HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 9nog vres., , ria hDr o e Christmas, Hod.d� At Church The Women's Missianarlyl O` Mnox Vires- iayterian Church held their Christmas rneetung In the Sunday School xoom of the ,chut eh with a large attendance. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, gave ilia call to worsh end opened the meting, ,,[r; ng a hymn, the' •sheptae� cls' .and wisemen of The seiapture lesson' was Biblical Mays, athe world 'today M4 by Mrs, .Alvin Leatherland, is seeking the .Prince -Of ,Peace. The devotional 'Period Nvas lxi S, he salla Chi' spinas should the ebarge• .of N!'rs,, Donald mean a PpeWal tiMe :to pay Maines Who to homage, to Christ and a slime gave ti3enedi tion on the �scr pture lesson, to bring joy to others She fvlictwed by Prayer by Mrs', asked of all gifts are given with Wes Bradcock, - Christ in mind axil stressed the Th guest. spoaiter of: .he impor.•tance of !giving love. In apernpon was Mrs. Ralph 1?,closing, she asked everyone to Munro who. gaye a Christmas rias try and learn ;the -time way of message nn "What does Clutstr giving* mos mean to you?" She Said the Christmas story as neededMrs. Wes Bradnoel� th4w d today more than} ever and like Mrs, Munro for her+ message, The offering Was recelly:ed by Mrs., Roy Daer and dedicated with prayer -by Miss Minnie HOLPAS ILL Wagner. The ninutes were ad- apte'd as read by the seri aaary,. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mc.Cui- Mrs.. Donald Haines. She also lough spent ,a day in Kitchener, gave t+Yae $1 an:cial statement, the guests of H.. M. Bez W and Card's were signed by all - Mr, and Mrs, L. C,' Bezeau. sent and sent to members Who Mrs, Nelson Brown, of Det- are very 1,11, including Mars. sort, Mich., spent a few days in Catherine Dobie„Bluevale Mrs, the villvge, visiting with,. her Herbert Govier, Clinton hasp is paren , Mr. and Mrs., D, E, tal, :an'd Mrs..J. C. Stoltz, Wing, Gl ddon, ham hospital, Miss Sandra Wil7.iarras of Bur- Mrs, Sanderson thanl�ed all lin'gtonz spent the weekend with who had assisted with the her parents, W and Mrs. I-Iaaxpy meeting and the slate of off c, Williams, ers :as prepared by the nomin- ating comanititee was presented Give. WhiteGifts and accepted. The committee was Mrs. Jack Hallam, Ms's, AIfred Rollinson and Mrs. -Wil- fred Hollnesv�• #fie fred Sanderson. The meeting was closed ,by singing .a hymn White -Gift Sunday was db- acid the closing prayer by Mrs. served in H1olm'esville Urdted Wes Brad'nock, Church .on December 13th, with The new officers are: bon - ,Mr. Kenneth Trewartha, +the orary president, Mrs. E'd'gar Sunday School Superintendent, Lawson; president, Mrs, Wilt - assisting the minister, Rev. C. red Sanderson; first vice -pre - G, Park. sident, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland; The, call to 'worship was given second.; vice-pr'es aen!t, Mrs, Wes by Mr. Trewartha, folloWed by Bradno:ck; .secretary -treasurer, the ,singing of a 'hymn; Prayer Mars.. Donald Haines; Glad Tid- was repeated in unison. The ings secretary, Mrs. Alfred Rol - choir sang an w them, "O Come linsoxa.; welcome and welfare, To My Heart Lord Jesus". Mrs. . Herbert Govaer,' Mrs, The first scripture lesson. was Frank Raithby, Mrs. John Hal, read by Douglas Yeo, and Mrs. lam; flower convener, Mrs. A -1 - Park read the second lesson. fred Ro1limon; literature and Mrs. 'Reg Miller' read a story supply, Mrs, Gordon Dobie; ,"Little' Gift:.s With Big Mean- -home helpers, Miss Minnie jfn'ge% The offering was receiv- Wagner, Mrs. Roy Daer; sup - ed by Wayne Patter an'd Bar ply, Mrs. Carl Govier, Mrs. ria Miller, and the White Gi;'fts Major Young!blut; student and Were received. by Connie Har- press, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs, r'is, Nancy Ginn, Randy Blake ChamwI'es, Stewart; nominating aqd Tommy Ldbb. The money committee, Mrs. Alfred Rollin - ,and gifts were dedicated by Mr. son, Mrs, John Hallam, Mrs. Trewartha. Wilfred Rollinson; CGIT lead - Rev. Park gave the sermon, er, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; assist - ,The service closed, with a 'hymn assts, Miss Barbara Sanderson, and The benediction by W. Miss Carole Brown; Ladies Aid }'.ark. president, Mrs. Major Young- er. Lloyd Bond was the or blot; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. •ganiat for -the servfee. Roy Daer. Cod Bless tis Iver o-roel Y A reformed Ebenezer jams the Cratchit family's Chrsttxa,as feast in the final scene of "Mr, Scrooge," the original 'musical to be seen on CBC»TV's Show of the Week, Monday, Dec. 21, Clockwise from left are: ;Cyril Richard, Alfie Bass, Neil Culleton, Tessie O'Shea, Barbara Gryfe, Michael Dodds, Leslie Mc - Lead, Elizabeth Culleton. (CBC Photb) WinterDriving Can BeTreacherous; Requires Good Common-Rsense Habits With the time of snow and ice almost here, the Canadian Highway Safety Council has some ideas that could save a lot of people a lot of pain and cost — if they heed them. CHSC's 'tips are ;issued uZ start gently, give tires a chance connection with its na don -wide to bite. Spinning melts the snow campaign, Safe -Driving Week, or ice, makes -ringsslicker and December I to 7, digs ithe wheel's d'eep'er: In -snow, clear the entire Even with chains or snow windshield, side and back vein. tires it takes a lot longer to doves. Vision is vital in winter .stop a car on ice. Avoid a slid - driving. Never smear lemon, ing crash by dnereasing follow - glycerin or :beeswax on the ing distance .in winter. Don't glass; they only make a mess. worry about the not who races R v1ace dead wuer blades vith ahead and, tiles aanthat space. e. lie ones. Fill w ndslidel d -wash- Let him have it, d stay well. er tanks with the recommended back of such a poor driver, Ab- solution, not plain water. Drive rupt turns, lane changing and with headlights, never parking sudden changes In speed can lights, in reduced visibility, produce 'brad skids. Anticipate Parking lights distort distance all iturns, make them slowly to the oncoming motorist, if he and gently. A driven' who finds sees them at all. himself in a skid should turn Use snow tires or chains the steering wheel in the direc- where itract on is poor. Letting tion the rear, enol is sliding, their. some :air out of today's low- straighten the front 'wheels as pressure tires is no .hells and the car straightens. On, a hill, Chri�tnas 'meet Hold”On Deco'.0 The CMAtrt'ta.a meeting of (the U.OW 99 k 01-mosville United Chin"c'h. was !held an Tuesday, Dere, 8th, with the meet'log in the ch'ax'ge of MS. Les Jervis' and Mrs, Frani! MoMough's' groups. Mrs. McCullough was in the chair and gavo 'he call to warsh%, i1 hyrilr3 Was sung. The seraltru`elesson was read by Mrs, D E, Gliddon, and the B'i'ble stri'd'y -on too Birth, -of Christ was toren b? Mrs. Vran-k McCV11ough, A Poem, t',Ohrist mos, Pray- ers" was read by Mrs. Ken- neth Harris, and Mrs. D. E, e i- Gltldon led!4x Tyi'ay r, The bus tress was. eon!ducted by 'thePre» s1dent, Mrs, Lloyd Bond, an d the roll call was answered by giving a Ohristmxa's thought, Mrs, Harry Cudmare read the ` minutes of the Gast meeting, and Mrs, Ham Williams read the correspondence. Mrs, Gerry Ginn 'reported for the finance connM ttee, and It was. passed to accept the allocation for 1965. Mrs, Frank McCullough gave the treasurer's report. It was Passed to give' donatims to the iWestmins'ter 'C4llege Fur:. nkr,hma Fund, and to the M. & M. Mrs, ' Barrie Waiter, Mrs, Harold Yeo,, and Mrs. 'Les Jer . vis were appointed a 'comnAttee. to bring in a majority sugges, tioii for the .time and !place of a proposed trip for the, group. In a change on the finance committee, the fallowing mem- bers were named to this group; Mr's. Gerry Ginn; Mrs. Funk McCullough, M r s' . Edw'ard Grigg, Mrs, Irvine Tebbitltt and Mrs. John Grigg. Gifts were received. to �be given, to patients at the Ontario Hospital at God, eaich, Mrs. Jack Yeo read a story, ",The Lilttle Black Lamb". The members of the two groups sang a hymn, with Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Les Jervis sing- ing 'the verse and the group singing the chorus with ' Mrs. Jim Lobb at the piano. Mrs. Les Jervis read a "Christmas Meditaition" a n d Mrs. Gerry Ginn read a mission story, IlEpiphany In T th e Snows". The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Frank McCullough, Hos- tesses for the day were MS. O. Blake, Mrs, J. Huller, Mrs. L. Jervis and Mrs. A. Jones. increases wear. Cary some get enough momentum to reach Middleton WA sand or chicken wire to help the top, -then watch for stalled M the car off glare ace. Heavy cars .or obstacles on the way loads of sand or stone in the down. Be extra careful.. in tem.- Elects, Officers trunk makes steering tricky perature traps in shady areas ��ii and makes big skids out of !fit- and on bridges. Posted speed Mrs. Stewart Middleton was tle ones. In snow or an ice, 11af is are :for ideal condition. hostess. for the annual meeting -- Good judgment Is the real speed of the Women's Auxlldary of St. Messengers Meet limit. 1, Church Mid. At Holmesville The Messengers of Haltnes- ville United Church, met in the Sunday School room of the church. for 'their' regular meet-, ing. Mrs. Ray Patter' gave the call -to worship, followed by a hymn.' A prayer for 'today was given by Mrs. Ray Potter, The Scripture lesson was read by Gerald Trewartha, and Karen McClinchey led in repeating the Lord's Pray in unison. The mall was called by Karen McCli,nnchey, and the business was conducted by the presi- dent, ,lianice Trewaattha. T1xe offering was received by Jan Ginn, and Mrs. Ray Potter de- dicated it, The story "The Buffalo and 'the Bell'' was. read by Mis, Ray. Potter, sand Mrs. Fir+an'cis Cantelon :showed the children how to. make some Christmas articles. The meeting closed with. a hymn. Janine Trewartha was the Pianist for the meeting. • Cooking .Ware "Dish Ware Cutlery i Housewares TOOLS' =- A FULL RANGE OF BOTH POWER AND HAND TOOLS ._.RADIOS. I05AL C-rlFi$ TOBOGGANS and TRANSISTOR and ELECTRIC SLEIGH We Stall Have VINYL and ALUMINUM CHRISTMAS TREES.A * LIGHTS arid b9Cb1tA'flONS SUtte,rx*PHardware. erdue tugene MdAddm, Pmpriefor Phoo0 499*109-1 011140", 011C Mrs. Alvin Leatherland thanked Mrs. Davies for her excellent work as president the past year, It was decided to asgWt in supplyf w treats for the Sunday school pupils. The meeting was closed by singing the Grace and a Christmas lunch was served 'by Mrs, War- ner Andrews and Mrs. Alfred Rolhm4an. REPUTATION ' EARNS A STAR . EflAND'S ��SERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON NOMINATION MEETING will be held in the VILLAGE HALL, BAYFIELD . on :..MONDAY, DECEMBER 21,1964 At the hour of 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve and four Councillors for the year 1965. - lf An Election Is Necessary, The Poll Will Be Held at the Village Hall, Bayfield, on Monday, e 6 December 2 t 1 9 4 her 8 h and 'will be open from 9.00 o'clock a.m. until 5.00 o'clock p.m., and no longer. The Voters' List, to be used, if an election is necessary, will be the List of Voters in Polling Sub -Division No, 8 as set out in the Voters' List for the Municipality of the Township of Stanley for the year 1964: This list will be Posted in the Bayfield Post Office and will also be held at the home of the Returning Officer. Please note that when a candidate is not present at the Nomination Meeting, his..nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the. - proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. DATED at Bayfield, this 10th day of December 1964 LLOYD MAKINS, Returning Officer, • 'Make "HER" Gift SOMETHING ........ . ..... TO WEAR. All Women "LOVE TO DRESS". May We Suggest . . .DAINTY LINGERIE and SLEEPWEAR DRESSES -- BLOUSES CARDIGANS & PULLOVY RS (Give Her o "Kitten Knit") f/ WOOL SLIMS or STRETCHIES ("SAORES" always papular) A Note to the Alen ... —5oe a Wife or Mother, Girl Erlehd r 60 WRONG BY SHOPPING HEREA.-.6-k AND - We G41ft Wrap Free ofCharge! 1. R, WVVI $ S Ladke Wear y Goods CLINTON IONSAL f* ST James Aria •scan dieton last Wednesday when ch tmas tree --, any ooz y. electionsryvere., held for •atzxil- iary officers. erqus. troe wb'?eh ,fails over fi ?e SUG:!4 At the conclusion of the reg- egAvailab0e Moment jt is .Placed la s .stand, n Christmas cookie, eoO ular business 'session, Raw. E. e - J, B. Harrison the re- � w'ho. thiel it they are� gto„..,.: SPICE, � „� spend less -,on rks.#x'iaa 'than Safety. „ . y last year, Sometimes prwipum' '... ill Smiley ed +► ton; .first vice-president, Mrs, -Christmas s .Lilt M* Yvk?tiat the Donald Middleton; second vice, safety education amongst chit- iucls have! and .you. tion".t To secretary, MTs, John Grigg; at 0 4,mn Dec 45 Now Live With Chr" "atmos 11Eamily Christanas you -cools Thirty+days hath September;. -can play. It tis �t}aranteed to the dishWrRes and are Stun?� with the dishes wh?le the relatives l�prl June aitd Chr'samas. At increase the sPujit goodfel, .... Sleep it off, least it Seems that way., hip ,arid Jollity :at IoyVS any. Christmas punch—the recipe. About the in'iddle• off, Nov,.em,, Christmas Party, is Simple. Take one husband ber, the .advertising swings luto milled "Conjvga�tlon of .Irxe� and wife, .derroratang ire :on high gear', We are Implored to gular. VeOW1, it was imventesl juiStrnas live• Mix one set afi buy, a gift to erachaart her"._,. by Bertrand Russell, Zt,g s'i:ike..Lights which doesn't wor hila .a dainty electric shaver. this: the playor as gavPA an ar,� .. Throw an tr+ip:dow.otowaforex- Or som0thng "he rimy needs” regular verb; helugates its ira set of lights, by hushand, 1i»ke a tasti40,4 lyTappped Example,. I = fl=, YOU are' Stir In a ;few' short •,calls on bott?e or dandruff remover, obstinato; he is 4 pigheaded frien.�d's on way home, Pur hug. Around the some time, the fool. Get the ?deo , s basil 'gently inside zloor at orifi "Christmas TnusWl begins. We another, a.m. �Qhristmas 'morning -- are warned that Santa, Claus is Ready?" I am witty and; and you get your Christmas ogmiri . i g to ~sown, We are re- s pas kung,. ' You are usually puxaach,: x^iglnt laetnveen ikre eyes, man'ded, 1S times a day, tq lis- talka.'tiVre, He ds drunk as a It is considered only sporting, ten, thxoit'gh The !btu der tratf- skunk," If you feel like retaliating, to fie and the snarl at aix craft, one,more. "i day dream. you it until Bgin lacy, g for 'allose Jingle boll's. We are told, for 20 days' 'before Ch?vsit- are an escapist. He ought tO for his pot and not to tease or Mlts, Storey, the organist: Mrs. mos, that somebody saw mama see a s i P ycli'attr?st," .This sort of tlirr�g is certain to get a dull kissing Santa Claus last might. Zmakes you feel all sort of makes off the Toiuld.. fire mon. -sated and . , , well, . you know. Now, how about some Christ- .. _ Bariy? mos de+flnatioxas, so that you N WHAT MAKES1'NS QVV 04Q Women Start getit?rig that won't +be nnislead by a lot of cliches that have sprung :up .. DAYS°, /A R/'H/MA6/NA7'/01I/ harassed. look about the first of around the sacred and Joyous AA/DAPI�ORMEMORY December. They spend bund- acCas4on, , "YOU'OUR Low reds .of hours at their Christ- mas clTores:.rutliles+sly hacking cosr off -the list of people who dttdn't a heavy list to starboard frpm ! send us alast; year; ties- r eachuzg auto their hip Pockets fox WalldUs frequently, equently, Wo- +� l perately vwocard ndering what •to :get Uncle Dud, who, is in an insti- men acquire a different type f tfrantically trying' to gin "St. pelvis thrust out, back hilt- i �✓ their ir* .husbands ,Interested r trees and traxnrriisig and aur » ed badly to the rear from the vvais%t up, acquired from C= y» . 'g '� • • � ar ' key; an ar cels ed t � their rn rl a airs noses, ses, � c �?V'e11, ' eh�eer up, chaps. It Christmas pudding-- closely allied to Christmas list, It is �2aR SUPERS FOOD IT comes every year, bait at lasts more noticeable in 002o* for only 30 days. Perhaps something to mind off men — a type of ,paxalySis that comes 'hand get your from Puddingtheir e and in the whole thing . , their pocket so eiften, i With Christmas in the offing, Christmas Carols —. girl , , e CLINTON'S FOREMOST perhaps you•d .be interested in children born on • Christmas a new party game. Any number Day and named Carol. Far bet- ' 1 ter to call them Mary. Knox Ladies ,clad Regular Meeting The Ladies Aid meeting "of N 0 M I NAFFIONtr3 r the Knox Presbyterian Church was held with the president, Mrs'. Ed Davies, in charge. She took charge of the business and Village ..: Bayfield it was decided to send small of remembrance ,% to the shut-ins of the congregation. Mrs, Roy NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors Daer, the secretary -treasurer, was instructed to send these. of the newt incorporated Y P Village of Ba leld that a g Yf� Mrs. Alvin Leatherland thanked Mrs. Davies for her excellent work as president the past year, It was decided to asgWt in supplyf w treats for the Sunday school pupils. The meeting was closed by singing the Grace and a Christmas lunch was served 'by Mrs, War- ner Andrews and Mrs. Alfred Rolhm4an. REPUTATION ' EARNS A STAR . EflAND'S ��SERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON NOMINATION MEETING will be held in the VILLAGE HALL, BAYFIELD . on :..MONDAY, DECEMBER 21,1964 At the hour of 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve and four Councillors for the year 1965. - lf An Election Is Necessary, The Poll Will Be Held at the Village Hall, Bayfield, on Monday, e 6 December 2 t 1 9 4 her 8 h and 'will be open from 9.00 o'clock a.m. until 5.00 o'clock p.m., and no longer. The Voters' List, to be used, if an election is necessary, will be the List of Voters in Polling Sub -Division No, 8 as set out in the Voters' List for the Municipality of the Township of Stanley for the year 1964: This list will be Posted in the Bayfield Post Office and will also be held at the home of the Returning Officer. Please note that when a candidate is not present at the Nomination Meeting, his..nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the. - proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. DATED at Bayfield, this 10th day of December 1964 LLOYD MAKINS, Returning Officer, • 'Make "HER" Gift SOMETHING ........ . ..... TO WEAR. All Women "LOVE TO DRESS". May We Suggest . . .DAINTY LINGERIE and SLEEPWEAR DRESSES -- BLOUSES CARDIGANS & PULLOVY RS (Give Her o "Kitten Knit") f/ WOOL SLIMS or STRETCHIES ("SAORES" always papular) A Note to the Alen ... —5oe a Wife or Mother, Girl Erlehd r 60 WRONG BY SHOPPING HEREA.-.6-k AND - We G41ft Wrap Free ofCharge! 1. R, WVVI $ S Ladke Wear y Goods CLINTON IONSAL f* ST James Aria •scan dieton last Wednesday when Free BookMarks electionsryvere., held for •atzxil- iary officers. At the conclusion of the reg- egAvailab0e Available From ular business 'session, Raw. E. e - J, B. Harrison the re- Presented ommit port of the nominalting commit- Safety. League tee w1uth �n=ed' the following: tee President, Mrs. 'Fred Middle- ton; .first vice-president, Mrs, In order to further traffic Donald Middleton; second vice, safety education amongst chit- president, Mrs. Edward Wise,' dren in the area,- the Blue secretary, MTs, John Grigg; Water Club of the Ontario Mo- treasurer, Mrs. Keith Miller; for League has book marks prayer Partner secretary, Mrs. bearing safety slogans available Joe Storey; prom secretary, for free d1str3but on. • Mrs, Stewart Middleton; Dor- A. very 'lknited quantity is cas committee , Mrs'. Arnold availableon requestfrom the Miller, Mrs, Jack Smith, Mrs. NeWs-Record office, but more D, Deeves; card convener, Mrs. are .available on request from Ray Wise; birth'd'ay box, Mr's. the OML,' B. McCullough; program com- The book marks •'are prepar- milttee, Mrs. Alvin .Dutot, Mrs. ed In a series conveying 10 dif- Jack Cole. fe> ent safety messages, each The .bus'ines's meeting Was bearing ,a. particular theme and an easy -to -read and remember opened by Mrs. Ray Wise who read a poem. The scripture les - message. son was read by Mrs. Dutot, Anyone interested in the procikr- and after routine prayeats ing supplies of the book marks minutes oaf the last meeting may 'do so 'by calling or writ- were read by the secreltary, ing the Ontario Safety League Mrs, John; Grigg. at Box 518, OwenSound: The roll call was answered o- -- by a Christinas thought, and 18 Choose Carefully ladies responded intrluding f Ave former members Who have mov- The gift of 'a dive pet to a ed to town. child may be risky. Under five- It was "agreed to donate $5 year-olds 'do not understand'the to the Bible Society. proper way to handler a kitten Committee chairmen gave or puppy and my unwittingly their annual: retports, and the hurt the animal, Who may bite Auxiliary voted $200 to the in. self ' dletence. A. youngster church wardens .for the church should be taught how to care badget, and hMorarlu= .to for his pot and not to tease or Mlts, Storey, the organist: Mrs. tape food away from. it. Edward Wise, the assistant Or- ganist and Fred Middfletan, the fire mon. Readings were given by Mrs. ►"""" E Ward Wise and MxMs, Donaldididleton. s Bofoke she game up the bhWr TR/,ED 1/s1"H�IV WEV! to the incoming president, MM,, m .Lost we Wise {thanked Members tot,eo ih&~ support during the year. r YdvR �3!/S/NESS The reotar- MV, HArx'ls6t1; _ commended i> e WA for its,year "YOU'OUR Low of service for the church. cosr t -' . • IrS NOT TOO LATE TO ANSWCR YOUR k toRISTMAS SEAL LEVIER C, I **k&A Q Mrs. Alvin Leatherland thanked Mrs. Davies for her excellent work as president the past year, It was decided to asgWt in supplyf w treats for the Sunday school pupils. The meeting was closed by singing the Grace and a Christmas lunch was served 'by Mrs, War- ner Andrews and Mrs. Alfred Rolhm4an. REPUTATION ' EARNS A STAR . EflAND'S ��SERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON NOMINATION MEETING will be held in the VILLAGE HALL, BAYFIELD . on :..MONDAY, DECEMBER 21,1964 At the hour of 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve and four Councillors for the year 1965. - lf An Election Is Necessary, The Poll Will Be Held at the Village Hall, Bayfield, on Monday, e 6 December 2 t 1 9 4 her 8 h and 'will be open from 9.00 o'clock a.m. until 5.00 o'clock p.m., and no longer. The Voters' List, to be used, if an election is necessary, will be the List of Voters in Polling Sub -Division No, 8 as set out in the Voters' List for the Municipality of the Township of Stanley for the year 1964: This list will be Posted in the Bayfield Post Office and will also be held at the home of the Returning Officer. Please note that when a candidate is not present at the Nomination Meeting, his..nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the. - proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. DATED at Bayfield, this 10th day of December 1964 LLOYD MAKINS, Returning Officer, • 'Make "HER" Gift SOMETHING ........ . ..... TO WEAR. All Women "LOVE TO DRESS". May We Suggest . . .DAINTY LINGERIE and SLEEPWEAR DRESSES -- BLOUSES CARDIGANS & PULLOVY RS (Give Her o "Kitten Knit") f/ WOOL SLIMS or STRETCHIES ("SAORES" always papular) A Note to the Alen ... —5oe a Wife or Mother, Girl Erlehd r 60 WRONG BY SHOPPING HEREA.-.6-k AND - We G41ft Wrap Free ofCharge! 1. R, WVVI $ S Ladke Wear y Goods CLINTON IONSAL f* ST