HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-18, Page 11. ..... . .... ... .... . . ..... .... ... . .....
p V 114, 19 Pu dews
, MA� Guiltl Makes Presenta
'6. Ji C
urn. an
MK W191, $464595T4 0q, rtinntr and Wife
AVJ,3 TJ AN—ThP Ladies Guild 10440A was read by Miss Bggri
11-pari Chu
....... of S., atk'g A -ng , roh garot 940mg,
apor'-pi ffiaaiilton return- M,. -agd ]Km Fred Wagnerwt met 0_4 AA hqmp Of Mr1ro. Thom- ' WN, miss.1onary to$_c 11,AP, d,
1GPQCUVfti Wept thl'. asiaggitt for their rg1pruary WI)p 19 MY 140�*bQitr?" 4
e4 bpMo.last S,�I� w.pq� �ntp 0*,r iq JLoe�4 at A*!h@r%*n wM
new hon
ter 4 M
meati. wr"th A 14rg 1 41000- tall A _y M rd, Brown
M(?0tbS VisitiTIV at 16o corner, of quoeU-'an'dr'E1*f L' J*, aMily. . 0 b. rs, Qlffo
a4d $04forith. bqt4 ALT 0 _Mrs.
e lf 'ggitit W
ance _4 PA jA
Tipe Bible
eek, T30YmoP1(T,Rqftopd of study on the B061
is Vis: past we
Pyr wag
the m� and lifts; 0,
charge of
ich V�siltqd, la0t )Friday WgM, Xr, o�.ably Calf
.4idxew9 0 !VW y
and Mrs, William, J. CMig Warner A � .1 , b
aild Ws. Robert. J, PW ce q4rk. She intro-,
lapA y. Taylor was
spent #10 VrpeXega With their home .last we* C The _P meeting ' opened with
AVm% a visit in study and told under
ft pji�r��mdiaj Wfth Ray BUehanP4
�4 diced the
gqi, 1�dbot 0M119, Mr% Craig at Westl�
w4d %axngy at 110ortm, field, bymmn a4omyors were led by What W.Nltloxi� thi,4, book �ra
rg�� Haggitt and the Scr�Pture,, written., The
Ws, Clordoil A �Tn
, 1 Ta rpgr4,p
ru. Mr. god qlo4.eA by, . Wa
Mio$ Ma&y Hpusto4xF dale}-
Mr. 4441� AAV, $Wpld M _pinging A byM—n. DW,
flto4and Miss Fr4figeg Hot!st9q, canpeA. and family of Bodlerildi 19r,v*-Ited .1140t. We* with ;tboar
weeke4d v1s!tvd on SWay with his p4r- 0 G Haggitt 1h4n4od All, who 4
ald Rath a".
of, n spent the ftugh'Nr Mrs. 4,op, Mark m _,ets. taker; Part.
Andrew WelL Xr,'Ra -jcbae� and
Mr, md AAt.
w#11 #Ielr papouts, Mr,, And AUs. ants; .
X* D jlanrce at Bra4W
41keor d bol H The president,
Pbrey- took charge of t�he
I[W HIS Aaro ,
Joh1i an.
"Me 11 14"Id Kitchen, �f An -
Mrs. Bort Craig, Mrs, Wes caster visited Wt we* With 4usiness 06019n, She tliAnkocl
Pha- board bold th*.annml.Ve1en- AL the, Past presidents Mrs. George
13radnockand Miss Lantra t t C �efder for lior ileadepblp
, her, fajthei�, J. J. . Robortso
%A,Ys dancf-, vdith a fair crowd h ther Who. v
IiV4 attended the Vade Crusade I I . I �� - ..... I—- �� I.. ..." I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...... . . . . . .
TiffiWIs iorchestra. The win- - er In(' as ery I 1p A
e Hotel London last Thurs, and Leading Alvcr44n. in . 'Aaf, during the.bd , Asst yo
At, ih, -e Clinton P�011c Hospital. arIi and 4sk�
of.th . optric. blanket 'was w Award
day. a: Uunitidris aric Wea- pd f(.)rtho,0Drkt1fiued goppopt of
W.NlAw J qna_ th Range
James. !�Wlab�n . TechniclAxi, at A all the m b4 r
!Congratuleotdons, to LAC "Aif' Ra, ger, centre is - ., em e minutes
ee carafe Was won 'by Jim- is receiving his, "dl CAF C"lln
Oloosher who Obtained 44 m,,�- FLWard frorn SqUa A. S�an for
h" ton recently presented 'th of the January Ta.epting were
wiIi nted W
0 dron'Leader J brio is excellence inthe firing range, i . accepted as read by the _n
10formar,me recently, Ho has my H 15ecre
�ho,vllLlag(� M
T Auburn joined! FlynnFlYing-C)fficer W. Ed t
station �off jeer,, right, loo
-)Joen, enipiloyecl at the Hurm q5 opil Ward by .910adood t der J,, A. arv, Mrs. TqlmD
_aor, 11hp fj�ri�
,0ounty she& at last 7 cop=-un-Photo)ieq 5ervices, ancial. statement Was given Week, with oth-ea'of TodWoaj on 'y
iNes in rowers _A I p Spario, Pit
Auburn. b
the March of Dimes .Na w 6the treasurer, Mrs, Gordon A.
Of. officer,
with, theeaptain, Bill, itllv$., Jin Taylor, Car&
LAC Ranger, his' wife C",, of thanks Were
Auburn YPS :Meets, charge. T*40 helping '�We and two c141 read from Mr. And IWrs. Andrew
• Mrs. Wwijila m. L. •Qral -M �.• . Rasp erries d" ""my nine' X rkconnell and the family of
,Knox _chtilriIih . , . Mj�s, 'Mcqnas Hag -
130t Doxan, I 'TVOA,A Storted 5 Tea M's and Lo* six, -Awei at Adastral
Ha1W Arthur.- Ah's, Are you'*an"'g to grow Park, ptintom LAC Ranger . is the late Mrs. bovler,
The Young Peoplfe'� Society fl�t' 'Mrs' rasPber4es for -the firs thnei? the ODA of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ran- Mrs- George $cbriqlder read
Lloyd 11wnphreys and Miss Vi- ger, 405 .Selby Street, I;Wiaimo, an address to Rev. and Mrs.
cle. Irbon.Vson, ThIrt
�V-elght dol -
Church •was h&l in lars w&5 collected, this Year rpplace your resent plants. B. Rpbert Weally expressing re.-
IQ�ox Un$tq(T Church, AuitIqm dmin'tstere.
of the Aub= Charge of the Are You planning its expand ;r
A 163.Clu-6s ger; Bret that they were leavIing
Last year the March of Dimes so, contact your local Ontw,�Io Alf is a prominent member
with 23 present. The Weetting amounted to $40.00 Pepartm of the RCAF Clinton Rifle and Mrs. John Daer and Mrs.
canvass. ant .of Agrico. ture of, The Wzstern Ontario Athlete softball. and of c ume, the pnilual young Toam, and his recent award Gordon Taylor presen
MIS opened wlt.h the caill to from Auburn, ftclals for free, up-to-date infor- 0 ted them
%voivhip by Hugh Campbell and Association formed at the can, To help hilyn with a •-plan for 'Canada Hockey Week for Fee tognifies, his excellexice on the With gifts. One of fbhe gifts
Rickey Archambault, nine- inatioll' 04 such things (1) autographed tea. towel.
a by=, with Judy ly�0DOWeil year-old . son of Mr. and Mrs. Pl'Ofits, (2) localtiog, ($)vocom clusion, of Worl& War 11, is the minor sport Mr, Cruilckshanli; Wee p ay G d_ch. I Piring Range.
at the plaw. "Dole" icontacted ' L, "Tory" Gregg ers at o er! was an
bminchild of W, T,, M. worked by, all the Guild mem-
:Leonard Archiamhault was a- m0nded varieties, (4) source Cruickshank, president of CK- of Kincar bees, MI's. Meally thanked ev-
The Scripture lesson was read warded the prize for his Uttend- I and cost of certified planting dine, who had many
NX Radio and Televisloyi, Wing- years iexperience in different eryorie, on behalf of herself and
by Aldo Hildebrand, The,offer- ance, behavior and: learning stock, (5) growing Practices, ham. "Doe" Ordiekshank always lines of Sport, To 'bring the en- Knox VVMS Meets'At Sanderson Horm Mr. Meally', for the gifits.
Trig whs; roce&ed by Gary Wal- Bible verses by has Sunday Raspberay' growing can be bad, and still bas the, Interest of tire' district into, the picture, The roll call was answered
den and dedicated with prayer, school teacher, W4111am L. proflItable. However, growers Youth at heart, and while ithe B. L. H,'BamfoM, C, F. "Cully" For Program And Business Session by naming a woman in the New
A reading on St, Valentine was Oraig. The Prime is an aeroplane 9hould not be nusledby reports older iaWotes of the Western Rocher, and W. M. '11vlac" Pratt Testament The travelling ap.,
read by Hugh Campbell, foilow- Ade at the Sky Hsxbour Air- of high profits. Efficiency and Ontario region had plenty of of Listowel—centre, for many roll Was passed and a penny
ed by a Bible qu4z. Glen Web- pcvt. AiUBURN — The �Women's the call to worship and prayer deposited for each letter in
high yields pare necessary to pro- competition h-ihoickey, baseball, years of itlie former Northern Missionary Society of Knox and a hymn was sung,
ster wasin-charge, of- charades. 0hadles,; Scott arrived home f followed Sexagesima. Quinquagesima. A
*Bter tie meeting, Valentines from Clinton Pub -lie Hospital duce berries in oampetition, with softball •and allied sports, Ike Hockey League•�were contadt- Presbyterian Church met, for by the Glad Tiding prayer led successful auction was held and
were exchanged and lunch was last Thursday after give weeks ather areas and to provide sat- fidt something should be don ed,Iind plans wore made for an their February meeting -at tlie by the president. a lunch was served by Mrs.
,Wactory profits. for the younger generation. association whereby the --child, home of Mrs. Wilfred Sander
served by the girls. being a patfient there. I The Western Ontario Athletic ren,,(>f tile smaller communities son with a good attendance. The Mrs. Sanderson welcomed all Haggitt, assisted by Mrs, Clif-
People often contact the de- Association, from a small be- would have a change at organ= president, Mrs, Sanderson, gave to the meeting and the devo- ford Brown and Mrs, George
partment about reports they ginning in 1945, has grown into ized sport, tional, peqiod was in charge Of Schneider.
have heard and newspaper one of the largest sport organ- Th& first 0
Mrs. Robert H. Middleton Dies, meeting was called Mrs. Donald Haines. The scrip -
"ads" 1�iey have read concern - lz�ticns pn Lithe province. In its for , the' CKNX s Mos, Wing- tore lesson Was read b
the possibilities of ma -ing i tifal year, . ar, f.ive h teams Tuckersmith UCW , y Mrs. Electric, Heat Popular
11 ni hockey I- m$ 1=a, December �tOu, 1945, but Alvin Leatherland, Mrs, Haines Electric home beating Pon-
vejOy good returns ftiorn rasp- took Part in WOAA competit- when 40 1 m Prom neigh- Un t
Wa's Active Church Worker'and Hurse 'ng' e coY on f in i one of the Tuckersm.Ltlh gave the meditation on the pas- tinues togain in popularity. At
berry production. The decrease ion, In 1964, the number of boufring -towns :and villa es' ar- unit UCW held their February sage and followed with Pray- the beginning of 1965, some 13,-
Kirs. Robert II Middleton, pital to trad,n as a nurse. She in acreage that has -taken place participating teanig, anclude 163 rived, the meeting was xnavod nleetlag at t.he. home of. Mrs. er. Mrs. Frank Ralthby read 000 residential installations
Hensag, died in St. Joseph's wcV. a member of the class of during the last 20 years does in hockey, 47 in baseball, 102 in to the nearby Brunswick Hotel Ervin ,Sill ery with an attend- poems and the minutes of had been completed.
Hospital, London,, on Monday '33. 1 . not bear out a suggestion that men's softball, and 22 in girls' for more adequate accommoda- ance of 12 and one vd.51tor. Aft. the previous meeting were ad-
evenlaYg, Fe'b'ruary 15, following On; June 18, 1938, she, was there is an easy and quick in-. tion. John Henderson and Mr's ,Edgar opted' es read by'the secretary,
a'lengthy i1flnesi. . ' ma=1ed in Triunity Church, Bay- come. the dexo- Mrs, Donald, Haines. commission. A discussion.per-
Born, in. Bayfield, she Was field, to Robert.Ha,'V,old Muddle- A Few Blunt Words It was hockey tlTne of the Allan had cft,�Vge of rod "followed, Lunch was serv..
'e' If you are intrigued by the Some blunt words from Brit- year, and a new organization, tion. Plans were made to make a ed by Mrs, Sanderson, -assisted
foitmerly Miss Jean Mamgardt tort, younger son of the 14t6 ideapf raspberry production, do ain on safety responsibility are the WQAA came into being—to Mrs. Henderson opened the quilt for the bale and donations by Miss Ella Wagner and Mrs.
Woods, younger daughter of the Shheriilff and Mrs. Charles G. you know the soli requirements quoted by the Ontario Safety organize and assist minor hock- meeting with hymn 210, follow- were received for the expense Frank Ralthby.
tate Dr. Nfitan. W. Woods and Mdffleiton, Clinton. They made the costs and number of plants Loagu& Prom a recent speech ey. At Ithat.:dme, it was felt ed (by a scripture reading from and supply funds. A card of
Margaret F. Buquitni, their home in.Pont Credit "for per acre, etc.? Deep sandy soils by Mr. Percy Lord, Chief many phases, of sport. wrould. be The Book of St. John, (allowed thanks was signed and sent .,to
She received her primary ed- a year before movilagIn Heiisall., arra. In -recent years many Education Officer Lancashire dirdcted through * the WOAA, by prayer. Mrs. Allan spoke on Mrs. Syl.v&'Eve and a discussion
u6iitton in, BwX16ld Public Sch- Mrs. Middleton was a person certified raspberry plant grow- County Council: and.baseball was added the fol- "couVage",and :led aim, me'ditat'ion', took place re the questionnaire
odl,. attended Clinton 0011e6tdate of many talents who had given ers- have been selling their "After a collisidn we go lowing year; later, came soft- 1-15�mn 315 was sunig. This part -sent to combine Ladies" Aidand
Institute aaid Stratford Normal of herself freely in commurifty plants for less than $100 per through the most torturous pro- bail.* the time the league of the meeting closed w1th pray- WMS groups. The forms to
aes from childhda
ood , ys,
School. She taught school nearctivitithousand. If you are buying eer- cedures to assess the degree of atfUsated with the Ontario er by Mrs, Allan. Mrs. Hend6v- send, children� to Xhitall camp
OAton,arid in Gzat before enter- and was interested m anvateur
tifled plants by variety, you blame, when in. fact We, the Baseball Associaltion. in 1949, son -read a poem "Two Kinds of were received.
ing the Tbronto General Hots, theatricals. might make certadn that cert- adult population of this country, junior -and intermedhate series� People." Th6 offering was received and
A life-dong member of the Ification and variety are clearly must -accept the blame, and the had been added, with -the mia- UT5. Elgin Thomson gave the dedicated and the roll call was
You spend moii,44 your Anglican Church 14th, consider- sp e-effied in any contract you shame, -90 long as, one stingli I r,ors, affillating with prov4ndial secretary's report. The roll call answered, by h Wxle verse from
able choir experience, she was may be signing. childig killed or inaimed on our, bodies through the OMHA and was -answered by. a Vialentane the Book of Exodus. The study
We i"i.your , shoes. Buy active In all organizations Of roads. the OBA. verse. Mrs. N, Sillery reported book was t
aken Py Miss Min-
sood Con'o-dion made St. POW's; Church, Heraa, A new development has taken So long as you can A91 be From the beginning, the or- for the twasurer and received nie Wagner assisted by Mrs.
Shoes . . . Where she served ais organist for place in the raspberry industry a docent fellow and drive past gahizatifon has grown—until to- the offering.
Roy Doer. This interesting
some Years. in Ontario. A new res-PbearY a -school at 50 niph; a jolly day Itincludes centres from the Thankyou notes were read by chapter, "Take. a look- at var-
- In, 'the Work of the WmeWs plain certification program is good sort it you. drive with a Bruce Peninsula in the north, to Mrs. Ham from. Mrs- Dallas, solves as 58L group of women
fillsonbut, g AdAfilary � she had fdlll&d the underway and the first NantS belly full of ale; an hone8t-to- the St. Maxyg area, dn the south; Gordon Thomson, MTs Stack -
'i. It was and our missionary, effait, I gave
rolls of preLcildent and other off- frmn, ;this program will, be sold goodness parent . if you send Sarnia district in the west, and house and Mrs. "E. 9Q everyone a deeper rezponsibil-
So"lid Shoes hces in sit. Paurs Branch over in the ifail of 1965. vku"-free your child of six across a high Orangeville in theeast. But com- moved -by Mrs. Broadfloot, see- ity to carry out Chrdst's 'great
the years, and was Hur6n. Dean- Plants are obtained ft'imn the speed 'road for a packet of- cig- petition leas remakned with the onded by Mrs. R. Scott to don -
'at ery socretarytreasurer. Oamda DeparAment of Agricul- arettes; or a reasonable, sen- smaller centres. Two of the ate $3.00 Ito the card funcl. Mrs.
's Shoe Repair Surviving are her, husbalid :tune, Ottawa - , and are being sible, -down-to-earth fellow if many offshoots of the,WOAA, E. Thmnsion pnvlted the unit to
36 HUF404 STREET and one son., Robert W. Muddle- proagated by qualified growers. you count financial cost. of sanctioned and helped by the her home for the March meet -
SKATES SHARPENED ton, tlen-lall; arslo a sister,, Mrs. These plants are expected to safety against the toll of hil- Parent body, are the anrittal ing.
"Carl E. (Lucy) Diehl, Bayflold. give higher yiel& and lengthen man suf fering—we shall natget young Canada Pee Wee Base- The regular meeting for rnmTD
. . . . . . . .
Whitt; Sale,
See the savings — both dollars and space, New slim -
wall construction with polyurethane insulation gives for
more storage space in less floor space. Holds 772 lbs.
Removable divider, 11andy storage basket. Seal -rite lid
gives tight air seal. 3 -.year food spoilage warranty,
39x,0tW(-fi(4 'fl!AbS
Cfim n nwirdit. Sheiii 'W CorWi�lt
IiYbUft W0t5id#40U6Ft OtALIgWil
....... ... . ....
.. . . ...........
01M ,
M % MeNowy
M, 10
—the most dependable variety to grow
i� ar
The firs
Quebec V0
a three -dime
M18sioner Ge
t6t&` 6f 'the
of the board
Thddtifig Wile
Wier :1 0 M
'h in 196'
EXpo 67 Hag. First Visitor
man to "visit" VDXPO 67 18 W. F. Milton', supprVigor of the
ion of the Canadian National Ifistitato for the Blind, Utilizing
Isl6halModdl of trio Jt, XV
PO site, Robert Y Shams, Deputy COM-
letal(i of tapo, is taking. NII, Milton who, is. blind,' on a "guld6d
tx a Ali
pari grbUndg, 'To the right JgAeginald Damon, vice irni
of the Quebec Division of the CN18. 'Tho "tour l was made at a
,0,.Mr. Shmv offlulally, Pres 61,afthLad the opmIffig of 'White, amos
aft abd Wtiffied tt po Owls to aAmist, blilid- Vfihqkfb the&Ti,,
FERTILIZER- Take advantage of today's
low prices.
5-20-10 today cash $61.62.
SEED GRAIN— Order early while supplies
ore good,
SEED BEANS—' Good supplies on h . and
Phone 262-2605 Hensall
tel* - TODAY
Order YourSIIU�•GbIN Fer hers
linton Feed, 'Mill
. 11 1 CUNTON -- 482-1484 de 482.3485
and take advantage of
r Delivery Discount's