HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 5' BIRTH$
AMUS xi, •AQUAton .PabRO,
Td'aspita on Vniday, Maroh 5,
to Mr, find Mr's, Jim
Angus, C11'ntonl, .a dau-
!'R i4.+S ', T 9' NK
Mr. d Mrs, Elmer .UggM.T
day, March 8, 1965, Wesley
"i'h .r�r/ �yl.pi'eh 1'i, 1944
i!I.ari�s�l��frord .�'.A►�!� :a5
The family . h Mite .M .:
wl h 1 a .o res deli" t>t�aiii s .
end were, Mrs. Mary Hessel-
the 'late Eunice Ball in, his,
82nd year, Funeral from Ball
thPi v ge o than -$ -suld express
cia,tion to friezids, neigh
and relatives fog .their many
w o eZebx Gd w hn tie a an
the25th. wedd n ve's ' ,
i..g annx .i. ail,
(,Contiued froiri X'age Qnei road three 1>Y -Paws wxuoh tvexe iidcture :af ; 924 was auittlori -
Vie. ii'al l�ez?ed on ming Sheet re.4 d, e. ' for
d p41 f cher nchine rent.
C � ,
CxRQV4$ - Tn. Clinton PiAbl, Heart
Hospital on. Tliurs4w, 1Vf4cli c
cent l
4,; 1960 to WV -+and:. sirs, W, silks t
Groves, 143 .5 Clinton,. a son. dens' n
1` ELXY fn Clinton. Public: Park,
Hospital on Wednesday, Mar-. ers, tb
ch 10, 1965 too Mr, and lT* a dural
James Neeley, RR 5 Clinton,
a son. elated,
Attend Your Church
This Sunda,
BA C ._ U
(Baptist Federation of..Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, FLA,
Sunday, March 14
10:00 a.m.—SuAday School
11,15 a.m.--Family Worship
7:00 p,m• Warship :and Social Hour at First
Baptist Church, Goderich.
Tuesday 8:00 pm.'_ WA aiid Mission Circle
Program 'Party Fare
Ontario Street United Church
�s* key ,
gym° oA "THE FIV)I : LY CHURCIr'
aa` Pastor. REV, GRANT MIL"L,$, B.A.
Sunday, March 14
9:45 a.m: Sunday School
µ ' 11:04, a.m.---Morning Worship
'Guest Speaker: Rev. John Linton,
° 4• may. B,Th., M.A.,, D.D., General Secre-
tary of Canadian federation on
Alcohol Problems,
2;00 P=•—Church Service
e�1e� illis--olaitYsizttle �Trr#eh fd[laxr,cfles
Sunday, March 14'
Temperance Theme: "Youth Confronts the
Problem of Alcohol"
9:45 a.m—Sunday 'School
11.:00 sm.—Church Service
1:00 . p.m.—Church Service
2:00 D.m.—Sundav School
Rev, R. W. Wenham, L. -Th..- Rector
Mr. W. N. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organist
LENT 2 SUNDAY — Sunday, March 14
8:00 am.—Holy Communion
9.45 am.—Church School
11-:00 am. ---Morning .Prayer ,
Thurs., March 18—:Chancel Guild at home of Mrs,
Robert Campbell, 8:15 pm. ;
--Friday, March 19-10:00 am,—Holy Communion
Tpe Rev, R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister.
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, :March 14
9:45 a.m.--Sunday School
10:45 a.m.—Public Worship
U -Christian Reformed Maple Street
Rev. G. J. lieersink, Minister, CLINTON
Sunday, March .14 Sunday, March 14
10.00 a.m.—Service in English 9:45. a.m.—Worship Service
2:30 pm.—Service in Dutch 11.00 aryl.—Sunday School
Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial . 8;00 p.m.—Evening Service
680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Usteh .Speaker: John'Martin
to "Back to God Hour" Hawkesvilie
EVERYONE WELCOME Tuesday --8 p.m.—Prayer Meet -
Ing and Bible Study.
All Welcome
Joseph, Street See Display Adv. for .dates
GOSPEL HALL of Special Lectures
CLINTON . Since 1947, over 3,200,000
41.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread Canki4iasi hospital patients have.
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School benefited by transfusions of
7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service
8.00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer whole blood and blood products
Meeting and Bible provided free by the Canadian
Reading. Red Cross.
.� 1 * � ,tit �,:, +w h �r ,+ � : � W�'•�
Choose Your
from a wide
of styles.
Oiled tanned .up-,
pers In different
patterns to suit
every need.
Soles of cork
composition, cord,
leather or gum'.
For extra 'protectioh
and support in sec
eral p'atttenS and
upper leathers with
a choice of 10 ft g
Wearing soles.
from $11.95
� ,0
Luggdgo and Pootwed ,
_ o iPtion Stree. The tillB,41'W, No, 7 for x985, s
I wish 0 thank xpy friends, 3s fr:$714, fur sw 101%V,44100gid' p
relafixveS: and' neighbors for 'Hold,Book Review
lovely cards, flowers aria gifts A letter from once aP 'stre'ets 'and roads undox, The I lhaii7iign came in for "
)sent �o me while I was A Fat,: m Hvmn Central • , 1 The .March meeting of the
the hilahvway imprieveixieiit act, P%ne Compliments on snow
lent xn Q+lintoil Public I-Xospital= Agricuutuia7 Society, requesting Starzi, ht Cir~lsi of VJesle t
A special tkiaiiks to Dr, Wa1T "' t a grant to Clititcrn SPrui'g Show, Py-l�aw No. $: An agree rout •clearance, an•'d also some k2ra. g y
den Dr., fakes nursingstaff w 1 is with the <O_ di. g•ti mal ding o . e , onditxon of cer't=, Willis Ch, . c was held Morels
as e t in the hands. of •the ane .ail lY.....o.. 8 with unit leader M's. Don
and' Rov.. WeAliam, 1YlRS. 1 n;ance ca r 't f w the t' e lirailways to put .draiiia e lines suets u the present mild wee» ca .er i
,a,,, XTI'C1?�I,,...e4' fo �.
T,i�lRxHA McCI.INCIIFY. 10bi a xrn. u h 1 her, Jefferson presiding.. Mrs, Glen
being, Mayor Synns remarked, Under ..e iliac is .on highway t ..
Wise led the r
' . ,,At .t'he present time, 1 dor# t 4 (Victoria 'Street).. � .oun In, an a�pro,
'Sincere. thanks to Dr. Oakes
w 'xv 7,alver >S tag prtate devotional iiericd,
i money W -law No, 9: Approving ex,
,and all !hlie staff for file won-' , _ ,��;i ltn;ow vs*]10 .needs the mo
derfut re x x . ed du avorse, the town or the agi icul pen'MWM, p'f .$1,00Q to • ,pumbase The new Caned ,an :fiag at the Members, Participated In a
ca. eceiv . ring tonal �socriet ," Tlie sa,ci , ' 'sec
m $'. t e 1' t n Pub- �' ety s line o lner ne�p!ai'itri?ell of High, �!.�brM7 por%, Wilton cosi ovw livery discussion ;and pPR re=
y fay t1i C in o. ub Ml?. and MiS, James Ross, ret�ix. 13111 13ie'hi, Wiio was iii Ways pxopertY ori Fi~ng Stier, '$16.00, has never been lowered view of the, best seller `r:To
lip Hospital, :_MRS. DC2N Y�
TREMBLAY. 10b Clinton,. Ontario wish to €in q the audience Was asked when'I.this bUllding• will 'be used fax since it was pint a Qn Iebraza7"y •T ill A Mookin bird' ,The auth�.
d 's - 15. Th. . re d t or ' reveals the shocking noune-e the engagement . f iiiey, would like 'the mopey, He stor4gp o<f machinery an up e Mayor .�On to .. hat g li �►.Jus-
ther eldest daughter, Dir said >3y fair dice cold be 'al, Ties i'oxe fawn ..utile works, the policeiYian d la .er tice of a : ou. trial :in this
We wish to express tour sin anne Hattie, to A'C2 Fxe�i, w p p °n uty W
cele tha'n'ks to friends and nel night," Last years grant WAS New Police, C i r the fia in t evening and that small Alabama town,
crick Crlenson Dwain Mad-, � g � .' the .
urs in Bayfield who sent :floc- $.2,.50, The faux° is being field this• x._ilso. put it up an
a rdex, RCAF` Cami Borden, the town caretaker Dunn the business session
al tributes to Uncle Case — Ontario eldest �tiin of Mr, year on Saturday, ,Tune .5. tkie morning,
The tender •of J, & T, Murphy g
MR. :and MR'S, S• ATKIN, and. Mis, F, W, Mad'dex; it was decided to :bring articles
Ii ,e g i n a, Saskatcki Wars.. Si, Jaltii & Ambulance Ltd„ was aeGepted for $2,504,10,,
Dump A, 1ll;ess for the spring bale as ro11 call
SON.. 10h
Wedding to tape place ;in 14 answer to the request plus tn<z'de, lar -a new police; for the April meeting, Plans
wish to thank m friends. We '1 ' i U Our, from. the 'St, John's Ambulance crnWser for the town police farce, Reeve Duff Thom. psora sing' were a e for :t a Wesley -
y e ted h.. s made _.. he
s YWl1s iiialso a_.. y
and neighbours icor cards, flow ch, Clinton at 4.;00 c1oc1� foil �a _donation, finance chair-, A 'ding 1io Mayor Symons Bested that the pubhe works Willis Spring Tliankoffering,
and gifts while I Was a pat, pin. Saturday, April 17, inan H, T', Noo su este the tenders, from, Clinton's two cgoxiiaxiittee meet with the local undo A nil .4 � e iss.
at which M ..
Gent. in the Clinton' Public Hos', 1965, 10b _ it be left with his .caTgmittee automobile, :dealers were very garbage d0pogatl operator, and �G4ty, Pie es, Toronto, will be
pytal. Special thanks, to Dr, until Reeve Duff Thom s'on in„ close, devise some way to clean up guest speaker.,
Oakes, RevMi
, 11s and the nuns- p the mass there, The wsriter s
-- PERCY MEMORI� quires at County Council later ?lire. tender of T1e2a7i s Mens
es on the first fluor,
GIBBTNGS, 10p this month as ,to what aet�ion Weary tam an allotment of police gairbage its nearly ovenfI.
RAT$IWDLL In loving the county' is taking onto the Hullett Townsi poroaadd
memory of a dear
'husband and bu 's request g ont this Two were recei 30•
ed for $5
y a very daddy, Rdbent John, who passed p o veil at present time.
We would like to say Flowers
� oA
sincere thank you, o our away March 12, 1.963. ; Eloy the clothing. The Mayor thranlced Council- y
friends, relatives and neighbors, " for Of Lands l�or Noonan for taldn o
g Today recalls'.the memory No..acrion has yet been taken g trey ttlte
for the kindnesses shown to Of a loved .ones gone to rest. Coun'cill paid, the legal .accowzt on a re' nest a street light .secretary's jolt on the neve aroxi�i Telesra hed
Mildred', While she Was a pat- And those who th,bilc oaf him of E- B. Menzies fQr $198..50, at the 'north end of MaTple committee, The late Alan Ed- �
ient in St. Mary's General Hos today for the transfer' of certain Street. wards bad been.secrertaTy. The AnywherQ
p• I c e those who loved -him best, lands to Lorne !mown Motors Mayor reminded the council of
still Kiltchener, .and to the Are
family at name. Special thanl s The flowers we lay upon his Limited and the opening of a Public Works Report the seed fair in Clinton thus ,
to Douglas Norman pf the Beam- ,grave. new lane on Ontario Street, weekend,
'tie AmFmiance Service, Dr. J. A. May weather and decay; Councillor Jun Armstrong,
Addison, CIMton, Drs. D. Wepe, But the love of him who sleeps Traffic Circle chairman- of public woslcs re -
A. J. Longmore .and D. Ivan of beneath, Council was shown a sketch parted all' trees down on. Vie-<'"
Kitchener and all the •staff of Will never fade away." ,
the 6th floor. FRANK and —Lovingly reme ter d b ills
from the Department of High- torl'a Street in; preparation for ,,s�:;:,::
— --Lo y m e y
i t >;..
wra � t 'd thelaying o• s�t�o s
s h' ca for -f f nm e ers d
vc>' i 50 oat l n
S Q w '••c:..
a Yr
Y g
U H 0 ,
. �. wife 1
M ' d children. p 0
an. p
—,--�--•—, wide- traffic circle where the Hive trees' on Highway 8 alaeady �,..::,... :,;�:;. ;;.: .. . e
DEATHS c Cooke,
old Post office anc� V-shaped removed for the new highway
green r n Huron Street.
MoCARTY In Niagara Falls, n a ea is now located, The
® �� sketch 'sh'owed a continuation of Clinton receives 90 ercen�t : s 1, R 1 S
on Thursday, March 4, 1965, r p
Sperry Smith McCarty, 'dear b Maiy'Sitreet through to Victonia of cosh of remov$ng' these trees
father of LAC Lorne McCarty, ,�r:: >:':;:: ' .#
T�'�� .Street., from. the Departanent of I-T.ig�h- " :, Dial 452-701, Clinton
Townsend Str'e'et, Clinton. No action was, taken on this, ways, Coon. Noonan was in- '
Funeral was held,in Alliston, By MRS. ALGA T. GRAY and Mtayor Symons warned, g Ana=
forimed after Askin why. the
,on Monday, March 8. Phone 482-7518 "Let's look ahead in our ,p1m. - town was d'oin'g the work, The
OSTER — In Clinton Public Miss Cathy Stirling returned ning," Deputy Reeve Wonch re- job was not big enough for the
Hospital on Sunday; March 7 to London after spending the marked that this area (pont department to call tenders,
1965, Ms,s• Alice Lillian Oster, weekend- with her :parents, Mr. office) was 'a mess as far, as Councillor Armstrong, has not � � � � � ,r
and Mrs• Fraser Stirling. traiific was concerned, Yet received hits- report from the ,� U
of Blyth, in her 74th year, �
Funeral was held Wednesday, Miss Nancy :Stirling, second engineer on the proposed street '
P,y-Laws Passed
March 1q at 2 pm., at the year student at Ryerson Insti- construction fou' the year. No "
Tasker'" Funeral Chapel, with tute was with her "Parents and Councillor Gordon ' Lawston, bill has yet been received far ( Service
� •
temporary entonvbment an returned to Toronto Sunday.. chaiiimian, of by-laws committee rental of •snow blower. An ex-
Blyth Cemetery Chapel. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Bell who
took an apartment' in London YARDLEY %2 PRICE SALE ,SUPER PLENAMINS Vitamins
O'DELL —At RCAF Station for the duration -of the cold Clinton Reeve'Duff �@Q1l9atppC1 Old Packaging Clearance %
Clinton, on Wednesday, Mar- weather make periodic •tripsto e u rlRiil'm n Save 25 o Now
:ch 3, 1965, Sergeant Nelson their residence in the Town- o ' oo Face Powders -- Creams 36'5--$2.89 90's—$4.98
Glow.CliffordT O'Dell, in his 47th ship. Asks For National Wilding Code
' year. The body rested at the Astringents, Etc, 1g0's--$7,95
Beattie Funeral Home, Clin_ Miss Leny DeRuyter, of the
ton, until Saturday evening. Bank of Montreal staff in Kit- Toni 'New No Mix Silver Curl
Interment was in Cardston, chener was with ,her parents, In Industrial Committee Report $2.25
Alberta on Wednesday, March Mr. ,and Mrs, A. DetRuyter last New Cue Tooth Paste ..,...,, 69e
10. weekend. 'Reeve Duff Thompson the report was' that council Noxzema
Douglas MacDougall has beenpresented his Intdustri'al rinlstruct the industrial coin- Skin Cream 10 -oz, ............ $1.45 START SAVING NOW
RIDDTCK --• In Victoria Kos'- apopinted inspector for the committee report -in three anfittee and the planning Rose Water & Glycerine For
pital; London, on Sunday, warble fly campaign for this parts .nt Monday's town board to proceed with: (a) Hand Lotion reg, $2.50 for $1.98
March 7, Samuel Rid year council meeting. a proposal for a planningREXALL
dick, :of 418 Saul Street, Lan- Miss Patricia Cox, student Softique Bath Oil ....•..•.... $1.69
don, in 'his 75th year. Former area for the town of Clin- SPRING ONE CENT SALE
owner of the feed mill' on nurse at Florence Nightingale Council concurred with ton; ntat only to include the Desert Flower Roll On
Mary Street, Clinton, now Hospital was a Hamilton visi- the report as,a whole, town bu't surxo.und�ing areas Deodorant reg. $1,25 S eeial Starting April 1st for 10 Days
owned b H. F: Wettlaufer: for recently. The third item in the re- 2/p$1.25 Over 300 items will be on sale
y .as well; (b) that initial re-
Survsvors, wife, Patricia; dau- Friends of Mrs, Herb Wallis, port was: As an aid to the :search be made into zon-
ghter, Mrs. John, (Sadie) Will- the former Luella Stirling of industrial •comvmitte'e and ing possibilities.101
son, London, also formerly of the 4th concession will be hap- the planning board, in i5
-Clinton;son Samuel Wand- peeve hen prsan read his
say; grandson, John 'Wilson,. Py to learn -that while Still 'hos- recommended that coun;cil:.
pltalized, her condition. is much consider the adoption of the 'report, then presented the
teacher at CESS. Funeral improved. neatly typed report to the PRESCRIPTIONS
National Building Code. clop He spoke briefly a -
Wednesday, March 10, at In rn
�gersall, Mrs. (Robert Mcillwain cele- ,bout has report very A by -Taw to adopt the. ep t an'd ve lit- S$ntario
braced •,her birthday surround- P Phare �$2-�Si t Clinton,
STIRLING —At Amenia North ed by her family ,and other re- code was given first read- tle discussion was heard.
Dakota, on February 16, 1965, l.atives on March 3 in Goderich Ings ,by last year's cquncil. ;.
Ediih Friend, beloved. wife Hospital. Her brother, Elliott The third reading we'll po5-
of Willison J. Stix°ling, in her Harrison came up from Tavi ibly be given at the April a_
50th yerar. Funeral 5e lees stock. meeting of council.
Fabruaxy 20,.1965. lnteI enc T
in Sunset Memoaial Gardens,A o Councillo> H F. Noonan
Amenia. remarked that ,the munici- JUS b ,
VODDEN--In ZCiinton on Mon-
Guests at the home :of Mr. and
pal elections an Decem e2
were Bought over the build -
day, March 8, 1965, Wesley
Mrs, Elmer Hugill for the week-
Ing code, He said he had no
Vodden, beloved husband of
end were, Mrs. Mary Hessel-
objections to the bullding
the 'late Eunice Ball in, his,
82nd year, Funeral from Ball
wood Of London; M. and Ma:s
code itself, either then or
and Muteh Funeral Home on
E. L. Porter and flniil of Lon-
now, but iris objection was.
Thursday, March 11, to Clin-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
they possible cost of an in -
ton Mausoleum.
Brock of Th'orndale; Mr. and
speotor, He suggested ad -
Mrs. Donald Hugill, London;
vertisng for an inspector.
WOODCOCK --In Clinton Pub-
Mr, and Mrs. ,LeRoy Hugill of
Number one item in the
lic Hospital, on Sunday, Mar-
ch 7, 1.965, Miss Mary Jose-
Mrs. Eddie Layder of Winni-
reeve's report was that an
phine Woodcock, of Blyth, in
peg is visiting with her m'oth:er,
aerial map of the town will
her 75th year. Funeral was
Mrs. Norman Ball, Rattenbury
be prepared by the Depart -
held, Tues'd'ay, March 9 at the
st Nest,
snent of Lands and Forests
Tasker Funeral Chapel, with
temporary entombment in
ivjxs Ella Masan, of 31 Rat-
in co-operaidon Wirth the
Blyth Cemetery Chapel.
tenbuzy -Street, Clinton, cele-
brat -es her 80th birthday on
The purpose of` the snap
Friday, March 12. , .
will be 'rto gid council, in -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcl� x-
dustr+ial cmimittee and
lane and son Robert of St. Thor
Mr, Mrs, Howard
planning board, or any o -
ryas, and and
Cher progressive org+aniza-
Pym. and fanilly of V11mville
tion in town planning. work.
visited at the home of the ladies'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb.
The number -two part of
Department of HighWays
Approximately 1/8,-0f an 'acre
of land. and a frame garage,
� n
situated at Pt. slots 347, 348
and 349 ,Registered Plan No. 7,
Town Clinton, County of
„ �.•--• 'DISGOtIf11f11@d
Huron�Ocairted in 'the of
Street, South
of MarSteet, with access via
James Street.
Sale will place on the
prop&Ay ,
• ' 1966
1198: $200,00 Cash br Certi�
I Choilue (Payable to the
usurer of Ontario) at time
sale, balance payable in 30
Further information may be
Obtained from..
The Auctioneers
Me. Edward Elliott,
Clinton, Ontario,
Department of Highways,
Fright -of -'Way blvisloh,
Box 4544, Postal Staticin "C"
335 Saskatoon Street, k
London, bntarlo.
T8lephohe: 451.3450.
Saris Subject to lkeibN6 'Bid,
15e0artnient of 141ghWaya
Ontario, 9,�LQ6
Covers .to 500` sci. ft.
25 lbs. Makes 3% gallons '
"'In toad G M i'LVfloor or Money Re{d'rtded
�rk.we+„mwmw,wwwn�,v .ewmew..w4w.�,.M
14deic. Street CLINTO N 482'p9514
p.-. TRADE
With modern transportation, no merchant can sit back and
think of any one. customer as HIS.
-- and only two . .. siring home town buying t6 home town 'stores!
'No. I is well -§elected merchandise of good quality. No. 2 is
letting the potential buyer know abou, t i{` by means of attractive
6dyertiting. The basic advertising medium As your HOME TOWN
% d E
� I,s r It gin;o .1 -�.,, . 4•'+1.. �, .�l;',. ,,• ,�. Eko'' f s.o.
PHONe 49204443.