HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-03-11, Page 1THE .NEW ERA 98th YQr•
No. 10 -- The Home Paper With the News
• THE. HURON RECORP 02.nd Yeor -
144.TON� 'O*1TARiO 'THL RsPAY, MARCH 11, 1964
esi, The Picture Is OK ... , But Look Closer!
This five-ton'truck of Canada Packers Limited, News -Record, photographer John Visser was right •
Walkerton, rolled upside clown last Thursday near on the job to record on film the transfer of the-
Hensall The driver, Anthony Al, was not hurt, chickens to another Canada Packers truck.
but about 30 of the 2,500 chickens were killed.
Truck Driver Escapes Injury
In Accident Near Hensall
(By Mrs. M. Hedden)
HENSALL — Truck driver
Anthpnr Al, 21, RR 1 Walker-
ton, escaped uninjured Thurs-
day afternoon when his truck
loaded with 2,500 crated chick -
AT bliss
"Will you pass the nuts, prof-
essor?" a friend asked et the
dinner table.
"Yes," he answered absent-
mindedly, "but I suppose I
should flunk them."
ens • rolled into a ditch.
The accident, just north of
Hensel], on Hiighway 4, killer]
about 30 chickens and caused
$400 damage to the truck;'own-
ed by Canada PackersIAaniited
of Walkeeton. Only a few of the
orates were broken. The chick-
ens on the loose were quickly
A mobile crane fa'em Hensel).
was used to right the truck and
get it back on the highway.
The accident occurred about
1:30 pen. andit took ,until 7.
p.in. to get the five -ton truck
back on the highway,
Frovineial `Corisitabier Harry
Clinton firemen Collect $147.53
For Muscular Dystrophy Research
.Clinton Volunteer Fire Brig-
ade reis'ed $1.47.53 in their re-
cent funds campaign for the
Muscular Dystrophy Association
of Canada.
Fireman Gordon Dalgliesh,
chairman of the local campaign
reported ' $113.00 given by Clin-
ton and district organizations
and $34.53 collected from the
cannislters in various • stores. The
total is down somewhat from
previous years, he saki. And•he
also reports that three of the
plastic and cardboard cannisters
had been nabbed of their silver,
According. to Mr', Dalgliesh
there : are no known case of
inuscuI•ar dystrophy in Huron
County. Therefore all the money
collected locally goesto finance
research into muscular, dystro-
(Continued On Page 12)
Auburn Ladies Receive
Meritorious Diplomas
AUBURN—Two Auburn Hor-
ticulturalists .were honored by
the presentation of • a diploma
for meritorious service to hort-
iculture at the. March meeting
of the Auburn Horticultural So-
ciety when they met 4n the
Auburn Community Memorial
The ladies so honored were
Ed. Davies and Mrs. Wil -
'am Strawghan.
.Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and
. Arthur Grange pinned lov-
ely corsages•, on these ladies and
Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor read the
ecl'di"ess thankthg them for the
work they had done to help
beautify the village. Mrts. Phil-
lips and Miss. Grange presented
the diplomas on behalf of the
The meeting was in charge of
`;he president, Mrs. Wes Brad -
luck and the pianist was Mrs..
xordon R. Taylor, After sing-
ng 0' Canada the minutes were
tad by the secretary, Mrs,
.loyd Humphreys, It was decid-
el to assist the Athletic Assoc-
anion by planting trees on the
ithiebie Park, and 'William
;itraughan and Ed. Davies were
taatied to be the committee,.
It was decided to enter the
anibr conhpetitio i, "Any plower
'ontest" and Mr's. Robert Tures
er was stained convener, the
enter contest, "A tree of Ont,
rib" and Mrs, Arthur Grange
rag hated convener and the
hot'dgraphic competition is to
e in char=ge of Mrs, Gordon R.
Clifferd H, Epps, Clinton, No,
disrtriet director, was guest Of
it evetiieg and brought greet-
gs +atid spoke of the Work being
sire throughout the district.
l''t. A.rthdr Grange thatike+d
le EPOS and pt'"itented him
itis. a 'gift. A trio Wa sung by
na, Deflaid Haines, Mist Mar -
let Hairtee and Fd, Haines
and also a' duet by Mrs. Haines
and Miss Margaret. Miss Karnes
played a piano solo.
Mrs. Russel Brindley intro-
duced her guest of the evening,
Mrs, Ed Jessop of Goderich. She
showed colorful slides of the
flowers of her garden and nacre
on page 9)
Reid of Exeter, who was assist-
ssns t -ed by Chief of Police E. R.
Davis of Hensaii, .said the acci-
dent occurred when the Canada
Packers truck was passing an-
other truck. The other vehicle
was not involved.
A man, full 'of ' excitement,
phoned the fire departmient:
"Five! Fire!"
"Where is it?„
"My house!"
"I mean 'the location of the
"My kitchen, for . heaven's
"Yes, but how can we get' to
your place?"
"You've got a fire engine,
haven't you?"
Horticultural Society
Sees Films OE Gardens
The , annual meeting' of the
Clinton Citizens' Horticultural
Society was held Friday even-
ing, March 5 in the council
chambers of the town hall.
According to Cliff Epps' sta-
tistics, this meeting ' was the
most largely attended of any of
this sooiety's ' ever held. The
mild weather brought out a ca-
pacity crowd.
The president, Miss Luella
Johnston opened the meeting
with John Donne's poem "No
man is an Island, entire of it-
self" and extended a warm wel-
Mrs. Stewart Middleton pre-
sented the secretary's report
and C. H, Epps gave the finan-
cial statement.
Speaking also as head of Dis-
trict 8, Ontario Horticultural
Association, Mr. Epps urged a
greater increase in, membership
"on the whole, our District
made an increase in membership
of over 13% in 1964."
The president moved a vote
of thanks to Toni Cronin, of
Sparling's Hardware, for kindly
attending to watering the Post
Office flower bed.
.. Mr. Epps also answered many
garden questions during the
course of the meeting.
The Clinton Greenhouse and
Garden Centre, whose propriet-
Popular Clinton Guide Leader
Receives Guiders Camping Award
Lieutenant dtkyce Xrwin,
right, was presented with her
Green Tree Pita at the Girl
Guides Meeting,Moiiday even-
ing, by District Guider Beulah
Watch, left,
To obtain this phi Lielartoiit
ta.i'it Irwin attended weekend
training at Dee Laine', the
Pr:windfall b'Va i damp Site end
Camp Keew'aydin Area Caird
site en Lake Mullin,
She worked a Otlatterinase
ter at a 10 -day cA!rrirp at Camp
Keewaydin in 1961 and assist-
ed' at a 16 -day Pioneer Catsup
at Camp r;eewnydin in 1962,
attending tt two -clay training
at I-lefisali hi 1963 end eon-
ducting a, weekend Company
Camp at the Toed Cub Camp
at Haler viiia,
She then completed her re-
tluireirie it'' by :conduetang a
10,day Division Pioneer C7anii
rat Glen Maid, Seafoi*th•,•
1964, atnd wrlirtling the ?twin,
c%aui Ct toper d lieeitse test,
'or is John Steele Smith, sent
the . society a flower catalogue
for 1965 at bargain prices. for
100 lot orders.
Anyone warding to order
these mums, dahlias, canine,
geraniums, etc., available from
this catalogue, please contact
Mrs. C. H. Epps or Miss L.
Johnston, Mr. Smith also don-
ated several plants for draws
at the meeting.
Mrs. L, M. McKinnon brought
in the slate of officers for 1965:
Honorary- President, Douglas
Miles; president, Miss Luella
Johnston; first vice-president,
Fred SIoman;' second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Frank. England; sec-
retary, Mee. Stewart Middleton;
treasurer, Clifford' H, Epps;
Xpress secretary, Mrs. D: Middle-
ton; Directors for one year, Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes, 1\ rs. H. Ball,
Mr's. R. G. McCann, Gorden
(Continued on Page Three)
Public Works Men
Visited Bayfield
Goorge Meyrinek, region-
al engineer, Department of
P>rtibiie Works (Highways ..
and Rivers) and Mr., Sly-
wchuk, representing the
area .engineer, visited Bay,
field yesterday, 'Wednesday,
March 14, at 10 a.m.
They viewed the harbour
and met with council in
(private) discussion of the
Auxiliary Police
Chosen To Train
In EMO Course
Eugene "Bu,tch" McLaren,
Welsley Holland, Craig' Cox, and
Qetorrge Currie have been chosen
(roan• 11 „appl'ioants to train .as
auxiliary police for the town of
Clinton, under the Huron Coun-
ty Emergency Measures Organ-
They •attend'ed the first of
Borne 14 lectures last night -
They were picked by Chief of
Police H. R. Thompson, who
be responsible for training
The auxiliey police will work
with the county EMO in case of
emergency and with the local
pence when the need arises..
, When the course has been
completed, the men must pees
written examinations, They will
then be supplied with uniforms
by the county ;EMO, of which
Stewart Forbes, Goderich, is co-
Seed Fair Set
For Weekend
At CHSS Here
. E, McGill, assistant live-
stock conmisldioner for Ontario,
will be train speaker at the
Annual Huron Comity Seed
todie held at CHSS Friday and
Mr. McGirli's S'a'turday address
will cover "profit by cash crops
for efficient lives'to'ck."
Exhibits will be set up at the
echooil Friday afternoon. Judg-
ing by Gordon Tolton and James
Richiaildson, both of Walkerton,
starts at 5:00 p,m.
Panel discussions on farnii
managementand dairy housing
systems will be held Saturday.
G. S. "Bert' Moggach, agricult-
ural engineering specialist for
Huron and Perth counties, will
speak oni profitable, grain corn
production. Another speaker
will be Don Hill, of Markdale,
a soil and crop spedialist with
the deportee -lent of agriculture.
The .seed fair is sponsored by
the Huron County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association,
On Friday at 8 p.m., the an;
nual Huron Junior Farmer dra-
ranva festival will be held at the
school. The junior farmer choir
wlill perform,
Londesboro Delegation Seeking
Better Lighting For Village
9 g9
The regular monthly meeting
of the council of the Township
of Hullett was held in the Com-
munity Hall, Londesboro. The
reeve and all councillors were
A delegation of residents of
the hamlet of Londeeboaio was
present to present a petition to
council for the improvement of
the present street lighting sys-
tem in Londesboro, Mrs. Bert
Allen Mrs. Robert Townsend,
and Harold Livingston present-
ed the petition to council and
discussed the proposed change
from the present system of an-
candescent lighting to fluores-
cent standards.
The council had already in-"
situated the clerk to write to
the Hydro Electric Power Com-
mission to obtain an etstitnate
of costs and when this estimate
is received a more realistic pro-
posal can be Made to the• council
based on the cost and number of
street lighting standards that
would be required.
Tenders were opened for, the
supplying of ctusbeti gravel for
the roads; There were two ten-
ders received witlt the tender
of the George Radford Construc-
tion; Ltd, 13lyth being the suc-
cessful tender at a price of 67c
per cubic yard, The amount of
gravel to bb Used will be ikp-
The Weather
1965 1064
nigh Low High Low
Maar. S 38 31 48 34
3 49 36
4 41 36 52 36.
6 42 ,36 36 20
.7 39 29 44 30
8 39 28 88 27
l-clm 3'r 31 33 Rain: .38"
7'1V 8nau:4"
proximately 12,000 cubic yards.
Tenders for the supplying of
wambicide powder' for the warble
fly spraying prograan were re-
ceived, with Murray Reid of R i
1 Lon'd'esbora being the success-
ful bidder. Jaynes Leishman of
RR 2 Seaforth was the suecees-
(Contanu'ed On Page 1?)
$4,00• Per Year -,-70 cents Per copy.,—,1p Pagee
awn Council A.
hree Existin
Red Cross Drive
On Mara 22
Mrs. W. A. Oakes, local
chairman of 'the Canadian
Red Cross Society fund
campaign 'informs us that
the town of Clinton will be
canvassed on Monday, Mar-
eh 22.
, in former years the
four servicer clubs in town
will do the canvassing:
Lions in. St. Andrew's Ward;
Legion, St, James Ward;
Fish. and Game, St. John's
Ward; Kinsmen, St, Geo-
rge's Ward.
Every Molise will be con-
tacted, If you are not borne
on March 22, the canvasser
will call back later in the
• week,
At lbs regular meeting wren_
day evening, Clinton town coun-
cil agreed to amalgamate three
existing town boaxds into .one.
This was, the outcome of a re-
quest by letter and delegation
from Clinton Recreation Com-
mittee at the February' meeting.
At that time Mayor Symons
instructed the recreation com-
mittee ehaininan, Robert Hun-
ter, to consult all members of
the three boards. This was done
and the recreation groups seat
a letter, which was supported
at Monday's meeting by Robert
The three groups which will
now be known as C'inton Rec-
reation Committee, were Clin-
ton Athletic Field Board, .Clin-
ton Community Swimming Pool
amenittee, and Clinton Recre-
ation Committee,
Eleven members of the new
committee as suggested by the
Clinton Airman Presents Pilot Wings
To His Son at Moose Jaw Ceremony
Corporal 3, N. Hill of
RCAF Station: Clinton •.pre-
sented pilot wings to his
son, Flying Officer D. N.
Hill, at a ceremony at RC-
AF Station Moose Jaw,
Sask. This represenrted the
succesefiai completion of fly-
ing training in the . Chip-
munk Harvard and T-33
F/O Hill will, be proceed-
ing to RCAF Station Begot -
vine Quebec for further
training on jet (aircr'aft, 'af-
ter a leave with -his parents
at RCAF Station Clinton,
Huron County�
Expected To increase
Tax Levy At Its March Session
(By W. E. Elliott)
GODERIC,H --- Huron County
Council at its March session is
expected to increase the tax
levy. Clerk -treasurer John G.
]3erly.warned council last Nov-
ember that a ane -mill increase
was ,indicated, if the present
program were to be continued.
He qualiitiied this by pointing
out that an allocation might be -
made for future capital outlay,
as an alternative to debenturing
or pay-as-you-go. In any case,
the amount of increaae will be
determined by acceptance of the
various committee reports and
their projects. The roads co'm-
m'ittee has already recommend-
ed an increase of three-quarters
of a mill.
On the agenda for March 24-
25 is discussion in connection
with the County Roads Needs
Study, set up in this and other
counties to estimate future con-
stuction maintenance and oper-
ating needs and to determine
population and assessment
The Huron study has been
directed by Ralph Jewell, 1964
Warden; road committee chair-
man Joseph Kerr, Wingharn, a-
long with the district municipal
engineer and a representative of
the Highways Department. It
was carried out by.McConmick
& Rankin, consulting engineers,
Port Credit.
"Pending implementation of
the nee'da study recommendat-
ions in 1966," committee chair-
man Kerr reported at the Jan-
uary session, "We recommended
a mill rate for highway purpos-
es in 1,965 of 8..75.
The general purposes rate set
last March was six mills, for
Mads eight.
Though council irn, January ap-
proved construction • of a 75 -bed
addition to Huronsriew, no ac-
tion has yet been taken by the
comniittee relative to the actual
building program, and • there de
to be further discussion.
a tes
'ate s
roe. group are: Douglas An-
drews, David Beattie, Orval
Engelstad, Robert Bunter, Don
I• ay, Hector I:V'ingswel], Pecy
Livermore, Robert Mann, Doug
las Thorndike, and Cauncifiors
Norman Livermore .and Gordon
Lawston, •
From the 11 -man committee,
a mailer.committee of ;five or
seven rnen (including the two
eounicillors) will be formed to
administer the Clinton Com-
rnunity $Whum'ing Pool, This is
n'eces'sary under the 'Community
Centres Act, ,
Councillor 71t Hospital
Councillor Cainer"on Proctor
is a patient in Westminster
Boapitatl, London, awaiting an
operration, and.. no health. and
welfare report was given at
the meeting,
Mid -W. OAA Delegates
Reeve Duff Thompson, chair-
man Of council's industrial com-
mittee, and Royce Macaulay, a
former councillor, are Clinton's
delegates to all meetings of the
Mid -Western Ontario Develop-
ment Association in 1965. Couar-
crl joined .Mid-WODA in Febru-
ary this year.
Broke Car Springs
A letter from William 'Riehl
requesting the town to pay for
three broken springs on'his car,
was referred to the town's in-
surance broker. Mr. Riehl 'at-
teided the meeting. The darn -
(Continued on page five)
Hospital Ladies
Thanked For
Ice Machine
The regular monthly meeting
of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Clin-
ton Public Hospital was held in
the nurses' residence on Tues-
day, March 2. The president
opened the meeting with prayer
and the. minutes of the Febru-
ary meeting were .approved.
A. letter from Clinton Public
Hospital Board expressed their
appreciation of the ice machine
which the audliary had pur-
chased and installed in the hos-
• The treasurer's report was
read and approved. Mrs. Weil -
ham, buying convener, reported
that six pairs of drapes had
been rniade and hung in the hos-
pital and suggested buying three
pair for the children's ward.
Mrs. A. Hadcly reported that
tag day will be held in May.
Mrs. R. U. MacLean asked that
a date be set for the penny nolle
and it was decided to hold this
on October 2. The Auxiliary
will. visit Ontario Hospital near
Goderioh in May.
A hat show is being sponsored.
by the auxiliaay, with Nims.
Humphry of London conning to
show her hats. These hats will
also be for sale and will be
modelled by members of the
auxiliary. This event will be held
on March 30 at the nurses'
Residence wlith two showings at
2 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Mrs. E. B.
Menzies will be the convener
for the hat show.
The bumsaiy for a student
nurse from Central Huron. Sec-
ondary Sdhool will again be
sponsored by the Auxiliary.
Clinton and Adastral Park
Ladies from AdestratPark: and ClintonMeet
at the World Da .. of Prayer tea held at the Air,.
iti ii s Mess. Mrs. ; 0, S. 8waren (left), Wife 'df
Protestant Padre at l3.CAlt' Clinton talks' tc (from
the left) Mr . Weniunn, Clinton) Mrs. B4.,
Ladies at Day of Prayer Service
Greenaway, Mrs, C. Heers)nlz, Mrs, J, D. Bates,
Dean of Women McMaster University; trarnzlt0n,
gdest speaker, and Mrs, `W� l;'. Cook, Other pictures
on page 3, '(CAP Photo)