HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-11, Page 10Page.10r-1--Oatele News,Rqcord,Thuts,c FON 11, 1.965 Au 'both Distric„,.. MRS, WES BRARNOCK-40rrespet4dent-,inone $20,7595. Mr, and Mrs. Navy gve lefty evxin• -PP San-1day for then' home at 40,siele after at tending the fun - PIS, of her motner, . the late lierbekrit Pevier. Xr, and Mrs. Ben gantlteel attended the Weddingo their nieee, Mies Bapara klandlton Goderich last Friday The members of the it Auburn Bey Scot attended the rneetreng .the 131.5lb Cturch ftr.42,-C's Xet W,Ozkes, • Mx's. Leis Be end h,ege Owe three FaYe end MeTeranne, vis- ited laet 'AleadaY With bier Par- ents, Zfr, and Mrs, AndreeY Kirkeontlen and Diane, and at, tended the tmeral p the late lgre. Herbert Ceevier, Friends of George 441.11c04144 of Igncardine, Were131%1sec:110 hear that he was hanared With a 44a414.P uxWei1a4. ta. tvint ter Per.vices rendered to Nixor Pres - CONCRETE SILOS Thirty years of experience? I can bulld a silo to suit your needs—,12'? 13', 14' up to 55 feet. A few vacancies yet to fill? place Your order soon — By Contacting .ARNOLD .HUGILL and SON.- • • CONTRACTOR and EanLogri 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich—Phone 524-9437 RECIPE OF THE MONTH 'IL- By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute . 1344:4ada•Choiee Canoed FruitV• • plum Roly Poly Serves 8 For a Snack or Dessert 3 cups biscuit mix 2 tablespoons melted butter 14 cup sugar • 2 teaspoons cinnamon , tea.spoori nutmeg 1A cup canned strained •- plums (or junior plums) • eteile:...e, • Prepare your own biscuit dough or use a prepared mix, Roll but 15x10 -inch rec- tangle. Spread with melted butter. Combine sugar and spices. Sprinkle 3'j on bis- cuit mix. Spread with strain- ecl plums leaving a 1 -inch margin. Sprinkle with re- maining sugar •and spices. Roll up and cut in 1 -inch slices. Place slices, .cut side up, in a greased pan or muf- fin tin. Bake in hot oven (450° F.) 15-18 minutes. bYterian Chureb, Kincerdine where Ihe had been An elder fer 50 Years. Mere of the oldee residenta here remember Mr. X-01MIPMPI when he elerited the W. T. RAMO: store, where Taylor's shore nOw stand's,. The leet wishes el tits trict wes' to Dr. B, C. Wier, now residhlg With b1,5 Pen John, Mrs. Weir and family in London to tr Ittle Winter Menthe, as he celebrates Ms:87t birth- day on VeihruarY Mre, Verna Doerr of Niagtra Falb vent tile weekend With her parents, lvfr. and Ms, 401e- ert ChaanneY and all attended the Reveg.,C4anute3r wedding in Gederich. Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Chanmey eiso attended whe.re she was the eoloist, There was eio school last Thursday at US$ No. 5 Hid/Mat, dile to the stonmy snowy wea- ther. The highlight of the W.I, meeting ,will be a contest for the oldeet children's book other than a school hook and the old- est recipe book. Prizes will, be even to the aldeet there, The meeting will be in charge of Mrs. 1.1bYd HuMpin'eys, con- vener of historical research, and stoma of the program will be a FOarit Page Challenge, The car- ator of he TvveedSmuir History Book will review the happenings in the Comanunity dnring the past year. • Zurich fair Has OvIer $900 for 1965 Show •The ZhAgricultural 40- Oteizr1 have A bank haleriee Of $926.83 oOPannience 19§5 oPeratieneS With, klt was reveeled at the anntlal :Meeting of the pre ganizatien recently, Total °Opts for the Centennial Fair were $6,W0•22., while the total exPenee,e aneetuited to S5,104% Folf1toWh1g the big centennial event the board of directors ure now making plans for tilts years With the date set for thelast Saturday end MondaY in September. L Becker was re-elected president et the Organization, With alaire Petchert es first vieedPresident and Arnold lvfern- er as second viceaesident. Bill Baechler will r p la ce Mrs, Marge Schilbe as eecretary- treasurer. ,•Card. Players Elect Officers Great entillIsiaSin OXPressetl by the gelltIP-3 men of Auburn Village as they meet twice a week, for card games in.the front room of the Auburn library. 'Over 12 enjoy these afternoons of games ard they *dell their new officers for the season. 13ert Taylor,left, was named president and Robert • Qhamney, right, was named treasurer, (Photo By Mrs, Wes .8radno01) Huron County Junior Farmers •Elect New Officers At Belgrave Attleurn—rfte Anneal meeting of the Huron County Junkie Farmers was held in Belgrave Fereester'e Hell With over 70 present tom 'the clubs at no, wick, Seaforth, North Huron, Clinton and South Hueon, The. evening started with a broomball game between the clubs'. Murray Hoover, was named secretary and readthe minutes of the last annual meeting. Don Eleillen, assistant agricultural Four Auburn Churches rePreseritatiVe, gave the firian, cal Stateenent and also gavo the relent of ithe office, 0/Liss Pato a Daranide gaffe her report as Huron County home econonelet, lVfm. Pullen gave the report of the nominating committee with was aecepteeleaa followee Past president, Marilyn Mare shell, Kirkton; President, Tom Conningbaln, 13,13,7 1 Auburn; first vicevresidenit, Bob Fotth- eringham, Soaforth; second vice-president, Murray Hoover, Belgrarvee. recording seretary, Barry Mulvey, llowick Club; corresponding secretary, Bea- trice Murch, Clinton; press re- penter, Donald Young, RR 3 t eally Farewell provincial director, lVfax Ste - Morris Love, Exrefer; alternate Auburn;:provincial director, Wart, Sdaforth; News 'letter ed- AUBURN—Members of all ed Choirs of St 1Vtarit's,Auburn, /tor, Roba Doig, Seaforth; as - four denominations' in Au- burn joined with the members of Trinity Ohurch, Blyth last Sunday to hear Rev. Robert Medily preach his farewell ser- mon. The church was filled to capacity and the organist, Miss Alice Itodgerson led the 'service of gong assisted by the cornlain- Convenient RAIL -LINER service to STRATFORD TETR"vtgTT:TIPOROZ: LEAVE. CLINTON ARRIVE STRATFORD LEAVE STRATFORD 12:40 P.M. 1:35 P,M. 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO • 3:55 P.M. Convenient connections YO Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Western Canada. Low Rail Fares. Red Fare one-way to WINNIPEG $21.50 to, HALIFAX $24.35, For information phone the foal CN Soles Office $ 9,5 Red Fare One Way White $3.65 Slue $4.40 102,...,_Clinten to Toronto --eemeimuyeareeaft CANADIAN NATIONAL WAITING FOI. SPRING TO RENOVATE AND REDECORATE? WHY? loans for home and farm improvement are available through your bank RIGHT NOW! Wise Canadians take advantage of the winter. Skilled men are usually more readily avail- able during the cold weather, and the job gets done when you want it Materials ere iP nenerbUS suppry7-and Off-season ds - counts and eXterided payment plans can Make your renOVation budget go •MUdli farther. Under the National Housing Act special Rome Improvement Ionia- are eVallable thrPugh• your bank at low interest rates. You cah burrow up to $4,000 and take+ ip to ten years to repay, A Penn rriproVernent Laary Offera you up VI $15,000 with as 'Ong as ten .years tti repay, Government sponsored Small Business Loana ere a ISO available through yOur bank for renovation and repair of smaller butt- hapremiSes and eqUipMent EVERYIIODY PENENTS WHEN WiNtEt? WORK AS iNe'REMED. no IT NOW1 fsgtied by tiuthority br 1-16tt, Allan J, Mao ie, MiniSter of tabOtiri banada: and Trinity churches. The chum/ was bea.utifully decorated with bouquets of chr- ysanthemums for the occasion. Mr. 1\ileal1y gave an inspiring message on the text, "Think on These Things," He referred to the life of St. Paul as he wrote back to the church at Phillippi and Ace St. Pa,u1, Mr. Meally thanked his parishioners for their faithful work during the seven .yeaes he was in this par- ish. He closed his message by the Mizpah benediction after ask- ing for the same support to the new rector. The' offering was received by John Nesbit, Ed. Watson, Clifford Brown and Alex Nethery, and Floyd Smith received it for dedication. Foilovving the service a re- ception was held in the leferri- orial Hall where the rector's warden at St. Mark's, Auburn, Lawrence Nesbit was chairman. •A message at thanks was read by Me. Nesbit and Cliff Ba/own, people's warden; pre- sented Rev. and Mee. Meally with a gift. John Nesbit of Blyth also read a message and a gift was presented. Little Shaeon Ives rebel a poem to Mrs. Meally and the children of the Sunday school class preeented her with gifts. William Straughan of Knox United, Auburn, spoke a few words and presented a purse on behalf of his church. 1 Others speaking were Reeve Barden Cook of the village of Blyith; Donald Haines, Knox Presbyterian, Auburn; Frank Raithby, Auburn Baptist; Jam- es Laurie for United Church, myth. The srnorgasboard lunch- eon was served by the ladies of the two guilds and tea was poured by Miss Alice Watson and Miss Josephine Weodeock. 0 Duncan McIntyre Dies In Detroit, Known At Auburn AUBURN—Thi e community was saddened to learn last week of the death of the husband of a former Auburn. girl, ieuncan McIntyre, who passed away in Detroit, ,after several months illnees, He was in his 83rd year and was a retired employee of the New York Central Railroad, He is survived by Ws 'wife, the former Ada Beadle and one son, David, of Detroit and two egrandedn.e, One son, Earl died overseas in. World War 11 while serving With the U. S. Navy. The burial took place in De - trait and the pallbearets were Clifford Brewn, Auburn; Rose Patterson Gorierieh; Beverley French, Harry Rinderketecht, Maynard kinderktiecht, ancl George Disney, ail of Detroit, Mr, ivicintyre was well known ill this ;community, havingepent many summers With her par- ents; Mrs George Beadle ant1. (be late George Beadle cf tTta village, The sympathy of this clietriet iseXtoidedi fo .Mrs M Irityre and her sisters in this area. Thee attending the tuttenal were Mr. and Altri. Clifford t3 rowh of A.ttbucn, Mrs, Eften Patorsertderich arid Ross 1).atternsion, Gocterich, • Brinq Results Classified Ads., sistant editor, Marguerite Scitt, Seaforth. The new president, Tom Cim- ningham gave a few rernarks and the Meeting was adjourned followed by -dancing. Youth Groups Elect Officers Thank Minister AUBURN—The c-oinbined A- YPA of the/Auburn, Blyth and BeIgra.ve charge and the P.Y.- P.A. of Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, held their an- nual meeting in the rectory at Blyth. The first, pant of the evening was spent in a skating party at the Blyth arena. Rev. Revberit Meally was in charge of the meeting and held a short devotional service, Mr, Meally vvelcam,ed all to the meeting and the election of of- ficers took plane. , The new officerare: past president, Floyd Sreith; pres- ident, Margaret A Sanderson; first vice-presictent, Carole Brown; secretary - treasurer, Nancy van Camp; social con- veners, Jane Doran end Philip Clark. An address was read by Floyd Smith to Rev. Meally thanking him far his spiritual guidance during the past years_and on be- half of the members presented him With a purse of money as a parting gift, Mr, Mealy .thanked everyone for their co-operation and closed the /meeting with prayer. A lunch was served by Mrs. Meally. Auburn COT To See Films At Next Meeting AUBURN --Jane Doran pre:. sided for the CGIT Meeting heldt at the home of Betty Moss with a large attendance. Judy Arthur was the pianist for 'the evening and accompanied for the hyrnne. All repeated the Purpose follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer and the seripture lessen, Psalm 19 Wl.q read by Judy Arthur. The minutes wore approved as read by the secrtary, Gail Miller. The roll dell was an- Swered .by each Member quot- ing a verse relating to St Val- entine's Day. A contest op parts of the head wag given by 13ar- bara Sandmen and Shoran Col- lins, Margaret and Mary Sand- er..on sang- a duet, W. Bead/reek gave the ehapter of the Study book, Sure, day at Seven Plane Were 'made for the next frneting to be held at the home of Jane Doran when Mr, and Mrs, Ralph t. ivrtm,r0 will be the guests and wiflshow pictures sof their trip to the West Coast, no evening was closed by the singing of taps. Personal Foreign Aid Miring' 1964, an egittatecl 11,000,000 needy persons in 39 countries will receive CARE self help .and medical eesistante, To provide 'Ole aid, Which ettp. pie:rents GARB food programs, requires $7000,006 in eattribu. dims roughly, $5 fbr entoy persons who are helped. '1 / MG BARLEY CONT EE D ANP. f.011711 -1M1 .81,1PP414P, Your cholow PAR MP fsix /*wed) BRTZg ftwo rowed.), An gXrliVntCrap For Early cash, BEAN SEED 4x.cplient. uolity 9nt orio ReulStered,-SA N LAo -SEAWAY ,r-PAQINAW eeMICHELITE 62 Mlobigan Certified. ,SEAWAY All Seed Drown from FP1•1000911 Stock. BEAN CONTRACTS Available Excellent markets Create Q0410 Bean, Price Seed and FertlilW .50.PPilcd Drop in Now For Your :Seeding and fortilizer Needs or Phone 2624714 Collect E. L MICKLE & SON LIMITED FIENSALL ONTARIO Order Your SHUMAIN Fertilizers TODAY From Clinton .Feed Mill 28 Huron Street — CLINTON 4824484 or 4824485 and take advantage of LSHUR•GAIN A) Early Delivery Discounts 110ES MUM& FERTILIZER !3P READ BETTER? At a quick glance SHuR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer may *look very much like most other kinds of granular fertilizers—but there is an important difference. Most ordinary fertilizers and practically all custom blended one consist of a dry mixture of fertilizer materials either in powder or granular form. As a result the different ingredients vary in tiize and weight. You can compare it to a, handful of ping-pong balls, mixed vviti; .nerbles If you throw out a handful of these, the heavier marbles will travel farti;:.,, 011,11 rne ping-pong balls—and that i8 exactly what happens With ordinary fertiliv. , Every granule of SHUR-GAIN SCIP(Vu-Gronlwi/011 PP/17 bzer contains the guaranteed plant food elements in the right proportion When you spread your fertilizer, with irill Or even more in/portant, with any broadcast -type spreader you can be sure that (Toro particle (from the smallest to the largest) of free -running Siturt-GATN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer is nutritionally balanced no matter where it lies—assuring you of complete and e'en intake of. all the plant food by your crops. .There are no excesses in one area and starvation in another with slum-GA/N. Another good reason why you can be confident of top returns from STIUR-CAIN -he finest fertilizer for your good earth, fertilim 40.4•040,641=110:go.45:„.m.,,,g,, • • , • &•.e. ' ,•,40:11.446 '„.. ' • Be sure to discus's your spring PertiliZer program with Our local SIIUR.OAIN Fertilizer dealer