HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 7Inspecting Shelled Corn at Seed -Fair These three Huron farmers were interested in the high moisture shelled corn entries at the seed show in GIBS auditorium last weekend. They are, from the left, Norman Jaques, Central ia; Guy Dorrance, RR 1 Dublin and Ross Skinner, Centralia. (News-Record Photo by John, Visser) KIPPEN Miss Dorothy Jackson R. N. has accepted a position on the staff on Hamilton general Hos- pital, commencing her duties this past week. Weekend guests With Mr.. and Mrs. T. W. Reid were the is- ses Sandra and Shirley Reid of Santoro and Dr. R, K. Lane of Victoria, B.C. II4OW MEETS .,. The UCW of St. Andrew's Chureh, Kippen held their Mar- ch meeting Lin the Sunday Sch- ool rooms on Thursday, March 11, with 14 ladies attending. Mrs. John. A, Cooper, assisted by Miss Irene Turner, were in Charge of the worship. Mrs. leen Consitt took the topic on' Trinidad. Mrs. Bert Faber took charge of the business meeting and final. plans were made for the Easter Thankoffering Meet- ing to be held on Tuesday, Aprn 13at 8 pm, Mrs. Allan MeTaig- gait of Brussels ' will. be the guest speaker. Mrs. Leonard Lovell Conduct- ed a Bible quiz, Mks. 'Los/ell and Mrs. Hugh Hendricks were, hos- tesses for the meeting and ser- ved refreshments. . 0 IN TILE SPRING Wet. brakes are liable to be ineffeotiv.e and dangerous. After a rainstorm or splashing through a puddle, apply your brakes lightly for a few seconds, the Ontario Safety Eeague recom- mends. This will generate heat, dry off the 'brakes and restore their efficiency. 0 BRUCEFIELD UNIT THREE MEETS. Unit three of Brucetield UCW held their regular meeting at the borne of Mrs. Plant. The worship and study was given by Mrs. Hargreaves, Mrs. Hancock and Mrs, 13unige. The study was on Trinidad and an interesting film was shown, followed by a question and answer period. A box is being placed in the. church basement for old nylons to be sent to Korea. Unit three is invited to. a Dut- ch auction sale on April 2, at Mrs. Haugh's home. Lunch was served by Mrs. Broadfoot and her assistants. NEED SEAS? GET TOP VALUE! BUY J. JoneS, MacNaughton Seeds have provided residents to Wes- tern Ontario with reliable and dependable results for years and years. Long ekperience with the soil types and climate peculiar to this area, has made the Dories, 1VIaeNaughton ex- perts Completely familiar With the strains that are beat suit- ed to these benclitions, Yott earl be sure of sttecessful. results front all Jonet, Mac- Naughton farm Seeds, true 'to• variety and high in gerniina- Lion, They know your needs and fulfill their exactly! And Jones MeeNarightoxi have always enjoyed the rePttta.tion of Offering full value--''the best quality seeds at Niro loW prices. Always detriand seeds from Tones` IVfaellattglitone-Western Ontaile's leading teed speelaIe Isis, From- your local dealer Jones MtidNtoughton Seeds XOtrt CSODitON 285,063 014,6364 841-14b Thgrsv March.. 113.i 1944- -cOnton. liows,Apcod paw). FERTILIZER SERVICE A complete Warehouse Service ...now within a few miles of your farm. Products • SUPER FLOW Fertilizers in bulk or bags • C-1-1. Anhydrous Ammonia in 2-ton nurse tanks (applicators available) • Special Turf and Garden Fertilizers (GOLFGREEN and EVERGREEN) Services Save time and money with the C-I-L Bulk Spreading Service. A fast efficient'method of top-dreasing and broadcasting. • Truck bulk spreaders • 800 pound "Lely- spreaders Orton pull-type SPteadotS • Soil Testing Laboratories • Farm Advisory Service 411:11) FERTILIZER SERVICE TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED russets 190 teeforib 627-1i1 CENTRALIA FARM SUPPLY dentral ia 22d-6638 W. 6 THOMPSON, & SONS LTD. H entia I l 262,.2627 CONTRACT BARLEY" PARKLAND BARLEY —the most dependable variety to grow —PROVEN FROM PAST PERFORMANCE SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED FERTILIZER Complete stock carried. Contact us for today's prices. SEE D GRAIN _ Order early while supplieS , are good. SEED BEANS_ Good supplies on hand — CONTRACTS AVAILABLE --. Printed literature on growing beans available at our offices. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 262-2605 Henson I HARRY WILLIAMS HU2-6633 111I+2 CLINTON HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-HOTOROILI- ($) WRITE ROSE Puts the things you want within your • reach'- munity ... pored over the latest research ... an- alyzed new manufacturing techniques, new niate. rials. They picked the brains of ag college special- lists, interviewed top farmers on their personal goals. And then they created Super Q. The Super Q program is a national effort. It has all the efficiency and breadth of bigness . . , but with the pinpoint lotal accuracy to give the individ• - ual grower higher yields aod proAts. In ,side-by- side tests on hundreds of farms with six different crops, Super Q outyielde.d the best commercial fertilizers by as much as 25%. Successful as they have been with Super Q, the scientists do not see their job as done. As Dr. Ray Starostka, chief formulator for Super Q, explained to me, "Don't memorize the numbers on a Super Q bagl -they'll change the minute we get a new test or technique-or as local conditions demand." I certainly don't want to give the impression that 'Super Qis a curc-all. On the eontrary; it will only be sold to top farmers-the top 20% in yields and management. They'll make Super Q pay off. I surveyed 900 farmers in ten areas, and it was really exciting to hear them talk of their goals. Quite a few told me they were shooting for 200. bushel corn 7-ton hay ... 600-bushel potatoes . 60-bushel soybeans 3500-1b. tobacco 70- bushel wheat I00-bushel barley ... 25.ton sugar beets ..30-ton silage., . I35.busliel oats, The giver Q Manufacturers Arc a select group, jealous of their reputation Ameng tither things, they must agree to disciplinary action should they fall below the rigid standards, 'They must pledge to provide soil and crop and Managetnent serviced that will helpSUperWarmersMaketndreprofit. SUPER Madeleine Lane. Auxiliary Plans. Rummage Sale' "' rrt,testloy: .ovoning, March 9th, 20 .menterS Of the Nriade. seine rune Anxillery of ,$t, Ran .drew's Preisbyterilen Church, as selnKed ,eit the time of Mrs, :Coati, 44. lYfar,y:St, for their monthly ,meeting. The .rneetitng opened with the Owing of 4 hymn, airier which Mrs. (pick) Jacob: read the, $oripitpro ,lesson. and Mrs, NOWard. Cowan led In prayer. RAI Call was answered 'by Bible verse Oentelning the ward "Faith", Mrs, Mira Orahanl read PertiOn fm the study book entitled "Faith": $ever4 thank you. eards fop .fleWe'r$ were readi iI4y the secretary, Final plans for the giant rum- mage ,sale being 'head in the church on .Saturday, April p;fn, were made, .Anynne who has .articles to donate -to this Salle 'and wishes to have AM picked lip at their home, niens.0 contact either Mr's, 41057d. cox-ter at 482-3835, or Mrs'. R. Gibb art 482-7004, not later than the day before the sale. Ma's, Mart Orlar ham was the winner of the bak- ing draw, • After the deeing hymn the Miipah .benediction, . lunch. Was served by the h'ostes's Cook, assisted' by lifra. Robert Morgan, Mrs. James .alwazas and MIS!. Lloyd Carter. • ocy. ro:ot Oi th0, oo March •came in llke a lanlibe-e, lovely White mg.-11y lamb, i‘arbed 'in Reece of deep snow! And, 4$ has been the weather patteun all year, first 'it blew got and then it blew cold. The mild spell last week brought flood conditions in lowing lying pants of Ontario .for the Send time 'this Year. Ilere hi' Bayfield we are, high and dry so that 'the only real flood threat is tO docks, fishermen's and boat houSee, boats, etc., on the flat lands, Persons who suffer from Water in their eallars, eomplain about the, drains and are hieenVeniericed, but it is a mere "020 in the bucket" compared to those in the path of raging flood waters. This year. seems to have been "a year 04E the flood" all over Ibis epntinent- 4 Lucy fUue4 eiceerieirces of a fiend as recorded by Miss Helen Cameron faseinating reading. *Ise Camerorie, a native of Beyfield, has travelled 4 Pod deal and known ,Conditions, in many of the States before retiring to Deaver, Celorado., So Lucy wrote for her account of flood in XentnekY, "Thursday, January 21, 1,937, It• Poured rain all day `The people of Paducah, Ky„ Were in a state of suspense, preparation and dread, They had, had floods before, so some were partially resigned, and as one ,man said: guess we'll just have to take it.' He little knew how much they were` to take.. . "They bought extra groceries, eandle.s, rubber boots, oil staves, etc., and coal oil for hoth Stoves and lamps. The gas ;was off. Rubber hoots went up from .three to ten dollars, and the wholesale grocery was sold out Wednesday evening (the previous night). That evening it turned cooler but continued to pour rain, "I w,as taken"to an Eastern Star pot-luck supper, Ten were Present including two children of members. Everyone at it had to take office. My hostess and I were the audience, The wheid conversation at supper was the flood terror, what to do to pre, pare for it end how to get away from it. One member and I spoke of leaving and they laughed at us, and said we would have to take it with them as they said all trains had stopped running. "Upon returning tg my 'room, I saw my landlady was worried, I Centacted two other guests. They had driven around town and. seen how Serious it was and were afraid. The boy friend of one girl had offered, to drive them to their ,home 30 miles away that afternoon but one refused to go. She wanted to work next day and then •go; and by that time the road was covered and they couldn't go. " • "I told them I had a cousin in Nashville to wham' I could go for, a few days, They said: 'Go, if you can get out:- We decided to Sleep over it. "Next morning the rain had turned ;to ice and, then snow, and was it cold! Ice was se heavy on trees, many smaller ones were bent over, branehes touching the ground. "From my window I could see the Tars going through water on 5th Street-none on 4th as it was too deep. I was between 5th and 9th Streets. A stream of 'dirty brown water was coming up both sides of the street at the curbs and was already at the drWeway. "I watched it for awhile and then decided it was time M. inquire about trains. The phones were dead, so I put on my coat, rubbers, etc., and went downtown to a cab stand at a, hotel., They didn't" know anything about trains and suggested I go to a ticket office. "The first one I ceintaoted was the Illinois Central Railway. Their trains were flood-stranded and that ticket agent didn't 'know 'nuthin' '. His phones were working.. He ,could have found out about other trains for us• but didn't. Several men were there, one trying to get to Nashville, so I listened fors,the infor- mation he couldn't get. I asked ,if-she thought it necessary to get out He said, 'Is aw goin' to get out o' he'e? Aw sure is!' All we could learn was that if a train trying to get in did so, they would send another out. With' that information I returned to my,,roorn to pack. The snow was several inches deep. "I recalled I had a broken suitcase so went down street to a Penny store where' -I 'had seen one two days before. Got two doors from it but the water was too deep, I had on` my galoshes. "Trucks were carrying boards and putting them from the rear end, through windows like a bridge to carry things in and out. The water was now five blocks up from the river's natural bed, I watched for someone with rubber boots to get it for .me. Saw a boy who looked as if he could do it, but he showed me holes in the legs of his boots; so I thought I'd better go pack, anyway. "After I got started, I realized Christmas had increased my baggage and remembered 'the wife of the Penny's manager could probably get one delivered for me. Put on my duds and went to her home. She advised me to go to a pay station and central would. answer, That took me back to 13roadwa,y--the, main street. Dropped a nickel in. Central asked the number and. said: 'Drop a nickel, please.' I said: 'I did.' 'She replied: 'You dropped before I asked you.' I said: 'Return it and I'll drop it again.' She replied: 'I can't.' It wasn't any time to quibble over a nickel but Penny's didn't' answer. She still owes me a nickel! • "I went 'back to the ticket office to see if I could learn anything more. Some men were still there but didn't know any more. They were considering hiring a truck to take them to the nearest town, I said I would share the expenses if they would take me. They said they would, so I left my seine and address, and said I would pay for a messenger if they sent one, "I crossed the street to a drug store to get some lunch. The clerk was standing on boards raised up a feW inches off the floor, and water was under them. By the time I had finished toast and chocolate, water was up the store and gurgling, gurg- ling, I asked if the river had come up so quickly. He answered:- 'That's the sewer backing up.' Says I to myself: 'Me for packing in anything and getting out.' Went back and packed, Mrs. Grief said: 'If •you stay We'll all stick it out together and we won't charge? , • • "About three, no word had Come so waded 'through the snow and water beck to the ticket office again. The men had all gone but the agent told me a train Would leave at 5:50. As nothing but trains could get to the station then, the railroad company was sending a coach (to City Consumers, a wholesale milk depot, to pick up passengers at 4:45 p.m. 'to take them to the Station. That would he the -last train out. "I went into the Irwin Cobb Hotel to get a cab to take me to that place. The cabb'i'es were standing around the lobby. They said the cabs had been taken from their as the brakes were freezing in so much water, and they couldn't get to the depot anyWay. They said maybe I could get 'a truck. Every truck I hailed was busy delivering Coal and supplies. , "Returned to my room. The Griefs had just collie back from getting extra' vean.dles and supplies. I asked him if he Would take me. He said that his brakes Were frozen and he had just ink:wined his Wife that they were in for a few days now, and why didn't I stay where it was warm and dry? I asked: 'How long can you guarantee that?' (He hated ito see $150 a week going.) He said it Wasn't safe to travel either. "Then I asked if he knew anYeile I Could get to take me". I would pay there the same as a cab. Then he said: `If you 'are going, lect'S go! I'll See if the brakes' will work.' They, were frolen air antich at my foot-maybe hot even that Cold! He did net.offer to lift one suitcase for me. t had :to do it myaelf, and before he was so kind and considerate. IldWever, he got me five and a half 'blocks to the milk depot. t poured my silver into my band and he took out twice the cab fare, but it Was worth it! arrived an hour before the train was scheduled, to come but there natiSt have been a hundred people there. The met who were at 'the ticket office Were there and sotne had More than Milk to drink. Orie shouted: 'Here's a lady who has been trying to get away since ale &do& this Morning.' One noticed. Me taking care of my luggage and said: 'I think there are enough gentlemen to help you' with that," "About six, son-tone saw a at conning and everyone rushed. They carried my baggage down an Icy Incline to the train, It twit to long'to arrive, itt light shining on the Water, but was only an engine and cattle ear, For a feW minutes X thought WeWere going to have the Same OXPerienee as the 40 and 8 hid in Prance-. I could not get my Snitease lip 'that toy incline Aga* so• remained in the told and Wind Wah (To be continued next week.)' ALL HEATING PROBLEMS OUR "GOOD OIL" CA/V • LIC/( WHERE GAS OR COAL. CANT DO THE TRICK SURE RA 'SAFE °ECONOMICAL *OIL HEAT • Clinton Branch:0 •K. B. FLETT Manager RCAF Station (Sub-Agency): Open Daily Londesborough (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & There. 'amity Finance Plan Bring all your personal credit needs under one roof t LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS 'MY BANIC watiosowomn A renownedfarm editor retorts on ct new fertilizer, with a new twist--ronly one farmer inure can buy its Read how these top growers are boosting profits by 25%. The big, breakthrough in fertilizer BY JOHN STROHM Pd like to tell your of the most exciting fertilizer idea I've run across in 30 years of farm reporting. It's an idea that's helping top farmets break. through their personal yield barriers to such yields as 130-bushel corn . . . 5-ton hay ... 45-bushel soy- beans ... 3000-lb. tobacco. The idea is Super Q®, a fertilizer so exclusive you can't even buy it . But I'm getting ahead of my story: Two years ago a select group of local manufac- turers were stung into action by a disturbing truth. 'The top farmers were moving faster than their advisers . demanding that fertilizer companies improve their scattergun approach to fertility prob. leras. So, these hometown manufacturers pooled their strength in a giant cooperative effort. They called in the best scientific brains, and handed them this oimpossible' assignment: 1. Develop the best fertilizer it is humanly possible to make. Forget about price-per-ton. But be dead sure this fertilizer will return the farmer more net prat than any 'other product on the market. We want to \guarantee it will, not just talk about it. $. Forinulate it for the top farmers in each emu, rennity. We'll refuse to sell it to anyone but the tap! 4. Rifle it to fit a specific area ... yes, even a sfiecific moisture level. 5. Make a different fertilizer for corn, for barley, tobacco, wheat, soybeans, 6. Use the best form of nutrient§for the croft-,not the cheapest or easiest for the manufacturer. Wow! Some of those who were called in declared: "You just Can't get all those coatis bp one trees'' But other scientists rose to the challenge. They tested soil and itaoisture On top farms in, eon- SUPER MADE FOR THE ONE ttAtINIERIN h1VE 18 -11,EAD FERTILIZERS LIMITED and :EXETER, ONTARIO