Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-24, Page 4foov; Ar-411inton News-Kec0r4—Thu"-, Dq;- 34, 1.9-04 'Eal u*w 01'.1 als Anybody Briny The Marshmallows EACH' T as It .is our .unpleasant jammed, 10 the confusion, the bandits task to report on. A fire Auto crash fled. -,Pr other miSfoxtune, we come away At a single sentence ;from the wondering about that macabre ingred Ve ff1c@r,. the ,flock � stigat' g �o of repot- 1A I Ient of §o m pe people wh any o Iph dr?LW$ sets an photographers filed, �tp A corner 4 the g them to scene f' wreckage, �100. and Waited;UAOI the pQAcg had time to shed and death, 'westi9tis. N�Qtso answer some of their A The reader Who .travels on the 'a the kibitzers. They wPr,,P thrown out, to b -V first.. It It qi4estioned. each h4 highways even rarely WI�Jl recall call in second passing such -a scene, Clustered ,d wasted a lot of time.I Perhaps the, worst example idle ,about. the flashing re 1g.- atop.. the. n - ambulance or police cruiser is kk� t curiosity occurred rev- P0 Maple "On of men, women and children, .and s.t,,r;t-, Beal years ago when a butane storage tank exploded, and the resultant fire eking down both Shoulders of the road J are their cars, threatened the I town for almost 24 hours been urging customers to make their Police by the hundreds were di , ­ 9patched If there Is amgri lying on the gravel from Toronto to assist 1114 the total eva&. o the roadside forifis a circle, f the knot .1p, cation of the tQVVn 'ge, effectively blocking pif the attending �i. Some,:re ujible to closer physlclan� if the victim gives the inn- I , than .two riles, to the town becauseie all , pression he is going to live, the chatter roadwaysleading there were blocked .is that of jest. 'When ie is about to die with the: ars. pf sghis4erg.. Those With-. 't -there isn't r the bysiand- much chatter, in 6 mad t�;h ere in very grave Q. w own w err just stand there and watch., - danger., but they knew better, than the And when the leave the accident y autfiQrlties and, they were, on a public road,, weren't they, And there was no they drive slowly and carefully scene . reason they shouldn't be there to watch ... for a few miles and then resume the town blow up, was there? their high speeds and dangerous passing There have, fortunately, been only tactics• a very few fires and serious accidents But when you see -one ca 011ed r p In the Clinton district during the past off on the Shoulder, or two, it 'means six months. But at each one, police one of the. cars has aflat tire. Usually and firemen were hampered to some it- is only one car, and an elderly woman degree by milling crowds of the e idle struggling awkwardly with a rusty curious. bumper, jack. Perhaps one of the most flagrant - The carloads .of people who stopped cases was 'a recent barn.. -fire near -Bay- at the accident scene "to see If I could field. It was on a Friday night,. about 9 be of any help" mysteriously aren't p.m. The red glow in the sky was visible out and around when it's raining -and for about eight Miles in all directions. someone does, need help with an ad- All the roadways on the scene look.- mittedly less -serious matter. ed 'as though they were the only route It has been our, ghoulishI job for the of, escape from a disastet, area, and the past six years to chase ambulances and idle Curious jockeyed along them at.pre- fire trucks, because nine times out of posterous speeds. At the scene, they ten when these vehicles make a run it abandoned their cars on the shoulders means news. Nine tirries out of ten the news for of the road, Or with• portions sticking but on the travelled portion, - publication involves.someone's mlsfor- Then, they ran as close to the burn - tune. But in 100 percent, of all cases of In barn as they could and stood 'g accidents, fires, murders, homicides, and watched the flames devouring the bank robberies, burglaries, explosipris, woodwork; and make jokes like: "any- drownings ,or other rhisfortunes we have covered, authorities were hampered' to body bring the marshmallows?"; "Look at her go!", and such intelligent earn - varying degrees by the idle curious. ments as "Boy, I sure wouldn't want to We recall a hoon-hour bank rob be in there.17 bery in Windsor this spring as one ex. In the interim, the firemen had ar- ,ample. The alarm was audible from the rived from Bayfield. near -by Press Club, and within minutes Well, they hadnt exactly arrived. a representative of every news. -media in They were down the road.a quarter of a that city was on the premises. mile pushing a car out of their way. The Each was there to do a job., and car hadn't Stalled - it had been left there each was an .a each of by 'the -guy who was up at the firewhere the -press. But the fifty -odd other per. a hose might fiiive helped, and miho was sons had no business there When police asking: "Anybody bring ,the'marshm,41- locked the bank doors, the lobby was lows?ly And Where Did. You Shop ? ; THE FOLLOWING comes just inB .1 uy At Hombib time to catch last-minute shoppers The Atone- hunting for that gift which will be just' .; —Because my interests are here. right for that lucky person on the list. —Becaus6 the C0mmUnity that,is During the past year the Canadian - good,enough fdr me to live in is good government .has carried on an all-out ef. enough for me to, b6y in. fort to -encourage -people to "Buy Cana- 'Cgha- =-966auseJ -,believe. in transacting . ­­ dian", iand'§e6rL-9 of gtofeg lifi'all ­ tV&ijis with my friends. than municipalities have followed up the —Because I want to see the goods. plea by making an effort to stock their Store with Canadian -made merchandise. —Because I want to get what I buy when I for it, Following that through. to, its log- pay ical conclusforr, the storekeepers have —Because every dollar I spend at been urging customers to make their home stays at home and works for the purchases at the stores in their borne welfare of this town. - towns, The problem- is far from new, —Because the man I buy from as shown by the following- article whichstands back of his goods. appeared in an area newspaper more —Because I sell what I produce than 50 years ago: here at home. The genial proprietors of —Because the -man I buy from Hotel Clinton, Glen, end r7hmik helps support my school, my church, my Matter Of Time e. home. diflfbi'eftt ItYPO of guest last Vrl� —Because when ill luck, misfortune COMPRESSING t h e estimated or bereavement comes, the man I buy 50,000 years of the, history of honio from is here with his kindly greeting, sapiens into, 50 years, we come up with his word of cheer and his pocketbook, if a chronology something like the fol, heeded. lowing: —Because I get my living in this For nearly 40 years man lived by country. Dont you? hunting, and slept in a cave; I live and here I buy. I Twelve years aga he built the first buy at home. Do you? Seven years ago, writing was de- velopedt-1 Two years ago, Christianity ap- Editorial Briefs pearedi. S& months ago, Gutenberg invent- Love Is an ocean of emotion sur. ed the printing press; rounded by expanses of expenses. One month ago, Edison demon- Living today is a game of robbing strated -the light bulb; Peter to Pay Paul in order to make it Less than three weeks ago, the possible to stand Pat. Wrights flew; If.we make the best of little oppor- One week ago the atomic bomb t1irilities-, we find Ourselves more able to and the first jet appeared, followed accept larger ones.. closely by commercial television.The sneakiest thiftg about women Day before yesterday—Sputnick 1. drivers is the 'way they turn out to Last night, the first manned oap- be mefi. Drivers. Who 'drive fastest past a Ever h e the fee f -h-91 life WAt s6hool are ffie same ones who took so O -V ling t just raping pa _ you faster and -faster! long gefting through it. right] t You're .1 If motorists gave more ground, It is there'd be fewer in It. H 61. -A Re e 6", Ird konIon 1114ews, Amalgarnkted rHE CLINTON. NEW ERA 1924 THE CLINTON NEW6-R#.C6Rb Est, 1966 Published every. Thursday At the Itit. labl, Heartof H (iron County A Clinton, Ofitolo Population t,"o DAVID E. SCOTT, tiltidr A. U COLOUNOUN, Publisher si"d "*"ii Ab 41katwei ort t" i - X -L * '" CCNR P N%* Aw"Wk6d is s4cawl ciao mak. =611" 006 . WA, dirA for pav*480 of P*06ge 10 COO Ilu , gift . lono" 00111d 044 , 44 ot"t *0042 So 106 in a uillw 104.0 &NO PON10, 1111.6i ASIA 04010 To CANk M The Slow Frleezo, .Stanley Twp Creek. (News -Record Photo by John Visser) From 111 ---"Fur 'Early File's Is 40 Years Ago 1 25 Y ears Ago 15 Years Ago December 25, 1924 December 21, 1939 Deceniber 22, 1.949 The Clinton School of Com- John I-lunking, son of Air. "Hog production for the year me!rce was much pleased during and Mrs. Charles Hunking, had hai been fairly well maintadn- tile Past week to be al*e to a narrow escape Tuesday night ed," R. Gordon Bennett, agii- present diplomas issued by the and is fortunate to be able to cultural representative for Hui- Educational Department of the enjoy Christmas at home in on, satid today. "Indications are Remington Typewriter Co., to stead of ithe hospital. John de- that this average will be car-, Alim' Jean XUher, Clinton, 29 livers groceries and was return- ried through into 1950.". words per minute; Mr. Hector Ing from a trip east to the A br'igh't spat locally is that Tigert, 32 words-, MISS Mary store when he fell from his we are shipping eggs to Venez- McCowan, Seoforth, 30 words; bicycle -into the path of a car ucaa and Cuba, in I dollar areas; Miss. Olive Schoeilhals, Clinton,- driven, -by N&. Nairn of Chat- and. thig -market may knprove 29 words. ham as the latter proceeded as time goes on, thus picking Mr. N. W. Trewarthe has north aaross the intersection. up some of our surplus. can - purchased from, Mr. "G. E. 'Hall Exeter, Clinton, Goderich and atria Packers ll&nited, Chnton, the old New Era building, which Wingham. entered Iteams hi the -ha!r,, shipped 14 CaZlOads this will be used as a business stand. Wjugham have entered teams fall to Venezuela, Cuba, the Monday evening, seven -thirty in the Onta7qo juvenije Hockey Netherlands and the West In- to elight-thirty, nominations Assoclation for the coming Win- dies, Will be. received for the posir ter. Huron County showed a con - dons, of mayor, reeve, council 11ors, Public Utifities C()MTIIM- To commemorate the visit of siderdble increase in the pro- ducton sioner and school trustees. for King George and Queen Eliza- of creamery butterand Clinton, tov/p. in. the year_ of -beth to Canada, the Royal coat cheddlar cheese hi October, ac - of arms, prbited. in royal, blue '00"ding to 'Agures, released by Our Lord 1925. Coinse-pdt and g&ninate the man you want to adonils the cover of the -the Ontario Department of Ag - Al any one of these p6sltlqfis, new telephone dhleotory for 11culture !Ti' 'the m00th'ly dairy it is your, r4ty. Pow be ht as a citizen of Clinton -a . nd wchlity, which is report his community. Aft, t ng ributed by maul- About fffty Youthful pat - to local subscribers of the Beil rom" of the Clinton Grilt were 'Mr. Darold Crawford <,4 Dub- Telephone Company of Canada. 'very * happy Monday afternoon, ,1.m,. -has bought the Graham when Mrs. C. VanDamme en - House from Mr. J. Dorsey and It Wasn't Christmas' weather ter&,Aned at a Christmas party took possession on Thrmmsday an Saturday, but the M111d day for them . . ­ Balloons, favours last. Without a snowflake to be seen, and treats all added to. the The Doherty Pianos, Limited, made it ideal for greeting Santa gaiety of the occasion, report 1924 the, bugiest year, 6n Clams here that a'ftern'oon, and Last Wednesday morning history. 'The plant has operated children by the hUndrcl& feom they hanged John Christian steadily 'throughout the year, town and distvict were on hand down at Chatham. He was a with an.output of 2,000 plands, to extend a greeting and get veteran- of the last war and he 600 of them players. tbedr share of the free treats. had a wife' and two small chil- dilen. Some months ago, being awakened out of -a drunken stupor, he killed a inan. Thol's 'how -terrible the sequel to dAnking can be: Arst murder, then banging the murderer. That's why the Huron Temp - WS ermce Pederation keeps on fighting against alcoholism and fbr sobriety. ' 1 10 Years. Ago tributed by DeceMbor 23, 1.954 many.. Ball - Macaulay Limited of The Atone- Seafooth and Clinton held a Drdeno Was' party for jilheir staffs of both by. Dodd) towns, in the Commercial Inn 0, ItY and last week. This was the second e Published annual Ch,d9tm4as party which . Longmans. B&, -Macaulay has held fox actator said their employees, and there me Who is Were 19 adults with nine chli- ian walling dreh Present ) YrAss The. According to Chairman 1-1, Ri y Morden.", Hawkingthe Ontario Hydro has approved an expenditure by the 20 Isaac Street Friday and Saturday 2 to 0 p.m. Clinton- PUC for $25,598 for ex - es e$ land dinprovernelits to for appointments the electrical distrIbutioh syr- @1 tem during 1954-55, The genial proprietors of .e is an eX- Hotel Clinton, Glen, end r7hmik this happy Cook, were treated td a littaO Ing up and diflfbi'eftt ItYPO of guest last Vrl� ee rouireg 'day night when the members _ Lktn to pre- Of the C1141011 Pollee Boys' Rifle Club held their first din,- are oily ner meabing at the, betel, and proved that small boys' ttppe- Toiler iablef they titeg- are happily satisfied What t Of dboltl a:debxnpatf1&d by loud singing, o-16 or given -and joyous, feibndghlp with ath- ; with sat- errs; thelt,1! age, ow. �,t dry out, mt. and Mrs. J, T. Mitch -611, , brought it- W&I-knowi% residents of Iden- to ten ihdh- Lld be clear- qaAi will quietly observe their 63td,. wedding ahff,1Ver%.ajy to_ 6Lt the rest day ietgfil some %0t WUAI ea -,h of minor car abdlftft have bdcurted, in ;r1'e 116gW Cl1ht6h With the first ttaltv , that none old WeAhdr of the winter and cduch& the the-, ttsultiffig icyroads abd ljoor IM116h frah objes, I- I '��u �ditor Letters Deal" gdvtor.. . M. W. -P of 41.000 oracle pot§, A%, T*40111)& ovo §Qmo of sloe but rWU'0n% Of 1?09PIO a11 M1JSAX$t- '54Y same things. that w0wo ;04 -WIth reg.aW rW the new not I in Vint, TA QX4- flab or I thin one or big I 'wish; to say that if jftw two -of some . 1-NeSVV.,eX15In Danv4a mentfrom 4 tm,4n that is rokily PVinted' 'more pi0wes of th . e loyal to. his (*ugtry. Mr, Hob li;nsigA In Ir papers the f* Arldle- says, I-tbqy should take all 'AtoTy­ -nil, e hu bg papers c - g Wf W, the volumes Hansard that . have been ",ttten upon the F W, Amorw& flag debate, Wmv Di0m.1haker l&ax 345, :Clinton,. Ont, ,in them, anal burn tib.elrn, .and. him Herb- did not gq, far enough, as he should t@,i:e tbq Pearson rag, and Wipe. 1)iefe .4, (EdiOr.t Ps Note; The bakerl,s feet #1(.ZP an4 clean With ing lette. dg'hed bore pUN4sor ip it `and then Diss those feet, then tIw event ranyreadm., may- hove, fuse and make his bow, then information about the Huron wrap tae rnaple leaf flag and Bruce RWIway th.ey may around Mmse)f, 4oalc it in f1re wish to Pads,4 on to the .and Wimotgn -,OhM ago fl;.nem The Editor, and what a blewAng that , , would Clinton Weekly Newspaper be; be shQuid hang his head Clinton, Ont, in 'Shame flor, al! tbile for be- traYlngthosei men Whobled and. Dear I , Sir, 4110!for t" Flag they loved (the T am, - L gradu4te stp4pp, ,at the University of Western, 0#, And,. I pannot leave out 't010 WOT$0.4).-k 'Qn An JW?A� Herb'sbusifiess neighbor, Kr. History silo 'toiling _ . ping to write Peter DgmM sma; be coes from a thesis onthe old London, Hour- H01 -and. I ryv nder if he remem� on and Bruce Railway. (The bens :fhe thousands of loyal present CN 11!4 e - f�roi TA 1�. ! , London Canadian soldiers who fougibt to Clinton), I would like to tr y and dlg4 in Holland inorder to to de cr ibe the effect this rant- free that country from the Ger- way had on settlement, indus- xnAns.and oarAled their Red try, etc,, in the area and so sign to vietory. And does he was wondering it younaveany know that thousands of men back copies of your paper, from are buried In Holland's sail and the -time it was begwi up to the that every 'body that Nes. there MAY 1950's. If So Would it be was draped with the Red Eat- possible for me, to have access sign or Union Jack before bur- to these ppets at your Clinton Al, Does, he remember when office? My apologies, for not those viletondus soldiers march- knowing the name of your pap- eld through Holland when thou- er, Thank you for any assist - sands of Dutch people who. ance, I may recelve, somehow or other brought out Yours %licerely, thousands of—Union Jai&s and Leonard A. Owen.. Red Ensigns waved them and 73 Colborne St., cheered those Canadians to the SImcoe, Ont., echo. Dec. 19, 1964, Does he know that each grave has a nlicb- white cross plaxited at the head orf it and USE CHRISTMAS SEALS that each grarve Is tended with loving care by those fine Dutch PeloPle and that there are a lot. of Ensigns flying over those graves. Why does Peter Dam- $n1a want to jump on Pearsons band wagorf and become anoth- ar of Pearsion's -trained seals. y. Was he brain -washed by Herb Bridle -and become just another one of those people who would betray those Who died for him . .�... .. L so he ,ould come to a free Country ito live and raise has family? Does be really forgat all +1119? If he does, he should be 1*11ed. Perhaps he should take a trip back to Holland and look around and I doubt he will find many maple loaves them. 1 -would 1%ce to make SOMe rOrnalr1<5 about some of the stqtemeiks made by two or FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS I E. LONGSTAFF .OPTOMETdIST Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE . 4$2-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 07.1240 G. B. CLANCY; O.D. OPTOMETRIST For Appointment Phone 524-'7"51- GODERICH 38 -til R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist the Square. OODERICH 1 524-7661 its 1 LIFE INSURANCE Planned Savings ... , . . Estate Analysis CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air -Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. Li Jervis- 68 Albert St. - Cllnt6n-482-9390 , IN Classified Ads. Ul Brim Q ick ". Ig Results Am M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST, TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 THE -McKIL 11 LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office Main Street SIEAFORTH Itsures - 4 town Dwellings i All Classes of Farm PtopbrtY Summer Cottages Churches, Schbots, Halls Extended c o v e r a g e (Windt, smoke, Water damage, fatIng 6b$eeft, etoi) Is siloo avoftblk - M, V. IT4 = AGZN" J'ames K�ik RR I SWI RR 5 8". t tdrthr Win Win irh�ld 84w, Dublin' Donsld G, WOW' ribs, ton4p Gem* Seafteft FBusiness and Professional Directory INSURANCE PHOTOGRAPHY HADDEN'S,STUDIO K. W. COLWHOUN PORTRAIT ­ WEDDING INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE and CHILDREN Phones: Office 482-9747 118 St - David's St Res. 40-7804 Dial 524-6787, Gode'fich JOHN WISE, Salesman 6-13p Phone 482-7265' PORTRAITS ­ WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL H. C. LAWSON 10" vi"*4 First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates 20 Isaac Street Friday and Saturday 2 to 0 p.m. INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone 482.9654 'after 6 p.m. INVESTMENTS Phones: Office. 487-9644 for appointments Res. 489.9787 OPTOMETRY K E. HARTLEY I E. LONGSTAFF .OPTOMETdIST Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE . 4$2-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 07.1240 G. B. CLANCY; O.D. OPTOMETRIST For Appointment Phone 524-'7"51- GODERICH 38 -til R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist the Square. OODERICH 1 524-7661 its 1 LIFE INSURANCE Planned Savings ... , . . Estate Analysis CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air -Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. Li Jervis- 68 Albert St. - Cllnt6n-482-9390 , IN Classified Ads. Ul Brim Q ick ". Ig Results Am M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST, TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 THE -McKIL 11 LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office Main Street SIEAFORTH Itsures - 4 town Dwellings i All Classes of Farm PtopbrtY Summer Cottages Churches, Schbots, Halls Extended c o v e r a g e (Windt, smoke, Water damage, fatIng 6b$eeft, etoi) Is siloo avoftblk - M, V. IT4 = AGZN" J'ames K�ik RR I SWI RR 5 8". t tdrthr Win Win irh�ld 84w, Dublin' Donsld G, WOW' ribs, ton4p Gem* Seafteft