Clinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 6.. ..... .... . .... . . .. ..... . ....
4-_ 1A, 196A
f 0- 'L '� ` A
"A t, , , ylEILCH ,MOR
_Prr_Q§pPndPnt; AMPREY �t=HAIYIPER, Mop. $Oyfield 3g
SubsOptims, Qq5Wj@d AdY4, Displqy Advs. and Job Printing
P11 aqcqptqd by the Bayfield .correspondent
2.9 Years, -,Service
, VAWant Officer Gerald DOA,
zmseon bas roured from tho W.
ATP, bwlng completed 29: yeax's
As WarmAt Offico in charge
'Of accounts, be h4s, been at
Station 'Clintonslace Septembw
1,963 and w$th his wife Frances
liveld in minriiiarl qn1myi-diiia + -i, r,
spent Saturday in the Uarlold Weston this weekend uebec Road.
%,ad xrs, Jobn,omes, ebever their daughte", mry,1�011, Rio-
$uRa:n, William and Jisrrray, Kit- village. were Mr, =4 gm� A. Pet"j c 3
by0artz, *91 --77, in Febiluary' 1193f
Richard C. Molore of Dotr.oit and their daughter, $u a X -our -
of 'of ATUwnght, spent Sunday tL,$ And following Y44r term
A GOOD 1109A was in Bayfield ;for theweeka,16. Detroit, guests, 'or Mr. !and Mrs, Spencer Si1a Aupray, Gerry was. one orf the
Mr. and wqrs,� zaxl Strong, IE�rylnvi
The Ontair Mr. and Mrs, Fred Weston first 'to be in the Accopots'
jo S.afoty League
Branch which was opened up
ITad their son-da4w =,d dati-
that Kansas Is Issuing '10, 1940;
ghter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Marslh�
errs -under .21. Th4s, pr6mortes a.9 r�hedrgueisU over = ed, licenses tQ driv all, Loadm Brucefield,UnitedChurch1wep-0
quicik, ideotif$cation: of miam's the weelvend. Pit
fmd make.% alteration of birth Illy folends of Miss 'a Plans Many Mone# -Making Eyefits.
TectiVe i -pting a patient in a Win-
d�ates !ihef n attem �,-,Zfhoglo is Retirement Piroseim
t ds0Vh0VR4 Wish J)Pra &pmo The concert put on by The
p obtalij liquor or establish an
other ffileg� , il pur- MOOV017, The M. meeting of the pictures showo by Mrs Mid- The Commanding Officer- RCAF Station Clinton, Group Captain X United Church Women laste
older age for otlie Taclwrt4dth UCW of Brucelfi]eld dleton,and a vairmty prograr FAday evening Was well •ettendl-
Sitayij�g witn mr. �ana Mrs, Uu r�, `G eonaway CD, presepted Warrant Officer 1si Class, Gerald Donaldson
ted',0hurpl, was 'hold at the Thisprojeot to be- in charge 9 1 r . With ed and enjoyed 1�y a
c 11, theoccasion of the Warran
Warrants retirement recently. On the left
home of Mrs, Elgm 'Aomson Mr.%, G Rielm-clson and "Mrs. 'is Flight-LieUt. p Tile- p1btures shown by Mr.
on March 8 with anatterid�nce G. E-1110' Gibb. the acting Senior Accounts Officer,. (ROAP Photo) and Mrs. Stewart Tdi.(Keton
tt. An AgctlOp sole is
Bayfield Librar Plan 0 �H of 16. The leader,, Mrs. Johri. another money -making prQJ6 and ot
pen House UT the meeting to be held at AID%. W. Haugili's were of the very best , most,
Henderst opened -- Lord's 'home on A d ith rt -estin"g, and' x". mddle"
To 'Host County, Meeting in ArilpWlb a poem and the - Wil 24 0 uni KIPPEN gave a commentary.of the pi�-
Prayer in unison, three to be gqp�sts. Mrs. Hendtr- -�Mr, and Mrs. Vem Alderdico, Bayfield Scout News' int"'
tures as they Won shown,
The s losv I
eeaetpITS. report Was. Son C- _d the business, Part of Garry and Lynn spent -the week- Also the music supplied by
BAYFIELD The Library giding, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer given the mee. ng with prayer, 'end - WIth, Mr. and Mrs.. Wayne
by Mrs, Thomson and . e CUBS dedication ceremony Rev. Pease the "Pilgrim Sbigersil Of (:Iiinton
Board amt n Friday, Ma;r4i 1% gave the. strXdtaxy's report and the, roll caft. was answered The. i
by Mrs, John Bmaabot and Mirs- Taylor of new -Canadian Flag be- a the flag to Cub Wally was� of the -highest brder and
'Mairh*e and attend-, r6turne
With Mrs, Yolhn MacKen4le pM- Mrs. G. N. RIV--ers the treasur- ' loiqlng totho Ist Bayfielld, CQb 1-11�=On Who "s ftnked by Cob apprematedby �Il.
•an Irish verse,* CoHection was. qordon Richardson openred :Kel ed the surprise party for Mr., Pack was, dedi;cated by Rev
w's T161yort deffic4ted ;by Mrs. Henderson. A devotion, mdth singing a hymn, and 3ft- Huh A�d InW4ctM% Linda Pierson and A :(iather and son banquet is
busifriess included discus- gpooial c ion by Ith M de 4 "' 0 �d" Pease at ithe Surifty service in Terry Mac.Vicar, The thre�b rie- being ',held.
, Qdlecti -a cent i3or wi r% Richardso , at thg the occasion of their 35th wed- on Friday evening
n Lis ) Tr djng'anviversary, A/rr, and Mxs. the �U,Oiteld,;Church, March 14; ceived the flag on beha U,
Boyfield Choir Sion tan aii "Ope'' Rol e' to be every window in your house war, piano. Mrs. Brbadlkot� Of the of this Week, sponsored by the
"Ad on May 28 to, celebrate the taken. Mrs. John, Bibadfoot her topic "Our First Tmpress- Hugh AlIderdice were presented The flag Was -presented to Cub Pack. I , Tyros' of .1he United Church,
Given Banquet 59,th tanniversary 6f the found- gaive a report on the program ion of Trinidad". with a, corgj Ij:ro,-hler swivel Rev. Pease by Percy Renner, At the close of tike service There Will be. a -good ater sup�
in g of Bayfield library, details committee meetinigheldi at Mft- rocker on behalf of the family, reprVslentative of the Group the Cabs Cub, justructom', Akela Per speaker'.'
BAYFIELD — On Friday to be vam6unced later. Allan's. Committee who donated the an The quarterly official -board
Sympathy is extended from and'
the. chDdr of St, And- On, April 28,- the Library Mrs. Ross Scott invited th friends and neighboms to Mr. flag 'to, , the Pack. After the led from the church by the color *f the . Verna charge met in
6 e arty, with WbEy Pierson carreWs United ChurIch and their Board will be hosts, at a semi- urAt to her horne for the April winewes Vodden p Goshen ;Church hast Thur�day
guests were honoured:with a annual meeting o� the Huron meeting t b, charge M I Thomas SlmOdn and flamily in vying the Cano-dian Flag follow- evening., Rev. Clinton Britton of
banquet by Unlit I of tim U0W. filbijary group, o e in char of Ts' the his wife, -(the late ed. by I , 3rjan Koene with the, Grand Bend was present and
endfri,g, . at tessgs; Mrs. WhIttin&am, Mrs, -mer Doreen S,lavgn),
Two very young guests were will entertafln all, att " Hulleft FarSI��I�Union Jack and Michael Eckert spoke •regauding the nidssioTrary
V UP- M:P!�- F. A, Clift E, Sidlery, MTs. G, ElHott, Hos- Mrs. Thos.'
pres,ent, Robertlbbn, Wantson her home follbwing the meeting. Walters, E. I o a Miss Gall Robinson under- ith- maintenance CUT I A. Plans
Ms, Thomson acid wQntsurgery Thursday morning
of Mr. and Mn -s. John &ertserna, On Friday the library re0ely Mrs. John A. MoEwan. The In Alexandva, Marine- and - G the 40th
were also made for t
Funeral March 11 en- Passes In Lo., don, the Cub Pack flag- and
and Timmy, -son ofMr., end Mrs. ed 150 books from. the Huron rKerribers were also, reminded -of, eMl Hospital, 9olderlo Chaperones Dance anniversary of,.Church Urdon
'11 be held o June 6 of
With the exception of five which w.1 n
Cameron Addison. Mrs..Addison County Bookmobile. These the Presbyterial. meeting to be 'Mrs. Gordon ]Wren: spending
is the church organist. 'books, together with many re" heRdat Sleaforeth. on March 24th. yeeals (1905-10) ,�ften he farmed a, few days with her daughter Funeral March 13 With. Teenagers this year.
Also among those present was cent purchases will make avail- in East Wawanosh Township, The annual Pgosbyterial of
son-dn-law� Mrs. Tom .$knith RIPPtN . � Ms.
Mrs. Hess of Zurich, who, Was able many best sealers, includ- Mrs.. E. Thomson,read'a 14t- William, Wesley . Voddbn a re , - and pyomes (BY Audrey 401chainber) the Un4ted Cburch Women will
le Pew", by Gorier- tived, Hullerat passed away in Vintoilta Tgen Town dance started on be head in, Norffigla'ei Unito�d
kupply organiat this • past sum- •1hg "The Corxitortabl, ter -from Ws. J. Berry, 'Pownship 'f and Mr. Smith, and family of 13AYFI PDLD — The first
nTer, Pierre Berton Teenage . favour-
itch, requesting knitted We&,'Py- d�ed dn Clinton Public Hospital Grimsby. H;spital, London, on Thursday� -afoxth on.Ma�, 24.
March, 11, in her 58th yew.
jarnas -to be made- during the on Monday March 8. He had ia high note on Friday March Church, SL
Rev, A. .0. Peavemoved a ites, have not been neglected, wav ttie former Doreen 12. The dan6e proves thatthe
vote of thlanksto the ladies for sunmier. Mrs. H, Lobb offered She
and the new also, include also been employed as a light- Age" teenagers are thoroughly
nine boobs on Guiding and to look -after the raaterkl and ning-rod- erector with the 1�ie LO";Iesboro CGIT Pepper, born near Walton
their thoughtful and residing -sine . e her early capable of organizing and. con -
Hess als�y expressed her apprelal" &-outibig recently -donated to the anyone lAdihing (to help P10986 L. W. Laviis. Plan Anniversary in Tackersn'tith Township ducting an; outstandingly en-: >`:l
citron in, being asked to joinI this library by, the `1st Bayfieldcontact Airs: Lqbb. Me spri'ng� Late of RR 1, Londesboro, the Lonidesboro I CGIT girls are years joyable levendog for their RED CROSS
seemingly family gather ng. Guide Company. rurninaige sale was discussed and deceased was• iin his 82nd year, planning'to celebrate the 50th near Elensa'15, membters.
it Was dedded to Maid it in Clin- and was a son of the I late W1- anniversary of-the,founding of SuTM!Vdng 'are her husband, With PdAtmew, above and IS ALWAYS THERE
A ton early in, -May. liam. A. Vodden and Sarah ]Dm- CGIT Witli a smoogasbord sup- Thomas SlaviA, Mppen; a son, beyond 016 call of duty, rev-
It was a1w, decided to have intalme aTodleland. He was, born per on. Saturday, March 20. Bill of Port Credit; a daughter, eral of their members made WITH YOUR HELP
ki Hullett Township on April 9, rklc�kots may,lbe obtained from Hazel, Kippen. Also, surviving the\chaperones, feel welcome
are three sisters (Nettie) Mrs-.
1883 and maimed on October 26, any CGIT &I. by lnvfting thorn to be their
Wilmer McClinchgy; Grace of
Scout Auxilia 1904 to Eunice May Ball who partners, in a snow -ball dance
on Febri4�aT j�iondon; (Ella) Mrs. George (Ouch, my sacroiliac!).
14, 195,8. Mr, Vodden had been Tanney, Ekefer, ,and; six brorth-
I Suggest 'dce"'d'hjkn -MIDDLETON
Meets at Bayfield in failing heal'th for the past ers, Eride of Sarnia; �ohn.of
i3AYMELri — The Ladies' Year. The Rev. R. W, Werrham, rec- Dashwood; Foster of Arkona;
Y will accomplish Auxiliary to Scouts and Cubs,* The funeral held Thum- for of St. Paul -s Anglican Chi- Stewart of YAppen; Alex of Sea�•
met at thethome of Mrs. 40bert day, March 11 at the Ball and Mob, Clinton, conducted the forth; 1�dson of Hamilton. Paint Sale
more, financially, MacVean, with eight members lqutch Funeral Home, High service of ev6ngong in Sit. James' FuneraA servkes, were on Sat -
Church, last Sunday, in, the ab- urday, March 13 from the Ron -
W121 prestent. Street, Clinton, with Rev. W. nonce of Rev. MT. Harrison. ir� Home an Hensall
our way. The preslident, Mrs.., Walter, Mo Carson of Londlesboro, United thron Fw)�e
Pierson chaired the meeting Cburch officiating. 'Temporary Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- and were conducted, -by Rev. GLIDDEN
H r;which opened with the Scout entomfbment was in Clftiton 'ton, attended the annual flower Harold Curojef. Interment was in
Exeter Cemetery. Pallbearers
's and garden show at the O'Keefe
V. Mother, Promise repeated in CeTngtery Mausoleum with bur- weekend. were Harvey Jacobs, Bill
unison. The socrotarys report ial to tal<v place later in BalVs Centre, Tpronto, last Gibson, SATIN -LUSTRE Discontinued Colors
This show is presented b McLean,
Mis given by Barbara MaCVOM Cemetery, HuXlett Township. the Russel Brock, Lloyd
W. CAMPBELL Mt. George BeUchamber gave Pallbearers were sixGarden Club of Toronto. Its Richard Taylor and Glen Bell.
District Manager the financial report. Leslie Ball, Stanley. B.0, Nor- theme was "A Breath of
Invettors Syndicate Ltd. SYNDICATF, LIMITFED The evening was spent dis- man. Wright, Bert Garrett, Bert Spring.- 1/2 Price
Seaforth — 527-0452 custibg plans Sar the Father Daer.-and Ross. Tremmavtha- Otto. Zimmermann, of xer- LONDESBORO
and Son banquet to, be held Flower -bearers were grandsons wood, T. Alex Edwards of Arva Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vod&n
after Baster. Bill, Roy Jr., Ronild..and Bob alld Ste.warit Middleton of Clin- and -family of Ppis, spent a cou-
The meeting dosed, with the VodrjeTr, ton motored to Tam on Monday Pie of days last week with ATT. BRIGHTEN and WATERPROOF
Scout BeneWction. Lunch was He is survive;d by five Sons, of last week sand acted as part and Mrs. Bert. Sh.obbrook, while
served by the hostess. Herbert,, Whitehorse, Yukon- of the corps of honorary pall- attending hies Bather's funeral.
-0 Mrs. Ross Millmn: of Strat-
Fred, Goderich Township; Roy; bearers at the funeral service of BASEMENT WALM
I H I B I T E Bayfield Teens Summerhill; Leonard, Paris•; R. 13. Paterson, prominent pie- 'r)brd -attended the ftineral of her a P
and Kenneth on, 'the peer Angus breeder and sports- grandfather, Wesley Vodden, Covers to 500 sq. ft.
M I 1 10
Hold Record Dance in Rullett TownsIft.; one dau-, man. last Thursday. 500 25 lbs. makes 3Y2 gallons
�By. Darbaxit Turner, Secre- ghter, Mrs. Bert (Dora) Sholb- 1*4 ERppolF
tary, Bayfield Teen Tuxm) brook, Hulleitt Township; two %1N AVAILABLE
The, dbors opened at 8:30 brothers, Joseph, Clinton and
1111" IN WHITE
-dies, Londesbora; two, sis- CEIEWN,
and the oaund of thundering Cha AND 5 COLORS
M, tev gh Barry don, Yeo, Mrs, Pay Potter and ti
teenage feet came roaring up s, Mrs, Wdliiarn (Mary) DAer, Ted McCullou and
j the stabs. Why? The first Gaderich and Mrs. Herman King, of Toronto spent the week- Mrs. William. Bender. Guaranteed WA TERPROOF or Money Refunded
Bayfield Te6n Town dance of (Grace) Cricb, Clinton, also 11 end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Jim Lobb played fbr the 4
course! grandi�hildrefi and eight great McCuljough.
group, to -sang the minstrels —
The records spun and the Vandichil, dren. Mr. and- Mrs. Bert Clifford "He's Got The Whole World In
teetagers shook Before we Persons attended 1he funeral and David of Kitchener -spent His Hands" and "Standing In BALL—MACAULAY LTDO
knew it the clock struck from St. Mary's, Dungannon, the weeicZld With A�A and Mrs,'. The Need Of Prayer".
twelve and the swinginghours Ki n;, Stratford, Goderich) Jack yec,.*Mr, and, Mrs. Clifford 'the 64 Isaac Street CLINTON —482-9514
were over. Mrs. Lloyd Bond told,
liarviston, Auburn and local and son are moving to Clinton, story & .,ijle authoress, Mrs.
We wishto thank all those commpnities. After the funeral A (14'. Jesse im McNeil, a distinguish -
who helped to make this first lunch. was served in Londes�-110M k W ter Ingersoll
— - --------- dance -a success.wltb special UAlted Church by the UCW. Frian al of , ersol , ed, American Negress.'Mrs. El-
whohas-been spending the past
the Mer Potter,• rekd � an.'artiele on
mention to alvaperones Weeks width Mr. and, Mrs. D, the theme "What Doth The
and Mr. Peterson. Red Cross Sickroom Loan I ..
iti iow wAth Lord Require?". The mkting
Remember that membership Cupboards, in more than 575 E. Gfiddon, is vasi ng r
his sister, Mrs. A. Grange at
• card's are still aviaillable and centres across Canada loaned Aubum. dosed with the Benediction.
100 pennies'. 'thousands, of sickroom Hostesses for the day were
ft only take oom* supplies•
Day of Prayer Mrs. William Norman, Mrs. C.
Watch for the announcement on a fTee basis to mare' tb�Ln The World Day of Prayer was Tebbutt Mrs. William Bender
of the next Teen Town, db=e,. 40,000 Canadians. observed in Hoini6sville; U it d 0
M e' and Mrs. RV Potter.
Church, on Fj�k]�W, March 5. 0 4
Mme. Jft Lobb was the pianist,
and played ."Sweet Hover' of BRUCEFIELD.
TOWNSHIP OF, HULLETT Prayer" as quiet music, before
But sometimes it pays to be cautious, You See., the can to worshlip, which was , Mrs, John A. McEwen. is V19- PAID ON
Studebaker -takes great care to resist winter's ad. given 'by the ldade�,' Mrs. Les Iting -With her &ughtlers Mrs.
vances. Metal body parts arid frame are sproyed TENDERS Jemis. The hymn "From All Russel Zuq:qxVg, Wingham.
That Dwell Below The Skies" Mr. and At -s. 3ames Paterson
With rust inhibitor even before assembly, (Spraying Vvbs; sung, followed- by prayer by and daughter, Sheryl, London GUARANTEED
T,ENDMS Will bereced-ved by'the Township of Hullett the leader, Wlbh the responses spetit the weekend with Mr -and
makes sure(( every hook and cranny it fully sealed for the conotruction of an dmprovement on a rhunic!W being given by the Members. Mins, A. Paterson,
to stop rust in its tracks), 'then follows a)UMIhWhg, drain known as: Mris. Jervis told the meaning Miss 1-lelen, BrOadfoot and TRUST CERTIFICATES
of this day, Miss Jean McNaught -on sp4nt
More spraying with rust inhibitor and a thick, final "THE MURRAY LAMB MUNICIPAL DRAIN" Mrs. Lloyd, Bond, presddent, the weekend at the home, of
conducted the business, The see- their, parents. issued it amounts from $100
coat of primer to provide 0 complete Weather Guard, Constivotion shall consist of the following work: rotary, 91's. Rhtr�y CQdmore I Mrs, Olen Swan visited in upwards for 8, 4, or 5 ywo.
And on the underside a heavy application of under. 2,591 Linpal Peet of Covered brain - gave the report of the previous Winghani oh Saturday.,
Catch BasinsWilliamsMr, and Mrs, Harold Brown
I mte�tfngi 1%t."Harry W1111 e earn,the above indicated' ftiwes�
coating ptotects against stories and gravel pitting' reae . 1. the corte6polidmae. f -Y
Repairing existing tale drain as shown I in thd and fatiiily, Port Colborne MV. payable hal early by choqu6j,
in the
ibsvrice of the, tteakwer, Mrs,_ ThonTag
the surface give a quieter 'ride too, report and filling th4*, existing byerfl6W drain, and Mrs, Miller, '�rus- 46 authorized
D. E. Oliddon gave the tteftui- 909 spent Sunday with Mr. and . InVesimetit for all
Canadfah Inguraneb Companies
Come in and tett-drive Studebaker today — the The plans and specif ications may bo seen at the Clerk's cc's report, .& tpecW thank you, 1K Charles Shtillihlg.
Cahadiari,,,car that's fully protected against Canadian Office, Lot 16, Con. 8, Hulldtt- Township, was given to the lee capade Mr. and Zati, Stewart Hunt, JMd iTbot funds.
committee, foe &e extra work woodst-ook, cafled on fridndk ft, I
winfeet. And by the way; you'll find WO't.e not in- Tenders mu4t be accompanied by a, &-rtified eheque, they hacl,'In making all the the village, Sunday,
'bited when. it comes to making You d good deal, , amount of 10 Pt plat)z Mrs, William Norman ) v1sirewell rkrty
hi to the :percent tender price, and must Mrs, �4a�1 Williams, M!tt, Wil! A Sawew-ejj socW afternoon THE
be submitted, to ,the Cl,�rle$ Office scot later than 1 6,00 11am 'Bendw and Mm. Lloyd vas held at the itomO_ Of Urs. 'T TS
o'clock P.�rn, April 8rd, 19(%. halide ofPavd to, tanvasg for Williani Scott ft Monday atter-
thlis, s,chool goctibin �fot the Can- 1yoon, fbramlember of the for- STERLING R US'
Lowest or aby tender, not n,��degsarily accepted. tet Drive ith April, mer Unit 3. of- the UCW, With CORPORAtION
SO' ' I I
W6 H. .00-yPLE N Aft, Ani Lobb and ft*. Wert. 18 ladict pre8ei%t, for Mrs, M.
ry HARRY P. TEBBUTtr Notman word appointed dele,- 13tdk-di who will move shortly
'BRUdEPIRLI)ONTARIO Clerk4edos,urbrfgates to dgeind filePteibyttrlal t6. Otj With her daughters
Rpt 1, WhJesboroj i-heeting In 8eh&rth,, and son';w, Mil, and Mise,
The World Day of
Prow A111an 8,h6ldlw. Tars,13uffah S72 sq St., 35 Dunlop St., misillsogti 1
Ontario, 6
dWed W%h the
Mith a JoVely cute
# 11 Y215 leader, W& 1.1ft Jervis, 'being anxa, saucee by 112rs A, Paterson.
bLt41gWdbY 9m, FArnef Potter, A, lunth 'Wo so_W66, by 'AA t,
Ult. It6ifiteth Awlrfs, Ur§, -E, I- 8,ci6tt raid liet, committee.