HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-25, Page 61* .
Thm-f F*,
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Urs", Edgar *0944.0" Shuon
6EAUTIML A, A At Py OKLCHAMOER, md Mrs. Robert PWrymple,
ut the, hqmq
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W4,. -And M s� J4140s: Am-
�A �Lfterncon with. Mr, Ana Mrs..
Z11-Zilor"IT14 's"
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W., anc!'Mrp, Arnold M0�'IPZ, PMVm,&, from, her accident but Grime,, Der* Egio 1,3,arry and rpVwjr;g, ent, W_ V� Wes- 'Pent t# WVeWe44 wt eir
ppesid th t4 .
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�mjed b rs c lic Dop. CQlp, all of G, ejp�, i. ma y
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�qd to Clin n PL b tOT14 pme*sl YX .44 Mat Edw
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Alex Meg rie of Xlppien, tal, 'Deffis Loogn is pP,0;j,4jAg ffwlson NOP141de M4 NA44,Tfts- j0p
p t1v's vi!cp, _40conaed. i * A , c- 4. Co.jape &11,1014, 0 "Joes, FrPso f,
spqPt,jTast Wednesday in I p4e -Mrs, C. W,, Br k wit4 ;re�#, X, aA4 whp *sp qxpre.W4 W, pprp T L-14mvy
w4, is , also, a wee his pa y
p4,A,rV Wr
rte c
d p 1 Hos- 7 T 'n
e *mp in C44to Lop
S�ezoo".*. fJ 'ing Pub) 1. vop, 41s, pol
P_rPsident of IP ayf y 3
white, fi -1,01" QO.A, 1*?ft.QP.Xf- Pre;pMent mql;4, -of t1he r. r I pqrd ig ��bgwi
Wo of §14 ip it was *444411 t 4 pre
aack Ga:nant, District Cqmt W,. and Mrs, P. OemeipbVt The f0rg4ry ineetjpg 7
Pf b9*9 00-e oA Awps� T. _�ie 4 1 ro
QqX�pio gdam at -quin. w�qv#4g fl.�_11 *_)Q W.1 90
a _9. f 13ayfilpid Guicjp Comp n�y ?jonqay.
4 04
ty Q As 4 the me
and Phili accomp 1 04* plo4qd W.1th, pj-4yer by p
p, anied, by T1rj.M U04 W be,14
q,,4fq,� _T rry
mi, sislonpw, 4boompaiiied by.,�q R MAWiW, made the offle tal
b1n presentatipn,
of Y�PCJ WPS$ojj pal e 'Dr, ftpx W OR
sW,.ApC for t -1 Miss GaAe Ocillim spent the. hoTnQ
ptain.09, png
, weekezid in 'Tara, as gupistrq -of Tuer.4y, IftbWqxV 9, T�p meet- ja e 1bygd.
pid joilley, APC fqr S�outs, Hur- �s eN ,:a .c
Thp Pf S
_�44.�q4r Qlf A4i (Mwto.by Ws. BeZlchamber)
Mrs. Cbillas Sr. in
War.. 09e!494
,, rp,0,r.*
On. Distpict, attended 4:9,egiAT11.01 c4o ga f6lioWpa .,:4 Qh.Urch, PQM.,.!*ed tr FeoTu�'
TV he Canon i ' Mrs. -ji. F, P011, Rev, J 13, Uiij�rlspn ar , " ", �g I tho Sunday
. p. . w 4 oho4 rMnW '!last week, with uld
q -1d 91jere served by the hpstess, y, mep m 4�
Hpjjpi� on Sunday, �F.ebr I gary, l3pantt9rd were guests' of Mitt were seven. members and a L -91P C41ro P4rty Sayfle es
Id 6
sp 'Iwid, -luck dinner at noon, a- T he, Libra, r Co
an g. Q. We esent. LOr. Not 24, X34yfiq
. b.1, for a few guest, K .n, W
14. The speoial ez&,,4r 1j,
a pot
Nigel Belldiamber Ww Mth ji were ap
d - f an o4 P lipg -,g of t", y jum� "w
last week. The secretary 444 trearnaw L. p 9ful card P,. t
.ye p. payis pM,. e In n - Wj#
�4p quilt
read ts. W,,W W
repor rebrgary 19'., T!he wiee. i ladt" W.pr
W. Lewis, of tbe Green Acres O'corate Wi d
'By Eyply" 110% l4br9d9n,
his f)qreer s FWda ed. Mr, Harrison, wolcoMod 40hro, AU% Roort IP1.1ir; presentt A rs. j3, Faber pre4ldeicl.
�y wwffl proy
Region. "tie0day tin _as
I allo As! g Mr. and Mrs. F, P, ArICell � the, neWL low, A*S. JjTjdj�ay Sn-Ato; ]A VNPE11TE The conf, n about all the
INIrs, Lloyd Makips is reoup- or at 'the m6eting 'and 1��, usio For 'Thinking
N Q, P6110VmPer 6n ;S.atat preMdent, and Mrs. W. Parker jone hands, 1. 1..., LlOYd Reid, In the *absenci� of �ft, ),a s �4rot things e
y Phylo vopp
ftt haw, n to her make
urfty, wprq the Scolicbmer; ments high' Emer- S#jCj
r. ppa X
J, P� rdWe,4 a voltei of thanks to
ry., pea4, the TW4,nqve1 is A cleyer mix it difficult for her to decide
Library toard kin, y consepitpd
son Heard; low, Zi Ihim- jj��s of the previouLs meeting of sulopmse a4id fantasy by the what frightens her most, the �l I
Bayfield Ladies Call ATZ.5. to allow their %4nd4w.,pLreasta
he" a4d 117lie 9pirjtoftTncjjne, whorn she b .. �e deco
mond; mofs lb4e hands, Roy Ar;d took the rldq Bob author of #':Psyr,
Telford. MTV, Q. Bell
held 'the McGregor =4 Mrs. Duncon, Toro4 a, with display
f1m tonlans", -and others. never known, or the gross but � s ap
w1pning ticket on the. w the ladies who pre- Miranda, almost Qone in the gentle Gerard, Whose evil influ- propriafte:�to. the Guiding move�
-s 1"f I k
At'CFPL Studios Matta of I =thrdiwier at noon. ment a this' is hin . Ing
DAYPIMD—The members of Vvorld, is an actress in NeW ence is -directed twarft lyhr-
tnit,2 Of St. Andrew's United Yqrl�, and after an exhausting apda in such an, insidIO4 r 2�; WVY, Week", a week in wbich Guides
run, as OPhell* 14 Haml t, is Fbr a story oked with eerie aa over -the i�orld bonf6up the
Cl�urch were at CFJPL�TV stU Principle ?p memory of their founder. The
d1,Qs again this weekend follow- Aanning a restful vacati
on with suspense, put '!Undinp on your i,'uldes� have put up a cons 6er-
I their BayField Scout :N ems her godmother, who, has a. home reading �t,
ng success againsIL a (By Jj OAI%l� HIPANGWA-9) _y. .1. As usual able Amount' of effort into the
group of ladies frgm. Clinton,
GWE MY H14ART- 4niangernent of
Jmlatlbn anc
last,week, This week they cora- CHU received her wealthy kodmother is off �n Prer - t
BCH VARAI)lp who may not have The DoctorMaxion. Hilli4rd th0e exhibits and it is IXOPCO
...... ..... vj n im (34 blin in
,on Sunday Fobruary 21 the their invitatio - is cordially in- a tangent, this t e b ' g
peted with Scout and Cub Lad- Story that all will go out of their wa
ies? Awcffil groups'. from War- During December and early t) the former selling price, Cubs, Scouts, Ggideis and Brow- vfted to attena, There will be 'the spirit world, trying- to ets- By Marion.0 ion
ary I 1 .1 Robins t(> see them.
d1sville and Byron, and again ja;nuary Many "obituaries" ap- Farmers still f&U to meet mov. Pries held their annuO Baden games, instruction- periods, *the taJblkcJh communl&tion with her. A'friesh warni biography of
emerged Ndctorious,, thus qqali- tgage payments, Interest pay- Powell Birthday church _Parade: presentation of three _award�, ]!ate husband. Miranda is shOPk- one of Canada!s best known and On Monday afternoon. the
Guide Company, -a.Qcompaniled
fying for next week's contest. peared, in the press, on radio ments ale6umulate, other bills This year it waset Trinity An- With refreshments to plose the ea by the appearance of the ' I
best lovedPbysiclans. No nee�
nd TV, giving information On -acc y the far th Rev. Har- evening's hous& ai�d is cualous about the to re, , by Capt, Ms. � R. L. Maloney
The following ladies: took a . urnial0te too Finall - glican Church wi acitivIlties. . . ate any of the details ag
part: Carol Penhale, Marion the, death, of Fame., Mer MUSt give up the. farm buti rision officiating, WES estate nearby, just the fact that the book is andLieut. Mrs. D. Warner, pre..
Qu sented Library Board president,
Macktie, Jeianre.Lindslay, Lulu In slAte Of 4 the apparent even so, the farmer psually has 'Me colourparty consisted of By the tkne this is In print It is n9i, long , before she in the 11bra,,7 h5 sufficient. pub-,
Smith, Mrs. Hopson, Mrs. Pease, gloom over the loss of the some recovery-, Wally Pierson caerying the Cub the Girl Guides - will have been meets the neighbor, who turns licity, Mrs..J. MacKenzie, with ten
Marion Castle,' Marilyn Hawe, Fearman Co, and $1,500, . 000 at What is n in ie. cout to thL- Ice OVades in Kitchener. Out to be her lost love. Clint is books on.Qurlding and Sdouti
- 1�wnes positio flag Robert MaaVean the S h9l"
.Evelyn Francis, Madeleine.M&- the fa;rmers' money I could Only latio THIS LITTLU MEASURE which they hope Mll circulate
a to th Fegnman CO. pur- flag, Kathy McLeod the Guide This, will be reported in next now a widlower, his Wife ' Undine. -irst one we -have freely and stimulate interest in'
Ilwalln, Jean Bell, Edith Hobner, get the impression that there chase?- flag, while Penny ApWlett had week's issue. having *died, almost a year bew This is 'the f
JDileen Clea . ve-, Phylli;3 Campbell, writers and cbmentatDrs were thelionour of camling tjie new Pore. Undine's older brother read by this hine writer ot my- the."movement among adults
Flame paild down $1,500,000. ' stery stories. Young Rodd�r Gas-* and young people alfil , Wide
Patey Renner, Margie Talbot, the lApplest group of mournerls Canadibn flag. GeVird, still has his home and � ce
Margaret Scotchn-yeir, - Freida that it has been my expeAenc I e During the three months that 1he service commenced with studio in Cldnt's home. Miranda kell, in, de�peralaont see1cs admlce Terry MacVloax, Who is also, a
Flame operated the Feaxmen 'from Sir Nicholas Harding and Cub instructor, wa:s selecteh to
S,catchmer, Joyce $cotchimer, 'th, meet. Co., efficiency Was improved, a dedication of the Quide Com- JDORTERS HILL alld CRAt are maZried after a his nephew� Anthony Wa�jtland: make the,presentation, on, be -
Elaine Brandon, Grace Hutch- But lets look at t -he rent sit- Top management was; employ- pany's new Oqnadian flag. This Th,� United Cliur�h Women short interval. Even then Mir- - R dldy"s grandMtheir, a sue- half of the bompany.,
ings, Anna, Stirling, Jean Greer, uegion. � -cess anda feels eerie and �ialelvo� 0
e4l; vQlume of livestock pro -:'was followed by Me regular ser of Grace Church, held their Feb- cessful businessman, known as
vice of m ning ith
Ruth Makins and Lena Ervane. Fame purchased' the Feaijnan ed increased substant Wly, oper- , m -rd, . prayer, wi Mary . meet , ing on Wednesday lent forces in the house and , The pirate king", left a mdlcll BAYFIELD PIORSONALS
Rev. Harrison using the theme. a. Ches- grounds. Unable to expr�sqs, her
Co., made a d1own 'payment of ating losses were decreased al jast at the home of Mr in his will that baffled the fam- The Rev., and Mrs. H; G. E.
Of "Good Scoc�ting an4 Leader- fedings to Clint, -she lets mat -
INVESTORS 11,4- n�lllion, failed- to meet the a, rate that made an opreratung ship" . for his sermon. ter Sturdy with a. good attend- ters take their course. In her ilY. It concerned a painting, re-- Ca�iogby, MooretoWn, were guests
payment on December I and it possible in the near fut ance. I Puted stolen from a provincial of the latteVp, giste
profi n -And these sinisiter forces r, -Mrs. J.
SYNDICATE LIMITED agdlu, on Janu=y 4. The,former ure. . Quality -of product a�nd CUBS The president, Mrs., Sturdy trying to drive her away are gallery yeam earlier. Roddy's Howard, -and attended the fLm-
orwner repos�e§sed the Fearman number of retail outlets impro- The Cubmaster of the Bay- opened the meeting with a her new home. from father, Andrew Gaskefl, has re- erial, of their musin Mrs. R. H.
field Pavk informg us that there hymn and Mis. William Tolvvm_
CO. yeld most, encourag4ligly. cently found.,the painting be- Middleton. of Hensall.
LeagaVY We following facts Undee these conditions it can will be a Parent's Night in the hend led in p-rayer, Mrs. El hind a secret panel in the study,. Mrs. WEN= F. Buchan and
were established: first that the hardly be said that Fame re� Parish Hall at 6:30 p.m. Tburs- Cox read the vcnipture lesson Their problem at that time is W. Ewing 'Buqhan, Dunnville'
ommer Of tile Feanmn CO,- a- turned lQss than it received in day, March 4. Any Cub parent and ads,0 took charge of a chap- how to return the picture to* were here on Thursday for the
greed to, sell the shares of the the Fearman purchase, ter in the study book, "Holy . The Maj� meeting a the tpe gallery without publicity funeral of her niece, Mrs'. R. H..
and re- Spiritand, ChAsrtian Lffe" WI will be held on Thurt
Cbm price possasilon,
.pany; Second, the dhV, and scandal.
that he was willing to accept The problem facing Fan, 6" EN NORTH The roll call was answered March 4 at 2 p.�m, roli call,.
e is F lowing close on the heels
was; fixed. establish the present sale (By Mrs. C, McBride) With a verse contaming the Bring Your weddiLng picture or of this event is the: death, by Canadilans visiting the U.S.A.
Whaft is the former owner en- value. Twenty one. ladies, met at the Word "Love". Plam, were, made a wc�dddng gOt received., I)mt PoiSOning, of Andrew' and the have the confidence of knowing,
0 K ys� 0 and commi eeg njam d. in ch- half of membersi on Roll Will seamd disappeaMnpe of the that the Canadian and Ameri-
titled to On reNssesdng the Lots, of people want to buy a borne, of Mrs. Am Id e n, tt e cia-1 donate articles for
plant? faTm. I -low many prospective February 17 for the monthly Oge of a St. Patrick!s so the Penny PainUng.- As we refte to re- can Red Cross have a mutual
Let us suppose you purchase buyers are there for a packing meeting of Goshen TJCW. to be held Wednesday evening, sale. The Sunshine Sister Ban- veal any -more of the plot�we agreement to supply free blood
March 17. It was decided to quet will be held in Constance will just say that it is, refresh_ to tourists who may need trans -
4 farm for $10,00.0. You make plant? Mrs. /Floyd Armstrong was in
a down payment of $5,000, but The simplest way to prove the charge of- the program, assisted hold a bake vale hi the springe. Church on March 23. Ing to add another name. tO, the fuslionis while visiting in thedy
During the afternoon the ladies Mr. afid Mrs I-riarold Uvi b neilghbouring countries.
tan to meet,the flirst mortgage present Value of Fearmaii Co. is by T&s, Roy McBride and Mrs. Pig- list of those who provide suc,
quilted - on, a "Collorilal. Lady" stone who have, been in, Londbn tasty faa:,- for pastime reading.
payment. The former owner re, to produce an offer to purchase Shn -Keys. Mrs. Russp4l Erratt
-a with members of the family
possess the fanm. With cash -to bwk it up. Presided at the plano, for'the qu�lt' 0
What Is hits, obligation to you No dou.4t -any one of the three hynvis.! During the meetdng a . At the close of the meeting most of the Wlint . er returned
the hostess served lunch: It was home last week. Bayfield Council
And.what is your Obligation to or. four larger packers. could do short memorial service, was. held
-i:o spent a
Aded to dispense With the HarillY Oadidwell w-1
him? this but I doubt �f they are in- with- Murdock Morrison offic- Meetings at 7:30 + R. Hos
regular meeting,in March due couple of weeks with hds motheir
-it iated; Mrs. Elglin McKinley had The clerk -treasurer for -
The seller is ie'ntitled to the terested in offering a price the
W. (B 11) G. Campbell to the St. Patrick's social. The and Other relatimes returned
balance of payment:nwmeTy the would return the I'l/n million to the honour -of- presenting a bap- to Bayfield, Mr., R. L. Mal -
April meeting will be held in the Yukon last weeik.
$5,000 mortgage, plus Interest, Ontario' FaMers. In fact I doWt tismal font In memory of Mrs. oney, stated that effective
d -
an of Go
the home of Mrs. -Harry Tcw- Mrs. Oal Str1augh, 'y
Mr. F, M. Boult manager of Plus an loss that may have think they Will make any offer Pearl Parke. Mrs. AnsiDn Mc- al uncil
on y erich spent Saturday with, ar.. 19651 1 co
Investors London Region has been suffered by him because at all. -had the topic which was rance, n�,eetings will corn eace at
Kinley 0— and Mrs. Willows Mountain. m
announced the appointment of of the repossession. This is, your If there is no, buy,er'is the on Brazil. 7:30 p.m, and all deputat-
Dave Ewan returned home
...... ... .
Mr. W. G.,Campbell as District obligaltion. to thbe seller. Fearman Co. worth anything? The president, Mrs. Robert ions will be beard and con -
Manager, in the Clinton -Sea- On, the other hand this is all The alternative is for Fame Peck took. charge of the busin- I from the hospital on Sunday sidered after 8:30.
forth area. Mr. Camp'bell wdll that he is entitled t6. Whether to, come UP Mth the two Pall- ess- period duringwihich a smor- Sto' Andrew s WMS fee&. much improved.
continue to work from his'of- At the Sunday morning ser
fice in Seaforth in association the fon-4qr owner dedideg to re- lion balance of purchase price. gasbord supper for Marich wla�s vice two new eldeis, were in -
with Division M&nager E. R. tain the' Property or to. re8eal 1t, 7he Brampton meeting Instruct- planned; the ladies detidet ReviewStudy ducted namely, Wilfred Pen- MAVORrS CEDAR GROVE"
Holmes, and he welcomes ki- a present sale price bu's to be ed the present board to. set for- hold the supper in piece of the found and Jack Lee.
quiries frorn new as well as established. th on a campaign to raise the amuiEd bazaar usually -held in Mr. and Mt. Mervin Pen- "Shell". Service Station and Snack Bar
established clients. During the. thirties many two million, plus the necestary the spring.,A card of thanks And Topic
fa4�ns, v;ere repoissessed but the wofflking, capital, first by appeal- was received from Mrs. Elmer found spent the weekend with
Investors Syndicate Limited and his parents; Mervin read, the FOR GAS, SNACKS SMOKES
4 . land value bad dxiopped to fifty ling to shareholld'ers to puchase Hayter. A letter was also. re- Mrs. R. U. MacLean Was in scripture. at I th f
,Investors Trust Company are e service Sunday SUNDAY STOP AND GOOD COFFEE, ETC.
subsidiaries of the Investor- per cent or less. There was no first mortgage certificates, die- ceived from the Childreres Aid charge of the devotions for the
Group, the largest company of recovery of down Payment . for bentures and shares and to, seek requesting pydarnas and infants' Fbbruary meeting,oi'the WAIS
Mr. and Mrs.Way-ne Jackson WINTER MONTHS —
its kind in Canada With assets the purchaser. The seller had supplementary finandIng. krilitted artilcies-. They also: of St. Andrews Presbyter4lam and BrIan of Ridgetown, and
of overone billion dollars urid- no Obligation to the purchaser. � Over a month has passed. would like roster homes for Church and opened th6 meeting Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Gales of Open Sunday 8:00 a I . m. to 8-.00 p.m.
er Its administration. Three Flaxniers have come to, think What has- been, accomplished? children. 'Leaflets! on 'Ciancer with, four versesi of a hymn, fol -
affiliated mutual funds are In- that a down payment is loss As- a sharelild1der I have.receiv- and Smoking" were given to. lowed by Scripture leston and Tillbury, also Karen Allen of Weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
vestors Mutual of Canada Ltd., Completely. ed no inifortftation of any kind each. person. Lunrh was served Prayer; and silent prayer for -Weatervelt,'Londion, were guests
Investors :Growth Fund ofCan- Presently property values are �xcept to have' my cheque for by Mrs. Ken Parke and herr the work and workers of the with Mr. and Aft. Tom. Allen Highway 21 1/2 mile,South of Bayfleld t
ada Ltd. and Investon Inter.: over the weekend.
national Mutual Fund Ltd. intreasing. The present. sale a mortgage celitificlate. given in group. church.
vallue is almost invariably more Deember returned to me. Oth- —0— Mrs. M. Loibb had the study
ers have told me that their boDik and followed up from the
cheques were also return last month's s-tudy on the work aAwad or
ledBigger Farm Show
Wfth a note from Metropolitiin of the WMS md thd work of
'WESTINGHOUSE Trust stating that this was done training the young in, the var-
At London tous orgaiii1wations of the church.
us assid you with your
Allied Meat Enterprises Board The topic "Let's take a look
AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER on 4"tue'i"ns "�om' Farmers k at ourselveW' brought out -a dis- plans for that aU important
of Direotims. To the great rnit-. 4 Z ".j,.*
he return Of All Next Week cussion oia whether we are. do-
jority of failmers, t
wedding day.
-the cheques tould, only mean The, new bigger than ever ing things the right way to, keep
.that Fame is indeed dead and Farrn Show Will open its. door the young people in the church,
has no twe for- their money. for the 27th tAme on Tuesday, and if- -we are being good ex -
To my knowledge there has March 2, at the Western, Fair amPlels.
....... ... . ....... been no publicit3r Or information Grounds iii London. Busineiss was discussed, Roll
given out that would in any This year's big show which call Was answered with a fav- C
way countemat this conclusion. wul 1 run friom March 2 to FK- orlite verse, and the meeting SELWrION-OF
It need not be! OntaaAo Far- day, March 5 inclusive, Will closed With a hymn and the
Lard's Prayer in unison. Y&XtIONS
� I)V
merks in, a matter of about ten completely fill. the Progress
Building and also 11 -6 -ANNO&NUUMTS
effective . days in December exphnd to fl, I
two hundred the
raised over thou- the ajttacfi��d area undei
sand in m6rtgage and, certifi- new expanded, grandstand. En- INFOAMALS
bateg plus 9, Very substantial tranee this yeat Will, be through ACCESSOMES . 4 4.i
but underclosed. amount in -the new granstand lobby and
shares and debentures, This the new facilities will add more
money was raised by only a few than one-- third in floarspace. Your ch4m of variaw paper stocb,
6 Affis-, sl�ri!es ana dM
Of the former board rnembers The 1965 Palm Show is aO4 Abflr&"
by the Western Feir askfor lie
putting forth. a concerted effort, tpohscred
Ite of , the fact that in conjiindthri With. the Middle -
And in SPI eh
soint of the, board was pr6mot- seX 8odlend Crbp Xmprovem t
Ing two Idea& Mrst, that Fame Association. it will be Open
bad operated in ah unbusllneS��w daily from i0:30 ot.m, to 10630
like way and second that gh p.m. from March 2 to MeLmh 4.
time could bei ox- On tfid fj I d y
Hews the Ideal way to defeAt bad weathdr,on y6u� Wash extension of nai ay Prida, " March
day,, Thig W58tINCH6U�FE AUTOmAtm ELEIbTRIC pdcted af . tof Jehuary 4. 5 the show Nvillf 6pen at iO.130
up to.2 Flame and the Fea;rmtft Cot a I m., and Will close at 4:80 P.It. 411) 1 Selea you wedding, invitations. Announcements
4 Pounds of darno clothes and dries
Ana soes"ories with comploo confidence is to
them better And sAferbedAiise It had A Odlinced Ale Flow puilchia(se need Pot be lostj but There: will be, a. new expanded
System. You can have your choice of tWd different heats time it; running out. Thc� winter theatre with & full program for quality And con*dnd" of for#L
Poit in ths past Produced J51ftrm Show vil6toeg. the aftdr�
lus an tdr ffuff cycle. thi§ dryer ftyo L : W Aft, 1� I-ANd P,06T EXACt AT'
andy lint c6llectoitj too. ft's h a� '11 0 lage amounts Of cd-piW but the noon theatre programs which FRIaND Wt ALSO Ji0r, PFA90�ALIZ]tb WEDDIING NAPKiNS, 101ATOW
-9h surrmi0f, Tftollthg prodlude c6rnw; WM,
I S pecka
White Shle Value right InoW at ............ $15 start at 2:00 pm, daily Will
WIT14 'TRADE 001atlively little. If dapital is to Nature! Tuesday March 2, ANO C"t 66Xb
b& prboured, from sharehOldets, "Let's Look at Corn Handling
and`PC*d1 ng", wedhegclaisr, Mv�
0ha mahy Others Wid Invest ch, 3, "The Xechlaniitefd k!hft
i t let Ic nop and `Tn (�Onlf'dent that 'A meft
Chim"oo E .61" qjAt6 readily in first ffibirtgage Hand", 'Thurs,di�y, Max& 4 WZ1 Alf
b, W, Cornish eertl&6&te�s it they are really be a pr'ogrhm by d , 'dJ� bg climon N WS word
49VOIJOt Wlt6TINGNOUSII 69AL00 t�,Veh the o&brtujhdtY, it m0st Producets And 6hj Vriday, Match
'frt to be 5 1
491-6646 C LINT014 be -done 'by AW Will be thd big tvd16,6f 8de'd 94 Albett Street i.— Cl"htoh
Nownumlimmin I 1 .1 ' .. 1. 11-