HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-01-07, Page 8A pas► 8---�li�►r�ir .�orKs-IRec��d��'M�ars., ;larn�4~x�+' 7, _'��I�F� - ��� J 1 4 Mel ltmt • Curling .Seas., Ja7] : w 3Y Gets Werw J•. Coo er and BobLivermore scored reCO e lz by h ryvinii a i - 41u p d old t . c'> k1 ... xe?. m??kutq mis- ^t rte, At RCAFh to d h conduct ... t ,5;24 :bu less n ;it� $4, pan �¢� enc. ,. lead t Clzntctu. Jun?ox CQ1#s oekey , _ the_ / «' nether ulc i n a z : e cites mates-?verunoxe M M r: ng was,hide at !tear? to a.. tQry .lot Woe day night Wh xt ..' . had co a aaxi to a,. :: ��R. tion Clit?'ton this Year •mak ,:' The Walloped.t e v tzn n e - score ,. r Clrr?tax?. ...h- . xsj. i Qw . Sound t . am J 6 ft,1om J'oh? ,Cr, ,, in :a line a the Q1 ton io A ria, ,�± , t! . `"+'ee$ game Fl yea. In ..._e C,... L.._ris 1?4_...., w � e Chief A. zusM$ A QEF-. /, ,en SfMuad scored again at L'f ' LCL e. :te 1. e' rV1- '.i4Q2• w a ... n . 1 in b A , oa which as x , . :. Corn¢ne�r?d J.. tion ... ed . y .. tI?, .s ... d t)?e CooA. x lo... , b - ed within a _gnu ie as a ler ' �,Lq nasdeved the fit*st e e why �n�.,i Loxx? sear ex' ?l Doer ;1 FreeRrk ? at: 2;35' At 1.$:55, Bob Livermore clios, scOred for elan frond the ons 1ea�le� .recon n - ed the ` second ' s in brothers, At X2;07 J h while Qwen. Sound iS H7ans1?e�Cg . ,_.. 1xn!?xl i, �" P. ?? sit idle seas rriirrtrte .once a aid; b ao er C._'.. r 'scored his G7?ixd e4 W"dS $erY1n�F,' .a tYvs? ..._...,. a?n ed 'the G.. : y • The, ��$ was d'e4aye�1 i b e Sxf �x�tens1va rEnON' pen, .' 'Frye inti lutes, brothers, Amer xrvnox _the faun a assisted 9nce .aga?n x gatering J' es Were t ; by brother Brace,. ", § t>olus Yo tl?e club's interilgr later, rice northern urvaders had I>eAra'itx _. w.. _ ha�?Ied cls., m, B ttiekle t"cvre, but John aC7�er ,the secnnd Vie, .Ps)�}r t4 C�nT A P€�h' Pf Fives M, wh�gmi w e :sltaxite z ber of " 964 and dwhlch bave �. moved the Junior Colts out 7n. t u, " A smau scump arose at the lust bee;i. ca?nplefed r, front at t58 , wrhen, he scared o Twexit)-r seconds 14:27 znuark when G°hntm'p Ken � " �� }, � � � � The mc�mberis. '4f the club aria M, !assists from, 'BM,Ce .Coope Tl e Junior Coats made their Daer was called frac ol?�ging � ., � ,� y Yeo. presence knbwA from the sound and a fight broke out betiveen '� a , � � �' , ; their visitors Aon TugW xelax iti a and Don =z=:• ' com6rtable lounge and enjoy Twenty -rune selconds later, of 'the first whistle in the final Rbbbr Lori of Clintons and Hur Owen Sound had` itled th'e score per�W as grey h�nmered in two IV of Owen Sound, resulting in � slid ' in . h=Proved. ur once a;gaiin, ending the scoring quick ,ms's; in the first 30 sec 'a pair of 'five-agn�ute majory ,. u c ng Inuc s , � � : rQun'diivgs, for tbie first 'Period, Only two ands .of play, Bruce Cooper Pan'a%tles for fighting and .thea ' �'3 r= �„ f' > The improvements. — ,eogting more pen!al'ties were called in scored the first out the ;3 second muautes. to Daer for charging. "� �> � _., � "' ' 27 OOQ -- were all dna rthe last half Of the first per- m' 1 assisted b Lve e Owen. Sound ended the . Q r r, $ de posy a ash ream for hold warl; a .... d Y L. rmar" + F. sible through the financra rod, one t each and John Cq erxne'tt.d! th'e.sec, game's scoring at 17;24 when r , - 1 Ire* ap e sources of non blit funds ac-, s 29 seloonds, Clinton ended �th1r 'Sart. goal; . • cwmulfte& on. the station from .?nig. and from his brother, Bruce at they scored their pslythies dor � ,,. � � �'. profits dex?ive r,�, from Owen Sod qd Leads f ,�, y . ,; a number' Owen -Sound scored 'another the night with, :Don' Yeo sitting . ���w.��s .ter � ,.�. �. � . , L .�,�..<. c r� of various outlets, The Visitors• opened the scor- at :2;08, making the score 9-4 out the finial minute and two. • ng for the second period. right in, ttheir futile effort, Clinton's seconds ;Cor 'ho'lding, Throws First Stone The first rbonspiel of the sea, ' the fiat and moved out in Don ea Was' sent to the en- Main painrt:gettez�s fox' rt7te Wizig Commander ""Lew" J, The is shown. - Staltion Clinton rink. Warrant Officer J, C. Reid son will be field on �atuxday. in 'the above ho Jan. 9, when teanis made up of front 3-2 at the 121seconKl Juralior Co'its were John Cooper to throwing the first stone to is ready to sweep while dight Sergeants J, R. mark. They managed to holdwitli three goals and five assists officially open the 1965 curling season at the RCAF, Brpchu and N. A. Servos stand by, civillans and service personnel this lead over three p -nut- Change Dates For while. Bruce Cooped.` scored one (RCAF Photo) from. the station will take apart es, but: Laurie Colquhoun'd'en't Industrial League goal and assisted on six others, _ __ In an inter�seotion b'ontspiel, ed t4lxe bWines n?na5sted at 3;54 A 'fatal of 16 penalties YataXl'ing Industrial. League Iiackey last d Randy Glew, moved the 46 minutes were handed out by ■ ognetxiwne2�s "akieiad a MoirdaY Saw the' Hydro 'and the nliriute the referees over the 60:mrizriute %"�dical . Missionar y scape., ► Teachers move out in. fmot of �p later With helm from Dear 'Reid. , rcums'.e, #lac league by wsruuxig their and Bob Batikui, From this games. The Hydra' downed the Point on, the Jum2lo'z' Colts never (Continued on rage Seven) 0dveriiment troops and'the reb- feed like one. There are mns- produces a constant supply of Ba17t{els G-4 Wye the Taaah- Workers, fall, who were . 'g back to A „Nat!o ai Liberadtion, Army". sianarnes' wl?'o *hays been cit bandanas, pineapples, manix�c lcacgd balk, errs blans'ted. the Mainstreeters Hap Two Mihutes later, Liver- p • their rni'ssion hosPkW In the We do feel the 'poor govern- here 25 ears and say they shill and wild animals. Most every - 9 -3, nbxithern part .of . y more scored again, ass'is'ted by Because of the Junhor garde i Conga. Talk- merit in iris transportation Sys- clb holt really 'und�ei�staxid the one has a. garden and. grows John Cope , and two minutes Hold Meeting ing O'them sold me on the idea tem, Poorly kept roads; ermtdc people. One must remember corn and peanuts. Some of the after' dd kilt, Jurilior Colt defence- next Monday night, the Indus- of going. and arbv trial League'.. Schedule will be • I 'tmax�y Police Powers and, that anany of the Cong'oles'e in mein wank for others, The nuns mazy, Don Yea, 'panted. another, At Joe Gibson s "Two dayts, before I was to galloping inflation. The wall this area ,are one generation mum wage is about 15 cent's a retarded by one weak, This leave (April 27), Iii eeived a from homae may come once a oust of their former way of life, dray, means nlralt on January 18, the The Christmas meeting of restage saying that Dr. 'War- week, once n morAh, .or not at for the Ubangi only started o Three Home Games Hydro will play the Mainsrtreet- g To Be Continued Next Week) . in, the first game faliowed the Happy Workers ,Club was ren Berggrent Was Close to death a'13. open up do 1930. – •tIn on lois "Wasolo is .a mission station "The vast 'majority of our For Junior Colts by rthe Teaoheuys and tliie Bank- M - • proceed and ho;�Wal of the Evangelical Patient popul'artlon can neit'heRArnoldhe Clinton.Junior callus ers at 9:15. ilei home but z was to Al Dale held at a home • of . rs, Joe Gnbson on Decexiiber 15 wdth , . a an was hockey team play three home 11 members and one visitor pre as before and hvs goad friend Covenant Church of America. rem liar write. Same of the - `-- sent. The meeting opened with rnd wl eaigue, Dr. Pawl Carl- It's in the Ubangi Province on young bays and a few girls go • games this week, the first one the Ode and the Lord's Prayer. son, Cdr Invited me, sight un- the northern `border of to the C tonight (Thursday) when they 1OOF Bowling Y , ,grade school we have New Chairman g :Several Christmas corals were seen, drq scone to Was�alb, a s5uri- about 800 miles from Leopold- .erre, and perhaps 10 percent o clash with Listowel in the Lions Pts. 9=9,ilial hospiital under the same vWe, th by northeast, as the them go on; to high school far A �ral Asoma here. Rall call was answered and -mission board. crow �s. to the west.' The people have t St., Joseph The newt gaane will :b'e S'at- Florence Nightingales 70 I stayed in I.ea oldvGdle, the „ P � n' the 'treasurer's t was, xv a1' p little or no understanding of :umday r.!iight against ]?a=isley and Try H'ards ................. .. 64 r g - � city of Congo, for a Wle fienv 'to Gemma, capital sa:niltraitian, contagious Arnarld Dale, Clinton, has + On followed b the business. capital oil of the Ubangi Province and g' us disease, the third Sound o will. be against Ha�7lanlds Sitters is ... 63 y week whale Dr. Carlson trued to been elected chairman df the Owen Sound an Monday, Jana- Haro>Yd's Hitters 46 'rel money ills collected and hook a truck fa�orri there to or the functions of the body. , buy 'drugs and supplies'. St. Josephs Separate School Bob'.s Beatles 40 the lucky draw was word by WaSalo plias Last leg of the "When rthey ,have a pain in cry 11. .....'....'. `.. Mrs. H � "I'm sure all visitors to Con- board for the forthcoming year. 'Ithe Nlondapr glome .against Lucky Strikes 36 enry Rlarver. The ladies trip was ,the most difficult; 250 their chest or abdomen they gra for the first time are a blit Other members of the board Owen Soured weals originally Fran Red Notts .....,,..•., 30. doWed to make a 'donation to miles over the roughest :roads talk about a nyanra (aruinlal) surpanrsed at the new modern include Mac LeBeau Patxrirck scheduled to be played in Owen l'ea's Iaarrnbs `.. 23 +the. TB funyl, An election of �f- I ve btrer 'seem• inside, and in a sense they're ' bu'ildin'gs one sees in the capital Clare noxi, Edward ]± lox+h eo Sound, ,but It was decided to High single, ladies, Gerry ficers for the upcoming term The Ubangi Province as one right, for many fumes It is an cirri. There are traffic lights, Clarence McNiciial and Theo was hetld. of the least developed and pro- -animal of sorts though a tin change thelocale to Clinton al- Harris 267; men, Ball Harris, „ double lane rboulev+ards and g y Flynn. W. R. Corbett was ap- though -the game is still can- 297; lukh triple, ladies, 'Gerry Names were drawn for sec- bably the poorest in the Conga. one. ret els„ large stores. Later I was to „ pointed asrepresentative of the sider'ed as, a home 'game for the Harris. 729; men, Murray Tay- p and ChrIsImas' gifts We went by great areas, of land They often hurt everywhere Bind that n of the traffic where tthere is nothing lint for- you 'touc'h dbesm: not because 'second to the, l Bo al Huron were exchanged. The meeting lights didri`'t Work, that the „ . „ Secondary Schaal Board, Owen Sound team. for -712, ' c1 d • 'th ' � r Mrs ,An est h'e'ad-hligrki sobs. Mass and 'the rea1;I hurt there-• 't st AT ,.AN'STETT JEWELLERS LTD.. WNTON PHONE 4829525 SALE OF o FLOWER • ARRANGEMENTS Brigh+ein alp Your Home Wi+h Artifidial Flowers. Assorted^ Flowers or Vines .In Rustic. Antique or White Containers. Reg.$7.95 - SALE 40.'95 g Reg. SALE&339 Reg,, 35 SALES2.60 $ sr� $2.252.95 SALE Reg. SALE$1.29 Re $1.75 SALE -19 Regi.31.19 MeEwan'' ase w1 a pxaye . drew Croner 'conducted an dn- streets between. the modern boulevards' dirt roads giant ant h6dds• We traveled s �u that they want is convince you Meeting chairnvari Rev. S. E. g ' McGuire, terestting demn:'anstratiorr follow- were and that the stores' were ern'pty. , across three :maj'gr tribal areas. �tiiey,h�avev anpasi Inulgi nrpenl7, suggested that a nom In ting committee be appointed ed by lnixndh, served by the hos- There was a tension that "Each tribe has its own lang- than i5, they're really sick. Thtis, each Ootaber with the purpose tess ° one could feel -- not just be- ua„ge and customs. Con-anunica- Bion between tribes is done in a con�;bined with the fact th+at I , dont know Lin'gela well and of selecting prospective mem- Name tween whites and blacks but between the Africans thein- trade language called Lingala, which is used thmaugli'out a that the people have little, op- preciat4on of time, results in a bers for the mhoal board. ° hl � o s selves, for the city waspacked isterial Association this year is sponsoring two meetings to ' ' ariri'wal congre'gatdonal meet, - l�ng »' �� 5 Board with refugees and txam'lenl s Barn outlying provinces and great pert of the Congo: (The Bible hags been translated into Lingala,.) Thus language complete medical history of several worcis: something like:. „ COMING EVENTS t�j It will be preceded b a pat fuck supper served by the ns' the Pain in the abdomen anywhere The first -meertsing took the i from Angola, the country to, the I'm learning and the language from three days to! two weeks:" the lxi all up aria come Two Members south.- .. political situation is hat most of the muissionaries use "There is love be- "My poor Lingala accasionn'7 � ly into Thursday, Jan: 7 a BINGO in Clinton Legion Hall, Kirk V�The 'Mrs. Leroy ]?oth of Bayfield good, The Government seems to survive from week to week. no great tween the tribes butneithertis gems me same unusual situations, Once I a'ske'd a St., at 8:30 p.m. — 15 regular games for $5; 1 game for $25 this week became the only wo- Where we are is a.lessstrYategdc there warfare. The Mombandis in the Wasvlo Area are, gen- young man' to give birth. to a child when I really only wanted letters L and T Bingos apply on the $25 game; 3 share -the - man man named' to the board •g�'f- Cendn�al Huron Secondary at the moment and we are not feeling the small wars' go- ovally speaking, a fx+errdly him to get dhta the ea-ack, For-' wealth games; jackpot $55 in 55 School.* mg on in the south between the people, "To tunartely he thought in was numbers. Admission 50c. Her appointment to the 15- member boax+d was announced thus favi �xnd their �paren,ts with the cbUrseus available at CHSS get a general idea of the ms problewe have at the h°spi- funny. 'The people axepoor but use.- Friday, Jan. 8—Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Roger _ by L• • R. Maloney of Bay George Cantelon tal I should try to explain a ally have enough, to eat during Judy Craig) Zurch Community the business 'admirnistrator far the Ontario Street UCW little bit more about the people. the welt season, for the land is Hall. Ladies please bring lunch. board. . _; If I'm sounding like an expert potentially rich, and though 1x Mrs, Path is also the first Appointed To it is certainly not because I now ahnost totally undeveloped Saturday, party y, Jan. 9 --Card art the courses available W� be representative from Bayfield ClfilWn; Mr. J. G• BurntioWs r in O range 8:30 p.m. Spon - which was incorporated as a Stanie Board NEWS OF BDUCEFIELD ria, e ' village Jan. 1. ��++ Y'`" The schedule for Open. Muse .welcome. lb Other changers on, the 1965 George Cantelxin' of RR 1., begift at 9:15 am. and conclude Tuesday, Jan. 12 —BINGO y, board' include the appointment Clinton, has been appoinrtecl rbhe Mins Wench Boughan of Smith, B4'uevade; Mr. and Mrs. at Huron Fish & Game Club. of 'Donald' Young; as the repre- fifth Stanley Township school Tmnton, spent the Christmas George Griffith and family, of Jackpot $56.00 in 56 numbers sentartive f* Blyth, replacing araa hnarA� 4maY,� bywholidtivs wiroh• herfriend, Bar-Strtford', and Mm, 'line Mrs.Six door prizes. 8.30 p.m, , Raymond 'a ' , an a �- pairvtxnernt of W. R. Cox+bett as representative fear St. Josephs Separate School of Clinton.Municipal,Board Mr. Corbett succeeds Flight Lieutenant Michael Jens Ings ell - srltap clerk Mel Grahaun, The appointment followed a combined ruling by the Ontario and the Dep- artmentt of Education after the Dec, 7 election Which ruled in -force. barn Swan, Mr. . and MTs.' George Mc- Cuila and daughter Heather, of Breslau; Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Gordon Elliott spent New � Year's with Mrs. H. Berry: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hunt have moved -to Woodstock, Mr. Hunt having joined the police ' c who wilds pasted to Ottawa from eligible two members elected Hold MeetingsMr. James McDonald spent RCAF Station Clinton last June. fx'oan Bayfield.. Cleave, Bruce 1Keyes and John Chrtisltmas in Obtawa• ° — The Bayfield men --- Merton For Prayer Weed Mrs: :Bruce Menerey, Bey- field, visited few days �t Junior Farmers 1Vierner and Jack Sturgeon were „ Gest ah HFC ' a with ruled ineligible since the Janu- The Clinton and District Min- eia'te U in the village. The United Church will hold • c•. Choir ����� To ary I incorporation of Bayfield as a village which would only isterial Association this year is sponsoring two meetings to ' ' ariri'wal congre'gatdonal meet, - l�ng »' e1� be allowed one r resenrtative marls the UniversFad Week Of ung on Wednesday evening, Jan. 1.3, y At T®�®Alt® Meet the sChoo'l board. Prayer, ,January 3 to 8, It will be preceded b a pat fuck supper served by the ent - g ton B rust Church Mr. CantdOn was rummer -up The first -meertsing took the ltadies of rth h The first public appearance in the election. Mr. Meaner . sede to represent farm, a! a worship service in Clinton Baptist Church • last e The executive of the United of ithe Huron 'County Junior i Farmer Choir will, be on Jan- he board, other Bayfiewasld 4n the zireanbe of which are James ,= o Sunday not when Rev, R. W. Wenkvaxh Sit. P'auI's Anrghcan Church Women meet e Monday onlay afrtei�xroon at this t`veelc at the i Pay��� ��� bills � � now! soli 9 at the King Edward Cleave, Bruce 1Keyes and John of , Church was tare speaker. home of Mrs. Robert Taylor to a Hotel, Toronto, in conjunction with tiro Toronto Conference of Taylor. _ The mebtdng oh Friday, Jan - plan the Work for the Coming year. ° „ Gest ah HFC ' the Junior Farmers' Association u� 8, at 7:30 p•m. in Wesley- o _ off Ontario. Members of the CHSS Courses pest d to bellis dsonnhurch etrvhat 'diff t= panel Discussion Bill Payer Loan adies1Tri and Mf de Quaar- rtet corn etitons. Choir leader J. . To Be Outlined ent - g ton B rust Church •them On Education Got bilis you just can't meet? y J Gather is' Mr. G, Burrows, Exeter. oleo • p the lxi all up aria come Miss Rbba. Dong, Seafotith will represent the Country un At Open Houses the meeting with Informal re- ma'r'ks irdended ,o Provoke and .. r In Brucefield to HFA for the .money you the Public Speaking Comnperti- stiniulatte the congregation to . need to pay, them. Then you 'bran, d An Open House will be held discussion. The Bru'eefie+ld church, hall call drop your bill problems To Stage Conference A, conference has been plan- at Ceri,�tral Huron Se�coaret�ary gehooil. to arquairit students In small groups, those tubtenrt- .. ing gill have the opportunity vi„illl be itlie Scene of a panel discussion on educatiori next In the nearest inailb47t and , nett tai; I)uiroh Counit Junior Y who well be entering the sctibol raise and discuss rthc quer- Wednescl eve ' are' hung eon mens» . repay HFG conveniently. k�rmler and Senior 4-H meaxi= bels to be hold January 16 in thus favi �xnd their �paren,ts with the cbUrseus available at CHSS tions and problems VSnhiClx are of Interest aria c6h'�Cati tothem, . uNg at 9:OQ pan. The panel tNili oorvst Of Ms1s, G. Swats, -' See Household emod"I MONTHLY PAYMENt PLANS qp the Central Huxorn SeCbndary , to students o6 the arae, 4 o _ a rpublic school teacher and i ss ao -sb_ . is. riOW OrrbW With LQAN months Months mentltx mo th6 School. Theme of the County The program will consist of Ontario Street UCW parentY- M§9 A. Co'mder, a Cort>Ydeiyce: $100 $,:., $..... $ 6,.12 $ 9.46 Conferende 'wale be "Youth gulde'd tours of the school aria . _; Grade III student at Cebirhl 550 ,:.. 28,78 82,86 61.24 ,� t..00l�s A,t Itself". The day' will d,Yn rau'ditorlum progrrarn� at Wh3;ch D�11�' 11IVo Meeting I�ittrorr Secondary Sohorrl dri ..760 , , :. , ' 81.66G 44,18 69,21 -_ 1000 41.4 68.11 91.66 eori d,qt of speeches, panel dis= the courses available W� be Ob16Wio Street United Church ClfilWn; Mr. J. G• BurntioWs r ... 1600 60,$8 68.81 94,11 146.52 r n eussi'bnS d recreation. outlined. d _ V Unit i CSV tJVVb lief ;in the u�l,ie 5'chob l ins' pe'otar, Mrs. K 94 i AS A9oUT CREDIT 2200 83.71 ,62 29.41 241.46 . The, prug�ftM us Scheduled to The schedule for Open. Muse chure�h parlote Tuesd After. � Whet'ham, ,guidance counsellor 1, k 1NWRANCt oN �LdAN3 25 ) 96.12 x07.52 147.05 228.98 begift at 9:15 am. and conclude n�i�ig�yh�rt,`s�,, lot local stu.&hts, is ds ftbh, Mxs. A. Lawson .pre8I& tilt CIHSS; 'and Mr, A, Md�inley, AT LOW GRoup RATES anove'pay�nonts Includa.awgxrpa.1 shy raiorost ane ar+ 6a3ed on prompt Fapaymon , 6ui do hat Include the c6r< of at. 8.80 p ,m, 1LLML1v.WU: in g �y �+, , r rfb''en't1n S'ta>*nl :CO�%ris'h'1 il(flnf�ifahCb. Annual ;Leaders' Meetllt(; ph _ Huron County 41t Agrr- Thursday, Jenuary 14­M�rx'z'as Twp, T Collett `Cup., Daet Wtty Annual reports were receiv et1;, Mrs. M, Wiltse had charge it ds 'hoped that a, represee .tam rive of TuclteksnAth Township' ; �� � � � � cultural Club Leaders A.ssocia- ivlahbsh Twp.', Dlyth, Calvin of the study book on trazil, Will be ptfteeil t to Coa`np, 16W *6 Von will., meat at the entatic Clirist+i`an SciaaolC . asSisited by Mts, A. J. McMut- pahbl: _ - - - - . DeprartAne"t of A.gri'cU1Wk#, Tuesday', Jaruuary 19 -.. SbaYi- ray and Miss, L, rotest,, lVtrs. A, irtie b'abY'-shtC g seMte Minton 'on �'rm 1 t �. 00 ".Iv"' t 4f&t Isat 7 ',Title ers k nn> `1}`v�'I} r � '$ dt �ws Contributed, a5 bears t�fere a,xri. arfi., election f At I . $ay dela, CA)+'" Station Clin- il.'YLU'LtA (�a Uft, Y.' Y ti aid , whsh itng to itA 3A' West St►eet--��elep�kb�ti 2 -73 sal,lowarf dfificexs dna a noon erg plems rtoit ,... eomltjr{ibute p n{ soxri a Waai1 b tor the 9fi5 Club � roam WDI 'f`iiuilsclay, �alrilually 21--4-X1;6&' A p�dt �'ticlt 7tltich Was 8biV- .,,, . ..... ,...._ this service is Askoa * Laanttact (affoV* the 519h4i 5i6rS , _ . _ h n+„�;�;..;,o �•.r-..,�:.: .�s, _