HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-18, Page 1.. . . .. . . . . .. . . ..... ...........
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'HV -,QR
TK, NEW ERA 98th Y-,,qpr F, -9.ONIZFC _P-,8-2nd1Yeqr
AY, MARCH 18 196 a -10 cent -,10, P9,QP*L
o TJ4 y
9, 1!, -The HQ.mq. Paper it t 1P ews C N., AR10 "$4.QQ ev s er
1; NTQ NT r *e' r,
MISSCANAD' :Huron, Seed Fa L;ver
A r �Best'
NG g am till Cham'pion
FAIR F- oth er i n h' S
"I 'Lou Farrell, of S t, jjastwE�bkend sawone of- the Huron CountY seed 4.0haxnplon, WE -her Keyes�, the 1964 -world
J,04111�5 Nf ldl,, Miss. Canada be# -airs 1�ollec,%n% 38 pc�nts, He wdiibit- hay 0hamplon, Mr. 1�eY" .71
seed T , everheld' by the e try
Q, 1904, has been invited to gbrq and . Crop ed In n V all classes. This -is placed third ,In i0
pty $QO, 4 that of P_ k
atteud aud ofBiQlqUy, Improvement Assopiatiou, There V sgventh time the �3 year 4 a
le, thelingt9n, Hons as e
the 1965 Clinton SPPng were 65 eptx�aes in the 17 class- old TucllewsTri#h bachelor . -has on,4. w � sv�c_
Fair Q4 Saturday, June 5.
0$ of 114y,'Oeec! gZaln, small wonthe seed ohamplanship, wpi took first
Mrl. FptheriuSt
The direotom of UUr Hi$ entr-y of 61mot`d-cu'� hUy fcW b�lsb,4 of Pats. A I t o� his
-on seeft, cor;q and W, age, Is,
Ra;vrt Fotberinghpn 4 again w.= judge
Central Agricul d first a
...oveir that of spe prqf�s ppgAm at -(,he
tu�ral Soc"
ietY, Tneeting Monday night, bottom of this- Page with 01 tbe;
authorized senretawy W-11. spocia"I prize Winners.
llaTn Mehl to issue -the invi- 'Forthe past thxlee yo
tation. The Miss, D.,onftion ceflead area'hannem bave `w<)n
of Canada Rea1vty Pag%nt, at the
of Arzoaster, Ont.,had. wrij- in Toronto,
ten to the local SIDICiety Wfiber Keyes dn 1964, Russell
seeldng engagemen�s for Dallas In 1963 and �Bcpb Allen
Mts's Cakada. The cost to in 1962.
the slocbty, �vlll be $85,00. Seed fah, officials, guest spea-
kers, panel, :members and thrte
The slocl'ety bad originally representafAvesof the press had
Clinton Public 11aspitcd Board of Governors invited the Hlon, I-larry dinner at Hotel ai . ntoa at nom
MaYs, federal minister of
A new board of governors was set up,by bylaw, Wood, Leen Rehorst, Rob�rt B. Campbell, Orval 1494evIftwebut he bad Qth- Saturday,
at, the' annual mpqting of Clinton Public Hospital ad,,D . G, Thompson, Harold C, Lawson, er conunitments, At 1:30 PreAdent woman
E _' r E Alexander, Londesboro opened
board Q'xi Monday evening in the council chambers, DUP TS'ho ps�n,'JoSeph Murphy, -Z Beecher Menz- 0 the fair with an address on
town hall. The -,board. now has 15 members which ies, - J. Willi 9
am Co�diter, Arthur Aiken. Missin power, He -said, I'ThLis is 'c'm
,iriclude, from, the left, Dr.''W. A. 04ids, Mrs. when picture was taken Was HUgh Flynn, Hullett exaibing time to be, farming and
W a brman, Mrs. Frank Fingland, Mrs K. S. Towns -hip. (News -Record Photo by Jo Visser)
N Cfintonteglon a1s16 a dangerous age in Which
to ber farming," HIe. said that
h", mers toaay have "vnlimited
a or 'Meets Monday of,power at their t1ingertips. We
can, take a bn$f cup of liquid,
,H spital Board Ream ownized CANVASS FOR.
0 Chiftn branch. of the Wall and control the Weeds in
Cmiadlan Legion is holding the acre _ w'.havechemical power,
RED CROSS March gener meeting Kondhy electricea powerand in genetics,
a lbilm, ]is on the agenda there 4s, a ne I w power for live -
,Will No-wo Have 15 Mem6eis U eq1tertainment, armer must be
sltaqlc, The f
A bylaw committee, headed Monday night. The bylaw had Another new pasition. was cre- ON MARCH 22 Tomorrow n$ght'(Friday) the trahyed to cope With thege pow -
by E. Beecher Menzies, present- been approved by the Ontario ated, that of director of nursing. The canvass' for funds Le0ion is -holding a stag at ers,. or, they can -be nVisused, and
ed the bylaw. at the annual Hpspital'Servk1ces Comm-issio Mm. W. R. Phinneywho. bus for the. 0imadlan Red Cross Wich the'draw will be made become dangerous and disiast-
n' rons", lie saild.
meeting of 01-intgn Puplic Hos- Five of the 15 members are been superintendent, Will fill SO'Meliy begins Monday.,- 'for a $100 bill. Greatlog Were extended,lby
,plital board, to, olfficially.change appointed for a.one-year term; thb, position. Mareb 22 -in Cldn.ton. ClIn- Members are reminded of th e Warden Glen Webb, from Ste -
and have the hosrAtal operated five are elected for a one-year A bylaw -setting up member- ton's� four service- clubs, are Red Crass drive for funds in St.
by a 15 -man board of governors.. t0mana five are elected for a slAp in Clinton., hosplt&l asvoci- each canvassing a: ward,for James Ward during the week phen Township; Tom 14eper,
ThI6 bylaw wNch was first dr . a- two-year term. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, local - Hullett, chalirman. of Huron
ftled in 1962 -was ation was adso approved. Any chaftinan of the society. beginning Monday, March 22; County Coruncil Agricul%mral
adopted by The five two-year members citizen of Olkiton and area who the Legion District "C" meeting Cbmn-dttee,, Mayor Don Symons
Clinton hospital -association are -the -top five in the balloting meots. the, following, If the canvass is not com- in, Mtdixener Polish Legion of the Town of Clinton; James
-for elected memblem,
L Anyone who, -has donated pleted Monday -or if there bxlaaich� on Suftday, March 28; Barrie, Galt, district director of
ers*nnel of thds yeaw's board $100 or more to the hospital -is no one home, the can6 and thre zone public, spealding Still Huron County SeedCharnpion the Ontario Soill and Crop Im-
Area Musician of ' governors, ars: 'E. Beecher since December 1, 1962 is a life vasser -will call back later finals in Clinton Legion Hall provement Association, - and Don
Mei3_zies, Huron. County Council (Continued on� Page" Five) in the week. on Saturd'an. April 3. Bob Fotheringham, RA 3,. Seaforth,, is still
Hill, soffs specialist of the Ont -
S or Tests appointee; Reeve Duff Thmnp- seed -fair champion, for the seventh, mio, Departxnen�tlbt Agrioulture,
Clinton; Dr, W., Huron County
Pas,,' es M e am, Town, of time. He amassed 38 points in the Huron Soil -and who -has worked - with Huron
A. Clakes, president of Clinton ers. X
Medical Agsodatton; Dr. F, G. Crop Improvement Association seed fair last week- f ainn fx. Hill introduced his
end. at (CUSS auditorium. His gecond-cut baled hay successor in the. t4ree-clounty
elected by ClintorTayfield -Couln,cd. -.Rwomolution
Ass6cilatt . I I entry won over last year's world championsh arm b6; hag serveU, Th, HVTbn
9� 61 ion, and Mrs'. 'P Perth -and Waterloo.
S. Wood, president of the entry of Wilbur Keys, also of RR 3-,Seaforth.
Doug Miles, Huron County
osp.Aad Ai1xillary, all
Womens 171, S_ agricultdral representative, who,
-year term. A'kS'T0% K(ampt Pu6h C', Sch000l is also secretary-treasuxler of
appointed for a one
T-wo-year member�: ' Joseph,
the Humn Soil and Crop Im-
Prh Wonners At Huron Seed Fair
MuLophy who was also re-ellect- (By �Vmhley Belloha-unber). payers and parents of this vil- bad 1yeen laid on several streets, provement Amdation, sad4 he
ed president.of the board; Har- lage, and a large majority of and also reported on the condi-
BAYFIE LD .- The public wasthrilled at the quality sbaiv
old C. Lawson.; J. William Cou-
the rate payers and parents of tion of the village ball root. Show Quality Seek, Grain and Hay -and turnout of farmers.
be- rt 13 s . chojol. situation was"thorough-ly ful"M
nter, vice-president; Ra Ing er school sections 3 and 4, After ddscuslsion,*coundl decided Over.allentries were down in h2an; R. K. Alexanu,,'er, Londes-
and Mrs. . Wil li - discussod -at the regular meetd Guest Speaker
shlortiy call tor
Campbell, dam declare itself Wongly op- that the�y M
-x1d Village Coun II number -at the Huron County bom,
of Baybe cl o�n
Norman ftlom Goderich Town- posed to, the mmw�l of eleralen- tenders for Te-shinigumg the Hugh E. McGill, assistant
Monday, March.15, -kgb m
ship, tairY school fwilitles from Bay- roof. Soiland Crop Improvemlent'As 25 lb. I ipisture shelled livestock commissioner for Ont -
51 Concern was expressed. solclationzeed fair in CHSS Au -
I One-year members:' Arthur the seen-Ang lack of con 9ver field; Reeve; lClift reported tMt' in ditorium last weekend, but qua- Bushel of -white beans, Russell axio, told over 400 persons at
Alken, Mral. Fxanh: Fingland; cern on 0 es,dh I Robert F otheringhlam. the seed fair� that the matto of
Hugh Flynn from I-1u,11ett Town- the part of Stanley TOWI�Ship "2. Further, because of geO' company Wital COuncil,1011S Mc- lity was reported -as excellent,.
graphic conditions, economic Padden and Odd3. Half bushel small, seeds Rus- a large insurance company, "The
41 Board for the e�fson 'he 'had Following is the first three sell oes, 11; G.
ship- Leen Rehorst from Tuck- Area Sc 0101 factors, and population trends, atten a eorge j��.Ltley, future belongs to those who pre-
qanll and Orval �ights of minoWit ded a planning workshop illers,in the 17 c4lasses:
ers t1f Township y opjndon w"tb" it wcpld -seem in ti-le'interests held RR I Dublin; Robert Fothering- paTe for it", should be applied
in the schoQ1 area. In particular, in Goiderich on Wednesday
Fmgelstad. of the whole Stanley Townshdp and Thursday of last week; !Kr Busbel of oats, Robert Folth- hani. to the farming industry.
Eleven were nominated f the council war. unlanamous, in M' Z� ug, s F e uot I 1gurei th It ie.
or School Area that two rolom!s H. Ormond accomppnied bi eringhem., RR 3 Seaforth; Rus- Bushel of ear, corn, Do a ('x f a ti
eated positions on the feeling that the often explvs8ed sell Oesoh, RA I Varna; Allen -1 ation will be doub
wish of Bayfl(Ad, for continuat- should be added to the present, Thursday, corn, Robert Dow,,, RR I -Jen- World popuk
board. Frank Cook, one of 11a9t. cmnparative�y new, Bayfleild Bettles, RR 2 Bayjieid. slall; Robert J. McGregor, RR 2 led -by the year 2000; Ontario
MISS CAROL BROWN . lon of elementary school facililt- Discussion followed on the
years members- was the defeat- School, to: provide a four -roomed Bushel of barley, Increase in populataon by
Daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. ed candiqate. ties in, Bayfidd, seems to be dis- possibUty 6f a subd�vlslon con- Russell Kippen; James McGregor, RR 2 will
regardec F)dhool unit fbr Boytteld and the Oescb; Rober't Fatheringham; Mppen. one =,d a half nilllion by 1970,
Willi -am )3rQWnj Seaforth, The bAlaw states that trol bylaw and formation of a up to, eight million. Td feed the
(fo=01ily or Hi6noall), has re- ficer shall hold -an Off' nc� of- The following ros.olution was western �ortion of 'Stanley pltanmmg board, J11m. Broadifoot, Brumfield. 25 lb. high xnodsture corn cob increasing -population - we will
Ace for Township, and this council re- Alton, RR 2 Lucknow; Jim meal, Don Brodie, Brumfield-
6ehred wmid that -she has sue- more than five.yearls. pas!sed unanhnously: The Reeve stated that al- 13, dt; Robert Fothering-
".1. That this cour 11 of the commen& that such -action be adro I have fewer farmers, therefore
as'appoint'A lel most 600 gignatures have been h'o Jim Broaffloot; Harold P"Yee, the need for more efficlency.
;-.'cegsfully passedtwith honors Thoanais Steep w ed taken." am.
her Associate Solo; Performers as secretary-treastrer of the village of Bayffeld, having con- appended to the petition for RR I SealbIrth.
sidered the wishes of an over- John Lindsay, roads superin- Busbel of shelled corn, Jim "To be effitlent die farm
&aniinvitions dh piano from bolaid of governors, and also a4' whelming xnajordty of the rldte tehdOrt, reported that gravel (Cbntlnue�d on Page Ten) Broadfoot; Robert FaItheving- 4-H * Club, 10 ears of. hybrid mustble wollbalanced", he said,
,both- the Royal ConservatoW ministrator of 0inton. Public corn, l3ft Bi�oadfoort, "It makm no sebse to fertilize
of,Muslc, Tbrontd and West- Hospital, Mr. Steep has been Mrst-cut baled hay, John fields, dftin themend then for -
ern Conseilvatory of Muite, acting in these capacities for Henderson, RR, 5 Seaforth; Jim -get about the stock that these
Ldhdon, smne years. Bowman, RR 5 Brussels; Gor crops -we going to feed " stated
(linton (harnber of Commerce To Meet Tonight (Continued on P��e' Ten)
Miss Brown, who has been, (Continued on Page, Text)
stud�4ng music since she was ShoWn here is the front and
five years of age, is the organ-
ist of Fftst Presbyterian. LUCKY CAT back co,yer of the new bro- Pre, Went of Clinton Lions Club,
Church; Seafordi and, the pi- "Tj&', a large figev &t
Anist for the Junior F armers owned by� Mml. Pearl Pass-, chure produced by the C of
arge clasa more, of HensW, 1, and a real
'Choir. She has a I d and Clinton Industrial Les Ball Died Monday Night
of Piano stucitnts lb Seafoeth, pat, had his t"lls remoV-
She hav plkyed at the Strat- ed at ZuTqch, by a veterin- committee. This Will be' President �t Clinton, Lions
ford Kiwanis Music Festivlal. ary surgeon. Vm tonsils discussed in the council Club and former loical business -
every Yee sifice, she, started, were 'badly Infected and he! Man, George Lesfiis� (Les) Boll
her musical career and receiv- was ttnable'to eat; at the' chamber. Also there died suddenly Monday niglit. He
ed. many prizes land scholar. same time he �also bad hl�§ 'It be sai -Ie had at -
ships there, She was. aomm- teeth cleaned. The voterift- �Vi election of di, wag 64 veam old.
panist goloist at thti ary w" real kind to -him, rtotorg for the '65-66 tended a Red Cross organizat-
TOC11=10 lobal meeting for the Liom earl -
Drama Ves*- giving him antibiotics and !or in the evening. He resided at
M tL Please plan
,,0ali ;held as part of the Huron ing'arlbing a tube d1own in
24 xiirk Street,
,Oouutyl Sted Fair in Clinton, throat. Tim, is recovering
to attehd this hftimI
Born hear Aubum on Novoni
N1,111111 ., I., ",
nicely at his horne, -5, 1000, AV. 134 had lived
las;t Priday night-.
portant meeting., btr
N in Rullett Towns -hip and Lon
v tesboro, land came to Clinton
k.,j g-, 22 years ago, Ile, owlMu ULM
Seedfair Cha-mpio'ns Uke Home
Leslie Balt Auto Supply for
"00, many years, stilling to NeXethe
Many Tro hies And Special Prizes Automotive Ltd. a few years
P ago. Mr. Ball cohtfi!uLed to be
Royal Bank df Canada, Chin- ten Or More D!UtS, Gordon Yeb,
0, Part-time vel&mm"�
p "for the
ton, 9,11vet ame bowl for, -the AR 8 Clint6na
now exhibitoT, With the ibbvt The T. Zaton Ltd., �;Hvee tray,
parents were the
Mr. Ball's
best bushel Of
points, Russell Oe9ch, 311:� I VV- for Olt oats, ob Lat George I-Ionry Ba a"n Ab-
na. ert Foltheringh,
hic, Bedford. On October 4, 1928
Sones, MabNaughltoh Per,be-
Bank of Montreal
he was bu"Iett to OlivL- May
_41V m09t points' III
Por &vamplon, -81bi4L Ing,
�fijp Silage, �11d,' T i0isli who gurvives, along
3barry WheatleV, RR I Dublin, 8nYaU- geedg clam P.Mell'Oegeh. WitIl tft daiaghters, Way- LES BALL
10len) Pisbt�& Ahd AIrs
Canadi1aft, it peA91 Bank' of PPIttor Coen R�Qid i�fdbalf
Commerce, 1�lyth, sliver -plated bush& of hybrid cohi to Pirst
Lloyd (Wala) PfidX, both of
22 ni
trty for gtand hay champlon- pi�ize Winner lix the eat corn Xits 'en Club paid a i4sit I
the funeral home,
obip Robwt Vothevingham, li;R. (Continued ion page n4,ve�) Ing he�a'to-
The funorta is� b&j
Mex Ight (Wadheg&,y). Cl*
day (Thurg;day) frofti the Bell Last ni
R, D;, Aloxo_ndet, Londesb6ro, 1h6 Weatfidr dh :Vuno ftftn Limis OuV were at the
aAd Mat
of d6ffiltwdlal CH-.
Rev� taw noulaton of vxtter Amm"ga home, for 4 short wr-�
-max Ordothy, for tho dhamplon. Ift 1664
oMdaighg, Pdllbetuerg Will be Ace,
ftiemba%of afr�toh n At a L10118 executive mceumg
1-YAgh Low laigh to
shipin baieId hay, Robert Rloth�
60 "1
X06 it) V ilae'M buff V110YA Jdtk ScrUton, Tuesday evenlxng, fks,-� v,,jc.�_
36 28 27 14 1 VZOW, � , I, �
mfto 9 Oompany Limited, 11 �g lit U -q
Mix ibag8 of foffit4�a gook talit. il. �9� A7 - .26 �2 I IM .111 86W,& sid'ohi 1) 10 rAphipo6o conselAM
Brown, 9691 dl� abd to c&riV Out the datier, of pi4w,�
C,i ixt N R co�_r- d
TO thqb; thampilon aft th h i� "Bt 19
Xeh n6tt, ll�ent Will be- in Ment for the remaind& -a 10r,
cc J3
hfty 61499 Pt,,- D , PAhOringt6n, U 33 90 M 34
1 36' 23
Ur. Ball Wag A ml mbde a- dvt tA a vlw,�04dmmt tor thd
mbfttal DiAtlat 064P $6 06 id,,' 84 '27 44 �22 W0t1ey-W$hdq TinibWA, ��hutdt tbiftijiao- of, tud u6m Club
fo tho. 192wwt 2,T. Snow q
bit.. Tu&day ewning, aftek yftr,
....... ... . .... ..
0 1