HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-11, Page 4chool Qua mem•••••••••••n •.••••es Wintertime - IS Dangerous Driving Time Beat cold weather hard starting by having us check your car ... so you may drive with confidence. Hard Starting. Can Be Caused By . —Weak Battery —Bad Points or Spark •Plugs, etc. COMPRESSION is the heart of your motor — if 'your valves are leaking, have them ground/ to assure good Startitig Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone 482-3851 KING STREET CLINTON Sunoco Products — Goodyear Tire Dealer Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRIME and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE. HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 I both Pupils. Are Top ,A(odemically As Well As Outstanding Athletes' Each ,,,yOr the London Flree .P. s5 runs a series, of articles on top secondary .school. pePtie in Western Ontario. Ti* ereeer two very popular students from Ceeteel Hprpn secondary School at Clinton have been selected. The Student Leaders Club for boys is sponsored jointly with the University of, Western On- tario, and was organized 21 years ago, The School Queen series is a Free Press project. The pupils' stories and comments ap- pear below. LORRAINE DEVEAU CU rs To Th Edit From Our Oldest LETTER TO EDITOR LAST CALU Find 3 Days of Ourr • iversary Sale G.E. BULBS — 6 Blub Hindi-Pack 2-100 watt; 4-60 Watt DORIC LIQUID HONEY 5-12-oz. Squeeze Jars WAX PAPER-100 ft. Refills FOIL WRAP — 25 ft.. SOLO MARGARINE — 3-lb. pkg. FACE-ELLE FACIAL TISSUES — 200's 6 pkgs FACE-ELLE TISSUE ....... ,„... 4 pkgs. (8 rolls) JIERGENS HAND SOAP — Bath Size 9 Cakes CHOICE PINEAPPLE — 20-oz. tins 5 for McCORMICK'S SODAS — 1-lb. pkgs. ,_ 3 for LARGE SEEDED RAISINS 3 lbs. CORONATION DRINKS Assorted 4 48-oz. tins HEINZ CATSUP — 11-oz. Bottles —.,... 4 for HEINZ SPAGHETTI — 15-oz. tins 6 for PALMOLIVE SOAP — Regular Size 94-bars "THE" INSTANT COFFEE — 6-oz, jar „, .... REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. bag PURITY ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR 24 lb. bag $1.99 KADANA TEA BAGS — 100's Plus 20 FREE Pkg. 69c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE -- 6c Off 1 lb, bag ,„ .. . ......... ,....—„,—„ 89c TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE 46-oz. tins 59c BLUE CHEER — GIANT SIZE 15c Off Pkg, „ „, 79c BLUE CHEER — KING SIZE 30c Off Pkg. ..... ....... , ..... $1.29 ' E. Phone 482.3445 Free Delivery 99c 99c 99c 99c 99c 99c 89c 99c 4 for 99c 3 • Rolls 99c 79c 99c 99c 99c 99c 99c 99c Page 4—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Feb. 11, 1965 Examinations kre A Challenge Says .Clinton's School Queen $141wriber f ormer Merchant. Gives Reasons , „., .P.T.44rjo P140(41 Ncw§-11Pord: for'6oing .Out Of Business „ , _„, accompanied by a feeling of great relief. Sometimes, ,there is a • feeling of satisfaction gained from having dope •well. At other, times, unfortunately, there is a sense of disappoint, meat, and a resolve ,to be bet- ter the next time. No matter what an examina- tion is, or what feeling it stimulates, it is a chellenge. If we see this challenge, meet it, and triumph over - it, we well succeed, not only now, in school, but also In the future, -in our chosen vocations. 0 VARNA Fred NfeClymont, Correspondent ,A. Service of Induction of new elders will be held next Sunday morning in the United Church. Alvin Keys 'is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hoe- pital.. Mrs. Fred McClyeriont is vis- iting relatives at Agincourt and King City. The skating ,rink had its lar- gest crowd of skaters last Sat- urday evening When young and old enjoyed the skating. Floyd MeAsh of Hamilton visited with his parents over the weekend, Salk Vaccine Keeps Huron Polio-Free GODERICH — "Thanks • to Salk vaccine," 1964 was the sev- enth consecutive polio-free year for Huron, Dr, R. M. Aldis, MOH, reported to county °aim- di at the January session. It is hoped the health unit may soon be able to add the. new Sabin (oral-type) vaccine to its armament against poliomyeli- tis. `Last year," the report stat- ed, "marked an increase in the incidence of hepatitit here, with 47 cases reported as against12 in 1963. There was one death from thie cause in 1964. The situation was the reverse of the national experience,. which showed hepatitis on the decline. "Now endemic in the county, animal rabies has been reported at rates varying from 33 to 125 cases per year for the preced- ing six years. Last year was the lowest on record, with 33 cases as against 68 in 1963. Only 28 exposed humans re- quired the 14-day vaccine treat- ment, compared with 74 in 1962," A breakdown of the statistics regarding animals found to be rabid showed 1964 as "the year of 'the skunk". These numbered 12, foxes nine, swine eight, steers three, and one dog. The numbers checked at last summer's county-wide TB sur- Vey showed a slight decline from 1960, at 23,337. At the five Monthly chest clinks, 134 residents who have vaekete in- active forms of tuberculosis axe' followed Tegelarly, In addition, these clinics receive patients ree fereed by the.fancily physician for special examination. This free service was givcui $1.2 last year, "For certain large sewage disposal• problems," the report said, ethe stabilization pond or lagoon has been, adopted lieke with .success, the latest being at two Central public schools. (1-10Wick and Usbornee "The unit's audiometric Sereening prograrre is, 'helping to Make teachers and nurses more aware of hearing problems and the importance et early treat- Melee" CiMitIPMPA ; PAP;PSPCT fjpd C11** POD $550 Pqr el-lbeerietiell far erre neeee Yeee- ; think 1 144 $1,50 -1;,1.11e first IWO 'Pew mper paitne to 410, Reale ellffeeeeefe eh! But Weal Plimyt441.g. Osp bps gore uP Why pet Pepeee? Peelle:Pe I are one of your Pleleet, 60*er/beep in action. If I go to Jule 25, .1905, be 99 yeare Welling' yell a 'healt'hy, :happy' and prosperoes new yeer. Respectfully, Ne, E. Johnston Nekorea, N, Dakota, eanuary 26,1.965 Publisher's. Note: Thanks, Mr, Johnston, we have no doubts that you are our oldest Pleb- seniber, both in yeaes and as a subscriber, Our Bayfield cor- respondents' are constantly ee- minding our readers of your faithful reading of the News Record. Just 'this week Lew (Woods) Diehl mentions you in her "leamblinigs With Lucy" column. 0 Dear Sir: I would like to take this opportunity_ . ea say a sincere thanks to all those responeibie for the cleaning of the 'streets in Ciinon. Clinton's .s tweets have been kept in better shape this year than before and I feel a pat .oe. the back of those in charge -its well deserved. . BILL WIDDEN A Taxi Operator Clinton, Ontario February 8, 1965 (Continued 'from 'page one) ham. Advance-Times took sec- cod , place, with 'the Blenheim News Tribune taking first. Of interest to local people should be the fact that the Font Erie Times-Review, which was purchased only two weeks ago by David E. Scott, who was editor of the Clinton News-Rec- ord from June to January, shows up in ethe list of award Winners. Mr, Scotts' paper won first in typographical excellenee, and second place in the over 3500 population class for gen- eral excellence... Two papers, both published by former New's-Record staf- fers, appear in the class for papers showing" 'greatest 'im- provement., Mr. and Mrs. Orval Schilbe; who published the Thamesville Herald, took first, and Frank 1VIcEwan and son Murray, who publish the. Bothwell.' Times, took third in this class. - Mr. Schilbe learned the print- ing 'trade at the News-Record, and his wife the former Mae Coleman was for many years the secretary at the Depaet- meat of Agriculture office here. The MeEwans, Frank ("Tim- mer") and his son Murray, both learned 'the trade at the News- Record. Frank was a 'partner of the present publisher from 1952 to 1957. The Thamesville Herald also won third• spot in the under 1,000 population class for gen- eral. excellence. Another Huronite, -I-Ion. Char- les S. MacNaughton, is sched- uled to, give an address at the Clinton Officer Guest Speaker To Toronto Unit Wing Commander Lew Lone as, CD, Chief Administrative Officer, RCAF Clinton, address- ed. 104 University of Toronto Squadron on Tuesday evening, February 9 at the Military Building, 119 St George Street, Toronto. Wing Commander Lomas spoke on. North American Air Defence, and was introduced by. Wing Command W. H. Dray, Commanding Officer of 104 Squadron, Wing Cornmander Lornas is well known in the Toronto area and is the son of Mrs. Mary Lomat, 104 Mimico Avenue, 1Veimico. Still an active pilot in the RCAF, Wing Corn, mender le n'= :served for sev- eral years at Colorado Springs, Hea'dquart'ers for NOMAD (No- rth American Air Potence) and is highly qualified 08 an expert in his 0 Fighting Disease Malaria, •tuberculosis and in- testinal parasites ate the most torinnen disee.ses countries served by MEDICO, Aieriecl with Modern medicines, Can- adieri end American doctors and mates sent by •MEDICO', a Sereice oaf CARA- are helping to preVent end Wee 'these ancient Dear Pgi; UV t14§ OM:W*0k of eneereeteet ,PlY eekeetieeete =Mee*hp 01.490e ;w store On ,Teneeeee 0, 1K5, !mown 'a ntgAlirrim*Pc04 S114 Pay J114t 1:4P OPP-cl business. You eee, as ear the name "Fitzsimons" it has been a ser- vant to the public of Clinton • and district l'or approximately 135 years, namely, Robert, Her- re, 130$$ and, myself (Norman) in the meat depaetneent. Looking back over the years, I can Twee: when I started With my (father (Harry) in the year 1931 at the high wage rate of $4 a week, plus my board, At that time, customer ob- tained meet at a butcher shop, drugs 'at the drug store, groe- eries at 'a ;grocery stare and books from a book store, How times have changed! ! Now it seems we are living in a, mental age or should I say in a mixed up world. For instance they are GIV- ING AWAY stamps at the gro- cery 'stores, nylons can be pur- chased from your local under- taker or hardware Store, boxes of chocolates 'from Canadian Tire Stores, cups and saucers in drug stores., furniture and elec- tric appliances up to $300 from your five cent to one dollar etore. This could become a han- dy Tourists' Guide. If •such things are allowed to' continue, I'm sure you well see false teeth available for chick- ins iliac" feWe. Yeeele .qp 'lair mgy be oirOrfia Mal foe, 4100 410-0sPre.g; eartY111PO4 Vigt .ctf "fgr ey ,PkwgP 1JiePiode PPG.P14 rtilw Will glut the mouth on top of their head if they 'are late for work they beable to put their 'breakf, in their bat aria eat it on 'th way to work, I'm convinced :that household appliance agent wh is gifted with seleereeleelleet the very near' future, -doesre show his .cnstomer 'how to 'the ice trays with water, they' be nap hag the night cut Tittle cube's of 'ice to fit in the little ,equeree. Now, hi the' meat departmen I can recall selling fresh per ehonidere for my father • eight :canes a, pound and. yo wailed hear tee. customer s "lee too 'fee" Also since t day with no 'trouble .et all tailing ,the same cut for 67c pound end on the week en' January 30, 1965, a local etor featured the same cfor 29c pound. How times have Ora/ye ed! The public demand now, I see it, is, 'to put Wheels und the once famous little caim general store which was kno for its pot-bellied. stove an courtesy in the past, and a wo now that the average custome or merchant very seldom pu to Use; and 'allowed to. be voile as close to the main corner possible with much bright lights and full of gimmicks, A I can say now, is "May th best man win." • Sincerely yours NORMAN FITZSIMON Former Business Man "Where sausages were alway made the new way, "with meat Clinton, Ontario February 9, 1965 Blyth Student Wins Award In Time's Test Central Huron Second School, Clinton, --has notifi TIME Magazine that Riche Collings of Blyth, has b named the local winner TEVIE's 29th .annual, . Curr Affairs Contest, Other highescoring local s dents inelndet• Joan Mills, H ry Bakker, Murray Biackie an Bryan Levis. TIME'S Current Affairs Tes given this year to more t 750,000 college and high sch students in the U.S. and Can ada, consists of 100 geese on national and foreign affairs Also included are such categor its as business, sports, enter tainm'ent, science, religion, lit eratture,• journalism, educate° and the arts. Top scorers in each of th more than 5,000 classes enrolle in the TIME Educ'ati'on Pro gram receive a certificate fr Bernhard M. Auer, Publisher TIME, The Weekly Newsmag azine. The test, created for the TIME Education Program by TI1VIE's. Eddeation Department, has been taken by nearly 6,000,- 000 students since its inception 29 years ago. Huronview Group TO Meet February 15 The Huronview Ladies Aux- iliary will meet. on Monday, February 15, in the arts and crafts room at 2.00 p.m. On this same date the Auxiliary will be sponsoring the birthday party foe this month. Save on Meat! Peameal Back Bacon Sliced — 59c lb.By The piece — 53c lb. Choice Wieners - 3 lbs. for S1 Fresh Pork Hocks '4 lbs. for $1 PETER'S Meat Market . The principal and staff of Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, •have selected Clarence Magee, 17, as the school's representative to the Student Leaders' Club. Clare, a grade 12 student in the five-year ants and science course, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Magee, of Dins- lay Terrace, Clinton. Since grade three he has been averaging upwards of 80 per cent — a first-class honors student. At school he is a mem- ber of the student council and the Ontario Leadership Camp; he is also is active on school CLARENCE MAGEE Clinton Student Leader Lauds Role Of Sports In School Work- basketball and track and field teams. The student leader is a Boy Scout and was a pitcher on the Clinton baesbell team, Ontario Midget "B" champions last year. Clare is interested in the Outdoors and hopes to pursue a :career concerned with nature and wildlife, though he admits he hasn't definitely made up his mind. On the subject of the role of school sports, he writes: By CLARENCE MAGEE Extra-curricular school sports play a vital role in developing a mature, responsible adult. During' the four or five years which the average teenager spends in secondary school, he advances a great distance along the road to maturity. Active participation in some form' of sport he'' a student more than he ar she realizes, mid one who concentrates whol- ly on studying and high marks without 'partaking in at least one extra-curricular sport de- prives himself of some valuable lessons of realistic life. Interform or house league competitions provide ground.; work for enjoyment and fulfill- ment of adulthood. A .6i:in:Teti- tor on this level learns the fun- damentals of sports which can be used recreationally later. One acquires the knowledge of teamwork or how to work harmoniously with fellow pay- ers, which is a necessity for future success. By biding the referee's decision, a competing student learns to accept and obey higher authority. Defeat can be a rude and crippling blow in this harsh world, but one can learn to cope with it on a small scale in inter-form matches. If a student gains a position on a school team he , will defin- itely profit from the experience. The true meaning of teamwork becomes , apparent in the "set- Iter-spiker" combination of a volleyball team, or the line and back of a football team, and this parallels the business world in which employees work together toward a common goal. "In other sports such as sprinting, one is all on his own striving to do his best, and thus learns to be independent. There is a challenge in sports. Each play or manoeuvre is an obstacle to be met or overcome. By diligent, increasing prac- tice, a player can develop and perfect until he feels satisfac- tion fpr Mastering a difficult feat. , A school which /lacked sports would be a school which lacked an important aspect of com- plete education. Seventeen-year-old Grade 13 student, Lorraine Deveau rep- resents Central Huron Secon- dary School, Clinton, in The London Free. Press School Queens' Club. The blue-eyed student is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph E. Deveau, RCAF Station Clinton. Throughout high school Lor- raine has been an honors student and belongs to the Over 80 Club. She is a member of the school girls' basketball and volleyball teams and is a inem- ber of student council. Lorraine plans to become an elementary school teacher. Her essay topic is .on exami- nations. By LORRAINE DEVEAU Three times a year students are subjected to long endur- ance tests called examindtions. What is an examination? To a teacher, an examination is the test of his students' knowledge, and an indication of this know- ledge, or lack of it, to the stu- dents. To a student, an exami- nation is much more than that. • At examination time he must pour long hours into prepara- tion, experience anxiety and apprehension, and in some eases, undergo great emotional strain. Preparation for exami- nations leads to frustration, taut relationships with family and friends, and hope for suc- cess. The predominant feeling a student experiences at examina- tion time is anxiety. Even if a student believes he is fully pre- pared, this anxiety invariably follows 'him into, the examina- tion • room, and remains With him until he is well under way. Occasionally, nervous break- downs have been caused be too much pressure at exam time, although these cases are uhcom- , mon. • Then, when the student leaves the exam room, .he is Canton News-Record Wins Prizes in °nitric) Newspaper Competitions Friday noon luncheon at the convention. Other speakers in- clude the Hon. William Davies, minister of education; and Hon: Mitchell Sharp of the Federal Cabinet. 0 Presbyterial UCW Over Allocation By $1,904.00 An executive meeting of the Huron. 'UM Presbyterial was held at • the . Blyth United Church on February 8. • The meeting was• opened by short worship service conducted by - Mrs. Philips; Blyth. Mts. Allan • Mc'eaggart, •Moncrieff, president, was in charge of the business for the afternoon, Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, gave a splendid' treasiereies -re- port • and reported that Huron had exceeded their•ellocation of $29,400.00 by $1,904.00. Mrs. Orval Harrison Monk- tan •repoeted 'that $7,000.00 had been reached towards the West min:seer Furnishing Fund and still had $2,000.00 more to pay. Delegates were named -to at- tend the UCW Conference, whieh is to be held in- Windsor on March 31 end April 1. Plans were .made for the an- nual Presbyterian meeting which is being held in North Side United Church, • Seaforth, on March 24. Rev. Frank Mor- gan from Trenity United Church, Kitchener, is to be the guest 'speaker. Also Rev, and 'Mrs. G. Mills, Ontario Street, Clinton, will give "Impressions" on their Visit to General Council last September in Newfoundland, Mrs. Philips moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the retiring president, Mrs. Allan MeTaggaet, for the untiring leadership she has given the Presbyteeial do the past two years. A delicious. lunch was served by the Myth ladies. egtommumaioamalmomemo. FINAL (LEA NCE OF WINTER GOODS We must have the room for New Spring Merchandise. AT THESE PRICES "IT" IS CHEAP ``BUY IT" Sew Now for Spring New Merchandise is arriving daily — We invite your inspection of all the NEW Summer Materials. BUTTERICK PATTERNS—in stock ADVANCE PATTERNS we can order