HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-25, Page 5...... ... .
`7777 7777�
..1alne 0 1 r6e Id,
Married At Ontario 5t. Chord
Qatvlq, $tmet V14te'd Murch .41. VAP(.,� with 4 sad.n quvjot,
-.Was tbp scene c
gf An evening oM�j
e pe&
vnth. s e4 p�]
% we 9 04 Sattu'4a_y� rAbi'llary KeP flwers Wfwp gajpdeni4,4pd
DP�,M.' )@laine bgQ7_ � wW.t
2Q -at 7 pm, v
Ball, 414Whter, of Mr. PAd A
fW. va -4 ivy,
Hugh, B aj, PJ 4 i4tan be-
., , � p
Cl.i. Dprot.1 Jac 0
q=p th -t-
,�r;ldq o4 107e As her,,cousi 'A
s04 O_
,Moro pf-M��44 ho ur
'n� attired in ai' 444, T
Carl Cox of CIA. ra4t I gt Lgom_, , 1�
G e4 h V 4 of EIM both
1=s �Vffld4t4 A thq dquble- �e silk, ozigan: 4 p 4 . tpd-
g wl
t.0 owroh WO Orso, bodice of 14ce'
Aeqovated with' p� a4d wit 4 4 4 . igh
11, long, geov
_W ite lmuzmm scoop neck. A w! e
_44 he finl4w
14��, Ap. es X04, LOPAOOYQ�0, t.4e f-im, 4kant'.*,irt and ber
W do
a gpi '. t,
a rsW
pto.4 crovpqnt ig wbitp .
The lbridg WP giVenjA maryine
j3r1desM4iCN, Nils, Alan $�ncb
by, hprjqtjiqr,.
Cliniton amd Miss Barl:�VA Att-
dress was of cloUd field, Credit<)4, w -op Attired in
vftte pjj4 s
Offln TXrectoire
similar dresses to that of th.g.
style, fashigned with long lily- MaW of honoUr.
'point sleeves. and a, f�tted waists
Ij e necklino Was The. groomsman, was Alan
The Apteau odh, and pshers werp
apcMted -v4th #4Y -peto4 Pa., I Fi linton Bonc! PlIqyoO On
�Tls W,
p�id the slim bolted s1di7t lied Craig Cox, �bxbt4pr of theamom AnO T,
an. over*Wt, effect v4*h fell a.nd� A1114 -n Ball, brothw Of the -he annual -In one of Ahe sql1pol"
About half of the croWd. g#e ding t Tower (left centre) made
into a chajpg tralin. Her #ered bride At -Home at CHSS last Friday n�ghf' I*$ pictured ;9hQpP gr4ped the Centre of the dance floor and al'i
ve�i of,'ttige, illusion was hold A reception fog9wed in the =e'(during one of the_"�Iunch pptiodsTas they 11rmd la Douce' mannequin
-cbUrc4,pa:r1,ovrs which w.ere des 6 o Lionel Tho . rnton a .(right) on a Paris Street
corated with white 'inums and C to th s und of nd his corner added �o the, tlienie'of "tn France,"
copen, blue candles. Thq brid-ePs asa Aoyal Orchestra. A model of the Eifel (XeWs-Record P1100 by �John i7isser)
P E KS 0,N-,.A,,t
mother receivedin a PIATK DrO-
oadp sheath with matching jack- BUTTER CAKES.
Mr� ad Mrs. A111ton Wfitse g. Her accessories were bl'acX ron ounty te*
"m - ols in Breeder
spent SundaY, with Mr,, and 1��- and she wore a, ca%vage of pink
Cax�i Ott of Kitchener. doUght roses.
and Xrs. Ros Wins s Delicious Dalim,
Mr S�mda.y, wlih The woom's mother wore a a, ter d For Prize Hord oy Product Cakes
and famiqy visited
Wk. agd Mrs, Bev, Wannop and beige brocade sheath with - A Master Breeder Shield was a�tlon cow, Moorefield 1per�ect_
sarles and a ponsage -B
tyrown acces -fayd Can e Served on Any Occasion
Aamily Of Preston, of Tahsman roses' presented to George I en of, I -on Ella. Ella is now -a Seven
Mrs. L�40 Prgtt,* Terry- and For a: trip� to Pete L mg. Gorrie -at the annual meeting of StaZ Broad Cow and in her life-
Nency, Merlin, %re spending this . I mb, _
Florida. the bride chose a black the Holstein -Friesian Associa, time produced over 180,000 �bs,
Week Vv
ith tion of Canada held February 17 of milk, havin in 365 days 24, -
Mr, and Xf.�s. Ronald
, . i and w5ite crepe sheath with 9
MacDonald, EiastS , 'in Toronto. The shield was7Won 185 lbs, of 3.65% milk.
ClIntoo' black Accessories topped by a
min. green 1. cb in the name of Thos. HaXdOA and Se
at with 4 MAW' "veral bulls from the Ella
fox fur 'cQar. Oq their return since the death of his father In family- havi been. us d in the
Notice To Creditors they I rodide oh East St The presentation was Ba-nenaherd and the family has
t 1,961,
madle on, behalf of the ass0clat
been, very closely.
bred, without
In the Cstatq',of CHESTER An Clintan%
Prior to'ber. marriage the Ion by the Hon, William A. Ste�- �ajjy apparent, 'loss of size or
HODq6ON, deceased.
Minister of Agriculture VjgaLjr,
bride was entertained at sev. Wart
All* persons having laims
far Ontario
against'the estate of Chester eral,gh MTi;. Wjuiam Hol
Itis interesting to note that
Hodgsdii late of the Township land, entertained At a mistell- . When the story of the Banolla the first prize junior heifer
of Tuckersmith, in the, County laneous. shower with neighboils herd of Thos. Hayden & Son is in the 3,964
_ �` 11
Huran County Black
of Huron,'Qentleman, who died in attendance. The Bell Tele- told it consists W, r4os
on or about the 8th; day'.O� phonw staff held a shower at Of t entirely and- White Day, shown by Geo-
Februar:K 1965, we �required to the history of. the develop- rge Hayden, has her 30 nearest ................ ........
file particulars of 1,same'wIth the home of Mrs.: Ann WWdn- meat in the herd of a family ancestors classihed, etither gx-
attle tr
Bell�,& Latighton, Solicitors of son, Egniondville. A 'grocery of c, acing to one found� cellent- or, "Very Good!' and
Exeter, Ontario, by the 51b day gh she. traces three times dii
ower was given by Mrs. Alan
t Ella,
of March 1965 after which date Finch and a milsdellianeous: h
the estate'will be distributed er. by Turner's- United Churc�
i The Banella, herd stood first
having tegard ofily to thos M*ddleton WA
e ladies, In, Hurorr County for production
claims of which notice. has been The bride is employed ith in 1163-64 in the uader-20 head
HTON e r m
wards at the'County Black and "S
e Bell Telephone Co. of Kno'
received. C - He�l
BELL& LAUG g 60 d Succes'sful division. Premier Exhibitor a -
Solicitors for the,E)�qcutor a,04, in Clinton, And th
is -6mployed at the Clinton Body
Exeter�, Ont. White Day' were won !A 1959, -1�i*-"'.',
71 3,9b I And Radiator Shop. Social Evening 1962 and 1963 and Preinier;
Breeder awards in 1959 and
The Women's Auxillary of St. 1963.
James Anglican Church, Middle- To quallify for the Master For a tea or a -birthday or simply because it is
t Lj will meet Wednesday after- Breeder Shield, Thos, Hayden
noon,'k so delicious bake a butter cake. This one is full of
Attend Your Church ' -arch 3 at the homq of & Son have bred in a herd a- .
Mrs. E4.N'Ward Wise at 2:30 p,m. pecans- -and lavishly covered *1th a njaple butter
veraging under 50 head in size,
The roll call will be anvwered eight 'Very Go6d" bulls; two frosting.
This Sunday by a Lenten thought or verse. "Excellent", eight "Very Good!' (Canadian Dairy Foods Service Bureaulkoto)
ccessful socia even- and 15 "Good Plus" cow% the
A very su I Theres something fresh and pans: peel off paper. Cool com-
ing wais hold'la'st Frlida� even- female all meetink the strict wanderful, about butter cakes . . Vletel;y on cake racks. Fill and
ing in the Tipperary School un- Master Breeder production re-
CLINTON'-. BAPTIST "CHURCH dor the auspices of the WA 011' quitements. som6thing reminiscent of light frost With Maple Butter Frost -
St. James, Middleton. spring breezes and field flowers, Ing.
(Baptist Federation -,of Canada) '.Eudhre was the order of the
Pastor, Craia Pdteis. B.A. evenifig and there were 14 ta- and, of the Old fashioned good- lWaple Butter Frosting
Sunday, February 28 bles. The ladies' high was won Community Club ness of ge-andmotter's baking. Cream % cup brutter. Grad -
10:00 a.rm--Sunday School by Wis. Jack Smith with a I ee How long is it 'since yoteve uallY blend in 4 cups sifted icing
11:15 a.m.—.Fanuly WorshfP di S ks Pictures 'Of
7:30 p.M—Bible Study Hodr perfect score;' the la: baked a regal butter cake? sugar, alternately with 3 table -
9:00 P.m,�Yoting Adults' by Mrs. L. Wise; the men's high eelpes were spoons mflik. Blend in, :/12 toa-
by Alvin Bettleg,; the men -s law spoon maple flavoring. 'Use to
sent to US from the Canadi
by Bruce Weaker, Canadian Tours an fill and frost Buttered Pecan
Frank Thompson had the 'bhe SS 4 Goderich Tov=IAP Dairy Food Service Bureau,'and Cake.
0 tario'Stre't United Church m
,4, e I -re each of these cake
�dNvbv ost lone hands and Bill Smith Community Club met at the we're su
captured the novelty prize, The home of Mrs. Robert E, Thom. beauties will, deserve the same
Ifadies served a lovely lunch. son for the February meeting. enthused reaction. (Makes One 841nch Square
Sunday,, February 28 The presildent' of the WA, The pesident, Mrs. James Lobbr BUTTERED PECAN CAY*E Cake)
9:45-a.m.-.�Sufiday School. Mrs. Fred Midoleton expressed presided. The meeting was open- (Makes One 8 -inch Round Lay -
2 cups Afted cake flour
11:00 a.m.—Morning . Wotihip her thanks to all who attended ed with the Lor&s Prayer. er Cake).
I teaspoon baking powder
TURNER'S and to the various committees The secretary's report was 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon baloi�g soda
2100 p.m. --Church Service and members who have worked given and approved and the 'A cup chopped pecans �
% teaspoon 99-t
3.00 'O.m—Sunday School -hard to- ensftre the success Of treasurer's report showed a bal- 11/8 teaspoon salt few grains, nutmeg
these pre -Lenten pariies. ance of $120,97. The roll cadl 2y
9 cups sifted cake flour 1/2 cup currants
was responded to by :13 mem- 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup soft. butter
Attitib (94=4ez F ARNE RS UNION bers -and one visitor. Plaias *ere teaspoon salt ,
I cup sugar
REV. CLIFFORD G.' I�ARKI M.A., Minister The Huron County Farmer's made for a social evening to be 8/1 cup soft butter
Union will'meet in the Agricult- held in February at. James I cup sugar 2 eggs
Sunday, February 28 :Y-- cup buttermilk or sour
ure, Board Rooms Clinton ' on Lobb's hall. eggs mak
Subject., The Apostles' Credd No, 2 Monday, March 1, 1965. Mrs. Stewart Farquhar con- I cup milk I teaspoon vanffla
"I Believe In Jesus Christ" 0 ducted two contests and, Mrs. I teas�oon vanfila I tablespoon grated lemon
WESLEY-WILLIS HOSPITAL AVIXILLARY Ira Merrill gave two readings, Butter two 8-inth round layer rind
.9:45 a.m.--Sunday School TO MEET TU14GSDAY The rematinder of the afternoon cake Pans and line the bottoms Butter an 8-dilell square cake
1�:00 a.m.—Church Service The regular meeting of the was spent in'miewing slides Of with buttered waxed paper.. r ottom Wth
uxiliary 10 Clint6n tours 'sho ,an and line the, b
14OLMESVILLE Women's A wn by Mrs. Robert Prebeat oven to 350oF. Molt buttered waxed paper. Preheat
Public: Hospital will'be held in Thompson axid Mrs, 'O.rvdile the 2 tablespoons butter in a oven to 350*F. Sift together the
1:00 p.m.—Church Service the Nurses' R�esidenceat 8 p.m. Workman, These tours took you smat saucepam Add pecans and flour, bakffig Powder, baking so -
2 -00 p,VLSunday School on Tuesday, March 2. to VancouveT� Ottawa, Florida, iA tejaspoan, -
$at., Feb. 27-3-5 pm.,CGIT 50.th Anniversary Tea and salt; fry gently da, salt and' nutmeg. Add and
Bake Sale in Wesley -Willis Church 0— Owen SoUnd and so forth and until nuts, axe lightly browned, mix in cmvants. Cream butter;
WESLEY WILLIS VCW were very interesting as well . a's Cool, gift together the flour, gradually beat in sugar. Add
The March general meeting educational. . baldn6- Powder and the 1/4 tea-- eggs, one at a, time, bea-ting in
of UCW of Wesley -Willis Un- Lundh Was. served by the hos- VoOn 94t. Cream 'ffie V, cup well after ea I c d
Rev. R. W. Wenharn, L.Th., Rector ited Church will be held in. the tess, asslated by Mrs. S. Far- butter; gradulally beat in sugar. dry Ingredients to creamed mix.
Mo. W. H. Bi�hopo F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organist church hall, Wednesday, March quha± and MT8. I. Merrill. The Add eggs, one at a time, beating tare alternately with butter -
3 at 2:30 p.m. All ladies 6f the Mamch meeting will be held at Ili well kter each addition,. migk or sour milk, combining
QUINQUAOESIMA. SUNDAY — Sunday, February 28 church are welcorne. the 4onie of Mrs. LorneTyndall, Combine milk and vanilla. Acid -lightly after each. addition. Mix
8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion.
9:45 axa.--Churdi School dry ingredients to, creamed mix- in vanilla and lemon xiind. Turn
11-001 am.---�Mornlftg Prayer ture, alternately with mill, c, batter into Prepared pan -
Match 3 — Mh* Wednesday combining lightly after each ad, spread, evenly, Balce in preheat�
10:00 a.m.Haly Can-AmUhlon- dition. Fold in pamms. Spread ed oven 45 to 50 minutes, Cool
7. 30 P.m ��Dovotlons bicutter evenly in prepared Pan1s, in pan on cake
- �dles Guild will Meet -at home of Bake in, Preheated oven 25 to 30 Remove froln pan: peel off pap -
Tues,, March 2-:U rack A Ininutm
minutes. QyO1 in Pans Oil cake er. Cool completely. Frost with
racks :LO minutes, RenlOve from I a vanilla but -ter icing,
'Christian Reformed
Maple Sfreef
RdV. d.. 46eriinki Mlnlst6r
dLI NtbN
Mj;dayj February 28
16.06 a', Se ce in Eft
Sunday, February 28
q.49 aM.-Worsh1p Service
2136 p, ',-80kvice in DU
S day 6 1 DIalL
il.00 axi.e:�8ttnday School
8100 p.M.—tvehiiig, 8orVice
0 Sti L . . 1
16 to d 1 101
P 4aker- Neal Lowery,
Tud6day.-8 0,1n.—PrayL�t Meetm
10. Tbp prosidgnt,
Ing and M16 Study,
Joseph Sflroof
All WA-16ohib
charge. The 4pyot period,
To contilibute to the' day,4ba-
day scilehtific pl,6&6��s In tho
to)) sold,
field affm_,dichio, the Canadian
11.00 Bread
3.01) P.M.-_81111day, � choOlL
Red �dr� ffidad Trand=,on
S,�-Mdd liat- uh-dotakati a -te6-
7ioo Pm'_ .8brVide
8,00 P.M. ThU=day--4X*y6i'
gram 6f basic r6tearch in the,
M�eftj� Jind 01bl"d
general hold �6r irwhunahabina-.
and, �we Of qod,
The prOsi , 1 . do�yt mg0e,thps n-
COC Cwospondeimfg Cover The 616bb
Stanley )8urke (left) and �,ames 1q, Minifid
(ri�ht) are two of the senior tiften in CBC15 lineup
"Ign correspondents� Burke covers stories in
France and other Part& of' Europe from his 'home
base in Po±119. Oft th#,Other side of th6 Atlantic
Mir!016 keeps Cah&dj&jjg "fIrtormea &b6iit bappOh-w
mgt 1h. Washihtgtb And Other Par# bf the United
gtkol. ��400
Beat The 'Spring Ru h.
Bring your Car or Truck in now
for a, thorough check-up
HdVe it Pt6o erly tuned -up by Clint6nt oldest
dhd best -equipped garage�expert
f6ttOry troined tochnicidns,
NPW ARE YOUR BRAKES? Have youe brakes
and tmerhiq chocked afid airi'oy
d0volfid a scifd tat,
4HAIN 80mng the dutomotivo trade 06WtR
,SAWS, , foe a'aa Yeort. mowekg
Wei S U10 Electrit
4fTI4d,dAtdINAL, tUNritU0 SHOP,,
Phonb 491 -IMI
mory, -q"d Mortho UWt
-wes UCW Unit, Takeo
IT . ley -4011's
VT ope
M,s. E,, B, Menzies wap host�
the P-r-esbyterlaa of itbe VCW in
Oss to A%ry f4id Afiirtha, UnR
$00 -Orth 04 March -94, and 59th
of #19 UCW or WesIPY-Willis
armlyeresaq te4 I
chur,ch 04 Tuosc*ay ovol*ii,
0114rch under the 4uspiqe.S 9
10. Tbp prosidgnt,
the CCx
1T, The no
. 011,
0 Pearson, -was in
pllannO at A pveyiops meet!,*
charge. The 4pyot period,
Xar Marc 6. wap d �sp4sgea a
was. opened by
_4 On, Tickets
wM A thopght on "Jpvo". A
to)) sold,
WAS sung with Alm. QG-
Lyle� Steep oa:vg .4 talk on
P'Ark 4t the PkTwi A devotional
uperiolq hip U, k
tq:lk was given by Mrs. Paxj�c,
. _Q..
won previousIX, won him first
sh9m4nig examples, of love of self
place 1 4 Leglion public speaking,.
and, �we Of qod,
The prOsi , 1 . do�yt mg0e,thps n-
The president t4a o Ws.
nognepinp4ts z the World Day of
, , _ esfo
4enzi r the use of her borne
Pr4yer 1p. theProteftntChapel
-for the mqet�ing,
at 'RCAF$%Ai0n on March 5;
Ilbe second number of the
Program Was When Mrs, Ste-
roW e
wart Middleton, by means of'
ictu es and commentary, took
trip to the beautiful legendary
coungtrudleice lonlE4 with Its
Of World
cQlourfu.1 lakes and ma=%ins
and easy way of � i1i fe. Then as
cross to the Scandinav$44 Pon -
On Sunday, February 21
ing.pla by way of Rallond.,with
the Clinton Town Brownie
its lush PaSt�rm and beautiful
Packs joined with town Cubs,
flowers, then to the sceme oow�-
Guides ;ind Scou% for a church
tries of X0rWaY and Sweden,
parade honouring the founders
then back to London to board
of� this gTeat movement. qWs
a Plane for Qan1a;da- She was
year tbey Wsited St. Andrew is
thanked by Mrs, J. W. Nediger
preolbyterlan. Church ancl WjSjj
and presented with a batiquet
to thank Rev. R. U, MacLean
OP sPring flowers.
for his fine words.
I I � 01
, Un. Monday, F ebrt=y 22 -the
4th Cilidtan BrowniQ Pack cele-
brated "Thinking Day" by hav-
Harry Who made it a practice
ing a birbliday pa , rty. They talac-
to v.,slt the bars an his way
ad of Brownies in other coujj�-
home from work, was late as
tries and Our 'helpful "ptielde"
v�ival for divner. But this time
�oid us a story of the Mi of
Ns wife decided to go and fetch
3ulde, Lady Baden Powell. . I
Cup caji:es and freshie were
Finally finding him in a bar
111stributed by Dr L awn Owl, Mrs.
near his- office, she climbed upon
auth Nellans, and District Guid-
the stool next to hds and told
a r, 1&s; George Wonch, A can-
-end "I'll h&ve the
the bart . er:
fRe on each cake was lit for the.
same as 'his,"
Brownies and Guides in all
The bartender returned w6th
,oulitries. Happy Birthday was
a double shot of gin. he ped
S 9W
ning, candles blown out -and
It and her face turned purple.
Eolloi-vving Grace, lunch was en-
"How can you," she gurgled
joyed by all. After taps and
incredulously, "drink that aw-
�rayer all wdnt home happilly
ful stuff?"
%inking of,sister Guides the
"See sweetheart,'� replied her
Arorld over.
husband, "And all these years
A aimilarceremony was, -held
you thought I was having a
)n Tuesday 6�rening by the first
good time."
ton Brownie Pack under the
;,uiaance of Brown Owl, Mrs.
3ill, Chaweh an4 District Guider
A . George Wtonch. Two; new
I rs
Brownies will be enrolled into
�'.hjs Pa,& next week, Janie
Worth and Bawbam MacKenzie.
The following offickil message
rms been recelived from Miss
�Aary McMillian, Goaerich, -the
District Commissioner -
"As the new Canadian Flag
was declared offidal as of Feb-
mary 15, it has been,announced
that the Girl Guildes of Canada
All use -this officiaa flag in
place ofthe Union Jacir."
Leayes Seaforth Stop Lights
at 6:1 S pan.
$1.00 fare will be refund-
ed if there are 25 or
Phone 4,82-7006
more passengers.
Pabli Pwdudh
$5.95 gal.
CILTONE SATIN — sfandard cblours
Reg. $3.30
Qt. ...... .......... .......... I ..............
$1.95 qt.
Reg $9.95
601 . .............. .................... I .......
S7.80 gal.
!3' U T T E Iff"i = P E R 0, U E
Eugene,McAdam, Prop. 482-7023
At dn6 timp, findaig 4uros or pect.
vehtivdt for varrOU4 dlsi�astiv
st!embd 6g stasgdrhig As afly
spato problenit we miglit havt,
But scldhte comas 11irough, as
with hew vatclnos tO 1MMUM120
dhildr4ef againtt df%oate% that We-
YnerlY dtippl6d oe 10110d. Foil us,
filling, ybue dodtor'§ ptc1scril5vor,
it mo problom *at all, fjohks to
9cibnbe, your d6otoels w1sd6m
ond ejup bwn khowh�dp tii)d skill,
Reg, $1.09 For 990
Reg, 68C — 2 For 70c.
20 -oz. — $2,50 For $1.89
Reg. 93c — 2 For $1.25
5 Shades — $5.50
New Exclusive
And Natural Blush Cdmpadt
8'eAUTY BATH 61L — $1,60
I I . 1.
tk i ii
...... .. ... .