HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-18, Page 10rare ifle ' erlicReett JIM eve s Kecorer. Thurs;r deb«" 18, 116 �ad�lei�� Lane *lark Hear Ta1JainaiGaTeacher The February 'meeting of the MIa.'deleiile Lane Aulciltary of St, Andrew's RresiVterlian -Church. Wes held 9n Tues el .eve !g •Febtntary 8, at the home ,of M2 FS, Rabetrt Hottnuth, 327 Victoria a $t. wsith. 18 menlb'erS preeene The msec ting oMed with the slinging .of A iiVnin atter whack, 1Vlre. James Edwards read the SuriPtI e nand Mrs, Howard Cp- wan led in prayer. With the new presid'en't, Mas, William Cook pres1da1:4 Aeyeeel, items of bus, i.ness Were dliseteesed, Membere were asked ee, start. collecting articles for Vie ruin- map sale being held in April, M•7's. Cook and Ws, R, 'B, R.udl Wee* aPpoinIted to serve on the ogm mittee fto' ferganhze the Wor- ld Day :of Player for next year., the meeting to he held at that tikne in St.. Andrew's Church, Clinton:. Membene were asked tta attend the World Day of Prayer this Year being ,held at the PTatestant ..Cbiapel, RCAF Station on Friday, March 5 at 2 p•txn, It was decidedthat some lad - lee of the auxiltiAt y w4u1c1 make two visits to Ithe Ontat"io Hos- 9441, Goderich, to eeeeet the patients with: crafts, and visit With them, , Mr, Homuth then intx"oclueod Sine guest stpeaice r for the even- ing, Mr, Gurnos dames, teacher at Cestili el E ttneet S ndarY Srdhpol. Mr. James gave a, very inteQ'eeting talk on .his home- land, J'ama'ica, relating many a- musing 'incidents atbo>ut his ea - Region `arere native customs, class distinctions; etc. A short question petted -followed .fes Which the ladies freely question- ed ,i,1?r, 4.041e+s. en cletallsof .Sam? - at Ica n wh !ch they Were inter- ested, After .the :si i ng of a hymn, iundh• Was served hY hostesses 1Vfrs, Ronald .McCann and Gleeyte Hogarth Winner of the balling draw was Viola J-Jan1•p-- Classified Ads. • Bring Results lts COCKSHUTT FAMILY LIFE MOVIES Demonstrating latest Cockshutt Equipment. One movie featuring Gordie Tapp as "Cousin Clem" DOOR PRIZES. ... Valued at $3O.OQ Gockshutt personnel Will :Be Present FREE 'Refreshments FREE Admission Tuesday, Y- February23 8:15 1 p LEGI y' N HALL, CLINTON Sponsored'by Brucefield Farm Equipment H. Lobb and Sons VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING iNEOR* TION CENTRE OTi1ItIO 4YI1O 53 Albert St. Clinton Phone 482-9651 SUCAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley I've hada preview of what I'm going /eel IMe when my daughter is married. T'Yejust been through 4'w. PUMP .b e'di talle. Not by Glean. 091-1141, or Van CU-. burn, or Apbur .R'ubin. No,. By Hugh Smiley. Marrying off your daughter must be ,lust like it. A heady brew of emotion and .exhaustion,. Wills and. bouquets, that leaves Yen 'feeling pike; aoatexpillar that has (been run over, hitt lea't +qui•'te ]tilled by a ;tractor, 'In short you wind, tip *w- hitely flat, but ,rather proud that yotl,'re not dead, . .. The Durst recital; Wee • at the Cen e:tory, in the city, We picked the dame six weelce be- fere. And, boy, can we pick 'ein, It was 18 "below zero. And the 'humidi.ty and wind gave it a dis;-. een ter!t index of 47 bellow. The Old Ceiri was sick. Physic call', mentally, spiritually. I was sick syMPathetiieally. We figured 35 reOJatives, tried and true, And five friends to whonn, owed mo>ney'? Would turn up, Blesse the human race, and all dear friends. We had 150 bodies in the place, straggling in, on each a blight, from ad over the country. Some Made .a- 5-oun'd trip of 500 miles to hear the lcid play. It was a curious combination of char.+aeters in the audience, Basic were the relatives who live in fthe city, and 'their, friends. They made up the two score we had expected. But then they started to tric- kle in: old college friends; old fighter pilots; olcl weekly edi- taus; my son's former public school principal; 'the chap who has, the mortgage on my house; the fellow who handles my colt-, urn; the orthodontist who ntraig'htens my dna u g h t e i s teeth; •a girl I hadn't seen since we went skinny-dipping at a beach party 20 years ago. And they all, bless them, brought their wives, and, or husbands, children and friends. Last but not least came my sisters. One drove for six hours, in 20 -below weather, with her daughter to make it. The other carne the same distance by BBUCFEIFLD MRS. H. BERRY, Correspondent (Intended for last week) . The 13rucefield Messengers had a good attendance at their February meeting. A Messeng., er pin was presented to Ad- rienne 1Vfatthews. The primary children made the flag of Trinidad and To- bago. The junior boys reviewed the worship service, which was later presented to the whole group on the theme, "Learning to be Doers". Bradley Har- greaves; Glenn. McGregor, and Neil Mustard helped in the pre- sentation of the worship. The children learned that Many children cannot attend school in Trinidad. The boys discussed what it might be like if they couldn't go to 'school. The assistance of Mrs. V. Hargreaves in caring for the pre-schoolers was' appreciated. 40-30 . 20 . 10 NO. These Are Not Football Signals BUT, YOU WILL THINK THEY ARE WHEN YOU SEE THE WAY PRICES ARE BEING KiCKED AROUND AT CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY. 40% �FF 30% OFF DUNLOP. FiRST LINE SNOW TIRES MARTIN• SENOUR PREMIUM PAINTS HOCKEY PANTS, 'PADS, GLOVES, SWEATERS ---'- SKATE WARMERS TRANSISTOR RADIOS — FISHING TACKLE ARCHERY SETS TOBOGGANS --- SLEIGHS — SKIS TRICYCLES — WAGONS POWER Z00/ p F TOOLS -, HAND TOOLS ---GOLF BAGS AND CARTS -a-» BALL GLOVES -- ALL 99c ITEMS. 10% 0 F F Alt Auto Parts and . Accessories For the Ladles - - NYLONS. — 33cp r. 2/65c _ SALE STARTS FEB. '17th - ENDS FEB. 27th ALL TRANSACTIONS CASH AND FINAL HU, 2-7034 Gf'i'il+p7f/} G/IZGi 1/2 Price Items Food Mixers Bath Scales Camp Stoves Microscopes Electric Gridle Electric Iron 6-7b e. train, with tWO, kids. Neither ItneW the ether Was coniixg.. Neither had seen the great are- batt since, he was piclting,up and-kirssing size zt vas, heart-warming, to slay that least, .And I was a Very Wend father and husband,: When it was ve4 , A. Pxviikl father be oaleee My' son sh9!we i a passe and PVolrsh Ihudsih. I'd had at that age, and e, eonpetence I'ye. never, had at any age. A ;loud husband, 'because my wife had oxaaw1ed oat 92 what sher claimed vias :her death -bed, to get thee, and looked better than enybodiy, detspite the ta!ets that She's ljved with Me ler 18 ;years; end e'oaohed the kid for ten. Next day at ,noon, we hired for borne, 90 riles, and went through th'e whole thing again that ni'g'ht, A •recital in the home town. It was not 20 below, for a ch'apge, It was 30 below. But 500 people left their tele Vision sets, and shivered th- rough 'the leafing night to hear my young virtuoso, as he does- n't like to be called. • What dressed me most about the` whole weekend was the kind¢ eee of people. My sis- ter-in-law is-ter-in law wanted to hold a re- ception for the whole mob, in the city. Our neighbor insisted on making the S'andw'iches for the bate at home. Even my wife got carried away and told me, during one lapse, that I was a good husband and father, Which s'ho* me my 'a bit. The only thing that's bother- ing me is the kid's attitude, One of my misguided friends` sent him a bottle of champagne. A dear lady sent hienten bucks. And perhaps worst of all, he got a clutch of fan mail. After the weekend, we had a heavy tall of snow. I told hian to get out and shovel the driveway. I handed him a shovel. He hand- ed it right back and asked, "How many fan letters did you get this weak, Pops ?" I sho- velled. Ba "`Yfield Harbour Ice G ,s Out Just In' Time Qe This . was the situation ttt Ba_ field. arbour Ne s -Re d h ra h Y � w Oof' P.. �Qg Pet' John °Vu,ssar, the photo )ast Wechlesd.aY just before the Ice -Went out zeta shows ice and water' half. way up' the fish houses. the lake. Taken frPm the south pier. by Clinton ' and boat houses along the north pier. nt �ri Far 0_ao mrs. p �MM0 ...e._ 1��.�i, it Announces "March: h John Delmer, president, On- natio Farmere' Union, addressed • group of fanners in Clinton on February 10. iiia, ; Dohner, a Dufferin County farmer, said farmers to- day are existing on very low net incomes despite increased capital and :operating expens- es, He cited the case in Duf- ferin County were a summary of the farm account books re- vealed that 28 dairy farmers with an average investment of $37,000 received an average net income of $540; beef and hog farmers with an average in- vestment of $43,000 received as labour income $634.00. Mr. Palmer felt the answer to this:. deploralble situation was organization of farmers, and parity prices. He said it is the aim of the OFU to stage a march on Ottawa - this spring, to demand parity prices. Mr.. Domer agreed we must have efficient production. "Today's farmer has accept- ed this and is now feeding 30 persons as , compared to ten a few years ago." He ' agreed with Ontario's Minister of Agri- culture, William Stewart, who Goderich Couple Celebrate 58th Wedding Anniversary C ide � _nt atmos has said "faxuners• must not be sacrificed on the altar of their own efficiency." The speaker felt that the chain stores were responsible fo • prices, . 1ow farm prce, The chain she now quotes the, prices to the packer who has no Choice but to go along. "Marketing boards serve a very useful purpose," Mr Del- mer said, and added that they have no. .'control over imports, IA outlining the importance of farming to the national econo- my, Mr, Dolnaer said that the farming industry provides for 35 percent of all employment, 0' LO DES O Corresponclet 1VIr. s. Bert Allen Friends received word last week of the passing of Edgar lvlorris of Paris, Ontario. The fate Mr. Morris will be remem- bered by many school mates as he was raised on the 10th con. West of Londesboro. He was 66 years of age -.and a son of Me, and Mrs. Joseph Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family of Thames Road spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Widmer Howatt. We are pleased to welcome 1VLrs. Robert Townsend home a- gain' ,after several weeks spent in Toronto under the doctor's came. Mrs. Bentham of Oshawa acoorpanied her and will spend a few weeps with her sisters. The Berean Unit met on Th- ursday hursd'ay at the home of Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mrs, Shobbrook conducted the devotional period. IVfrs, Gourley gave the chapter from the Study Book, and Mrs. Wood presented the chapter on Trinidad. Roll call was answer- ed wibh'a vergefm'om Scripture starting with the, letter "F." A ten cent tea was served at the close. The Wonderful New World of... MR. AND MRS. Mr. and Mrs. Henry -Vol - land, Goderich, celebrated their 58th wedding anriivev- • nary on Fridiay, February 5, when they were enter- tained ihy their faniily at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, and later at a card party at the home off their son-in- law and daughter, Mn and Mrs. Louis Taylor, Varna. Mr. and Mrs, Vole land were married in Clin- ton ton by Rev. Stewart, AT HENRY VOLLAND They have lived in Gode- rich for the past 15 years and both are in gocel health. The have five children: Mrs. Eldon (Vera) Johnston, Brucefield; Mrs, Lorne (Irene) Finlayson, Hensall; Clarence, Hensall; Mrs. Louis (Beatrice) Taylor, Varna and Bruce, Goderich. They also have 16 grand- children and 17 great- grandchildren. Announcing .. . AID Insurance ' If Accident, Illness or Death brings unexpected hardship AID will safeguard your loan. If you are DISABLED, unable to work for more than 30 days, due to Occident or illness, AID takes over your pay- ments, goes on Dayirig your monthly instalments until you • recover or your loan is paid in full. if DEATH occurs, AID pays the out- etanding baiahce of your loan in full. Available on Leans of $1k500 or More , Exclusively at ATLANTIC FINANCE CORPORATION 7 BUft'1i` BTRI EiT "CL iNTo V t#A'1`T�NI Phone .A82-3486 J. :A=. (4:Qhn) I4arpert Breech 'Manage MONDAY, MARCH 1 y;, THROUGH SUNDAY, MARCH 7 EVEiVINGS; More through el, 8:30 pen. Saturday ,.,..9:00 pan, MATINEES+ Saturday 1:00 & 5:00 p.m. Stiiiday• .,•, 2:00 pan,TICKET F'FR(CES9 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00` - $3.50 including Tax CHILDREN, 12 yrs. & Under Half Price $1.00 - $1.25 - $1,50 w $1.75 Good Only For Performances Monday through Thursday All Seats Reserved 'tickets Available at GALBRAITH RADl° & TV CI 'Meet 40-pA'RDENS TREASURE ISLAND SHOPPING CENTRE London, 'Onutria Lohdesbcroi. Iatkes. Donations, � P an s Banquet• The W.I. met on Tuesday for their February meeting. The "Convention Song" opened the m.edting ,antd the president gave a Valentine reading. Minutes were read and, approved and roll Gall was 'answered by, namning a county or country and its cap ita1, - A duet by Mrs. Torn Allen and 1TTas. Vincent was enjoyed. A letter was read from the ad- opted .child in Hong • Kong. A motion to donate $75.00' to- wards the Scholarship Fund, al- so a donation for the renovation of the Adelaide • Heedless Home was passed. A . committee of three was named to arrange for the Sunshine Sister Ban- quet, Mrs. Durin, Mrs. Jack Medd and Mrs. Ruth Vincent. ,A. ,d'onatioh of $100.00 will he forwarded to the Hall Board. Mrs. 'Pipe gave the motto). ,Citizenship was conducted by Mrs, E. Wood where she inter- viewed four ladies who repre- sented their native countries, England, Ireland, Poland. and Holland. Each gave interesting items of their country and why they became Canadians, Mrs. Tom Allen showed an interest- ing fern taken last October when on a trip to Trinidad and the Barbados. A •piano instxuanental was contributed by Mrs. Jos'ling. There will be a penny sale at the Manch meeting when the last half of menvbers on the roll will contribute the articles, NOT FAIR - - - NOT SAFE Approximately one-third ' of Ontario bunting accidents in- volve, hunters who are disobey - ng hunting regulations. nt rao .. S e Hear Trinidad Talk Group No. 1 of Ontario Street United Church UC,W met on Tuesday; February 9, with president, Mrs. M, Bat'lcin open- ing pening the meeting by reading a poem; Mrs. Alvin Lobbstook devotions and study book, clos- ing with prayer. Mrs. E, Radford gave ftiwo- ipstxument,sle and Mrs. M. Tyndall gave two readings. Pre- sident Mrs. M•, Batkl.n gave a talk on to trip to Trinidad which was enjoyed, The new study book was introduced, "God and His Purpose". ,Collections for memorial • fund was taken. World Day of Prayer is on. March 5 at RCAF Station. SEE THE BCS CAPADFS In LONDON Wednesday, March 3 Special Bus Leaving Clinton at 6:30 p.m. Returning—After Performance 'Adults $6,00 Children $3.00 Includes Return Transportation and $3.00 Ticket to performance Travel in Air Ride Comfort • Contact your Charterways Agent Beirtliffs Bakery. Clinton — 432-9727 6-7b Clinton Memorial Shop T, PRflE cid SON CLINTON -- EXETER — SEAFORTH Open E'v'ery Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative --A. W. Steep --'482-6642 WARBICIDE TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For approximately 600 lbs, of warbicide for spraying cattle for Warble Fly. Tenders to state price per 15 Ib. bag delivered to Town- ship Shed in Hamlet of Egmondville, Ontario. Tenderer to. state chemical supplier. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender—Warbicide" and in the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon on March 1st, 1965 and will be,.opened and considered on March 2, 1965 at 2:00 pan. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 6.7b WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For spraying cattle for Warble Fly:- in 1965, Tender to state price per head per spray. Work to be done under the direction tof the Inspector in accordance with the regulations of ,the Warble Fly Act, Tenders to be clearly marked "Tedder -Warble Fly Spraying", 1965 Tendeat2,3rs 0 top.mbe in Clerk's .hands by 12 o'clock noon on March 1,1965 and will be opened and considered on March 2, : Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J, I,'MeINTOSH, Clerk, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ontario., 6-7b 'GRAVEL TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For the drtxshthg sand hauling of approximately 17,000 au, yds, of gravel to rtoevnship roads in 1965; V" screen to be used and the trustier to be shovel. -fed. Contractor to suppiyi all requirements and 'to . obtain and supply all gravel, Tenderer to -state pit locations and approld- mate yardage to be delivered from eadh. Work' to be completed by June 19, 1965, under the super- vision of. the Road Superintendent arid subject td the 'approVa1 of the Dept, of highways, of Ontario,. Tenders to be clearly ]marked "Tender---C4t vel" and must be 111 the Road Superintendent's hands by 12' o'clock noon on March 1, 1965 and Will be opened and considered On Match 2, 1.065 at 3 p7ri . Tenders to be accompanied by a narked cheque for $300, Lowest or any tender tot necessttrily atacepted. • ANIiEI W I4OUSTON, Read Superintendent, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ontario, 6w7b