HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-01-21, Page 6POSP News-Record-,--rrhurs., Jon, 21. 1965 Pay all your billy now, Get Izf 1 HFC. Bill Payer Lean Got bills you just can't meet? Gather them All up and come, to IOC for the money you need to pay them. Then yOU can drop your bill Problerns in the nearest mailbox and repay 1-1Ea conveniently. See Household now-13orrow with confidence. ASK ABOUT cssoiT LIFE INSURANCE ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES AMOUNT OF LOAN $32.86 6.12 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 • • Above payinants include principal and Interest dud are band on prompt ropayniant,bot do 'not nuking tho cast ot 410 IntOrqn5cl, $ 550 100 1 7 000 50 1600 2200 250 $6 $0 ntontki months . $23.73 . 31.65 41.45 60.88 68.81 83.71 94.62 95.12 107,52 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 1.2 month. $ 6 9 1,24 ,46 69.21 91.56 146,52 201.46 20 months HOUSEHOLD FINANC -0P4 GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Edward Wayne, .1-.1eiwitt, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ed haq joined, 4W:0 '044444.11 Wavy and is static/40 at HMOS 'CVMWAllist N-04 Scotia.. Mr, and Mrs. Ron ,DePetbe RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caldwell. (nee Mars Skov) Friday, Jan. 22 Zurich Community Centre DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome 3p BEAVTIFOL BREEZY BAY . By BELLCHAMBER I PERSONS, ITEMS • -CHURCH NEWS • Correspondent: AVDREY BELI, Subscriptions, cidssified Advs., 011 PccePted by 1110 CLUB ACTIVITIES ViLLAGE HAPPENINGS CHAMBER Phone Bayfield 3 0- 4ispiay Advs. and Job Printing Bayfield correspondent 09,011R1c. Q NT. Dancing for the Young Crowd This. Week• -Saturday, Jun, 23,-4 Bands "THE MQ-JOS" and "THE DEL-REYS" P4t191S9 ;P49 to Midnight 'Admission; $1,0Q per person Catering to t•Unolleor/Pf Weddings, Banquets, Etc. FOr• flcittal 1001'01410n or lieservatioPtI Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO IIYM 53 Albert St., Clinton Phone 482-9651 GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT 487- WHEN FOLKS TALL PRICES THEY NEVER JEST- ''SER/011$ THOUGHT MONIS THEM Who is going to buy a new or Used car, truck or tractor? NAME ADDRESS IP THIS COUPON is DRAWN, AND tHe, QUESTION OF NOW DRIViNd 1,,,„ ,,,,,,,, ....... ..... .THe ... MONTH Is ANSWERED, YOU WILL ticetvt: sio 10 MIS SALE IS MAtiE av U8 WITHIN 60 DAYS, YOU IN MERCHANDISE. WILL RECEIVE $10 IN "IVINERCHANDISE, YOUR NAME ADDRESS 0000000 44444 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 444444444444 Your family can enjoy the luxury of re- freshing humidified air when you have a Shuttle drumatic humidifier installed in your home, And, as you relax in a more comfortable atmosphere, humidified air helps protect your furniture and saves on fuei. TheDrumatic Humidifier gives you these advantages PLUS the highest moisture output at the lowest operating cost — LESS THAN ih PER DAY! Tito stainless steel Shuttle Drumatio Humidifier is a complete package. It even includes a humidistat that can be placed anywhere in the home. Lets you control the proper Indoor humidity with a touch of your Efilnimger, inate dry winter air in your home ,.. call us today. PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482.7062 CLINTON BAYF1ELD WOOLLEN SHOP PHONE 83 Bayfield Barber & Beauty Shoppe PHONE 15 To Call Bayfield From Clinton Dial 565 And Ask Operator For Number • 3-4b were gl4est-5 . on :Sunday .of Mr. And MTS. MrS- Gekge Pere and Apthur 1•-e, London, and MrS, VW- Ott Morton, $a*,, were in ram village on Sunday andhad lun- ch, at the, 'Albi,on Hot 1. 4.9.1114 Elliott, 1<itql4c14ert .Spent Sunday with parents, and Mrs, W. .M4C4t/t. Mrs. E, .Featherston has returned home from Willow- dale, !where she has been stay- ing With her daughter, Mrs. K. Leonard and family, for several weeks, Mrs. Peterson .bas retum- ed home from. Wetoria Hospi- tal, London Mr. Mr. !and Mrs; Paul Moss, London, were with Mrs. Cluft this weekend. Mr, G. W. Fal- ler, Detroit, also joined them for the weekend. Dennis Logan and Nigel Boll- obantor, both of Vw0, Lon- don, spent Ettiday to Sunday wit -litheir parents. St. James WA. Plans Social The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Chureh, Middleton, is' plasming a social evening and auction sale of donated objects in the Tipperary School on. Fri- day evening, January 29 at 8:30. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs, Edward Wise, Mrs. A. Miller, Mrs. A. Dutot, Mrs. McCul- lough. The -ladies of the! WA 'are reminded to bring assorted articles, for the- auction sale at this ARE Canon Ti, Lang-Ford, Kitch-ener, is a gttePt -A.!f• Mrs. R. Ti F, .qalAner. Atkinson. has retnrnetl from a three week vacation In The Pahantaa, where he was the guest cf 1Y4'. and Mrs, W, Robson. Mr. Atkinson flew from TOr010::, UP Nassau where he enjoyed balmy weather aoed spent considerable time deep- Sea fishing, Enroute home to. Bayfield. Yee VARNA Fred Meqyment, Correspondent The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed last. Sun- dray in the United Church and also a baptismal service when Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Taylor, was baptized. Rev. Mr. Pease of Hayfield was in charge of th.e ;hse"v$Iciftio. mule was opened last Saturday when the Varna boys defeated the Goshen team and all the children enjoyed free skating afternoon and evening. The rink will be open for skating Tuesday and Sat- urday evenings :and on Saturday afternoon from. 2-4. The 'annual congregational meeting, of the United Church Was held last week in the ch- urch with a good attendance. It Was preceded by a pot-luck supper. Reports were given by lead- ers of Session!, Board of Stew- ards, Young People's Union, Sunday Schaal, Tyros, Sigma C, Explorers Messengers, United Church Women, Christian Edu- cation Committee. The officers for the earning year: Elders, John McAsh, Sherlock Keyes, Robert Taylor, Fred MeCiymont, Alfred 'John- ston, Wm, IVIcAshi. Chas. Reid and A. 3. Mustard, Stewards, Roy Elliott, Geo. Dowson, Tom Rathwell, Alvin Keys, Gordon Johnston, Wm. Dawson, Wm. !Clarke, Joe Pos- till, Harvey I-fayter, IVIurvin Johnston; Trustees, Ward Forrest, Lee McConnell, Wm. Dawson Robt. Stirling, Melvin Webster, Wil- frid Chuter; auditors, Gordon Johnston, Ralph Stephenson; parsonage !trustees, TOM Con- sitt, Mervyn Hayter; Sick committee, Mrs. Gladys Coleman, !Mrs. Ernest MoClin- chey, Mrs, Lee 'McConnell. It was decided to continue the "Every Family Plan" for the Observer. A spent a week with his cousin, Mrs. 1),10Yinlee an Wrogto. 'Qom- meriting on Sunday's blizzard, . Ativinsoll expressed Teglvt at having returned home so early, and said Nassau 1-4 °ray 414 bows .from Toror.te. Bayfield 14,01, Installs Slate The following persons were elected officers of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 24 at hayfield for the coming year at a meeting held in the lodge Amory 4. Master, W. E. Parker; Dep- uty Master, Lindsay Smith; Chaplain, Wiliam MeIllWain; Recording Secretary, Emerson Heard; Financial Secretary, Wilfred Castle; Treasurer, „Tiar- Old Stinson; First Lecturer, John Hammond; Second Lecturer, 'William 1'01: lock; Marshall, Harold Penhale; First Committeeman, R. J. Lar- son; Second Committeeman, Malooltri Toms; Third CoMmit- teeman, Dewar Talbot; Fourth Ocentnitteeman, Robert Moil- lwain; Fifth Committeeman, Ninian Heard; Sentinel, Don Haw. The officers were installed by District Master Russel Page asSisted by Leslie Hutchison of LOL No, 219, Greenway. Lunch was served at the conclusion of the installation ceremony. NOTICE BAYFIELD STORES Will Close Wednesday Afternoons Effective Wednesday, February 3rd KERR'S MARKET LUNCH GROCERIES -- MEATS • PHONE 81 KEN FERGUSON'S FROZEN FOODS PHONE 11 BAYFIELD VARIETY & GIFT SHOP BAYF1ELD HARDWARE & LUMBER PHONE 3-R-3 HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE PHONE 10 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Now Open Tues. & Thurs. PHONE 91 FIRST MORTGAGES Farms -- Residential -- Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative II. C. LAWS 11 5 RATTENBURY STREET EAST PHONE 482-9644 CLINTON, 01•IT. rv.4.1 Aiwrit.r111.4440,40,/.. .414.1 $4,10.00.ket "41.01,d1:44, '64 GALAXIE 500 XL TUDOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, radio, power steering, bucket seats, vinyl top, white walls, the utmost in luxury! '64 GALAXIE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, white- walls, must be seen!!! '64 CUSTOM TUDOR Six cylinder, standard transmis- sion, two-tone. Priced to clear!!! '63 FAIRLANE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls, low mileage, a beauti- ful car!!! '62 GALAXIE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls. This car was execu- tive-driven!!! '62 FALCON FUTURA TUDOR Six cylinder, standard transmis- sion, raido, whitewalls, like new!!! A renowned farm editor reports on a new fertilizer, with a new twist—:-only one f armer infive can buy it! Read how these top growers are boosting profits by 25%. ALSO THESE Al- COMPACTS ---AT PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS The big breakthrough in fertilizer BY *JOHN STROHM GODERICH MOTORS 1. Clinton Representotiye;.. PHONE 524-7308 35 SOUTH STREET GODERICH, ONT. We are open evenings Monday through Friday until 9 p.m. Your Ford - Mustang - Falcon - Foirlane - Ford Truck Dealer FILL OUT THESE COUPONS AND RETURN TO GODERICH MOTORS LTD. COME ON IN FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION '60 FALCON TUDOR 6-cylinder, standard transmission. '60 FALCON WAGON 6-cylinder, automatic transmission. '61 AUSTIN 850 Economy-plus, perfect in town driving. George. Cutler, 4824782 '60 VAUXHALL Check the price on this one. '60 VOLKSWAGEN The perfect second car. '60 KARMANN GHIA One owner, low mileage. '59 CONSUL The cleanest '59 in Huron County. I'd like to tell you of the most exciting fertilizer idea I've run across in 30 years of farm reporting. It's an idea that's helping top farmers break through their personal yield barriers to such yields as 130-btishel corn ... 5-ton hay ... 45-bushel soy- beans . 3000-1b. tobacco. The idea is Super Q®, a fertilizer so exclusive you can't even buy it . . , But I'm getting ahead of my story: Two years ago a select group of local manufac- turers were stung into action by a, disturbing truth. The top farmers were moving faster' than theft' advisers . . demanding that fertilizer companies improve their scattergun approach to fertility prob- lems. So, these hometown manufacturers pooled their strength in a giant eooperative effort.They called in the best scientific brains, and handed them this "impossible" assignment: 1. Develop the best fertilizer it is humanly possible to make. 2. Forget about price-per-ton. But be dead sure this fertilizer will return the farmer more net prat than any other product on the market. We wart to guarantee it will, not just talk about it, $. Formulate it for the top farmers in each cam- inunity. We'll refuse to sell it to anyone but the top! 4. Rifle it to fit a Specific area yes, even a specific MoiStUre level. 6. Make a different fertilizer for corn, for barley, tobacco, Wheat, soybeans. 6. tJse the best form of nutrients fob' the Crop—not the cheapest or easiest tot the manufacturer. WoW! Some Of those'who were called in declared; "YOU jug can't get all those coons Up one tree I" tut other scientists rose to the challenge. They tested Soil and Moisture on top farms in each cOrn. munity pored over the latest research . . . an- alyzed new manufacturing techniques, new mate- rials. They picked the brains of ag college special. lists, interviewed top farmers on their personal goals. And then they created Super Q. The Super Q program is a national effort, It has all the efficiency and breadth of bigness . . . but with the pinpoint local accuracy to give the individ- ual grower higher yields and profits. In side-by- side tests on hundreds of farms with six different crops, Super Q outyielded the best commercial fertilizers by as much as 25%. Successful as they have been with Super Q, the scientists do not see their job as done. As Dr. Ray Starostka, chief formulator for Super Q, explained to me, "Don't memorize the numbers on a Super Q bag; they'll change the minute we get a new test or technique—or as local conditions demand." I 'certainly don't want to give the impression that Super Q, is a cure-all. On the contrary, it will only be sold to top farmers--'the top 20% in yields and management, They'll make super Qpay off, I surveyed 900 farmers in ten areas, and it was really exciting to hear them talk of their goals. Quite a few told me they were shooting for 200- bushel eorn . . 7-ton hay 600-bushel potatoes . 60-bushel soybeans 3600.1b, tobacco , . 70- bushel wheat ...100-bushel barley . . 25-ton sugar beets 30-ton silage ...135-bushel oats, 'rho Super Q, Manufactnrers are a select group, jealous of their reputation. Among other things, they must agreeto disciplinary action Should they fail below the rigid standards, They must pledge to provide soil and crop and management services that will help Super Warmers make more profit.- '63 CHEVY II Six cylinder, automatic transmis- sion. Look this one owner over!!! '61 FALCON TUDOR 6-cylinder, standard transmission. '61 CORVAIR FORDOR Rebuilt motor, standard transmis- sion. a . i SUPER Q PEATiLIZEtt MADE FOB THE ONE PARMER IN FIV . BY READ FERTILIZERS LIMITED ELM itA Ott.TEtti ONTABIO