HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 7'Thm,r5,, SOW! Vit 1904- ..clintqn NR.WP,RIPP9rd 1):99.P: 7 Classified Ads'Bring Results • An Information Meeting on FAME will be .held the $E4FORTI-1 DISTRICT HIGH, SCH004 AUDITORIUM on •Tinirsday. March 18th, at 840 pm.. Special. $peak, ers will be in attcncianC0.. Meetino 'spo.nSorect • by Heron CoUnty .Federation , ...pf-Agriculture, EVERYBODY WELCOME Ws True $10,000 invested 1950, is worth $36,000 today, Investors Mutual Way. W. G. CAMPBELL District Manager Investors Syndicate Ltd. 27-iffatt9U seaforth — 527-0462 SYNDICAlt LIMITED to feel the shortage. JA:•ltOtti% WHEN YOU BUY A 3'7 WALL SCRAPER 44 47, 16 GAL, PLASTIC GARBAGE CAN REG, $7.95 $ ONLY 98 Ruttproof wafer4ight, lightweight; but stiono and Ournble. Lotloott cover, 26"111Qh. m:,:,K.o.:4••• • Versatile all-purpose saw, easily cuts from ri;ny.angles ...through wood, metal, plastic, etc. Powerful 6.0 amp.- motbr. PAINT ROLLER KIT TRIM ROLLER WiTH EXTRA 1 99 FOR 42A 7 Ind, metal tray With 7" Whole. roller for .quick easy Painting. 3" TriM roller gets into corners and canfro,lhoeie+.:. 42 Huron Presbytery Hears Comments By Rev, Co fi, Park On Church Union urn presbytery of the a/49 point out that BUSHEL-SIZE SQUARE LAUNDRY BASKET ited Church pt' • Canada held A. regular meeting on Weal:1;040y, lVfareli 3, in.. Wingha,M United Ohtirell, Under rhairinan, Rev. d, ,Clifford Britton of SeatOrth... Pres,bYtery. was informed that' 14 ministers ',are entering The United Church of CanadA -from • such .oltnrClieS as; The Baptist _Convention of Ontario and Q4e- bee, The Evangelleal _Reformed Church of Northwest Germany, The Chinese _Christian Church of Formosa, The. church of slootiand, The llefonied OhurOkI, in America, rateee .min.iste0 be received by Presbyteries a-, cross 04444a, Rev.. Cliff G, Pe* -of Clinton, Meinb,ar of the London4juron Committee on Church Union, commented upon prospects of union between the Anglican and United , Churches. "There are two requirements. for .4 successful union between' -the two -churiches, (1.) the accep- tance of Bishops by the United ! Church. and (2) recognition by; the Anglican Church of the Un- ited Church ministry as valid without're-ordination. "In .the proposed new church the method of establishing and cOnsecrating BiShops should isfy the Anglicans; then again, the fact that the Bishops would be responsible to the Church CoUrts. should make it accept-. able to the United Church 'We• will, be mutually .ageWtatale membership as well as ministry, "It Shptild be Rept in mlinl that the Lencion-l-luron Coin- mittee's, findings have no aUth- ority outside London Confer, once and Huron Diocese; we do hope that our plan will spark digetiSsion and acti913,9 Rev. Park Said, The 'United Church Women of Tinron PrPOWtery reported that 2,957 ineniberS raised a total of 3110,000,00 an 1964, The Centennial Cos inittev in- itiated plans, for the observance of. the Church's 4Qth Anniver- sary,when it designated Sunday, June 6th as the day to hold such an event; it recommended that each congregation plan a local service with a SPeakew from another denonlination guest, "In such a way," the Committee Chairman, Rev, Ce- cil Jardine, Winghanl, reported, "We can einPhasize cur mem- bership in the Church Catholic (or worldwide).7 A solemn note was expressed regarding the shortage , of or- dained ministers. Ninety Men are lost each year in the church through death, retirement, etc. With the increase in the number of new churches being establish- ed and a poor enlistment in the ranks of students, the picture does not look good for the rural areas Which would be the first Varna "Amy annual meet, ing wa.,s held at. the home of Mr, and 'NA* W444 -DPW4.21.3, on Saturday .evening, The 'Li:brary has had. A. uPPV.$,101..yPAr and added a. ingnher of now hooks to the shelves, The members elected to the library board for the .coming year are; Mrs.. William KcAsii, Mrs. Tiarold Elliott; Mrs., Wil iiam .Dowson, Mrs. William Clarke, Mrs,- Mervyn HAyter„ Mrs. Alegi . Ostrom, William Tay, ior„ A. a. lquatard. and . Fred 1\foOlyment. • After the :meeting the board met and appointed William .Tay, for as 'chairman and Miss Edith Beatty .as, 'librarian; and seem- tary,4treaauret', It • was decided to open the Library on Saturday afternoon and evening only during the coming year.. A conceit will be held in the Township hail on .Friday even, ing of this' week when. Mr, and 111.1111111•14111.M011•11, Mrs, 'Stewart .Middlet9n, Will show pletUres of Northern .g4i7 rope, also mi-isie .and song by the 41Plie.,rim ingers" of Clixr ton, The Day of Praver. was oh, servo .in Varna United Church on Friday afternoon with the president ,of the UGW, Mrs, li;ohort. •Taylor in ellgge, Dave Martin .of Savfield gave the address an "What Doth. the. Lord Require?".. The .Explorer group of the. United Church held a, very sup-, .0eS.SfUl "Pancake Supper" on Tuesday evening of last week. The March meeting .of the United Church Women was held Thursday evening in the .church with Mra, Percy Johnston, 1004, Pr of ..Group.' 4 in charge of the pre-Lenten devotions, and was .assisted by Mrs, Frardc Mrs, William Dowson and Mrs, Wayne TaYler, The prayer was given. by MPS, Johnston, Mrs. Lee McConnell gave a reading. Mrs, Lyle Hill had ch- arge of the study book and spoke on Brazil and 'the duties of the church. Twenty-seven members answered the roll call. During the peat month 55 calls were made to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Gordon Hill gave a re- Port on the decorating commit- tee and Mrs. A. J. Mustard, re, ported on the succesS' of the pancake supper.. Mrs. Percy JOhnston closed the meeting With prayer and Group 3 served lunch, For several years, ever singe: X toOk MY memorable trip to Fort churchill,, .haye been try,: ing. to. remPinber in time fOr PePPle Planning their vacations,1 to -write abont Flin .F1.00'.0 an, nual Trout Festival. WS is tbe : tYlie of truly rugged adventine. that one yOants to have,the joy • of 'anticipating for several months.. lield en. the -weekend to ..Celebrate• otir f‘aMons 104Y, this year the festival slated or Amp 3c) to july 4, , With a title Such as Trout, Festival, Pne could be forgiven if they thought this is a fishing venture only.. Far from. it, Tbe annual fling, tbis year celebrating its 15th anniversary, cevers ,everything from the trent trophy event tn. lost raeing. Travelling by rail from nipeg, you-will find there is no spirit like that of the north country, They -throw themselves into organizing this festival with the zest of a hive of bees, There are two pictures in the publicity which is sent to me each year that certainly, if I hadn't already sampled the hos,- pitality af this rugged commun- ity, would sell me the idea of a Trout Festival holiday. The first is the burly winner of last year's flour packing contest (it says here 650 •pounds!) toting huge sacks Of flour on his back 'added only by a wide thong a-, cross his forehead. They keep piling the sacks on until the,. winner staggers over the finish_ line. One more teaspoon of flour added to his load and, I'm sure he'd have been on his knees. The other. picture that in- trigued me is the ban:nook bak- ing contest. ST:tatting in the middle of the road over a small wood fire, a pretty squaw watched by her well-fed. mate while she pours the baiter and produces in jig time a beauti- fully flipped bannock I am not quite sure Whether the object of the best ban/lock,. the quick- est cooked, or the prettiest con- testant, That is left ter theva'e", Service Officer At Legion, March 22 All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of a free Legion service. H. W. Moyer, Service Bureau Officer from London will be at Clinton Legion hall on MondiaY March 22, at 5 p:m. to give skilled advice on veter- ans' 'benefits. Anyone with ques- tions on war disability pension, War Veterans' Allowance (bur- nt-out Pension), treatment, or hospital care is urged to call or write Doug. Andrews, who will arrange an appointment. NEWS OF VARNA r I Diary VagpbOnd Table has open mesh steel top for faster, , cooler ironing. 12 height adjustments for comfort-level iron+. ing, sitting or standing. PROven iron has 19 vents, steams over en- I tire surface; Automatic wet-dry switch. Calibrated thermostat -- safe for all fabrics. Rittfri ADJUST/T 17-11 IRONING' TABLE WHEN YOU' # ONLY BUY A rk CY STEAM-DRY •IRON 4 FT. PRC1 TAPE RULE . Smallest, liana. lest, smartest• quality tape rule • psi WHEN 13UY5veltv made. 12 FT. 57 TAPE RULE WITH e BELT CLIP :, Jet black markings against white backg round - red foot markin g s'pn Y2" wide temper• ed steel blade. Case is made of precision die cast light- wei ght alloy metal. FOR ONLY .11/4" PUTTY KNIFE BERNZOMATIC PROPANE FUEL CYLINDER 6-Pa. DELUXE TORCH KIT " LOW PRICE„ SPECIAL Carry-all kitincludes, peneff flame burner, 'blow torch head, paint burning attachment,. solder. ing tip, spark-Irghter, cylinder propane fuel, metal carrying case. ONLY 0„ 58A WHEN YOU BUY A atioi*rs. to find. out Paul -divoards of Cihicago; Wa$ the first trout troMy -164n, ner-/anding b-P441$ th.141t•Wg4b' ed in at -3T. poUnds 12 PUMPS 1951, 1W4,114 was a brand new cal.-. 1.9Q?, wiiieh is the _Jag year noted in the preSs rer lease, Allan Rattray -Of Wilr loughby ,OWo, fished out of -Clearwater Lake 4 radiant trout that tipped the scales at 40 pounds 8. ounces, He drove away in a new car with a ixo, phy replica to. boot festiv,a1 is complete with- out a heanty contest, This One chooses fop the duration olf the f0StivAieS- a _Queen Mermaid. wonder wtilicfn: .41e ptUes most, her win; her mink jaeket ,or the adulation from ber admiring court. These are the _entrants who didn't win but enjoy with her, such majestic rule. There are canoe race:4, a square dame .14Mboree, fish -fries and, the most wonderfully hospitable people you'll meet anywhere in the whole w,tide WOK& Now if you want to extend this fishing frolic CN hes adtiod• to its Maple Leaf Tours several packaged tours to six of the marvelous lakes in Manitoba's fiSherman's paradise., The pack- age includes rail travel, lOwer berth and meals and transfer to and from tbe lodge of your choice; iodge accommodation with meals for the four days fishing plus boats - motors, guides and fish pack,ing. For those who like to fish tbis a bonanza holiday. "North Of .5V While my enthusiasms are north bound I must recommend • the ON's annual all-expense tour to Hudson Bay. It is with- out a doubt Canada's mok un- ique holiday experience, There is fun and dancing, scenery, white Whales in the sun and wheat — bushels of - it in huge government grain elevators rea- dy to be shipped all over the world. The tour includes a Visit to these elevators. Some years ago I sat in the cluttered office of the late Prof. J. Pratt in Victoria College, University of Tomtit>: He Was brewing tea with hot water he had boiled on a small electric plate .perched precariously atop a slanting pile of books. As he very , precisely measured a tea- spoon of tea for each cup and one for the pot, he recited his poem describing the Laurentian Shield as a huge boa which sur- rounds our inland sea. I never dreamed on- that -dreary day in March when he was trying to 'convince me I could make writ, ing my career that I would see so much of his "Great Lone Land". Don't miss it, that is if you can get aboard that train. Quite often it is booked months alie.ad. • Hardened and tempered tool steel 49 ,blades in mirror finish. Treated to re- sist rust. Shatterproof plastic handles. MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Your Choice: PARKLAND (six Towed) BETZE (two rowed) An Excellent Crop For Early Cash, BEAN SEED 0 0 0 Long pfa'stic handled brush in a choice of pastel colours. One piece molded plastic seat with baked-on •encl.,. mel in a' choice of co- !butt. Matching colour molded polyethylene hire es With tnetal posts. TOILET BOWL . BRUSH ONLY WHEN YOU BUY •A PLASTIC TOILET SEAT Teflon treated cover resists scorching - outlasts ordinary co- vers. Wipes clean with a damp cloth. Heavy; duty pad pro- vides firm resillient ironing base, Fits all standard ironing boards. 31/2 -QT. STAINLESS STEEL MIXING_ BOWL ALL NEW 6.0 AMP. RECIPRO BLITZ SAW 5795 ONLY WHEN YOU BUY A t 41111111111111111111111111118111= 62 7A, CLEANWAY VACUU CLEANER BAGS 27- TI FOR A PACKAGE OF 3 TO 6 BAGS Strong bags With correct design and porosity. Fits mast popular brand vacuums upright or tank. GET A 2 CELL FLASHLIGHT' POW );ractcZ tote tiVd: ONLY able flashlight, WHEN YOU BUY TWO CABOINAL F R Two regular "D" size bat. tortes' -4 lite all +standard size. fiaehlichts. EXcellent Quality Ontario Registered—SANILAC 7—SEAWAY —SAG] NAW ICH ELITE 62 Michigan Certified—SANILAC —SEAWAY All Seed Grown from Foundation Stock. BEAN CONTRACTS Available Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Drop In Now For Your Seeding and Fertilizer Needs or Phone 262-2714 Collect E 1CKLE S N Li 1TED E SALL ONTARIO 4tfb TOP PRODUCERS USE "NA-CHURS'.° LIQUID FERTILIZER results are everything that I expected them to be. I have grown my best crops with iNa-Chutto Liquid Oertilizer; and, based on my results, I am using °N5-tliurs' Liquid #ertilitee On every acre In lO6B1"- S ARLI H RDWARE CLINTON BLYTH 482-4821 S234246 ai4.4/ HAND MIXER BOWL: Ideal for use with hand-or elec. tric mixmasters. Heavy gauge stain. less steel, MIXER: Compact light. weight electric mixer with powerful 3. speed motor. Seamless, double chrom. ed, lar,ge beaters are easy to clean. ONLY With 79A Purchase of a NEW SLIMLINE 44-QT..CLOTNES IIALTTEM New square shape laundry basket takes less room, holds a bushel of clothes 17" x 18" x 10" high. New rectangular ,shape, ventilated hamper with molded recessed han- 19 d le. 161/2"' x 111/2" x 21%2". Both in choice of colours. BATTERIES driedoil tvialtristrom, ill=1 2, Miltori # haeVettba 12 bushels of thelied Corn to the aere on the l'i4a,dhurs" Orogratn. 'Obecton Mninistrott, Is one of Holten •dounty,s 604 . mere. ..§aid Mr. Matenstrortit "iqy