HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-04, Page 3: Jue Violet Highway( Ml1S. PIMP wAi~l-ins, Parrespon nt Capping ceremony for r(he musing class of 1967: St, Thomas-l''lgin Hos ?ita'l, St Moms, -was held 11r Lay ever- J'a wary 29 ln Trinity .0ko, glirain Chutoll, Bt •TI}omen, Three 6yrieia girls, wino en, tared the training course this pest Septeanxber, were einong the class of 40 who were can- ped, `They were; Cathryn Wallis, Sandra Westlake and Irleke Londa'. Lt was attended hy. theme respective families, A re eePtian was head for the irn, Mediate fa/Miles after" the cer- emony in the church Par sh Hall. RCMP Constable G. M Wial: ars, Min'nedasa, Manitoba joined his, mother, Ma's. Fred W,a11is', -who has spent •the past ,two. months in Lpndon.', After attending The capping ceremony for Ws siister, Miss Cathryn Wallis (they ret'ur led to spend the weekend at their ham on the 131uewatter High- way; Cathryn xetuar�dto Lan: don Sunday evening; Gerry left Mend;`ay for Minnedosa, Man,, to .resume his RCMP duties, Mrs. Wallis 'is spending two weeksat her 'home before re- turning to London. . ' Mrs, Rbber;t McIlwann has been a patient an C,roderteh Alexandra and Marine Hospital since date December. PQRTER`.S Hll, rice unit d Churl unua etiu Revealsbaud Year; 0fflcers Elected The 1=11441 congregat,'ipna'l rneert ;rig 44 GreCe• Iln ted Church waS. held on. Tuesday afternoon of bat waele wwth a Small at- tendan'oe, Rev, A• G, NifiSe 1)(Pene4 the meeting with pray- er, Arayle Larolchaa t was a -- pointed s,ecrete4y and read' the minutes of last year's. rneeithn'g, -The var ou`$ gwerlts Were en. SheWing. good Mir. The ea than. of Weer* resulted as tblloyt>s Session, Jo'lan Torrance, Argyle Lookihart, Austrit?Sttraly, Ray Cox and CheSter S't'urd'r,;' Hensall Man Told Of Mother's Death Sym •l ,oc4bo1 relceuyed a .cable- ' gram Monday nnorning infortn- Mg him of the sudden, dearth of his mother, Mrs, J, A. Roob.. ol, who passed away suddenly Monday morning lin her 87th. Year, alt Ond-geyerland, Rol- land. Survilving are her husband six sons, one daughter, includ- ing her sten, Mr. Rootbod, Hen- sall; a granddaughter, Mrs. Don Dodds, and a greiatTrand'd'augh- ter, Lynne Dodds, RR 1, Sega.,. forth. One son passed away tri 1964, Funeral services were helld Wednesday; January 20, from Oud-Beyeriand, Holland. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, cards of sympathy and floral 'tributes during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Bail and Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton Lions Club, • Rev. C. G. Park, and Father McGuire, MRS. MARY EDWARDS and FAMILY GET YOUR E IMPTi EME DONE NOW WITH A IMPROVEMENT LOAN Expert workers in all building trades are available now to repair and renovate your home, Comes the Spring rush and you may not get the mere you need when you want them, Do it now arid you'll get the job done quickly, arid, probably, at lower cost. if the ebst of the job is more than you wish to pay out at the nonient—just talk to .'.' BirliliY your neighbourhood branch of "My 'r Batik," Batik of Mgiitreal Home """°""148 Improvement Loans are; readily avail., able at all seasons. BANK or MNT1tAL Clinton Bratith X, tom. PLVIV,. 1V>'afiagetr RCAF Sttatieri (Sub;Ageiiay) Open belly' LondesherOligh (Stib-4gehtj)` i 12011. & Theft. Board ot Stem*, Donal X141:-. .2.4%4UStan Ilan fits, William CQx, WinMAIM Riddell, Allen Beatles; S'.a'rsqnuag��`-e, Board, Mr, and M S. cwter Sturdy,. Mrtis, ,John Me- 1'orn SoaYeriiiy •en4 Re'Y Cox ; - Trtees, Allen Battles, Jim. Young :and Bay. ,Cox; Treasurer; Donald :.Harris; M & M rtr s•. urea,. t i?:rens Co“.Organist, 'Mr`s, W,'tliam Cox; Assistant ergaflis , Mrs, , ustin.11arris, , ,Sunday School -Superintend ent, Mrs-. Mary Manning; as, sisltant superintendent, Mrs, Elgin Cox; fixe commriitttee, Wil, rhos Riddell and Toon. Sowerby • Rev. A. G, Pease closed•"the meeting 'with prayer. Children's Aid Society Annual Meeting Next Wednesday _ W . doe .sd ay The annual 'meerthig of the C141dren's Md ,Society of IHunyoxi county • wan be in the form of dinner meeting .on 'Wednesday; �, d loon. W-, does .� � y, February 10, at Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich, com- inenei.ng alt 6:30 P.M, Tickets at $2.00 per Person are-a'vailable until Friday, Felbruary 5, 1965 at the 'offirce of .Jbhnn .G. Berry, secretary, Board of D'ireooters, Court House, Goderich, Onitarrio. 0 Mrs. E C. Andrews Dies in Toronto Claire M. Andrews passed away suddenly at hex borne, 20 R000wood Drive, Scarborough, Ont., on Wednesday, January 20, 1965: She was the wife of E. C. Andrews, formerly of Clinton. She is survived by her hus- band and two sons, Bud and Cliff, and six grandchildren, David,' Lesley, Wayne, Paul, Karen, and Susan Andrews: The service was held January 22 at the Stearin Funeral Home, 873 Kingston Rd., Tor- onto. Interment at • Pine Hills Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Bud, David and Lew Andrews, Alex and John Coles and Lewis Klem finer, Visitors frram out-of-town in:. eluded': Mr. and Mrs. .Alex Coles from Elliot Lake.; F. W, Andrews ;from Clinton; Mxr, .and Mrs. Kler nmer and Howard A- damson( brother of • debeased) from St. Clair and Pont T uron Mich, Rev. Dr. Mustard of Scarbor- ough, a farmer neighbor .of Mr. Andrews took charge of the cer- emonies. Mr. Andrews is a cousin of Frank W. Andrews' and Amy A. Heard of Clinton. KIPPEN Correspondent. MRS. N. LONG A cottage meeting was held Wednesday evening, January 27 salt the home off Mr. and Mrs. John A, Cooper with Rev, How- ard Plant in charge. Rochus Faber, Ross. Faber, Russell Faber, Emerson Colt- man, 'and William R. Cooper attended a feral equipment •sliow at Toronto Coliseum on Thursday, January 28. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lowell are •spenn'ding a few days with relatives in, Chatham. Several cases of flu are re-. ported in the area. We Bare pleased: to `report Archie Hoggarrth, a patient in South Huron Hospiital, Exeter, tis slowly improving. R Padres 'Gather Far First English Mass. Pictured here :after the first Roman Catholic Mass to be offered :in English at a RCAF Station . in Canada are/ froM the left: Wing :Commander Lew Lom- as CD, Chief Administrative Officer, Clinton; Wing Coxnmandex'the Rev. V. Villeneuve, Q.P., Training Command, Winnipeg; Flight Lieut.. the Rev. R. E, Bussey, RC Chaplain., Clinton; Group Captain the Rev, J, P. Davignon, Prinw eipal Air Force Chaplain, Canadian Forces Headquarters, Ottawa and Wing Commander B. R. Rause CD, Acting Commending Officer, RCAF,Clinton, The Mass was offered at RCAF Station Clinton last Wednesday evening, January 27. (RCAF .Photo) Clinton Women's institute Hears Talk By Huron County Health Unit Nurse The January meeting of the Clinton Women•'s Institute was held in the baamd looms of the agricultural office on January 28. The president, 1VXns, W. Col- clough was in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing the Ode, the Mary Ste- want Collect and the Lord's. Prayer. The minutes were ap- proved as read by the secretary, MTs. Charles Elliott. The cotr- respanden.ce was dealt with, and many thank-ygtt notes were re- ceived from shut-ins who were remembered att Christmas by. the W.I. Mrs. Chas. Elliott, convener of the topic on "Health", in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Carrillo from Seaforth, who is on the staff • of the Hur- on County Health unit. She gave a very tneresting 'bilk on the work of the Health Unit and illustrated her 'talk with. coloured slides. A humorous reading ,was giv- en by 11ps. A. Crich. A few games of bingo followed. Lunch wag served by the hostesses, Mrs, M. Tyndall, Mrs. J. Bewley, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. . Wiltse end M21s. N. Tyndall." The W.L.is holding a card pasty' in -the Orange Hall on February 4 at 2:00 p.M. 0 PORTER'S HILL C , Pian Year®s Projects Mrs`. Tani Son,verby was host- ess fox the January meeting of the UCW of Grace United Church, Porters Hill. The pres- ident, Mrs, t Chester Sturdy opened the meeting; after whim Mrs. E. Towtarshend led in pray- er. The Scripture le:eson was road by Mrs. Art Bell, The study book chapter, "Death and Resurreetionn" was taken by Rev; A, G. Pease. Rall calx was answered by the paying of fees, Secretary and treasurer's report were given, • Money making projects for the coming year are: travelling spron, haliday bells, birthday can, colour of the month, July supper and bake sale. United Church Women Of Hensall Install New Executives For 1965 The 1965 Executive of the'UCW was installed in office at the morning worship of the Hensall United Church by Rev. H. F. Currie. Following are the members of the various committees: Honorary presidents, Mrs. George Aranstron g and Miss Mattie Ellis; past president, Mrs. Walter Spencer; president, Mrs. Harold Currie; first vice- president, Mrs. James Taylor; second vice-president, Mrs ,. James McAllister; recording secretary, Mrs. Albert Sharray; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Peter McNaughton; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. R. M. Peck; treasurer, Miss Mary Goodwin: Unit. One leader, Mrs. Robert Reaburn; Unit Two leaden', Mrs., Edison Forrest; Unit Three lea- der, Mrs. Ronald Mock; Unit Four leader, Mrs. James Mc - d. QODERlCH , Qi6�i". DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week — Sa tl Mrd } y. February 6 "Gordon Rhodes and The Comets" Dancing 9 to Midnight Admission: 75c per person Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For. Rental information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 AT THE RK THE.. SQUARE--GODERICH NOW THIJR., Fill., SAT. -=- February 4.55-6 WALT 1:TISNI;X• PROGRAM Maurice Chevalier and Hayley Mills rr .In , Search of the Castaways" Color P1US the iloetenentery "ALASKAN E:SKiMO" -- dolor MON,, TUES., WED. February 0-9-10 (.A.clulit tlnteitain maat) Miohaei Gallan, Barbahe Btlen and Stephanie Powers A great nieW story of life hi a large hospital, "THE NEW INTERNS" THUR., FRi.v SAT. Feb. 1141-13 Twin B H Addie Murphy and Ruta Leo "BULLET 'OR A BADMAN" della Kaye and George Kennedy in "ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHIN" Both attractions in color 0-66 NEWT Bdear} Allan,Peeta'--L- "PhEMA1'W E BUB'IMP rAdtttit tntertait911ient) Allister. Chairmen of standing com- mittees: finance, Mrs. Victor Pyelte; community friendship and vtisiitation, Mrs. Carl Pass- more; " literature and conimuni.- ca'tion, Mrs, Douglas Cook; sup- ply and .sociall assistance, Mrs, Stanley Mitchell; membership, Mrs. W. Parke; manse, Mrs. Thomas Sherrntt; Christian cit- izenship and social action, Mrs.. Ian McAllister; social functions, 'Vern Alderdice; inissiob array education and Christian ed- ucation, Mrs, Ross Forrest; nominating, Mrs. W. B. Cross; press and publicity, Mrs; M'atude Ho dden; pianists, Mrs. William Fuss and Mars. John Goddard. Apart from the installation of the above mentioned officers and committee Chairmen, the fealllowing are representatives from the United Church, Wo- men to the various church beards and committees of Hen - sell United Church. Repreisentaltive. to Official Board, Mrs, Walter Spencer; representative to M & M Com- mittee, Miss M. Ellis; repre- sentative to. Christian; Education Cornrnittee, Mrs. Ross Forrest and—Mrs, Ed •Corbett; represen- tative to Committee of Stew- ards, Mrs. Cleadon - Christie; representative to the Manse Coamnittee, Mrs, T. Sherritt and Mrs. Howard Scene. Summerliiii Club Voids Meeting The January meeting of the Surn'merhill Ladies' Otub was held at the home of 1VLx's. Allen Neal, with 23 members ' and one guest presefilt, The president, Mrs, George colclou.gh, opened the meeting with a poem; Thank -you cards were read from Mrs. John Gibbings, Wes- ley Vodden, Mrs. Effie Cornish, Mr. and 1Vlxs. Wes. Haggarth, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Chester Farquhar, John. Murch, Mr: and Mrs. Charles Sohaley, Robert Smith and Russell Neal. Nancy Neal played a piano number. The raffle was Won by Mrs.' Earl Blake, The February meeting win be held at the Nome of Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, The lunch connniiiitee will. be Mrs,. Don McLean, Mas. John Murch, Mrs. Allen Neal and Mrs. , Wilfred Penfoaund. Pro- giram will be in charge of Mrs. N. Wright, Mrs. H. Watkins and Mrs, Clark Bala. Special Vplentine Sale "PORTABLE `o ELECTROHOME RCA VICTOR from $179.95 GALICA[1111 RADII & TV "Your TV Service Dealer" 'Tfutrskit,',FOritpiy4t.190:. 111 490 els-ACI,Of . We4tioke D�eslan;..21. After Shart iliness 1* dinund Alfred Westlake past sea away on, 'Thursd'ay, Jan- gary, 21 b Clinton Public ROA, pital after . a short illness,' Born in:Stanley Township on January 27, 1$85, his: parents were Ed, d Westlake and the former• El1'nzat atll, WeSt e M. Woglakg f,anue!d on the 1311 ewaterr •I gii" ay, Stanley Township w4til his retirement in 1988 :and was .a life-long ,res- (dent of the area, He t'ogklS n active interest 3n the Baytelcd Cgmctery and h .d held. lthe of- fice of P oldent and was a l amber of .the board of direct, ors for many years and latteerly, seorei;amy,itreasurer $'rorty which postilion he retired in 1962, The funeral ser lice'was held en Sunday, ' J.0411 y 24 at the Westllal a Funeral Hoose, Zurich, followed. iv interment DW- field Cemetery with the Bev. T, L. abbins, God ieh and . k, K.• Ston fiteiatins, Pallbearers were, ` Law.rexr'ee 'ir41244; Russell aPaingeri Tom Pen aa, Bob 'urxler,, Gordan Westlake and Mose Martin, Flower bearers were, Walter Westlake all Joai:. J eyes.. Mr Westlake, ,a Member o1' Clinton .0ospel Hall, .married the former IVrawl'1Vi'.. M.V.110$90 M 1912, who diad, .in 1921, In 1925 he ma;tojk4 (Ogee A. Pen - halo who predeceased him In 1959. He is surVIWO lay' Gtadvmi k;, Wes,Gtalje,. R.R. 3, Payfield, a Oster, Ma's, Rase Socitlehmer, Bayfield and a brio ther, Thomas Westlake, R.R.. 3 Rayfield, orae granddaughter and .one , at-g?i'an *1'auigt ter. Persons attendiang the funeral from :a d'istaxlge were, Nlr, and Mrs, Lawrence -Talbot, Ancester, Mr, Mgii :Fassel, .1Valwaukee, and Mr, and Mra•. Ed T)eehert, Trenton: NOTICE K. A. LEWCOCK acolvoicon HEARING MD 149 King St.--. LONDON e•-• Phone- 434-4782 , SERVICE CLINIC WILL BE ,HELD AT THE HOTEL CLINTON February 9 1 p. to 6 1pg 9 PLAN TO ATTEND AND HAVE YOUR HEARING AID REGARDLESS OF MAKE CLEANED AND CHECKED FREE!! By Mr, E. D. Smith, Consultant CUlStONER CONFIDENCE WE. NEVER ABUSE tO G/N, ` rH tROPFk AD /CE, WE ,. NEVER DO REFUSE" CiiSE PLUMBING -HEATING :ELECTRIC 482.7062 CLINTON MONDAY, MARCH 1 THROUGH' SUNDAY, MARCH T EvENING. • Mani, through Fri.' 8'80 p.m. Saturday. 9:00 p.th, MATINEES: Saturday' 100 & 5:00 p.trk. Sunday TICKET PRiCES! $2.00 - $250 63.00 - $350 Including Tax CHILDREN, 12 yrs. & Under tiatf Price $1.00 - $1.25 $150 - $1.75 Gobi( Only Por Performances Monday through Thursday All Seats Reserved tiokets Available et I ALBflMThr RA[1ta £ Tv' Crinto i 40GARpEN15 TREASURE ISLAND SHOPPING ENTRE LO'ndelir Ontario "Let ()tie Cali Do It All" let Clinton Lctundry' Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional Dry -Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean -Only Dry -Cleaning (25c Per Pound --10 Lbs. for $2.00) ,At O€far Plant -166 66 Beech Street: Our Dry -Cleaning Dept. is managed by Ray Garon, a graduate of the National Institute of Dry -Cleaning, Silver Springs, .Maryland, U.S.A. We employ the most modern methods available in the industry. —Let us advise youregarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. • —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean -only" method and which require professional treat. ment. • (3) Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH --- THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH (11c Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Coveralls, Etc. (5) Coin -Operated Laundry These facilities and our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On All Garments. (8) Pick -Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day._ Service J (10) Three -Hour Service When requested, Dry -Cleaning & Laundry in of 9 a.m, can be picked up at 5 p.m. Special Attention When Required. Each Week One Luck Customer00 Free Cleaning Credit Will Win $5...t NUMBER i. t THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER t 150 Phone 4024064 Cilli ton, Om,