HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 9....... ... . . ..... Auburn 1" 's Plan, 01ble SOW u6u,'rn and, Distri C AU3VRN Plans for the 1,31-ble a MW WOE dally V, cation, Sobool for this coniniunitY Were ,tarted in the 4uburn Baptist Church with representatives from the :,our'ehiArchm present. s,. Thatnas llaf,191,tt, �Tr$l Ing. The lAbIl4rR14 of the Auks C;vIg Peters, wa, s the chair" cimora, Brown. and miss Lawn Mr and Mia. Peter Hellulgg, public Ll�raqcy requevts that �11 man Tor the mootdAgr and opened HanIc And Elizabeth, visisea with a short devotional Period, the� 14-131-m County 1411brWly books. Phillips visited on Sunday wltli f40114.s in Seafatit-I'l over The financial statement as Pre - Mrs, George Beadle. and Mrs. weei end. M On Marcli 13,• pared by 13ert Marsh*was adopt - X. Te butt at Huronview and Last week the Tina' Station. Frank Woltei% of Ingersoll is ed as read and, also- the minutes M'S, William MIACib and MISS whioli Pau MadInnis has aper, visiting ills 'sinter Mrs, Arthur were read by Mrs. W. Bradnocic, ,Dorothy �iTutcli in Clinton. -ed for u tow'years was closed. Grango, JenniferacidShelley, at It was decided to have the Several �laung people from Cliff Brown: and Mr, Macl-pMs rehooloominence, on July 5 an here attended the Deaner'� ser- are going. to be in charge -of the Friends are pleased that m have the opening service in vice- at Qorrle. -on Sunday even- now BA .station at Kingston a can Church Inn id Jayne Arthur was able to, re, St, Ma.rk-s Angli Id X Victoria Streets 'in Godericb, turn home after lier sbort Bi- t 1, V lie various classes to beheld in Spring must be close - the aim 4n Clinton Public Rospjtqj� the other Sunday school rodws. pr live Leaders. a to be in .ppointed ROW FEEDPNG WITH lee went Q'vt on� the Kait"and winners Q� the Ogress River on Sunday, March 7 at euchre p-,vty last week,spou- Malge, of me cuj�perent classes "NA-CHURS" LIWID 'loot', sorpa by the btdl board were:' were: hocl, Mrs.'Wilfred er . Pre�sr Mr. and, Mrs. Rbn Rothwell,F. high Inaii, James Make, second, Sanderson; primary, Miss Bt W, 81�, FERTILIZER PROVE$ Michael and, Janice of Brant- Williaw I Craig; high lady, Moe AllreDougall; junior, Mrs ford spent the, 'weekend with MmXeith,Machpi, second, Mrs, Lloyd lilumphrays and senior, her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Gor- D911,11d Plunkett; most lone Craig Peters, PROFITABLE' ON don R, Taylor, Mrs, Taylor re- hands, Mrs, Bert Craig. Air, and Colleen Wolfe of, London is, CORN CROPS:. turned home witl-i them for a Mr�.. Donald Halniis were in to.be invited to assist with the weeks visit. charge of the. gaines and the senior class and e4vb -Sunday, During the past four years Mr. and Mrs, 14 DaV104 vis- lunch was Tbam- School will be asked for a dor manY corn growers, throu, as L'a 1 011 IvIts. Arnold Craig wtion, Berit Kwsh was asked t ghout ited •on Friday vening with XT, . 61 war this area haveused NA­ChuTS" and Mrs., Jim Hembly at Dublin, "and Mals, Donald Haines, be treasurer,of the school again, lAquld Fertilizer �'6.2040 at , We are plesed to rep P1 I -an ng time . with their corn, Miss . F art that' 'John Daviesfortriays a Hu�lan Stoud ti Wilma Mut&h i I t The results have been outstand, a after s able a " be • 7Increases of 15 to 426 13iish... around ter her 111pess, . St. ML ark's Ladles'' Guild Express ExTression marks the face of every r y actor in is the lover played by Jobn',DaN4es after he � diank 11 more per acre 'have, been Several from this communtity obtained. attended the I this. scene .from a: cam so, hardened ipside him, Ice Capades t edy play by George Bexnard me liquid plaster and. it a Loodon, last week and enjoyed Shaw. - From the left, they are: Michael Ball, the The play was a part of the performance put -on - These growers found thait by. ed Vletvs On "ThL"Comfortable Pew using OVAChurs?' Liquid Fer. the perfora=,ce, landlord;:Toby W-ein'burg, the" wife and, her jealous by •.the Crest Hour C6,.-np=5( at Central Huron tilizer in the raw with the seed Mrs e W il-liam. Seers entertain- AUBURNThe Lad,i ild discussion following. .Comments Tond4y aft�,rnoon. es GV husbandplayed by Larry Beattie; Helen Conway Secondary School last TZ at planting time they could get ed in honor of her 'daughter, of St, Mok's Anglican Chi*ch were given on the book The their corn away t6 a faster Gailft 11th: birthday with s. din- Marmo in • the role of the maid and on the couch niet',at the home of Mrs. Gordon Comfortable Pew :and it was start, The fact that now a for- ner with birthday cake And can- R, Taylor with .a goorl attend- suggested that all members read itilizer was avallable that could, dles. The little guests were ancei The hostess had charge of this book and also' the bools,'Up-' be used right In the raw with Marie -Plunkett, Jane Bakelaar, the meeting and opened with a on This Riock, which is available the seed gaye them., a deeper,'11,yrin Turner� Trao Machan, G.'Herman and Mrs• stronger root structure, This Sheron Collins and Faye Seers. Lenten hyxim, with Mrs. Taylor at the Auburn Library. ("Ai ter carried in a decorated gives you a start which results as; piani§t. Mrs. Clifford Brown Women From Four Auburn -Churches Chancel Guild n in increased yield and more read the. scripture ]lesson A piano solo was played by basket, full of artheles for her, and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and profit per acre, 1. Thomas Haggitt led in Andrew Kirkicarifi-01 gave 'the Hold Wofld, Day of Prayer Service Honors M. e Pn h e- r pantry shelf. After all the pa -• big factor in usin Auburn CGI prayers, n women's cels, had been opei-ied, Mrs, Me - 4 9 . missionary theme 6 innon Kirmon thanked the ladle's. for the' NA-Churs'l-Liquid, Fe I r�-- The13ilble Study was -prepared 0hurch work in' the different: , AUBURN- The World Day Bert.porian were, the leaders of Mrs. L.- McK* their kindnesses and th- er Program is that it speeds up on by Mrs. Fordyce Clark and this dioceses, Mrs, Ed. Davies gave at prayer service was held in the Baptist Church and they oughtfulness, A decorated cake planting; important savings in Hear Talk was read by Mrs, Haggitt with a reading on thought.4 of .early Auburn community in the Bap� Were assisted by Mrs. Wilfred A vei,7 happy event took with lighted candles wa Vane labour, lesswork. The TO pump does .. all the work, and a humarouig,rea-ding tist Cl-jupch, with the four ch, Sfanlers,on., J�PtDx Presbyterian s brou lng.� , 0 an The Comfortable Pew. urchips being represented,, The s, Bert Craig, Knox place at the harne of Mrs, Nor- ght in and everyone joined in ,and there's no heavy lift Martin Luther e WMISi Xr man Counter on Wednesday af, singing "Happy Birthday'� to Moot important of all, the liquid The meeting was dosed by leaders of different women!s United UCW and Mrs. Lloyd iv -arch - The Auburn CGIT of Knox Former Native ternoon,3, when 19 Mrs. McKinnon, A dain=ty lunch fertilizer is riglit in, the row singing a hymn, Mrs. -Taylor societies led in - the, -service, Humphreys, St. Mark's Amgli� ' with the seedl,� immediately Plim-ch met at the members of St. Paul's Chancel of cake and ice crearn *a -q ser - Available, when the seed needs home of 'PresbyterianJudy Arthur with first. thanked all who, had taken part Mrs. Frank. Raithby:-and Mrs'. can Guild. Guild met to honour a very ved. The party broke up by W, - it.vice-pregident, Margaret Sand- Of Goderich Tw.p, and turned the meeting-ovdr to i- Mrs. , Robert, J. , Phillips was 2aithiful member over the past eryone wishin - Mrs. McKlYinOn the president, Mrs, Lloyd Hum, Miss Woodcock Diek -0ce and years�h g Ibis of course Is something erson presiding. The. meeting I the organist for the sei R, %.Lillian McKinnon- q �iy, many morie happy birth - V with a call phrey8.'The minutes. were read acqurnparided the quartette coon- whose birithday was March 1, days. that farmers have dreamed',ab- wail opened w Dies; At G.,. Bend by 'rhe secretary, Mrs. John Ut.. pose& of Mi . Donald' Haines, .out for a long. time. , Corn ship followed by a hymn., with Daer and the treasurer, Mrs. Wds Former e Judy Arthur at the piano. -The Mrs. Mary Jane Gordon R. Taylor gave the fin Mrs. Norman, MoClinchey, Mrs. urs., March 11, 196S -Clinton News -Record -Page 9 ,growers vi�ho have used it ar (Minnie), Mrs. Wia", Th' :really pleased with, their re- scripture lesson was ;read . by Smith of Grand Bend' --ed n- Gordo R. Taylor and ;sults,, and today many are using Linda Baechler, followed by the way in South Hurion.11aspital, anG1= i�L41LMU,111. Chiu uptadlur liam. J. CrAg. Jt on evenly acre, Today, thaus- land,-�Acre,corn growers -are using Lond!s prayerand the Purpose. The assistant. 1,0ader, Barbara Exeter, an Monda�, March 1 '111 The Guild decided to buy Psalm 139oks for the Knox Pres- Miss Mary Josephine Wood- The va�rlous prayers were talc- en by Mrs. Thomas Hag glitt, ­Nia�Ch-ursll Liquid Fertilizer Sanderson read an interesting her j -80th year, widow of the Tate W. Smith. byterlan Church. in memory of each-, 74, died Sunday, arch 7, M Mrs. Wes ]3radnock, Mrs. jam es .Prograim, readffig on marriages that were She was biairi in,'Goderich the late, Herbert Govier who had in Clinton Public Hospital, foll- . Jackson, Mrs. Bert Doran. The application rate recorn- fixed, in. the Bible. A duet WSS her plotur" takerlast),404th in 'by been regular attender of the lowing emergency, surg ery. Others, taking various parts mended is, 5, -to 7. gallons in the sung by Diane Mirkeonnell and Township, daughter of the late meetings f any ars or M 'years. An Miss Woodcock had been a were Ws, Norman McCli nehey, I raw at planting . e, depenaing Brigitte Schh,�hting, accompan- Thomas and Elizabeth Harrison. invitation to St. George's Guild, resident of Blyth for 60 years Mrs. Alfred, Rollinson, Mrs. An- on. plant population, at�ion, Additional led by S . Sanderson. A She was previously married to Goderich, on April 7 was accept- and for over 50 years was chief* d�eew Kiricconnell, Mrs. Ed. Da - material be used as side- dressing- and of'coursie, A,ypur and, ,Margaret contest an parts of a turkey the late Arthur E. Townshend, ed. operator of the Blyth Municipal. vies Mrs Oliver Anderson and eorn needs by -all was given by Wendy Schneider. -The funeral ',was held from . A report was given on the Telephone- System, -She retired Mrs. Clifford Brown. means fall . ow up with your Na- The roll call was answered by I the Hoffman Funeral Home, Blyth rectory bY Mrs, Thomas Nov. 3, 1963. The speaker of the afternoon trogp?�,Prqg ubou. "sometl-4ng. I'liavele amed t DaohWrood on Wednesday, Mar" li4aggltt. The roll call, answered Miss Woodcock was past pres- was M'Crabg Peters who Grain Growers, too, are really m dhurch,." 7 . , y fai th and my ch 3, Rev. C, A. Britton, Gr ad by a thought or verse on.Lent, ident of Trinity Anglican Ch - spoke on the therne, "What doth pleased with their results; They The study on the 7 life of Mar- Bend, officiating. Interment was was well responded to and the arch Guild, past president of the Lord Require?" In her in - finding 'they can use "Na- tin Luther, the founder of. the in �T-aitland.Cemetery, Goiderich, travelling apron passed with a West Huron District Women's spiting message sh,6 challenged ,are Churs" Liquid Fertilizer in the Protestant; -was given by . The pallbearers were six ne- •faith penny dropped in, for each letter Institute and past president Of aql Chrlstqans to witness better Tow at planting time, and it Mrs. Wes.Bradnock. The bus- pheWs: Cecil and Keftneth Her- in St. Patrick of Ireland. Mrs. Blyth Women's Institute. , for Christ and to be sure that realli y gets the crop away to a mess wats discussed and Brenda Vison, Cyril and Alvin, Proctor, George Schneider closed the She is survived by four nieces our life is Christ -controlled at faster start: and, best of all, Ball and Brenda, Archambault John Thurlow - and William meeting with prayer. A success- and three nephews. home, in the church and in the ,yield increases of 20 t6\30 bush - els, and more, have been ob. were named to supply the mus- Townshend. ful auction was held. Mrs. Tay- The funeral service was held community. tained, ­ , I I : ical number Mary Sander- A son •-John R. Townshend for served a delicious, lunch as'- at the Tasker Memorial chapel, I I ibout .and 21op will have a contest. Owing predeceased her. Surviving are sisted by Mrs, Ed. Davies and Blyth, on Tuesday, Rev. H. Dan- -For more information "Natchurs" toexam'scoming soon there will adaughter, Mrs. Philip (D, Reen.) Mrs. Robert Phillips. 1 ald5on, Seafforth, officiated. Hensall Nursing Liquid Fertilizer write to: be• no meeting until March 30. Presant of Grand Bend; .also five sisters Mrs. Geo. Proctor 0 1 E very year more than 300,060 Temporary entombment was made in Blyth Cemetery Chapel, 'Home®NA Member Mr. E. McLachlan, President, and this AdU be at the home of Diane Xirkcannell. After the and,Mrs. Lome Thurlow of God- handmade articles of clothing -0 , "Na.-Churs!' Pliant Food' Co. closing hymn, and Taps, Mrs. ericb; Mrs. Della Scoticbmer, and bedding are shipped -over- Since .1947, blood donors haire The Q u e e n s w a y Nursing Harry Arthur served a delicious Egniondville; Mrs. Flaisy Wil- seas to needy victims of disaster given, 7% ­million battles of Home at 100 Queen Street, Hen - .(Canada) Ltd., lunch, Mary Sanderson thanlited liamson, Vancouver, B.C., and and strife by the Women's Canadians blood to their fellow Cana, sail,' has been awarded a cer- London, Ontario, Mrs. Arthur. Mrs. Ernest Townshend, Goder- Work Committee of the Can- through the Canadian Red Cross t4ficate at associate membeirship, icl-i Township. - adiaa Red Cross Society. Free Blood Transfusion Service. in the Ontario Hospital Associ- I In iot) zi a I M of t rs Ltd, MERCURY METEOR - COWET 6nd MERCURY TRucks -TOP iEC.,.',RS 1964 MMURY, MONTCLAIR 4 DOOR SEDAN, power steering, power brakes, power back window, , automatic, radio, whitewalit, wheel discs, one owner. I A, F R) 961 MERCURY MiARAUPa- 2 DOOR HARDTOP, power brakes,power steering, whitewalls, wheel discs, demon- strator. 1963 COMET 4 DOOR SEDAN, 6 cylinder, stick shift., 1962 CHRYSLER AAT GA Power brakes and steering,, loW mileage, one owner. 1962 GALAXIE 500 4 DOOR SEDAN, power steering and brakeg,: whiteWalls, radio, one owner, 1962 CHEVRLOLET STATION WAGON, V8, automatic, eadI6. 1961 VA`LIANT- STATION WAGON; 0 cylinder. 1961 FALCON. 4 OOOR,815_15AN, it dylinder autorriatibi, with radio. 1960 r" L "'Y" M 0' UTH, STATION WAtION, 6 oyllhddN AIso L Vto hdv6 s6fite '59s dawn, priced 0,bas6hobly for 4uiek said. We,,hdV.6 hdW M0400yii, Mbhttirg and C0#11169 in stock fifid tbldtfl6fi to choose ff6th, Phone" '262-2604 be 262*2607 ice gid dr JIM wo wow 66 glad, u ilbffid 60 to ted. yidtlt.' ation. The present owners are Harry and Ann Klungel. Auburn Ladies Honarod by Flower .Society At the annual meeting of Auburn Horticultural Society last week, two voteran members were presented with diplomas for meritorious service to the society. From the left,. Clifford H. Epps, district 8 director; Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs. Ed. Davies, the two honored mernbers; and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, secretary. (Photo by Mr.% W Bradnock) Two Auliurn Horficulturafists- - Receive M"'eriforiou's Diplomas� i .4NN011NUM,9Xrs AM, (Contitted from Page one) ven6vs, This meeting is planned ed each variety and told how for April 12 Lind Mrs. IvraXOt they were cultivated,, Mrs. V0. will be the guest speaker, and Davim, thanked Mrs. Jessop and Miss Roseme�Clark will shrew Presented her with a gift, her plotur" takerlast),404th in 'by 1_, ATrs. Russel Brindley and Mrs, Arizona, Lunch wos served Arthur Change were named del- Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs, egatos to the Ontario .Hor ticul- Oorrdoll Doble, 10 ture Associatlot-, Antittal meeting to be held in Guelph on June 17 Anausement Park and 18, Ain;, 14ort, Craig prevented the Ai 1967 Fair flamiclal rol)6.rt which showed a To Be permonent balance of $51.00, Mts. Gaorgc Milliari played h medley of Irish tunes on the piana. Selling tho The amusement, parR Planned for the 1061 World Exhlblt!1513 tidkotg on the plant wasMigs in Xbraroal will be a $15 to $20 Viola Thompson, Mrs, C. 14, million project which wilt re - Epps made tho draW which was main a, permanent feature of won by Miss, ni Iffla mutch, M-antroal 'after the- Vxhibition Plan,5 wc!ro made for the, next oloses, It wIll bio- known. U La medthg, which will bc, Itt ehargd Rondo, Tha permat(nit ptall< will . PLETE TUNE_1"J E of the ladies In Colbotno Town- euvo� about 20 tLeres, s! ffi.11017 to ship with Mrs, Wlllititn CIA& the site of the famed TIV01i and Mt%. lt, avl 8 hdrwood &.q eoit. park In C6pdnhag�m, ijW -4 Special. AnnU^uD1CU^M'e',11t The Odd Fellows and Rebekah Humanitarian Service Committees (Hospital Bad - C.P. & T.) of CLINTON - SEAFORTH - BRUCEFIELD - HENSALL EXETER -:BRUSSELS -WINGHAM announce that they are again sponsoring a subscription campaign for the purpose of furthering their Humanitarian Service Programme "Instituted for the purpose of relieving distress wherever found," and for purchasing additional sickroom equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, etc. This sick room equipment is made- available to any resident of HURON COUNTY FREE Of Charge For Home Use. Your MAGAZINE ORDER (New or Renewal) will help further this communityproject and every resident' is urged to co-operate. Residents when called upon should request to see the representative's letter of introduction signed by a C.P. & T. Committee Member of Clinton, Seaforth, Bracefield, Hensall, Exeter, Brussels and Wingliam. This is to eliminate any misrepresentation by unauthorized persons. DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOUCITED OR ACCEPTED W. G. Fisher, Esther Campbell Exeter C.P. &, T. Chairman Sealforth C.P.&T. Chairman Margaret Ingram Hensall C.P. & T. Chairman James A. Cox Fred McGregor C.'Inton C.P. e, T. Chairman Brucefleld C.P.&T. Chairman E; J. Walker Bob Richmond Wingham C.P. & T. Chairman Smssels C.lam: &T.* Chairman FORI SUCK, R00tu\A NEAREST C.P.'& Te C HARRMAN Ae4" 0010101014W 1,11;,Ie 119t,1id11-';V 010 Aest Leet usassist you wiffi your plans -for that ail important ,hedding day. Y6ur tholce of vavlous paper stocks, i),pa styles and sfie4 '11- l ask for.. W MT10N> Select youtueddiing,%iVitatiom, aMlidun0bitnts 110a acceo6ritsvfth coibP16% confideado gs W quality and correctness of f0kni, Ws ALso HAVE Plns6NALIZ91) *,01ANO NOXIM, 06 cat 13OXES Inton News Recoircl 54 Albert!,trot *-i Clinton ... ..... .. .. ........ . .... ..... .. .... COME IN AND SEE OUR C011PLM S=CrION or 0 INVITATIONS i .4NN011NUM,9Xrs Y6ur tholce of vavlous paper stocks, i),pa styles and sfie4 '11- l ask for.. W MT10N> Select youtueddiing,%iVitatiom, aMlidun0bitnts 110a acceo6ritsvfth coibP16% confideado gs W quality and correctness of f0kni, Ws ALso HAVE Plns6NALIZ91) *,01ANO NOXIM, 06 cat 13OXES Inton News Recoircl 54 Albert!,trot *-i Clinton ... ..... .. .. ........ . .... ..... .. ....