HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 9Auburn and ostric MRS. OrrgSp041cient,,,,Piwnp, 4g.0,709.1.4 • ,Craig Allen of Auburn, left ..011t of a family of eight. The best wiSbes of this com- munity are extended to this cou- ple en this anniversary of their nuleriage 50 years ago, and we wish them many more years of -and happiness. Local Carpenter Takes Course In Floor. Laying Ken McNairn, local carpen- fel., was successful in obtaining his diploma at the recently-held clinic on custom laying of floor coverings put on 'by the Arm- strong Company — makers of well-known vinyl floor covering. Along with his previous exper- ience and the working know- ledge gained-at the "Clinic", Ken is now well qualiMed 'to lay all types of hard surface floor cov- ering with guaranteed workman- ship Ken's attendance at the five- day clinic in Mitchell was spon- sored by Ball and Mutch Crest Store in 'Clinton, for Whom he lays, flooring. Kinderg den lasses Parents are requested to register all children eligible to attend KINDERGARTEN CLASSES, com- mencing September 7, 1965. To be eligible for Kindergarten enrolment, a child must be five .years of age on or before Decem- ber 31, 1965. Registered by letter not later than April 5, 1965, On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the principal of the Public Schrl, Send applications stating name of pupil, birth date and telephone number to: J. A. GRAY, Principal, CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, Clinton, Ontario, 11,12,13b Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRIME and SON cut,froN ExETgu. SEAFORTH Open 4,eery Afternoon PHONE 'HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representcative—A, W. Steep-482-6642 Morel TO! 1 964 --POOf.;91 page .9. Huron County ,01. 'Homemaking -gobs To .Hold. Trailing Schools on. Projects 'The Garden Club Pro.5or, nation of Frol,ts.00d Vegetables" Is the project chosen by Huron County 4.17I Homemaking, Clubs for Sprig 1965, - Three orteday training soh. .00Re. for the local leaders are being held on Monday, March 22 in Clinton (Ontario Depart-, merit of Agriculture, Board Room), on Wednesday, March 24 in Wingham (Salvation Ar- my Sunday School Room). and on Friday, March 2G in Hensall (Legioe. Rain,. The topics of 'discussion will include the plain- ning of the garden, preparation of soil„ planting, thinning, tran- splanting, cultivation and in- .sect, weed and allseas.e control. The. schools will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Monday, April 5, leaders of both homemaking and -cultural :clubs Will attend ..Catiolty Leaders 'Cofer, moo lxa Londeshoro United Ch- ttech, 'Ws' -conform:* Will open With a banquet at 11;45 •:a.!..rn, Tn the. afternoon topics of in- tereat. to 4-H .Club Leaders will be discussed by J, W, Coulter, Inspector of Public': SchOolS; Donald R.uUen, Assistant Agri- cultural Representative and Miss /Patricia Damude, HemP Hconomist for Huron County. Leaders will be participating an. the discussions. and ,sharing ideas and experiences, o Each year, the Canadian Red Oross Enquiiry Bureau processes abOut 6,000 enquiries front coun- tries around the world., If Accident, Illness or Death brings unexpected hardship, AID will safeguard your loan.. If you are DISABLED, unable to work for more than 30 days, due -to accident or illness, AID takes over your pay- 'ments, goes on paying your' monthly instalments until you recover or your loan is paid in full If DEATH occurs, AID pays .the out- standing balance of your loan in full, Available on Loans of $1,500 or. more . . • Exclusively at ATLANTIC FINANCE CORP RATION 7 RATTENBURY STREET -- CLINTON Phone 482-3486 J. A. (John) Harper, Branch Manager HOUSE Of BARGAINS CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7735 "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST" CLEARANCE OF LADIES' DRESSES 80% to 50% DISCOUNT DAN RIVER DRESSES PRICEb AT. $6.95 ALSO 2 and 3 PIECE SUITS PRICED LOW LADIES' BABY DOLL, CAPRI AND GOWNS NYLON PRICED $2.98 GIRLS' WINTER AND SPRING DRESS COATS 30% DISCOUNT GIRLS' DRESSES 2 to 6x and / to i4 10% DISCOUNT LAMES, 'pURSES PRICED $M8 to $4.95 BOYS' WASH- and WEAR SLACKS PRICED $3,98 to $4.98 BOYS' SPbRT SHIRTS Long Sleeve 20% DISCOUNT MEN'S '2 PANT SUITS Reg. $35.95 10% DISCOUNT MEN'S WASH and WEAR SLACKS PRICED $4,95 MEN'S DRESS PANTS PRICED $4.25 to $18.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve 20% DISCOUNT MEN'S PARKAS and SHORT JACKET$ 36% bISCOUNT NEW SHIPMENT OF DRESSES PRICED TO-SUIT ALL . COME- AND CHECK OUR SPECIAL RACK Priced $2.98 to $6,95 OUR. CLEARAN C E MICE $1.49 MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS TO CHOOSE PROM COME IN AND BROWSE AROUNO, NO olatdATION BRING YOUR BABY BONUS Ofit4UE6 AND WE WILL CASH, THEM 1.962 VALIANT 4-Door Sedan Radio, Low m ilea ge, one $1595.00 owner car ........... ..... —ONLY 1960 DESOTO , Automatic Transmission, $1395 00 Radio. Real Clean ONLY 1959 FORD Tudor Radio, Automatic, Thun derbird motor, Real Sport Car ONLY $795.00 'TRUCKS 1960 INTERNATIONAL i3-Tan Ready Zia 4\ .mliA.b.o. x. ONLY Cl095.00 1959 04.C. Von ' New V-8 motor, 6-yd. dump box, good tires. A real Work herse, „„ ... ONLY $1195,00 t r,PIY Ltd. GARAGE PHON1 4132-94V5 rim F' SE Sal RS Mr. Blake Dividends: That's the money you get back from the life in- surance company every year? Interviewer Mr. Blake I'd like to know more about it. Where can I...? Interviewer ' Just call your nearest Mutual Life of Canada representative. That's right. Mr. Blake Well if Mutual Life returns more I'd have to say it's a good thing! Interviewer It's even better when yoAl lexifve the dividends to aceumul4teulvd earn interest. Mr. Blake How much interest? Interviewer Well, this year Mutual Life is paying 5% interest on accumu- lated dividends, And that's just one of the options you can choose. The M tual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OP CANADA itrkt) 1,PrZ0b: wATtni.00,,oNtAilltyv07At3tAilizzitto0 ROMS011iative:w an 6 II. Nord) S 48 Rattenbary St, E, CLINTON, ONt. Ph e: 4824314 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Davies spen tlae Weekend 411 London with her siSter, Mrs. Cliff BaStia anti Mr. Bastla, l'4r, and Mrs. Rod Singh and Kristin and Mr, and Mrs, Tom -Merris, all of London, visited over the Wqekend With thelad- ies' mother, Mrs, ,Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Shelley, ECONOMY WASHER —Combination lint filter and detergent dispenser. —Thorough, gentle Cushioned Action. —9-lb. porcelain tub. —Automatic non-clog pump. —Adjustable wringer. —Permanently lubricated 14, h.p, motor, —5-year parts warranty on main transmission. $129.00 'vRI-Ar,1 CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP D. W. CORNISH, Prop. "Your Westinghouse Dealer" 482-6646 Clinton C.C. 611:4, Announcing . . . • Mr. and Miss. Oscar Arrlont Visited last week with his sister at Mitchell, -4 " Mr, and Mrs. Roy Finnegan of Gatlerich visited friends. in .the village last week. Her Mertiet- er, MrS.' Laura. Fowler is a. pat- ient in the hospital, • l\ffrs4, Donald -Riehl and Mrs Auburn Knox WMS Presents Life Membership AUBV.RN—The March meet- ing of Knox Presbyterian Woni,!;, en.s, Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Lawson with 'a large attendance, The president, Mrs. "Wilfred Sanderson was in charge of 'the meeting and gave the call worship f011owed by prayer, The .hrim, "The Lord. is my Shop- herd'? was sung with Mrs,' poll- ald'Haines as pianist Mrs, John Faiiani read the Glad Tidings prayer. ' The d'evotion'al period was in charge of Mrs. Alvin, Leather- land. Miss Winnie Leggett read the Scripture lesson and. Mrs. Leatherland gave the Meditat- ion, "The Reward of Faith". A short business period Was held and 'the minutes were read by the secretary„ Mns.„.DonAd Haines, Plans Were made to quilt 'a quilt at the home of -Mrs. Jelin Houston on Mardh 23rd. Plans were also made for the Easter • Thankofiering meeting on April 9 when Miss L. Mac- Arthur of Goderich Will he guest speaker. Mrs. Bert Doran played an inspiring religious song, "Well Done', on the. re- cord player. Miss Margaret R. Jackson gave a reading on Len- ten Thoughts. The roll call was answered by 'a verse from Lev- iticus.. The mission study was taken by Mrs. Major -Youngblut who gave an interesting paper - on Africa and its problems today. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Leatherlaaxd. Mrs. Wes Bradnock read an address to 'Mrs. Ed Davies thanldng her for 'her faithful work as Ladies Add president and Mrs. Roy Daer presented her with a life membership cer- tificate of 'the Woma's, Mission- ary Society of the,Presbyterian Church in Canada, Mrs. Davies thanked the Society for bestow- ing sudh an honour on her. The .meeting was closed by the ben ediiction. - .... . .. .... AMber Tapp of Qoalerion Mrs.' Wes Bradnock and Mrs. Ed Davies -attended the funeral of Miss Josephine Woodcock in Blyth last Week. - Mr. and Mrs, Roy Farrow of Mitchell Visited last week with hex' brother, Thomas Johnston and Mrs. ,Tohnstpn. ,O'forclen, H. TaYlor spent .th,! weekend in l ilantfeald Iris - wife returned home after 11 visit • with their daughter, Mrs, Ron- Old Batmen, Mr. Raithwell and: family, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Eve of Laaside spent a few days in the \Owe last week, Mrs, Robert Arthur and dau- ghter Jayne 'visited at Grantor over the weekend With her mo- ther, Mrs, Fred Taylor and her sis'te'r, Wiide..Clatworthy. A good crowd attended the St, Patrick's dance last week spon- sored by the .Auburn Athletic AssoOatimi. Tielcets were sold on a quarter of beef 'and 'this was won by Gerald Dobie of Goderich.. Mr, and -Mrs, Harold Nichol- son Gpxy of Senforth and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Jelin 'Jill and 'Jim, and Bruce Bennett -Of Port Alberti visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Wes • Brad- nook, Sheron and. George on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tait, Cindy Ana jimmy visited on Sat- urday With Miss. Margaret Clark and Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd. • The inemlyers 'Of the Auburn Boys Scout Troop :and their leaders watched the lessons in Judo at Goderich last Friday evening, Knox Ladies Aid To Serve Dinner AUBURN .— The Ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church held th•eisr meeting with the presi- dent, Mrs. Major Youngblut rihi charge. The minutes were ap- proved as read by the secretary Mrs. Roy Daer, Plans were made to send children to camp. this summer. Flans were also discussed to cater to a Silver wedding anniversary •and a coM- rnittee of ,Mrs. Donald Moines and. Mrs. Wilfred' Sanderson were named to plan this project. Lunch was served by Mrs. • Law- son Mrs, Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Wes Bra:dnock. • - 0 Clintonian Club Maki g Wits -The Clintonian Club held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Ron MacDonald with 22 members present. The president, Mrs. Tom Lep- pington, opened the meeting with the members Creed and the Lard's Prayer in unison. ' The work committee reported the had been finished and tickets are being offered for sale, Mrs, George Hopson donated a lovely 'star quilt top to be tjuilted later, - Mrs. Alclington conducted two contests and .several games of bingo were played. The meeting closed with • the Mizpah bene- diction. Mrs. Harold Adams of- fered her home for the next meeting. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Fred Mulholland. • o CHANGE FOR THE BETTER An' English rhythm-and-blues group were driving through Welling, Kent when a tire burst and their van skidded into a lamp standard, Six of the per- formers and-their Manager were injured, the Ontario Safety Lea,: gue reports; The group were known as the Epitaphs, but af- ter the accident they changed, their name and now perform as The Survivors, AUBURN — Mr. and ,Mrs. William J:Craig, John Street, Auburn, will celebrate 'their Gol- den Wedding anniversary on March 26th When their family will hold open house in their honour, an the afternoon and evening at the -Community Memorial Hail, Mr. 'and Mrs. William. John Craig were Married in Flint, Mich., on March -25, 1915 in the Presbyterian Church there by the late Rev. Howard Boy- ley, a native Of. Strathroy. At- tendants were the bride's sister, the late Mrs. -George Finch and Mr. Finch. After residing for five years in Flint they returned 'to this community where he was a ce- ment contractor. Later on when the 'war broke out he worked as carpenter at Port --Albert and. Sky Harbour airports. He served es shop foreman for six years at- Huron Engineering, Godericlh, then going to the RCAF Station Clinton where he worked Tor 12 years until retiring' three years ago. William Jelin Craig is the son of 'the late Edward Craig and Dinah Robinson and was barn on 'the ninth concession of West Wawanosh, north of St. Augustine. He attended school at SS 7 West Wawanosh. Mrs. !Craig is 'the former Jean' Stalker, daughter of the late Robert Stalker and Eliza Flukes and was born in Auburn and attended USS 5 Hullett. Mrs.. Craig was a member of 'the Presbyterian 'Church choir and was organist 'there succeeding Mrs. John Houston, and was pianist of the \VMS and. now Unit pianist for 'the UCW. She is a member of the Women's Institute and is a charter mem- ber of Clinton Order of the Eastern Star. Mr, Craig is a past master of Morning Star Lodge AF & AM 309, Carlow, and is at present president of the Auburn, Ath- letic Association. He has always taken a keen interest in ball games . and coached the juvenile baseball team which won the Ontario championship three years 'in a row. Last year he managed 'the softball team which. 'went to the It is estimated that more than 100,000 women knit and sew for the Canadian Red Crass as members of the Women's Work Committee. finals. Mr, and Mrs. • Craig attend Knox United Church. They have a family of two sons, Robert of Ilderton and William S,,a teacher at CHSS, Clinton and. three daughters, Mrs, Stanley (Dorothy) Stras- ser of Ontario, California; Mrs. Harry (1la) Worrell, Goderich and 11an, Betty Wilkin of God- erich. One son Allan was killed last s.umnier. There ere 14 grandchildren. Mr, Craig 'has two sisters, 1VIDS. Robert (Clara) ChananeY, Auburn and Mrs'. Kel (Olive) McVittie of Blyth; his only bro- ther, Ernest passed -away last year.. Mrs. Craig has only one sister, Mrs. Maitland (Bell) Funeral Tuesday For Mrs. Robertson AUBURN — Funeral services were held on Tuesday, March, 16 for Mrs. J. 3. Robertson at the J. K. Arthur Funeral Home with Rev. Hugh C. Wilson of Exeter officiating. Burial, took place at the Birth Mausoleum until spring when it will he in Ball's Cemetery. Mrs. Robertson passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 14 after a leng- thy illness, She was the former Selena Barbara Hamilton, dau- ghter of 'the late Tom and Jane Hamilton and was in her 87th year., Born in .Colborne Town- ship on the Sth concession, she lived • in that Township until they moved to Auburn, three years ago. She was a. member of Knox United Church ,and the WMS now the UCW and also the Au- burn Women's Institute. She is survived. by her husband, and one son, T. Clayton Robertson of Copper Cliff and one daugh- ter, Mrs. H. B. (Isabella) Kitch- en of Hamilton; also four grand- children. S -IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP What's your stand on higher dividends?