HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 65ubscri
tons IQSSttied. Hdvs., W p1Qy AdY% and J0 .Prin't'ing;
P ,
lite well attend.
cit accepted by thp. Bayfield cQrrespondent
a ,
M.i•s. Melehan, Elizabeth ani
Wa tsan ,° ladies' los, 1% Lind- bulanae, Brigade e arse be ld atdon, Mrs. R. Maonoy,-J,.
� ` , � `- ,�,' ` .
Chriaapher of Calaii?:�us1 Ohio,
say Smibli; inen's high, Jahn RCAFStWoA Cllnton on SunQat1 :and guides L1ndK Plor-
f , �F. • 45,
weroguests of her meter And
Lindsay; mens lone; Emors�on dray, March 7, s'on And''Perry MaWiear,
Dor-: Attending Mr: Mrs,; The
t., Yr .:; 'r•�'�?��;b
brolther do -law, Mr, And Mrs.
9va a; lone hands, Miss were and • Guide, Browxtie .and Scout
Arnold Makixis, last week.
arty Mcteod and I•layd Scotch- J, MacV car, Mrs. J. 111erner,,' ineetiangs were cai>uce'llea Iasi
the World Day of Prayer.
Mr, an:d Xrs, Join Taylor,
mor,. The ltzeky draw was worn Mid'.. l), Wa'r�rier, Mrs. R. Brans week due to sickness.
Stratford, spent Saturday with
t.oa: pe y
by Mr% POorge Hanson. _ . .... _ _ � „„.... .... .
.gave an interegling rnessag'e on
My, and Mrs, G• N. Rivers.
Mrs, Clayton Guest, of Guelph
is v,isiting her sister and broth- Ocean Liner, Waits ��a �g
.. . ,
Mrs, Bruce Menery and ler
eventi'g. An; alocw- d;ion, selectioai
was also shown, followed by a 'ivns
nece} Miss Kathleen Elliott, re=
turned last -weer from a two
er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Malca m
:: !,
Tciuns, i �y
for Au I To Arrive
and a. solo. by Mr's, Gordon Sholb-
week vacation spent an Plrgennar,
Mks. Harkry Baker is in Wood- .. r �. R! di Y@
_ _ �. -,Couple e
- .r p
•.• .,a,:
• Arizona,
stock for a few days, the guest
Mr'. and Mr's; . Le Roy Potli
. .
of her .gilanclson, Chtistian Al -: (;rev: and MrS, Robert Meauy' 't could Dave l�eei? us,
uses received their caps. Their,
r{ tux~xied an Tuesday after a
beet Kfaudx, and lois parents, are novP living in their native We had to go. back to, :St,
Tweedsmuir Book coneernin,
three week trip to Floridd, ofMr,
and Mrs. Chris Klaudi, Ireland, :but had their troubles Tliaixias, 'then to Hamilton and
Mr. and: Urs, Jack Hamilton
vvh7Ch, two weeks were spent in
Cub, Brownie and Guide lead- on the first leg of their journey! follow that route', runiring sea!eai
St. Petersburg,
ors .attended a St. Johns Ani- to New Park• hours,latewithno�hopeofcatch.
J. R> R. Willoclr
Mr. and M'rs, J
eail ` a's minister df '
Rev. M y ver . rru t ?ng the boat. We were planning
Groups* Meet
and, Children, Toronto, .uveae fn
o St. Marie's Anglican Church, :to catch tt plane At New 'Ark
.. ,
Mee Service of the W,Old DOY
"`Ode # Hiroki' ; inin�tes were
lite well attend.
'r -00d A4,4 approved; roll eall
ea. Rrs, Ta:to'ld PhJI1JPN of
was answer -W With sh'ow,ng a',
BlYtll a'ddrossed the meeting
wedding plica'to or gift.
with a thougbtful Message, on
'rho ladles Intend entertaining
„yV1 5:t DAtal rias' Lord l�
cit the `(, hjldr('i' la Aid $,a�7lety
lysis, Ruth Vincent contributed
in' May. A donation of $Z-00
a fine, sola:.
to the Hospital Auxiliary was
About 85 Attended the service
approml. Twq: Anesco Coupom
of the Xxp.lorers and CGIT of
will be bought for furthering
the World Day of Prayer.
the waxy of the `W1, in the 1. or th
Guests were from Blyth and
Auburn, Rev. W. Me. Carson
Xm. Howatt and His, Pipe
.gave an interegling rnessag'e on
attended the Auxil.lary
the thio "What Doth the Lard;
meeting in Clinton on Tuesday
Require?".. A film of Trtmdad;
eventi'g. An; alocw- d;ion, selectioai
was also shown, followed by a 'ivns
given, by Barbara Burns
;social hour,
and a. solo. by Mr's, Gordon Sholb-
I Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thonap-
brook were enjoyed, '
son attended, the ceremony on
'The Institute will cater for
Friday, xit Stratfoj�a General
the nren's bowling banquet on
Hospital, where the junior purr
Xamh 24, Mrs. Tom Allen gaffe
uses received their caps. Their,
:many interesting arms from the
daughter Linda b'eg'an a three,
Tweedsmuir Book coneernin,
year course last September;
the origin of Londesboro.
Mr. and: Urs, Jack Hamilton
---�- --�--
and' ihamiiiy of London vufiltQ,d
an Sunday with Mr, Wall Gooier
and Mrs. Webster,
filaig on, the Geographic
Pole on a recent nava»
The W1 meet ori. Thursday,
Groups* Meet
the president openod with an
Ca d a
n „ flag
At ondhoro
gation testin rt''
Seventy-flive girls, members of
the Village on Saturday. ° �
Q L�r ' jeweller
Auburn; and. Trinity . Church,
Blyth, ire E ebru
and fly to'caitch the shin tlrgre.
k� ,
the Auburn and Blyth CGIT'S•
and Ex 'laxer joined with.
Mr. and Mm.'Adam Flowers
until early axe•
There were only five passengo
�9 9�
zy , g'xo�ulis
spentseveral days in Streets-
v lie, last week, They stayed
C sev Atkinson'
The Myth standard received
the fallowing letter from the
on: the trzdn. for the :ship.
However, the train
O0yfield Guide Gets Another Baine
N The World
the Londesboro groups last era -
day evening for tii'eir annual
with -their son, R'us's and fam-
ily which nava' includes 'their
• •
Dies In Detroit
M'eallys as they boarded their
ship 'in. New (orks
;picked up
some last time, and we phoned
the ship when we near New
Guide Linda Pierson 1s shaWrz here rece�iviiag
her Cub Instructor's $ad from $a Cub
The crew 01 an Argus air-
pxrayer Service for girls, in the
Lon;desboro United Church, The
newest grand'd'aughter, .Jill Jr.
Cunard Line;
York, to lain the situation,
g a .field
Master, 'Cpl, J. V. MacVicar, at � �
Parents Night
ex�a6t from the RCAF's Central
(.eiders'. of floe Londeslbora CG -
.born January 7,
Fiftyatnvo people enjoyed an
Donald L. (Casey} Atkinson
aired away in St. John's Hos-
p y
On flee way to Bermuda.
They said they waul:d hal'd untnl
4:1.5 (due to sail At 3,00). We
,he •g
O file $•ayCield Cub Pack laSir ThurSday eVening•
Experimental and Proving Est-
Est -
aablishment, RCAF Station L)p^
IT, Mrs. Carman Moop and lYIrs.
Dave Anderson led the service
evening ai• euchre at the Loya'1,
pita�l, Detroit, Mroh. an 1?xid'a
, '� y
Dear Dou g'
just made at; I was last on
(Photo b %
(. y Mrs. A. Bellchambea•
lands, Ottawa, plashed GanadWs
and the or st was .Mrs. Toni,
Orange Lodge Hail on Fr+>.diay
g g
evening, . March, 5. The, ladies'
Fe17x^ii�riai:� 26, after a short ill-
ne�s's. X -r, Atlsinon was born
Here . is the headlines for your
next issue.
board, She sailed five minutes
filaig on, the Geographic
Pole on a recent nava»
Alen. The choir composed of
members of the Londesboro CG-
h'iigh prize Went to' Mrs. Jack
November 28, i89d to Arthur
We joined the train Sunday.
gation testin rt''
led tree service of song under,Siten:"t
Atkinson and the for-
night at 10 p.m. at St. Thomas
.. R. F. M.
After eamplertin. g' navigation
the direction All -•.
t of Mrs. an Sh
mer Helen Maud Mellaul.
for New York. We had gone'
--Blyth Standard
tests to determine the heading
A retired jeweller, Mn. Atkin-
nearly 200 mile's when we stole
'The A,Icela also present ed the
a•'Ceur+acy of two new navi'gat-
The guess: speairer df the•
son .spent a large part of his
ped. A freight train hi front head
On Thursday, Niaxch 4 the
"Team Player's Badge to Mic-
tonal Mems in northern last-
evening was Itev. W. Mc, Car-
retixem'ent years in Bayfleld.
The funeral service was head
been derailed, with 45 box cans'
blockingthe two fines. They SaY
����� ®��
Cub' P�aek held Parents Night'
with axe overwhelm- turn out.
h�ael ;Eckept explaining to the
'� �
itud'es, the Argos, sect out for
Thule, Greenland, flew directly
son, minister of the c�iurc'h and
his thence was, "Wheat doth the
parents a must
Triivit An lagan Church An
Y Anglican
Cub, Master J. V. Ma:eV.i'c�ax
do to earn. this Proficiency Bark
to 89 N, checked the area and
Lord require of me?„ In his ad -
March 2, followed by i4verment
in Bayfield Cemetemy,
Senior Citizens
Block Rr'nt�n �:
irewrns us that each Cub was
represented by a Father, Niarthi-'
g e He said he would see what
pavadropped. a cannister con-
bainlrxvg the new flag, copies 'of
dress- he challenged them to do
justice, to love kindness and to
J ,
�isOciNE �Ll
r �
could be done• about having an
Y01! rQ KNOW
Rev, E. J. B. Harrison office-
ated and were,. Eddy
•/► */ p
Dr ��� Ladies
er, or both ;parent, He would
to tape this: opportunity of
organized baseball team this
Ottawa newspapers acid a none
of explanation.
walls humbly with Gad, all the
days' of their lives.
Sturgeon, Wallard Sturgeon,
Pick V�4o°1i rb
s1004,w �
thkanking the parents that at-
year in order that other Cubs
While' depositing Caahada
The leaders of the Landes oro
would ly'e able to try, for this
Granit Tu'rn'er, Jim Hutchison,
The Ever Young Senior Cali-
Tmary„day for the pro-
tended and of letting them
new flag an . the Norah Pole
Explorers, Mr's. Jack Lee and
hack Hammond and. Elgin Por:
zen's held ?their March
J e�ct of the service institutes in
lcn!o4v it it all wor't'h
Richard Peterson and Br>�n
{nava, ators consider t e can'nns-
Mrs. Murray Lyon showed the
"Casey" Atkinson was a mem-
meeting in the Orange Hall on
Huron'Coninty for block prinit.-.
- was held last week in: Sea-
wihile when co. -operation such as
this is received. Also a special,
'Mayans bath received their Fir-
ter was dropped within a two
mile radius of the` �xa t �oc tibn
e c 1 a
missionary film;
re -
Trinidad," The offering was re-
hem' of the Marine Historical
' March 4, clue to an
forth Co¢mnunity Centre with
thanks to, Mrs, Pierson and the
� . Sitar" presented by the. Dis-
of the Pole), the aircrarft'circ-
ceivecl b Helen Anderson and
Society. Ike is survived by a
element weather, only 14
over 100 ladies attending the
ladies of the Auxiliary for their
tract Calnm�s�sioner,
,who said he
led' the world in three mitnutes,
Jain Howatt. Ater the service
b�otiher; John M. Atkinsran, and
wered the roll call.
The meeting opened with the
afternoon session,'
much appreciated efforts in put-
was especially pleased to see.
the advancement of the boys be-
orbited the North Pale far three
sill. were invited to the Sunday
a nephew, J. AtkiAison.
singing of Gad Save the
Miss Paitrlicna. Daanude, hone
for County,
g on the lunch.
cause of the fact that he was
minutes, a>ztl crosiers the' inter-
retail room where lunch was
served. Thanking the Londes-
those attending the
Queen" and repeating the Lord`s
economist Huron
The eventingactivities graft
A'kel'a of the Bayfield Pack be-
national date line four times.
bora lettd'ers- and were
11 i
funeral. i:vere, Mr. and Mss. K.
Wesi> on', Pennington, Mich;
Prayer in unison. The secre.`
was change .of the program
and she was assisted by Mass,
under way with Peter McVean
been taken into the
g pack and
lore becoming District Comvinasr
The nate in the cannnsterlot
stated, „ .. . the contain-
girls' .
Judy Arlthur, Auburn CGIT,
Gra(ce-Peck and family, London;
tart' s and treasurer's repents
Judy Gum, homeeraf'ts special-
given his white tie (coat of
sonaa ' and their at was apex;-
sonatl to
ed' herein replaces any previbus-
Shelley Grange, Auburn Explor-
Il 2` �� � I
U, 6633 RR _ . NTON
Norm�axi Cooper and farcnily,. Mt.
ciemerls', meh.; Mr, and Mrs.
ed, and:
were read and -approved,
Mrs, R, Larson was. appointed
i'st, Home Economic Service,
white' paint},
Ttli'e parents were invited• to
saris%action see the
boys progressing so satisfacbor-
ky designated flag' mounted; des'-
prayed or deposited on this
ors; Maxine Bowes, Blyth, E'x-
plax'ers and CGIT; Wendy Cold-
Huglx NfcCox3rili'ck, London; Mrs.
Bert Brownlee and Dexter, Tor-
vice-president. After a ' short
business session, Mrs, G, Hop-
Planning the axn, was
Mrs. George Pearson, Ethel,
join in a game calked Poison
Snake". Forn-ing in three "Six-
Mrs. Pierson, on behalf of
Place" and that, ,We as Can-
add'ans aboard this aircraft take
well of , the Londesboro CGIT
and Jayne Snell. of the Explar-
iaos� GREASES-MOi0WKS` ^
araito; Mr, Orval WesEari, Sea-
son, president, adJaurned .hire
ciiaixsvi<in; Mrs. Wes IIeimpel,
es„ they endeavoured to show
herself and the pa.rents,, thanked
great pride in .glee knowledge
exs replied.
forth; Mrs, R. McEwan, Byron;
+ ,
We=et'Or; Mrs. James Keys,
the Cubs haw it should be done.
Cub Master J, V. Ma:cVicar and
,.._,- ._ � .
that our new., fl,atz has now been
The Cancer
Brix:"�ann They entlayed a 17 Mrs..A. Moir; Hi so . . - Last .year you helped
MAITLANID VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ondale, ppea, asset to the running of the duct Matins at 11 a.m. in chap e a hundred
day , trail ng at trip
Auckland, Malc-�sw yre,M Mrs.
. Cooper;
° The World � f Pi* Trinity Church, Bayfield. hopeless cases into
FOR d Pacafa,c tris b S.S. Y f
llpt rricul eoyer a Paull will also. conduct hopeful cases.
�pA� !ON
TRU Suva and Honolulu, and aom- Mrs. N. Mac Mterchy; Seafort;h�, qV �y8 was held .Fridi��y afternoon in an EvenSang at St, James' You did well.
�p pleted the homewamd journey Mrs. B. Coleman, Mrs. J, Keays,; ° ®� o the United Church with ladies Church, Middleton at 2:30
by train. Discussions
A l Phone
Long, wide 'bo:� (separate); Engine, V-8, approximately Tiger Dunlop, Mrs. T. Lamb, i;roni Brucedield and Kippen at-: pm.
350 cu.. in.; Transmission, 4 speed (W/HD Clutch); ,Rear ` Mm. Arkell nays that the Mrs. W. Hardy; Wroxeter, Mrs. tending. Mrs. Howard Plant was - --o Mrs, Helen Bartti$$
Springs, H/D Front, H/D Rear; snow on the Rockies was, quite W. Heimpel, Mrs. D. Timm;
end,. Positive txaahion; Sorin � the guest spe;<1ker. The Red Lien and Sun is the 4$2-70`t4
Tires and tubes 650x16x6 ply (or equal) with spare, mud and a welcome sight after '2 green Zurich, Mrs, T, H. Meyers and ���°�� ������ HaII
snow, rear, mud -and snow spare; tow hooks, -block heater; ymrs in Australia. Mrs, A. Pian � • and Mrs. Maurice, Csmey counterpart of bile Red Cross in
air i�onditionin heater; 4 --way flasher•. standard turn si pals; g' returned borne last week after Ivan.
g , g Mir. Arkeill who is a Construe- In the past number of years
rwindshheld washers; seatbelts; 2 -speed electric 'wipers; 2 tone the' Ga spending two months with rel
paint, rear view mirrors a bion Superintendent with Bech- Gospel Chapel on YVTaple
p Approximately ti x9 . ?<: >,:,w `, :;. .•:•>7: � �<: <:� <:ya, slaves 'in Belgium.
tel Corporation, was. obliged by ;: , .:.;;,> ;<j Street hats specialrized' in child- � .an: MIi4CI�iNERY FERTILIZER
To 'trade on a 1963. one-half Ston, This truck may be :.,. :::.: .. d Mrs: Clarence Pries
pressure of business to remaliv >,.;� rens work.
Seen at the Authority Office an Listowel on Monday, March • ; . ,,,: ';>: � . ' :::::;: ' . ;. •`. ;, 'tap of` near Mitchell, visited
1'5 from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. in Australia until February �7 Hundreds of children have at= Sunday with the la'tter's father, when h'e flew direcbl Sa ir:`: tended the 'Vacation Bable Sclr-T 'will. ic ude all federal and Provincial Sales Y n i'? Robert Thoinsoti ori Thursdeenders n 1 ,, , y
oo':<:.;::><::>s »;::::..::>:.....::::s? is sI'ranoasoo and re'oined his fam- ;<> {:. an the urnmer, and special ,FARMONO
Tax •incl be in the hands of the Secretamy-Treasurer, Maitland , J ;:;i;;.::i; afterneom, Mirs, W. Good Bi
::: °::::;:>:::: Children s Service i
it in Toronrta. s n the fall. ,
Authority, Box 760 Lis�to'wel Ontario Y """" "" '' "
Valley Conservation , , called on her tui e
0 our S ri Requirements
Ba For n ark R uireen is
, t e W e
before 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, March 18, 196x. Mr, and Ma°s. Ancell and chef- ;: ;• : nand parents- have M. And 14Li�s: Edgar McBride' y ps � q
..:..:..,:.: E�pL �Fp tlC. r}^
Lowest or any Lender not necessarily accepted. leen intend to spend some ex'P erred their appreciation of vi'sa.ted Mond with Mx. and Be Sure To Inquire About i`he
':' these services.
Weeks iii. Oivtar.o visiting xeba '�`'" .
' �•• •� Mrs. Xvison Torrance Axid faintly Complete Lige of
The Chapel will be ;
fives and friends 'before moving ::.::;:;;,�,,«�..,„,�....:...:::::.� .. � the scene of Mitchell, . ,,,.- .
„ ».:,;>:>:::::<:::•,•a:<::::::::::<eh::::: k of - 30-60 h.p. Gas or Diesel
to has iiea.t its Agreed lacatioii, :...:..........,.. speci<�1 activity. durirng the RENAULT TI�44CTCR5
CLINTONPUBLIC HOSPITAL pdssibtly Iranian, England. „ :: .v; month of Mach... Doug Miles To Spear
Monday, March. 15ths 1965
at. a.ao p,r.
(1) Receive' and Consider the onnuol reports
of the Hospito! for the year ended Decem-
ber 31, 1964,
(2) To give consid6ection to new by -Laws.
(3) Elettion of d'+redtors,
(4) Appoiht auditors for the ensuing year.
(5) Transco all ,such' rather bus!"hess os may
properly come before the rnoeting,
All Mori be'rs Are cordially fnvifed
To Af+end
Annual 1Vlenibtrship Ver~ $5.bt
nitarah, � 965. •
bofed iht 01'hton, p it beio, ('his ed ddy of
gy Ordel„ 6f the Board,
4,, "I MURPHY"
C�diirretslrY. qq//yy
1 A16ext Street
� MARC'" IS'
Make Ah Appdintmen+ Now To 06+
Your taster or'Ovano
Mr, John M. Martin of Hawk
esville, Ontaiiai, *91 be •glving
lectures on sltbjeets of interest
to all of us, 146 wVM be Comp'ar.
ing the New Curr16u1utA with
the Bible.
Many People hive wondereed
It religion should be brought .lip
to chutet whether the Vwhgbr
and more educated g6nortataol
awi still subs&ibe to the teaoh-
ing of the Bible? Whether the
bible is Proven uti toliable in
the light til; Mbtil'efh Boieit,ce�?
These sdweets will be•fra iirl;'y
dl; d- 'sscd ah4 shbtiiid prWd lh-
toditting and e"bl ghktening to elf
who attend;
At Federation Meet
Gaderich Township Federa-
tioar of Agriculture . will meet
on Thursday, March. 18, at Rofl-
mesthirlle School at 8;45 p.m,
Guest .speaker will be Doug,
Versatile Vibrating TAUL CULTIVATORS
And Also Large Stock of
TiRES for Car, Truck, Tractor, etc.
Now car take offs start as low as $10.00 for
e•-'-- 75004 or 67005 (First Line Tires.
Rad 'Gears volunteer hospital 5 A
vis'itoit�S. rrememberoair 'hdt5pital-
ized veterans by bringing theme HA � •
good Cheer olid companionship I MILE EAST OF, SRUCEFIELD 8,0,10b
during regular be'dstide visits 'riRS _. CAIN SEED
the :year,
S V11
8:00 P.M. `
- HIV M. MARTIN of Hawkesvl
poorll , Ont.
March 144 -To New Curriculum And The- bible
Match '164 -The N6w Curriculum Anel The Creation
March 184 - The Now Curriculum Anil Th Miracles
March V9fhw," the New Corr culum And Tho Afmi6rnent
You aro'
1h 'fed to aiitehd 6beh night 6'� !these dtrb subje, efs of
. .. w .. 1! able ,lawrrng peak e.
.�.L�.-� .. •. , t�'�Iny+iilh ows ��lidrfance !'o all . _, :.• , . , . . ,...
tMx+5. L, 1VPcKimon, LamgMn.
which'.the members, played cards
and lunch was served.
Arkell Familyr
Retur� �r�5 ®�Q
ns e
From Australia
Mr. and Mss. Tom Ark'011,
Joanne and'Kenny are home a-
grain after a .two year sojourn
2n Austxalna and are staying
with his arents-, Mr. and Mrs,
F. P. Arke11,
Mrs. Arkela and the children
left Sydney on February 10
trav611ing by train from
,ziearrorcn• anu avum i,.;naries Loex-
hart; Goderich. An amusing skit
was ,presented by members of
the .Gaderich group and an ern
teresting exhibit showing the ,
steps in black printh g was prem
sented by the Tiger Dur
Miss Gum comniented on the
attractive displays of each
group and a. film, "Craftsmen of
Canada" was shown.
The loaders for the County
were: B1 tlx Mrs. B. Richmond,
y ,
Mrs. K. MacDonald; Ebravale,
Willi ,m Routly, Mrs': R.
Skcinner; Ethel, Mrs. George
Pearson, Mins J.,Frazer; Ford-
wick, Mrs, R. Gibson, Mrs, M,
Kato; Goderich, Mrs. C. Lock-
hai t, Mrs, A. Straughan; Hur-
and a,good time was had, by all
28 participants. The White and
Red. Sixes each made a point
next time. Blue Six.
Inst -ruction period followed
with "Semaphore" by„Cu'b In-
structor Terry• 112acVicar, "m-
r'ow .ands Cinch Ball" by CuU'
rnstrudtar Linda Pierson, and
the Cub 1`,fimter taking the New
Chums. QnY the "Law and Pro-
Before having the "Grand
Howl four awards' were pre-
s'ented. Miss Linda, Pierson re-
ceived "The Cub Ins.tructor.'s
B,dge' presented by the •Akela
with an explanation of how she
earned this award. At this time
he thanked Linda for her tre-
mend, a help and being a ga"eat
v• M ' " w-, A 4'FAcWAA
and Terry MacVicair fpr their
efforts in running the Pack,
stating that the leaders would
hive, the full s�uand of the
, :
Ladies Aiaxrfimy and the pax•"
cents. .
The evenirvg's activities wound
up with the Cubs timing chime-
fate milk and. cocvkles, the par-
eixts caf£ee and cookies, during
Which they.had the opportunity
of having an informal talk with
the Cub Mortem,
District Cbmmissioner Jac'
Gallant Arid Group Committee
Chairman Mr. aria Mr's. George
Bell -chamber, were, among the
guests present.
deposited on 'Top of. the World%"
.The a rcxyadi captain was
Flue ght Lieut. E. T. Sinnott from
St. Catharines, bhtari;;r.
Huronview °
T� Meet j �nddy
Huroayview Ladies Auxiliary
will meet on Monday, March 15,
in the, art and crafts room,.Hur-
inview, at •2;30 p.m. Everyone
is5. welcome.PHONE
Special 5�6'19�c�S ��
Anglican Churches
On Sunday, March 14,
the Rev. Cant n F. H. Paull
will celebrate Holy Com -
muni- at 8 a m olid con
••:.•p� •� ••�g� •
l•11.�11•on morial S P
Ca.11��I"fiN '" EXETER "SAS®its H
el•i Ever Affernodn
? y
HU_ 2-7712
At other tikes cantor#
L.oeal ,R,eprese�'tative=-A. W. Steep -482-6642
The Cancer
Brix:"�ann They entlayed a 17 Mrs..A. Moir; Hi so . . - Last .year you helped
MAITLANID VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ondale, ppea, asset to the running of the duct Matins at 11 a.m. in chap e a hundred
day , trail ng at trip
Auckland, Malc-�sw yre,M Mrs.
. Cooper;
° The World � f Pi* Trinity Church, Bayfield. hopeless cases into
FOR d Pacafa,c tris b S.S. Y f
llpt rricul eoyer a Paull will also. conduct hopeful cases.
�pA� !ON
TRU Suva and Honolulu, and aom- Mrs. N. Mac Mterchy; Seafort;h�, qV �y8 was held .Fridi��y afternoon in an EvenSang at St, James' You did well.
�p pleted the homewamd journey Mrs. B. Coleman, Mrs. J, Keays,; ° ®� o the United Church with ladies Church, Middleton at 2:30
by train. Discussions
A l Phone
Long, wide 'bo:� (separate); Engine, V-8, approximately Tiger Dunlop, Mrs. T. Lamb, i;roni Brucedield and Kippen at-: pm.
350 cu.. in.; Transmission, 4 speed (W/HD Clutch); ,Rear ` Mm. Arkell nays that the Mrs. W. Hardy; Wroxeter, Mrs. tending. Mrs. Howard Plant was - --o Mrs, Helen Bartti$$
Springs, H/D Front, H/D Rear; snow on the Rockies was, quite W. Heimpel, Mrs. D. Timm;
end,. Positive txaahion; Sorin � the guest spe;<1ker. The Red Lien and Sun is the 4$2-70`t4
Tires and tubes 650x16x6 ply (or equal) with spare, mud and a welcome sight after '2 green Zurich, Mrs, T, H. Meyers and ���°�� ������ HaII
snow, rear, mud -and snow spare; tow hooks, -block heater; ymrs in Australia. Mrs, A. Pian � • and Mrs. Maurice, Csmey counterpart of bile Red Cross in
air i�onditionin heater; 4 --way flasher•. standard turn si pals; g' returned borne last week after Ivan.
g , g Mir. Arkeill who is a Construe- In the past number of years
rwindshheld washers; seatbelts; 2 -speed electric 'wipers; 2 tone the' Ga spending two months with rel
paint, rear view mirrors a bion Superintendent with Bech- Gospel Chapel on YVTaple
p Approximately ti x9 . ?<: >,:,w `, :;. .•:•>7: � �<: <:� <:ya, slaves 'in Belgium.
tel Corporation, was. obliged by ;: , .:.;;,> ;<j Street hats specialrized' in child- � .an: MIi4CI�iNERY FERTILIZER
To 'trade on a 1963. one-half Ston, This truck may be :.,. :::.: .. d Mrs: Clarence Pries
pressure of business to remaliv >,.;� rens work.
Seen at the Authority Office an Listowel on Monday, March • ; . ,,,: ';>: � . ' :::::;: ' . ;. •`. ;, 'tap of` near Mitchell, visited
1'5 from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. in Australia until February �7 Hundreds of children have at= Sunday with the la'tter's father, when h'e flew direcbl Sa ir:`: tended the 'Vacation Bable Sclr-T 'will. ic ude all federal and Provincial Sales Y n i'? Robert Thoinsoti ori Thursdeenders n 1 ,, , y
oo':<:.;::><::>s »;::::..::>:.....::::s? is sI'ranoasoo and re'oined his fam- ;<> {:. an the urnmer, and special ,FARMONO
Tax •incl be in the hands of the Secretamy-Treasurer, Maitland , J ;:;i;;.::i; afterneom, Mirs, W. Good Bi
::: °::::;:>:::: Children s Service i
it in Toronrta. s n the fall. ,
Authority, Box 760 Lis�to'wel Ontario Y """" "" '' "
Valley Conservation , , called on her tui e
0 our S ri Requirements
Ba For n ark R uireen is
, t e W e
before 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, March 18, 196x. Mr, and Ma°s. Ancell and chef- ;: ;• : nand parents- have M. And 14Li�s: Edgar McBride' y ps � q
..:..:..,:.: E�pL �Fp tlC. r}^
Lowest or any Lender not necessarily accepted. leen intend to spend some ex'P erred their appreciation of vi'sa.ted Mond with Mx. and Be Sure To Inquire About i`he
':' these services.
Weeks iii. Oivtar.o visiting xeba '�`'" .
' �•• •� Mrs. Xvison Torrance Axid faintly Complete Lige of
The Chapel will be ;
fives and friends 'before moving ::.::;:;;,�,,«�..,„,�....:...:::::.� .. � the scene of Mitchell, . ,,,.- .
„ ».:,;>:>:::::<:::•,•a:<::::::::::<eh::::: k of - 30-60 h.p. Gas or Diesel
to has iiea.t its Agreed lacatioii, :...:..........,.. speci<�1 activity. durirng the RENAULT TI�44CTCR5
CLINTONPUBLIC HOSPITAL pdssibtly Iranian, England. „ :: .v; month of Mach... Doug Miles To Spear
Monday, March. 15ths 1965
at. a.ao p,r.
(1) Receive' and Consider the onnuol reports
of the Hospito! for the year ended Decem-
ber 31, 1964,
(2) To give consid6ection to new by -Laws.
(3) Elettion of d'+redtors,
(4) Appoiht auditors for the ensuing year.
(5) Transco all ,such' rather bus!"hess os may
properly come before the rnoeting,
All Mori be'rs Are cordially fnvifed
To Af+end
Annual 1Vlenibtrship Ver~ $5.bt
nitarah, � 965. •
bofed iht 01'hton, p it beio, ('his ed ddy of
gy Ordel„ 6f the Board,
4,, "I MURPHY"
C�diirretslrY. qq//yy
1 A16ext Street
� MARC'" IS'
Make Ah Appdintmen+ Now To 06+
Your taster or'Ovano
Mr, John M. Martin of Hawk
esville, Ontaiiai, *91 be •glving
lectures on sltbjeets of interest
to all of us, 146 wVM be Comp'ar.
ing the New Curr16u1utA with
the Bible.
Many People hive wondereed
It religion should be brought .lip
to chutet whether the Vwhgbr
and more educated g6nortataol
awi still subs&ibe to the teaoh-
ing of the Bible? Whether the
bible is Proven uti toliable in
the light til; Mbtil'efh Boieit,ce�?
These sdweets will be•fra iirl;'y
dl; d- 'sscd ah4 shbtiiid prWd lh-
toditting and e"bl ghktening to elf
who attend;
At Federation Meet
Gaderich Township Federa-
tioar of Agriculture . will meet
on Thursday, March. 18, at Rofl-
mesthirlle School at 8;45 p.m,
Guest .speaker will be Doug,
Versatile Vibrating TAUL CULTIVATORS
And Also Large Stock of
TiRES for Car, Truck, Tractor, etc.
Now car take offs start as low as $10.00 for
e•-'-- 75004 or 67005 (First Line Tires.
Rad 'Gears volunteer hospital 5 A
vis'itoit�S. rrememberoair 'hdt5pital-
ized veterans by bringing theme HA � •
good Cheer olid companionship I MILE EAST OF, SRUCEFIELD 8,0,10b
during regular be'dstide visits 'riRS _. CAIN SEED
the :year,
S V11
8:00 P.M. `
- HIV M. MARTIN of Hawkesvl
poorll , Ont.
March 144 -To New Curriculum And The- bible
Match '164 -The N6w Curriculum Anel The Creation
March 184 - The Now Curriculum Anil Th Miracles
March V9fhw," the New Corr culum And Tho Afmi6rnent
You aro'
1h 'fed to aiitehd 6beh night 6'� !these dtrb subje, efs of
. .. w .. 1! able ,lawrrng peak e.
.�.L�.-� .. •. , t�'�Iny+iilh ows ��lidrfance !'o all . _, :.• , . , . . ,...