Clinton News-Record, 1965-03-25, Page 22
Freeoflection Age'nc.7
(Reprinted from 00bourg Bentinal Star)
Now is the time for all good bust" govern
ment hadmwed in on the citi-
nessnien to come to. lUie aid _f all good zen',s
pay check, "The slice was not so
great 'but by the time the .Second War'
Businessmen a re discriminated Tvas underway the people were so, used
apinst by go.veir ent, to 'sharing' with. the people
, vernment that it
Qoverrirnent bylaw forcesbusiness- was possible to raise taxes to t4e con-
men �o work for igovernment withoUt fisc4tion level without fomenting a first
Pay, class rebellion., Also, _taxes had to be
-This is downright;-sl4very, pad as earned, and not the following
It is in direct defiance to the uni year
vernal code of human rights, enough b "Confiscatory taxation Was bad
Government has -forced business" ut the method et
hod of collection
men -topay a minimum wage, It has. Was thoroughly obnoxious, All employ -
legislated hours of work. It has stoppec
1 ers were told to become tax collectors,
Barbers from working on Wednesdays, W1thout pay or even thanks, in war -time
it has ruled that only licensed mechan- desperate and disputatious measures are
ics can repair broken jalopies; it has accepted with, grim reluctance :and the
regulated regulations in almost every f4int hope that relief would come when,
walk of life. the war was over. The war has now
But government has done not one been over for- .20 years 'and the employ -
solitary thing, for it ers ;are the tax collectors — unpaid
businessman., The
businessman 'collects sales taxes for two, and unthar*ed.11
governments, unemployment insurance The doctor said that he resented
taxes, employees' income taxes, work this impositioT., and took the oath never
. '
men's compppssL�tioh taxes, and is :re- - to hire another man., He is a conscien-
quired to keep book• records for the dous objector to the law which forces
two governments, him to collect other men's taxes.
The businessman is penalized by points' out lthat he has 'debated with
government if he makes ;a mistake in himself the bthf6s of the situation and
-tax returns, a, condition which is. In" the morals Gf.'any) and can find noth.
htiman. whipi it is, considered that the ing, that tel]A him he should bli 4 Itax
businessman is not -paid for his work. collector..
Judy LaMarsh can come along fact is that there, exists
with her inquitou§,pqnsion plan, at the a moral obligation as a citizen to. pay
F. stroke of a.,pien, businessm4h will be re- taxes, but there is no -moral obligation,
Iquired to shoulder the entire il?urden of for one citizen, to collect the other tiff
another .,'free colle•ction agency, zen's taxes, He should remit his own
Do you, the public, ieaflze that the tax and pay his own debt.
small btisinessman is of paramount =7 Also, there is an inference , I by gov-
portance in the conduct of affairs of ernment that the employee cannot be
the nation? Does he not dose more . deserve WO trusted to pay •his own 'tax, T
consideration from Queens Park and un- 11e labor
1031, ITI the check -off, took advantage
Ottawa? Should not,these governments of this implication by "not trusting" its
desist. 4-roW, imposing additional bur -
own members and . required mana•ge-
dens on him ----or- pay him for carrying Ment to collect, The businessman 1 1 s, an
on the work of government? honest, n agent, a
slave fool' roof :cal
Dr. J,. B. Symington, writing in. goverpninefitcoHe wa easy pick -
",Canadian Business," states that the ing for the czars a of labor.
Canadian• citizen of 1914 was a free
ambitious and resourceful individual.. It -costs Canadiah business millions
.of It
to collect taxes. 'Big business
Mils. pay cheque Was all his own,, 100 hires scores .of bookkeepers and -as Dr.
percent. The Great Politician was Symington - says, "the small business -
booming out, "the twentieth "century man is the one who suffers most. He
belongs to Canada."
Thenshas to do the insufferable job himself,"
, ays Dr .. Syminton, came
the War. and by thegCanadian —Cobourg Sentinal-Star'
National Wild Liffe'leekNational 'Wild Life Week—April. mer Prime Minister of Ontario, on April
4-11—is not a week tidpromote the , sale
11, 1960,,, referred to Jack Miner 'as
of some .dusty merchandise but it is a "Canada's greatest haturalist". One year
week the girls and boys for generations ago` the. Minister of Education of Al-
to come will be on the receiving. end. -berta paying tr.bute to h referred
in �m 1 him 6 C1
It is A week, '*hen noone is asked to Jack Miner as "Canada's greatestto buy anything, no contributions of any and most loved naturalist". Last spring
kind solicited, but is strictly an educa- 1964, Mr. H. J. B. Gough, the great
tional week when the public—especially educationalist in Newfoundland, refer.
the, school teachers — will stress the red to Jack Miner as "Our nation's
need of conservation of not only our greatest- Conservationist". 1-Jow, fitting
'Id life
wild -but all of our God-given natur- 'it was that thli:� members of The Nouse
al resources so that future generationi of Commons and members of the Cana
can see bird and animal life' alive and than Senate should proclaim the week of
not have, to go to a museum to see dead April 1.0, in each year, to be known as
and extinct specimens in a'- glass cage to National Wild Life Week, which many
keep ninths from eating them. leaders refer to as — "Jack Miner
National Wild Life Week is much Week". I
different than other special weeks be- The ten provincial Prime Ministers,
-cause National Wild Life Week was the ten. Ministers. of Fish and Game and
created by a special actof the Federal the ten Ministers of Education have all
Government in Ottawa* dated April 17, issued- requests, through various pro.
1947,, with a twofold purpose. It was vincial channels backing up the Federal
created to have the people of Canada,. Government's proclamation -asking the
during the week of April 10, focus their people and organizations to observe Na.
attention on conservation. The other tional Wild Life Week. In 'turn all
purp6se for creation of the. week was to sportsmen's groups, Wild Life Federa.
act as a living memorial to the late Jack tions, Audubon Societies, Nature Clubs,
Miner whose birthday was April 10th at Field Naturalists are releasing printed
which radio d e
vh' season of the year the birds re- matter while the press, rad o an tele- to Canada to net. vision are giving the week the rightful
Jack, Miner gave his life to the publicity it so'well deserves. Each ,or-
Cause of Conservation. While he was ganization is asked to feature its own
living be was often referredto as "the theme and -promote some needed con -
father of -Conservation in Canada". He servation project in its own locality and
not only gave -his life but he gave his Use the boost -public sentiment
all to the cause so near to his -heart. A and spirit toward such a local. project,
year before he died the King of England while national organizations are asked
bestowed upon him the 0.8.E. with a to promote the week nationally.
citation i!'far the greatest achievement All preachers, priests and rabbis
inConservationin the British Empire''. have -been asked. to I preach on God's
The Right I4onourable Leslie Frost, for- great outdoors on, Sunday, Ap 11 11.
ilid n NewscwRe%�
Established 1065. 1924 Established 101
it 11 ID Published Every Thursday At The Heart
0. A Of Huron County
to, Clinton, Ontario, Canada
'Population 3,475
40 0Signed ionfrIbuflons to this publication, are the oplhtons
of the Whiled only, and do not necessarily express
O L 041 fhe views of the hewtpap6r.
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departtrenf, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in 0,6sh
SUBSCRIPTION RATM Payable in advance — Canada and Greif Britald: $4,06. a year-,
United Staf6s, and Forai§w $5,60, Single Copies., 10 Canis
L 'A
AM 'batherOggAt 8,000 pm,
1 $
..... .. ... . .... .... ... .. .... .. ..
-Still LeWen With Snow
`Te cher'sCon e
'M'R Rawer all jntorestingti by 'one of the metropolitan
be a tv46hor, the sprJxw. Even newspapers, 1phis enterprising
ea in
before the snow 'has. conipletely 5h !aneffmt
gone, school blowid,
-A Ina prixW,1- mo4oporly on the fat, luscious
P419 ar'o flipping over logs and acreage of -teacherwadvertising
StOnels, In the forlorn #gVe of, held byanother newspaper, h*Ad
teardhor .under ane of birgo;h
alf the
" L,491!rou
was. p=lng. out free papers, fTee
There are three reasons for coffee, ftele interview"arranging
' ,4 frantic
(whatevor tbot tis), The ow -y
spring=amble, 'Mo
first tWOar.e deaths and retire- thing ritissing was free teachers.
. .. ....... .
, Or rents. The third, and Major PI!ct4re aA old fash:ion0d,
cause for �bepanic is the; popu- slave-iinliarket. New Orleans,
1-a4ionexplosion. Claserooms are 185.5, 0,K,? Now,picturea Slave
multiplyin ity,01f mailket: in Which every slave
9 with the ral7idl,
rairbxis has the latestmar4et report on
Every one of these -classrooms slave.,pricts tucked under his
is full of ki4o, And the Fids, like .Seat arm, in whit h every slave
7•Iyaby rublins, expect to, have has ten poWntial buyers,. in
mg stuffed, -1pto tbem. e I v, -fr e
sorneth� ev ry s a e is 0 to
Therefore, acmrd14,g to train- choose his newt/ boss or go back
. . . . . . . . . . . . ...
tion,there must be abody, h13Nv- to 0,1,4,:. J\�oA.
ever little it rsernbles a Mom- I had an overwhelming liar -C
ma Robin) standing g up there in pr4lse to jump up on one of the.
front of the chiss, stuffing Son uph,clsiterecl o a
, halis . and cry Out,
On The First Day Of Sprifiglthin'g— pebbles, or pearl -s, or "One. English specialist; spirit
even worms — into the gapIng broken, but sound of 'wind, limb
(.News -Record Photo by John Visser) maws, and gr4mma2. How much am I
It is the itimenf
, year that has afflereld?`
p.=( tolpals gAnning wildly at a F0 to 0, 08-
ri;L= ly far my pr- f
teachers, pouring,on the charm sionW stAuus, at that woment,
From- 0ur,Ear1y'Fi es with potential new ones, snap- simlataneously, the bair. next
ping at their wives and biff- door ppene4, and my wife
ingtheir wn children About the grabbed me -be' 'the am- She'd
elaTs because -thev'e heard by Seen that look In, My eye.
go the snlaikeMne — that's the Vine I wotad like to state that 1
75 Years Ago, 40 Years Ago 15 'ears A that runs from. the staffroorn to was rd ed to the bar and b -
TI -XU CLINTON NEW ERA CLINTON NEWS -RE, CORD theb&dge_c1ub.. to th=e Saturday sful
�e djy g a long d Succeos , car -
March. 21, 1890 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursd4y, March U, 1950 ah an
night -party to ithe.after,qhurch Ler as -a lawyer, But my cu4os-
March 26, 1920
To take the adv er4Aising out of Clinton Will go on. the "Atr" coffee — -that they're losing half f1we
it held me for another
the palper during the so called H, E. Smith of Milverton has during Old Home Week this jtje<jr staff.
minutes, to see what was being
dull season, Says an experienced accepted ithe Prudential 'agency summer, A broadcast will be It Is the time of Year that has offered. .
advertWer, is about aIsbad'as to florClintDn, tal�lng the plate of made from Clinton an Sunday school board imen*ers dockliog It 'was fascinating, Salaries
stop feeffling the (horse because A. F. Plaskett, who has been morning, August 6 over the C- to take -a holiday In Jamaica, or were almost. standard, across
the weather is unsuitable to, transferred, to Stratford. BC network in co-operation if they can't ^agior
fd it, 9419 to the •baard._ But those' fringe blen-
us-ehim. Mr. and Mrs. Jqlm McDonald with _,the. Canadian , Weekly Wd with. t4e 'flu. On. the one efitg ... wow!
ken n ain- Cliff Epps is the proud owner ing thAt school, taxes are away geurn, art gallerles,theatres, op-
Klippen — to supply the de- have ta up residencei Newspap" Association. hand --are the twq)ayiers, shout- City schools, Sang culture: mu-
mand for flour -atithe grist mill, ton on , Osboirne,.Street. -Mr. Mc-
it has been, running (lay and Donald Is connected with ithe of a new Oldsmobile Sedan, pur- out -of hand. "And on the other era. Rural Schools heralded
rught. Canada Oil Co. cho0led from Lorne Brown AiVO 'hand are other tax=payers, die- hunting, fislhing, ]eflsuriely living.
W-locid-bees ase be quite tors The latter h"M TE' claring,that theboardmust hire And both sligr�ed people up, on
fashionable of late t t1l; I-101mesville News — A joint ports the autonillobile business the best possible teachers. these grounds.
the township of M - .op and stock company has been formed asbr1isk ... with a waiting hot And in between are the teach- The bbcfs who signed for the
the young folks appear which has. bought the cheese for new cars .... must ble the ars, Wi 1 10,000 jo-
tl bs open to aft gollbals will spend 911 their
to aittend them as• the work Of factory from, the Kraft-XaaLar- spring weather. thern,,every one, at first glance, weekends, and most of their
en Co., and Is expected to begin
the doy is usually succgeded gin Paid-up membership to the better than their present one, . money, going to the c'oun'try for
operations- about May :L. Of- Clinton and Distillet Chamber
by the pleasure of'social. amuse. fl�cels and, directors Last. weekend I was in the Swimming, fishing,. skiing. And
,rents and the "t1tppdng of the appointed of Commerce now. tateas 110 - - city, and out of sheer cullosity it the types whohmild for the Colln-
were. prezWent, W. 13. Lobb; th e move Ith last year - it I
light fantastic toe," at n1ght. , re an as ar -11, slays here; dropped in at :the ho- try. wdall spend most of tbeft,
Hats at Jackson, brotiren secretary, J..L. Cox; ddriectors, was reported at the monthly tel which is the centre of teach- Weeker^ and money, tean.n
wereoffered at 5k 75c and' $1, E. J, Trewartha, J. R. Jenkins, meeting in -the. Town Hall this er-hiring for thecoming year. It totown for the shows, the ballet
for men and boys, 0. Forster and H. Osbaldeston. past Monday evening. One of
was interesting. the bright lights.
Mr. S. S. Cooper has been It is hoped tho company "'11 ffic- items on the agenda WaS My flirst knpressign was that As I said its an interesUng
awarded the contract of
of -a res- meet With, success. whether 1parkinig moters would the whole thing was being run time to be a teadhIffri,
idence, for Rev. J, A. McConnell The streets have been, cleansed solve some of thie parking pro-
Varaia. The -reverend is daread; and it is about time too, on bleu in 011inton. No vote was
assured billy ay they Were dry and taken on, this ,and it was, left to LIBRARY CO N
sured of a first class job, for w ' d S
Slams hard to beat for a first very dusty it is not often a future meeting,
class job and good stylethat we ^have •clean swept Par,Knit Rogiery Ltd., of
The weather has been vgry streets an March. ' Chniton have Installed a second Books of, Interest foilo'970
chan, this 'year:' has knitting miachine — 45 feet in Girls
, geable Friday . Miss Sybil Courtice who
last it was so flnethiat a farmer been 'home on furlough from length dand'we1ighing ten tons.
near town ordered h1s: man to Japan leaves on April 8 for A sknilar madhim was: installed At Clintion Public Library
sew clover seed — —but Sat- s'ai'l for Japan on April. 17, an February in the local mill.
urday morning a recall blizzard Cost ,of moving the 'machine By Ovelyn Hall, Librarian
struck. the town- from St. Joseph, Micb1gan ex-
ceede4 $1,000. and -took special This week we would like to 1 -fabrics, glass used in building.
trucks' and trailers and moving tell the boys and girls the MARIE CURIE. A biography
Years. Ago experts from Greensboro S.C. names of the new books that of
the Polish girl, daughter of a
55'Years A CLWTON" NEWS—RECORD will help to SUP
PlY inDOnnatiOn school teacher, who became one
CLINTON I NEWS -RECORD to a few of thledr questim-i's and of the world's great scientists-,
Thursday, Maxeli 21, 1910, 10 Years Ago some *iat will provide pleasure and winner of two Nobel a -
March 24, i910 - 6 Noe a
reading. wards.
Major McTaggart and Dr. The rnembers of ithe Legion CLINTON NEWS -RE CORD
Shaw left yesterday for Toronto Auxiliary voted to do their .... Thursday, hearth 24, 1955 TRIC KS AND GAMES FO%t VANILLA. Did you ever won -
where they will be joined by shawe, in providing anambidanice John B. Livermore,. Mary CHILDREN. This book will de- der when you chose Vanilla 1ce-
1V>r. W. McTaggart of the big to the government for use over- Street, has been appointed light. the child who likes to cream, -what 'vanilla was and
wholesale house of Gordon, -Mac. seas. Comrade Leppingtiangave clerk4reasurer of the town 'of perform tricks and stunts and where A came from? -Cortes, set
kay and iCo. and, M an
. McCaffrey a talk :on how and what our Clinton, and &k.expecteld to take practical jokes. out to explore Mexico and ex -
of H.M. Customs. The party soldiers are ted at the army over his .duties, fwm the acting ]FRICTION. A beginning sd- petted to be met and treated as
will sail from New 'kark on camp in, London. olerk"M, T. Corless, soThetime, once bDok, tha=t tells the facts an enemy but Montezuma m -
Friday for a two, or three weeks' The Huron -Bruce train was next week. The appointment about FRICTION in ',a simple ceived him as , a visiting prince
cruise among the West India derailed on Tuesday afternoon came -at a special meeting of the story for very young readers. - and duringthe festivities Cortes.
Islands. near Blyth by snow which form_ town Clow, nail h
,held on .Monday, GLASS And GLA$SMAKERS 'and 'his men were treated to a
D&. Hawkins of the Listowel led Into.,hard &Uts. Noone was March 21, when his salary was A .history of
f the making of glass now and exciting drilnk--choco-
Standard was in town on FAdayinjuredand the -passengers were set at $2,500 per year with -an as well as the processes used In -late. It Was made "by grinding
last. He was pushing •the sale tilausfmved to another coach office allowance of $500. % its, manufacture. There are the beans of -cacao and along
of C.P.R. lands, in Alberta. and arrived in London safely. ' Dial phones -have been prom- many chapters, among which black pod now called vanilla. It
W. H' Watts and Son adver- Shearing and Norfi= adver- Wed by the ,spring of 1956, also' are loirnd (1) materials used, grows'ih Mexico and Central
tisement reads: We are practi- tised Sb1meadevs, lean breakfast the, new building Will be con- (2) the art of -fire, (3) gbss in America and the story in the
cal Boot and Shoe Makers and !�-tructed on the south side of ftypt and Syria, (4) Invention book tells how it grows and
repairers. Boots maIde to',order bacon at 35c'per 14b.; 2 large Rattenbury Street — announced of the blowing tube, (5) un- how It is cured for use.'
in. from I -to . 3 days notice and tins of salmon for 25c and 2 lbs. by W. W. Elaygom, Bell Tell6- breakable glass, gloss fibres and (Continued, on Page Three)
repairing done while you waft, lard for 19c. phone manager for tris' region.
Mr. Joseph Colclough has MailCourier Harold -Brandon L.. G, Hossie, representing
rented his farm to his son Wil- of Bayfiedid 'has met the train Gerry Lumber and Supply Co. Business and Professional
tared: and pla•ns to buy and sell at Bruceabld every day thi's "Ice to a ratepayersmeeting
horses' -1 -Te 1plans on tacking car- winter =-•- evmwlalking 111 some'- fin Bayfield recently TiegardIng
load of horses. to the west and times 6f 'hies car got stuck. How- b0iffling bomb Aelte;lV — many Directory
will combine business with Plea- ever it was the train that didn't people in the aUdience felt Bay -
sur e. malt& it last -week owing to a fieqd war
,not n&.Ir enough to in.
it is becoming, increasingly derailment near 8!Ab. Bay' dVstriial sections Ito be vulner- PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE
diffilcult to secure men for farm flelld".5 me1i1 did not get through, able, but some Pelf ft was not
work in the commUnky, all, are, but no ionie can blame Harold a laughing, matter as BayfieldHADDEN'S STUDIO K. W. COLQUHOUN
Westward bound. farMisthe delay, is in -a -ditect 111ne from Toronto
Vacuum i0leaueas were.-adver- s Mary Oakes was pre- to Chicago. PORTRAIT WEDDING INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE
68 -ed to, take the place of flit gented with a table, mirror and Thought fbir to. -dray: The best and CHILDREN Phones. Office 482-9747
broom, the• carpet sweeper and a Alver cake plate by friends store to shop A is. the 'one that 118 St. David's St. Res. 40.7804
the dreaded job of houlse'allean- anti neighbouit when they ga- is doing to -profitable business Dial 524-8787, Goderich 'JOHN WISE, Salestnan
ing -•t•without even lifting the thered at the home of her p&- and the best Imerdhant to sell Phone 489-7965
rugs you could gest; 'alt the dust ents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert to is the one that makes a pro -
out, not just a part of it. Oakes. fit on the gcod'. be buys. OPTOMETRY H. C. LAWSON
Firet Mortgage Money Available
J. E. LONGSTAFF Lowest current Interest Rates
ds and Wednesdayi INVESTMENTS
Phones:Offlob 481-9644
FIRST CLINTON MED16,1, dNRes. 40-9787
sEAI�ORTH OF�101li 5V -*40
R , GAGES Planned Savings
0PTdMr=TRl8*T' Estate Analysis
Cot -Appointment ASSVkACANADA LIFE
Farms R em' d I- t! +1 a 1. doWlMetcicl V
I Phone 614-'1251 NlbF_
38-tibME. MUMMAL
Cohtadt out lRepresenfttiVe
H C# L' WJ0
PH6N9 4824644 CLINTON, ONT.
F. T, AhM6t#10NQ
Consuliind optometrist
Tho SqUa0e, GODEkICH
594iii7661 ltfb
For Air -Master Aluminum
Doors and Windows
Rockwell Power Tools
R. L. Jervis --68 Albwit ft
GODERIcH. ONT. 52A_7562