HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-04, Page 5MIN -
A th o b k
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=�`elivleme Pe ly 4p-
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I WOU14 liko -to thank my nald are �4appy , n
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neighbour, Jq agn.puripe the, birth -of a W14 t
�5 Tor' The T3mq,4 o�f
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ca�,ds, flower�. wpi patient in on. Jg4 11P.P5, at, �Vrick i
Collegiate LrAftte h, =�md 45 Frames A(
A thanks 1TQTthwPA, Gc��aPo HOV oharg,%! C1 ... -
g merAw ton, 4 Q
nqr.4n and, Dr,
�q the Detroit, .4 baby brqO an
,,g 4Uiff gr
_er 4
,s of ver
0a%eA, --MRS. EPHRAI Eric JQ�In- Falls" assembly president of be Q" MIPt. to Kagge, C_ on
44 g4eA Pr
iOe, RA J, V
. .4roa, T'. . I
Grand, Lodge of 0 hgy _W
S PARK 4 irip an,4
ER qqorge and.qudy IXIQ an4
P4*�Pr, Hoo'sall, In", S44d� MIS, H=4�,r 13eayer� P*tW . Ipt, Vhe sqhwl 1pf,� week. Parents'
Appbpw and ml.ece.s; of dick) are beppyto.mmounce
De t at
T-1 uckey w the birth of* �thdir son, V4,,V President 0 g�M -T,, 04,
Un- qchar�qp 1C . . te t4
. a , 1�h to At tended tb0 a0dr, =-MnZed N1 ThweVto.en_ wha �bov beep
thank ever fpr car of ..�Sqqt4, Hiirpn gospit.al, 92;e- were, go
vice p.rA 14 -, in, t
tlar X Rob
flym y;� - also §pec!41, !than te ori, T4es-day 44r -5 .4p we qrt HOM th he C144 tWo yops rowlyed
Qf Br4. _14w, al 'Vesit Ow er wa inscribed tain pe
,to Rev. E,� a.. Hmis d 150194epts of'the Mown ):�4qge Q 044 4'F/L 4, 9 yf*
19Q5I A �,bTp er, fqr, Ricky and 110, ,
pp t' the the first �,a
and _w Wore
ATW.IlPim Cindy., o ing per, ear a
_Qmen. of Ir r&
-CEN ton. P01W, sphool j�d Im � W 'in hpol pLqs,
u VIN 'T'In q1r). # tio ecr , lquer, sL
fun el n Hospital - on No dg 41sapubr
yj I pbru�, 14W Oobpni wip is
in way, to TAr J`iq officerof the, stalt-
and Mrs. OfficM Locigq
—P,Q1R,P-T, M NIE, C. vinC6,0$, Bly#1, �;4 son. UnOm -the pogree
XETAI q: wILSON—in, w4,pria p*p1tal,i Cp-pPdn-,, Aft, armqn,
Loroonj to Mr., 4r;d Mrs, , Al- Ph6r Pr*w!, t0*111ing $400, clowlaw, Hog Producers
sm� presq4
I Msh to taig
s !an Wilson (foriiiptly May* p1p*1"g "t -h , P -, , , "
r '1�11 91v -
res.$ 4Y On te,epe ------- ......... e
4wre appre(,Aa#on' to -r' the, a $oil, �Tg.�. Allem, _Pep�- �Sutter sano The I"WIX$ n, to till. bonQ& at
,thou Iness of m le ori J44ix4ry.�2, 1965 Abro�. The "Qyer j$Q" Ust flect
yq- Qgb was
ghtfd y re . .4tives,
-nelghbqms and friends; for thOr 'for Debbk(f To Ago to m fa
7 up three yes, �co
After t110 OUSIneW peztpidseV� 4� b tt 0
EIPW f etters while students to aim f� etZ CO
I was a patient in the hpsp#al. exal'cor#*ts and games, were w4er,toobtainscho�� mmitteeme n
to t�he _nws� Notice To Creditors 111-04 V,.
I - A 111111161w, lun*
a a in s, C ail M_ Grade 1� (Continued from page One)
Count 9 Mop4q ollections
es ew nd. al- In the Estate of 49VIN CAR- se� by Mi*4.%'. 'Alvpk Cox 4nd Kinett y X. H. Warger' Sfwil�, Mal�
=N CXRXGG1 1�tte df,,the Town- her, _f, and' . . hour 'N §rt�eots, who have 'H�;, Ross Love;
RE 5b �1110. -of G in the County T.mp A social nette .o 4c4rwed an ings colm Davidson;
These, six me.mber of- the Xi _ JU ...a appear hawy over tbg $0 per- mit pt d
_s Q �b of Clint
l4,te_E. A. of Huvon, yeoroan, Depeased, spent* Utsborne,. Hugh RuncVe; Gr-py,
The family of the return of Mond4y's canvass of Clinton -and, area. Th� sum of $738.92 was each of the tbre�eyeaxs _e tin Bonn; 11pneft, Lloyd
,Vestlake,,Msh to expreis their All persons having, chums collectecl for, the March of Dimes. Spat -ed, front, from the left, Mrs, Frank 'Over 8()" Club hapsbem fmmed
art; Meffluop, Gordon zl�
sl d appreqa�lon against'the Eg of the above-
Iriogre thanks an r oan rw inton; .9an, SteW,
�ito f nd,s, neighbolur§ ind-rplg- named, who died on the 7th day Teqchor To Speak M
r$, William F-leMipg, Mrs, Clarence ^ DenoMme; standing, -f rom. -the J 1— .4', 0 alott; TwIcerm-Affi, James Mci
th� rie r, many 'acts -o of �rwmwy, A.D. I�M, are re" To M.L left, Mrs, Don Kay, M�$- Ken -McIntosh' apd Mrs. P4� Gregor; E Ot Wawanosh, C. Go-
o for theL rey Pugh
kindness_f6r thefloriltrl6fibeaa, quired to. file full, p4rtictillats Auxiliary objective for the M $953,OQ.an this will be obt
arch of Dimes is d gined if gelperous
cards, of sYm thereof with the undersigned on The Febnm-y Xneeting of the �d vier; West Wjawanosh, Robert
'pathy and 4ona- -k of onatiom are contributed to the'numerous. boxes at the Various places (>f busi- former Clintoman McAllister Morris, A16ert Bac-
tions,to the�Gide�ri Bible So� or before the 15th 4a Fob- Madeled e ry of -t.
on, Lane Auxilia .6
ness in to,". Also, donations may still ibe made t$ any of the Ki on; Turnberry, Raymond Nedill;
tiety, .received during thelp re� ruary, A.D. .1965, ..after which Andrews Presbyterj�jp Church n rk
be, distnbdt, Photo ft John Visser and Howiek, t�imej liarding.
t Special dlat4z the assets will
eheld on Tuesd ett4e club Mrs. A. PAN
cent, sad bereavemen, , �W la4ies,
-thanks ito Rev. T, L. 1-ToliJbins, od baAng regard only -to �the
'Rev. B. H. JDaton, pallbearers, claims of whjoh'the d ed ary 9, at t4e hpme or.4virs. OfAcers. Eeleated
At a directors meetihg after
uo &4gn Dies At'Meaford
-flower-boaxers :-and Westlake shal ithen have notice., Robert 3�1-onm* 127 W06ria, Gold Cord CereM'onles,
'Funeral Home. 5b. DATED &t0finbon, Out, tbbs st, -at 8,1$ P,m. Guest speaker the annual meetkig, Robert me.
25th day of January, A,D, 1965. will be GI�M= James, teacher Mrs.. A-l�ept �-Iabklr4, who Alli*ter, RR 2 AqbuM., mqved.
'IN MEMORI M ' � at Central Huron Secondary moved away from Clinton in UP to the Presiden'cY, and GOr-
A E, -B- mlvzws,
ounton, 0A41rio, SC11,1001, who will give,4 taLk on 1-960, died at the c don R Mott, RR,5 S-eaforth, was
ELLIOTT In memory of Sol0tor for the said Estate. TrjrAda pubal bos
'his homwlkamld., d Two -Local'-Gir[ Guides Pita! in, Meaford on Th . ursday =med vice-president.
_Tohn W.. (Wlck� !Elilott. who. 4,0,gh r
Jaiivary 21, She had been
Vassedgway February 7, 1964: Ili The directars elected Elme
"AThrough tears we watched 0. only a few months. The family Ireland, RR 5 Wingh-am, as the
himsuffer, Tuck.ersmith Club DEATHS. had lived at Kincardine, Owen n2w secretoxy-treasurer an d
BAGLER — At Toronto East ` d riamed Alfred 1-1. Warner, RR I
We saw alim'fa4e away. Plans,Bdx'Social Receive Hiwhjp,�,st Awai Sound, and in Meaford since
-Our hearts were almost, General Hospital on Wednes- *20 Bayfaeld, a . assistant secretapy-
'n, ie Tucl�-ersmlth ladloot Club November. s
broken I I day, January 20, 1965 WE Ws. K. G, Greenaway-' Squad- The forme -1, Bella Ma treasurer. Mr. Warnerihad 'held
I -ought so hardto. of . y Hun -
As he X . stay. will be holMng a box swial, on liam Bagler 033 Mrs. J. A,' ter, she was born in. Flullett the seoretary-treasurer post for
And lkben we saw him F-114 at S.S, 4 Ave., Toront;, husband of El- icholson Township on, April 3,�1905, to some YQ'ars.
ay,' , Fdbr�ivry 12 Glenda Wade ron Leader and Linda No'
Zleeping school a1t 8 -.30 P.m. The commit- sle Button, and &the $pan(>; Might. Lieutenant Rich-
ennett r of Mrs. 0
So peacefully, free from pain, tee in charge w W- be M -r§, San- R. (Anna) B nd Mrs, ard Bussey; Mr.and bfj�s. Lloyd the 41ate William alad Mary
Wo'could not wish,bim back dra Pepper, Mrs, Nicky- Nott, William (Ethel) Hughes, and Ho0oured At Woodson,' Downsview; Dhrision Receives Award liunter; and married in Sea -
)again, the late William H. Bagler- Camp Adviser, Mrs. Lavender rth an February 6, :Lq
To suffer so agan'? Mxs, Evdyn Falconer, Mrs. Funeral Tuesday
-nd, Mrs. Helen
also' dear brother of Mrs. Htnsall; Guid'ers, Miss ;,a Albert 13, H-ablciek.
—Sadly missed t� vvq6,. and Eileen Townsrc Fired (Helen) Cook,,of Wyan- RCAF Ceremony - Sharpe and Mrs. Joyce Irwin, At, Clinton Legion ' at, the
family. .5p I Pepper,' Mrs. Isobel Rogerson. The funeral was held
dotte Mich On Sunday, Janua:ry 31st at Clinton; Division. Commls!s;ioner, Ball and Mutch Fune . ral Home, For Auburn �Ladv
-4 DRbl�:Lf� 04nton on Sunday, the Recreation Centre, an in- Miss Mary McMillan; Rangers To. be eliki'lyle` fOr'the Gold Clinton,. on SatWday, Januar J
January 31, 1965, Catherine . iding, a gir.1 m y
'TODAY re I of temsting ceremmy took place Karen Dean and Joan, Everett, ust 23, with Rev. Grant Mills of -
so ve to see Cord 'in Giii Mrs. Herb Govier
Ruth Dale have passed dozens of tests, and f1ciating.. Interment was in
Bal , beloved wife
'Elgin of Hullett Town� when Ghil Guide Glenda Wade Goderich; Guide Linda Niclidl-
THE. POWERFUL CHURCH ship, in her- 39th yean runer� received the highest honour -in son, Clinton; former-scoui mas- have been a faithful Guide Clinton, Cemetery. AUBUI:�N—Puneral services
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 8 P.M. al from. _�Ball and Mutch Guiding; that of the Gold Cord ter, Sergeant an, Mrs. Ross over the years. Linda N49holson Pallbearers were: Jack Scru- were held on Tuesda'y, February
at Maple' Street bospel Hall' Funeral Home, on Tuesday, Award. Mrs. 11sle Herr was in Marshall; Commls��Iioner, Ser- has- been just th,4,t, and, was, re- Morgan J. Agnew, Wilfred 2 for Mrs. Herbert Govier who
February 2, to Clinton Cemo, charge of the program and 108. geant and Mrs. John Marshall- warded on Sundci�, January 31 ton'
Derbonzne, Don C. Colquhoun, Passed away after a lengthy
Sp y when she was presented with in Clinton Public Hqs-
JiASON�At his home in Marge Spano. addn�ssed the'au- Scout Master, Flight 8ergeant HaTry Watkins, and Jame& Tur- illness
Hull6tt Township on Satur. dience 4&h was composed of U. R. Milton, and for the Cubs, the Gold Co�a, the highest a- Xler, all former nelobours in pital on, Saturday. She was the
�day, January 30, 1965, Robert Guides, - Browilles and their Wfxq. Jean IvIcKenyde (Akeaa). ward dn Guiding. Clinton, former. Jennet Aitchison, the
L. Jamieson beloved husband leaders, viAting friends and Local Girl Guid-L-41,eaders pre- Lieutenant Of th, 01' t G1 I The late'Mrs. Habldrk is rur- daughter of William AKvhison
I and Elizabeth O'Donahue 4nd
-"'in r and, Aabert B.,
of Lillie B�Ile Leitch in his parents,. e Wrs. c"IJ�a-ck
sent were Mrs. Verna Paulin, PMY4 J
Attejid Your Church , Guide Com vivedby beT; husb
73rd year. Funeral fr-;T� Ball The colour,party advanced to Mrs. Peggy Zahahan: Brownie Irwin presented -Miss Nicholson sons Ross and Roy, and daugh- wasborn at Teeswater on April
and Mutch Funeral Home on the otage where the salutp was Leaders ters, Gladys and � Lois, all of 15, 1886. She resided in Wing.
Tuesday, February 2, 1965, to g,, were Mrs. PhYffis with' the award. ,
This Sunday' -Clinton Cemetery, ren and 11.1e Queen's anthem Swaren, Mrs. Visvian. 'Smith, Menford. And by two brothen, ham, before coming tto the Au-
KNUCXEY — In London on sung. Candles on, the trefol) Mrs. Peggy Russell, Mrs.'Gled�s Linda,tholds imany first, sec- Leonard 'and George Hunter, burn district many years ago,
F Aday, J - were Rt by Guides, each one Banks, Mrs. Jean Thompson Ond,and proficiency badges in Clinton; five sisters, Mrs, Geo- Mrs. Govier -was a member
Tanv&T 29, 1965, Eli
zabeth A. Knuckey, formerly in turn Ighting a-canoile to re�- and Mrs.� Swore, Sinker� Usher- Guldirig, !Including the All rge Bayley and Mrs, Hugh of Knox Presbyterian, Church
of Bayfleld, . widow of. Charles resent every . Guide ", law" a- ing were Scouts Terry Sewell, Rb=.,a Cord and Religion and Campbell, Clinton; Mrs. Charles and a Jdfe member of the
T CHURCH Knuck0y in' her 85th kear. chleved by Miss Wade. Mrs. L. Bill EsItabrooks and Gary Life Emblem. Warden, London,, Afrt. Ross W.M.S. She was also a Mem-
..,.CLINTON BAPTIS Funeral �ervjce from Trinity Penrose, Hyde Park, and Mrs. ber of the Auburn Horticu.1t&al
(tapt4st Federation of Canada) Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Woodson of Downsview present- Farlaro. Others taking part 'In the AOthur Habkirk, Port Credit, Society 'Where'she served as -a
Pastor: Crala Peters�. B.A.' Monday, February 1, to Bay- ed the Gold Cord emblematic of Refreshments were served by Ceremony in the Legion. Hall veral years, and
Sunday, February 7 field Cemetery. highest test passed., Glenda members of the Local Associ- here were: Captain Kay Sharp Mrs. I Habk1rk was honouted director for se
00 a.m.--SuAday School recentlY.by Knox United Ch- a'Member of -the Auburn Wo -
10: o thanked Mrs. Woodson and told atioa of Guides and Brownies. who welcomed Guides from urch,' 6ven Sound, when, s,he men's Institute,
11:15 a=--Vanuly Worship Notice To Creditors of what she did for this last Might Sergeant Don Kerr was town and I�CAF Station. ife � qn- Surviving are: one daug��er,
Topic: "CotildPierre Berton Be Right?)f test. accompavist at the piano duting Brownies I was presented with a 41 me
In the Estate of ARTHUR "l "5' ' Parents; bership-pin In the-UCW. Mrs. Harry (Sylvia) Eve, Lee-
IT:30 p.m.—Bible Study Hour CHAPAXAN, late of the Town Miss McMillan, Division Qom- the evening. she. also iead a poem, "What is
1 0 side; -two sow, , Charles Blatch-
9-00p.m�Yqung Adults of Clinton in the,County .0% midsmoner congratulated Glenda. 0 inton Guides —
a Guide? " The al ford, St. Marys and Norman
Monday, 8 pm-43aptist M6n's Brotherhood Huron, Gentleman, deceased. and Mr. ato Mrs. Gordon Wade lighted candles on a trefoil, ex Blatchford, of Sudbury; six
Wednesday, 2. p.m.- -Conference on Women's Work All persons having claims wer,4 thanked by ffieir daughter of work VARNA grandchildren five brothers,
against the Estate of theabove- who pinned a corsage on her Adlastrill Park plaining each phase
leading up to- a'Gold Cord.,' Fred McClyniont Correspondent J011A AZ�Zon, Mooretown;
named who died.on the 2nd -day Inddier and a boutonniere on
h of January, A.D. 1965, am, re- her father. The Gold Cord Guide received The United Church Choir was Thomas Aitchison,' Kitchener;
Ontario Street United Churc quired to iffle full pardcula" Three tBrownies, Alpha Wadeo Social Notes a salute from the Brownies and entertained by the ladies of the- Henry' Aitchison, mooretown;
10'nM FRM%MLY CHURCW� thereof with, the undersigned on _ry , Mi, chell, d
Denise Deveau. and Vivian Mr. V. R. Garbutt has- arrived congratulations from Miss i�ia -Church 'last Saturday everung Lome Altclinon, , t an
Paxtar:'REV� GRANT MILLS, SA. beforethe 15th day of Feb- IurveY Aitchison, of Wingliam.
mary, A.D. - 1965, at.ter which Thmnipson recited a poem and a from a: Northern "Al -ere' stat- McMillan, Goderich, Division wben theY were served a supper I -
Sunday, February, 7 r in- the batemevt.of the Church. Two brothers, Lockie and Wei -
will, be dlstribut- salute watgiven the Gold Cord ion and i's Presently visiting CommisSiOne
9:45 a.m.--Sunday School ed, Wing reg��d WJ y to -the Guide. Three . Guides, Patsy With, his wife and her parents, Gifts were presented.to Miss Another ,good -game of hockey lace and one sdster, Mrs. Joe
11:00 ami—iSpecial Young People's Service dalms of whidli the undersign- McFarland, Judy Brown, Margo Collporad and, Mrs. Wil1liam NichoLson from: Guides, Gold was playqdlast Saturday mom� (EMMM) Mutch predeceased
TURNER'S ed shall then have notice. Adiamis then put on a skit. Taps Davies. In two weeks time Mr, Cord, pin wesented by Judy dng at, the 1061 rj�lk when the h f -
Varna bo edged the Goshen The Atheral washeld inXnox
2:00 p.m_ -Church Service Dated at Clinton Ont this ended this paxitof the evening, and, Mrs. Garbutt- will go on to Finley; a guide wallet from the ya Presbyterian Churci�, Auburn,
Brownies, .
3.00 p.m. Sch I 25th -day of Janu��, A41)"1965- -and Mrs. Kerr tbankea every. Whitehorse, Yukon. and a guide spoon boys in the� scoring.
E. B. IVMNZIES, I one for attending thisImportant We are sorry to hear of The February meeting of the, with Rev. R. U. MacLean in
Clinton, Ontario, Mrs- &om Mrs. Doug Ball of the United chumlh Womem will be ebarge, with burial in Wingliam
Solicitor for t116 40,id Estate. event in the life of a Guide. T. R. Marshalls illness whitdh Guide Ladies' Auxiliary. held on Thursday evening of Cemetery. Pallbearers wem
9rdttb t9hurrfleo 4,5,6-b Present were the Command- necessita , spit tion.
ted her ho aliza 4*1t. was presented, sho; this week- in the Church, Group' John Daer, B beet.
REV. CLIFFORD G.. PARK, M,A,, Minister Little Miss Donna Naven A sl w ert Daer, Ro
marked her 6th birth -day on ing guides of 50 yeanq ago and 3 -is in charge of the pro-, Daer, Robert J. Phillip% Arthur
Youngblut and Andrew Kirk -
Sunday* Febriiary 7 Saturday, Jania-ary 30 with four guides 50 years froni now, and gA.amme.
Subject: "PIERRE PANS THS CHURCRI" young Tviends. refreshments were served by Mr.and Mrs. Bob McClyrnont c0nnel].
A review of Berton!s new book, "The -Comfortable, Pew" 4 Corporal anirl M 9. A., Hoge the, Guide Lad -lest Aumillary. and' Mia4ael of Burford visited .0
WESL�Y-WILLJS-.' oil and their family are motoring 01, relatives here �and at -cilinton LONDESBORO,
over the week end.
a.rh.-;Surday School '/2 7,0 to a new stbation,,Chathani, Nery P Kathy Vnderoa'd Of' Wing-
15a.m.—Minister's Church Mmbership Class .ah Zhe annual meeting of the ham -spent the past week with
10 13runwMck.
11:00aim.--wChurch SeMce .5 Wonien'sAiwiliaty ersoir. arna Sunday School was beJd her 'VandOarents, Mr, and Mrs.
8:00 P.m.—New Monthly 8up&ay Evening Bible recently. Mr. William McAsh Mewn Lear,
Study Group The WA held its general ATX$. J. A. McGIR left on Wed- was re'-Olected superintendent I& Harry CaJdwell has been
HOLWSVILLE Paid Half Yearly, meeting 'an February I at the day fof Palo Alto, CalAm. u�a -and Mr. Robert, Taylor as as- busy renewing acquaintancet in
ComMunityCentre, The new ex- nes
wherer she will spend the re- slotant' superintendent; also. a and UtOund the village during
1:00 p.m.—Church Service a" ecutive -was, in., chargeand Pres- ma�nder of the winter as a good staff of, teachers and a- ithe I;Lt wee1c. Many changes
�.dd 13.m.--gunday School N. ident, Mrs, Olive Lomas opened guest of her daughter, Mrs. A_ AUX& The New Curriculumhas ftave taken place in the 2"4d
: GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES the meeting. Minutes nt tlhi� last C. Xeliy� beenwell received, by -the teach. yearghe has spent In th�_, Yukon
ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH' lne6ting were read by Mrs. Net- Mr, and M Cc,,_ ers and scholars. territory.
bi6 Baalton 'and the treasur&'s qu i's. Murray
Nev. R, W. W&nharn, L.Thj Rector l"Ued in ahlounts from $1.06 upwards for report -was. -given by Mm. Dwl- houn a1W five children, Strat.
Mo. W. H� Bishop, F.R.C.0.j AAC.M., Organist thy Worth, Socne ttrtespond. ford, spont -last weekend with
2, 3, 4 and 5 yearsi Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun',
R ence was read. IVALEN
8*= amii—Holy Coh=Union -Servers' Breakfast Several ladies vohznto�re& to Huron street.
9AS a.n1.--Ch&ch School look atter' the Hospttal cart
—Holy C:omm month of April. 11, Don't throw your fg g....
11,00 a.m. __k
....... ............ during I Heart Shaped Sox6s
the,con'Ang eveMt a" a 'nearly .0.1
75b to $6.95
new gale' and a Tea 'for,, the Overshoes away,
month d Maxdi� Games and
The Rev. Ft. U. Mdol-bixft, BA,, Minister Charades w�dere en$6.yed by over
Mrs. M. J,'Agnew, Organist and Choir 151r6citir' 5% thirty4ive ltdies and refresh- Invisible Mending
1=011 9VERVONe
Sunday, February 7 ments were served under Mrs. At
Merle P�est's direction. Set Our choice -Selection
9AS &.ft--8ui%day School Roy's Shoe Repair E
10:45 a.m.—Publie Wonybip, Paid Half Yoarly 16 Huron St., dfinton TA K A CHANCE? -5c to $1,00
For a Oho Y660 tdrro _LOND ESJORO A10T YOU# SPItCIAL
Christiatt kc-forfiod Maple. Sfte& Mits. BERT ALLIC14 pgAMACISTC Reg. Oc too 96c
Churth GOSPEL HALL Ahiddof hivestrhent for Sbvinot and far -funds held 'It's 6ot by chande that y6ur , Magnofax — 8-o2,
Rev- 0. j, Heeftlnk� MIhIstoil CLINT64 T�b creative c rew c ultv Reg�,86c ......... ........ �.,_ fdr 00
(de Estates dihd TfUifl g6mgorod by the WI W."hieh was 4 ReXA11 PhArmadist hat the Ordott K2R SP61r00*rER
tunddy, Febrti0y 1, tor haive bee:ft held I the coth. Talw1apht4 "' Ady fbr th embrgtncy. By
tundaY, F`tbruary 1 No' "so Modero Mothodt of dtug Xt's New ....... 11 ...... ........ ob6
*Coj , it' 11sh munity hall Pric"ay Of this we"t, Ahywh,6r,6 distty S of R4b1nsW6#xtrozeM1c Norrfibfib
to.00 l.ra.-8drvi in ng; 9.45 dxii,—Worshlb SeMee 1butl6n, he W� thbusand
VebWury 5, Is ftheellod tz, W dollbaVOth of health Products Hand Lotion
,2: 30 h% English 11.00 aaft�--Sunday school
Zvery Sunday 6.15 13.m., Dial 8:00 p.in.,Everiifig 86X..vice one Was available to, tobduct pu,tna nded Nque tly- As'
Boo . 1, 1 , those you ma R
to. I cvw St. Thonias. Listeh Slidak&: John, Aiken, tb 'mer, , . t .w , Wei as y h6od 6g, $4.00 � ...... fco $1.09
IDA& id God Adm." adenvftstration, at WS b I i5_�
ShelboUtn�, TheCheeVI& �Club met at"the but ontg'ln � 11fethe, You take 0-ftEtSH4tART — NdW Moai-
EVERYONE WE LCOMZ tueoiday-4 Meet- INDUSTRIA L' h6mo at, Mrs. Uv Wbbster on 06 chnmd6t when we fill ybut catod 04ahtlng,Gel, Cleans
ing dhd Bible Study, �Vedaegclay WIth 14 irt kttend- your dily skin. Helps pkew
Au Wbicomb AGE veitt blemishes ............ $1�95
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