Clinton News-Record, 1965-02-25, Page 9MRS,: .WES. 'BRAP,NOCK,,,C.offespottdent,Phone U47$9.5
Mr. And Mrs ClaytonQb
even nf 'Copper QUft sPent't),be
weekend witb 4he4r parents,
rz and Mrs, .1, Aoberison
and W.. and MM. Willie*
ProgreSSIVe euchre id crolci,
Ilele Were enjoyed last, week,
sponsored Iv the CoMmanity
11 Bpd. Bert Craig Wasin
harel gWiPted by Harry Goad, -
'W311. Prize warmers were men's
Auburn COT
See Pictures
Of West Coast
AJU3N— The AubUrn
•CGIT grogp met at the„,bonie
of Jane Doran with an attend-
ance of 19 girls. The •president,
Jane D:Ora4 opened the meet-
• ing with the pall to worship
• famed by the Lords Prayer
and the pgrpese. Judy Arthur
• Was the pianist. A hymn was
sung, followed by scripture les-
son read by Nancy Anderson.
4 duet "Four Strong Winds"
Was sung by Judy Arthur and
• Gail • Miller' ;accompanied by
Margaret Sandman. The offer-
ing was received by Joyce Lea-
therland and "dedica.ted. A flow-
er contest was -conducted by
JloYee Leatherland.
Miss Barbara Sanderson in-
• troduced and welcomed the
• guests of"the evening, Mr, Bird
1VIrs. Ralph D. Munro who
showed their interesting and
• educational pictureg taken on
their trip to the West Coast
last summer. Jane Doran
, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Munro
• for their informative address
and pietures.
A short business period* fol-
lowed and Gail Miller read
• minutes of previous meeting,
Plans were made to hold a skat-
• ing 'party at -Blyth arena on
February 27. The roll call for
the next, meeting is to be an-
swered by naming one thing
I have learned about thy church
and my religion. Betty Moss
thaiked Mrs, B. Doran and
•Jane for their hospitality.
482-6661 CLINTON
•nigh. Harry Goodwin; most:
/04e llandP, 1341,TY POOdWin;
second highest, WiRliank
Craig; high ladY, MrA. -Pert
Craig; euenCI bigilest, Mrs,
Jelin Seersmileittee
trivairge a the eVerd,u)g war.
Ed. Davies, MM. ThorneS 1 -fag,
gitt, Mrs, Bert Craig and Mrs,
Arnold Craig. 4nint-4er party
Was anneulleed for March 3.
Mrs. Joe Hoggart _and Mrs
, -
Wellington Good of B.lytli vis-
ited •with Miss Lattra Phillips
last 'Thursday,
MissJarrett Dottie of Kit-
chener spent the weekend with
her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorr
clon Dobie 44d alesS;
A large .eroWd attended the
dance in the Anburn
sponsored by the Gederich
girls ball team, The Coptic or-
chestra stipplied the music,
The annual Wornens Day of:
Prayer service will •be held in
the Aulatrn Baptist ChureI on
March 5;
Mr, and Mrs„ Arthur Brad-
ley of Toronto and Mrs. Ernest
Craig of. Goderich and Nlary
and Margaret Wilkin of Gode-
rieb visited with Mr. and Mrs,
1--)411141 and ter
4414 left Mlle week for a
404n CallgoErni,
lyfr:: and Mns, Clifford Brnwn
and Ry. and Wire. B. Meally
MAii visited with MissBilir-
Prown at gerrlaie eYeft,
ing last •week,
Some of the members of the
Auburn By SeOults were 'tin
Sing 'rime last Sanday:
COngratulations to Miss Mar-
garet Haines On being success
ful iinber recent music exam-
ina.tions. *In grade i3O piano she
received 67 and in grade four
counterpoint she ireeeived 78
•marlcs. She is a pupi of Mrs.
W, McDOugall, Blyth.
MrS• E. H. ,Te$,SOP pf
rich will lase the guest SPeaker
and show pictures at the An,
Nara Horticultural Sogiety when
they meet on IVEarch 1 in the
Community Memorial Hall.
Clifford Epps nf Clinton, direc-
tor for Dietriet No. 8 will also
be the guest, As: an added at-
traction tickets will be sold on.
a Plant;
Huron ,Represented at Beef Meeting
WesternOntario Beef Farmers attended the annual meeting of Ontario
• Beef Improvement Association in Toronto, Thursday, February 18. Ed Starr,
(or the left), Department of Agriculture, Toronto, secretary of the assobla-
tion is shown talking with John W. Wolfe (centre) •of Paisley, Bruce county
and Elmer N. Robertson (right) of Goderich, Huron County, The one day
meeting was attended by.over 150 delegates ,and InernberS of the Beef Improve-
ment Association across Ontario to discuss all phases a the Beef Cattle In-
•dustrY and to toroznote county projects for 1965 such .as feeding and market-
ing, -warble fly. Control- among others. • (Ontario Dept. of 4gr. Photo) '
uburti Institute Sees Display
f OId Recipe ooks, Bible
Sorra. Lane ancl'his wife, Ros-
Ma, arrived as post-war. settlers
from England,. With thein they
breught to Canada- more than
a ton of 'antiques and an ambi-
tion to establish in the country
of their chalice a genuine Olde
England Inn,
• They, found, the perfeet set-
ting for this venture when they
discovered for sale a typical
Tucicir mansion which had been
built between 1905 and 1910 for
the late Col. Harry Slater, The
architect, Samuel McClure, who
had been a student of the re-
noWned; Frank Lloyd Wright,
designed this home to be built
. a setting of native pines
Within the sight and sound of
the Straits of ,Tuan. de Fuca, It
contains. 36 room md a spec-
taealar baronial hall that is now
dominated by a refreetory table
that is said to have once graced
the home of the Bronte family.
Its w1I1n proved perfect setting
for the Lane collection of an-
cient halberds, duelling svvbeds,
brasses and. Statuary of the
middle ages.
Trust Sam Lane, "a former
RAF Squadron Leader), to let
his imagination soar. Not tihe
type to, jt dream dreams he
vat soon engaged in reproduc-
ing Anne, Hathaway's Cottage.
It •is contlete hi every detail
frern thatched roof to courting
settle. It, is not hard for guests
to, travel back in history several'
nandred yea rt and: Imagine
Wliliarn Shakespeare wooing
Anne While being chaperoned by
one or both of her parents. -
The day I arrived at the Inn
it was sunny and warm. T•he
scent of lavender and rotes,
Sweet William and herbs hung
on the air. We were greeted at
the gate, by a .guard in English
laPihkr uniform; a bit cyf "atmos-,
phere" Which I admit seemed
a little corny but certainly set
the mood for ane of. my hap-
Thursday, March 4, 1965 •
'SHOW 10:00 a.m. •• SALE 1:00 p.m. •
4 bulls — 45 females 15 young cows -- 20 bred heifers
• .- *10 open heifers
Quality steers -- some 4-H club prospeots
Outstanding type, top families •and sires represented,
Includes dispergal of the fainous Newhouse herd of
Cal Patrick, Ilderton
• Catalogues available from
GEORGE EARLEY, Kerwood, President
MURRAY McTAGGART, Forest, Sale Manager
W. K. RIDDELL, County Bldg., London, Secretary.
W I Goods Cott. ns AiritNns
Acetates Teryienes Anieis
Butterick .Patterns
Advance:P.aitterns we can order.
Zippers. 'Buffons Threads
Linings and Interfacings
Are AlWciyt , In Stock
Stretch Slims Coats Dresses
Wintef Are Going At Gkoe.awdy Price
Hurry Ito . .
piest holiday experiences.
Sam Lane is a convivial, hoist
With a warmth of ,greethrg'tlya.t
makes his guests feel more than
welcome. After showing me up-
stairs where 1 mould.choose my
accommodation from several
rooins furnished with high four-
poster beds and quaint old com-
modes with .a gleaming patina
only hundreds of years of loving
care could accomplish I was
invited to tea.
The English make an art of
the afternoon tea ritual. There
were hot buttered en:limpets,
home-made strawberry jaa-n and
trifle' in heavy antique crystal
"nappies". The dinner menu was
even more mouth watering.
Roast beef and yorkshire pud-
ding,• "Pyes" and old Devon -
Shire Cyclrax, Landoll; Pride
cake and other • Old Cdantry
provender too numerous to
mention. 1.
Starlings Prove Problem
It was while we were at tea
that Saan revealed the vision he
has made carie true on the
three acres he and his Rosins.
purchaied on Vancouver Island
soon 'atter their arrival. It was
a story of perseverance, for
they, had 10 rent three acres
On which to grow the special
type of wheat froxn which a
thatched roof is created. Then
they had to bring out from En-
gland one, R. Thomas,. to thatch
tihe Structure that would house
every imaginable replica of the
• .
furnishings of the original Antie
T-Tathaway's Cottage in their
homeland. Thatching with wil-
kw and wheat is not a Canad-
ian accomplishment, '
Within the paSt two years
starlings have discovered what
a' cozy home a thatched roof
inakes• and how delicious smail
kernels of wheat Are. Now Sam
Lane is trying to find how he
can rid the Olde England Inn
and the Cottage of these de-
Structive birds.
After the Cottage was com-
pleted, the Lanes turned their
energies to creating a replica in
actual size of William Shakes-
peare's home and Chaucer Lane
With its Olde Curiosity Shoppe
and other stare Ironts of the
period. Students of history will
revel in the re-creation of Ralf,
verd I -louse, home of the Mother
of the Rev. John Harvard, who
endowed Harvard University.
There is also Garrick /nri. —
and remember the Ark of Tad-
caster near York where the Pil-
grim. Fathers gathered to dis-
cuss whether they shonld under
AUBURN —.-. The February
meeting of Auburn Women's
Institute was held in the Com-
munity Memorial Hall with a
large attendance. The meeting
was in •charge of the president,
Mrs. Bert Craig, and opened
with the Ode, the Mary Stew-
art Collect and 0, Canada,
with; Mrs. William j. Craig 'at
the piano. The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt and accepted
Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor re-
ported on th% kitchen Commit-
tee for the painting of the hall
kitchen floor and she announc-
ed that it would be 4 light buff
calor and that Jim Lawrie of
:Blyth had the contract. As
the hall board did net want
drapes placed 4the windows
of the hall, it was decided to
have plywood made in frame's
so the group could darken the
hall for pictures.
Mrs. Wes Bradnock reported
• re the proposed Patterson park
atici she .was instructed to write
to West Wawanosh township
council as most of that land
now lies in that township,
*The committee for supplying
program at the Ontario Hospi-
tat named June 7 as the even-
ing they would like and the
secretary* was instructed to
write to the committee in
charge there. Mrs. Gordon R.
Taylor, curator, was named de-
legate to the Officers' confer-
ence at Guelph on May 5 and 6
with alternate Mrs. `Gordon Do-
bie, public relations convener.
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell,
convener of the card committee,
"reported on cards sent and read
thank -you letters from Charles
Scott, Mrs, Arthur Grange, the
family of the late Mrs. Govier,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Machan,
Mrs. Leonard Archambault and
baby, Norman McDowell, and
Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Kirkeon-
The door prize was won by
Mrs. Robert Turner and the
prize far the •contest, "Sweets
for my Valentine", conducted
by Mrs. Gordon Dobie, was won
take the perilous journey by sea
to the new lord?
• What a place, this Olde Eng-
land Inn! What wonderful hosts,
the Lanes, and what a wonder-
ful Choice for a perfect holiday.
by Mr4. Lloyd Humphreys and Sisters.
The iprize'of the oldest recipe
book dated 1877 went to Mrs.
Charles Straughan, the prize
for the oldest child's story
book, "Jonah and the Whale",
dated 3,874 was won by Mrs.
Thomas Lawlor, A calendar for
the year 1904 used by Mrs.
George Hamilton when she was
in the Klondike, was also on
display and created Much in-
terest. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mrs.
Donald Halms,
Mrs. Tom Lawlor.
heeurator of the Auburn
Tweedsmuir histery book, Mrs,
Gordon R, Taylor read the re-
port which will be put in the
book for a permanent record of
the community. She stated that
17 families had changed resid-
ences and farms during the past
year and that three businesses
had been purchased. One new
ranch style home had been built
and now there are two elec-
trically heated homes in the
• village. There were four gold-
en -wedding anniversaries in the
village during the year.
Mrs. Taylor was assisted by
Mrs. Robert J. phillips, Mrs.
WiUiarn Straughan and Mrs.
Wes Bradnock. Mrs. Taylor had
an attractive display of pictures
which will be included in the
book and a questionnaire fOr
farm, lands to record their pre-
VICAUS owners since taken from
Crown Lands.
Anyone having pictures of
4-H Clubs down 'through the.
years are asked to get in touch
with the committee so they can
get one trent them for the book.
The convener of historical re-
search and current events, Mrs.
Lloyd Thmrphreys ,had a front
page challenge composed of
Mrs. Ed, Davies, Mrs. Donald
Haines, Mrs. George 1V1illian
and Mrs'. .Norman McDowell.
Mis. Humphreys was the nar-
rator and master of ceremonies,
assisted by Miss Viola Thomp-
son who showed the members
what the story was about.
The •challengers were Mrs.
Wes Bradnock with her story.
of being chosen provincial dir-
ector of FWIO; Mrs. Thonias
Haggitt represented the form-
ing of the Huron County His-
torical Society in May 1964,
and Mrs, Kenneth, Scott repre-
sented the headline story—On-
tario to enter Canada Pension
:the roll call was answered
by each member naming a place
of historioal interest they had
visited and their reaction to it.
There was a large display
of old recipe books, children's
books, old School books, a
Bible over 100 years old and
the book, '"In the days of the
Canada CoMpany" by the Lizar
• Eight Aitinett Decorated
tight veteran members of ttie tiCAV were recently presented with the
CD (Canada D'orces DecOration) by Group Captain K 1 Greenaway CD,
Commanding Officer RCAF Clintonat a Station Pati& in the Aecreation
Centre. 'rile decoration ig given. 'for 12 years meritorious stiVide to the Crown.
Pront row .(left to right),..corporai W )11, Allen, Sergeant C. G. Williams,
Corporals' S, It, Jo1iyand i 1.4 Green; back tow (loft to Leaclin
Airdraftnian Williaingt Cotpetaig IVf, SillaWdowlie, IL It Schmidt an
j, Lartottine,
(OAP Pb)
. .
Clinton Lodge Guests
At Henson. Pcirty
HENSALLArnber Rebekah
Lodge, Hensall, observed its
1.6th annual birthday party in
the lodige hall; Wednesday even-
ing February 17, The lodge was
decarated„. with lovely spring
Special guests for the evening
were 'Clinton and Seaforth lodg-
es and District Deputy Presii-
detit Mrs. Ruby Beaver of Ex-
eter, who brought greetings tio
gether with the -Noble Grand's
of both lodges.
A draw on a cake was won
by Mrs. Jean Scott, Seaforth;
and an apron by mrs. Percy
Canvpbell, RR 1, Exeter.
New Clerk For
West Wawanosh
AUBURN — Mrs, Thomas
Armstrong, RR 2, Lucknow,
was appointed clerk of the
Township of West Wawanosh
to take over the duties of that
office on March 9, due to the
resignation of John Foran, RR
2, Auburn,
Mr. Foran has held the posi-
tion of clerk for the past 11
years. Prior to that time Mr.
Durnin Phillips had served for
31 years. ••
Mrs. Armstrong was hired for
the salary of $675. At the same
township council meeting, Har-
vey Culbert of Dungannon was
appointed road superintendent
to succeed Lorne Ivers. 'Mr.
Culbert was hired at the sal-
ary of $1.15 per hour with du-
ties to commence March 1.
Auburn Junior
deceives Stan
AUBURN—The annual Ives-
entation of Stars Was held at
Knox I./rifted Church for the
members of the junior gengre-
gatiort, ThoSe receiving the
avVardS were: Gold star for 85
percent attendance,- Gary Arn-
ent, Brenda Archambatilt, Jayne
Arthirr, .A.rva Ball, baryk Ball,
Daryl Ball,' Jennifer Grange,
Shelley Orange, Steven Gross,
Allan Hildebrand, Faye Hilda
brand, Raymond Hildelnand,
jolui Keoprnans,, Keith Lapp,
Catherine McOlinchey, Larry
Plaetzer, Sheary Plactzer, Wan,
dim Plaetzer) Marie Plunkett,
Ronald Plunkett, Lynn Turner,
Glen VVighttran, Marilyn Wight-,
man, Murray Wightman.
Sllvar '10 ,percent, Shirley
Ament, Nancy Andersen, Rickey
Archambault, Yvonne Bean,
•Barbara .Carter, Douglas Mani.
tinon Chanirrey, Lorraine
Chrunney, Dottglag buinit, Billy
. Lapp, Nancy Lapp, liandYMa-
chat, Trticly Malullafr, Billy 'Mi-
lian, Jetty MoSsf MiarMcDoti-
• ked,, '66 potent, Dana Bean,
Larry Chainfiey,latti Chivititkeys
fob, 7.5f 19.4.0lintpa News-Reca#11-4-99e 9
Mrs, Sanderson
Auburn Librarian
.(Ccontrinned trcfm Page ()WO
Craig, Mrs. Thomas Haggitti
mrs, Sid a1 MIs Mum,
Muriel?, Mr, tdeycl. iIumphreys,
Gerald MePawo$, grg, Roo
p. Blunra.
The libearkin's salary ;whese
duties ecournevq. on April
will be 3.25,00. with two weeks
•'Oonventiob delegates will be
Mrs. Sanderson, Miss Jackson
With Mrs. Oliver
The comMittee named to buy
new books is 33ert Marsh, Arth-
ur Youngblutt, Miss 1VI, jadk-
son and Mrs, Sanderson. It was
decided to spend poo for new
books and anyone wishing. 4
eeptain hank Please contact
this calmnitlee.
is Mrs. IV, Sanderson, Mrs,
Com*Ittee -to select i3OOkS
from Huron County Ltbrary van
LYAinodedrsHonn,iniviplirres. ysT,, hMomrsas. 011ivager.
igtt, Bert Marsh,- Mrs. Arthur
Grange; Mrs. Ralph Munro and
Miss Jackson.
The auditors will be Bert
Marsh and Lloyd Humphreys,
The new portable shelving units
Which hold about 400 books
were viewed and plans were
made to provide better reading
for- the citizens of this com-
Aberdeen Angus
Show, March, 4
The fifth armul Aberdeen
An'gUs. Spring S:hovr and Sale to
be held by the Western Ontario
Aberdeen Augus Association on
Thursday is conducted in con-
nection; with the Fann Show
held at the Western Fair
Grounds in London. •
•Cattle harve been selected
from leading breeders in Ont-
ario. Emphasis has been placed
on type and breeding, repre-
senting prominent families and
great sires of the breed. There
will be heifers and steers 'suit-
able for 4-H members.
2 to 5
10;30 a,rn. to
10:30 P.m.
Closes Friday
4:30 p.m.
500 ,CdRiluiyiearldmwitittiled'
T., Mar.
7:4 I2—"et's kat
Wad., Mar. 3 -.—"Tie Mechanized
Farm Hand”
Thurs., Mar. 4 -- Program by
•Middlesex Hog Producers.
Fri., Mar. 5—Sale of Seed
Grains, Etc.
• Tues., Mar. 2—Fashion Show
Wed., Mar. 3—Arnatuer
• contest
Thurs, Mar. 4—Jr. Farmers
0 The Latest in
Furrn Equipment
An Ounce Of Beef
What is it worth fo have a beef calf
gain 'lust one extra ounce per day? Fig-
ured over a year's time it works out as
365 ounces of gain — 22.8 lbs.
If beef sells at. .... . . . 24c per Ib.
The calf earns an extra $547
• Gairi-ability of most herds can be improved,
and by more than one ounce per day. Tested beef
sires, proven for this gain -ability can do this job
in your herd. Performance and progeny tested beef
sires are now available to every farmer, through
the services of
Listed in your local directory.
Phoning Hours — 7:30 - 10:00 a.m.
For Sunday Service phone Saturday 6-8 p.m.
AV: Mt #41,
. 41
0 S
• now available at
We are pleased to announce that
has been added to our staff and
will bo h appy ft) serve you.
Mary Street -A.m CLINTON — 482.9792