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Clinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 3
11)Clt thlits • ,ebn Mrs. N. Sheppard was in charge of tile devotional period when the VOW of Wesley-Willis , United Church met. on Wednes- day, 1Vfarth 3. She ,opened the Meeting with smile thoughts on Christian Stewardship, The Scr- inttlre Lesson rpm Exodus and commentary on same were given by Mrs. L. 'Jar-Via, This was fol- lowed, by the Lord-'s Prayer with congregational response. The offering was. received and dedicated, Mrs, N. Holland, "Mrs, ter, Mrs, G. Rathwell. and Mrs. Carter presented an interest-. ing skit an Stewardship, entitled "All Our LiVing", Miss K. McGregor took the chair and conducted the busina ess, The mini/tea of the previ- ous' meeting were read by` tbe r4S'eePl7Piiel'onitave7hadcliVil7os TQt church ;bol 1'1 aI 11 par- lor, reported some new furniture Bought and some pieces renovat- ed. Preparations. for the spring Thank Offering are being•mrade 'by the Starlight Circle (Unit2), the date to be. set later, The Mary and Martha Group (Unit 1) are serving a. noon luncheon On March 16, The Wo-Ile-Lo Group (Unit 3) are sponsoring a baking and sewing sale in the church,on March 13. Tea will be served. - The -South Western Confer- ence for women 'of the United Church is to be held at Mc- Master University on August 27,, 28, 29, A hymn followed by prayer by Miss McGregor closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Unit 1. surer's report. One new mem- ber was welcomed. Approval of a new Canadian flag for the Girl Guides of the Station was given. Mrs. I. Hopkins showed the ladies how to remodel hats. The demonstration proved most interesting 'to all. Tickets were handed out to the members for the St, Patrick's Tea to be held at . the Officer's. Mess on March 20. Refreshments 'were served under the direction of Mrs. Merle Prest. Eimer 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Isaac Street, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday evening, March 6 in Londesbato Community • Hall with about 200 relatives' and friends. in attendance. Mr. arid Mrs, Huglll were married in Egmondville by. Rev. A. W, Gardiner and their at- tendants were Mrs. Gordon Hor- ner of Kitchener and Robert Blyth.' Mrs. Wilfred JerVis read an address and presented a gift on behalf of those present, includ- ing guests from Windsor, Leam- ington, London. St. Marys, Kit- chener .and surrounding area. ChwpionshiP Of Bowling Finalists Share 0-1.4d on Trophy .two-time winner of the Carling Cup, Joe' Daer (centre) of Clinton has a firer hold on one side of the trophy* while Len Myatt (left) of Owen Sound sup, ports the other side after they each won their respective semi-final matches last Saturday in the Little' Bowl in Goderich, At the right is Carling repre- sentative, L. J. "Sparky" Weiler, The two bowlers will meet May 9 in the Mid Town Bowl in Wallcerton the final round of the Championship of Bowling. antral ark Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349 Legion Ladies Plan Events -Clinton Legion LadieS Auadl- lary held their monthly xneeting Monday night at the Legion. Hall with President, Mrs. Doug Andrews presiding, • Members made arrangements for. a dessert euchre and larldge March 17 from 24 There will. be hand calafts froin the, Ontario Hospital, Goderich, for sale with the proceeds being 'turned. to -the hospital. A ‘zone card party 'is to be held March 2'i in the evening and. a bowling banquet to be - catered for on April 2. Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Zone .Cotnniand- - er is -to be invited !for the • May 'meeting. The charter was draped in Mourning for Mrs. May Cook. ,A successful penny sale was held and Mrs. Ruby Haddy won the attendance draw. . • The Red Crescent is the coun- terpart -of the Red Cross in Moslem countries. OF INTEREST TO LADIES Time to haVe your shoes dyed for Easter at RAY'S SHOE REPAI! 35 Huron St. * Clinto' ALL WORK GUARANTEECI Dancing 9 to Midnight Admission: 75c per person Catering tq Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 GODERICH ©NT. DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week SY turd ,y. March 13 Gordon Rhodes and The Comets HE PA, K THE SQUARE—GODERICH NOW — THUR., FRI., SAT. — March 11-12-13 - Tab Hunter, Shelley Fabare and Fabian "Ride The Wild Surf" Color MON., TUES., WED. — March 15-16-17 ITTANCe Jane Fonda and Alain Delon prE,Solri keirAIVE E0 y .4. A new xnatery-drama with - , PERSONS 10 TEARS Of .0E IF 0c1+1 a truly sinister twist. "JOY HOUSE" THUR., FRI., SAT.—March 18-19-20 Walt Disney Program — Burl Ives, Luana Patten and Bobby Driscoll Present a grand family-type story film "So Dear To My Hear „ In Color Plus Disney's "GOLDEN HORSESHOE REVUE" COMING Ava Gardner and Richard Burton n "NIGHT OF THE IGUANA" -- Adult Entertainnient ammitIONNalco~1~1111.11/0 Convenient RAILS LINE vice to STRATFORD WITH Gm CONNECTING SERVICE TO TORONTO • Each. Week One Lucky* Customer Will Win $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER — 1333 Phone 482-7064 Clinton, Ont. utst Win pedals COMBINATION PEAL: 1 LB. WIENERS /2 LB. BACON 1/2 LB. MAC-CHEIESE Or CHIX-LOAF 4 LBS. BOLOGNA 3 LBS. HAMBURG 3 LBS. SAUSAGE $1.00 $1.00 WIENERS — 6 lb. box „ • .. $2.25 SCHNEIDER'S PICNIC SHOULDER 1 1/2 lb. can . $1.09 SPORK SPAM 2 cans for 79C MILKO ---- 8 lb. box $2.79 CHOICE BEEF—Front Quarters Cut wrapped 39c lb. PETER'S eat Market la";;Rataga„ak aa-t.a Join the "get-away" people on cold mornings „ in a Studebaker. It starts easier, faster than most cars, Then' most cars haven't got transistorized ignition—standard equipment on the Daytona Sports-Sedan and a low-cost option on other models, Studebaker's transistorized ignition delivers all the power right frQrri the moment you turn the starter . . . eliminates that agonizing winter grind. Transis- torized ignition means far fewer engine tune-ups- too, because there's far less stress and strain on plugs and points. And you save en gas because the engine stays in tune longer. Came in today. Check off the other extra-value features that make Studebaker your 'best automotive buy, - We U. DALRYMPLE. & SON BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO lidaddr Thurs., March 11, 1965—Clinton News-Record—Page 3 BIACY 9 ALBERT STREET CLINTON PHONE 482-6626 PRESC EPTIONS CAREFULLY DISPENSED exactly as your doctor orders, Half-Price Sale of Yardley T iletries Yardley Face Powder—Reg. $1.75 Spec. 88c Yardley Compacts—Reg, $1.85 Spec. 93c Yardley Roll-on Deodorant For Men—Reg. $1.50 Spec. 75c Come in and see our_ large stock of Toiletries• Coty, Max Factor, Faberge, Dorothy Gray, Ponds, etc. CAMERAS and Photographic Supplies. ADMIRAL PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE Bring your films here to be developed. ED A DS P Watch for COUPON DAYS LOA. Sale March 15 to March 20 Mrs, J., E. Bates, left; Dean. of Women at McMaster University, 'I' anvil- who . was guest speaker at Clinton World Day of Prayer service, is shown here having tea with Mrs. R, Estabrooks, of the RCAF .Protestant Chapel Guild committee,. and, Mrs, R. Renaud,. Guild president. '0'40,4„F. Photo) r World D y of Prayer ervice CAF Ladies erve Tea After.Service The .pressure is off! Exams are over! Now we have only to wait for that important little piece of paper-' to come in the mail, letting us know if we are brilliant enough in our hours of anxiety and writer's cramp. To think that our fate depends on these sheets of paper that our fumbling fingers have neatly folded and rather reluctantly handed in. Well, our Clinton Teen Town has done it! They have finally come up • with those precious "few feet"; there wall be- a dance. featuring the R,evolaires at the Clinton Legion Hall on Friday night. Thank goodness we've finally been recognized. After all, at 'is a little chilly for dancing on the streets! There will be Teen Town at the Station this.. Friday eve, cel- ebrating, no doubt, the end of exams. Next week, that is Mar- ch 19, there will be a St. Pat- rick's Dance and the "following afternoon, members of that Teen Town; will be going on a trip to Canadian Bandstand in Kitchener. Make a note that af- ternoon to watch for a few fam- iliar faces in the swinging crowd. ...The new "Rembrandts" prov- ed to be really different. They consist of five fellows, a fabu- lous beat, black sweaters and dark glasses. This diapTay of in- dividuality .dreW quite a crowd last weekend at Blyth. It is a shame, -however, that some of -our local Swingers have very few manners and seem to think that it's "cute" to make a rath- er messy show of themselves. Let's hope that the rest of us have the intelligence, and aro sensible enough, to take ,proper advantage of the allowances, that are made for us. Well, till next time, Your swinging PAM. 0 Wesley Vodden Funeral Today • Wesley Vodden, Hullett Township farmer, died Monday; March 8 at Clinton Public Hos- pital, in his 82nd year. He is survived by five sons; Herbert, Whitehorse,„Yaken; Fred, Goderich Township; Roy, and Kenneth, Hullett ToWn- ship; Leonard, Paris; a daugh- ter, Mrs. /Bert (Dora) Shob- brook, Hullett Township; two sisters, Mrs. William (Mary) Deer, Goderich; Mrs. Herman (Grace) Crick, Clhiton; two- bro- thers, Joseph, Clinton; Char- les, Londesboro. The funeral service is being held today, Thursday, March 11 from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home at 2 o'clock pm., followed by temporary entomb- merit in the mausoleum at Clin- ton Cemetery. 0 Through -the Homemaker Ser- vices of the Canadian Red Cross, trained workers in 35 commun- ities. visit homes where the mo- ther is ill, and feedand care for the children and performed the household tasks. (Continued from page one) Scribbins and Eddie Mittell; directors for two years, Mrs. H. MacIntyre, Mrs. C. H. Epps, Mrs. N. Forbes, Mrs. E. Far- quhar and Charles Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton delighted the large audience by showing colorful pictures taken in eight European coun- tries from Ireland, England, Holland, the Scandinavian coun- tries and the sun-warmed Fren- ch. Riviera. However, we believe, that the Clinton pictures "stole the show." The secretary had as- serabled slides donated by 12 of the members of their prize gar- dens, etc., with remarkable re- sults: as to variety, colour and: range, of .interest. The beauty spots in our town The Protestant Chapel Guild ladies played host to Clinton ladiea at. a tea in the Airmen's Mess at RCAF Station Clinton, On 'Friday, March 5 from 3 to 4 pan., following the World Day of Prayer service. • Guests were greeted by the Guild president Mrs, R. E. Ren- and and Mrs. Phyllis Swaran. - Speaker for the occasion was Mrs. 4. Edgar Bates, who is the Dean of Women at .1)4'01,N/faster University, HamiltOn, Pouring tea. for the ladies were Mrs. Carman McPherson, Miss Kate McGregor, Mrs. 13.1acr ker, Mrs. 1:3titia Kuehl, Mrs. Mc-. Kfrmon and Mrs. Chris Guettier all of Clinton. There were 145 ladies attend- ing the tea,. o NEWS OF SR! Keith Stirling, Sarnia, spent the weekend with, his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Har.olti Weston :had their daughter, Miss Sus- anne Weston; R. Rice, of Tray, Mich., and their Soil and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Weston, Pat and Mike as their guests over the weekend, Ray Weston, Sus- anne and Pat all celebrated birthdays -last week and a din- ner was held in their honour on Saturday night. Our sympathy goes to Mrs. R. Snell on the death of her mother, Mrs. A. Pugh, who PLO- sad away on Wednesday; March 3, at Royal' Oak, Mich.. Flying Officer. Dar]e -Bill is visiting his parents, Cpl, and Mrs. Joe Hill, prior to going to Edinonton on a survival course, after which he will be stationed in Bagotville, -Que.. Mrs, Hill and son Randy are going to Manitoba for a few weeks to visit relatives. Mrs. .11oward Adams flew to England last Monday from Tor- Onto, International Airport; she will be away for three weeks. Mrs. Adrien Asselin from Gat- ineau, Que. is - spending 'some time at the home of Flight Sgt. and Mrs. Don, Tremblay, • . Many, happy returns of the day to Riek Russell, 17 years of age on March 8. Larry O'- Brien celebrated his sixth birth- day with six playmatea, at the Saturday matinee, March 6 and then had refreshments at home. The Women's Auxiliary held their general meeting on Mon- day, March 1 at the Community Centre. Mrs. 0. Lomas presided. Mrs. E. Barton read the min- utes of the last meeting and Mrs. D. Worth gave the tree, and surrounding 'areas. proved that while "far away field's are green" (and the Irish ones. are remarkably so), Clinton gard- ens didn't have to- take a back seat. To- mention a few: The Santa Claus Parade; a darling close-up of a wren in its very vivid set- ting; the Chelsea Flower Show; the Blarney Stone; wild orchids; the Little Mermaid; a mighty hunter's bull-moose; Florida, 93 lb. fish; prize dahlias and glads and gorgeous. garden panoram- as; the McConnell's nursery in 'mum-time; the spring tulips of Huronview and at Keukenhof, Holland, landscape ,gardening do Niagara Falls; white swans gliding down-our Stratford Riv- er Avon, etc. Surely something for every taste! Ali in all, it was, a Horticult- Ural evening to remember, and besides, :the Society received 60 paid up memberships! NEW HE/ INO SYMMS WE mar LEARN, THIS OUR BOSS - MAKES HIS CONCERN' .Four Baylield Churches Unite For Da' y of. Prayer . • •• . • • HAYFIELD — The - annual' World Day of Prayer, for worn- en throughout Christendom, was held last Friday afternoon in Hayfield's 'Knox Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. H. H, Or- mond as leader. She was ably assisted by Mrs, R, J. Larson, of Trinity Anglican .Church, Mrs, John Scortchmer of St. An- drew's United Church, and Mrs, Bruce Eaton of Ba.yaield Bap' tist , Church,. The program this year, was written' by Mrs, Jessie Jai Mc- Neil, a gifted and distinguished American Negro' woman. Special prayers were given by Mrs, Robert Scotdhmer, Mrs. William Armstrong, Mrs. John Lindsay,, Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner and •Mrs, Bruce- Eaton. Presenting the offering were Mrs.. Percy Weston -and Mrs, Charles Bell. Mrs. Lorne Sparks, accom- panied by Mrs. Ormond, render- ed beautifully, the old negro spiritual, "Were you there, when they crucified my Lord?" ' Mrs: Douglas O. Fry, being un- able to be present, sent her huSband to fill in 'for her, the Rev. D. 0. li ry, minister of Sea• - forth and Hayfield Presbyter- ian .Churches, and his address added much to the meaning of the theme of the .clay. He gave a strong thoughtful presentation of what is needed in our lives, in this,, generation, in this "Changing world of to- day". There was an appeal and an uplift 'in it, and all present felt it. Those who missed' this service, loSt something that is Very precious to women around the world, who at 3:00 p,m, 'on the first Friday in Lent, join in this link of prayer, making 24 hours of uplifted prayers . . . and the world needs it. through RED CROSS Your help does so much for sir many Rebek h Enchre. p rty Winners A .successful card party was held in the IOOF Rail on Mon- day, March 8, sponsored by Group 1 of the Rebekah Lodge. Euchre prizes were won by: lad, les' high, Mrs. Alex aVfeMiehael, low, -Mrs. J. K. Cornish; men's high, Clayton Ilo.dgins, low, Francis Powell, Also ladies' high Mrs. Cliff Stewart and men's high, Charles Hutchins. The "500" prizes were won by; -lada Mrs. Clark Ball; meats high, John Sutter, men's low, Clark Ball. The draw for the ham was won by Mrs. George Picot. A dessert euchre will be held en -. Wednesday, April 7. 0 To bring health and medical services to Canaclians in. remote parts of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross operates 38' outpost hospitals and nursing stations. ai :si Tea CLINTON STYLE "PAM" LEAVE CLINTON 12:40 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1,135 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M. Convenient connections to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Wettern Canada. Low Roil Fares, Red Pare one-way to WINNIPEG $21,50 to. HALIFAX $24.,55, For information phone the focal CN Safes Office awarommummi, aimimmitimmanior.441AMA# 1110010161/11. Red pare one Way White 0.66 Ohio $4.40 • Ciintoh roonto Clinton i Horticultural Society, Sees Garden Films At Annual Meeting, CiESE PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON