HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 3Support ...Onion Ap, For Crippled children Funds When the, Clinton Lions. Club Easter Seal Campaign' Opens on March 18, one of the important services that will be helped by Easter Seal donations is the special clinics for crippled children held in ,Ontario. This young boy has just been fitted with new braces and canes and the doctor is testing his ability to stand and . walk. The support given to the Easter Seal Campaign , makes this program of rehabilitation pbssible. mand for the new stamp than. for any other com- memoratives, Asa, result, some 35,000,000 stamps are to be printed as compared to the usual 27,000,000. The stamp was designed and is to be printed by the Can- adian Bank Note Company Limited. ADASTRAL PARK SOCIAL NOTES Squadron Leader and Mrs. Lionel Boxall and their children are vacatianin.g in St. Peters-. burg, Ellarida. Major D. J. Carmichael was in Ann Arbor, Mich., last week. Flight Sgt. and Mrs, W. Ben Russell have as their guests, Mrs. Russell's. moth.er from. Ca- max, B.C., Mrs. M..Stnibbington who travelled via Air Canada =Timing. here March 12. Happy birthday greetings go to Shirley Anne Petersen, 13 years old on March 12 and Cor- alie Wade also 13 on March 1.1. The Catholic Women's League of St. Paul's Church will hold a Holy Hiour on Sunday, March 21 at 2:00 p.m. All ladies of the parish, members and non-mem- bers are cordially invited to at- tend this special Lenten clevo- tiOn. The CWL general meeting follow and tea will be-ser- ved. Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results MILK OF MAGNESIA 16-oz, Reg., 57a• Special 2 for 8I3c EDWARDS PHARMACY 9 ALBERT STREET PHONE 482-6626 COUPON DAYS SALE ( 1/2 PRICE "KleenNor" Mouthwash • 16-oz.---Reg. 49c Special 24c Snow-White Facial Tissue 400's — Reg, 29c Special 2 for 37c I.D.A. Toilet Tissue .......... 8 rolls-88c 1 - BALL POINT. PENS I Special 2 for 9c Resdcm—Reg. $1.50' .„„,„.„..„,,„„.„ Special $1.19 Mineral Oil-16-pt.--Reg. 69c Special 490 Schick Hot Lather Shaving Cream Reg. $1.00 ............. Special 79c Cue Tooth Paste—Reg. 69c ........ Special 54t Idasal Headache Tablets 800's---Reg. 99d „ , „ ....... , ......... , Spec to I 14c Meth Crystals-2 lb., boo ..... , „ „ Special.79d Rubber Gloves—Substandards tf 79c arid 98c .„,—.„.. .. , .. „,„,„..—., Special 49c AT THE W"" no A El THE SQUARE—GODERICH NOW THUR., FRI., SAT. — March 18-19-20 — DISNEY PROGRAM — Burl Ives, LUang Patten' and Bobby Driscoll Present a grand family-type story film "SO' DEAR TO MY HEART" --- Color Plus Disney's "Golden Horseshoe Revue" MON., TUES., WED. — March 22-23-24 Adult Entertainment Richard Burton, Ave Gardner and Deborah Kerr Filmed in Mexico. Requested by several patrons, a picture that has pleased all audiences. "NIGHT OF THE IGUANA" THUR., FRI., SAT, — March 25-26-27 Adult Entertainment JACK LEMMON, Romy Schneider and Dorothy Provine Head a truly star cast in a matri-comedy. "GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM" — Color Sat. Matinee Only—"The Three Stooges In Orbit" Coming "Send Me No Flowers" Special Attraction Family Medical Protection IS ESSENTIAL TODAY Huron Co-operative Medical Services Offers Complete Dependable Coverage TWO PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM 1. The Comprehensive Plan . INCLUDES SURGICAL AND IN HOSPITAL BENE- FITS AS WELL •AS HOME AND OFFICE CALLS 2. The Basic Plan INCLUDES SURGICAL, IN HOSPITAL AND MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS - No Medical Examination - No Enrolment Fee - No, Age, Limit MAXIMUM PROTECTION AT MINIMUM COST DISCUSS THE HURON Co-OR MEDICAL PLAN WITH HURON CO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES CLINTON ONTARIO - or YOUR LOCAL biRECToli OR CIA AGENT Bert RR 2 Seaforth, Director Lorna Rodger, RR 1 doderichi Director Gotdort Richardson* RR 1 Brucefielci* Director Peter Roy, Clinton* CIA 11I8,15,17b ittio GODERICH ONT. ' DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week—Sat, March 20—Two B nds , "THE CLASSICS" of Sarnia "THE MO-JOS" of Goderich Dancing 8:30, to Midnight Admission: $1.00 per person Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 "Let' One Call Do It All" Let Clinton. Laundry Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL 'THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional Dry-Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean-Only Dry-Cleaning (25c Per Pound-10 Lbs. for $2.00) At Our Plant-166 Beech Street: Our Dry-Cleaning Dept. is managed by Ray Garon, a -graduate of the National Institute of Dry-Cleaning, Silver Springs, Maryland, U.S.A. We employ the most modern methods available in the industry. —Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profeS- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean-only" method and which require professional treat- ment. Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH — THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH ....„ ....... (11c Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (3) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Cciveralls, Etc. Coin-Operated Laundry These facilities end our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On All dements. (8) Pick-Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day Service• . (10) Three-Hour Service When requested, Ory-Cleaning & Laundry in at 9 a.m.. can be picked up at 5 p.m. Special Attention When Required, Each Week One Lucky Customer Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER '1150 Phone 482,7064 Clinton, OM; (4) (5) Thurs., March 18, 1965—Clinton News-Record--Page 3 definite dates are sot for bath t e ee occasion's-to-remember, they Will be .announced„ This column has teen running now for four weeks, .and peTS011- ally I svottftl like to hear 'any suggestions, opinions, hints,.. ide- as or oomments about it. If you • have any idea that you would like to ..express, either drop a line to ,Calling AU. Teens, c/p Clinton News-Record, oz look for ine raeinging madly around the halls :at the sc'h'ool. (Adult 0Pinons are 'also greatly appre-. eiated, Well, till next time, • Your swinging pal, PAM da's national holiday. The flag, main theme of the stanip, will be in the official colours of red and white and the background Will be blue. In making the announce- ment, Mr. Tremblay ex- plained that the Depart- ment expected a greater de- Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper BELL LINES by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager SEE US NOW ABOUT A CAREER IN COMMUNICATIONS The demand for telephone service in Canada grows as the nation progresses. During ten years the telephones in service in Bell Telephone Company territory nearly doubled. Each day research in the field of communications brings remote corners of the earth nearer. The space 'age is upon us and the ehallenge it creates far exceeds the imagination of even a "Buck Rogers". To keep pace with this fast moving technological world around us we need men and women of special ealibre---men and women who axe ready to take up the challenge and grow with the communications field. We Want ambitious young men and women with the courage and determination to succeed. We want those who will help us build — those with initiative — the doers, planners and thinkers. If you think that you are this kind of man or woman please fill out the clipping below and mail it today. Minimum qualifications-- High school or technical school graduate or those who anticipate graduation this spring. Employment Office, The Bell 'Telephone Company, LONDON, Ontario. . Please forward application form and information regarding employment opportunities with your Company. N ame. 1,00.1fetItt. ,,, "Oftlit. ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ... ... Telephone No. . ... . . ........ ...... , ............. Address t ..... ,Optif111040VtiortiittiVOUittt.,,,,,ttt.Wttftttttttt ,WIt ,Ot ,tt (please print) Wel 'the year is -sw4ugillg along Ott (there Are only al , 'Moro Jaya or school, are= • of it .— iSoen, no 'haniie work; jot laying around the beach all day and having a good time every night, Ala, for the tlha'illsand spills of those beauti,, fur summer 'h'olidays. IVfeanWhile we Milst struggle through to June, but not with— out some fun. This Friday night there will be A school dance in the auditorium at CI-ISS, and the affair will be espeolallY sPoosored by the Art Club, • The Station Teen Town plans a big dance to the sound of the Crescendos in honor of St. Pat- Vick and all, the wee-green lows, but'as 'previously announe- ed there wi$ be no trip to, Kitch- ener on Saturday because Band- stand 'has- been eanoelleci. • Rumour's are flying concern- big the opening of the Baytield Pavilion and the drive-do 'here Sri. town (Brownies); As, sport as Huronview Auxiliary Buys Wheel Chair Trays The Huronview Ladies' Aux- iliary met 'Monday afternoon, March 15 in the Arts and Crafts room. The president, Mrs. Louis Forest was in the chair. Mem- hers were present from Goder- ich, Blyth and Clinton. Routine business was taken care of and the anniversary tea was' discusSed. It was decided to hold the tea this year on June 7,, Three Wheel chair trays were purchased at an approxi- Mate cost of. $60.00 by the aux- iliary for the: special care resi- dents. These, trays are beautiful- ly enamelled and shaped so that they restrain the patients from slumping while at meals. The next meeting will be Monday, April 12. o--- Women's Institute To Meet March 25 The March meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in' the Agr. iculture Board Room on Thursday, March 25, at 2 • This being the month for the election of officers, a ,good attendance is • hoped for. The roll call :is "Wear something green or pay a fine". Mrs. G. Cornish is convener of the topic, "Current Events", The program • will be in ,charge of Mrs. C. El- liott and Mrs. J. Gibson, The hoStesses are: Mrs. B. Gibbings, Mrs. G. CorniSh, Mrs. W. Bur- ton, Mrs, G. Grigg, and Mts. M. Batkin. 0 The Canadian Red Cross is as member of the world-wide or- ganization known as the League of Rkl Cross Societies. This or- ganization has us its motto, "Through' Humanity to Peace". Easter Portraits JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 Day of Prayer Observed At Huronview Home The World Day of Prayer service was held, in the chapel at Huronview for the ;residents on Friday, March 5. The leaders were Mrs, Harvey Johnston, Florence McNaughton, Barbara Miller and Mrs. Thompson. Others 'taking part were Ida Cunningham, Mrs. Rutledge, 11DisS Dows'on, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Leishman, Agnes Douglas and Gladys Stanlake, Albert Wood sang a solo, ac- coanpanied on the 'organ by, Mfrs. Berne, McKinley of North Bay. Craig Peters of Clinton Baptist Church was- guest speaker and spoke on the theme "What Doth the Lord Require". 'An offering was taken which amounted to $16.50. Ontario St UCW Unit One Meets Group No, 1 of Ontario Street United Church met on Tuesday, -March 9 in' the church parlour with a good attendance. The president, Mrs, „Mervyn Batkin opened the meeting hy reading a 17th century patayer, Mrs. R. Connell was in - charge of de- votions. Lesson was read by Mrs. W. Hoggarth, closing with prayer. Mrs. McArthur 'took the study book, "God - and His Purpose." Mrs,„ C. Van Damme rendered two solos end MiSs Linda Levis gave an instrumental. After business and reports were given, a contest and lunch closed the meeting, 0 Goderich Twp. F of -A To Meet Marsh 25 The regular meeting of the Goderidh Township Fecleratibn of Agriculture has been post- poned until Thar-day evening, March 25. It will be held in Holnte'sv lie School. - Detail's of a commemor- ative postage stamp depict- ing Canada's new flag have been announced by HonoUr- able Rene Tremblay, Post- master General. The new , stamp is to be placed on sale June 30 to coincide as clos- ely as possible with Cana.; This Was. Clinton's 1894 Baud This picture was found in the home of the ' late Mrs, T. J. Watt, 78 Rat- tenbury Street West, by D. A, Kay who recently purchased the property. It was given to Thomas Herman, a veteran bandsman who has made an attempt to identify the 1894 band members. If anyone can help, (or correct) Tom to name the missing names, call at Herman's Men's Wear any afternoon, Seated front, left to right, not known, Pete Lepine, Bill Rattenbury, Fred Chant; the three men behind Lepine, Bert Hill, Bill McLeod •and Stewart; stand- ing, left to right, George Cooper, Bert Kerr, unknown, Ben Gibbings, Jim McRae, unknown, Billy Downs, Tom Wheatley, H. B. Chant, Dick Downs, Tom McKenzie, Joe Blaney, Bob pawns.