HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-01-28, Page 8..... ... . . ..... . . ........
J.9"', U* 19AP
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RCH NEWS- 0 440 ACTIVIT10 '40 YIMLAOR "APPANIN-o qtt0,s md
swOod tholr I Vor tbo e past m .1'e' i
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Corr-009n4p AW.RAY, 0MCHAM-W —, Ph9nlk S-1-1-0 1014 30.
'Now ajiy6np 4
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sslfied, - A0%,. -DisPlay, AOvs, ,pnJ .414 Printing n.sbi
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wasLs t t the (>TdfT folk, agn4. iUip, yp n
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ppPopt0d Oy, t 'fJold pprrp4pondent ._;, ,
P11 hi Pay -qrner Stanley Towi%%inp.
no th, east c
0on, he wa;s, qvqTge
)For t11P More i*#Mt Macle'V b9bWO
r10 t .86 4910, Tw-.
ind, Mrs, IF. 4, Paull C dl y- return _o
_M bpe woo ow Nvrd Wip taugi# 50 years i S, N arA
.jcgnd As Nrl
erey Ax4
, _. _ 'X
-Wiggpip of 0_4,t , spon't, yeark he retired Xrom teacWng tpie gq ooi
T is StM
Mr. a4ld Mrs the wedien4M4
J. B? I I
,TV? and 0101, _Jiggins. ;
W. aftd` s PK It T4P 44rd Way
p4mbeth. a . , 40V :rop
n.0 Michele, moved
: 'turned 4o 4 IS" Born .1 $cot1EmdAn, IM, the aides
to London last weekfand' w 'er tilatfprd qn, $at, .4 - t chp of Mr 1 4 ATTS,
X h e . , Tbpma
urda a _Iig Abe fun-, PpArd) hp came wTt2l,, his parent$, Wh4g, 4 smP4 09y`,44 T
14ey WAI tal P residenm. MIN. 4 -A A. Settled on lot 91, cmc sslon two, $Aardw-:
Fraser Jr., has, ar cbptp4' o -r- ez* 04 Fi1q, _A% J
tion ih.ole, ;k P'' M00k, 4ratber f. Mrs, -Plllott, Q0PVge B -)IdPed his father clearthe land. He afterApa.
-1d, School regularly 1 ut as he grew older winter was the only op,.
MO. J ra i lent in N e Xt
4. As. t U Charlie Tbmsi4 a,p* -1. 1. . -ed uc4ttpn.
Wr4ty afforded for
C`linton Public Hospital.,
s w: b Cal -
0 miles to -,Ode"
1,ing for donations 14, 186 then 19 ye4rs. of ag
towaz* el iie waIW
arnia. re of D ch wherp
P, he wiloite exannna: ons- ana obt ined- a f4mot Class
.cpntly Visit6d'Mr. and Mrs, P feacheVscentlficate, And Wgalked.40me thepame
ww'coam King of's -,*,-, :d - da
$odtet .. For 96., IT ''
y Pla 's Je presented Mr. Hew- - I
The, . 108th 'A I unual meeting of the BayfielC Hewitt, I _ .1 __ 11 ' T.44.91it IF or 60 Yea.ro
#twA4 a gfift on behalf of the,* .1 0 i" ' ;i"R' I
...... . . . . . .
Town Hall Rover Crew of w ich His teaching career copimea kfed in, $S No, I Stanley about
,Agiricultur-41 SQciety Was. held., in, the 111, 1, Mr. H'
to.T110 r"s Award Xan dar 2, 1.8,$1,and hW iW., clay in, t oc
be qlawpom embev
'WedneWdy -afternoon, January 20., itt Wag lead Libra -Uolot Ea
,on W prior ayfield
to B ..1014o 22, 1910,
RCAF -5ta#PA Clinton'$. Protest;ant Padre, Mt. kt oned=,p ithe enrollment, V - lave b6
1W Grigg, presid'ent, during. A real increase'was notedAn Cpl. and Mrs. W. Kilim. And satd',to 1 en -120. But it
twin chil dren, Patricl and Kim
t#0 paslt -two ye vs, Ah 4,961, fair e its; SoairdWetin Lt-,Q $. '$Wdren,' recently- presented theBoy Scout didx daunt tbe teadb
,a some ex g, Wt A, long list Of i1luS1tr10US/perSo4$ gQt 4
Religion Aw4rd -to Scout Greg Bush, son of Fit, Sgt. good grounding in rthe three R's and any other %ubjeqts, they
t#ie board of directors and com- ceptional work, was 00ne 'by berley, have recently moved
1h*ttees foil theW hard Work and P*19 43; the 1D'04 and town- from Ottwa and are staying ajid'Mrs. R. Bush, of 8 Winnipeg Adastral needed. His timetablo include_d Primary to Second Fonn in,
Elect Off . Park. any members of he RCAF pqrsonnel" Igh School, He found time to help, backward pupils' to teach
co-operation, during his,1term'of ship -schools. in the Bannister Cottages.
office, The pa ter Com atitianwould Library Board are active in the scoutin movement and ove Latin, Greek and Hebrew ta those going on to university, -
W. Grigg reviewed the work Dinner guests of Mrs., G. 1,40 - Bayf'eld r 20, -10 (taught mathematicii so well tha:t any of his pupils could
have done credit to A. Class A Hopson an Fxwpjy were-, Mrs hoc
, I its annual m4zeit#ig on executivp positions in local scouting ake held by
Friday,, January 2,2. T.h,& soare- Air Force '(pQAp photo) figure -the cUlyk clontents'af a silo, the board feet in a log, the
of the fair board, and noted fair, the president said. Parker, Mrs, M. Cameron, people. nun*erof tori in a haymow, etc., without any hesitAtion,
some progress seems. to have Election, of pfficers saw -Mr. Mrs. C, He.4rd, tary, Wrs-. :Robealt SCotchmer,
Mrs. 13. Men- 'Irina Carl and Lucy one
been made An ada tlng -to 01 McClinchey made, Presldent ' reported, qn. increase of 115 Gregor ai-id Elizabeth joined L
members in recalling school days. The stories were pf Master
changing Conditions, TLocal 1964, M. g -a
t Stirling, 'first vice,;priE sIr ng year
farmers are, scarcely able to dent; Ted Dunn, second vice- total 'of 319, Of Whom are Trinity, Ch 'ch.. -Ba Balrft la*tter tMchi
yfield w1p" 0. what'she remem'sb'ered of the first -day it school,
president. Three new direc: -161. juvenile.
compete with profesgionad ex- B.. bird. C e. me to ry aoults, and Etna, replied without besftat on: "Learning Qut, Rat, Hat, on
There was a circulation
hibitom in ithis age of swaft -were elected, Mr. G. McIlwaln, a , _-
long distanice ransjortation -4 543 books of Which 619 V large cardboard,"
7 - Mr. A. Bettles and Mrs. Ro- of O' nonfiction, with biographies nn a M ting It was mentioned that Gene*ral Sir William Dillon Otter,
ne S
P1 O'Holds U 1'' ee
bert Taylor. w . r vere A
cominittee 'NVas en a ged H havh ga. total of 243, a, circula- hVebor of Internment peratiom, World Wax I, had been. born
111011 increase of, 1,'400 during % ne annual general -meeting of Trinity Churcl). in the school seotion (De cmnber 3, 1843). and probably, went to.
school before Master Batird. became teacher.
ng, Hall oh'Fr y
Local'Associa. wn, by the -,d-diti& of some new . old Meetl 1964. was -held in the Parish iday, Januar
members from Bayffeld: . Brlg .
adler and Mrs. F. A, Clift, Mr. The annual, Tne&ing'. ot,lbe 'Me adult membership -fees 22 at 8,p.m., The rector, Rev. E. J. B. Harrison Many Well. -Known Students
Guide rown lies...- Alf Scotcl=er, Mr. trustees And, rA will remainat $10 per, axinum, opened the - meeting with prayer and a readIng. Afew of the pupils mentioned ashaving come under Master
s.1 .-: and Mrs I ht owners of
AVA and Mrs. .. N. Rivers, Mr. And Baird's Cemeifery 'Association grlade.- schpol. , students, 25c* Baird's influqnpe were: the Rev, Lewts Diehl andtbe Rev.'Ilenty
Lodge, but h1gh# school students and The secretary, Ws. J. Cb& attend, Other reports were Dlohl, OhurOh, of England ci of Huroi ,,the_ Re ,
Mrs. J,. Makins and Mrs, L. was held in th 1001 ergymen, Diocese
Bala'nce-of $47-50 odm e sboxit term juvenile borroweis Was unable to attend and her read by Mrs,. J. Jowebt; enyel-
Hill. Btucelfield,, on January will & Ms. L. Smith, John McEwen, And Rev. Douglas McTavish, Presbyterian; Dr.
pay 50o. duV!es were performed by Geo- ope secre1
62 . - Camplyell, D.D.S., Chilcalgo, Dr. 91 homas Butchor d, South -
The Iocail Assoc1ition to The now president, a4m-d' for 21'at 2,30 p.m,, with all mem I s allowing the Trinity Guild treasurer; 04%. P,
it was a agreed ithat.new. rgo Bellchamber, r
GuMes And Brownies' met at continued co-operation of the bers present. rn!inutes, , c0rrespon4ence Was R. Larsen, Women's lary, ern Staites:, Dr. James tutchard, 'who devdteld his, life ta research'
the home of Mrs. F. Weston board and. the support a the Chair n Watson Webst6r books wllk be purchased As soon AuV!h in leprosy in China; Dr. Annabel, McEweu, a medical n-&Woza-
andu as posgilible, ineldifig a number dealt with first, because of the in -absence a Mrs. R. H. F. (Presbytetlan); Dr. Frank Scott, elar,'eye, nose
on Tuesday evenm, January committee. He also ekpressod. c cted the meeting, Sec- for teervug I Trs. pertinence of a notice relative Gairdner; Mrs. R. Lamen, Sun- axy in I dlla
:19. In the'absence afthe preti, the hope tha.t some new ed subs oribers- and ithroat specialist; Gardon Waldron, QC, Toronto; Geo ,g
teat- retary H, Taylor xepoted- a John, -MacKenzie was, elected to the tenure 014 office of day School report, for Mrs. J. Pearson, attended Toronto Consekyatory of Music, taught musle
dbIA, -Mrs'. W. McIlWain, Mrs- ures. could be added to tills donation'from a vlot m mer for president and Mrs. R, ScatL-h- Church wa de s, Hammand; Mn-,G-.BeUC!iantb- -k. ig career'them
J. Cameron dbalred the meet- yeaxos fAir to Make it'more the tent which was bought in In Wayne, Mich., and embawked an his ban in
Minutes Of the Previous educational -and ebUrtaixhng' August 1064. mer ,aftd Ifts, G. N. Rlvers,te- The -rector, commenting, or, agent for Huron Churloh [bilowing service with robe, Canadian Armed Force - s i4 Wo . rldWar
meeting were read by the set- for both young and old. I elected as speretary and tzeas- poanted out that Alf Scotchmer News; Mrs-, L. King, Chance] 1; Maude Scott's recedt de4thvecalled, that she haci been marrioa
The trustees have received urer respectively. - was oonsequently debarred from Guild; Mrs,, William Parker,
retary, Aft. F. We9ton, andthe ' The secretary -treasurer, RO-- oongratulatkons on' -the purchase Other members o the board being "a. warden during 1965 Trinity Club; Ma. -s, G. Beal'- twice,.Jist to, Dr. Helibert Christie who served in the RCAMC
treasurWs report givjan by Mrs- bert Stirling presented th fin- off this tent, as it is a great are: Mrs, F. A, Clitt, Mrs. R. since he had served, in thfe2 chamber, Cent at I-leadquarters in. OftaWa. during World War'l, and after his
a Meal Fund, death tothe I -ate Honourable James Gardiner, one time, Fedea;qal,
F. - McFadden, showing e bal- ancial.-staitemeht which showed protection for the'mourners, Johnston, Mrs. J. 13. Higgins, capacity for the time. limit al- George Bel lchan%ber, auditors' Annister of Agriculture from near Lemmberg in Saskatchewan.
m. which $25 th-esociety to, L.
ance of $47.,50, fro b" in good stand- Adam Wilson andKen Stew- Mrs, H., H. Omiond and Mrs. lowed. report. 1hey had, be n ne4ghbours,
camp- fee, and $10, division fee ing, having a credit balance in Art were engaged as carotakers W. Belichamber, In his report . the rector ' ne election Of 'board mem-
are to be pizdd. jexcess of $400,00. September for 1965, The- board expressed its AP- thanked allwhabadheld office bers and other offIcers follow- For a good many going on to Iiigher education, I Master
r an Baird taught them enough to obtain th6T teacher's certificates,
The business discussion which 28 and 29 were chosen as dates preclation;,to, th4, retiring preisi- in 1964 and remarked that at- 0", with Mrs. L. ScQtChme a and they taught 5cbool to pult themselves through universtty.
followed Included details Of Idle for, the fair in 1965, dent,,Mrs. H. H. Ormond, and tendance at Sunday' services Mrs. P. Westoh serving as [h some cases they studi , edwhileteadbing and 'the kindly, master
annual Valentine card party srarutin6ers.
goheduled for r, ebruarry 5 and 1 1, Ormond for the many left much to be desired.- Stat- wached them at -home.
ways in.which they have helped istics showed a t , of 136 The rector announced he '
ent, achedUled otal Two of his pupils Who attended Clintop, Collegiate lnstfi tute.
an, guide enroUra Badmnton Club t -he librm-y. services; seven infants bapitiz- would -appoint Alf Scotchmer, and won Carter Scholarships were: Miss Kate McGregor and
.for January 27, reported by Ten -Year -Old Feted 0
Guide Captain 1 ft. L.,A. Mal-, ec% three mgriages, all.sisters, retiring rector's warden to the oss Taylor
On Her Birthday, Annual Meetong aud an average Sunday attend- board of management and Fred The school was heated by a big kron box stove, the 'body
oney. Mrs. Tom Penhale gave a anCe of 50 persons. Arkell as rectors warden. t
The meeting clased, wAlh AUz- of which wAs, in the clAssroom and door in the an e, *rom,
14ary, MCI catch, Lloyd, was
Ise party for, Scoltol=er re-
surPr Rectar's warden Alf S, Pop Went The'lilit Botile
pah, -after which lu nch was Padded on Wednesday, January Elects Officers Sen' r C" mer reported no! change in, elected -as people's warden. Also
served by the hostess.'The next 20, the tenth anniversary of - 'BiLe Clinton . Badminton Club re-elected were board inembers The boys used to put their frozen ink, battles on -the stove'
meeting will be held At the capital in"es' mt', low Waint- Mrs. P. Weston, M,_s. F. Wes- to melt. Peter Baird, the. Maotei s son', put his on while corked.
home of Mrs, W. Caable. ` her birthday. ThOsa present has enjoyed another successful form New Club en ance eastsmdn 1964 and said ton,, J. M. -Hovey, Robert Tur. tightly, It New up to the collingi leaving a blacX mark -Which
enjoying games and a birthday year, At prqs nt, there! are 40. -that in" the light of enquiries in
dinner were- Mary Lou Casitae, "Ilembers that have 'registered r4ade, he Wished to recommend ner.and Gjecrge Bellcharaber, Ven1a ed for,many years.
Vedding' At Bayfield at, if a decision should be, . -s When Inspector J. S lg Tom visited the- school, he. always
,pictures Debbie MacVjoar, Lorelei Mc- and a ew others Who have just th Xfr . William Parker was the I -heir work. I The Master moved
of the putitbe classes. back'one day in t
Cllnche y, Karen 13randon, Lea begun' A group', of Bayfield peoplg made to replace the organ, a sixth elected member tA.1 em d
Ann McLeod, Sandra 'relford, The club is coached by Mur- met in the vi i age hall on Mon- pipe oi gan be chosen, board. Otherseppointed by . e tb on -again next day. Inspector Tom aways staye at Master
JERVIS STUDIOS j. Balrd'g home (as did also Assessor Jdhn Tough when he walked
Patricia Payne, Louise Mac- MY Draper, who has done an day January 25'to ass ss the Mr, Harrisonsaid a Mr. Cain- rector were J. Stew -art, Mrs.
tround Stanley Township in his official capacity.)
Phone 482-7006 Vean, Shirley and. Kathy Mc-, excellent job for the past three possibility of foa"ming a, Senior eron of Cxeter bad done some Cluff, Mrs. A. Larsen, Howard To . day there 1.q a. hue and cry for large central
Fadden, and W&idy and Ricky years. I.: . . Citlzbns' Club. repairs to tiie present -organ Scatchmer and J. Wilmer Reid.
2tfb Penhale. The idlub has had, tourna.- Guest speakers. were: James recently and reported that it The office of vestry clerk VAth Decrela-tiOnal facilities and auditoriums,
ments with Stratford and the Young, president ol the, Gode was pow in quite good con_ will be retained b Mrs. J. Had Complete Curriculum,
Clinton RCAF Station, which rich club; Mrs. Young, and Mrs, dition. Cluff; treasuzer, Mrs. J. How- Mastw Baird, Ilia& -these in his orre-Toomed sch-ool. I -n his
have Proven, very successful and E. Cooper, secretary. Also at- The people's waxden, Lloyd 4rd; envelope secretary, Mrs. wriieulum, his, pupils got Ad of their surplus energy (what was
j Jowett; Huran Church. News left -after walking to, school) -without -expressing themselves by
ave been, enjoyed by all, good tending from Goderich were: ScotchmeT said he believed a as some t,:4
h I
and poorer players alike, Mrs-. MacKenz'- Mrs. Houston solution had been. found to the representative, Mrs. G. Bell- rolUbg around onthe floor chers of this generation
le, -chairman of gidesmen, advocate. The bi -and thegivl-s played soccer. Or if this fell
yone interested in leazm and Mr, Cooper. problem of the fence on the Chamber; oys
i.ng tO Play' badhanton is Wel, Mr.Young outlined the Char. west side 'of - the reotory I Robert Turner; deputy chair- flat, ithey Changed to prisoner's base.
come to conle out any am man of sid4,men, Lloyd Scotph- The footballi season bpened about the 24th day of May.' The
Wednes- acter and c titution of the grounds; also that the'waste lelegate W Synod, day was Celebrated bythe boys.'all going t9the -river for a swkn.
day at Central Huron Goderith club, and Mrs. young water from the li,,,teben had mer; Lay c
Lloyd Scotchmer;, substitute One year it was recalled, it rained and snowed on fhe, Queerft
CandTT; School. All the ex- described a non -nal club's ac- )Yeen div&tedlp the septic tank. birthday, but they played football in the mud on John Dieha!s
perlenced. players will, glaffly tiv$ties. Mr.Scatchmer also, said he was Lay delegate -to Synod, Fred
nh help'any newcomer, in thegame. It was decided to form a Bay- pleased wlt -the Arkell, auditors- Roy Fitzsim- bledd, -southwest ofhis barn,. Following the gaffie, they -went to
way Terry ons on, praw'so -!Of 1 ; accept- the Aver to open the swlf5tming season as large flakes of snow
REC 11RE KII .6. Ions. were *field group to the known as the 'Fitzsimons had taken, Care of
N The annual elecb
beldgnder -the div tioh of Bill "Sunset Senior Citizens Club.", the church J. Ernest Hovey and Geo. eell.
lawns and referred ance,
-the President, and the Mrs. G. Hopson was elected briefly to a new and. extended rge Bellthamber; Master Baird encouraged the boys to swim, at the noon hour.
WINTER APPLIANCE following WeTe elected to office: president; Mr. L. Sootichmer, insurance policy recently pur- Press representative, Mrs. G. On these occasions, theyate their lunch at recess, If they were
President, Kenneth Clynick; secretary, arid MA, W. West- chased. Bellohwnber; chairman of ceAt- a few minutes, late In returning to class, he overlooked the fact.
secretaily-itre4sUrer, Miss Sally lake, tv6asurer. Thetreasurer's report Sho a -meal fund, Mrs G. Bell- In the winter, they skated at noon. An old wooden Wdg%
w- Chamber; repres; taj , es - e sing room for
on without rmWngs, over the pr6ek served. as a. dr SL
DeOves; COM"ttee, Jerry Lee The next meeting is, to be ed a healthy balance — it was ed 'off
son, Dan "Oz" Andrews and [Iteld 611 'February 3 at u -loco - read by Alf Scovehiner' Scout and Cub group Commit- putting on. skates. One 'day -a pupil nanl Harvey jumpe
for Mrs. ee, Robert Turner and George the 6 ridge and went through the Ice Up to. -h!S Waist.
Ron, McKay. tion to be announced,' later. J. Howard who. was unable to t
Another tame, Billy, who was always willing to test the Ice
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison thank:- was sent across sbme rubber ice on "the hollow" -west of the
edthe scruditeext and A -It pres- school, by oldbr boys. He got ovek safely but in reft4aelng his
ent after which he read a pray- 'steps 1, Mlt th d9haps were not of much concern to
rough. Such rr ill
the Vaster. (Rechopped a hole in the ice over the creek at his
er and called1or one minute of
Clearanc'e'of 1964 Voiking and 4(xne for a beith.)
slient, meditation in hanour
In cases ofaccident, first aid came into the picture,. Carl
1;rrrest A.
memory of the late I
Featherston, a meiiiber of the recalled -that Billy climbed over a wooden gate, caught his, -Arm
one. bar andbroke it. His.older brother ran honio to got his
A pliances 1964 board -of
P father to take him to Dr. William Gunj. Afasitor 13aird had
Alf 866tchmer, seconded by
Lloyd Scotchener, moved
17 cu. ft. net a vote wnrttUydsPl1ntS4 and. "Sot it ternporailly before the father arrived.
of thanks ta the Trinity Guild Rotigh *Oft Tho' Fingers
recounted, an incident with which the master bad
for prowding refreshments and
Freezer Holds 595 lbs. of food Sale $2,14. Carl al§o
Req. $239.95 __ ............. ........ the meeting Adjourned at 11.15. liadto- deal in, earlier days (as -told to him.) One lboy cut his -
1123 cu...ft. net, Frost Free biother's finger off with an axe. He told his brother to take
his fingers away and lie didn't, so down came the axe.
efrigerato Laroe Clientele thing, the 9-.mter-,forbad<- was the bo s cumbiftg, the
R r Freezer white ash itreeat the bmek of the school—and most of them
Sale $269.
Reg. $299.95, On Hydto and 357 Astac-
tario aecomphshed thie teat behind his )Yack.'
Deluxe Setn-'Autornofic 1at6d. municipal electrical unti- A I oked how the Master punished misdemeanors the reply
ov ities 19ex-ver mbrd than two MR- was: "Stay dt& four tpfiawarlt on yWr Worst gubject."
WringOr WOAO 110n, cust6merg in an bpetation-
rsed All the ve rbg bt L, po s,
Square -rub — Lint rilter and al akeaof Z0,600 bqUAJ* hf-IIEC 0tWo`r,§aX: "Ipa ai the em in all
the school books! I can repeat most of the J)oerns, but the voice,
Roil -stop Safety' Wring6t Sale S1 29,95 - mood, tense, number and person is, still a mysVaT to mt ."
. . . . . . . . . .
If Caught Mkibig, M school the, 'pupils name w.&ftt up on the
Electric Dryer N:b blackboard With five mlnutesaddW for eath'infeaction. Bessle
3 -Heat Autdroatid Diying .......... Sale' S13170*1075 RE-WOHIN! ran h&'soll up -about half an hour 6n;ei day
0yre day Sandy, an, older b03r, ;x;; eaf6d the Madber and,
These are only a feW of thi ( eedt SdVihosl The lUtter shook him, , A button carae off his clothing and the
00 THE PORWR dmatdbd thalt Master'Balrd sew it on again, Which he
hbW QV0flablLs at your lodat order 6ffibe d!
did—With whrltt car
UN HEARO Carl tonfes8ed to being moved front tht bax-ic seat to the
Act riow and tdk& a&bmtoge Of our Viking t - unorder`Y'Londuct in gtqjrahg OV4CV 'he b-acli: of the
Appliahee Sold( BARBERSHOP "an fo'
soWt ansiiead d out linto the a -191e.
0 tt V" he
abote"trated 6h it And Was to W appe-ailandes deaf, dWAb And
REMNIIER — No Down Paymefit'and No ly"'t"'t a bl A 'to t B
00, Monday F 4 1 blind to WhAtW89 going an around hln ,' On tudh a:ft occatibn
Monthly Paymentg until Moyj 1965. vs of his car6er, one boy bet anothet thathe Could
in. the early dw
UNDEk N9W Crawl out the window hnd batk Again withoutthe Uastet ;;er
OUk OUARANT5E Constant visitors to the active and enthusiastic A CAP Station Clinton Am- knaWing it,. I L gh, be in . AdVertebtly
ateur Radio Club 'are local boyllWho 11twe bden bitten by the electmhic: bug, MANAOMENT Wiben the lad was half-WaY dirou
"6000S SArlSt4C`rORY OR MONEY OFUNbE kbodted but the attl< which held tfic wivdaW tip, Mid it cWbe
Cpl, AllAft khight retLlhfly b6lidd6ted a group of the local bdY9 Around th6 Roy Vo4denj -it, W1411 also down,oh. 'his bacle, Tht !§6661 Master itatdd
E ;d io B,
1, v
7 .7 n
t Ur
4 y
EAT0.1 S
IS YOUR TIME-HONOUM tAdlo robin, Xh th& - ib&p photo -Stand ing, ifibm -he left, Jim Thomson, 36 gd- h.
monton Road Ad"filal Pgfkl I C B6tt6filA, U6 Orahge,giteet, C11L n 6, 6t the Ado dim rajoy t-70 Vdaeo to Wdxtt ul) the m19titM%t16 bew
'MOTECTION Roy' Vbdde . n , 0 of i6n, arid otoioqk diij totue&ys. Mmo
Wnmehilf Ait ShOW11 the N Qrldhgg bf f4dio equipment b' Cpl Ge
y orgd Bikibl taught 91hging 'by hate, Whig oL tLinitig fork
knight, (90AP MOO) 4p. (Cdiit1naed on Page Nine)'