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Clinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 2
n . r M Pg90 27--4I1n.tan "m494;90—ThRrPq ;,arch. 18;; 1.965 A' lee Break�up . , safety Feature .0 Could I-11ap yen IVUT nder- the'Jafereu�ee, Tau, Truth of our.* driving is^ the :highway on worn or undoz- ler will honor a, Signal, t,o turn dune. 141nd'er 'the l n eivace." So pressured tires, serene but un" 11611t. We infer 41ong until we're we get 'involved in, those unex- We under the inference that Wrong, peected unple'as!antrie's called the tires won't blow, Wheal: we Cala we cde:tU>�'re saf�t>• as free "acvlflenits," So, says. Donald S. are going slowly, we infer that . dem, from Aooidepts? No', '` : .. as - Buck, Sfey Director, U,S,. Aa we v it haveon aco�.ent - se ts Don Buck. Some d4vors my',s gontinental Army 'Corn-. yet most la;ccadent occur at slow specialize in causing apeideuts, 1luand; •each year he lectures at speeds. We infer, that Instr,4- while :av'aldling being an the act; - courses in accident prevention m6nts gate. ,reliable, that brakes: ual' crashes, themselves. Real for Canadian pfficers, conducted willl, not fail, that lights! win not safgty ;is not freedlom from a'cci- in Tcvrani?o by the Ontario Saf- go out, And since our inferences dente. Rather it is freedoa'n from city League, for the Department are ussu'.wly coiTectr we repeat- the things, -treat cause 'acel'dents, of National Defence.eidly get Away with them, At There's nothing really' wrong Accldentts .are caused by least until the inference proves in' maklrig references while did- people w110 drive under the in- wrong, ving -.- the real changer lies in ference. They are not necessar- Accident files are crammed not -recognizing them as infon iiy bad, stupid or .reckless pe0- With said lessons. from .ences, Drives need to preface n. ..relyon that their fp�'I wonder ece that allI'swall, Thsis les ead will t stop sudden- Will s ? Is Someone a7mast a 'pieere9ulisite to gertfing Ily, that pedestrians won't 'step coming? .. , Is the road clelarc?..,. lovolvad in -n -'accident, out into ,the path of an oncom- Don't drive under the infer- So,. nfer-S ,. Many. of us pound along ingvehicle, than the other drti- I once, Red" Cross Society r Canvass ^ arch 22 he ght-0Die The Universail Declaratiion of This -is an aare'a where no legis- jured •Cam;adians. We give at J- iunan Rights proclaimed by la>tim, can be made. to apply'. freely, and patients receive it the United-, Weibions ',say's that The night to life for the sick of without charge, The right to everyone leas ithe right to life, injif ned pemon can only, exist by life is Something thiel a person liberty and security ofperson, the willingness of other persons should not have to pay for, The Canadian Bill of Rights to upheld and preserve that That's why blood is .free; Yet, says itha>t every -individual blas right. Doctors, take an oath to the Red Cross Blood Transfus- thee right to life, luborty, recur- dog everything they can to. save ion Service still costs nioney. ity of the person and enjoyment Miran life. Hospital staffs and There are medical and technical of property. technical personnea have a de- personnel, trucks, refrigeratoils Theseare the basic '.thoughts vot<on to duty w,lvioh helps the and specialized equipment to behind the canvass for Red doctor, ,in his task. But this is pay for. The Red Cross again Crass funds tin Clinton begin- not enough. Many times,. the .;tarns to us 'for heilp .and, this ring Monday, March 22. only thing, standing between the time for out dollars: The inmost basic human: right is life, anddcteatlh of a person is the As. a 'society of free people, the right to life. While other avai lability of human blood.- we .recognize: that along, with nights .ara impartaut, •they mean Blood cam'nat be man ufactured, our governmes we need socie- nothing vAthout the basic right It must come from people. les like the Red Cross- to'fill of The lirrdi'vidual to be alive, . •Tliere,mwt, 'ther'e'fore, be a. wild-- garps', where legislation is impos- In upholdung the right ofthe ingness, on the part of the or- sable and to provide a means for individual to life, governments dinaxy people to help preserve all of us to exeiedse our efforts leave passed laws which punish the ;right -to life by. donating their to preserve rand strengthen cer- persons who ,take •or attempt to blood. By doar'ating our blood,. lain; of our humnan. rights. take an'ot'her persmes life. Bait we :can :all do something con- The Canadian Red Cross, we don't have flaws that ,will trete . -about maintaining the therefore, is worthy of the full nave the 'life of a 'person. who is mostlsasic of all human rights— support of',everyone. lyf,arch it dyling Brom injury or illness. Yet the right to be alive. Red Cross Month in Canada, that person hag the same right Through the Red! :Cross we and March 22 is Red -Cross can- to We as anylUody else. I can give our blood •t sick ancd'in- ' vass ,day in Clinton.' St, Patrick7s Day Fact or .17th of Ireland (!Mews -Record Photo by John Visser) From..... .75 ears Ago TIIE CLINTON NEW ERA March 14, 1890 John Middleton Chas soul 20 head of his fat cattle at ft per pound. The stable° at the English Church rectory, Bayfield, was burned to the ground. The cause has.not been determined and tree 'loss included aa• cuaotity o1: hay stowed there, James Steep has rented the store lately occupdecl by Roltlh Bros. and wvtill aspen out the same as a flour and feted and produce store. For several .drays, or nights rather, the electric light had not been working satrsPactor3ly; there being a break in the cir- t^uit somewhere, and in order to locate it the wires 'had to be completely taken clown and overhauled:, Which took a couple; day',s, work. They are, we be- lieve, all ?n" satisfactory condli!t- ion now. We have received a copy of a hymn entitled "God Mess these, Canada;" words, by S. Whitt, .Tomnto, and musle 'by Mrs. M. J. Whitt, Clinton. The words are patriatiec and in easy metre, while the music harmonizes welt. Copies can be secured at any of the three bookstores In town. Fantas'y! 55 Years A.or" "Iraland lts a country do which 16, he was, sold as a slave in cards were published long 'be_ yCLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, March 17 1910 " the probable never happens and. Ireland where he spent 'seven fare the advent of the greeting ' the impossible always does." years as a swineherd. Escaping card. G. Eiargp and Co. advertised This Statement, •attributed to from, bondage, he fled t Gaul St. Patrick'sgreetina cards made made to measure, trousers for an Irishman, hada certain ring and 14 years later returned to cower a great variety ofg differ-' $4.00 made ;from good quality of truth to it on Wednesday, Englland to become a deacon, a ent designs andtailored to worsted material imported from March 17, when Irishmen and priest and finally a bishop. ,are sudt everyone's taste and needs. England. leprechauns alrike, from the "ilme<rtald Isle" to the Equator, He was eager to cera mission- Amon the most, g popular de- Mr. Ha ggitt of -near• Zondes- baro has to, new farm toasted eadh other' with the „ ,,, ary work in Ireland, however, " , and returned to, the Lmexald' signs :are the contemporary cards with their brightlycolour- proved :his purchased from Iddo• Crich r e- top o the xnornin . and . the "luck of -the Irish" in honour of Isle' to fight the Anti -Christian influence o,f the Druids land. re- ed designs -and witty greetings butin:any card's contain a simple cently. Mr. John Holmes of the Hue - their patron saint St. Patrick, p organize thq Christian Church. frworn-the-heart m e s s a g e like on Road west has bought the � and the bright green of the in It It Was during •has teaching of this: W. G. Whitely farm on the 7t.b. shadnrock was :shorted ,vers" buttonhole. pagan Irish that the sham- "To • wish you the top o' the , concession of Goderich Town - ship, The pmi;ce'was $4,500 which Legend and. Fantasy shroud the life of •the patron saint of p rock became the symbol of Ile- ]sand 'for It is Said.that St. Pat- rnornin Axid the jay of a glad %fish f gives trim three eag'hty-acre :farms :all goad land. Mr. Whit - Ireland like an Irish mist. Eng- rick usedthe thee', -leaved plant to illustrate the mystery of smile, Plus luck for every green shame- ley lead, an auction sale of his - land, Scotland Wales and Fran- .the Holy Trinity. effects this week and 'leaves cce all la claim. to being his y g rock, shortly for Alberta, P;irth )lace but the mart Popular Sr p Celebrations •and ood wishes g That grows on the Emerald Mr. Will Scatchmer took a i.'a inry is -that he was born in on .the 17th ai,6 shared b "all Y Isle." drive dawn ;the Bauble Line on Liuland of a riayal (Patrician) the Irish .and all who wish they Whether you are Irish or not, Sunday, but -reports - a boat fxnfly Somewhere Between 372 were." Greeting cards for St, and whether you sent a sham- would leave, been a better way and 339 A.D. Patrick's Day first appeared in rock, a card, or simply a verbal of travellhlg. Although Britain, at that time 1912 or 1913, ;according to re- greeting, • at was impossible to Mr. Louis Sui'tter, the new teas a Rodman province, his early searchers of a large Canadian avoid being caught up in the proprietor of the Standard El- educa,tion was probably Chris- card manufacturer, although effervescent •mood of the occas- evator, has •purchased the Alex tian, I�ridna,iaped by pirates at ,. comic and Benxi -'comic posit- ion. Armstiaong property of which he gets: possession at once. The price was $1,550. n M.. rr Mr. John A. Cooper, Editor .: �q ." 1 m of .the Canadian Cotlraer, r- ad To s ® r onto an old Canadian bo oro- , y, en a, fd THE CLINTON NEW ERA Amalgamated THE CCWTON NEWS -RECORD ther .of Councillor A. T. Cooper,'. Established. 1865 1924 Established 1881 will address the Clinton Club .at their next l^uterrary meeting a - .T O Published Every Thursday At The Haan bout April let. 0 Au � • of Huron • Co my-•-.----� 117r,' Robert •Dunbar, late of Clinton, Ontario, Canada. the al'san's Beanie, Clinton, has R Q Population 3,475 A. LAURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBLISHER been iappolinted Manger of the O 0 ;. © Im 0 ` , Palgary Albert branch of the 0 Signedcontributions to this publication, are the opinions , Petrie Manufacturing Company, of the writers only, and do not necessarily express fOV `Al the views of the newspaper: Years Authorized as Second Class' Mail, Post Office Department; Otfawa, and for Payment cf Postage in Cash 40 Y ears Ago SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance Canada and Greet Britain: $4,00 a year; CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Ultited States and Foreign: $5,50; Single Copies: 10 Cents March 19, 1925 Eggs for haiti: nag Were adver- tised ;at $ 00 per' hundred or 65c for a setting OF 15 by a M - 1�.mor lsu' Funny f� b blear the past few weeks, Vve in, front or our place, zip went Ben, confronted by a;n -enigma her feet an _a piece of tee.. 'phis: word. does not mean, as one Mere wards cannot des ''11.e . ' of my students -,told me; „Some- a the half -gainer she performed thing U nurse gives you in, the the wry she lraoked, flat on bar ' hoslxital be!fre a have an •o .� p tuTn►xly,• fur. list over :her ,nose, Vey' eration,'" Only 'a caanera' could capture ":. The �enigmia this • what is the wild A s t 1 e Perla; e ook she htlmQr? And the 'reason it threw around to see if anyone i confronts me as • that some had Spotted the spill, Only the ;• misguided people asked'me to great Charlie Chaplin Mould be one of the judges in �a coaxmpe- have linritated the frantic scram- tition involving liu�xzor. l� qually. ole oto 'hex feed, the desperate sf- mrsg`4 deQt by an inflated ego, I' fort lto. 6trgill off as though noth- 7 a;ccepted, ing had happened.. I :should have :known better, Did 1 laugh? Thought I"d bust $ Not that being a judge is all a gut, I was glad she wasn't that difficult. I've judged public hurt but like inas't eo le of a r Balch r content with g�, �f C� e�C' li ' h ' '�qr��, >su g s w great trernenclous belt• out of seeing A success. Everyone agreed tom- the deflation of stuffed shirt �' a e rt arly 1, Live hags were $12,50 to $10,50 per hundred w.eu;ght, A. T. Cooper has purchased vacant Bots, facing Mary Street where the old rink used to stand and it is: to be hoped he will leave .them, landscaped -and pre - writ them to the town — he didn't say ,he would, but then again he didn't say he wouldn't. A park t#ere would be a vast improvement of it were seeded -and leveilled, 25 Ye'ars Ago OLTISTWON NEWS -RECORD 1VTarch 14, 1940 Varna, News: A meeting of the inspectors and ratepayers Was hold In the Town Hall to adjust the finranciial end in con- nection wlvth johAng the Babylon and Varna school section, We don't need to tell you it Was -cold on Monday and Tues- day. The oditiciial temperatures according to Mr. Baird, were six below on Monday and eight be- low on Tuesday. Wedding of dnteres:ti Beatrice Mary Jane Snell to Robert Hteks Welsh. Advertised courting attraction for the Roxy Theatre was Shir- ley Temple in "Just Around The Corner". An outbreak of hog ch'oler'a Was, repoi ted . do Huron — all farmers were urged to: report Nick pigs promptly. When de- strroyed, compensaition for the artm;als would be two-thirds of the val'u'e rand would be paid by the Federal Department of Ag- riculture. Clinton Colts were squeezed from the group chanipionship by Seaforth Beavers. The scare was 8 to 7. Robert Drapeir is resigning as caretaker of the Collegiate In- stitute. He has :held the position for a number of years and is re- signing because of ill health. 15 Ye' ars A.o CLINTON NEWS -R UCO1iiD Thursday, Ararch 16, 1950 A fear families have been moving ,out to the new housing development at the RCAF Sta- tion lately and the .si'tuation has eased somewhat here; but there is still a shortage of accommo- dation. A reorganiazat i6n meeting of the 1st Clinton Boy Scout Troop sistant chief will `be James Thompson ,ata salary orf $1, per :year, Only five more days, to spr --snow predicted for tomo, --this shpuld make ideal w ther for the Clinton Colts battle it out with Mlilvert; Members of the local team Malt Edgar, Doug Bartliff, C ence Neilans, Bill Counter, K noth Colquhoun, Ha=y Mc' Robert Diaper, Dick Steep, Nediger, and' Wilbert Gl;d'do Kenneth Ar4cell, Bayfield, chosen the outstanding o n o g round athlete at Clinton trict Collegiate Insbltute, 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS -RECOIL March 11'. 1955 Eight men were r eported s after a night on Lake Huron Biayfield, The! ice hard shdf and they could not get back the harbour. Those on b were: John R. MacLeod, Ii and Jim Boyce, George Bell Dalton, John: a'nd Leslie Sh- and h and Rayriiond Miller. The b .Was net stocked with can goods and the men only head and coffee and fish to cook, latter dkrcked gat Sarnia with safe, The first robin slighted Clinton was apparently seen Mrs. E. Larwison on March 4 then on March. 11, Mrs, Gould sane :one chirping on lawn. Tenders were called by Telephone ,on a new building be erected on Rattenbury St. the rear of Aiken Bros• st The bui'ld9ng will be 41x47 ft size, After 27 years the diesel t has been replaced by a ste locomotive on the run to L don, There will be a cut in number of trips, made. The gel train which was retired the.first diesel to run in Sou ern Ontario, --•- and was form ly used -out of Hamilton. It not known here as yet b much inconvenience will be f by the new schedule, Clinton Retail Merchant; v investigate' the possibility of Pening for Friday night shl ping. R. B. Campbell, chairm; stated that' it would, be a sl in the same direction as 1 efforts of :the larger centres lure business their way. was held in the troop hall in Lindsay, RIR 3 Clanton. FIRST Old Boys :Reunion will be hd. d in Clinton in August and asb filar nesday evening, March 8. Flf- teen boys attended .arid a larger replies h'avq been received from MORVIL GAGES as far iaway ars Jacksonville, VIbridand'a; Indiana, Ottawa a was reser representing t Clin-61 p , Toronto A record attendance is Farms -- Residential -- Commercial expected and billets are behng arranged to take care • of those PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL S SERVICE who do not have accommod'a't-- ion for their stay,. THE INDUSTRIAL A iswgges,ti'an has begin lined', about owg+aauzing' a lacrosse MORTGAGE, $� TRUST C4 COMPANY team -hi is,pure sign of spA. A. 'l'�. 'COOpel: has lead • T' 1115 wan- . ESTAELISHM, 1889 dbws flinblied in, hardwood, at ,a sialary of $1800 plus ear Will its the &-tent, a new snag= Contact our Representative azire ruck built and other lmn Q� �t,�provements: H 1� LAW S ®� made to his store. Teva ,Wrecks from today •�••-r Ap- • e . rut 2, is Morse Show nay. The 5 RA`T'TENWRY "STREET EAST weather has been all that on,e HFC cash could wish for ---• roads ate on 'PHONE 452-9644 CN.�NTON ONT. lair sllapei ,and a big turnout is can seek out the best car hoped for values anywhere you Butter' was advertised as 30c ' choose. Pay on the spot t4 1b, while eggs were _. ...••. o% a per to 28c per dozen.. - 1�.mor lsu' Funny f� b blear the past few weeks, Vve in, front or our place, zip went Ben, confronted by a;n -enigma her feet an _a piece of tee.. 'phis: word. does not mean, as one Mere wards cannot des ''11.e . ' of my students -,told me; „Some- a the half -gainer she performed thing U nurse gives you in, the the wry she lraoked, flat on bar ' hoslxital be!fre a have an •o .� p tuTn►xly,• fur. list over :her ,nose, Vey' eration,'" Only 'a caanera' could capture ":. The �enigmia this • what is the wild A s t 1 e Perla; e ook she htlmQr? And the 'reason it threw around to see if anyone i confronts me as • that some had Spotted the spill, Only the ;• misguided people asked'me to great Charlie Chaplin Mould be one of the judges in �a coaxmpe- have linritated the frantic scram- tition involving liu�xzor. l� qually. ole oto 'hex feed, the desperate sf- mrsg`4 deQt by an inflated ego, I' fort lto. 6trgill off as though noth- 7 a;ccepted, ing had happened.. I :should have :known better, Did 1 laugh? Thought I"d bust $ Not that being a judge is all a gut, I was glad she wasn't that difficult. I've judged public hurt but like inas't eo le of a r Balch r content with g�, �f C� e�C' li ' h ' '�qr��, >su g s w great trernenclous belt• out of seeing A success. Everyone agreed tom- the deflation of stuffed shirt �' a e rt arly 1, Live hags were $12,50 to $10,50 per hundred w.eu;ght, A. T. Cooper has purchased vacant Bots, facing Mary Street where the old rink used to stand and it is: to be hoped he will leave .them, landscaped -and pre - writ them to the town — he didn't say ,he would, but then again he didn't say he wouldn't. A park t#ere would be a vast improvement of it were seeded -and leveilled, 25 Ye'ars Ago OLTISTWON NEWS -RECORD 1VTarch 14, 1940 Varna, News: A meeting of the inspectors and ratepayers Was hold In the Town Hall to adjust the finranciial end in con- nection wlvth johAng the Babylon and Varna school section, We don't need to tell you it Was -cold on Monday and Tues- day. The oditiciial temperatures according to Mr. Baird, were six below on Monday and eight be- low on Tuesday. Wedding of dnteres:ti Beatrice Mary Jane Snell to Robert Hteks Welsh. Advertised courting attraction for the Roxy Theatre was Shir- ley Temple in "Just Around The Corner". An outbreak of hog ch'oler'a Was, repoi ted . do Huron — all farmers were urged to: report Nick pigs promptly. When de- strroyed, compensaition for the artm;als would be two-thirds of the val'u'e rand would be paid by the Federal Department of Ag- riculture. Clinton Colts were squeezed from the group chanipionship by Seaforth Beavers. The scare was 8 to 7. Robert Drapeir is resigning as caretaker of the Collegiate In- stitute. He has :held the position for a number of years and is re- signing because of ill health. 15 Ye' ars A.o CLINTON NEWS -R UCO1iiD Thursday, Ararch 16, 1950 A fear families have been moving ,out to the new housing development at the RCAF Sta- tion lately and the .si'tuation has eased somewhat here; but there is still a shortage of accommo- dation. A reorganiazat i6n meeting of the 1st Clinton Boy Scout Troop sistant chief will `be James Thompson ,ata salary orf $1, per :year, Only five more days, to spr --snow predicted for tomo, --this shpuld make ideal w ther for the Clinton Colts battle it out with Mlilvert; Members of the local team Malt Edgar, Doug Bartliff, C ence Neilans, Bill Counter, K noth Colquhoun, Ha=y Mc' Robert Diaper, Dick Steep, Nediger, and' Wilbert Gl;d'do Kenneth Ar4cell, Bayfield, chosen the outstanding o n o g round athlete at Clinton trict Collegiate Insbltute, 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS -RECOIL March 11'. 1955 Eight men were r eported s after a night on Lake Huron Biayfield, The! ice hard shdf and they could not get back the harbour. Those on b were: John R. MacLeod, Ii and Jim Boyce, George Bell Dalton, John: a'nd Leslie Sh- and h and Rayriiond Miller. The b .Was net stocked with can goods and the men only head and coffee and fish to cook, latter dkrcked gat Sarnia with safe, The first robin slighted Clinton was apparently seen Mrs. E. Larwison on March 4 then on March. 11, Mrs, Gould sane :one chirping on lawn. Tenders were called by Telephone ,on a new building be erected on Rattenbury St. the rear of Aiken Bros• st The bui'ld9ng will be 41x47 ft size, After 27 years the diesel t has been replaced by a ste locomotive on the run to L don, There will be a cut in number of trips, made. The gel train which was retired the.first diesel to run in Sou ern Ontario, --•- and was form ly used -out of Hamilton. It not known here as yet b much inconvenience will be f by the new schedule, Clinton Retail Merchant; v investigate' the possibility of Pening for Friday night shl ping. R. B. Campbell, chairm; stated that' it would, be a sl in the same direction as 1 efforts of :the larger centres lure business their way. was held in the troop hall in MONT14LY Wesley -Willis Church on Wed- LOAN nesday evening, March 8. Flf- teen boys attended .arid a larger ��� turnout is expected. A. G Glx p. gg ,k; • :.. was reser representing t Clin-61 p , s}:;.:<.:}.•: ton Lien's -Club, sponsors of 'the 550• troop. 23.78 Jack P. �Iinchbiem :err' 2 Lon- ?' don, has been .appointed C$ief �.• 81.E+1li of Police' Por the town of Clinton : :• :• .,:.:...... ,.;���>t<<'�:...: .: at ,a sialary of $1800 plus ear 41.45. allowance 'af $600 per year. As- 91:56 1600'60.88 Ca r hunting? -. Bargain with I HFC cash 94,62 With cash from IFIFC you 201:46 can seek out the best car 9.5.12 values anywhere you 14.7.1 ' choose. Pay on the spot and repay HFC conven- ientIVi. Hundreds of thousands of Canadlans every year choose House- '..... hold for trustworthy AMOUNT MONT14LY PAYMENT PLANS LOAN months months tnonElta tirEontlis $100 $.... $: , ... $ 6.12 $ ,9.46 550• ...�. 23.78 82.86 61.24 750 .:... 81.E+1li 44,18 69.21. 1000 y .. 41.45. 58,11 91:56 1600'60.88 68.81 94.11 146.52 2200 83,71 94,62 129.41 201:46 2500 9.5.12 107.52 14.7.1 228.98 money help—to buy cars, pay bills, get new applianees or furniture, fim"Pa the house and for many other good pur- poses. May ur-poses.May we help you8 Ask about Above payments Include prindidal dnd Intorbst and aro'. beddit'llfe Insurance based en prompt repayment but do not Inciddo the 66stbf Utelnabrence. - atlow group fates L F1 A �33A Wdsi Sfreet--Tolephone 524-7'38•- GODERRCH (above the Signal Stai) - pletely with my decisions. Ex,- Or .girdle, in this case, cept th'o'se who didn't win, -and What 'is. humor? I've no idea. their ateilatives and friends. For e, it as the bitter, even ® I've judged races at ithe Sun. v'iclIOUs, p'ai"ody of a political day School picnic. And had to ca ltoon, For others, it is, the fork over. a 'dime to every run- dry, PAWky'humor of the realist, A. ner because, "I wooda beat llim the 'mail who sees life without 400 if he hadena tripped' ime for rose-colored glasses. For some, shaved me, or bean ttie'gun)," it is the stuff scrawled on And tihereid be no 'trick to the walls elf a washroom. For ing judging. a beauty contest, I'm others, it's the mecharvical, can rraty sure. Although there's always ned wit of theprofessional •corn- ea- the danger of getting a bust in edian, the pun, the gag, the g g to ical. reference. to flee eye, froom some disgruntled p 011. contestant. Or even from somie All I can say is, "Never we' gruntled one, t!!6 •" Even judging a baby ]ar- contest would be chiefs play, to en- But judging humor is a horse this. At least the entries Would of 'a did?ferenrt color. There's al- Lwall .be made of the same mat- Bill ways, in fact, the ,menace of erial. misjudging the dark ]verse, was whidlr turns the 'whole thing in- all- to sonnewhat of a nightmare. Letters Editor )is_ The -Character of humor is as perverse and varied in itis quala- The Editor, ties Us the aha titer of women. Clinton News -Record, Picking the winner -in a humor Clinton, Ontario• contest Is .as tricky..as pick- Dear, Sir- February ing da wdfe. Everybody else Your ].8th I'ebrtiaxy edition T� thinks you .made a bum choice. was an h'istorle document, with Do you want Mabel, who its thorough coverage of dlie bowls you over -on first acquadn- Flag raising, ceremonies in town afe tante? Or do you want Gert, and at the RCAF Station. Pro - off who will wear Well over the; bably many of your' subscribers ted years? Do you Want an hilarious are keeping iths particular pa- ngo companion for an eveni' or prier for their children's sake, oar d quiet chuckle once a week for Certainly the solemn moment Ink generations? Humor is in the will bei long remembered: by J. eye of the beholder. those didiizens who were present, olds It's no use. Let's get back to You -are to be congratulated oat the enigma. What ds !humor9 far the excellence of your cov- red eiiagc. We -at RCAF Clinton are Ask tihe first person you meet, tea and he'll say, "'It's anything extremely proud of your kind It that makes vont "t'slaulh." remarks on. the editorial! page. '� Well, it's not, . Yours truly,.GI necessax9ly. J. -M. GIBBON, People will .howl with laughter Flitght Lieutenant, ,by err from sheer nerves, giggle inter - by Public Information O�Pflicer, rranably •from drunk, or titter RCAF Station Cldmiton, Ont. Hartry Uncontr'olla'bly froom a story whose point they have missed, her completely, N q ' People will. laugh at practical- Easter P o' t r a i t s B ll ly anything. Only yesterday, I STUDIO Was looking out the window. A S ...1 T I O at young matron, known for her ore. high opinion of herself, aninced Phone 482-7006 it along, serene in her mink. Right rain - - am 1 on Business and Professional the dile- i Directory was er- vPHOTOGRAP11'Y I INSURANCES HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and CFIILDREN 118 St. David's Si. Bial 524-8787, Goderich 6-13p OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays s and y Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 0 G B CLANCY 0.0 SEAFORTH OFFICE 527-1240 OPTOMETRIST -- For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST . F. T ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE. & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4t 2-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: -Office 48'2-9644 Res. 482-3787 H. E. HA TLE R Y LIFE' INSURANCE Planned Savings ... . Estate- Analysis CANADA LIFE _. ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air -Master. Aluminum Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. L. Jervis -68 Albert St. Clinton -482-9390 AmMs ll. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 52d-7562 THE WKILLOP FIRE: INSURANCE MUTUAL COMPANY - main Street FORTH sures: Ings ►f Farm 'Property Aages �hoolsr'Halfs V e r a g e (wired, damage, failing is tzlso available, Lane, RR 5, Sea- Baker, Brussels, Donald G, Eatwi,