tuderit% There are 137',teach- f such as "Never a Dual 1%L:Iali",
Clinton News 'I would 3dke"ito'thWik every- Weapons on Freneb soil, As a SWthrerZ'OERW' E, Perdue, Cli.n$D0. fully explained.
-JRecotd. lk cooler '�poday i�jp'e; gfftj�, .4 -ers and principals onthe staffs In 1,6ndon. on "Cooking, With Your Mt On"
12,13,14p m' Patz one &Oi? Rowers, cards, consequence, the Canadian squ- "Better care can be given to 4
baTm cleanWr, 32 ft. chu�te, 2 '��Ijient in and thii Ontarilb curriculum, Is AO)nday, March 22, 1965, Earl and 'Freezer Forum".
: vwts while I was a'j adrons, whidh fly nudear-arme'd people in these larger bornes
ft. I -guttw chain-, rdilk Special thanks to Dr. used. It was interesting to note 1§`Vvitzer, Uqrwer�y of Goder- 'Me hdvIsory cornn-Attele for
PUMP; hospital. apmaft were removed 'to bases ich where, there, can, he segregation
dredito Surge -5 Unit cap, completeand Oake§, the nurses and staTf of'that'results iin grade 13 aver- Township), beloved bus- the Brussels Food Forum chose
Notice to ., rS 2 mdfi6n�'unfts :L00 ft, of pipe Clinton PubliLcHosOttal. aged a good deaT higher than at Baden-Baden -and Zwekbruck- band of Mabel Foster, in his Of patients," he added. I
In theEstate of ALAN WIL-' and valves; W;;t&fi� milk sep- --RUTH TAYLOR. 12,b en In West Germany, The a�ir- 69ih year. funerEa, serwoe to the topic "Trix With A Wb�,
in., most Ontario high -schooas., craft at Marville, land.the pllbts be held, on Thursfty, Mardli 25 Which ds deAgnt-id to show blow
.SON EDWARDS, lite of the erator. -My sincere thanks, to eveiv- due, p aps, to smaijer� num.
-Town of Clinton in the. County Terms Cash erh who operate them are now em- at 2 p.m. fromBall and, Mut- PERSONAL a basic harne-inade biocu�t mix
one who s0( lvindly sent cards
M- I lyers- of pupils in Grade,13 and
,of Huron, Druggist, Deceased. Prop.? Werner A.Tantzen and flowers W, a pa:t- ployed as a mconneAsance unlit dW Funeral Home. Interment may be used to nv&ke a vatlety
I Mi persons having claiff's Auctioneer, Harold Jackson lin as a result more time avail -able I in Mrs. Eddie Laidler of Wiml- of proftots. kwn tea biscuits to
,against the Estateof the above- Clerk, George Powell 1�enl for kidividual attention. to the and. the base personnel are still peg returned home Saturday pizza to coffee cake! Atthe end
naynied, who'died on'or about and 6,01ng myconvalesence at in, the training stagesr.
the'21�st day of Jdnuary, A.D. 2b home. _4dA.RjoRy SXJTH 12p students' problems,,, sonnel serve the bases ja Frahee after visiting fier daughter, Mrs. of the evening the audience is
er or tlmyeconnaisanoe ro ury in e st cad
Miss Helen Bame8 The ir ile is ex, and Germany, and alang with Norman -Baill, 32 Rdttenb vit d to ta, -e the f which
1965, are -requ-ired to file full sist important in this age their dependents make up, a Street West. has been prepared.
p;Lrticulan therpa' with the Mrs. ROY Bennett of WinghaM, of rapid moV�ement' and the F- sizeable Canadian cammunity
-undersigned' 'on or'before the teaches in the solvool at Hemer, 104's are sent out to targets
�rd day of April, A.D. 1965, in the area, The men genera -
after which date ih'e wmets'will near Soest, but to my�ftaP- whioh, must ibe photographed Or ly were leiss,.enthuslastic about
I g regard Attend Your" Church. pointment I was not able to can� studied visually so that last living conditions in France tham
-be distribated havin tact 'h er, 'since Our itineravy nuenute information will 'be a- those wetaffl�ed to in Germany.
,only tothe cQms . of I whicli'the IW - Me'at Market...
did not take us. to thattown. PETER'S
-notice. vivillable to,the fighting units of
It dis difficult to locate living
Our tour included '"visits 't"both air force, and ai-my, The occomModationi -for wives: and
Dated at CUnton, Ontario, workshops and recreatio'
-this 10th day of Mardb,.A.D. n am- ecisilonrequired for thig task banlRies when permanent n=-
-1965. tres where the enlisted men pr TENDER - JUICY
E. B. MENZIES, carry out their tasks and spend, is all but unbelievable, sinde ried. quarteirs: are not aviail�able,
Clinton, Ontario, the Stawfighters -are sent in at in, -tact, there it an extensive Wing, Steaks
their free time. The Armyh&d low levels, sometimes down to tr!ailer qanip just out�ide the
Solicitor foi� the said Estate. CLINTON -BAPTIST CHURCH rpadeerrangements; to. have all 1k, , Only 75c lb.
11,12,13b q few hundred fe&,':and must bw at Marville.
Federation of Canada) men from our "Wn Canadian bring back Itheir reports after The educational system for Sm all T -Bone Steaks
Pastor: Crala, Peters, B.A. oreas on hand for intervi6ws. flashing -over their objectives Canaft,,Ian dhiltlren -a du 1�
is pv
,Notice To Creditors Su'n y The first mantrom this dlisitrict at 450 or.50() mkesan hour. cate Of that maintained for the
In the Estate of EMMA LEN- da , March 28 1 met wag 'Sgt. John McArdle,
�ORA JENKINS, late of- the 10:00 forinerly of Teeswater, Who at- Cooked Ham Only 89c lb.
at.m.--Sunday School In addition to its rolle in the Mtw persomol in West Ger-.
TwAin of Clinton in the County 11:15 ami. --Family Worship tendled the Wfingham bigh school NATO force, the Marville base many. In both aTeas bospit-al
"of, H is the Tranopart Command Sta- facilities as well -as medical and FARMER STYLE
ron; Widowp Deceased. 7:30 p.m. -Bible, Study Hour' beforeenlisting. He serves with
All persons having claims the Ist battalion, of the Royal, tion and thus the terminus of dental carq are maintained for
%gainst the 0state of the above- Regiment of Canada, is mArrled the thrice-vveekly trans-AtTan- the dependents as wedl as the
ights to -and. from Cm itadla. servicemen.
,named, who died on the .22nd d' h, -six chUdren. On 'his -tic M SausageWhile they last 3 lbs. for 79c
day of February, A.D. 1965, Onta'rio S+reet Uni+ecl Church -y in Europe, Flor this purpose giant Yukon Security agatinst gples or oth-
-are required to f i I e f u I'l 'wrnE FWENDLY CHMCNI second tour of du� Ircraft (military cclimterpart er information lealts is tTemen-
John. -likes the life there Ile a
,particulars thereof with, the olthe Rdttanla) which goat 130 dously important on bases which
�undefsigned on or before -the Pastor. REV. GRANT IWILLS, B.A. expects to be returned,to HOME' FREEZERS
-3rd day of April, A�D,.-1965, Sund,ay, March 28 ada in November. passengers are �einpli6yed. Iniey 6e secret weapons, One of our
ar not jet ahvraft, but rather calls was at the dog -training QUICK FREZ - Made by Gilson
-after which date the assets will 9,45 am, --Sunday School
Another Interview was with e
.be diski-buted having regard 11-00 axn.-Wornang Worship Cpl.. Xen Cunningham at the the turbo -prop madhines which compound where RCAF men 10 YearFood Spoilage Insurance
of which the TURNER!S- RCAF base in MarZ�,' Yen have such a fine record for gave us demonstrations with the 10 Year Guarantee
fohly the cl��s o
-notice, safety and economy. The west- ferocious watch dogs used to
2:00 p.m. --Church Service
Dated at Clinton, OntaLrio, 3.00 p.m. ---Sunday School grew up' in East Whwanosh light is scheduled fart 11, clear weapons. area -sit night. 10 Year Lapour Allowance
Township, not' tar from, Bel- east f ALL SIZES ATTRACTIVELY PRICED
�this 10th day, of March, A.D. beothei� of'Mm. h6urs and -the irleturn Is usually PeTsonally,,l wouldnt face one
-1965. grave, andis. A, 'inabout tenhours. Wives of there animais for any sort N
E. B. MENZIES, Eldon Hirton -of Bluavale. He Made
Clinton, Ontario, Cghftc,�hvs andhis wifip and two children and families of the dependents pa-trol the perimeterof -the
Solicitor for the bald Estate. RtV. CLIF70'RD G. PARK, M.A., Minister have been in France d,,,, J,st are. ferried back and forth to of mohey.
11,12il3b 'fall -and -'are'enjoying -the -life and from Canada by the Trans- A 1astng'ftnpreSsi011 Of the
Sunday, March g8 port Command. visits, to both Army and Afir Uft
there. %gFJ%"aAK
The other Wings, or'stations Force bases was -the spirit of
AUCTION SALE Subject., "What is the modern Interpretation of 11 believe I was, particularily loold,09 of the RCAF are Incated at good-wiU and co-operation One Cent Sale
1: Clearing AUdtl'on Sale of Farm in the 11 Communion of Saints'?',' forward to meeting Aed Hough- Bladen-)Mdfen and 7Awibrucken, which e�dsts between Canadians
APostletO Creed Nm 5 ton, formeilly of Witigham, (act
Machinery and Household Ef. AAA just� over the German border, and -the local populations. Starh Thum, A ril 1st to Satif April I oth,
fects for Robert Upshall, lot 12#.
9, Tuckersmith Twp., 5
Viv Coast: ml, C. A su.
tilm brlelfly,, over the 'protests
where actual flydng -is done wilth
miles South of Seaforth or 4
9:45 am.-Sundav School
11:00 am.-Chimfi Service
ol.-Jhe -padre who' ig ailso the
nudleArmisisilm Ariair weapons
unit !is maintaiiie4 a t)echnorn-
miles north'east of Kippen on
Tuesday, March 30th
'TENDERS WANTED, WOAGWENT Thum, Mar 24,t 1,90 9 �A
IITJIIXITP�W47T,�n Clinton Al,
Ile gbsp� on X -09h
-to a -4
P1 - , N ''Mrs. 154 -ed AddItiondror, flumnyiew-
illVbAft Qm0p, a son.
Scho,ol Areo, 6*4rk wisu JI - - ' ' - ,, �o,
KU14-lEy �� TA SOD# Nernw1al
Jce mn'.%xt of their e structed; At Clinton
�PVA-104 to:4004 �',V,1111 be., ro, 14_=QuPc� V10 jeiigalge- lioipligl, �$e b 01 Thurs� 0 -Lon
IVO� by lthe X=hito�# Until, 00y, NOX04.1%.1905, to, Mr -
5:00 p,m., Taesday� April and Mos" Xqn:Hufloy 0 T,04
4� xrulutdhowl, only
1960 f0_r,qQA.#ru1*0A of �A Ave (00.404110 from V;%Q 000) Council mmsderod, tho P, 0. r�,,
�Jw_ W, om and, play ropm, ad�, 'JOrS V ONAty of -9the
OQW�fy` VOltn-04 e4torpd, r Upmes #,ke'the
W.- aAd urs, ag.ck VAP Pi; - :M-, "`tnIm Public
d1i, �O liojmesv�He �Schoplf0r- M.P.0 BP.qs4e]s,,,4Q on .5u44a i�,, j, boVr4Oi1g d#cu$sj0A 'befMv the OA% 'plf t4nod, for 74artch tw*099
g1tch"eon, 4t, _y, March
an.,Q., W ingto t*e �9404, QLanaMr HWmv , W, ',ghg*
Bob. 4,"spq
1nsl;r4.qtlQns 0. bidders,p4Ans in, .0 arl at� ee V*tgA n,4 C.,4n$pp, a sm,. vote, OwlwnaA pt HW04view S.Liggosled too war; tlu, pps�
xxt_ o r..., t -coxnmitte E
may. DO ob-
C n j4,
tam J py 'enppa pson, sibility t1l,#
% Uontr4tp.tQrs
i#WdW, April 24th, I p reevp u*pr the honigg ,be- Ix
Hosp, A_4 7 WArqh Z24 _of srnith, said
_ _4
905. zed.
'190 to Mr -m-4, Xrs,. Ajbeet� I
1?p gomm
_11tto B Ha;nl�r
q w _W= 144 plox
Ei P, V, g about
'I, - , n -, � - "k
�Was AA t
yVh, A
1,04 040d St. 9 x -the
the welfare of _ resldoo
LQNPQN, Qntario, ; prW1de4 tb,,,e. gfi
.the me f4c,4
deposit -Of Fifty DollAm r than th4� convenience Of i;'s I-Twormew, they wo"wi
CARDS OF THANKS fagiil5r -04tors. be full.
Lowest, or any teuder, not AUCTION SALE 1, W�sh to -Wa4k f*4dlp,
4%9414oluils, Tor
5.ale 9f, Tractor
zecessar�ly Aaceptea. Clearing Auction
vouixa -as 1hough people came
4, TgPPQTT� Chairman, Maphinery for Werner �N,p Tant� flowers" gift
I Was a, patie t;.� �D WN, from two of Mw b1tin8riul rs
1243b Colborne twp,, .1 mile north Speciall
:F, YJE�Q, §e9,-Trfas,. ;An, Cpn. 4, lot J;asterrl divis:Ion Fi t in Huron,
'to miles," he slaitL
tha T.itirses, Drs. Ne"gna
Senmillor or
Q'irl9w on and WloAdWi, -XA-3Y E, RE, 10
Har ey Johns, aarm Is -
I ut
Fo oru
Wedne44y, March, 3.1st trator at Clinton, said he 'had od M
Mr, ia�d Mrs. AU, an !sIloIA101-ce
at -1,*0 PM. and W M'. Bu f am 1, -to learned froinhis 10-yelar ex -1w, �A
s. , , . wW
Machinery: Fardson !Super thank their friends and,nedgb-
ienve at the H=
!M.- e es!
Major tractor., dbubleaction re- bours� for the gifts -and wedl Ai Brussels Hall
dents� who complain about bolng
$CAPINQ Mote colitrol (like new), Nuf, wisbes- extended, to them- �M un, the evemagof Thurs, �Ly,
field tractor, fully hydraulic; thoir depatture'-film'Brac4eld art Huronview WO"d be unb"Xly April 1, a Food Forum will be
ONTARIO HQSPITAL�' Ford plow, 4 furrow, hydpau�i� to take up, ��esioen , ce , in Ottawa, anyv%lbere but ;m their own Te ol
I I -Public SPeaking finals Hold In Clintor* held an Brus$01$ gi A IWI.
V.vheel depth, control; Massey- 121? homl�s. TWI I Will be the first timp such
SE A TEN Ferguson 3.fuTrow ploW by, �The 1hm2y phen Towp_t4-ip Dep ty- a �
LXD DE'P`S Will be araulic; disc harrow on.e�,way; W�ljiam Hagg'of' #)e late Mrs On TuOsd4y afternoonat Cl�nton Public School Vicl�l R - b
Teceive I d by the undersigned .bot" wish. to sin, .6Senhagen of Wing- Ste Prolgram hla� een presented
%,Ferguson 18 disc 8 ft,. covex, cerdly thianik - al I -and iha Public School, -centre, won'the Huron finals of the Ontario School Trus- ReOve in Huron 'County,
R friends lames; Hayter, -a.. former
.S,T,), op
hydratilic deptli control; -M-Fer, noigbibours for aR 'the , 1! teels. and, Ratep4yet.S A
t.. ssoc!4tiQn public Speaking contest,, She will rimy com,� member of A Food Forum is sponsored
-ruts.VAY, APRIL� 1�tb, 1�965, gUs0n double disc -barrovi 8'ft, the Huroulldew com-
acts of Iftdaest, shown fttllng *cc
Pete in, 701�O finals at Breslau on Apri by the Home T1:conpn-dcp Serd
3 -point hitch; ch�dn . barrow. recent beveai�6rnent. �Spe'lc 6,; th includes the counties Qf mittee, said the delegations. had of th
e Zone
top the Sodding and $eedwg I�Urlon� Pertb,'Waterl6ol -and e OntaTla Dep=bnmit of
Culd p4cker;;. X-Tr6guion Milils,'Dr. Ad
10 to, ,er I ngton. On the l6ft is Susan Bisseft of Gode- the Wrong c0ncePt Of the tYVe 49VIcUlture upon the request pf
of dj�cfies at the Ontario Ho$-� 'lull seed, drill; George White. disari a -bhe . 6WI and Mutcb- rich Who. placed third and Susan Carson, right, of HQWick central public f
Vital, Qoderich, Outarlo. 10 ft. cul er' , od' of people, caTed for, at Clkgtonj the Womon in Any area o, - a
tivator; Ford cultiva- Wn al. home, 12,p school,. second, -Q by, John Visser)
Ica (Nows-Record Phot
Plans, Combined Specift -' tor, 3, p0atlift6h -with scuffling We"Wish, , 'express our�,sin- --- county,
'Tex . 4 Documents to Recent admis%lons at Huron
tion and er attgel-Anents; bea puller, fer- cere tbaJ*S -to pyr, f4c�n,43., when interest as'slipwia in,4
view have been uX bed -care Pat -
may be obtained frwn, 0 view- tlli�er spreader, Lely, 1/� to 3 affives, land pelghb6urs: �for thedx A community, an advisory com'
ed at. Anoni � 6630, Depamtment -point -hitch and grass, grain, ft DRAilk' jentg,ll be said. �n*tee -of five -or six women is
many aots - oil kindness, card's Weekly Editor Visits -NATO HOGGAF.T_1n ClIntag -on, Fri, He advoloated -low rental a- set. up, This group deoldk�6 on
of Public Works, 4ast Block, speding attachments; New Idea (sf sympathy -and donations to
'Parliament Buildings, Toronto m4nure.spre4der 150bus. hail -day, March '19,. 1965, M
? Tionart where meals and the, topi1c, the, place� date and
vie Vbuzi;datiop, during abel
type; P.T.Oi manure Joader, our recent, bereavemeitt.. Spectal (Continued -in another HOgglawt; belloved wife, of WA, Partments
:2, Ontario. from Page One) there, beln.g on, duty
Tenders wdll not be consider- M-0erguson r quarters pr(wided for themor area of $he- aabon,
nowet; swather, thanks to-Ptov 1�. Roulston,.Dr. 111lain Voggapt, of Clinton, in laundry services were provided 'time Of the.Fwd Foram, Rome
and IdutIch her 7M, year. FuneraA were sttll Economists: from the OnV=o
edunle%s made ;on forms sup- Versatilb 10 ft., and extra -!heavy J. A. Aildli�� Pall housed .in the ne&w.by. Gei=gn Air Force Role 11v1c0 for aged people who
plied by the Department. m6tor; Vpmtilo bay copidition- Funeral an I d W sloy-M., - towns and villag.", 111he total from Baill land Mutch Funeral 'Department of AgrAculture pre -
'Me lowest -or any tenoe�rnot er; spraying equipment, 50 ft. jil:s United anad], inoitides Marvflle, . France, the head- Home -an S�unday, Mawdh 21, moving 00ut, although not alble
necewara� - accepted. churcift-ullat 3. C an community pare the food and Present the
boom; New Holland baaer,, Neilv :._Mrs, Lesbe Boal, Ed= and aWtit 16,000 p . pl,
eo quaiters of No. I Wing, RcAr,, Interment 'in Clinton Ceme. to live alone, forum. No adinlissioxi is 0wrged
T. D.`Millar, Rolland -hay rake; Qeorge White Uo i-4 an. interesting -place. Equip� ter- I
yd Pfaff, Heden,,, y.
and, Wayne 'Aboibt half -the Officers' and Reeve Stewart Procter, Mor- and the, meeting is open to all
ut wagon and, vack;'Dion wagon FW,�r. . - I 112P * ped'with F-104 Super Star- PERDUE - In Sweetwater,
and.rack, Continental post,hole I wish i men are married and Texds, r1s Townd, blip, said the opinion W(Xnen in't'le surrounding area,
r4n pa thank �my� friends acco'n-'fighters, *t is now the only �'M on Monday, March 15,
YVIII dfkger; quick hitch; silo cart, far the �omroly i cards, flowerg, panted,by their wives and d-bild- 1965 FrankElymeir Perdue, in poll in, the W14ighain Adva-ace: During the forurn, wbi�dh lasts,
bale elevator, 36 ft. (New idea) tr*ats a ren; so that a complete ed]Kiba- aldian base In France used fvr 'W72nd yeay. 'Service was about t�vo h6urs, tile intorma-
. n�d visits Whfi� i was, a actuai flying opera conducted without
us 1 bp. motor- elb6Wc fen. tioml system 1v requireO, Our tiOns. You held, trom Patterson Funeral Til"10s W-16 tion on ithe topic selected
patfent in.Clinton Public Hols; may recak readers knov%dng all the. facts.
'WANTED TO 'BUY cer. canVlete With posts and pitail. Spe&kil thanksr -to - Dr. p�arty visited a typilmd , school., that several months Home to rftvt Baptist Chumb, presented tbroujh demonstrat-
insulatcra; grain blow algo, the Prench government Swee an He said he had Wkod. to sev-
,er and akes, Rev. MilMs arid th- the me a wveh in the Wb twater, W.1 terment ions alid discussions. There am
'grain dryer, 73/# ni6tor Ad. ' I I area, W ich raised serious object; ? their
first. and, seeond floor W1Ur$eS- )iandle an enrollment of �,000_ lons. to, any in Maxan Cemetery Momn erall persons who changed various topics to chocose- femn
AobS�-2 or 3 bedrooms, dephase & X II, Perdue wras was
Or's ' ; gram T01- -MRS. ANKM FOOTE. 12p NATO force retaining nuicleak Texa�s, Ivk, a i�� nfind4 after the situation
Clinton. Private. Apply Box 120, ler, 3,00D lbs.'Pei-br.- 8. can tuderit% There are 137',teach- f such as "Never a Dual 1%L:Iali",
Clinton News 'I would 3dke"ito'thWik every- Weapons on Freneb soil, As a SWthrerZ'OERW' E, Perdue, Cli.n$D0. fully explained.
-JRecotd. lk cooler '�poday i�jp'e; gfftj�, .4 -ers and principals onthe staffs In 1,6ndon. on "Cooking, With Your Mt On"
12,13,14p m' Patz one &Oi? Rowers, cards, consequence, the Canadian squ- "Better care can be given to 4
baTm cleanWr, 32 ft. chu�te, 2 '��Ijient in and thii Ontarilb curriculum, Is AO)nday, March 22, 1965, Earl and 'Freezer Forum".
: vwts while I was a'j adrons, whidh fly nudear-arme'd people in these larger bornes
ft. I -guttw chain-, rdilk Special thanks to Dr. used. It was interesting to note 1§`Vvitzer, Uqrwer�y of Goder- 'Me hdvIsory cornn-Attele for
PUMP; hospital. apmaft were removed 'to bases ich where, there, can, he segregation
dredito Surge -5 Unit cap, completeand Oake§, the nurses and staTf of'that'results iin grade 13 aver- Township), beloved bus- the Brussels Food Forum chose
Notice to ., rS 2 mdfi6n�'unfts :L00 ft, of pipe Clinton PubliLcHosOttal. aged a good deaT higher than at Baden-Baden -and Zwekbruck- band of Mabel Foster, in his Of patients," he added. I
In theEstate of ALAN WIL-' and valves; W;;t&fi� milk sep- --RUTH TAYLOR. 12,b en In West Germany, The a�ir- 69ih year. funerEa, serwoe to the topic "Trix With A Wb�,
in., most Ontario high -schooas., craft at Marville, land.the pllbts be held, on Thursfty, Mardli 25 Which ds deAgnt-id to show blow
.SON EDWARDS, lite of the erator. -My sincere thanks, to eveiv- due, p aps, to smaijer� num.
-Town of Clinton in the. County Terms Cash erh who operate them are now em- at 2 p.m. fromBall and, Mut- PERSONAL a basic harne-inade biocu�t mix
one who s0( lvindly sent cards
M- I lyers- of pupils in Grade,13 and
,of Huron, Druggist, Deceased. Prop.? Werner A.Tantzen and flowers W, a pa:t- ployed as a mconneAsance unlit dW Funeral Home. Interment may be used to nv&ke a vatlety
I Mi persons having claiff's Auctioneer, Harold Jackson lin as a result more time avail -able I in Mrs. Eddie Laidler of Wiml- of proftots. kwn tea biscuits to
,against the Estateof the above- Clerk, George Powell 1�enl for kidividual attention. to the and. the base personnel are still peg returned home Saturday pizza to coffee cake! Atthe end
naynied, who'died on'or about and 6,01ng myconvalesence at in, the training stagesr.
the'21�st day of Jdnuary, A.D. 2b home. _4dA.RjoRy SXJTH 12p students' problems,,, sonnel serve the bases ja Frahee after visiting fier daughter, Mrs. of the evening the audience is
er or tlmyeconnaisanoe ro ury in e st cad
Miss Helen Bame8 The ir ile is ex, and Germany, and alang with Norman -Baill, 32 Rdttenb vit d to ta, -e the f which
1965, are -requ-ired to file full sist important in this age their dependents make up, a Street West. has been prepared.
p;Lrticulan therpa' with the Mrs. ROY Bennett of WinghaM, of rapid moV�ement' and the F- sizeable Canadian cammunity
-undersigned' 'on or'before the teaches in the solvool at Hemer, 104's are sent out to targets
�rd day of April, A.D. 1965, in the area, The men genera -
after which date ih'e wmets'will near Soest, but to my�ftaP- whioh, must ibe photographed Or ly were leiss,.enthuslastic about
I g regard Attend Your" Church. pointment I was not able to can� studied visually so that last living conditions in France tham
-be distribated havin tact 'h er, 'since Our itineravy nuenute information will 'be a- those wetaffl�ed to in Germany.
,only tothe cQms . of I whicli'the IW - Me'at Market...
did not take us. to thattown. PETER'S
-notice. vivillable to,the fighting units of
It dis difficult to locate living
Our tour included '"visits 't"both air force, and ai-my, The occomModationi -for wives: and
Dated at CUnton, Ontario, workshops and recreatio'
-this 10th day of Mardb,.A.D. n am- ecisilonrequired for thig task banlRies when permanent n=-
-1965. tres where the enlisted men pr TENDER - JUICY
E. B. MENZIES, carry out their tasks and spend, is all but unbelievable, sinde ried. quarteirs: are not aviail�able,
Clinton, Ontario, the Stawfighters -are sent in at in, -tact, there it an extensive Wing, Steaks
their free time. The Armyh&d low levels, sometimes down to tr!ailer qanip just out�ide the
Solicitor foi� the said Estate. CLINTON -BAPTIST CHURCH rpadeerrangements; to. have all 1k, , Only 75c lb.
11,12,13b q few hundred fe&,':and must bw at Marville.
Federation of Canada) men from our "Wn Canadian bring back Itheir reports after The educational system for Sm all T -Bone Steaks
Pastor: Crala, Peters, B.A. oreas on hand for intervi6ws. flashing -over their objectives Canaft,,Ian dhiltlren -a du 1�
is pv
,Notice To Creditors Su'n y The first mantrom this dlisitrict at 450 or.50() mkesan hour. cate Of that maintained for the
In the Estate of EMMA LEN- da , March 28 1 met wag 'Sgt. John McArdle,
�ORA JENKINS, late of- the 10:00 forinerly of Teeswater, Who at- Cooked Ham Only 89c lb.
at.m.--Sunday School In addition to its rolle in the Mtw persomol in West Ger-.
TwAin of Clinton in the County 11:15 ami. --Family Worship tendled the Wfingham bigh school NATO force, the Marville base many. In both aTeas bospit-al
"of, H is the Tranopart Command Sta- facilities as well -as medical and FARMER STYLE
ron; Widowp Deceased. 7:30 p.m. -Bible, Study Hour' beforeenlisting. He serves with
All persons having claims the Ist battalion, of the Royal, tion and thus the terminus of dental carq are maintained for
%gainst the 0state of the above- Regiment of Canada, is mArrled the thrice-vveekly trans-AtTan- the dependents as wedl as the
ights to -and. from Cm itadla. servicemen.
,named, who died on the .22nd d' h, -six chUdren. On 'his -tic M SausageWhile they last 3 lbs. for 79c
day of February, A.D. 1965, Onta'rio S+reet Uni+ecl Church -y in Europe, Flor this purpose giant Yukon Security agatinst gples or oth-
-are required to f i I e f u I'l 'wrnE FWENDLY CHMCNI second tour of du� Ircraft (military cclimterpart er information lealts is tTemen-
John. -likes the life there Ile a
,particulars thereof with, the olthe Rdttanla) which goat 130 dously important on bases which
�undefsigned on or before -the Pastor. REV. GRANT IWILLS, B.A. expects to be returned,to HOME' FREEZERS
-3rd day of April, A�D,.-1965, Sund,ay, March 28 ada in November. passengers are �einpli6yed. Iniey 6e secret weapons, One of our
ar not jet ahvraft, but rather calls was at the dog -training QUICK FREZ - Made by Gilson
-after which date the assets will 9,45 am, --Sunday School
Another Interview was with e
.be diski-buted having regard 11-00 axn.-Wornang Worship Cpl.. Xen Cunningham at the the turbo -prop madhines which compound where RCAF men 10 YearFood Spoilage Insurance
of which the TURNER!S- RCAF base in MarZ�,' Yen have such a fine record for gave us demonstrations with the 10 Year Guarantee
fohly the cl��s o
-notice, safety and economy. The west- ferocious watch dogs used to
2:00 p.m. --Church Service
Dated at Clinton, OntaLrio, 3.00 p.m. ---Sunday School grew up' in East Whwanosh light is scheduled fart 11, clear weapons. area -sit night. 10 Year Lapour Allowance
Township, not' tar from, Bel- east f ALL SIZES ATTRACTIVELY PRICED
�this 10th day, of March, A.D. beothei� of'Mm. h6urs and -the irleturn Is usually PeTsonally,,l wouldnt face one
-1965. grave, andis. A, 'inabout tenhours. Wives of there animais for any sort N
E. B. MENZIES, Eldon Hirton -of Bluavale. He Made
Clinton, Ontario, Cghftc,�hvs andhis wifip and two children and families of the dependents pa-trol the perimeterof -the
Solicitor for the bald Estate. RtV. CLIF70'RD G. PARK, M.A., Minister have been in France d,,,, J,st are. ferried back and forth to of mohey.
11,12il3b 'fall -and -'are'enjoying -the -life and from Canada by the Trans- A 1astng'ftnpreSsi011 Of the
Sunday, March g8 port Command. visits, to both Army and Afir Uft
there. %gFJ%"aAK
The other Wings, or'stations Force bases was -the spirit of
AUCTION SALE Subject., "What is the modern Interpretation of 11 believe I was, particularily loold,09 of the RCAF are Incated at good-wiU and co-operation One Cent Sale
1: Clearing AUdtl'on Sale of Farm in the 11 Communion of Saints'?',' forward to meeting Aed Hough- Bladen-)Mdfen and 7Awibrucken, which e�dsts between Canadians
APostletO Creed Nm 5 ton, formeilly of Witigham, (act
Machinery and Household Ef. AAA just� over the German border, and -the local populations. Starh Thum, A ril 1st to Satif April I oth,
fects for Robert Upshall, lot 12#.
9, Tuckersmith Twp., 5
Viv Coast: ml, C. A su.
tilm brlelfly,, over the 'protests
where actual flydng -is done wilth
miles South of Seaforth or 4
9:45 am.-Sundav School
11:00 am.-Chimfi Service
ol.-Jhe -padre who' ig ailso the
nudleArmisisilm Ariair weapons
unit !is maintaiiie4 a t)echnorn-
miles north'east of Kippen on
Tuesday, March 30th
coach,of the hockey teitii. A's
you may Imagine, Red -was
annu on the 491and of Sardinia
ititbe Mediterranean Sea, duef-
At 1,00 p.m,
.00 P.m.-Churoh Service
the heat of hockey, pwaedlce in
prepaeatiptii for the
lyfor target purposes. Air Divus,_
Machinery: 13 Allis Chalmets
2 00 p.m. -Sunday School
�ch "ion_
S ilp games this weelt
!on headquarteit znd the telle-
-tradtor with scuffler, boa,n pul.
ler, beat ficlaser and chains; 70
However he man;�ed to -get
Off the ice for a few miftuft,6
communications squadron are
located at Matz, France,
Cockshutt ltractor;_ Massey Har-
r 24 plate,traot& double digc,�
ReV. R. W. Wenham, LkTh., Alebtlor
and whipped anto the dressing
T he, tulily-equipped F-104 St -
arfi&er is a fonTAUble 6-
2-12 ft,,kA M= Harris
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FiR.C.O.j A-Fkl.C.M..,Or9anl*t
room' -to got oata, pleturelof
temtut we�pon, which costs the
,combines; rubber manure
spreader), -farm wagon; 16 ft,
LEtNT 4 SUNDAY - Sunday, March 98
two lovely little girls.. Red and
his wife land family live about
Canadian taxpaYer upwards of,
wagon grain box,, 2 wheieltrail-
6r; who-elbatroW; Massey -14ar-
.8M am.--44bly �Comtftunlon B. A, C. BreakfaLsk
9*45 a.m.--Chubch School
18 m9es from the bm, e Over the
two n-dW-oii dodl�rs, It 4s -
able of speeds. dp to 1500 miles
rig tractor disc; 2,000 lb, scal�
11�00 aLxa.-Movni ' tg Ptuyer
bor&r,ln Belgium, hous.
ffig is aved"llablie.
perhour under Itill allter-,burher
.es, 20 [ft. grginauge'r -twthin6�
Vt1day', A�prll 2-10100 a.m�Holy Commurilo'n
Fit, Lt, Ian Wetheringtob, son
thrust, but is seldom operated
tor; Letz- grain grinder; ftln-
Aing mi -' bag truck; thresh.
InachmLS; hay
of xudgc- and Mrs, A. S. 1-leth-
of lVingh4m,"As also
at such. high speed'. SigiMcaftt
of the jAle of these fighter
ing t1eVAt6r,,
-MdM0 Harris febMiZet .13
disc d,rlll,, 4
The, Rev, ki 0. MacLean, EI.A., Minister
gtaiioried at Ivip"Me but was,
uad' is thtfact that tht,
scl rons �'
nCAFls mo PA acIvanced base is
pl seationhdr.,
. owte
rows; McCormick Deering 7ft.
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Orobinist And Chole 61rebithr.
not &Vailouble, dWihg mY 8;��
justeight mlntitog jet t1mo ftm
bixider- root pul,&4; 10 inth
the k1m, Curb*.
tile., e6 plank; 100 ft, drive
Sunday,, March 96
About 6,000 -Air rorlce per�
Pick Up your hAnd bill in the mail for complete list,
Advance order fornis, available how At our store.
-9 intook Maria
= MrAlJJI-111. MeMMY 0 OIL
nea; 0111dKeri 16eaets; chicken 9:45 a.m.--8t1hdaY School od moireu w116 passed OWay
sh#16as,, troughs; w6ven wire 10:45 Worship
gtretth6r,� bench Acc lorks- Maech. 23, 19664
Ten T ywood". Gft fa.
shovel EVEAVONE WELCOME tr&h6mbe b and d MU
91, chaffiv tools, 6',thbe6l "AdAing Whox* noshafdoWs
.thib�et, 8 druni steel tollek; Maple Sffbot 'Eve BAL an H LTD&
est gldin�; 51 ;eld by Wif
olony h6ute- Miitsey lwkjs 3 Chritfian Reformed family,
fumow plow;, John Be�&e 4 Var Church' GOSPL HALL Notice
rows;, eo guti'day, 9,06 28 109, GLEN Ibib� of the town
I 8uhAV, MArth �8' ship of tt�)nldy In th# lbountY V A LE
�81de i�ake; M6d;;A1c_i DLiertng� ,
8 it. .4Prifig tooth tractot 4ul-,
�; dige plow,� 4rag bar. A , ev, 0, J, 1446ttInk., 'MI'Atattr dLIN*tON In* the tstatd of MARY "AL- Hardware
a WL -11 Jet pf`egSure�- LD ME IF J__JLL_,A1,J hJSA
d6toett set log tongs. W.00 a.M.-lSdivice in 19hglish 0 4� �tLm Wbirihk 9 rV14* of AUrbity Widow, deceased,
J L 4AY OrAln. W baies of . 2:30 P.m.-Sdtvid6 In Dutch p e AJA pj�tt6jjt fi artmeint 0
h 11*00' a m -StindO $611001 r av-Mg c aims ep
ay,, i,606- I>W, mi�ted' gtaffi� 'a- 8�Qery Sft"y 6.16 pin'. Dial 8'.00,j '-Evlerft'semde against the J�gtatd of the abovd"
b $so Z11w, St, -I
ug, Mixed d6viai, 8edd, NiOnG, "Usten Spedket- John Uhrtlh named Who died pli the Ut daY
to "ft& �6 Cod 1t6t*"`f
th&!r-§,, kitcheii thair$,, small 10VEAVONt WELCOME Tutidoy-s p.m.-.Pkayer meet. quiriecl to file full pattibulpq
table§, bddroofft P06f with �he bfidei�sighivd oil CLLtARAN( E
ffig, And Bible Study, tile
picture frtmot� hahging 19' TMe A
NbUdelibld #tfe6t6, Rocklin Of MtL�, A.D, 1065, 6te ft-� ANN' U L
Mp, All WOcoine or, before the 12th day of April,
wooden barref churn; bras� Jbsbph Sftoo+ 49de, Disoky Adv, for, dAteg AM, 1965, Atwr whi4h date file Depar "t
curtafit ofts; Wa and knobs; GOSPEL HALL of Speclid Ldotureb� ugetg Will be dist,,Jbuted� h,aV�.
.W-0Ltdt6bd, ft, regard ohl$r to the Owms of: TLH RSDAyt MA
Othdr aiticlo� tdd dtitAdmut CLINTON AYXIOWAftfln UOWLING Whfbh the uhdolfftiled zho.11.
to rdenfloft. I wngfN �M, W, ice ATURDAY, PRI
,Ijb*die "hig,11 h,10 I, then have not. RCH 2,15 -*-i S A L 11
111waiii , 01.6 DATZ D bt Clinton, Ontat,,O�
Of Bread
146 foorti dd'(dj 3,W iMfty School this Zstd fty of March, A,D.
lrvl� - 1q,65,
v6prn, 44-W bfth 7.00 p.m "'W gqlervi�o
9.00 pah. Thikftd4y_Pf1iye11- It, 91:1VIgNtlet, FRESH,, MODERN 14119RCHANDIS9 OLD -MME LOW PRICES AND SAVINOS
�Au r . - 1416ro,ld jadkidrt M66ttilt, iOld 1311316" high tsdplov Rltlbott '11'rial, 'ClIfit6ho, Oht0ld"
tldeky 466r& fvowel th6ldold bit'SUkt to SU OUR MMULAKS- IN 110 MAiL TWAY_
....... . . 'L I I !*I- �s4w!�l!��������,��i��-I'l,'��.L ... ... . .... .... ..
. .. .... ..... ..... ... ... ........ .. .