HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-01-14, Page 10:tipw0tecoo14,4111.44,, 1.4, 1904,
Curling Rink Officially
Group Captain K. R. Greenaway, Commanding
Officer' of RCAF Station Clinton, cut the /ribbon to
officially open the new curling arena which can be
seen in the background of the above photo. Present
at the opening were from the left: Sgt. Zeke Zaha-
lan, F/S Rene 13rochu, Capt. Rqn Warren, G/C
Greena.way, F/S John Fernett and LAC Vic Paulin..
(RCAF Photo)
1100en •
410Ar St4111P4 Ciluiten Dom",
m.andlng Oft= .G.nonp -Captain-
CilvenaWayofficially tnt,
veiled :the, -now lounge :and Ntew,i
ing area at tbe station -Vini;- at'
the openhig RCAF ,c Union. 0!.wn.)5oMpiel on -Seturrley.
A tx4a1 --g4 teams- woro on,
terod- in the tintonsection com,
potition. Which was divided UStq.
three sdnaws .wlth .each team
playiing two games, The winning
team jn-the first clraw was from
Applied Training with :F/S
Reno Broehu 'niemberAa.
Sgt, E.Riehardson, OPT, Al
nseher nn.d. Sgt, Norm Stone,
In the second draw., Ceriporeis
Jim. -Corbett, Ed Forcie,goy,.
ace vestraln and Bill Thomsen
we iv• the successful rink — also
foam, Applied 'Training, and the
third iraw resulted in a win
fogs F/S Roy Naven and Sigta.
•Ges .Steillearg„ Ray Thib.outsst
and Wally Marcia from the
Training Standards Sections
The .pew lounge And reception
.area now is tirt two levels as
opposed -to one last yew, and
Junior Colts Win
The Clinton Junior Colts won three games
during the past week as they downed Listowel,
Paisley and Owen Sound respectively in games in
the Clinton. Lions Arena. Thirty-one goalwere
scored and over 60 penalties served during the trio
of games.
Bob 'Livermore pulled a
double hat trick lest Thursday
night scoring 'six of Clinton's
19 goals and leading the local.
team to a 19-4 massacre of the
visiting Listowel team. Also
scoring the hat trick for Clin-
ton was clefenceman Den Yeo
who scored one in, each period
and assisted on one of the oth-
er goals.
The Junior Colts begat show- Colquhoun to regain the goal
ing their spirit from the oPeoe with assistance from Lawrie
ing whistle as Bruce Cooper and Laurie Colquhoun. Listowel
raced down the ice, passed to 'netted ,another at 17:32 to close
Itis brother John, who started a
five -goals -in -five -minutes seer-
ing spree at the 36 -second mark,
One minute and 30 seconds lat-
er, Ken Deer scored his first
goal of the game.en a slapshot
from his position at the point.
At 3:45 Robbi Lawrie scored
from Laurie Colquhoun and Don
Freeman and at 4:52, Daer let
go another blistering slapsbot
from the blue line to make the
score 4-0. Exactly four min-
utes and 29 seconds tram the
time of the. Arse goal, Don Yeo
'rammed .inClinton's fifth, as
silted Doer.
Listowel Scores
Listowel showed a glimmer of
hope at the 8:55 mark when
they sipped one past junior
Colt netminder, Gary Black
while Kea Doer was serving a
kneeing penalty, but it took
only eight secondfor Don
Clinton Bantams
- Lose Two Games
the first period with Clinton out
in front 6-2.
litsowel opened the scoringin
the second , period at 1:24 by
taking advantage of a -late first
period penalty to Ken Daer to
make the score 6-3. Forty-six
seconds later, Lawrie strength-
ened Clinton's .lead when he
scored on assistfrom Laurie
Colquhoun and Barry Glazier.
There was no more scoring
until the 7:55 marls when Bob
Livermore netted another on a
pass from John Cooper. Don
Yeo netted Clinton's ninth
when Randy Glew tipped the
puck back to him from a face-
off in the Listowel end and he
slapped it past the enemy
After a fine start this season, goalie.
the Clinton bantam hockey 12-3 After Two
team has been stuck in a slump At 11:32, Glew scored for
which has found them losing Clinton, assisted by Laurie Col: -
games to Exeter and Mitchell quhoun and Ken Daer and at
by wide inargins. 14:48; with Jim, Collins serving
On Wednesday, Detember 23, a holding penalty, Livermore
Exeter walked all over the local netted his second, assisted by
boys as they walloped them John Cooper. Second period
11-1 in the. Clinton Lions Atena. scoring ended at 16:28 when
Last Wednesday night, lVfitch- Don Colquhotin took advantage
ell came to town and once of a Listowel -penalty to make
again the Clintoh team found the score 12-3. Assisting on
itself on the short end of the the goal was Laurie Celeuhoun.
score. Thisetime the game end- Listoevel looked like a new
ed With the visiting team out in" team at the start of the final
frent 11-6. . period as they took the puck
2 Nights—Wed., Thurs., Jan. 2C-21
7-11 p.m. — 8 -Hour 'Course
' E. R. Doucette -:- instructors -:- Eric Collins
GIANT JIG -SAW contains 2,000
Pieces, -picture 24x40 $2.98
of 1,000 pieces,
picture 2Ix28 1.49 & 1.59
TUCO DELUXE Picture Puz2les,-
" extra heavy pieces,
approx 350 pieces 79c & 98c
approx. 250 piecps . . .. , 69c
approx. 400 pieces 98c
PAIRCO—Picture Puzzle,
approx. 350 pieces 59c 1
. n
from the opening face-off and
travelled into Clinton territory;
scoring at the 17 -second rn;aerls;
But their glory was short-lived
as John Cooper petted another
goal for Clinton at 1:05 from
Bruce Cooper and Don Yeo.
At 4:15 Livermore scored ag-
ain assisted by Bruce Cooper
while Laurie C3olquhountwas sit-
ting out a tripping penalty. Yeo
scored his third of the game
two minutes and 20 seconds
later. Getting his sixth assist
of the night on Yee's goal was
Laurie Colquhoun. At 10.54,
Livermore netted his fourth,
assisted by Bruce Cooper, his
fifth came unassisted at 11:44
followed closely by another un-
assisted goal, scored by Randy
Scores Sixth a Gnme
Livermore closed the scoring
at 15:36 when he netted his
sixth goal of the game assisted
by John Cooper. The final three
minutes and 37 seconds were
played without the- help of
Bruce Cooper, who received a
five-minute major for high
Sticking in the dyingmrslintites
of the gene.
Although the Jenior Celts
won the game, they lest sec-
ond -line forward Robbi Lawrie
in the second period. Lawrie
was taken to Clinton Public
Hospital where X -Rays reveal-
ed a cracked collarbone which
will keep him out of the Junior
Colt lineup iedefinittsly.
Paisley vs, Clinton
In a game that saw a total
of 34 penalties plus two penalty
shots, the Junior Coats defeated
Paisley 6-1 last Saturday night
in the Clinton Lions Arena. In
the first period, there were
only 49 seconds of play in which
both teams were playing at
their full strength.
Bruce Cooper, captain of the
Clinton team -.Started ,the hall
rolling at the nine -second mark
when, he recovered from being
tripped behind the referees
back and retaliated by slashing
the offender across the shins,
only right in front of the of-
ficiare eyes. Paisley evened the
sides at 1:31 with an interfer-
ence infraction and Laurie Col-
quhoun of the Junior Colts left
the ice With a hooking penalty
at 323.• '
The etream pf penalties was
interrupted at about 5:45. mark
of the period when Laurie Col-
quhoun was bearing down on
the Paisley goal with the rest
of the defenders far behind. Ir
a final attempt to stop him, one
Paisley clefeneeman threw his
stick along the ice, thereby in-
terfering in Celquhoun's atbaok,
The referee called for a penalty
shot and Colquhoun repeated
his advance on the defending
netmindee. He beat the goalie
sinattly, but when he cut to the
right and fired, his shot went
across the epee goal mouth be-
hind 'the prostrate goaltenders
The game then' returned its
"Mensal" penalty -ridden action,
but at the 12:24 mark, Bruce,
Cooper broke out of a tisse-gratie
scoring shuns) When he potted
the first goal of the gene as-
sisted by Bob Livermore and
Jahn Ceeper. Livertnore geared
the, Coltssecond at 1605 from.
John C�a-utd the same cent-
binetion made the score 3-0 for
Clinton 86 teat:Inds later.
Fifteeh of the 84 Deli/titles
,were handed out in the firtst
period, seven to Clinton, eight
to Paisley, including a bench
penalty given to the viSiting
team for remarks nude by their
coach in regard to a. call Made
the Officials, ,
The teeerld. Peribd get off Vs
fast start with bon Yee,
Mat% defeneermaie receiving
tWo-rninute Miter fee tripping
at 0;30; bitt ends again, Pales
ley evened the sides quiekly
When they were relieved of one
man on a holding charge atl.:10.
12 -Minute Cooling
Bob Livermore scored his
third goal of the night at 4:43,
once again assisted by John
Cooper and 12 minutes and
three penalties later, the same
pair put the local team out in
front 5-0. Twenty seconds aft-
er this, Bruce Cooper was sent
to the sin -bin to cool his heels
for 12 minutes with a minor
plus a misconduct which he re-
ceived for his unethical method
of showing his disagreement
with a referee's decision. The
period ended with the score
still 5-0 after nine penalties had
been dished out six to Clinton,
three to Paisley.
The last period got off to a
slower kart with -me goals or
penalties until the 2:54 mark
when Paisley lost a man for
interference, Then, playing
shorthanded, the visitors 'ruined
Junior Colt goalie Lorne Daer'.s
hopes of a shutout at 3:45
when they scored their only
The penalty box began to
stretch at the seams in the
third frame when, with Cooper
still servhig his misconduct and
one Paisley player itt the box,
double higiesitickieg penalties
were called at 3:21 and 15 sec-
onds later, double roughing pen-
alties were handed out, making
a totaf-of six men in the pen-
alty box. The first one to leave
was gone for only three sec-
onds When another came to
take his plata
Daer Stop e Penalty Shot
Action stayed mainly on the
ice after this session and around
the 16 minute mark, a penalty
shot was awarded to Paisley
after Clinton defencemen, Don
Colquhoun tripped a Paisley
forwEtrd on a breakaway. Lorne
Daer had to stretch a few mus-
cles, to step the, free attack,"
but managed to make the save
and- preserve the Junior Caltts
Scoring closed at 16:5.7 when
Ken Daer let go one ofhis solid
slap shots from inside the blue
line; it deflected off Bruce
Cooper's hip acid into the Pais-
ley net. Only two more penal-
ties were colied before the fin-
al bell, one at 19:00 to Paisley
for holding and one to Don Yeo
of Clinton, a five-minute major
for high -sticking,
Kee.p In Step With Canada,
iark Minor eek
:411zovvwhip ww:spel;t:-miloindlpipeda
brate the _opening of Miner
Jockey Week otfk.10y
starts gannallr 23. Here he
Clihtesi, a two-day 'wog:rent is
Dein planned which will bring
wide range of hockey enter-
tellneet to the Lione Arena,
including games- with two Pear,
born, =Ohioan ,eltubs ,and one
between the newly -formed --Ohl-
ton Junior 'OoltS and :a Jnnior
tesm from: Detroit,
Minor Iiepkey Weei 1s dedi-
oatod jo four main grows; -(a)
By este have fun :playing
hoelcey;. who can become better
citizens through port-eel:pa-Wort in
properly stipervisecl. reereation;
Who can lea= discipline and
SPerteutaxesbiP. by 'being Ogg*
to Ohey rules—con and, off the
ice; (b) Men and Women who
manage, ,coach, ;drive cars,. sup-•
melee leagues and -geneeelly.
make it possible for boys to
have fun on ice; who teach boys
curlers can now view from both_
upstairs and deem.
•Impr.oved Washroom and JuniorColts
.ai,o....fgejlitios have beenefaeted -- • • • - • -• •
two large de -humidifiers has To !lost Team
and the installation of
improved the ice condition
hampered by :condensation pro-
rom Detroit
which has in the past been F
•• conjunction, with
Defeat Owen Sound
In the final clash of the ser-
ies, the Junior Colts downed
Owen Sound 6-2 on Monday
night.' The game etarted out
looking like Saturday's hassle
with Paisley when Owen Sound
received a hooking penalty at
0:16, but sow the teams berth
settled down to good hockey.
A double roughing penalty was
called at 4:32 resulting from a
Small:mix-up between VanWyck
of Owen Sound and John Coop-
er of Clinton. The final penalty
of the period came exactly four
minutes before the first goal
When at 4:51 a teem penalty
was inflicted upon Clinton for
delaying the game.
At 8:51, the northern visitors
opened the storing, but less
than three minutes later, Bob
Livermore -tied it up, assisted
by Juhn Cooper. Owen Sound
wasted little time in showing
the local. picketers the,t they
meant business as they came
back with their second at 13:50
to once. again take over the
lead. Before the period ended,
the Junior ,Colt third line had
tied the score with Bob Batkin
scoring from Dean Reid.
Second Period Stalemate
,There was oaily one goal
scored and four penalties cal-
led in the middle frome, all of
thein corning between the 11 -
minute mark and 12:39. At
ton Minor Hockey Day, Jan-
uary 22-23, the Clinton Jun-
ior Colts will be playing least
to a Junior hockey, team
from Detroit, Michigan. The
game will take place in the
Clinton Lions Arena on Fri-
day, January 22, com.nene-
lug at about 9:00 p.ni. The
game will be preceded by a
Wee -Wee inatcli starting at
8:30. Referee for the Junior
game will be Dennis Riggin,
former Detroit Red Wing
11:00 minutes - even, Clinton
received a big break when pen-
alties were celled against two
Owen Sound players, one for
hooking, the other for tripping.
But they were shorthanded for
only 44 seconds as Ken Daer
was sentenced to 'two minutes
for roughing at 11:18, followed
by Den Yeo for slashing at
Then with the sides even,
Bruce Cooper put Clinton out
in front at the 12:39 mark
with what turned out to be the
winning goal. Although. Owen
Sound put up a strong fight,
they could not score agein.
Bruce Cooper opened third
period scaring at 5:13 when he
netted one unassisted and came
back to score the hat trick at
9:27 with help from linemates
Bob Livermore and John Coop-
2 layers, 3 Ga
es 28 Points
John Cooper Bob Livermore
12 assists; 2 'goals 12 goals; 2 assists
Two of the Clinton Junior Colts' first line
forwards collected a total of 28 scoring points on
14 goals and 14 assists in their three -game series
at home last week. Bob Livermore scored a total
of 12 goals and assisted on two others while John
Cooper proved his skill as a playmaker by assisting
on 12 goals and scoring twice giving the pair 14
points each.
100F Bowling
Florence Nightingales .,.. 72
Try Heide 66
Holland's Sunlights 58
Harold's Hitters 51
Bob's Beatles. 45
Lucky Strikes 43
Frank's Red Hots 32
Yeo's Lambe 23
High shigle, ladies, Gerry
}Terris 267; hien, Rill Harris
297; high triple, ladies, Gerry
Hartle 729; men, IVItirray Tay-
lor 712.
to be better eitiZene by trainiing
them in, the ftuitlainental4 of
goOtl gPortsmanship as Well as
the basSiee of hoolcey play; (ei
the 'game of HOCKEY
13anYd- PerQmneow"laling7111peatrliell1;trrn,
the CAT -IA. hopes to develop
more and better Hockey players
beeorree members of Cenatla's
111.iri:sPre rofafeollt.ets,,eftimile:Iremoy7:L4d)
organimtional accomplishments
melte it possible for more than
Stop aucl Think
It might de Many Clinton
parents good to stop and think
about how much work goes in-
to preparing a league and keep-
Mikhell Midgets
Edge Local Team
The Clinton midget hockey
team lost a dose game to Mit,
chell last Wednesday night in
the Clinton Lions Arena when
they were defeated 5-4 by the
visiting team.
The game got off to a slow
start, neither team holding a
strong advantage for ans. length
of time clueing the first period.
The first goal was scored by
Mitchell at 10:05, but their
lead wee ehort-lived as Bill
MacKay 'sewed lees than two
minutes later on a pass from
Larry Pickett. This was the
only scoring in the opening
Mitchell wasted no time in
the Second period, moving out
in front 2-1 at the 3:25 =irk
and scoring again 11 seconds
later. Half a minute later,
Pickett scored for Clinton assis-
ted by MacKay, but the Mitch-
ell attackers pegged another at
5:25. Ted Gerstell ended the
second period scoring 35 sec-
onds later with help from Cam
Colquhoun, leaving the score at
4-3 for Mitchell.
Ashley Bevan tied the score
again at 74 of the final period
assisted by Jim McConnell as
the local pucks -tees fought for
victory, but their hopes were
washed out at 9:47 when Mitch-
ell potted the winning point
Thurs., Jan. 14 — BINGO
in Clinton Legion Hall, Kirk
St., at 8:30 p.m. — 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25,
letters L and T Bingos apply
on the $25 game; 3 share -the -
wealth games; jackpot $56 in 56
numbers. Admission 50c.
Friday, Jan, 15 — Euchre
and "500" card party, Oddfel-
lows' Hall, 8:30 p.m. Ladies
please bring sandwiehes. 2p
Friday, January 15 — Recep-
tion for Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Bell (nee Donelda Freeman) in
)31yth Town Hall. Music by Jen
Scott's Orchestra. Everyone
welcome. Ladies please bring
lunele 2p
Tuesday, Jan. 19 — BINGO
at Huron Fish & Game Club,
Jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers.
Six door prizes. •8.30 p.m.
A series of prenatal Giese -es
will begin Wednesday, January
20th, 1965, at 2:00 p.m. at the
Health Unit Office, Clinton
Public Hospital, Clinton. These
will be held at weekly intervals
for nine weeks. Those interest-
ed are invited to attend on the
above date, or phone the Public
Health Nurse — Clinton 482-
9661, between 9:00-9:30 a.m. or
4:30-5:00 -p.m. 2b
frig it going:to think about the
parents who .get up every sits
ertlaY Morning so that they eel
TAKE their Attie ;Johan), to the
Arena and WTO l hitn PilaY
hie game of hockey; to think
about the guy wile gete up so
that he efall get to the Arena
in tittle ito rees innumerable
yourigsters, lead them to the
ice, edge himself wives to the
P1O-Yer.s' bench, freeze for about
an hour while the twins sweat
it out on the ice and top # off
at the end of the game by at-
temptMg to untie sow -peeked
skate laces with heeds that are
already minted by the cold.
While these mei (rearY of
them without sons playing
hockey) ere building Canada'
future, how many Dads aye
enjoying their day off snuggled
under the electric blanket while
their son trudges through the
ccdcl, hockey -stick and skates
flung oyer his shoulder, across
town to play hockey?
-ro Keep A Boy Out Of Hot
Water —Put Him On Ice'
"TAKE, Den.'t Send Your Boy
To The Arena," two of the
more popular Minor Hockey
Week slogans might well be
taken to limit by Clinton par-
ents, not just during the Week,
but all winter long,
Ontario Street
"Stctrtability starts
with Delo
Special This Week:
"You can buy a top
quality USED CAE
cheaper now than in
the Spring."
A hairline from '63,
down in ,four -door,
two -door, & Station
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Immediate Delivery.
62 Envoy Special
(REDUCED. $200)
63 Ford 6 Sedan
(REDUCED $200)
"The Boss may cry, but
we'll give you
a buy!"
• -
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in addition to DIVIDENDS.
Current Dividend Rate — 41/2%
Credit Unions in Canada serve 3.3 Million Members
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1 Itatteatiary Street CLINTON' Phone 482,3841-