Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-24, Page 12BOWLING SCORES
' W L HT Pts.
Scatter Pins 22 8 7 51
Untouchables 18 12 7 44
Raiders 18 12 5 41
Hecklers 17 • 13 6 40
Shur Shots' 14 16 5 34
Misfits' 11 19 4 26
Alley Cats •.„ 11 19 3 25
Boos Boos 9 21 3 21
High single, ladies, Erma
Hartley 331; men, Howie Grea-
lis 330; high triple, ladies,
Nancy MacDonald 763; men,
Jim Armstrong 865; high aver-
age, ladies, Nancy MacD.onald
219; men, Jim Armstrong 248.
W L HT Pts.
Chevs 21 10 10 52
Olivers 18 15 7 43
MFS 16 17 3 35
Fords 9 21 2 20
High single, B, Saundercoek
356; high triple, Jack Arm-
strong 834; high average, Jack
Armstrong 234.
W L IIT Pts.
Team No. 2 12 8 6 30
Team No. 3 11 9 5 27
Team No. 1 10 10 5 25
Team No. 4 7 13 4 18
High single, Jahn Cooper 373;
high double, John Cooper 630;
high average, John, Cooper 231.
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Radio and Television
By resolution of Council, I hereby proclaim a
Saturday, December 26th, 1964
and call upon all citizens to observe it as such.
Town of Clinton,
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Thank you
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Walter Baird
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer
482-9321 CLINTON
Page 12 Clinton :News-Record Dec. 24, 1964
Clinton Bantams To Play Tonight
Social, SO Not SePlabliel
There is little use an C0417,•
pllaining 0o41-, the tigers of
putting up -my tree, the horrors
of trying to find a present for
My wife, the abyss oaf debt into
whichPM plunging.. I knew
hew much sympathy I'd get.
We're all in the same boat,
But with the holiday 'season
corning pp, :accompanied by its.
usual parties, T thought it
might begood'time fer yew.
friendly old uncle Bill to pause
and estarnine that phenomenon
of the second half of 'the 20th
century-Social Pria,10hg.,
Social Drinking is one of
those beautifully vague terms
we're so fond of these days.
They cover a multitude of sins,
and yet, somehow, they sound
It's like "Neurotic". The lady
Who is as nutty as a fruitcake
will inform . you With, some
pride, "I'm terribly neurotic,
you know." Fifty years age, she
wouldn't have announced so
freely that she was batty
Social drinking is similar.
The fellow who is so hung-
over the blood is running out
his eyes, will tell you, "I'm
strictly a Social. Drinker,"
Everytime I hear the • term
Social Drinking, I utter a
couple of short, barking laughs.
Social Drinking is just an ex-
cuse for getting plastered in
public, instead of quietly and
decently at home, or out behind
the barn.
Social Drinking and - the
Cocktail Party go hand in hand
A Cocktail Party is any gather-
ing , of SoCial Drinkers, slopping
free liquor into empty stomachs
at a rate which suggests pro-
hibition is about to become law
within the hour. They make a
gesture toward the social end of
it by eating a cracker, with a
dead sardine on it, with every
fifth drink,
Don't confuse sociable drink-
ing with Social Drinking. Socia-
ble drinking is a quiet glass
with an old friend, by the fire;
a couple of battles of cold beer,
out fishing; a hot noggin, in
company, after a winter's day
,But Social Drinking is a
horse of- a different - hue. Ask
the housewife who comes down
in the morning after a .Cook-.
tail Party, head 'trumping lake
a bongo, ,and is confronted by
ti•ig following; a eigat'.ette-hua.m..,
on her new .coffeestablee pur-
ee of Wiekey-and-ashes on her ,
white linen .tablecloth; a purple
splotch on her lemon Pea:net; :2$
dirty ..glasses; a liady''S hand,bag;,
a -man's .hat; 14 empty Cigarette.
packages; and her hushand
snoring on :the ,ohesterfield,
Ask the chap who • drops in
for a drink just one before
facing the sponse ..apd spawn,.
after work, He. gets talking,
Wirth .the boys, arrives
home an
hour late. He's a. little high-
spirited, but scarcely a reeling
drunk. Know what he gets for
Cold shoulder and hot tongue.
Yet all he was doing was
little Social Drinking.
Actually, Social Drinking was.
fine, as were so many other
things, before women got into
the act.
But then women started
boozing, .and things have gone
from bad to hopeless. Mixed
drinking developed. And the
only things worse than mixed
drinking is mixing your drinks.
Social drinking has all the
potential destructive power of
The. Bomb. It leads to broken
Promises, broken ,dishes, broken
noses, and broken homes.
The only good things about it,
and the only reason it is so pop-
ular, is that it enables one to
put up With the bores and
boors, the. knuckleheads and
knotheads, the Owes and dui-,
lards, With which society seems
to be infested nowdays (except
for the sparkling people like
you and me.)
Now, I hope I haven't thrown
a wet blanket on, your plans
for a wet holiday season. But
just to end this little homily,
may I remind you the lines
written in eleventeen seventy-
seven by that great Welsh poet,
Hugh Dunnit:
If you get stinking
From drinking,
It isn't Social;
It's atrocial.
Wins Turkey Shoot
KIPPEN — The annual Kip-
pen 'Gun Club Christmas TUr-
key Shoat was won this year
by John Anderson of Hensall.
He scored on 46 out.of 50 shots
fired at the event Sunday aft-
Bill Stewart won the two-
miss-and-out event and- finished
second to ,Anderson, scoring on
45 of his 50 shots.
RCAF Clinton Cubs 'come tip'
The eight youngsters in the above photo were featured in a 'coming up' ceremony last week when they were officially installed as Boy Scouts in the First Clinton RCAF Scout Troop. From the left, front row, they are: Ralph
Milton, Dave Tattersall, S/L Wood, F/S Ross Milton, Bill Tattersall. Back row:
John McKenzie, Jim Russell, John McFarlane, Richard Paulin, Alex Beggs and Kim Pratt.
The Clinton Fish and -Game
bantam hockey team went un-
defeated last week as they
thumped the Zurich team 7-0
last Wednesday night in Clin-
ton, and Saturday night, travel-
led' to Seaforth where they de-
feated the host team 11-6. This
leaves the bantams with a per-
feet record of three wins and
no losses this season, as they
defeated the RCAF bantams
6-2 on Wednesday, .Dec. 9. •
The team will take to the
ice again tonight (Wednesday)
when they Will meet last year's
league . champions -from Exeter
in the Clinton Lions Arena.
Seaforth Team
Instals Clinton
Legion Officers
A , team of Seaforth- Legion
past presidents and officers,
headed by Archie Dobson, in-
stalled the 1965 officers of Clin-
ton Branch 140, Royal Canadian
Legion, at a sparsely attended
meeting Monday evening.
After the installation, the in-
comIng president, R. D. "Dick"
Fremlin. made 'a short accept-
ance speech and presented the
1964 presidenit, K. W. Coiqu-
houn, with his past president's.
Pip. At this time Cotnrade
Calquhotm remarked on the
"wonderful . year" the Legion
had just completed, and thank-
ed his officers and the full
membership for their co-opera-
Past president Hec Kingswell
thanked the inexperienced, but
sincere installing team from
Others members of the Sea-
forth team included: Charles
Wood, Cleve Coombs, Vern
Graham, Jack Eisler, Bill Dal-
rymple, Jim Robertson, Cord
Scott, Al Nicholson, Gus Bous-
sey,sergeant-at-arms, and pip-
er Peter Malcolm.
Clinton Officers
President Fremlin has as his
main officers, for 1965, the fol-
lowing: first vice-president, Ed
Porter; second vice-president,
Chambers; secretary,
Doug Andrews; treasurer, R. J.
"DiCk" Dixon; sergeant-at-
arms,' George Campbell; service
bureau officer, Cam Proctor;
Chaplain, Rev. R. U. MacLean;
and executive committee, Ste-
wart Freetnan, Garnet Harland,
William Burdge, George Yeats,
Robert Morgan, Ivan Hoggart,
Cameron Proctor a n d Don
Wing Dings 26 10 61
Lady Bugs 21 15 51
Crazy Legs 21 15 51
Plunkers 20 16 44
Black Labels 17 19 40
Bowlers 17 19 39
Little Beatles 17 19 39
Pinheads 15' 21 36
Mid-Walkers .... 14 22 33
Beatles 12 24 26
High 'single, K. Hodgeson 239;
high :triple, K. Hodgeton 602;
high average, J. aliger, 197.
Canada: Separate silver dol-
lars will nolt be available in
1965. Sealed sets of all denom-
inations from one cent to one
dollar Will be available, but
the price has been raised to
$4,00 per set from the previous
$3.00 per set. The maximum
number of sets which may be
ordered has been reduced from
fifty to five.
Sets may be ordered (after
January 1, 1965), in multiples
of one, three, or five sets only.
A money order, bank draft, or
certified cheque for the exact
amount, made payable to the
Receiver General of Canada,
must accompany each order,
The Ottawa Mint will accept
orders only until production
capacity has been reached. A
new portrait of Queen Eliza-
beth will appear an our 1965
coinage, but this will be the
subject of a future column.
U.S.A.: Proof sets' will not be
Made in 1965, Additionally, the
1964 date will be continued in-
Hensall Broomball
,Following are the results of
the December 10 and Decem-
ber 17 broomball game§ played
in the Haman Arena:
December 10—
Par Line 2 Chislers 0
Zurich 1—S:Wamp Rats 0
Dashwood 2
—Stanley Scooters 0
,..3---4<ippen 0
December 17—
Dashwood 2—I(ippen 1
Mensal' 2---Par Line 0
Swamp Rats 1—Cliislers 0
Zurich 4 Stanley ScoOtert 0
Season `s Greetings
Barb, Sandford and
With love,
52p —des
List Schedule
For Kinsmen
Tots' Hockey
Following is. a schedule of the
Kinsmen sponsored Town- Hoc-
key League. This schedule is
good up to the end of the reg-
ular season.
Wednesday games are played
at 6:30 p.m. while Saturday
games are played at 9:00 a.m.
and 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 30
Black Hawks vs. Bruins
Saturday, Jan. 2—
Leafs vs. Canadiens
Black Hawks vs. Red Wings
Wednesday, Jan. 6—
Bruins vs. Leafs
Saturday, Jan. 9—
Canadiens vs. Red Wings
Black Hawks vs. Leafs
Wednesday, Jan. 13—
Bruins vs. Leafs.
Saturday, Jan. 16—
Leafs vs. Black Hawks
Bruins vs. Canadiens
Wednesday, Jan. 20—
' Canadiens vs. Black Hawks
Saturday, Jan: 23—
Bruins vs. Black Hawks
Leafs vs. Canadians
Wednesday, Jan. 27_
Leafs vs. Bruins
Saturday, Jan. 30—
Bruins vs. ,Canadiens
Black Hawks vs. Leafs
Wednesday; Feb. 3—
Black Hawks vs. 'Canadiens
definitely on all coinage.
As a service to our readers,
mint set order forms may he
obtained by mailing a self-ad-
dressed, stamped envelope to:
The Coin. Collector, •
Clinton News-Record,
Clinton, Ont,
'till' aim is*. • ialid Nu i ilia i • inidin
'Coming Up'
Ceremony Held
For Seven Cubs
Seven boys from the RCAF
Station Clinton Cubs were
featured in a 'caning up'
ceremony last week when
they were officially installed
as Boy Scouts in the First •
Clinton RCAF Scout Troop.
On boy, Ralph Milton, en-
tered directly into the Scouts.
The boys were invested by
Scoutmaster F/S Ross Mil-
ton. John McFarlane and
James Russell were awarded
the entrance with Leaping
Wolf badges which are
awarded for outstanding cub
Also present at the cere-
mony were SYL Wood, chair-
Thursday, Dec. 24—No Bingo
in Clinton Legion Hall. Regular
bingos Will start again on Jan-
uary 7, 1965. 52x
Monday, Dec. 28 — Euchre
party, Summerhill Hall, 9 p.m.
Ladies please bring lunch.
Sponsors: Summerhill Hal l
Board. 52b
Tuesday, Dec. 29 — BINGO
at Huron Fish & Game Club.
Jackpot $60.00 in 60 numbers.
Six door prizes. 8.30 p.m,
(RCMP Photo)
man of the group committee'
in charge of all cubs and
scouts on the station, and
Cubmaster Sgt. Dave Tatter-
Ontario Street
WED., DEC. 30
For Annual Stock
Open for service as usual
Thursday Morning.
Postal Employees Still Hoping
The heaviest of the Christmas flood of mail is over for this year at the
Clinton*Post Office, but it's still hard going and likely will be that way until a
few days after .Chrishms, This photograph taken at 7:30 a.m. Monday morning
shows the tail end of a mammoth influx of mail .which employees started sorting
.• at 4 S.M. In the photo from the left,a,re; Harold Squire, Harry Weymouth and
Don Ladd. • (News-Record Photo by John Visser)
(2 Miles West of Clinton on Bayfield Road)
will be running
through the holidays
Are you ready to order your 1965 Mint sets?
Changes have been made this year, so perhaps we
should run briefly through the regulations.