HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1965-01-07, Page 5Mr. and Mrs. Ranson of Auburn
Mark Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mayfield Council Inaugurated
Harrison, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bourdeau, Rev. A. G.
Pease, Rev. )3. H. Eaton and Rev. D. Fry. Stand-
ing, centre, is Bayfield's reeve, Brig. ,F. A. CUlt.
Councillors around the table (clockwise) are: Joseph
Allaire, Frank McFadden,, Edward Odclieifson and
Jack Sturgeon. (News-Record photo by John V isser)
The Village of Bayfield's first council in 39
years was inaugurated Monday night at a meeting
hi the town hall. Present on the occasion were
five area clergymen who offered their prayers for
the success of -the new council. The clergymen in
the aboVe photo, from the left are: Rev. E. J.
Friends in the comsnunity
presented the couple' with a
large mirror and a walnut pole
lamp with gold. trim. Mrs. Brad-
neck spoke briefly to the couple
and Mrs. 'Robert J. Phillips
made -the presentation.
AlicHAmBAuLT — In Clinton
Public Hospital on Monday,
January 4, 1965, to Mr. and
Mrs, Leonard Archambeidt,
RR 1, Auburn, a daughter.
DYER—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Monday, January 4,
1965, 'to Cpl. and Mrs. Donald
Dyer, 229 James Street, Clin-
ton, a son.
FREEMAN—In Clinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday, Jan-
uary 6, 1965, to Mr. and Mris.
Joe Freeman, RR 1, Londes-
borio, a daughter.
MACAULAY — In Sarnia Gen-
eral Hospital on Wednesday,
December 30, 1964, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Macaulay
(nee Helen Shaddick) a dau-
ghter, Judith Ann.
McCLYMONT — In Brantford
General Hospital on Tuesday,
January 5, 1965, to Mr, and
Mrs. Robert 1VIcClymont, Bur-
ford, a son, Michael Darren,
Thurs., Jan, 7, 96 ,-.41intoiti Mows-Rqcord---Paoe •
Local ospitai Auxilfary
Names Executive For 6 5
Great-West Life
announces the opening of a district office in
under the management of GARY G. COOPER
The Great-West Life Assurance Company has
expanded its ,sa Ies'operations in southern Ontario
With the opening of a district office in Stratford
and has announced the appointment of Gary G.
Cooper as District Manager of the new office
Mr. Cooper joined Great-West Life as a repre-
sentative of its London Branch with his office
in Clinton in 1960. He held that post until his
present appointment in Stratford. In his new
position, Mr. Cooper will continue to be associat-
ed with D. Campbell Scott, CLU., Manager of
the Company's London branch. He will also con-
tinue to serve his present policyholders and will
make hit counsel available to new clients.
GARY G. COOPER, District Manager
121 Ontario Street, Stratford
Telephone: 271-0330
Great-lest Life.
Gary G. Cooper
Great-West Life is a reCognized leader in personal and group life and health
inturance,and annuities, with branch offices stretching coast-to-coast across
Canada and the United States, The new office in Stratford will continue
to trtalZe these services directly available to the people of Stratford and
surrounding area.
K. C. Cooke
Dial 482-7012, Clinton
and Mrs. William S.
Johnston and Kerry of Toronto,
spent the Christmas holidays
with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey McCartney, RR 2,
New Years gue'st's at the
home of Mrs, Frank Lobb were;
Mrs, B. W. Young, Paul and
Peter, of Oakville; Mr. and Mrs.
Derrald Ferxtn, Patricia and
Douglas, of Stratford; Mrs.
Vera Wilson of Sarnia and Miss
Sadie Lovett of Clinton.
W. E. O'Neil of 65 Princess
Street West returned to Clinton
this week after a visit in Dart-
mouth, N,S., with his daugh-
ter, Peggy, her husband, C. B.
Hutchinson, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cummings,
of Two Mountains, Quebec, sp-
ent their Christmas vacation
with his parents, Mr. and IUDs.
Frank Cummings, Mary Street.
Roger Cummings, Georgetown,
also spent his holidays at "the
home of his parents last week-
Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes spent '
the holidays with her eon-.in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Carnegie and family of Lon-
don, also 'attending her grand-
daughter's wedding, Miss. Car-
olyn 'Carnegie, on December
26th, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cun-
inghame have returned' from an
extended Yuletide visit in Tor-
onto 'where they were guests
in the new home of their daugh-
ter •acrd son-in-law, Professor
and Mrs. T. E. Hull.
Group 1
20% Off
Group 2—
One-Third Off
Group 3,--
One.Half Off
Christian Reformed
Rev. G. J. Heersink, Minister
Sunday, January 10
10.00 a.m.—Service in English'
2:30 pm—Service in Dutch
Evwy Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial
680 OM 0, St. Thomas. Listen
to' Back to God Hour."
$50.00 costs only
23c till pay day.
Phone 482-3486
Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT.
& Service
January Clearance
SALE . . . of
Christmas Cards - Gift Wrap
Togs - Seals - Decorations
Christmas Candies
At 1/2 Price
The New Way To Take Cough
24 CapsOies $1.69
SALE%--- 10 bays Only
January 14 to 23
Watch Por Hand Built IC Mail
OTIO inten, Mario
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson
Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
AUBURN-L-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson of
Goderich Street held an at home last week for
their . friends, relatives and neighbors on the oc-
casion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Area Councils Sworn Into Office
At Inaugurai Municipal Meetings
Shopping Begins in the Pages
9f This Newspaper
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
(Baptist. Federation of Canada) --
pastor; cr.4151 Pqtors,
Sunday, January 10
10;00 aars—Suaday School
11;15 A,41,--41.0.11341y Worship
7;30 Sttidy Iour
Fri., .Jan, -8--gernanMity Week of Prayer Service at
United Church
Mena Jan. 11 — $;00 p.m.—Mert's Brotherhood.
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday, January 10
9:45 a.m.—.Sunday School
11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship
2:0Q p.m.—Church Service
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
Pniteb alTurclito
Sunday, January 10
Subject :"The Christian Common Sense View of the Bible"
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Church Service
1:00 p,m.—Church Service
2:00 p.m.—Sunday School
Clinton Churches Week of Prayer Services
Fri., Jan. 8-7:30 p.m.—Wesley-Willis 'United Church
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M.„ Organist
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
7:(30 p.m.—AYPA
Wed., Jan. 13—Friendship Guild Pot Luck Supper, 6:30
p.m. Each member bring a guest.
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, January 10
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
10:45 a.m.—Public Worship
Maple Street
Sunday, January 10
9.45 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School
8:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Speaker, Mr. Fred Murmings
Tuesday-8 p.m.—Prayer Meet-
ing and Bible Study.
All Welcome
Joseph Street.
11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service
8.00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer
' Meeting and Bible
A prayer of dedication was
given by .Rev. B, H. Eaton of
B'ayfield-'Baptist Church and a
prayer of guidance was offered
by Rest. D.' Fry of Seaforth and
Bayfield Presbyterian Church.
See OMB Order
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison of
Trinity A/tell-oars Church, Bay-
field, asked the benediction and
led all present in the- Lord's
Reeve Clift thanked the
clergy for their prayers 'and for
attending the meeting, and in-
troduced the four councillors.
Also introduced and welcomed
to the meeting were Ernest Tel-
bat, Reeve of Stanley Town-
ship 'an'd Grant Stirling, Reeve
of Goderich Township.
Reeve Clift showed those at-
tending the Ontario Municipal
Board order for the incorpora-
tion of the village and said an
error in the deliniatio,n, of the
aorthern boundary in the or-
der was being corrected.
Plan Full Report
He thanked Goderich Town-
ship officials for assistance in
rectifying the error and said
Bayfield council in the near
future' would publish in local
newspapers a map showing the
corrected boundaries and how
they correspond With the Police
Village boundaries prior 'to in-
Reeve Chit said a detailed
and exact statement of Bay-
field's assets and liabilities
would be made public as soon
as a report can be obtained
from an auditor.
Councillor McFadden read an
excerpt from the minutes of a
Bayfield council meeting held
May 16, 1927 in Which J. H.
Parker moved—and J. McLeod
seconded—"that the council ad-
journ forever, or at the recall
of 'the reeve."
Set Meeting Dates
The councillors spoke briefly
on their future plans and thank-
ed the ratepayers for their sup-
The first item of business was
a motion to advertise the post
of clerk-treasurer, c.arried
-secondly it was- ' moved that
council meetings be held on the
first and third Mondays of each
month, carried,
A' third motion was made
that the present constable and
roads superintendent, John
Lindsay, and the assessor,
Lloyd Makins, be 'asked to re-
tain their respective position's
during 1965, carried.
Trustee To CHSS
It was then pointed coal; -that
council Would appoint a trustee
to the Board of CHSS.
Calling for suggestions from
the- flew% the reeve and coun-
cillors were asked by Merton
Merner to consider a request
that the village hall be made
available for Weekly meetings
of Scouts and Brownies due to
a lack of space in the United
Church basement.
Mr. Mernerssaid he had con-
tacted Group Committee mem-
bers and obtained their consent
to the request, with the eXcep-
tion of Brig. Clift who was
excepted in order that council
would not 'be embarrassed by
an opinion of one of their num-
'Councillor J. Allaire moved
and 'Couns r. Sturgeon seconded
a motion that the use of the.
hall by the Sepias 'and. Browh-
leS be authored subject to
mtittial agreement as to time,
dates, eta, carried. A further
requeSt by Mr, lVferner that a
"closed" road be made available
for 'tabogganing was reteived
for consideration by a corn-
'ilhe meeting closed with the
singing of "nod Save the
Otteert". After whith the coun-
cil Mat in elesed session to int-
sigh committee dtitiet,
,Clasilfied Ads.
Bring Results
menbers for 1965 recommend-
e0 by the PX.Xn411.401-ig PQn•imi.t,
tee 'included;
Immediate past-.president,, Mrs.
C. M. Sneering; First
president, Mrs, Robert Homuth;
Second Vice-president, Mrs. R.
U. MacLean; Secretary, Mrs.
John ,Cochrane; 'Treasurer, Mrs.
McKiel; :Press secretary,
Mrs, Doug Bartliff;
Sewing convener, Mrs, Doug
Dail; purchasing,, Mrs. N. C.
Lawson; membership, Mrs, Alex
Addison; social convener, Mrs.
E. B, Menzies; tag day, Mrs:
Alex Haddy; auxiliary cart,
Mrs. 0. Engelstacl, and co-con,
vener, Mrs. Don Palmer; penny
sale, _can-conveners, Mrs.. Alex
Addison and Mrs, R. U. Mac,
Mrs. Wood thanked memb-
ers for their support during her
first year in office, commenting
that she had, spent most of her
first year getting to know the
ropes of the organization. The
president urged members to re-
member "we're all in the same
boat", and co-operation was es-
sential in reaching the goals
set by the auxiliary.
Cards, of thanks were read
during the business session and
social convener Mrs. E. B.
Menzies announced the lunch
which followed the meeting was
courtesy of -Mrs. Don Palmer.
Members of the auxiliary
agreed to write a letter to Mrs.
Oliver Ball, president of Region
2, 'of which Clinton is a pert.
Mrs, Ball was one of a num-
ber of delegates to a convention
who were injured in a car, crash
near Listowei last month.
Mrs. Ball reportedly has been
discharged from hospital, but
will be reel-aired to wear a cast
from her voin to her toes for
10 months.
Various annual reports were
given by committee chairmen,
including one by Mrs. Duff
Thompson 'regarding the opera-
tion of the hospital cart. dur-
ing 1964.
Mrs. Thompson said members
'the hospital ladies' auxiliary
had taken turns' during the year
pushing the cart through the
hospital on Tuesday and Fri-
day afternoons.
She said the following .groups
assisted: The Madeleine , Lane
Auxiliary, Clinton Legion Lad-
ies' Auxiliary, Clinton Women's
Institute, the RCAF Women's
Auxiliary, St. Paul's Friendship
Club, Varna UCW,, SS No. 4
Community. Club, Clinton' Girl
Guides, Roman Catholic Wo-
men's League, UCW of Bruce-
field, Clinton Kinettes and Re-
bekah. Lodge.
During the year $797.33 was
realized from the annual Penny
Sale; vanishing parties raised
$392.50 and Tag Day raised
Mrs. C. M. Shearing report-
ed that Catherine Wallis of
Madeleine Lane Aux.
The January meeting of the
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch-
urch will be held on Tuesday
evening, January 12th at the
home of Mrs. Frank Match, 112
Joseph St. at 8:15 p.m,
Their home was decorated
with 'bouquets of golden roses
and pots of golden chrysanthe-
mums and guests were wel-
comed by their son, Murray, of
. More than 100 friends called
to congnaltularte the couple and
more than 900 ea/NE were re-
ceived from friends and rel-
atives who were unable to at-
tend the reception.
Tea was served -by Miss Mary
Houston of Hamilton; Miss
Frances Houston of London;
Mrs. Thomas Lawlor of It R 6
Goderich; Mrs. Donald Haines
of R R 6 Goderich and Mrs.
Wes Brad/rock of Auburn.
(Continued from, Page One)
by taking. steps to secure them-
selves a pay increase.
Clerk-treasurer Barl 'Camp-
bell was instructed to prepare
$4 Per Meeting
The proposed bylaw wonIcl
raise the reeve's salary from
$200 to $250, and councillors
would be paid $200 instead of
at the present rate of $150 per
year. Members of council would
also be paid $4 for every spec-
ial meeting they attended, but
$4 would also he deducted for
each meeting they failed to at-
Councillors at Hensall are
John Baker, Harold Knight,
Mrs. Minnie Noakes and Jack
Lavender. Mr. Lavender is the
only newcomer. He was • ap-
pointed to fill a vacancy caused
When* -former, councillor Fred
Broadley was transferred by his
company -to Marlette, Mich.
In other business' at Hensall,
'Marl Campbell was -hired again
for 1965 as 'clerk-treasurer, as-
sessor and tax collector at a
salary of $2,550. E. R. Davis
was hired as police officer and
utility man at an annual salary
of $4,000: ,
In By Acclamation
At Auburn, the incumbent
trustees of the police village
were returned byacclamation.
They are: Bert Craig, Ralph
Munro and William J. Craig.
Clinton has a new mayor,
reeve, deputy-reeve, and four
new councillors. The new .coun-.
cil members are James Arm-
strong, Cameron Proctor, John
McFarlane and Gordon Law-
Son. George Wands is the new
At Bayfield, Brig. F. A, Clift
was elected by acclamation,
and councillors. are: Joseph Al-
laire,, Jack Sturgeon, Edward
OcklIelfeort ,and Frank McFad-
den, who fornierly was, a trus-
tee of the police village.
• 'Offer Prayers •
At the Bayfield meeting Mon-
day night, Reeve Clift asked
members of the clergy from vil-
lage churches to conduct a
short devotional period.
An invocation was offered by
Rev. A. G. Pease of St. And-
rew'a United Church. Rt. Rev.
Monsignor Bourdeart of St. Jo-
seph's Church 'and The Church
of (the English Martyrs, Bay-
field, read a passage from the
Ontario Street UCW
Unit .three of Ontario Street
UCW wi.il. meet on Monday
evening, January 11th, at 8:30
p.m. Members who wish to con-
tribute a gift for a sunshine
box for Mrs. Kernpstost are ad-
vised to bring their gifts to
this meeting.
Mrs, lc.. a W90, was m447410 to ..office as
president of the Clinton Tipspit41. Ladies!
Auxiliary art the ,annual ixieetipg held rrne$dAy night
in, the Nurses' Residence, Tier term : 19Q5 Will be
'the seePrifi. of .a .tiiirD7Y-0'ar .term.,
Other auxiliary executive ,13.1wrie.1.0, had been .chosen from five PavIrcapit4 g Winner of the
.41.144.4 Ladies AwciAaw .1,47..-
aM and -currently was. in #04,
big at at, Tbootst%
V40.151kkg .Forbes,
Mrs. Wood toad members a
new hospital cart was being
Made, and -should be ready for
-PPNVIIIPn in several
Moinbert$ were requeoted. to •
give some ithciuglit to a name
to be used on the cart.
Members. agreed to hold a
series of vianish'ing parties dur-
ing the year with simple lun-
cheon to be served by the hos-
Following 'the meeting lunch •
Was served, „.0