HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 8Page. .0.10.401! N.PWSS13.9c90. 17114rge Dec. 1904 BEAUTIFUL.. BREEZY • • • By LI-CHAMBER BAYFIEL pggscoNAL. ITEMS Ciri(Acil $FWs • CLUB .ACTIVITIES •. VILLAGE HAPPENINGS • CQrrespcnciont: AUDREY --,- Phone Bayfipicl 38 Subscrlptions, Classified Advs,, Display Advs. and Job Printing oil accepted by the Bayfield oarrespondeht Colorblind Pranksters ? ? Pranksters appear to have confused Ohrisltanas with Hal, lowe'en Bsyfield, This year's Christmas lights are More ?Wins erous than in previous years. However, carefully Chosen col- our arrangements have been upset by person or persons un- known exchanging lights on. neighbouring premises—so that multi-coloured displays have turned into a single colour overnight. 0 Trinity Church Ladies' Guild Elects Officers The December meeting of the Trinity Church Ladies' Guild was held in the Parish Hall Tuesday evening, December 8, with eight members present. The meeting was opened by the rector, Rev, E. J. B. Har, risen, with prayers. The act- ing secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Seats chmer, read the minutes of the Mast meeting and Mrs. L, B. Smith, gave her treasurer's re- port. These two reports were moved for adoption and approv- ed. Plans Were made for the Sun- day School Christmas party to be held in the Parish Hall: Tues- day afternoon, December 29. There being no further busi- ness, Mr. Harrison took the chair for the election of offic- ers for the year 1965, and asked Mrs. Percy Weston to act as scrutineer. Elect Officers Those elected to office were: honorary president, Mrs. Ern Featherston; president, Mrs. Fred Arkell; firstvice-presi- dent, Mrs. Percy Weston; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. Larsen; secretary and press secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer; treasur- er, Mrs. L. B. Smith; card and flowers, Mrs. Harold King; and the visiting committee will be Mrs, King and Mrs. Smith. The members accepted -with' regret Mrs, Percy Weston's de- cision not to continue on as president for 1965. She has held the office for the past nine. years, and the Guild has com- pleted many worth-while pro- jects for the church, rectory and parish hall under her lead- ership, Mrs. Weston thanked the members for their help and co-operation during her term as president. She will hold the office until the new presi- dent, Mrs. Arkell, returns from her Western trip. Mr. Harrison thanked the ladies for their work during the past year and their co-op- eration with. the wardens and board of management in assist- ing with work necessary to the care of the rectory, church and parish hall. The meeting was closed by the rector and a social hour was spent, with each member contributing to a pot-luck lunch. An Urgent Meeting of the Shareholders in Huron County will be held in Seaforth District High School 11 December 21st at 8:30 pm. ALEX McGREGOR, Chairman TOWNSHIP OF HULETT We thank the ratepayers of Hullett Town- ship for an acclamation in our respective offic- es for the year 1965.' We also welcome the opportunity to serve the best interests of the ratepayers for the ensuing year, and take this occasion of wishing all of you the Compliments of the Season for 1965. — JIM McEWING, Councillor CLARE VINCENT DON BUCHANAN LEONARD ARCHAMBAULT Brewers Retail Special Hours of Sale MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY DEC. 21ST TO 28RD OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THUIRSbAY DEC, 24TH ALL STORES OPEN PROM 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ALL STORES WILL BE cLoSEb ALL DAY DEC. 25TH AND 26TH 440 Bretvers Retail Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co. Ltd. Special SMORGASBORD NEW YEAR'S DINNERS SERVED FROM 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M, FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 482.7011 HOTEL CLINTON For the IF1 S e Ever OR TAYLOR (12 Months or 12,000 Miles) RETAIL PRICE — to $1200 (3 Months or 3,000 Miles) Taylor Motors have a Reputation for Thoroughly. Reconditioned Used Cars, The new car buyer gets a Warranty of 24,000 miles, or 24 months. OF course, Taylor Motors Used Cars are NOT new cars, but they are the closest thing to a New Car you can find ANYWHERE. Bob Taylor has so much confidence in his re-conditioning department that he nOw-. passes along to you this previously unheard of Used Car Warranty! If You Don't Buy From Taylor Remember You Will Pay Tao Much! 1965 Models Now Available for Immediate Delivery! TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Pontiac Buick Cadillac Acadian Vauxhall GMC Trucks ZURICH Dial 236.4361 Dial 235a1800 ',J.-. EXETER NEWS OF AUBURN AnnoM PrerSchool Childreq's Party Held Last Thursday At Bayfield The Trinity :CIO of 13.4,51ield held their Annual pre-school ,children's party in the Parish. Hall on. Thursday Afternoon, December 10, • The children andtheir mothers: were welcomed At the door by the president, Mrs, 'W. D, Erickson And entered the seasonably decorated hail to the strains of Chrisrtrnas 1714.3i.O, Mr, and Mrs, J. Charles Mons faith of Lambeth were geests Of Mr and Mrs, G. N, Rivers onSunday, Rev. and Mrs. H. G. E. Cros- by who have been staying with .Mrs. J, E. Heward, returned to their home in .!Xportown on Monday. On Friday they were joined by their granddaughters Nancy 'Barwick of London. Canon and Mrs. H, F. Patti' returned to )3railfifOrd, on ThurSday after being overnight guests of Mr, and Mrs, Carl Diehi at "The Hut". Mr. and Mrs. W. E. G. Bell, chamber were in Guelph on Saturday visiting their son and his family, Mr and Mrs. J. B. Grime, Derek and Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard were visiting her mother over the weekend, Mrs. E. A, Fea- therston, who has returned to Willowdale with them. Mrs. Ivan Stenkle spent last Weekend' in London'as guest of her daughter, Mrs. 3. W. Tay- lor and family. Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Rivers, accompanied by Mrs. M. Rob- inson spent last Thursday in Stratford. Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospilal. .Mrs. Russell Kerr is recups This Christmas, give life and good health to your sick neigh- bor. Be a Red Cross blood donor. SEASON'S GREETINGS to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hampton —BILL Prating, but still .confined to her home after a fall sustained at their see's home 10 days egg.. -The choir of St. Andrew's United Church will have a easel and candle'-light service in the church on Sunday, Dec, 20, at 7;30 psis, A cordial welcome is extended to all. F/0 and Mrs. "Ted" Turner and their baby daughter, Mary Kathleen, arrived from Green- wood, N,S., on Saturday to stay with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Grant Turner, during the bah- day season. They will return to Greenwood on Jan, Mr, and Mrs, 'Robert Parker, Pam, Jackie and David, Dor- chester, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Parker. 0 Bible Society Collects $233 In Bayfield Drive Rev. Lorne Sparks, president of the Hayfield branch of the Bible Society and Mrs, Esther Makin, secretary - treasurer, wish to report a most success- ful canvass. The. sum of $233.65 was real- ized, an -increase of $60 over last year's amount. Those :tak- ing part were Gertrude Siteckle, Phyllis Heard, Marlene Scotch- mer, Maud Armstrong, Mae Westlake, Anna Stirling, Don McKenzie, Louise King, Marg- aret Larson, Aileen Fralick, Lula Scotchmer, Mrs. John MacKenzie, Rev. A. G. Pease and Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. Trinity Branch Of Bayfield WA Elects New Slate Trinity Branch Woman's Auxiliary meeting at "The Hut" on December 7 adopted a slate of officers for 1965 es present- ed by the nominating commit- tee convener, Mrs, j, B. Higgins. They are as follows: Honor- ary president, Mrs, J. M. Stew, art; president, Mrs, J, B. Hig- gins; vice-president, Mrs. Clift; secretary, Mrs, C. E. Diehl; treasurer, Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner; educational secretary, Message ss a gRe vs'ecrei H.G taary4,41gs; . Living . Elliott; prayer partner secre- tary, Mrs. H. K. King; press reporter, Mrs, C. E. Diehl; sick and visiting committee, Mrs. L. B. Smith and Mrs, H. K, King, The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison presided' for the election of of- ficers. Mrs, R. J. Larson, retiring president, thanked the officers and members for their support during her two years as presi- dent.. She had also served as secretary and treasurer' for a number of years, A vote of thanks was tender- ed Mrs. Larson, and Mrs. Percy Weston for their many years of service as' Dorcas secretary. Mrs. Higgins expressed her appreciation for being elected to the presidency. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison conducted the devotional period and-Mrs. R, J. Larson presided for the business session. Ten members answered the roll call by the secretary, Mrs. 3. 13. Higgins. Mrs. R. H. F., Gairdner, treas- urer, reported $16.00 received for the St. Andrew's Self-Denial Fund. From the balance on hand donations were made of $10,00 to Diocesan Dorcas see- retary for Mohawk Institute, $20.00 to the, wardens for bud-. get of Trinity Church, $5.00 to the Student Christian move- ment in response to an appeal from Ron Crawford, UWO. Mrs. King expressed thanks for a note from the branch af- ter her accident. A donation was received from Mrs. J, H. Parker, Mrs. King led in the prayer partners' prayer and the rector said the closing prayers. Mrs. H. K. King and Mrs. L. B. Smith were hostesses for the Christmas party which follow- ed. Mrs. F. A. Chit assisted Mrs. Smith in serving refresh- ments, 0 Mark Birthdays At Huronview The December birthday party at Huronview was in, charge of the Goderich Institute. A total of 16 birthdays were celebrated, including: Fred Johnston, Mrs. Dietz, Herbert Clark, Alice Buchanan, Mrs. Bissett, William Streets, J. T. 'Woodall, 3. R. Denholm, Isaac Loibb, Mrs. .Corless, Fred Tuck, Mrs. Steick, Mrs. Raster, Mrs. Cornelius, Mrs. Knuekey and Mrs. Shroeder. Pictures were taken and a program followed. Mrs. ga- wards, Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. Madge with Mr. Stiles at the piano, entertained with a Hoot- enanny program. The Institute Ladies served birthday cake, muffins and jam. Word. was received. here this. week. of the death, of Homer New. of Saskatoon, the husband. of a former Atibarn. girl, Laura Murdoch, by her aunt, Mrs, Charles ..Straughan, He was in his 'Ord year and had. sewed in the ..Canadian Amy during the last war, Surviving besides his IN.Ife are two sons, Bill, of Winnipeg', and Sgt Allan Hoge Clintonof RCAF Station„ and one daughter, Mrs. Douglas (Marilyn) Hales of .Ssskstoen and eight !grandchildren.. Rev. AO Mrs. !Charles Lewis, Cathy and Jean of Lawrence Station visited. on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Wight, Man and. WNW,. Mr. and. Mrs. =ford Brown, Mrs, Thomas 'Hewitt, Mr. .and Mrs. Ernest Patterson of .Godes Auburn Aides Hold Meeting The sixth meeting of the Auburn Aides 4.-H Club was. held at the home of Nan Lapp with the president, Marian Hickey, in charge. The minutes were read by Lynda Andrews. The roll call was answered by each member telling of an ac- cident hazard in their home and how they would go about re- moving it, The leader, Mrs. Keith Mach- an, led in the discussion of Care of the Body, Nutrition for Good Health, and Food for All the Family. Plans were made for Achievement Day which will be held. at Clinton on January 23. Mrs. Frank R.aithiby, the as- sistant leader, helped the girls mark their check sheets. on Myself and My Home. The home assignment was to make inquiries about Public Health Services available in the com- munity, Lunch was served by Mui, Lapp and her mother, lefts. Elliott Lapp. Trinity Branch Of Bayfield WA Holds Meeting - Trinity Branch Women's Aux- iliary met at the home of Mrs. Carl E. Diehl on Wednesday afternoon, November 25. Mrs. 3, B. Higgins played for the singing of "Spirit of the Living God". The Rev. E. 3, 13. Harrison conducted the devo- tional period. Mrs. R. J. Lar- son, president, chaired the meeting. Eleven members answered the roll call and Mrs. F. H. Paull was a guest. Mrs. J. B. Higgins read the minutes and also a letter from Mrs. H. Tich- borne, Deanery Social Secret- ary, and a thank-you card from Mrs. E. A. Featherston. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner gave the financial statement and re- ported that most of the calen- dars had been, sold. Members were reminded that donations to the St• Andrew's Day Self-Denial Fund for cer- tain missions abroad should be put in an envelope, plainly- marked for the WA and placed on the collection plate or given to 'the treasurer, Mrs. R. H, F. Gairdner. The annual meeting was 'held on Monday, December 7 alt "The Hut". Mrs. 5, 13. Higgins was -named convener with Mrs. G. N. Rivers and Mrs. F. A. Chit on a committee to bring in, a slate of officers for 1965. Mrs. Larson passed around the new devotional booklet for daily devotions: "Our Response to God". Mrs. Gairdner introduced the new study book "This Is My Calling" which stresses that God has called us to be a liv- ing church. Impressions given by certain words were written down and then read out. The rector closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs.. J. M. Stewart, hostess, was assisted 'in serving tea by Mrs. R. B. JehnSton. and Mrs, Percy Weston. nob, spent the weekend with relatives 44 Detroit, iviaric Arthur was the winner at the Saturday .evening draw at Taylor's :Store, He was lireSent at the time of the .draW. and won WO, Stewart YeanSbleit of Qra40 valley visited with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Major -yonnoint iancl Mr,.and Mrs. Lloyd 134itity of London visited .on Saturday With Mr, and: Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Ur, and Mrs, Worthy Fowler and family of colonic' visited on. Sun fay with Mr, .and Mrs, Oliver Anderson) Miss Nanoy and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Varna Orangemen Elect New Officers LOL 1035 held their annual meeting Thursday evening last, It was preceded by a turkey supper. The lodge' is again sponsoring the skating rink which will soon be in operation The County Master, Harry Crieh of Clinton, conducted the election of officers and District Master Russel Page of -Grand Bend installed the officers, as- sisted by Leslie Hutchison of Greenway. The officers elected are as follows: W.M., Charles Reid; D,M., Ivan McClysnonts Chap- lain, Louis Taylor; Recording Secretary, Ralph Stephenson; Financial Secretary, W'illi'am Dawson; Treasurer, Fred Mc- After the tra:attiono gralid march with real sleigh belle jingling, young and old joined in genies led by Lillian .Higgins, Isabel Pierson, Mabel Middle 'ton, 1Vielvina Erickson arid Auds reY Beilchamber, with MrS. Ro- ebrt non at the piano. "The Farmer in the Dell", "Ring-a-rosy" and. other games stillappesl to the young fry as did the balloons which the' ladies were kept busy replac- ing. After refreshments been served each child received a 'gift from deeorated baskets under the Christmas tree. This year the three youngest guests were: David Eckert, six months; MiChele! Fraser, six months, and Darlene Smale, seven months old that day. Other young guests were: Eli- zabeth Fraser, Tommy Telford Crystal Hoffman, Joanne Stur- geon, Billy and Raymond . Orr, Steven. and Michael Telford, Ivy and Danny Mae:Vicar, Jimmy !Clymont; Marshall, Grant Web- ster; FirSt Lecturer, Robert Taylor; Second Lecturer, Frank 1VIeClinchey; Committee, John, Ostrom, Orrin Dawson, Watson Webster, Nelson Reid, Wilfrid Chuter; Tyler, Harry Woolley. and Steven Maelsie, Bonnie Mai Kim, Wendy Fenhale, Shirley and Katherine McFadden, Char- les and Dean Durigee, Patty 444 Harris, Valerie, Maureen, Cathy, Dennis; Kenny ancl Jefs. ferey Merrier, Convenels were: Mns. H. Fitzsimons, Mrs, J. B. Higgins and Mrs, W. E, G. Bellehareber; assisted by Mrs. F, Hulls; Mrs. W, Parker, Mrs, W. Erickson, Mrs, R. Middleton, Mrs. S. Ervine and Mrs, W. Pierson. Thanks go to Mrs, R. Johnson, pianist; Mr. G. N. Rivers for donation of oranges and to Mr. R. Middleton for basket of alas pies and to G. Bellchamber for the Christmas tree, 4r Spend New Year's Eve at Bayfield Town Hall DANCING To Hartman's Orchestra Dancing 9:30 Pam to FAVORS -- HATS -- ETC. Admission S1,00 per person All Proceeds For Youth Organizations The "CAR KING" of Huron County ti Does molasses have a place in your feeding program? Many farmers in the Clinton area are now having pure cane molasses blended with their livestack feed as it is being processed by the CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Mobile Feed Mill. NOW HERE'S ANOTHER FIRST if you are top feeding molasses, we will come to your farm and pump warm Molasses into your own barrel. Why not call us about this service today. CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Bus. 482.9613 Res. 482.7700 YOUNG ENOUGH TO SERVE" 4s ~1b OFFERS THE USED CAR BUYER IN WRITING 12 Months or 12,000 Miles A TY RETAIL PRICE — $1200 OR OVER