HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-02-04, Page 112.Pages
THE' NEW ERA 98 .h Year *THE HURON RECPRD 82nd Year
c1JNTON1„0..NTAIVOf THIPROAY, .FEiRVARY. 41.-, 1905 • Per 'Year---10 --cents, Per Cap.y. No. 5 The Name Paper With the News
I,.Bayfield* Viiipc
Wok On 'Couhcii
BaYfiekl Village Council received its initiation
as a municipal governing body at the Monday,
February 1, meeting in, the Village Hall, when four
delegations waited on council.
tirOn County og
ust,Vot0-- for Corn
Huron Hog Producers Elett Officers
After, the annual meeting of Huron County Hog , Producers in Clinton
Legion Hall, Tuesday afternoon, the directors met and elected 'their top execu-
tives. Seated, front row, left to right, Gordon Elliott, RR 5 Seaforth, vice-Presi-
dent; Robert McAllister, RR 2' Auburn, president, and Elmer Ireland, RR 5
Wingham, secretary-treaSurer. Standing, left to right, Leonard Lovell, Xippen,
a new director at large; Alfred H. Warner, RR 1 Bayfield, assistant secretary-
treasurer, and Frank. Hill, RR 1 Varna, another first-year director at large:
(News-Record Photo By John Vissev)
Eight Food Service
Attendants Graduate-
At a parade held on Wednes-
day; January 27 in the Recre-
ation Centre of RCAF Station
..Clinton, eight Food 'Service Ate
ten:dents received their gradu-
ating diplorrias from Wing Com-
mander 13, R. Rat use, Acting.
Commanding Officer of Station
Clinton. •
The graduates were:-AC2 K,
J. O'Neill, R. N. Powell (honour
student), J. F. Wrinn, A. J.
Allan, D. M. Hopps, R, C. Car-
michael, X, E. Lumsden and
AC1 R. S. ,Lernowich.
The 1965 Clinton Spring . Feir
will be held on Saturday, June
5. The date was set at the an-
nual meeting of Huron Central
Agricultural Society last Tues-
day, January 26.
Tops Seniors
Top- Three Seal r Speakers
Second Place
Junior Public School Winners
Second Soo Third Nee
('N6v*,Record Pizottm Bp. John vis*eo
Captain Lies McMillan ,
peered on behalf of the fisher-
men. He described the eenditilon
of the piore et the west end of
.the harbour as being very see
'sus. and urgently in need of
attention, the deterioration .od
the piers: and the silting at the
herbeur mouth is prejudicing
the local •fishing. industry; as
well as affecting Water-borne
tourist 'visitors, After ceriside.r-
able Micas:sten the problem was
referred to the, parks and har-
bour corruniiittee.
Mrs. • Hopson: reported on 'pro-
greas, In 'the senior citizens club..
They will use the LO,L. Hall
for:their 'next' meeting on Feb-
ruary 3, but require help on
transportation Members of •
council offered help on an in-
dividual basis,
Mrs•. Ocidliefsori demonstrated
Provincial Honours
Lynda MacDonald; .claugh-7
ter-of Mr eand Mrs. Ron Mace
Donald, East. Street, Clinton::
• was one of four' Huron Coun-
' ty 4-H club members to re-
'ceive a provincial honetir pin
'and certificate for eompleting
'12 4-H projects. The award
was made by Miss Pat Dam-
, ,ude, home eecnomist for
Huron, at an achievement day
in 'CI-ISS on January 23.
street signs, ,This proposal was
a model for proposed rustic
referred to the public works
committee fqr examination and
report as to the factors -in-
volved inn establishing a trial
project„ on streets branching off
from te square.
Bayfield School Trustee Mer-
ton Merrier, met with council in
committee of the \whole; 'to dis-
cuss the° status of school affairs
with particular reference to the
Hayfield School.
There was some discussion on
street sanding, It was decided
('Continued on page eight)
RCAF Churches
Honour The Late
Winston Churchill
Solemn memorial services
were held in honour of the late
Sir Winston Churchill , at the
Protestant and RC Chapels,
RCAF Clinton, Sunday, Janu-
ary 31.
Flight Lieut. the Rev, 0. S.
Swaren, Protestant Chaplain
and Flight Lieut., the Rev. R. E.
Hussey, RC 'Chaplain, led their
congregations in prayers of re-
merriberance. The Air Force and
Sir Winston have had an affin-
ity since the Battle of Britain
and Churchill's immortal words
about • "the few" who helped
Save the Free • World in the
aerial battles over the" southof
England. Many Canadian fight-
er pilots fought with the Royal
Air Force in the famous Battle
and a fighter Squadron of the
Royal Canadian Ale Force, •.took
ane active.-,-Part dfi • theirigtoriCal '
Willie: "Ma, if the baby was
to eat tadpoles, would it give
him a big bass voice like a
frog?" •
Ma: "Good 'gracious, .no
They'd kill him!"
Willie: ."Well, they didn't!"
, •
An invitation will be sent to
Federal Minister of Agriculture,.
the Hon. Harry Hayes to offic-
ially open' the fair,' and M. L.
"Tory" Gregg will again be ask,
ed to emcee the show.
The annual meeting was held
in the Ontario ,Departanent of
Agriculture board rooms with
35 members and invited guests,
The president; Frank Fal-
eerier -••speke,..•ore_.noints to .cone
sideren holding a gOod fair and •
oni 'his attendance at the annual
convention in Taranto in 1964,
The most favourable treasur-
er's financial statement in many'
years was given by the secre-
tary-treasurer, William: 'Riehl,
The statement advised the
RCAF 'Cross Trailers'
Host 80 Dancers
Ten "Squares" danced hap-
pily at the RCAF Recreation
Centre the evening of January
30. RCAF Clinton "Cross Trail-
ci's" ertter.bained over SO square
dancers from Clinton, Centralia,
Goderich, Exeter, Seaforth. and
London; with Lloyd Buchanan
of Landon, the guest
F/0 Bill Edgson, president of
the Clinton club made the
guests welcome. Cpl. Earl Bow-
les, the local caller, acted as
liaiSon officer for the event.
"The Brain of Man ,"
For the 12th cense:calve year,
Branch 140, Royal Canadian
Legion Clinton, sponsored the
public speaking contest for pu-
pills of elementary schools of
Clinton and district.
On Wednesday evening, Jan-
uary 27, more than a hundred
friends and relatives gathered
at the hall on Kirk St. to hear
the young orators. The schools
represented were: Hayfield,
Hohnesville, Air Marshall Hugh
Crempbell Public School, and
Clinton Public School.
Units Plan Events
Three units of the LiCW of
Weal United Church
are holding meetings in the
church nett week, oil which all
ladies are welcome.
Starlight Circle meets on
Monday, February 8 at 8:30
pime roll call, "fees"; White
'Elephant Sale; ,
Fidelity Unit Meets Tuesday,
February 9 at 2:30 p.m4 roll
call, Scripture verse on "1'-leant";
Wo-He-,Lo Cjhin meets Thins-
day, February 11 at 2;30 p.m.;
roll Call, Verse On. "Love"; this
1716'6611g will take the form of a
Valentine birthday party,
The ladies oct Starlight Circle
have. Made plans to go to Lone
don, Sunday, Pebruary 14, to
take petit in the progrant
"Ladles' Day" for cppL-Yry„
Any ladies of 'the church Who
are interested and can goi
Please centact aVfm lion jeffer-
Sen (6616) or Mit. IL Wise
(950), Oa' S Will leave at 3 p.m.
board receipts from 1964 fair
and 'Imperial Hell Drivers at-
traction 'amounted to $6,033.17
and expenses for both shows a-
mounted to $5,820.03. These ex-
penses included' overdraft from
farmer years, of $800.00. The
board is happy to commence the
new year with a bank balance
of over $200.00.
The 1935 president and first
vice resident, were named to
,attefek. the convention. in Tor:
onto, February 24 and 25. -
Directors for 1965 are as fol-
Hallett Twp., J. Dale,
Tom Leiper, Ross Lovett, Jim
Snell, John VanEgmoncl and
(Continued on page eight)
Clinton Leads
Central League
Action. last Tuesday night in
the Central Huron Hockey
League saw Clinton move into
first place once, again as they
defeated the Ontario Hospital
10 - 7 while, Brucefielcl edged
I-Iolmeeville' 3 - 2.
League standing as of Feb-
rtrary 2 are as follows:
Clinton 12
Holmesmille• 10
Brucefield 6
Ontario Hospital 4
An interesting feature of the
evening was the presentation of
a Vanity case to Beverley Spar-
ks of Bayfield who last year'
competed in the provincial fin-
als in Toronto, in the Junior
High School section. The Chair-
man of the evening, 3. Douglas
Thorndike made the present-
ation on behalf of Branch 140.
Senior Section
In the Senior P1.11)110 School
section, (Grades 7 and 8), Lyle
Steep, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Steep, Clinton, captur-
ed first place with an interest-
ing talk on, "The Brain , of
Kinsmen See
Ellwood Epps
Hunting Films
Ellwood Epps, owner of Ell-
wood Epps sporting goods at
Clinton, and one of the Country's
beat known outdoors sportsmen,
showed ,slides of his moose hunt-.
ing and fishing expeditiOns in
Northern Ontario zt Clinton
Mutation meeting Tuesday even-
Another guest at the meeting
Was Peter It:Win, a new account-
ant at the tank, of Montreal
branch hi Clifiten, who IS •Styln'
ing the Hinsiaten Club.
Presiilent, Toni Feeney_ and
District dOverner Matt Pdgar
were authorized to, attend the
80th anniVerStary Of Walkerten
kitisinen 'on illinday, Veletilary
representative, Doug 'Miles will:
be returning officer. He- conduct-
ed the nominations at the Meet-
ing in 'Clinton Legien'Hall on
Tuesday aTterp000.
As in, farmer years, it was
A/fel:Vitt Grab, .RR 2, Desnwood,
the 20th nominee, vviho appar-
ently is opposed to the Ontario
Hog Producers Marketing Plan
that- caused the election. -
-Aftiter the 19 nominees of the'
Huron County Hog Producers.
Assoeiation had' all 'spoke in
favor of the present system
of marketing, Greb went.to the
the microphone and stated his
Grab said, "I'm opposed to.
the teletype system of market-
Inge- this was forced on us .
this "McInnis system"; in a
few years we'll have only a few
prcIducers and processors."
Last year Grab refused to state
his policy, To save an election
last year, one of the hog Men
dropped out; giving the commit-
teeman post to Grob.
At Tuesday's meeting no one
Junior Farmers,
Annual. friday
At..Beigra' ve Nag,. .
.The. • Huron eo County' • Junior.
Farmers Association annual
meeting will be held at the For-
ester's Hall, Belgrave, coin-
mewing at 10:00 p.m. sharp on
Friday, February 5. • -- .•
Officers for the corning year
will be elected and each club
will give a short report on ac-
tivities during 1964.
On the same evening com-
mencing at 8:00 p.m. there will
be an Inter-Club broomball eon-
test in the Belgrave arena.
After the Annual Meeting a
dance will take place in the
Forester's Hall.
The Huron CovnW Junior
Farmers Association executive
is elected from a membership,
of 20()• young men and women
from five local clubs in the Clin-
ton, HoWiek, North Huron, Sea-
forth and South Huron districts.
Torn 'Cunningham, RR 1,
Auburn, is chairman of the an-
nual meeting committee,
Man," which explained why
man is master of all animals.
Lyle used diagrams to good ad-
vantage to illustrate his topic.
Bob Vellemen of the' A,M.
Hugh Campbell School placed
second, and Patricia Sparks of
Hayfield was third,
Junior Speakers --
In the Junior Public School
section, including grades 1 to 6,
the three top awards went to
pupils of the A.M. Rugh Camp-
bell Public Schaal.
Denise Stone, daughter of
Sgt. and Mrs. Norman Stone,
RCAF 'Clinton, easily topped
the 'ten contestants in her class
with, her subject, "Our Country,
Canada." Robert Longley Was
second, and Denise Devea,U was
Other contestants were: Sen-
ior Public School, Susan Reid,
Elizabeth 'Thompson, Patsy
Wilkin, Wendy Gates, Brenda
Stirling, Martel Wilson, Wayne
Gunnell, Dave Cooper and Linda
areonaway; Yurilor Public Sch-
ool, Etude Craig, Lynne Gib-
bingo, ,Christine Bartley, Torn
Campbell, Greg Montgomery,
(Continued on page 'eight)
The Weather
1985 1064
High Low High LOW
San, 28 23 ,5 20 7
29 I. 2 28 10
30 13 .8 31 23
J.g 33 3G 21
Feb. 1 20 12 36 31
2 21 1i 23 13
8 12 3 25 10
8r10W: - Rain: ,5"
The 19 committeemen put up
by the Hog. Producers AsSocia-
ition are; A. H, Werner, lift 2
Bayfield; Lloyd Stewart, 1.
Clinton; Carl •Gooier, Auburn;
John R. Semple, RR 1. Bayfield;
George Molted-et, RR 3 Gode-
rich; Gordan Elliott, RI, 5 Sea-
forth; Elmer Ireland,, RR 5
Wir Malcolm Davidson,
RR 1 Brucefield; John Hernig-
ban; Goderich; Lionel Wilder,
RR 2 Zurich; James McGregor,
RR 2 Kipper; Hugh Rundle, RR
1. CenAralia; Robert MeAlr -ter,
RR 2 Auburn; Albert Bacon,
tilt Belgree; Raymond Neill,
Kt 1 Wrootetter; Elmer Hard-ing, /In,1 Cowie; Martin Bonn,
Walton; George Campbell, RR
1 Seafortbe Ken Baker, RR 2
It was announced by nomina-
tion chairman ,MileS that the
committeeman were being elect-
ed for a three-year term.
Township Directors
Only two changes were made
in the appointment of township
directors. Hen Baker replaces
ey Hedgin in Stephen, arid
Raymond Neill, replaces Harry
Mulvey in TurnberrY.
Other township directors are:
Ashfield, George Moncrief; Col-
borne, 3, Kernighan; Goderich,
(07:itintied on page five)
Third Place
Junior' Champ
"Our Country Canada"
Timely Topics Top Talks
At legion ublic Speaking
An election was forced on .Huron County hog
producers, at the annual meeting of Huron County
Hog Producers Association, when 20 were officially
nominated for the 19 committeemen posts under
the 'Ontario Hog pro4ce.rs' Marketing Plan,
The Helektion will he held offered to back down4
on Tuesday, March 2, be-
tvieen the hours of U and
6 p.m. et the following voting
Places: Exeter Town Hail;
Agricultural Board Ream, Clin-
ton; Gorrie Community Hall;
Walton Community Hall, and
Sherwaods at Dungannon.
• Huron County agricultural
RCAF Guide -Group's First Gpild Ccved
Girl Guide Glenda Wade is shown here receiv-
ing her Gold Cord, the top award in Girl Guiding,
at a solemn ceremony at RCAF Station Clinton on
Sunday, January 31, from Mrs. Lloyd Woodson,
Guide Captain from RCAF Station Downsview,
(RCAF Photo-)
Clinton, Guide Receives Hiejhest Award
Linda Nicholson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. j.
13. Niehaigori, Albert Street, 18 pictured here receiv,,
ing her Gold Cord in Guiding from Clinton Guide
Company Lieutenant Mrs. Jack Irwin, A Gold cord
is the top award in Guiding.
(.gewstgeOM ,photo Py Jean Visser)
(See Gold Cord 'Stories on Page Pivt)