HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-25, Page 5...... ... . `7777 7777� Cox ..1alne 0 1 r6e Id, Married At Ontario 5t. Chord Qatvlq, $tmet V14te'd Murch .41. VAP(.,� with 4 sad.n quvjot, -.Was tbp scene c gf An evening oM�j e pe& vnth. s e4 p�] % we 9 04 Sattu'4a_y� rAbi'llary KeP flwers Wfwp gajpdeni4,4pd DP�,M.' )@laine bgQ7_ � wW.t e 2Q -at 7 pm, v Ball, 414Whter, of Mr. PAd A fW. va -4 ivy, Hugh, B aj, PJ 4 i4tan be- ., , � p Cl.i. Dprot.1 Jac 0 q=p th -t- o: ,�r;ldq o4 107e As her,,cousi 'A s04 O_ ,Moro pf-M��44 ho ur 'n� attired in ai' 444, T Carl Cox of CIA. ra4t I gt Lgom_, , 1� G e4 h V 4 of EIM both 1=s �Vffld4t4 A thq dquble- �e silk, ozigan: 4 p 4 . tpd- g wl t.0 owroh WO Orso, bodice of 14ce' Aeqovated with' p� a4d wit 4 4 4 . igh 11, long, geov _W ite lmuzmm scoop neck. A w! e _44 he finl4w 14��, Ap. es X04, LOPAOOYQ�0, t.4e f-im, 4kant'.*,irt and ber W do a gpi '. t, a rsW by' ve pto.4 crovpqnt ig wbitp . M."i The lbridg WP giVenjA maryine j3r1desM4iCN, Nils, Alan $�ncb by, hprjqtjiqr,. Cliniton amd Miss Barl:�VA Att- dress was of cloUd field, Credit<)4, w -op Attired in vftte pjj4 s Offln TXrectoire similar dresses to that of th.g. style, fashigned with long lily- MaW of honoUr. 'point sleeves. and a, f�tted waists Ij e necklino Was The. groomsman, was Alan The Apteau odh, and pshers werp apcMted -v4th #4Y -peto4 Pa., I Fi linton Bonc! PlIqyoO On �Tls W, p�id the slim bolted s1di7t lied Craig Cox, �bxbt4pr of theamom AnO T, an. over*Wt, effect v4*h fell a.nd� A1114 -n Ball, brothw Of the -he annual -In one of Ahe sql1pol" About half of the croWd. g#e ding t Tower (left centre) made into a chajpg tralin. Her #ered bride At -Home at CHSS last Friday n�ghf' I*$ pictured ;9hQpP gr4ped the Centre of the dance floor and al'i ve�i of,'ttige, illusion was hold A reception fog9wed in the =e'(during one of the_"�Iunch pptiodsTas they 11rmd la Douce' mannequin -cbUrc4,pa:r1,ovrs which w.ere des 6 o Lionel Tho . rnton a .(right) on a Paris Street corated with white 'inums and C to th s und of nd his corner added �o the, tlienie'of "tn France," copen, blue candles. Thq brid-ePs asa Aoyal Orchestra. A model of the Eifel (XeWs-Record P1100 by �John i7isser) P E KS 0,N-,.A,,t mother receivedin a PIATK DrO- oadp sheath with matching jack- BUTTER CAKES. Mr� ad Mrs. A111ton Wfitse g. Her accessories were bl'acX ron ounty te* "m - ols in Breeder spent SundaY, with Mr,, and 1��- and she wore a, ca%vage of pink Morrill Cax�i Ott of Kitchener. doUght roses. and Xrs. Ros Wins s Delicious Dalim, Mr S�mda.y, wlih The woom's mother wore a a, ter d For Prize Hord oy Product Cakes and famiqy visited Wk. agd Mrs, Bev, Wannop and beige brocade sheath with - A Master Breeder Shield was a�tlon cow, Moorefield 1per�ect_ sarles and a ponsage -B tyrown acces -fayd Can e Served on Any Occasion Aamily Of Preston, of Tahsman roses' presented to George I en of, I -on Ella. Ella is now -a Seven Mrs. L�40 Prgtt,* Terry- and For a: trip� to Pete L mg. Gorrie -at the annual meeting of StaZ Broad Cow and in her life- Nency, Merlin, %re spending this . I mb, _ Florida. the bride chose a black the Holstein -Friesian Associa, time produced over 180,000 �bs, Week Vv ith tion of Canada held February 17 of milk, havin in 365 days 24, - Mr, and Xf.�s. Ronald , . i and w5ite crepe sheath with 9 MacDonald, EiastS , 'in Toronto. The shield was7Won 185 lbs, of 3.65% milk. ClIntoo' black Accessories topped by a min. green 1. cb in the name of Thos. HaXdOA and Se at with 4 MAW' "veral bulls from the Ella e fox fur 'cQar. Oq their return since the death of his father In family- havi been. us d in the Notice To Creditors they I rodide oh East St The presentation was Ba-nenaherd and the family has t 1,961, ree wil madle on, behalf of the ass0clat been, very closely. bred, without In the Cstatq',of CHESTER An Clintan% Prior to'ber. marriage the Ion by the Hon, William A. Ste�- �ajjy apparent, 'loss of size or HODq6ON, deceased. Minister of Agriculture VjgaLjr, 'ski. bride was entertained at sev. Wart All* persons having laims far Ontario owers against'the estate of Chester eral,gh MTi;. Wjuiam Hol Itis interesting to note that Hodgsdii late of the Township land, entertained At a mistell- . When the story of the Banolla the first prize junior heifer calf of Tuckersmith, in the, County laneous. shower with neighboils herd of Thos. Hayden & Son is in the 3,964 _ �`­ 11 Huran County Black of Huron,'Qentleman, who died in attendance. The Bell Tele- told it consists W, r4os on or about the 8th; day'.O� phonw staff held a shower at Of t entirely and- White Day, shown by Geo- Februar:K 1965, we �required to the history of. the develop- rge Hayden, has her 30 nearest ................ ........ file particulars of 1,same'wIth the home of Mrs.: Ann WWdn- meat in the herd of a family ancestors classihed, etither ­gx- attle tr Bell�,& Latighton, Solicitors of son, Egniondville. A 'grocery of c, acing to one found� cellent- or, "Very Good!' and ,ectly Exeter, Ontario, by the 51b day gh she. traces three times dii X X, ower was given by Mrs. Alan t Ella, of March 1965 after which date Finch and a milsdellianeous: h a the estate'will be distributed er. by Turner's- United Churc� i The Banella, herd stood first having tegard ofily to thos M*ddleton WA e ladies, In, Hurorr County for production claims of which notice. has been The bride is employed ith in 1163-64 in the uader-20 head th -g HTON e r m wards at the'County Black and "S e Bell Telephone Co. of Kno' received. C - He�l BELL& LAUG g 60 d Succes'sful division. Premier Exhibitor a - Solicitors for the,E)�qcutor a,04, in Clinton, And th is -6mployed at the Clinton Body Exeter�, Ont. White Day' were won !A 1959, -1�i*-"'.', 71 3,9b I And Radiator Shop. Social Evening 1962 and 1963 and Preinier; Breeder awards in 1959 and The Women's Auxillary of St. 1963. James Anglican Church, Middle- To quallify for the Master For a tea or a -birthday or simply because it is t Lj will meet Wednesday after- Breeder Shield, Thos, Hayden noon,'k so delicious bake a butter cake. This one is full of Attend Your Church ' -arch 3 at the homq of & Son have bred in a herd a- . Mrs. E4.N'Ward Wise at 2:30 p,m. pecans- -and lavishly covered *1th a njaple butter veraging under 50 head in size, The roll call will be anvwered eight 'Very Go6d" bulls; two frosting. This Sunday by a Lenten thought or verse. "Excellent", eight "Very Good!' (Canadian Dairy Foods Service Bureaulkoto) ccessful socia even- and 15 "Good Plus" cow% the A very su I Theres something fresh and pans: peel off paper. Cool com- ing wais hold'la'st Frlida� even- female all meetink the strict wanderful, about butter cakes . . Vletel;y on cake racks. Fill and ing in the Tipperary School un- Master Breeder production re- CLINTON'-. BAPTIST "CHURCH dor the auspices of the WA 011' quitements. som6thing reminiscent of light frost With Maple Butter Frost - St. James, Middleton. spring breezes and field flowers, Ing. (Baptist Federation -,of Canada) '.Eudhre was the order of the Pastor, Craia Pdteis. B.A. evenifig and there were 14 ta- and, of the Old fashioned good- lWaple Butter Frosting Sunday, February 28 bles. The ladies' high was won Community Club ness of ge-andmotter's baking. Cream % cup brutter. Grad - 10:00 a.rm--Sunday School by Wis. Jack Smith with a I ee How long is it 'since yoteve uallY blend in 4 cups sifted icing 11:15 a.m.—.Fanuly WorshfP di S ks Pictures 'Of 7:30 p.M—Bible Study Hodr perfect score;' the la: baked a regal butter cake? sugar, alternately with 3 table - 9:00 P.m,�Yoting Adults' by Mrs. L. Wise; the men's high eelpes were spoons mflik. Blend in, :/12 toa- by Alvin Bettleg,; the men -s law spoon maple flavoring. 'Use to sent to US from the Canadi by Bruce Weaker, Canadian Tours an fill and frost Buttered Pecan Frank Thompson had the 'bhe SS 4 Goderich Tov=IAP Dairy Food Service Bureau,'and Cake. 0 tario'Stre't United Church m ,4, e I -re each of these cake �dNvbv ost lone hands and Bill Smith Community Club met at the we're su SO 1-M FRIENDLY CHURCEr', BUTTERMILIK CUARANT captured the novelty prize, The home of Mrs. Robert E, Thom. beauties will, deserve the same Pawtor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. CAIJE Ifadies served a lovely lunch. son for the February meeting. enthused reaction. (Makes One 841nch Square Sunday,, February 28 The presildent' of the WA, The pesident, Mrs. James Lobbr BUTTERED PECAN CAY*E Cake) 9:45-a.m.-.�Sufiday School. Mrs. Fred Midoleton expressed presided. The meeting was open- (Makes One 8 -inch Round Lay - 2 cups Afted cake flour 11:00 a.m.—Morning . Wotihip her thanks to all who attended ed with the Lor&s Prayer. er Cake). I teaspoon baking powder TURNER'S and to the various committees The secretary's report was 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon baloi�g soda 2100 p.m. --Church Service and members who have worked given and approved and the 'A cup chopped pecans � % teaspoon 99-t 3.00 'O.m—Sunday School -hard to- ensftre the success Of treasurer's report showed a bal- 11/8 teaspoon salt few grains, nutmeg these pre -Lenten pariies. ance of $120,97. The roll cadl 2y 9 cups sifted cake flour 1/2 cup currants was responded to by :13 mem- 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup soft. butter Attitib (94=4ez F ARNE RS UNION bers -and one visitor. Plaias *ere teaspoon salt , I cup sugar REV. CLIFFORD G.' I�ARKI M.A., Minister The Huron County Farmer's made for a social evening to be 8/1 cup soft butter Union will'meet in the Agricult- held in February at. James I cup sugar 2 eggs Sunday, February 28 :Y-- cup buttermilk or sour ure, Board Rooms Clinton ' on Lobb's hall. eggs mak Subject., The Apostles' Credd No, 2 Monday, March 1, 1965. Mrs. Stewart Farquhar con- I cup milk I teaspoon vanffla "I Believe In Jesus Christ" 0 ducted two contests and, Mrs. I teas�oon vanfila I tablespoon grated lemon WESLEY-WILLIS HOSPITAL AVIXILLARY Ira Merrill gave two readings, Butter two 8-inth round layer rind .9:45 a.m.--Sunday School TO MEET TU14GSDAY The rematinder of the afternoon cake Pans and line the bottoms Butter an 8-dilell square cake 1�:00 a.m.—Church Service The regular meeting of the was spent in'miewing slides Of with buttered waxed paper.. r ottom Wth uxiliary 10 Clint6n tours 'sho ,an and line the, b 14OLMESVILLE Women's A wn by Mrs. Robert Prebeat oven to 350oF. Molt buttered waxed paper. Preheat Public: Hospital will'be held in Thompson axid Mrs, 'O.rvdile the 2 tablespoons butter in a oven to 350*F. Sift together the 1:00 p.m.—Church Service the Nurses' R�esidenceat 8 p.m. Workman, These tours took you smat saucepam Add pecans and flour, bakffig Powder, baking so - 2 -00 p,VL­Sunday School on Tuesday, March 2. to VancouveT� Ottawa, Florida, iA tejaspoan, - $at., Feb. 27-3-5 pm.,CGIT 50.th Anniversary Tea and salt; fry gently da, salt and' nutmeg. Add and Bake Sale in Wesley -Willis Church 0— Owen SoUnd and so forth and until nuts, axe lightly browned, mix in cmvants. Cream butter; WESLEY WILLIS VCW were very interesting as well . a's Cool, gift together the flour, gradually beat in sugar. Add The March general meeting educational. . baldn6- Powder and the 1/4 tea-- eggs, one at a, time, bea-ting in of UCW of Wesley -Willis Un- Lundh Was. served by the hos- VoOn 94t. Cream 'ffie V, cup well after ea I c d ST. PA:ULtS ANGLICAN CHURCH m a dition. Add Rev. R. W. Wenharn, L.Th., Rector ited Church will be held in. the tess, asslated by Mrs. S. Far- butter; gradulally beat in sugar. dry Ingredients to creamed mix. Mo. W. H. Bi�hopo F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organist church hall, Wednesday, March quha± and MT8. I. Merrill. The Add eggs, one at a time, beating tare alternately with butter - 3 at 2:30 p.m. All ladies 6f the Mamch meeting will be held at Ili well kter each addition,. migk or sour milk, combining QUINQUAOESIMA. SUNDAY — Sunday, February 28 church are welcorne. the 4onie of Mrs. LorneTyndall, Combine milk and vanilla. Acid -lightly after each. addition. Mix 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:45 axa.--Churdi School dry ingredients to, creamed mix- in vanilla and lemon xiind. Turn 11-001 am.---�Mornlftg Prayer ture, alternately with mill, c, batter into Prepared pan - Match 3 — Mh* Wednesday combining lightly after each ad, spread, evenly, Balce in preheat� 10:00 a.m.­Haly Can-AmUhlon- dition. Fold in pamms. Spread ed oven 45 to 50 minutes, Cool 7. 30 P.m ��Dovotlons bicutter evenly in prepared Pan1s, in pan on cake - �dles Guild will Meet -at home of Bake in, Preheated oven 25 to 30 Remove froln pan: peel off pap - Tues,, March 2-:U rack A Ininutm minutes. QyO1 in Pans Oil cake er. Cool completely. Frost with racks :LO minutes, RenlOve from I a vanilla but -ter icing, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Christian Reformed Maple Sfreef Church GOSPEL HALL RdV. d.. 46eriinki Mlnlst6r dLI NtbN Mj;dayj February 28 16.06 a', Se ce in Eft Sunday, February 28 q.49 aM.­-Worsh1p Service 2136 p, ',-80kvice in DU S day 6 1 DIalL il.00 axi.e:�8ttnday School 8100 p.M.—tvehiiig, 8orVice 0 Sti L . . 1 I 16 to d 1 101 P 4aker- Neal Lowery, EVZORYONt WELCOM9 Tud6day.-8 0,1n.—PrayL�t Meetm 10. Tbp prosidgnt, VIS17 Ing and M16 Study, Joseph Sflroof . All WA-16ohib charge. The 4pyot period, japal GOSPEL HALL To contilibute to the' day,4ba- CLtNtON, day scilehtific pl,6&6��s In tho to)) sold, q field affm_,dichio, the Canadian 11.00 Bread 3.01) P.M.-_81111day, � choOlL Red �dr� ffidad Trand=,on S,�-Mdd liat- uh-dotakati a -te6- 7ioo Pm'_ .8brVide 8,00 P.M. ThU=day--4X*y6i' gram 6f basic r6tearch in the, M�eftj� Jind 01bl"d general hold �6r irwhunahabina-. ROadib9i, and, �we Of qod, The prOsi , 1 . do�yt mg0e,thps n- COC Cwospondeimfg Cover The 616bb Stanley )8urke (left) and �,ames 1q, Minifid (ri�ht) are two of the senior tiften in CBC15 lineup fore "Ign correspondents� Burke covers stories in France and other Part& of' Europe from his 'home base in Po±119. Oft th#,Other side of th6 Atlantic Mir!016 keeps Cah&dj&jjg "fIrtormea &b6iit bappOh-w mgt 1h. Washihtgtb And Other Par# bf the United gtkol. ��400 Beat The 'Spring Ru h. Bring your Car or Truck in now for a, thorough check-up HdVe it Pt6o erly tuned -up by Clint6nt oldest dhd best -equipped garage�expert f6ttOry troined tochnicidns, NPW ARE YOUR BRAKES? Have youe brakes and tmerhiq chocked afid airi'oy d0volfid a scifd tat, 4HAIN 80mng the dutomotivo trade 06WtR ,SAWS, , foe a'aa Yeort. mowekg Wei S U10 Electrit 4fTI4d,dAtdINAL, tUNritU0 SHOP,, Phonb 491 -IMI KINd VOW' WNTO Tht#4 mory, -q"d Mortho UWt SPECIALS -wes UCW Unit, Takeo IT . ley -4011's Onfidure-Topu Eur VT ope M,s. E,, B, Menzies wap host� the P-r-esbyterlaa of itbe VCW in Oss to A%ry f4id Afiirtha, UnR $00 -Orth 04 March -94, and 59th of #19 UCW or WesIPY-Willis armlyeresaq te4 I chur,ch 04 Tuosc*ay ovol*ii, 0114rch under the 4uspiqe.S 9 10. Tbp prosidgnt, VIS17 the CCx 1T, The no . 011, 0 Pearson, -was in pllannO at A pveyiops meet!,* charge. The 4pyot period, japal Xar Marc 6. wap d �sp4sgea a was. opened by de _4 On, Tickets wM A thopght on "Jpvo". A to)) sold, q WAS sung with Alm. QG- Lyle� Steep oa:vg .4 talk on P'Ark 4t the PkTwi A devotional uperiolq hip U, k tq:lk was given by Mrs. Paxj�c, . _Q.. won previousIX, won him first sh9m4nig examples, of love of self place 1 4 Leglion public speaking,. and, �we Of qod, The prOsi , 1 . do�yt mg0e,thps n- The president t4a o Ws. nognepinp4ts z the World Day of , , _ esfo 4enzi r the use of her borne Pr4yer 1p. theProteftntChapel -for the mqet�ing, at 'RCAF­$%Ai0n on March 5; r Ilbe second number of the Program Was When Mrs, Ste- Clinton roW e 16 ie wart Middleton, by means of' ictu es and commentary, took Honour Foun her P trip to the beautiful legendary ers coungtrudleice lonlE4 with Its Of World 6uiding cQlourfu.1 lakes and ma=%ins and easy way of � i1i fe. Then as cross to the Scandinav$44 Pon - On Sunday, February 21 ing.pla by way of Rallond.,with the Clinton Town Brownie its lush PaSt�rm and beautiful Packs joined with town Cubs, flowers, then to the sceme oow�- Guides ;ind Scou% for a church tries of X0rWaY and Sweden, parade honouring the founders then back to London to board of� this gTeat movement. qWs , a Plane for Qan1a;da- She was year tbey Wsited St. Andrew is thanked by Mrs, J. W. Nediger preolbyterlan. Church ancl WjSjj and presented with a batiquet to thank Rev. R. U, MacLean OP sPring flowers. for his fine words. I I � 01 , Un. Monday, F ebrt=y 22 -the DOES THIS 4th Cilidtan BrowniQ Pack cele- REALLY HAPPEN? brated "Thinking Day" by hav- Harry Who made it a practice ing a birbliday pa , rty. They talac- to v.,slt the bars an his way ad of Brownies in other coujj�- home from work, was late as tries and Our 'helpful "ptielde" v�ival for divner. But this time �oid us a story of the Mi of Ns wife decided to go and fetch 3ulde, Lady Baden Powell. . I him. Cup caji:es and freshie were Finally finding him in a bar 111stributed by Dr L awn Owl, Mrs. near his- office, she climbed upon auth Nellans, and District Guid- the stool next to hds and told a r, 1&s; George Wonch, A can- -end "I'll h&ve the the bart . er: fRe on each cake was lit for the. same as 'his," Brownies and Guides in all The bartender returned w6th ,oulitries. Happy Birthday was a double shot of gin. he ped S 9W ning, candles blown out -and It and her face turned purple. Eolloi-vving Grace, lunch was en- "How can you," she gurgled joyed by all. After taps and incredulously, "drink that aw- �rayer all wdnt home happilly ful stuff?" %inking of,sister Guides the "See sweetheart,'� replied her Arorld over. husband, "And all these years A aimilarceremony was, -held you thought I was having a )n Tuesday 6�rening by the first good time." ton Brownie Pack under the ;,uiaance of Brown Owl, Mrs. 3ill, Chaweh an4 District Guider FREE A . George Wtonch. Two; new I rs Brownies will be enrolled into �'.hjs Pa,& next week, Janie BUS Worth and Bawbam MacKenzie. The following offickil message to rms been recelived from Miss �Aary McMillian, Goaerich, -the CAR-IINGO District Commissioner - "As the new Canadian Flag March 6 was declared offidal as of Feb- mary 15, it has been,announced at that the Girl Guildes of Canada All use -this officiaa flag in KITCHENER place ofthe Union Jacir." AUDITORIUM CHILD PORTRAITS Leayes Seaforth Stop Lights JERVIS STUDIO at 6:1 S pan. $1.00 fare will be refund- ed if there are 25 or Phone 4,82-7006 more passengers. 2tfb 8-9b PAINT SPECIALS Calm ON WHITES LATEX -- SEMI -GLOSS Pabli Pwdudh GLOSS $5.95 gal. CILTONE SATIN — sfandard cblours CILTONE SEMI -GLOSS — sfandard colours Reg. $3.30 Qt. ...... .......... ­ .......... I .............. $1.95 qt. Reg $9.95 601 . .............. .................... I ....... S7.80 gal. !3' U T T E Iff"i = P E R 0, U E HARDWARE Eugene,McAdam, Prop. 482-7023 SCIENU,HMES UP WITH MORE THAN MDONAREAMS At dn6 timp, findaig 4uros or pect. vehtivdt for varrOU4 dlsi�astiv st!embd 6g stasgdrhig As afly spato problenit we miglit havt, But scldhte comas 11irough, as with hew vatclnos tO 1MMUM120 dhildr4ef againtt df%oate% that We- YnerlY dtippl6d oe 10110d. Foil us, filling, ybue dodtor'§ ptc1scril5vor, it mo problom *at all, fjohks to 9cibnbe, your d6otoels w1sd6m ond ejup bwn khowh�dp tii)d skill, SPECIAL SAVIRGS MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTt Reg, $1.09 For 990 LIST5RINE TOOTH PASTE Reg, 68C — 2 For 70c. LADY DAINTY HAIR SPRAY 20 -oz. — $2,50 For $1.89 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Reg. 93c — 2 For $1.25 IT'S N W CUE TOOTH PASTE- — 60c eLAMOL FIVE MINUTE 6609 $9.25 RUBINSTEIN NATURAL BLUSH DUET 5 Shades — $5.50 New Exclusive TtLESCOPINO And Natural Blush Cdmpadt 8'eAUTY BATH 61L — $1,60 I I . 1. tk i ii 11 ...... .. ... .