HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-25, Page 4, torLo ilytcY Oorden 'BIRTHS • •• • • • ,•• p....CUPPMPASIPLP.P•P ..,0%.—PP.Sw.v.,..c•Pcpm0:4•4 04c4.4e4.:' • PRUNE D- xa Clipton Thpx$ctay, Feb, ruary 18,. 1965 to 14C,and Mrs, A. R, Praneal„t, RCAF Station .daughter. ..ciintort pogg Ditai nn Friday, February. 12, 1965 to. Sgt. and 'Cote, 13.100 'SlAtiort Ctinton.,, a :daughter, SoQtt Memorial' Hospital, .$eafortb, en Mon,. February 22, 190. to II/fr.. and M. 11'; rowers, B.ruce,. field, A .clAggbitAr. .Clinton Pub- lac MosPiital on Fpi4ay, Feb- ruary 19, -1.90 MT: and Mrs. Aihn..Siortseraa,Payfielci, son, Robert john, • • ‘:,15:= M. Page News-Record...—,,,TbPrq., Feb. ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT AUTOS.FOIL SALE :HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANETD FEMALE FOR SALE — 1954 CHEVRO- LET . half ton truck. Good shape, Reg, Smith, call 482-9793 after 6. 8,91D 1958 CHEVROLET, four door, ghnder, Standard, good, con- dition, $450, phone 482-9308, atter 5 P.M, 7-8p NEW and USED FORD CARS. See MEN WANTED, Good oppor-tianit3.r, Sell Rawleigh Products, rear round, 4.teadY work. Good nrOfits, Write Rawleigh, Dept, 13-169-137, 4005 Richelieu,St.,. St. Henry, Xehtreal, 81) 3 DAYS TRAVEL — 4 days at home, Man over 40 for short trips near Clinton'. Wortil up to $4,000 to. $6,000 in a year. Write W. H. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp„ 534 N. Main, Tit, Worth, Texas. 813 RESPONSIBLE PA,131CSITTP3, for -.evenings wnile mother works, Pre;seheol aged chil, 4ren, Phone g-.9);) zt APARTMENTS — unfurnished, heated, Phone 482-6685 Ceriel Van Damine, iftin c.MVU, FOR r1ENT 1 bed' 90M.. 44.Olierl, living TOPPI, S pry U.$ :Maple Street 911. A',-.,,nnesdayor ...saturday ..4ight4 netWeerr and 9;Q0 " 4.5tfb 'REAL ESTATE FOR RENT-3-bedroom house, $35.00 monthly, oil heated, Phone 262-5047, 52010 2 STOREY STUCCO HOUSE on a lot 82'x132' on Victoila St.; 2 car garage; full hasement; yil and gas heated, Apply to Watt or Mel. Webster, Varna, 6-7-SP 3-ROOM, furnished and beatetl, apartment. with private J3ati-k; heavy. duty stove and washing, facilities, available new,. phone 482,3329. at noon or After five, 81?-rtfb, • FURNI.P. and :heated four rooms, 3-piece bath, private trance. Phone 482,3837, 2p-kfb ONE mPRo.olg .apartment; furnished and heated; Phone 482-6685, Ceriel VanDaninle. ltfb George W. Cutler ' Representing Goderich Motors Limited, for this district Phone Clinton 482-9782 ' DEATHS JENKI,NS—In Clinton on Mon, day, ,February 22, :1965, Erne ma Lenora Jenkins, widOw Of Harvey Jenkins, in her 91st year, Funeral from Ball and Mutch Fimeral 'Heine on. Wednesday, February 24, with interment in Clinton Cerne- terY. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY — High •commission earnings with a growing 61 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Rod Tor- nlo earned over $24,000 (not typical, but indicative of po- tential) last y.ear. M. W. Frank earned over $13,Q00. Age no barrier. Diversified year round line, No investment required. We take care of all financing— shipping—and collections. Start on part time basS if you like. Write Consolidated Paint and Varnish ('Canada) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio, U.$,A, 81e One-Bedroom Apartments Fprnished or Unfurnished *Kitchen *Living Room * Bath- room * $50 a month and up * Heated *Ideal for commuters and pensioners. Our location saves you money, Dial Strat- ford 271-2308, 2-8p SERVICES CUSTOM WORK ONE BEDROOM •FURNISHED anantiment, 73 East St, Phone 482-3868 evenings or weekends. 7tfb ELECTROLUX Canada ,. Ltd. Sales & .Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514- 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, 8-170tfb. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, remodelled. All latest covers to choose from. Free estimates. Arthur E, Clark, • 523-4528, ElYth, 5-6-7-8p REMODELLING, renovations, roofing anct floor laying, expert- ly done. All Odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 23tfb "You can always get help without shouting by using the 'Help Wanted' column on the Classified' Page of the Clinton News-Record." FOR RENT, unfurnished 2-bed- room, heated duplex, available March 1. Call evenings 482- 9554. ,6tth ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION :FARMERS! CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM BAIRD — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas 'B. Baird, who passed away one year ago, February 20, 1964. "We saw him fade, away, Our hearts were almost broken, He fought so hard to stay; But when we saw him sleeping So peaceful free 'from pain, We could not wish him back To suffer so again; Our hearts still ache with sadness And secret tears still flow; What it meant to' lose him, No one will ever know." —Always remembered by his wife Margaret, son Stewart, Doreen and family. FURNISHED, electric heated and newly decorated; also • un, • furnished; 2 bedroom,. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall, • Stfb BY THE QUARTER. Phone 4$2,7578. 7-8p I would like to thank all -those who sent cards a.nd flow- ers when I was in Clinton and London •hospitals. Special thanks to the Legion. —DOUG. AND- REWS. 813 MUSKRAT COAT for sale, Phone 482-7790. ?-8p ELECTRIC MOTOR 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, newly decorated; forced air gas heated. Apply 482- 6610 -or 227 Huron St. 7tfb SHERLOCK-MANNING piano, plain case. Phone 482-7291 after 6 p.m. 8p FOR SALE FOR SALE SALES and SERVICE Domestic -- Commercial Industrial LEVETT'S 'ELECTRIC 139 Erie St. Clinton Phone 482-6640 MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea- sonable rates. McGEE'S, Gode- rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings, renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb .1 wish to thank' my friends, 'neighbours and . relatives for cards, flowers and visits While a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Walden and the nursing staff,----HARVEY ASH- TON. 81) A QUANTITY of mixed grain for sale. For further informa- tion dial 524-8011, Fred Bell. ABOUT' 400 BALES STRAW, 30. cents per bale, Phone 482- 7622. 8p 4-BURNER lylcClary electric range, priced reasonable, in good condition. Phone 482-9993.- 2,BpRoom,- unfurnished, hea- ted .apartment, in the School .Apartments, 108 Ontario Street. Phone Ceriel VariDamme; 482- 6685. .6tfb •- r LIVESTOCK FOR SALE S1VIALL . ENGLISH PIANO, reasenable. Phone 482-3870, 7x INTERNATIONAL W4 trac- tor, live PTO and hydraulic, Bill Talbot, Jr., RR 3, Bayfield. 7,8b WATCH REPAIR is .a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb HOLSTEIN COW, second calf due March 2, bred Hereford. $200.00. John Gelling, 482-7144, 8p 10 PIGS FOR SALE, 8 weeks old. Larry Fisher, phone 524- 9864, Goderich. 8b SMALL GROUND FLOOR ap- artment, heated, reasonable rent. Call 482=6663, after 5 p.m. 482-9568. 49tfb Many thanks to friends, rela- tives and neighbours who re- membered me with cards, let- ters, flowers and Visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, nurses and staff.—'MRS. MARY SWINBANK. 8p POTATOES FOR SALE. James East, RR 4 Clinton, phone 482- 7578. 6,7p-8,9n VIKING Cream, Separators. Viking Milkers, pump and two units, installed for $498.00. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-9131. 5tol7b We Specialize In . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations EavestroCighing • CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES et SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 , HEATED APARTMENT, suit- 'able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Apply McEwan's Store. 40tfb • APARTMENT furnished or un- furnished, heated. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb MacDONALD • ELECTRI.0 Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls , 482-7702 1. HOLSTEIN COW, 5 years old, freshened Sunday, guaran- teed. Jan Koene, RR 1, Bay- field, phone 482-9987. 8b 10 HOLSTEIN COWS and heifers, some due soon, some next month. Drost & Bruinsnrp phone 524-9811. 8-9p DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call McKinley's Farm and Hat- cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hensall 335. 44tfb HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts,. spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 3111b We wish to thank all who were so, kind to us after the fire which partially destroyed the interior of our house. Also those who took care of our children. Many thanks to those who- sent cards, letters and flower's while a p a tien t in Clinton Public Hospital, A special thank-you to Dr. Ad- dison, the hospital staff and Rev. Father McGuire. —FLOR- ENCE AND AUGUST DE- GROOF. 8b MARRIAGES COX - BALL—In Ontario St- reet United Church on Sat- urday, February 20, 1965, Dawn Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ball', RR 4 Clinton, to Gerald Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Cox, Clinton. CLEANING OUT APPLE Stor- age. Good Spy apples, mixed No. l's and No. 2's. SPECIAL— $1.50 per bushel — while they last. . Heaping full; bring own containers. Follow Hwy. 8 to Holmesville, turn to store, fol- low signs. Ant Bell's Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich. . 8,tfb 4 ROOM APARTMENT with —3-piece bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfur- nished. Phone 482-9649. 1p-tfb 29tfb MANURE SPREADER Aprons, genuine tempered chains, 14 bars, complete apron $44.00. Heavy chains $6.00 extra. Rad- ford's Garage, Londesboro, Ont, 8-9b NOTICE 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 527-0504. 35tfb MR. & MRS. ELMER HUGILL are celebrating their 25th wed- ding anniversary Saturday even- ing, March 6 in Londesboro Community Hall. Friends and relatives please accept this in- vitation. 8p Broken or Cracked Windows? BARWELL SCHOENHALS— In Grosvenor Park United Chnith, Saskatoon, Saskatch- ewan, on Thursday, December 31, 1964, Nancy- P. Schoen- hails, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Stewart Schoenhals of Saskatoon (formerly of Clin- ton) to Gordon K. Barwell„ son .of Mr. and Mrs. Les Bar- Well of Saskatoon. - WANTED VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach roes of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 262-5350 29 to 39p tfb Wood or Aluminum Sash 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, gas. heated, available 'now or December 31. Phone 482-6694. 5ltfb USED McCULLOCH 1-50 spec- ial price saw chain $9.95 up. Sprockets and chain available for most direct drive saws. See Robert Glen, Pioneer Saws, phone 482-9909, Clinton. WANTED-50 to 75 acres of good• pasture land, to rent for summer. Apply to. .Box No. 80, Clinton News-Record. 8b I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for kindness shown me in so many ways while I was a patient in Olin- ton Public Hospital, also while in Western Hospital, Toronto, Letters, cards and treats from home add greatly to a person's recovery, .and I Want all to know how much I appreciated their kindness. Thanks to nur- ses on the first floor, also Rev. W. Carson for his weekly visits; Dr. Street and those who kept my home fires burning during my absence. MRS. IDA TOWN- SEND, Londesboro, Ontario • NOTICE In the Matter_of the Bank- sruptcy of LLOYD JAMES HOLLAND, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Hur- on, in the Province of Ontario, operating under the trade name and style of CLINTON FARM SUPPLY. NOTICE is 'hereby given that Lloyd James Holland made an assignment on the 15th day of February, 1965, 'and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 2nd day of March, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of Mr. D. M. Egener, the Official Receiver, at the Courthouse, in the City of London, in the Pro- vince of Ontario. DATED at London, Ontario, thiS 17th day of February, 1965, FRED 0. KIME, B.A., C.A., Trustee, Associated with: KIME BEATTIE & Co., Chartered Accountants, 312 Queens Avenue, LONDON, Ontario. FARM HOUSE with modern conveniences, 1 mile west, 1.4 mile south of Brucefield. Apply D'Arcy Rathwell, phone 482- 3384. 47tfb TIMBER WANTED—Standing hardwood, maple, basswood, ash, cherry and beech. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, 526-7220. 8,9,10b ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE 8,9,10p CREST HARDWARE NIXON'S CALCIUM PHOS- PHATE insures adequate cal- cium and phosphorous intake. Prevents chewing of bones-and wood and increases milk pro- duction - in calcium deficient cows. One pound can—$1.25. Available at Edwards' Phar- macy, Clinton. . 8b PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40eow 'TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished. • centrAlly located, private parking, ample stor- age closets.. Phone 482-7661. 36p-tfb Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 44tfb WILL PAY 1 CENT Each for used plastic fertilizer bags with- out tears. Jackson Aluminum Ltd., Seaforth. 8,9,10b Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO OATS WANTED Suitable for Seed or Feed, of Rodney, Garry, Russell, Clint- land varieties. Please bring sample—we can take delivery anytime at highest prices! Alex M. Stewart & Son Limited AILSA CRAIG, ONTARIO 53-8b FARM HOUSE divided into two separate self-contained 2-bed- room apartments; 2 miles south of Bayfield on Highway 21. Apply Melvin Greer, RR 3, Bayfield. 7tfb Phone 482-7006 EMPLOYMENT WANTED • CAREFREE HEATING -- For the only fuel Oil insured against explosion, we giive free burner servlice. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tllb 2tfb A Personal Invitation to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Customer and Family Let us show our appreciation for your business at our PANCAKE HARVEST OPEN' HOUSE Movies and Pancakes All Day THURSDAY, MARCH 4th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. At The LEGION HALL SEAFORTH JOHN BACH I.H. DEALER Seaforth, Ont. 5-6-7-8b BABYSIT1ING BY THE DAY or week, Monday to Friday -in my own home in: town. Phone 482-7329. 1-17b WANTED Police Recruits CLINTON APARTMENT FOR RENT — Duplex containing 2 bedrooms, with new oil furnace and new- ly decorated at 200 North St. Phone 482-9747 until 5:30 p.m.; evenings phone 482-9506. 2tfb SPRAYED APPLES — For cooking and eating. Free de- livery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont & Sons, Varna. 8p-tfb HELP WANTED SERVICES ELECTROHOME STEREO. now available at T. A. Dutton- Appliances, Brucefield, Open evenings 4.11 9:00. 42tfb 2 BEDROOM completely self- contained and heated. Stove and frig. supplied. Free laundry room facilities equipped with automatic washer and dryer. 201 King St., Apt. 1 or phone 482:9227. Stfb REPORTER DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect WANTED To cover general news stories, council meetings, school boards, farm organization meetings, magistrate's court, etc. Must be good typist, good speller and have some know- ledge of Clinton and area. Some experience preferred. Apply by letter, in own hand- writing, then wait for phone call for personal interview. Clinton News-Record 56 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario HOCKEY SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY 20% Discount 8b DARLING GROUND FLOOR apartment, furnished or unfurnished; one bedroom, large living room, kit- chen and bath; heated. Avail- able March 1. Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. 7tfb PIANO TUNING Contact CHIEF R. THOMPSON Police Office . Town Hall & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 350-C-65 7-tfb AUCTION SALE of Dairy Cows and Heifers SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 ,At 1:30 p.m. „ at Hensel! Sales Arena Consisting of 2 Herds 55 Holstein Cows and Heifers Fresh and •due Feb. and March Auctioneers: Harold Jackson, Hector McNeil Terms •available up to three years to pay"by contacting Manager Victor Hargreaves Phone Clinton 482-7511 7-8b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, „phone 482-3870. On Helmets, Gloves, Shin Pads, Pucks, Ankle Supports and Saktes. ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop KING STREET — CLINTON 8b UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment. Self-contairied, with a gas furnace and centrally located. A furnished apart- ment is also available. 46 Prin- cess St. West, phone 482-9005. 7p-tfb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses Old horses $10 and up. Small animals 'removed free of charge. Please call promptly. Phone Collect Marlatt Bros. - '133 Brussels 24 HOUR SERVICE 5-6-7-8p-9tfb 7-8b REAL ESTATE 8x ININIMILINCIMMSEXPOTTIMIP HOUSE FOR RENT — Living room, modern kitchen and bath, dinette, 2 bedrooms with do's- ets, sitting rogim, hot and cold, hard and soffit water, .no sew- age or water charges, forced air oil heating, screened porch, laundry, lawn, garden, garage, on paved highway. Call 482- 9880. Building Lots HELP WANTED FEMALE varstoiffsenw ARTICLES WANTED \ FOR SALE Apply L. G. WINTER 200 High St. phone 482-6692 49tfb COMPANION WANTED—very little work to be done, needed mostly for company. Phone 482- 7416 after 6. 8b PIANOS WANTED—Any con- dition. Will pick up anywhere in Ontario, for cash. Box 100, Clinton News-Record. 1-8p 1% STOREY, 4 bedroom dwelling with living room; din- ing room, den and kitchen with electric stove and refrigerator; 3-pc. bath, gas furnace, alumin- um storms and screens; good location. Price $10,500, mort- gage available. INCOME PROPERTY—New 1 •storey double house. Each unit consists of living room, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen with dining area, 4.4pc. bath, electric heating, 'full basement, double windows, hardwood and tile floors, VACANT LOT, frontage 154', depth 90'. price $1,000.00, 1 STOREY 3 bedroom brick veneer ranch style, built in 1959. Large living room with natural fireplace; dining 'area, modern kitchen, 4-pc, bath; modern recreation room in base- ment; oil •heating; attached gar. age; patio at rear of house; property is landscaped; lot 82'x130'; eXcellent location. Mortgage can be arranged. , J. STOREY, 3 bedroom •ranch style home. Large living room, modern kitchen with dining area, full basement, gas furn- ace; located near schools; lot 75x120', Down payment $2,800, balanceon monthly payments a $83.00 P,• x, T, H. C. LAWSON wornmproomatimmimmociameneseonamavolpmempurmansura HELP WANTED MALE PHILIPS mid MERRILL TV SERVICE STEP OUT IN STYLE! SPRING SUITS combine to bring you big savings during, TRADE-IN SALE OF FAMOUS Philips TV and Stereo Hi Fi Sets Beginning Thursday, February 25 Is your picture getting snowy or dim? Are you fired of TV repair bills? Would you like to see the Hockey Finals as clearly as being there? THEN TRADE NOW ON ONE OF THESE MODELS! PHILIPS PORTABLES As low as $159.95 23" TABLE MODELS with legs • Reg, $294.95 Trade for $225.00 23" PHILIPS CONSOLE Reg, •$345 Trade for $275 or less 23" DELUXE CONSOLE Reg. $419,95„ Trade for $350 or less 23” DELUXE AUTOMATIC* CONSOLE Reg. $399 Trade for $335 or less PHILIPS AM/FM/STEREO HI Fl CONSOLES As low as $175 and $250 (no.trade required) These prices include: 1 Year Warranty on all PartS, 2 Year Warranty on Picture Tube Remember—Philips takes the time to build the best, MEN WANTED for permanent work. Apply E. L. Mickle and Son Limited, Hensall, Ontario, 8b 411,V40-1%., Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. 'We Will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN New fabrics for Spring are now arriving. See all the lat- est fabrics and styles. Suits to Suit you. FROM General Motors . Dealership in Huron County requires Salesmen immediately, Experience preferred but , not essential. Must be ambitious, depend- able and able to assume respon- sibility. Must be bondable. We offer pleasant working conditions, new Car and usual company benefits, Salary and Commission Will depend on experience and ability. Apply in writing only, stating age, experience and Marital status to BOX 1I Clinton News-Record 7-8b $49.50 MADE TO MEASURE 7tfb WE PAY HIGHEST PREVAILING CASH PRICES New Samples are noW being shown. Famous makes like: WARREN K. COOK PROGRESS BRAND LEISHMAN TIP TOP TAILORS Choose your noW. ice' Main Corner/ Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732' Pkt Sr Campbell Limited FOR DEAD COWS AND HORSES - According To Size Dial Wcilkert*n 881.3459 FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE Merrill TV Service GRAF. STOCK REMOVERS 7,8,940, 215 VICTORIA STREET PHONE 4824021 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone 482-9644